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S20.E05: Week 5

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That is one stupid group of people.  That includes Ben.  The single mom leads the pack in stupidity.  She is vacant.   How many times did she say the word "like" in her speech to Ben talking about her sucky marriage?


About as many time as Ben did in his responses.

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I felt like Jubilee seemed to really be faking her "upset" reactions in her conversation with Ben in this episode. She didn't seem insincere in previous episodes but her reactions to what he was saying just seemed over acted tonight. Same with the "I feel so unlovable" comment with the head down fake crying and no tears scene. I was surprised because she didn't seem like she was playing to the cameras in any other scenes but she did tonight.

I'm confused about Amanda's husband. As she tells us, he was a pretty shitty husband immediately after they got married. She didn't really explain why she thought having a second child with him was a good idea but good god her speech/vocabulary is horrendous. Lauren B says a lot of "likes" too but Amanda was saying it every other word! If I had my eyes closed and didn't know what I was watching i would have thought it was a parody of something.

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When Jubilee invoked the ghost of Lace by saying (in a talking head), "He didn't even glance at me once!" I knew she was a goner. And this was before the standing as far away as possible and saying how he said that to the last four girls, pouting about not being his partner, refusing to hold his hand, and complaining how he doesn't focus just on her. Typically the insecure girls are still chasing the lead, so when they voice concern, they get some reassurance. But Jubilee went in the complete opposite direction of shutting down and icing him out. She was acting like a dysfunctional relationship with a longtime boyfriend giving the silent treatment for some unspoken slight. Ben clearly saw the red flags there--plenty more of that in the future, and why bother when he has 10 (or however many) other girls eager to please and chase him? Ain't nobody got time for Jubilee's sourpuss act. Though he did seem genuinely hurt that she changed.

Olivia with the wide-set eyes and ever unhinged jaw looks just like my son's new snake. Her snake-in-the-grass attitude matches. I kind of don't want her to leave because she makes for good TV, but I'd think less of Ben if he didn't send her packing. Ben seems like the rare guy who WOULD heed the not-here-to-make-friends warning.

Amanda wakes up with full, unsmudged makeup and perfectly coiffed hair, while poor Lauren H is there with zit cream and her retainer. I suppose the producers told her to be ready--and she didn't share that knowledge with the others.

Lauren B for the win. Ben is SO smitten with her! How he gave the rose to Olivia and not her is beyond me! Jojo is right up there, too. So I do think they must be showing us the best of these girls and the worst of Olivia. I mean, he seemed like he had a fine enough time cooking with Olivia, but the kissing with Lauren B on the streets! That doesn't earn you a rose?!

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I don't like Olivia, but I also would be annoyed if Ben sent her home just because of "gossip" the fact is that she has had a target on her back since she got the first impression and group dates roses, and I think a lot of the hate for her is jealousy and Ben should realize that. The girls is crazy, but I also think in her talking heads she is trying to be funny. Courtney from the other Bens season also had a sense of humor that didn't translate well and I think the show might be editing her "jokes" to make her look more nuts then she actually is.

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Can't really comment on what is on Twitter. I don't know that people are upset that Ben sent Jubilee home because she is a "WOC" as someone put it, but people are probably upset that they are tired of the pretense that there is a chance for a "WOC."  With that being said, those that come on the show know somewhat what they are signing up for.  I would imagine that even the strongest of us think we can handle being away from real friends and family and living in this artificial world and being normal.  


The stress of "competing" for a man on top of the environmental conditions has got to be great, but unfortunately real or imagined, the producers decided for drama purposes to show an edit of Jubilee being treated unfairly by the other women....and Olivia too, however the portrayal of Olivia makes it seem more deserving.  Because of the manipulative edit, some of the audience sees a girl that is different, who went on there with her hopes up, only to be treated poorly by the other women when she seems sincere. They are reacting to her story and to that.  I am quite sure ( and some of the scenes not shown) that she was not as sulky, mopey and hard to get along with as she was shown, but I also believe that Olivia is not as crazy as she is being made out to be, and some of the others not as catty or sweet as they are being made to be. 


Just like the producers wanted to further the myth that black women are "abrupt, difficult to get along with, unstable, etc." posters want to foster the myth that the only reason people could like Jubilee or want her to stay is because she is a WOC, or that minority people feel entitled to things or like someone owes them something.   I say kudos to her for realizing this was not for her, kudos to Ben for ending the farce.  I cry foul, however, on casting, the producers (and probably Ben) for even pretending that she ever had a chance.  If she had come on and been grinning from ear to ear ( and being GRATEFUL) for every glance, she still would not have made it far.  Let's face it,anyone who wants to be the Bachelor also wants every girl there to be fawning over him , hanging on his every word and being happy to please him....with no criticism of him at all!

I disagree with you because in all of your posts you give Jubilee the benefit of the doubt, but you do not afford Ben or the producers that same benefit. You seem convinced that Ben was full of shit regarding his feelings for Jubilee, and I can't sign off on that. Why couldn't Ben have genuinely liked Jubilee?

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Is Leah teen mom? Or is teen mom the Tenly looking one?

Amanda is the mother (although not a teen mother). Lauren has dark, thick eyebrows and blond hair.


I like Jubilee and thought she would be an interesting bachelorette, but after last night, I don't think she could pull off doing The Bachelorette. After the way she acted with Ben in a group setting I'm not sure she would be able to handle the 25 or so guys with confidence and poise.

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I think Ben did like Jubilee, but outside the one on one date he needs to divide his among all the girls and she didn't seem able to handle that. If other girls were going after his time and she was hanging back in the corner, then he is going to naturally form stronger bonds with the other girls. In this setting, he doesn't have the time to chase a girl. I don't fault her for not liking it, but don't come on this show expecting the guys undivided attention.

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As I noted on Twitter, I can't hate Olivia sticking around because it gives Tara so much fodder for the crazy faces posts. I love those.


As for Jubilee - I think Ben genuinely liked her, and so did I. But her pouty, sullen routine has to be wearing in person, because it was exhausting to watch from my couch. You can't come on this show and complain about him spending time with other women. The only way to make it near the top (either to "win" or become the next Bachelorette) is to deal with him spending time with other women. That's kind of the whole show. 


He's so obviously bonkers for Lauren B though. It's like watching Kaitlyn's season all over again. 

Edited by KateeBar
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I think Ben liked Jubilee but I don't think he was that into her and she picked up on it.

Also I know thats what the show is all about, him dating all of these girls still doesnt make it easier, and too be fair I am sure that one of the producers was asking her about how she feels about the whole situation and she answered truthfully, its not like any of the girls would say ''it's totally fine and I don't mind him kissing other girls''.

As for her sullen pouty routine it did look like she was upset throughout the show which I found annoying but this ep confirmed for me thats how the producers wanted to portray her, was I the only one confused/surprised when JoJo mentioned something about Jubilee being fun? Did they forget to edit out that part considering they spent the last five episodes making sure we never saw that side at all.

Edited by roses
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Well, McDonald's : food as The Bachelor :: love

Not too long ago McDonald's (I'm pretty sure it was McDonald's) had a commercial out that compared burgers to wedding bands! Because they are both...round? I think the gist was that eating at McDonald's was supposed to make you feel loved...or that the viewer's love for burgers is really intense...or something. I don't know. 


As for her sullen pouty routine it did look like she was upset throughout the show which I found annoying but this ep confirmed for me thats how the producers wanted to portray her, was I the only one confused/surprised when JoJo mentioned something about Jubilee being fun? Did they forget to edit out that part considering they spent the last five episodes making sure we never saw that side at all.

You were not, no. I was also confused. Because in addition to the editing making her look un-fun, I also remember the other women sitting around in a big group talking about how she was just *draaaagging* the whole house down. So Jojo's comment was weird to me too. 

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Why the hell is Emily crying? Over some Teen Mom snark (lol)? Bitch please, it wasn't even directly at you yet you are bullied? WTF? You are no victim you twit. I guess since she snarked Teen Mom to your baby voiced friend you can get all offended (yet be the victim) however it is perfectly fine for you to humiliate her nationally on tv by snarking about her breath (Ben wants mint because of her stinky breath). MIRROR! use it you freaking hypocrite. 


I dislike Olivia but now I dislike Emily and baby-voice (whatever her name is.....Amanda maybe) even more. So twin #2, WTF did Olivia do to you that was bullying? Thanks for trivializing the word. You don't need to make fun of her breath...it's due to her hyper-expandable jaw that she "unhinges" so she can look like she can swallow your head.


I think Ben will pick the chinless one. I think it is one of the Laurens who is a flight attendant.


Ben always was going to cut Jubilee. He asked something like do you see a relationship between us. Duh, idiot, of course she does. That is why she is jealous and pulling back. I'm glad she rephrased it and asked him if he saw a relationship between them. Obviously he didn't and low and behold, he said he didn't. So why did he try to get her to say it rather than him just say it. I can understand him not seeing a relationship develop compared to the others (he likes girls who say "like" and/or don't have chins) but the way he tried to get her to say how she felt about the relationship when he obviously wasn't feeling was NO BUENO (not good). Yeah, it was time for her to go since Ben didn't want her and this process wasn't for her (obviously she could see his relationships with others progressing faster and it's not like she had control over the amount of time they had). Once you see the writing on the wall (he wants chinless flight attendant0, I don't blame her for pulling back especially since I think she genuinely feels for him.


edit: stinky is not the same as sticky

Edited by Vicky8675309
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It wasn't weird that Ben got rid of Jubilee - that's the point of the show. The reaction to "voting her off" was what was odd.  They invited Lace and Haley on the Aftershow after their episodes - why not Jubilee? Instead, Ben came on to discuss why he dumped her and Chris Harrison pipes in that Jubilee wasn't a good fit for the show. It appeared like Ben and Chris Harrison were doing damage control. 

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I kind of hate that they turned last night into Amanda vs. Olivia.  Because just about anyone is going to look good/sympathetic against Olivia.


But I think there are some sketchy things about Amanda.


From what I've read online, her youngest is anywhere from 1 to 2 years old.  If taping of this season began in September 2015, that means that she left her infant when the baby was as young as 9 mos, and best case scenario, no older than 21 mos.  


That's ridiculous.


Also, the timeline of her first pregnancy, subsequent marriage, then getting pregnant again, and divorced shortly thereafter seem to raise a lot of red flags about her decision-making and character-discernment.


Add to that the fact that she's a now-struggling, apparently failed actress, and there are lots of issues with her.


But instead she was portrayed as a victim of Olivia.

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I really don't get the Jubilee love. I thought she was obnoxious on pretty much every episode she was on. I understand they need drama for the show so they can't have perfect soldiers all the time who are drama free and normal, but I am really getting sick of girls every season with their whole "I can't believe he's kissing another girl" spiel.  these people signed up for a show where that is literally the entire premise. Jubilee was on  a lace level where god forbid ben wasn't making eye contact with her for one second.


if this show expects me to believe that ben is anywhere near interested in olivia, then they are nuts. He cringes every time she is around and clearly has no choice but to keep her since she is the only drama stirrer there.


On another note, this is the first season I didn't look up the spoilers on who wins at the end which is reallyyyy hard for me but I'm gonna go ahead and agree with others that the top 2 are lauren B and jojo with lauren b for the win. They might even throw becca in there so they can have a "will she say yes to a proposal or won't she" continuation of last season. As for the next bachlorette, I really don't see any contenders. None of the girls this season are gorgeous to me or have likable personalities. I'd say if they have to choose from this bunch, they'll go for jojo.

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From what I've read online, her youngest is anywhere from 1 to 2 years old.  If taping of this season began in September 2015, that means that she left her infant when the baby was as young as 9 mos, and best case scenario, no older than 21 mos. 

That's ridiculous.

Also, the timeline of her first pregnancy, subsequent marriage, then getting pregnant again, and divorced shortly thereafter seem to raise a lot of red flags about her decision-making and character-discernment.




Oh yes, I agree with this. Amanda is just out from under a very bad experience. She may be a very lovely person but not right for Ben right now. Plus, I think she looks great and awake at 4:30 am because she wakes up at 4:30 am everyday anyhow with an infant.  I suspect she went on The Bachelor to get a free vacation from the responsibilities of motherhood, a good night's sleep for a few weeks, and some "me" time or some screen time that might result in some good paying gigs down the road.





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Quick thoughts on tonight's episode:


1. There's a Leah?  Who knew?


2. Olivia is 23?  Shut up!


3. Vocal fry = should be illegal.  As should copious use of the word 'like'.  Even Mr. Supposedly Articulate Ben uses it frequently.  Like.


4. Olivia isn't going anywhere.  She will be with the group for another week, regardless of what the rest of the women want.  And when I say women, I really mean little girls.


5. Sulking and pouting is the perfect way to a man's heart, right?  Nope.  Bye Jubilee.  You were just too complicated and layered for us all.

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Also, the timeline of her first pregnancy, subsequent marriage, then getting pregnant again, and divorced shortly thereafter seem to raise a lot of red flags about her decision-making and character-discernment.

I don't know that the timeline necessarily said anything horrible about her to me... I had the impression she was just married to the dude. Had a kid with him. Then got pregnant again. Then found out he was cheating on her, so they split. Was it more dramatic than that (already admittedly-dramatic) scenario? I mean...it was all in a short period of time...and leaving an infant to be on The Bachelor is surely ridiculous. But I'm not going to call her sketchy because some dude cheated on her. 


I'm more likely to call her sketchy merely for the reason that she's seeking a new husband on reality television! =)

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2. Olivia is 23?  Shut up!



You need the Bachelor age-converter (it's like "dog years").  


Same deal with that 'ette who they interviewed, close-up, after Ben woke then up.  Was she a Lauren?  Ouch.  Hi Def is not her friend.

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I don't blame Ben for letting Jubilee go. He seemed fed up with her. She might have thought her insecurities were funny but he did not. His whole attitude changed toward her and I agree with those who said he was cold to her when he let her go. Not sure what he sees in Olivia. I didn't think he was into her.. with most of the other girls he is always touching them yet when he sits down with Olivia she has her hands on his leg or is draped over him and he just sits there and doesn't touch her much. Amanda bugs me. I don't see him wanting her. Her voice is so annoying!! and she seems sweet but really dumb. You got married after your first child was six months old, your husband was immediately an asshole who wanted to party with friends and your dim bulb self decided that was a good time to get pregnant again (I know it takes two but come on!) I think her poor decision making would be more of a turn off than the fact she was married and has two kids. And she said her ex will pick the kids up on Friday and bring them back to her mom Saturday morning. Wow her ex husband is such a prize! can't even spend time with his own kids?


Ben is smitten with Lauren B. So sweet that he took her outside for that cute make out session. he can't contain his happiness when he sees her. You can see it in his eyes.


Lauren H has no shot. She is not an attractive girl. No chemistry at all

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In conclusion I still do not understand everyone's unconditional approval for Ben - I'm a guy and I just don't see it - I hope I am wrong.  


I'm a woman, and don't perceive Ben as any better or worse than the other Bachelors I can recall.  Just about every Bachelor season starts with why X is a good Bachelor, and the tide usually turns by the end.  For Ben, this episode is where it begins. I suspect it's all downhill from here. 

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I really don't get the Jubilee love. I thought she was obnoxious on pretty much every episode she was on. I understand they need drama for the show so they can't have perfect soldiers all the time who are drama free and normal, but I am really getting sick of girls every season with their whole "I can't believe he's kissing another girl" spiel.  these people signed up for a show where that is literally the entire premise. Jubilee was on  a lace level where god forbid ben wasn't making eye contact with her for one second.


I kinda felt sorry for Jubilee.  I've meet people like her before--they have a really, REALLY difficult past and they behave in this manner especially when it comes to affairs of the heart.  They are very sarcastic and comes across as cold and aloof but that's simply to protect their heart. 


The I'm the most unlovable person seems to be a bit forced as if it's a bid for the next Bachelorette or BIP (I would think the 2nd option) but enh at the end of the day it was simply Ben's connection with Jubes just wasn't that strong to endure her insecurities, plain and simple.

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Also, the timeline of her first pregnancy, subsequent marriage, then getting pregnant again, and divorced shortly thereafter seem to raise a lot of red flags about her decision-making and character-discernment.


This x 1000. It was obvious shit-stirring from Olivia to make the Teen Mom comparison, but I'm glad that she went against the show's unquestioning glorification of single mothers. Amanda - based on her own telling of things - made several poor choices that are having permanent effects on her life. That should give Ben pause (and I think it did, he just wasn't going to admit it on camera).


I suspect the producers said that if Ben wanted to have uninterrupted time with Lauren B during the group date, he had to give Olivia the group date rose. Based on what we were shown, it looked like Ben had a much better time with both Lauren B and JoJo.

Edited by chocolatine
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I don't know that the timeline necessarily said anything horrible about her to me... I had the impression she was just married to the dude. Had a kid with him. Then got pregnant again. Then found out he was cheating on her, so they split. Was it more dramatic than that (already admittedly-dramatic) scenario?



I thought she didn't even get married until the first baby was 6 months old.  I suppose it's possible that, if wasn't exactly a planned pregnancy they decided to schedule the wedding for after the birth, and 6 mos would give her time to get back into fighting, err, wedding dress shape.


But she certainly made it sound like things weren't great pretty early on.  And then she got pregnant again pretty quickly, only to initiate divorce proceedings very shortly after her second child was born.  (from what I understand, the divorce was only finalized a few weeks before she left for filming the Bachelor; of course she would've started the ball rolling on applying to be on the show earlier).


I'm not suggesting she's sketchy for being cheated on.  I'm suggesting she's an idiot for thinking that having a second child with the guy who knocked her up and then acted like an ass once they got married was a good idea.  (to say nothing of applying to be on the Bachelor before the ink was even on her divorce papers, let alone dry.)

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I kinda felt sorry for Jubilee.  I've meet people like her before--they have a really, REALLY difficult past and they behave in this manner especially when it comes to affairs of the heart.  They are very sarcastic and comes across as cold and aloof but that's simply to protect their heart.



I can see where Ben decided that Jubliee had become too much of a pain in the ass.  The unveiled passive-aggressive "oh, we can't hold hands, everyone else will be jealous" on top of the insecurity is just too much bullshit for a guy who's got so many other options.

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Do parents of a young child (children) really want to spends weeks or a month or more away from their kid(s)? I don't have children but I don't think I would want to be away from them for that long if I did choose to have children. I can see wanting a few days off but even then I don't know. I miss my husband and dogs if I am away more then a day and I've been with him (husband) for decades.

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This is my first season watching, and I absolutely love to see the ladies scrambling to think of ways to compliment Ben. Olivia told him it was so wonderful to see him interacting with people. Yeah, he talked to people, like everyone else in the world does, but it's made out to be this amazing thing. It cracks me up!


Every time one of them says, like, I heard a *ding* in my head. If I had the patience I'd count the likes and amazings in each episode. It might have gone into triple digits last night.

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Also, how has Emily gotten to the ripe old age of 23 without having done a tequila shot? EVER? Not even ONE? She does come across as about 16, so maybe that's why.


Age has nothing to do with it. I'm older than all these b-ettes put together and I've never done a shot, tequila or otherwise. People have different values systems about what is "important" and what is not.


Well, so long Jubilee, my favorite b-ette and person I wanted as next The B-ette. Now THAT'S not going to happen. But you did win the cook off, so there's that for your resumé.


I can't tell any of these extension-haired blonds apart. Toward the end, when several THs were shown in succession, I didn't have a clue who was whom. And the makeup and hair changes ... as another poster said, there are twice as many faces to try to recognize. Although I think each b-ette is more like three or four people, depending on makeup, hair and time of day. Name tags would help.


Becca's sumo knot on top of her head ... hilarious. And KUDOS to everyone who did not change channels or FF through the unending "like" like conversations. I wasn't one of you. Those were TORTURE!


It was funny that Jubilee was bed sharing with Olivia though. But that early morning wakeup ... how bogus was that? Scripted, yes.

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Do parents of a young child (children) really want to spends weeks or a month or more away from their kid(s)? I don't have children but I don't think I would want to be away from them for that long if I did choose to have children. I can see wanting a few days off but even then I don't know. I miss my husband and dogs if I am away more then a day and I've been with him (husband) for decades.

I find that hard to understand, too, especially with such a young child and also an infant. The way Amanda talked about her parents taking care of them--and her effort, apparently to be an actress (seriously?)--I feel pretty confident that after the divorce she moved back in with her parents and that her mother probably is the one doing most of the care for the children.(Hopefully the sleazy ex-husband is able to contribute financially). So, they're probably still with the people they recognize as their primary caregivers, even with their mother away for a couple of months.


ITA that its not her having two very young children that would be the (biggest) problem for Ben. It would be that she isn't very mature and I don't think he'd find it a "plus" that she was willing and able to leave them for so long, well cared for or not.


I was interested in the change in Jubilee. In an odd way, she did seem kind of sweeter and more vulnerable, even around the other girls. She was willing to admit to herself she really wanted a relationship with Ben and -thought- she wasn't completely closing herself off to him. Unfortunately, she still closed herself off to the experience and didn't "get" the premise of the show.


On this show, you have to be like Lauren B--really open and into it when you're together, but also able to stay serene, friendly and somewhat emotionally detached from the relationship when you're apart and he's with other women. That wouldn't be easy! But it does seem, after all this time, that it's pretty obviously the way to go. I'm surprised Jubilee didn't figure it out before signing up.


I've liked Ben a lot so far, and what they showed last night still kept that impression. However, on Bachelor Live, he -didn't- show the good manners and kindness we've come to expect. When the caller asked if Olivia "really has bad breath like everyone says" instead of answering, "No", he accepted CHs invitation to go to commercial and then never returned to the topic. That was mean, I thought, even worse than telling the one woman she (or her company-issued top) smelled "sour". Poor Olivia, too, because there's not much you can do to come back from that at TWTA. A lot like Britt not showering for weeks, just a very unflattering image that no woman would want other people to have of her.


Not nice, Ben. Not nice at all.


ETA: Couldn't help wondering if the producers were messing with the two women who were bringing the most drama--Jubilee and Olivia--by having them assigned to share a BED while the other women mostly seemed to have twins. I can't help feeling they were hoping to create some friction there that could spill out into the rest of the show--glad it didn't happen (except, possibly, for Olivia in private probably talking in ways that added to Jubilee's insecurity over her own relationship with Ben--with the ensuing results).

Edited by Padma
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(Hopefully the sleazy ex-husband is able to contribute financially).



According to some tabloid I read (but which had apparently gotten hold of the divorce filings) the ex is paying what seems to be a respectable amount in child-support and, up until very recently, also paying Amanda alimony.


I'm far from a "men's right" douche-hole, but you have to remember we've still only heard one side of the story.  The reason apparently cited for the divorce was the generic "irreconcilable differences".  So all we have to go on is Amanda's version of events, in a situation where she obviously had an interest in making herself look like the innocent victim.

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Even more impressive about Emily having never done a tequila shot is that she grew up in Vegas! 


Hilarious to hear Lauren H use the term ‘Friend Zone’ because that’s where she is having her mail forwarded for the time being.


I know, she just doesn't have a shot. But she does have amazing bod--looked right at home on the runway. 


The wake up scene bothered me most because....they have to share beds??! I would hate that.

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I now dislike Amanda and Emily the most followed by Olivia (at least I can laugh at her craziness). JoJo was slimy when she latched onto Ben and complimented him on how he dumped Jubilee and made it all about him (but I did like her Kardashian style dress much to my surprise and dismay). Then we have friend zone girl (a Lauren I think). Which reminds me that Amanda woke up with make up including freshly applied lip gloss whereas friend zone chic obviously had no make up on. Not fair!  Who all is still left? Oh yeah, we have virginal Becca with the I just got f*cked messy hair. She still bores me. There is some brunette (I think) who isn't as pretty as last years silent-Sam. I think there is some other blonde who isn't that pretty or ugly. And then there is the flight attendant with the recessed lower jaw (one of the Laurens).


As long as it is not Amanda or Emily (or Olivia) then I am fine with them making it to the end but I do NOT want either twin, Amanda or Olivia as the next Bachelorette!! I never want to see the twins again on tv. Her misuse of the word bully makes me want to be mean to her (as does her emotional manipulation of the "Olivia situation"). I dislike Emily's twin (can't remember her name) just as much for her idiotic part of the stupid phone conversation.

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Hmm from Ben's latest blog post

As for the rose, I really could've given it to JoJo. And in retrospect, maybe I should have. But after dealing with Jubilee making me feel the past couple of weeks like she wasn't excited to be here, I wanted to recognize the person that never made me feel that way. The woman that always put our relationship first. And a woman that did struggle last week. I didn't want her feeling what Jubilee had felt, and I wanted that rose to validate to her that I wanted her here and that I appreciated how she had bounced back from a difficult week.



 It just feels like one of Jubilee's downfall was because she wasnt playing the game and fawning all over him, so he gave Olivia the rose because one girl wasnt all over him and Olivia was the opposite of that ok lol.

Edited by roses
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According to some tabloid I read (but which had apparently gotten hold of the divorce filings) the ex is paying what seems to be a respectable amount in child-support and, up until very recently, also paying Amanda alimony.


I'm far from a "men's right" douche-hole, but you have to remember we've still only heard one side of the story.  The reason apparently cited for the divorce was the generic "irreconcilable differences".  So all we have to go on is Amanda's version of events, in a situation where she obviously had an interest in making herself look like the innocent victim.


and she is the fame-ho who left her young children in the care of her mother and ex-husand (the supposed "addict") so that she could go on reality tv (travel around the word on vacation)

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As soon as she said her husband was spending time with other people, I knew the ending. I immediately assumed "yep, he cheated". Is that weird?

Heh. I think it would have been weirder if you had been thinking, "So what, the guy liked to spend time with his cousins, or his frat brothers who lived in the neighborhood . . . "
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Olivia and Jubilee are getting some interesting edits--we heard Jojo say "Something is wrong with Jubilee, she's not her usual bubbly self" but we viewers haven't seen a bubbly Jubilee, especially if that is her usual personality. I really will not be surprised to see Jubilee as a Bachelorette at some point.

I think Olivia's being producer-prodded to prey on Ben (and is hapoy to do so)--she was stuck to him like glue from the beginning of that group date. But geez aren't we all tired of the plot of the girl who is not nice and is fake to the other girls but seems so sweet to the Bachelor, so everyone has to tell the Bachelor about it, blah blah blah.

I think Olivia's profile looks just like Julianne Moore's--nose comes straight down from the forehead.

Mr MML thinks Jojo is extremely hot.

Any one person could fall in love with any other person and overlook the iffy things--two kids, doesn't play well with others, possessive--but in a group situation when there are 25 people to choose from before the falling in love takes effect, the ones with issues are usually going to be crossed off before the connection even gets started.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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 There is some brunette (I think) who isn't as pretty as last years silent-Sam. I think there is some other blonde who isn't that pretty or ugly.


There is a blonde that I think is the most attractive one who they flash to once in a awhile.  Which one is she?  There are still too many to tell them apart.

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However, on Bachelor Live, he -didn't- show the good manners and kindness we've come to expect. When the caller asked if Olivia "really has bad breath like everyone says" instead of answering, "No", he accepted CHs invitation to go to commercial and then never returned to the topic.



Or, he could have felt the question didn't deserve an answer. He still kisses her so it doesn't appear to be an issue for him whether it is true or not.

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 It is so obvious he is really into Lauren B.

Exactly. And in my opinion he is more into her than her into him. I know he can't do anything to hide how he looks at her and touches her but being that obvious ruins all the fun of guessing.

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Or, he could have felt the question didn't deserve an answer. He still kisses her so it doesn't appear to be an issue for him whether it is true or not.

That's not the kind of question that can just be dodged in a jokey kind of way. It shouldn't have been difficult to say, "Have you been watching how much I  enjoyed kissing her?" Or something. Laughing and awkwardly not answering--with CH laughing along,too, and giving the option of "Should we go to commercial?" just made it look like the answer was "Yes, but I don't want to say it on camera."

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Olivia and Jubilee are getting some interesting edits--we heard Jojo say "Something is wrong with Jubilee, she's not her usual bubbly self" but we viewers haven't seen a bubbly Jubilee, especially if that is her usual personality. I really will not be surprised to see Jubilee as a Bachelorette at some point.


I forget the tone/context of Jojo's statement, but maybe she was being sarcastic?

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I can't tell any of these extension-haired blonds apart. Toward the end, when several THs were shown in succession, I didn't have a clue who was whom.



I have no idea how to tell who has extensions and who doesn't.  Are people just assuming that anyone with long blonde hair has extensions? or are there tell-tale signs?    

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I forget the tone/context of Jojo's statement, but maybe she was being sarcastic?

It was the last time they all saw Jubilee, when the girls were sitting on the couch at the end of the group date and Ben asked Jubilee if he could talk to her. The women were all concerned about it and noticed she didn't hold his hand when he reached it out to her. I don't think it was sarcastic.

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You need the Bachelor age-converter (it's like "dog years").

Same deal with that 'ette who they interviewed, close-up, after Ben woke then up. Was she a Lauren? Ouch. Hi Def is not her friend.

I think it was Lauren H, who I'm calling Lauren plain and tall. She's probably attractive IRL, but she's not photogenic at all. I'd peg her no younger than 32. Olivia? Same thing. She's not in her twenties. No way. I'll add JoJo, Twin, Becca, and Amanda to the questionable age list. I do think it's the shitty hair and make up that's aging in the case of Twin and Amanda.

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   I have suffered thru this show for years but it is getting to be much too predictable.  One girl always is overly confident about the guy being hers after just a few minutes of togetherness and then she is eventually shown the door.  Why they need to do this and why they drag it out is beyond me.  Does anyone really want to see any more of Olivia?

   Didn't they learn anything from our complaints last season about these dumb continuations? This stuff really is not that exciting that a continuation is going to make us want to watch more desperately.  I watch this thing because there is nothing else on and I guess I am doomed to continue with it, but I really don't care all that much about it.

   Agreed with others, most of these girls look alike and act alike, so I end up rooting for anyone who is a little bit different.  The sameness is boring.

   Regarding the cooking event, why was Ben even supposed to be paired up with any of them? Jubilee and Olivia should have been paired and he should have just watched and sampled the food.  He doesn't play the team games when they have those contests, why would he be a participant in this?

   Anyway, I think they need to make some changes on this show to make it more interesting, but I don't know what would work.



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So either 1) Olivia gets her rose taken away and the show wants to stretch her appearance out on the show by another week because everyone is talking about how crazy she is and will want to tune in to see what happens when she cries in the limo, or 2) she's not going anywhere and the show is doing what the show does.  I'm guessing #2.  Although interestingly, Wikipedia already has her eliminated.  I know that anyone can edit Wikipedia so perhaps it is just wishful thinking.


Was Olivia part of the catty cats that clutched their pearls over how Jubilee wouldn't "fit in" with the sawker moms (i.e. WHITE) at Ben's children's soccer games?  If so, doesn't the reaction of just about everyone around her show that Olivia isn't going to fit in with any moms anywhere?


Can't really comment on what is on Twitter. I don't know that people are upset that Ben sent Jubilee home because she is a "WOC" as someone put it, but people are probably upset that they are tired of the pretense that there is a chance for a "WOC."  With that being said, those that come on the show know somewhat what they are signing up for.  I would imagine that even the strongest of us think we can handle being away from real friends and family and living in this artificial world and being normal.  


The stress of "competing" for a man on top of the environmental conditions has got to be great, but unfortunately real or imagined, the producers decided for drama purposes to show an edit of Jubilee being treated unfairly by the other women....and Olivia too, however the portrayal of Olivia makes it seem more deserving.  Because of the manipulative edit, some of the audience sees a girl that is different, who went on there with her hopes up, only to be treated poorly by the other women when she seems sincere. They are reacting to her story and to that.  I am quite sure ( and some of the scenes not shown) that she was not as sulky, mopey and hard to get along with as she was shown, but I also believe that Olivia is not as crazy as she is being made out to be, and some of the others not as catty or sweet as they are being made to be. 


Just like the producers wanted to further the myth that black women are "abrupt, difficult to get along with, unstable, etc." posters want to foster the myth that the only reason people could like Jubilee or want her to stay is because she is a WOC, or that minority people feel entitled to things or like someone owes them something.   I say kudos to her for realizing this was not for her, kudos to Ben for ending the farce.  I cry foul, however, on casting, the producers (and probably Ben) for even pretending that she ever had a chance.  If she had come on and been grinning from ear to ear ( and being GRATEFUL) for every glance, she still would not have made it far.  Let's face it,anyone who wants to be the Bachelor also wants every girl there to be fawning over him , hanging on his every word and being happy to please him....with no criticism of him at all!  


If she was sincere about wanting to find someone, this is the best thing that could have happened to Jubilee, and she got two more trips out of it. I feel the same about the mathematician, lawyer, and the others that went home to real careers and some self esteem.   To be shown gossiping, tattling, etc. is not a good look for anyone.  Do they portray the men this way on the Bachelorette? 


I mean, what has she lost?  Most of these people don't survive in a relationship for the very reasons I stated above....love, romance and attraction created under artificial circumstances rarely last when tested in the "real" world. 

I agree that Jubilee wasn't right for the show, and it did seem like the show at least continued the pretense that a minority woman can win this show for much longer than usual.  (Granted, I haven't seen this show since the days of its infancy but still.)  I think the only way a minority woman will do well is if they find a Bachelor who truly is open to dating/marrying a woman who is not white.  But even then, racism is unfortunately alive still in 2016.  The reaction of all of the contestants that they didn't think it appropriate for corn fed Ben to have a black wife says it all.  I know that this show would never in a million years cast a black or Asian male as The Bachelor, but I could see them casting a Hispanic male and have more than the token 3 minorities among the contestants.

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