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Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne: Let them eat cake

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On 7/23/2021 at 12:30 PM, Luckylondon said:

I read a blind gossip item months ago that was obviously about Erika. It said that this HW took a car every Wednesday morning and drove to a bank and went inside and withdrew cash for the week and no one was paying attention or noticing. I have no idea if it is remotely true.

Your post, however, is verrrrry interesting that they want to know information on her rent and where that money is coming from. I am eager to know if they are legally willing and able to trace what she is actually paying and where that money is from and what else she has in that account and how did it get there and from whom did she get it and why.

Quoting myself from last month… I just saw a comment on a Twitter post from today about Erika squirreling away her assets in a bank located 30 minutes from her house where she makes weekly deposits/withdrawals from her “secret” security deposit box/locker. With these specific details the same down to the specifics of these weekly bank trips occurring every Wednesday morning, Tweeter @DMW9699 and I either have the same source or, as these very Housewives have stated multiple times regarding rumors against their varying target du jour, with rumors… “where there is smoke, there is fire.”


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2 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Quoting myself from last month… I just saw a comment on a Twitter post from today about Erika squirreling away her assets in a bank located 30 minutes from her house where she makes weekly deposits/withdrawals from her “secret” security deposit box/locker. With these specific details the same down to the specifics of these weekly bank trips occurring every Wednesday morning, Tweeter @DMW9699 and I either have the same source or, as these very Housewives have stated multiple times regarding rumors against their varying target du jour, with rumors… “where there is smoke, there is fire.”


Surely this secret, not so secret, bank account or security box would be discovered by any forensic exploration of her financials/assets?

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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I can understand how someone might convince themselves that a Ponzi-style scheme and lifestyle is OK. But in this case Erika had to have known that her proceeds from that scheme were keeping people in dire straits from receiving critical funds. Ponzi-style schemers are everywhere (I worked for one early in my career), suffering windows and orphans and burn victims are not. She did all of this knowing who was being deprived of lifesaving income.

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6 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I can understand how someone might convince themselves that a Ponzi-style scheme and lifestyle is OK. But in this case Erika had to have known that her proceeds from that scheme were keeping people in dire straits from receiving critical funds. Ponzi-style schemers are everywhere (I worked for one early in my career), suffering windows and orphans and burn victims are not. She did all of this knowing who was being deprived of lifesaving income.

And she wore those "widows" and "orphans" earrings. This woman is a trash heap of greed, indifference, dishonesty, and depravity.

  • Love 17
26 minutes ago, Prism said:

And she wore those "widows" and "orphans" earrings. This woman is a trash heap of greed, indifference, dishonesty, and depravity.

Wait what? Like actually wore them? Or like she spent their money on earrings.

Shes complete garbage. She prob blocked me from ig because I put some mean comments which I know is a bit ridiculous but I couldn’t handle seeing losers support her in the comments.

I feel like the losers who support her maybe wish they were her pre legal problems. I don’t know I just don’t get how anyone could support this trash.

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I mean she kinda shot herself in the foot admitting that without Tom she could no longer afford her Erika Jayne apt. If her LLC was paying for all things Eryka Jayne why would she need to suddenly “downsize” because she left him and need to sell things… the girl is admitting to things she really shouldn’t be on camera. Toms firm was paying her glam squads and pretty much all her bills through his company not her LLC she’s fucked if that is true… 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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9 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I can understand how someone might convince themselves that a Ponzi-style scheme and lifestyle is OK. But in this case Erika had to have known that her proceeds from that scheme were keeping people in dire straits from receiving critical funds. Ponzi-style schemers are everywhere (I worked for one early in my career), suffering windows and orphans and burn victims are not. She did all of this knowing who was being deprived of lifesaving income.

I realize it might be a distinction without a difference but almost all Ponzi schemes exploit people who are unsophisticated and generally can't afford to lose the money. Typically they work with affiliation groups - i.e. people in a close knit community or members of a church and they generally aren't bilking the rich. So when the Ponzi scheme collapses many of them leave people destitute who had invested literally their life savings.

Madoff's Ponzi was rather unique in that he bilked a lot of hedge funds and sophisticated high net worth individuals. However even in the Madoff Ponzi scheme there were relatively "poor" people who lost their retirement life savings and were forced to sell their retirement homes and try to live on Social Security.

However, there are financial white collar crimes which are still  ultimately bad as they ripple down into the economy but don't impact individual victims in the same way. If someone takes out a fraudulent loan the bank takes a financial hit and there are theoretical economic repercussions but it isn't as if a specific individual is destitute. Unless of course you are cooking the books in a massive way like Enron when you did destroy the assets of many not particularly wealthy people who had bought Enron stock.


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3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I mean she kinda shot herself in the foot admitting that without Tom she could no longer afford her Erika Jayne apt. 

That was supposed to be part of her "I left everything behind" story - in actuality I assumed the EJ place was a place to be away from Tom, and now that she has her own house she doesn't need it any more 😄

  • Love 8
22 hours ago, Luckylondon said:

Quoting myself from last month… I just saw a comment on a Twitter post from today about Erika squirreling away her assets in a bank located 30 minutes from her house where she makes weekly deposits/withdrawals from her “secret” security deposit box/locker. With these specific details the same down to the specifics of these weekly bank trips occurring every Wednesday morning, Tweeter @DMW9699 and I either have the same source or, as these very Housewives have stated multiple times regarding rumors against their varying target du jour, with rumors… “where there is smoke, there is fire.”


I forgot to add that these are Tom’s law books from his office that are placed up for auction (which makes Kate’s comment perfection… per usual!)

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On 8/13/2021 at 10:57 PM, Julyolo said:

In my early twenties,  I was married to a CPA that had an extremely lucrative government bond trading/investment banking firm. I worked throughout this brief marriage as a nurse. I was always very nervous about the huge sums of money floating around, trips for lunch in Paris on the Concorde, etc. He wanted me to sign a joint tax return. Given the huge disparity in our incomes, I felt very nervous about it. I went to another CPA to get advice, and he advised me to file "married filing as single".  Which I did throughout this marriage. He was ultimately charged (after our divorce) with defrauding customers for millions, yet when the investigators began to determine whether I had any culpability, they decided by my taking that simple step, and living off of my own earnings as a nurse, confirmed the fact that I was not in any way shape or form involved in his income development, or subsequent fraud. As a pretty simple-minded person from the Midwest, my personal experience strains my credibility about Erica's "ignorance".  I feel that the Girardis viewed her career, and his career, as jointly held businesses, and how they justified the loans from his business to her business. Thus, the diversion of funds is usually incremental overtime. They start out taking small amounts, and have to escalate when they can't cover the initial theft. She may have been naively thinking "this is how people do business", and believed that they would always be able to eventually cover their misappropriations with another huge judgement for him, or increases in her income as a performer. It seems to me, that there was an escalation in their attempt to amp up a profitable career for her, that parallels his aging process, which is strange because due to his advanced age, most couples would have been "winding it down" for their inevitable retirement. Those interested can read more about such tendencies under Sunk Loss Fallacy. I suspect in recent years this was the mindset of their marriage.


Edited by Julyolo
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15 hours ago, Prism said:

And she wore those "widows" and "orphans" earrings. This woman is a trash heap of greed, indifference, dishonesty, and depravity.

I'm not sure if she herself wore anything like that? I did see the drawing that one of her insta followers did, where she was on a cross, wearing the CHA NEL style widow/orphan earrings, and not much else, but Erika did indeed reply to that person's post "Scapegoat" (someone posted that screen cap somewhere in this thread, but I can't find it, lol)


1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

There was a grandmother in my extended family who, in her 80's, was a victim of a Ponzi scheme.  She was living a very nice, middle class retirement life with the money she & her deceased husband had saved for their retirement.  All of her living expenses, medical care, etc., were in her funds, which were wiped out by a financial guy that "everyone" she knew used.  It was a tight-knit community, and this guy wormed his way in, became their "trusted advisor", et....voilà....money gone.

Her family all pitched in to help support her, yet this deceit carried her to her grave.  She had given her entire life to raise her family, and here she was, close to 90, destitute.  

I dated a guy a few years ago (I'm in my 50's), whose story didn't add up.  He had been married, lived in a multi-million dollar house with expensive cars, kids in private schools, but by the time we met, he was living in a musty, very old apartment, with a credit score so low he couldn't qualify for the $130 car lease he was trying to get.  A little Mr. Google, and....he had lost his brokerage license due to having "over-churned" over a million dollars from a church charity group that was his client.  These scumbags are everywhere.

So forgive me for having less than zero respect for Ericka.  I unfollowed her IG a while ago, because I just couldn't stand to look at her shameless continued self promotion.

She continues to show nothing but icy coldness.

And what does she have on Rinna?  Inquiring minds must know.


That is so sad. I'm so glad that the grandmother had family who could rally and support her.
 My own 90 yr old grandpa had a similar experience, but it was more of one of those early internet Nigerian Prince type scams, but through the landline and snail mail, since grandpa didn't have internet. They hounded him many times per day and night via the phone, and he thought he really was paying for a sort of guaranteed windfall. I gather he was hoping to leave the family a big inheritance.

  The same ring also started targeting him with one of those lottery type scams, so they had him on the hook for two scams at once. He finally let my dad know what was going on, and dad got the cops and fbi involved asap. The detectives caught three of the players, but unfortunately couldn't recover the quite large amount of funds lost. We lost grandpa himself not long after, and I believe the stress of the whole debacle played a part. (Well, being 90 probably helped, too).

 Anyone who preys on, or takes advantage of others who are vulnerable, need to burn in hell after living in shame and poverty themselves for the rest of their lives.

The fact that Erika knows what Tom was up to NOW and is still not turning anything over voluntarily, really bothers me and shows her true character. That Jen Shah chick from SLC franchise is on my shit list, too. I'm disgusted by these thieves and my heart breaks for their victims.

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49 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

I'm not sure if she herself wore anything like that? I did see the drawing that one of her insta followers did, where she was on a cross, wearing the CHA NEL style widow/orphan earrings, and not much else, but Erika did indeed reply to that person's post "Scapegoat" (someone posted that screen cap somewhere in this thread, but I can't find it, lol)

No, she never wore them IRL, just reposted that drawing of her wearing them. 

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1 hour ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

The fact that Erika knows what Tom was up to NOW and is still not turning anything over voluntarily, really bothers me and shows her true character.

This! I really don't think she knew (or cared) where the money was coming from before but she sure as hell does now (and has for a while)  and yet continues with her gross self promotion on social media.   I kind of feel for her attorney; what an impossible job. 



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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

This! I really don't think she knew (or cared) where the money was coming from before but she sure as hell does now (and has for a while)  and yet continues with her gross self promotion on social media.   I kind of feel for her attorney; what an impossible job. 



Everyone deserves legal representation under our system but there is an issue of how Erika is funding her extremely expensive legal battles which are being fought by her to keep her hands on the money Tom stole.

The attorney representing the Bankruptcy Trustee is investigating the sources of funding. 

He is also investigating whether her current rental is a "sham" because the person who owns it is also a client of Erika's business manager/acountant just as Rinna is.

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1 hour ago, amarante said:

Everyone deserves legal representation under our system but there is an issue of how Erika is funding her extremely expensive legal battles which are being fought by her to keep her hands on the money Tom stole.

The attorney representing the Bankruptcy Trustee is investigating the sources of funding. 

He is also investigating whether her current rental is a "sham" because the person who owns it is also a client of Erika's business manager/acountant just as Rinna is.

Like someone said above she had an apartment why would she let that go to rent something probably more expensive. It makes no sense. I’f she was cutting back she would have just moved into the apartment and not rented an entire house she didn’t need and couldn’t afford 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

I was just on Reddit  and the entire auction is posted with pictures of everything from Tom's awards, office furniture, fake plants, and including a few ofTom's suits and Agent Provocateur red lingerie  Did Erika jane leave her undies at the law firm or did this belong to one ofTom's ladies? 

My guess is one of Tom's other ladies. Erika isn't a massive fan of undies. 


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On 8/15/2021 at 8:55 AM, WhatAmIWatching said:

The fact that Erika knows what Tom was up to NOW and is still not turning anything over voluntarily, really bothers me and shows her true character.

That's what bugs me as well.  Anyone with a modicum of decency would look at their possessions, and, knowing that they were purchased with funds embezzled from settlements, rent a U-Haul and get them all to Richards' office ASAP.

But we're talking DECENCY here.  That and Erika don't occupy the sane zip code.

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21 hours ago, izabella said:

Are they also auctioning off the contents of that mausoleum they called home?  The Oriental rugs and art should fetch a pretty penny.

The home is being sold.

Once the home is sold, they will arrange for appraisal and disposition of the contents.

I believe that Erika is claiming that she is entitled to the home and the contents or at least her 50% stake in terms of community property. It gets complicated so that will be decided by the courts but theoretically it could be a factor in why she filed for divorce. When you file the status of your assets changes as of that date. 

I think she is also claiming that all of the expensive jewelry, art etc. was a gift from Tom and therefore not part of the community property. However, that is difficult in California law, since expensive gifts are part of the marital estate unless there is a specific transmutation written agreement to the contrary. It will be interesting to see if Tom and Erika were conniving enough to have a written agreement and if so, when was it actually drafted.

Evidently Erika's divorce lawyer, accountant and her landlord are being deposed next week. 

Edited by amarante
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On 8/14/2021 at 8:12 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

I mean she kinda shot herself in the foot admitting that without Tom she could no longer afford her Erika Jayne apt. If her LLC was paying for all things Eryka Jayne why would she need to suddenly “downsize” because she left him and need to sell things… the girl is admitting to things she really shouldn’t be on camera. Toms firm was paying her glam squads and pretty much all her bills through his company not her LLC she’s fucked if that is true… 

Here in Miami some of the girls in my circle were defending her. Not surprising as this city worships money. And many are new money immigrants or first generation folks, for my always been on the poor side of the system POS tush with despite having a cold black heart, I can't EVER take from children and the marginalized LET ALONE WIDOWS AND ORPHANS, BURN VICTIMS. For all the critique we do of the Kardashian culture and how they started this trend of being selfish twats, frankly i feel we have always been this way. Its just on steroids now. The culture is worship the Rich and Wealthy because we are sold this American Dream that we can one day be wealthy and why make them pay their fair share when that could one day be me?

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Agree @lamujerdecente 

On the other hand, if Erika loses (and it's very likely that she will end up with nothing), I'm sure that within a month people will forget about her, and even if she returns to the Housewives, with no money or power I can't see either Kyle and/or Dorit being so protective of her, due to this culture that you're talking about. 

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On 8/15/2021 at 1:15 AM, Luckylondon said:

I hope so. I hope it is not attached to an off shore bank. It doesn’t sound like the local Citibank. They may have Swiss accounts with no names at all. Hopefully good forensic accounting can follow where every dollar of money that was given to them went. It needs to be answered for. ... Poor poor suffering Erika. She has never had an ounce of compassion for anyone and now wants it all including respect and deference for HER pain as a victim. 

If she is driving herself to a bank and depositing money, that sounds like the moves of an inept criminal.  She is making some rookie mistakes.  I am hoping the accountants find it all.  I am sure Ronald Richards has heard about her bank runs and he will be all over it LOL.  

Sidenote - I remember Ronald Richards from Million Dollar Listing - Chad (with the weird bowl cut, look it up - haha) was finding him an apartment and he KEPT saying his name "Ronald Richards this, Ronald Richards that"

Anyway, I cannot wrap my head around how she is handling all of this.  Why make up all of these stories about why she has left him, when "finding out that he was stealing from widows and orphans" would actually be a really good, understandable reason.  

She never had to lie, or make up these "oh he is verbally abusive" stories.  If she was like, "I found out that he is a criminal," people would have been on her side and honestly I would have felt a little bad for her, too.  But the lying and the coverups and the moving money around to cheat the victims - wow.  The only reason to lie is if you are guilty, so I am now thinking she knew all along.

Does she actually think she will get millions somehow?  when all is said and done?  She must have some kind of delusional plan.  I wonder if she is going to squirrel the money somewhere and then run off to another country and hide out.


Edited by heatherchandler
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I am sure this is not the "bank" Erika was referring to but there was a private storage vault in Beverly Hills that was raided a few months ago and ALL of the contents of the boxes was confiscated because their investigation had turned up strong evidence that it was being used to hide assets, money laundering activities etc.

There are people who claim that they are innocent people who just wanted to stash their valuables in a private storage facility 😃

The legitimately wealthy people I know don't use private storage facilities in a strip mall - albeit one in Beverly Hills - to store their jewelry or other valuable stuff. They have safe deposit boxes in banks if they aren't keeping them in their homes in a fire proof safe.

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5 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

That's what bugs me as well.  Anyone with a modicum of decency would look at their possessions, and, knowing that they were purchased with funds embezzled from settlements, rent a U-Haul and get them all to Richards' office ASAP.

I'm not arguing whether or not Erika is decent but I absolutely disagree that most people, even people who are considered decent, would voluntarily bankrupt themselves or significantly downgrade their lifestyle without going through a process where they're told they have to.  

Because most people absolutely would not, especially if they also felt they earned money and some of their possessions are thanks to what they made and not what their spouse stole. 

Would they show more empathy than Erika has?  Probably.  But hand over their possessions to another lawyer?  Nah.  They'd wait until the court went through and decided what could be recovered for the victims and what couldn't be recovered. 

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25 minutes ago, Door County Cherry said:

I'm not arguing whether or not Erika is decent but I absolutely disagree that most people, even people who are considered decent, would voluntarily bankrupt themselves or significantly downgrade their lifestyle without going through a process where they're told they have to.  

Because most people absolutely would not, especially if they also felt they earned money and some of their possessions are thanks to what they made and not what their spouse stole. 

Would they show more empathy than Erika has?  Probably.  But hand over their possessions to another lawyer?  Nah.  They'd wait until the court went through and decided what could be recovered for the victims and what couldn't be recovered. 

The difference Erica didn’t earn those possessions. Even with her check through this show couldn’t cover the lifestyle she was living so how did she earn those gifts? Ask the children of the drug dealers of the 1980’s how much property they were able to keep.  If your money and assets were obtained by illegal means u are not entitled to them unless u can prove you had the means to own them without the stolen funds. 

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1 hour ago, Door County Cherry said:

I'm not arguing whether or not Erika is decent but I absolutely disagree that most people, even people who are considered decent, would voluntarily bankrupt themselves or significantly downgrade their lifestyle without going through a process where they're told they have to.  

Because most people absolutely would not, especially if they also felt they earned money and some of their possessions are thanks to what they made and not what their spouse stole. 

Would they show more empathy than Erika has?  Probably.  But hand over their possessions to another lawyer?  Nah.  They'd wait until the court went through and decided what could be recovered for the victims and what couldn't be recovered. 

If she can provide proof that she ALONE bought those possessions then sure by all means. But even according to her he gave her credit cards and cash so he bought those pretty things with funds that weren’t his to use. 

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I wonder if she ever looks down at one of those huge diamonds that her husband bought her and think Do I deserve this more then the family of lost loved ones and burn victims?  Does she just brush it off that funds that likely  paid for those pieces of jewelry weren’t her husbands to spend? Does she care that those families were defrauded so she now could “Own” those?

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54 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I wonder if she ever looks down at one of those huge diamonds that her husband bought her and think Do I deserve this more then the family of lost loved ones and burn victims?  Does she just brush it off that funds that likely  paid for those pieces of jewelry weren’t her husbands to spend? Does she care that those families were defrauded so she now could “Own” those?

I don’t think so. I think she completely shut down a long time ago. Occasionally she experiences emotions, but only if it’s about herself. And certainly nothing deep, such as, “How could I have no soul for so many years?” 

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I wonder if she ever looks down at one of those huge diamonds that her husband bought her and think Do I deserve this more then the family of lost loved ones and burn victims?  Does she just brush it off that funds that likely  paid for those pieces of jewelry weren’t her husbands to spend? Does she care that those families were defrauded so she now could “Own” those?

Does she ever look at herself and think of all the money spent just to look like her and think Tom screwed over a severely scarred and burned young man who lost his girlfriend in an explosion so Erika has access to the best botox, filler, makeup and plastic surgery? 

We all know a fortune was spent just on Erika's face. For her to be all, where'd the money go? Really? You know exactly where it went. 

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Does she ever look at herself and think of all the money spent just to look like her and think Tom screwed over a severely scarred and burned young man who lost his girlfriend in an explosion so Erika has access to the best botox, filler, makeup and plastic surgery? 

We all know a fortune was spent just on Erika's face. For her to be all, where'd the money go? Really? You know exactly where it went. 

Good point. The irony never occurred to me.

Edited by Jextella
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9 hours ago, lamujerdecente said:

The difference Erica didn’t earn those possessions. Even with her check through this show couldn’t cover the lifestyle she was living so how did she earn those gifts? Ask the children of the drug dealers of the 1980’s how much property they were able to keep.  If your money and assets were obtained by illegal means u are not entitled to them unless u can prove you had the means to own them without the stolen funds. 


8 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

If she can provide proof that she ALONE bought those possessions then sure by all means. But even according to her he gave her credit cards and cash so he bought those pretty things with funds that weren’t his to use.

Nowhere in my post did I argue that she'd get to keep everything.  

What I'm pushing back on is this notion that anyone decent (i.e. most people) would voluntarily give everything over to the victims--their house, their clothes, their jewelry, their cars.  

To that I say posh! No most people would not.



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1 hour ago, Door County Cherry said:


Nowhere in my post did I argue that she'd get to keep everything.  Nowhere. 

What I'm pushing back on is this notion that anyone decent (i.e. most people) would voluntarily give everything over to the victims--their house, their clothes, their jewelry, their cars.  

To that I say posh! No most people would not.



I can see her attorneys telling her not to do a darn thing right now since there's the divorce, the bankruptcy and then Tom's theft. It's quite a messy situation, and she may really have a claim on some things. 

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8 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:


Nowhere in my post did I argue that she'd get to keep everything.  Nowhere. 

What I'm pushing back on is this notion that anyone decent (i.e. most people) would voluntarily give everything over to the victims--their house, their clothes, their jewelry, their cars.  

To that I say posh! No most people would not.



Agreed. It would make zero sense to do this without a negotiated, court-approved settlement. If she showed up at opposing counsel’s office with a u-haul they wouldn’t even talk to her. This has to be done through lawyers and the court. Settlement negotiations are confidential under rule 408. We wouldn’t know if they were happening or what was being offered. 

Part of me hopes her silence as to the victims and expressing any empathy is her following advice from her attorneys (e.g. not to implicitly admit liability or that wrongdoing occurred because acknowledging the victims you acknowledge the crime). But it is morally questionable and, frankly, terrible PR. 

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10 hours ago, Door County Cherry said:


Nowhere in my post did I argue that she'd get to keep everything.  

What I'm pushing back on is this notion that anyone decent (i.e. most people) would voluntarily give everything over to the victims--their house, their clothes, their jewelry, their cars.  

To that I say posh! No most people would not.



Do i think she should give up all her worldly possessions no ... but to be FLAUNTING all this shit right now KNOWING that it was most likely paid for on the backs of those people is Gross ... and she is double downing on it   

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People like Erika don’t often have a “Ebenezer Scrooge” lightbulb moment when their past behavior catches up to them.  There is no heart to “grow three sizes” like the Grinch after witnessing human kindness.  Even if she is found guilty of any part of this illegal activity, and even if she does minimal jail time, Erika will not emerge with a new personality.  Unlike Scrooge, Erika will deny her culpability in making the lives of victims even worse through her actions. She will lie until her dying day and play the victim herself. I just hope ANY future book or movie or tv show deal is drawn up so Erika doesn’t receive ANY profit off her bullshit life story.  All money earned by this heartless woman should be garnished for the victims and their families until they get every cent due…plus pain and suffering damages.

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5 hours ago, jkitty said:

Part of me hopes her silence as to the victims and expressing any empathy is her following advice from her attorneys (e.g. not to implicitly admit liability or that wrongdoing occurred because acknowledging the victims you acknowledge the crime). But it is morally questionable and, frankly, terrible PR. 

Agree, at the same time though, if you're not going to speak then don't say anything else about the matter, she could've said "I can't talk about an ongoing lawsuit so please respect my privacy", but I guess she was at a Catch-22 because then I hardly doubt producers would've kept her on this season, at least as a main cast member anyway. I don't have a problem with not addressing the victims because of your reason, but then don't turn around and bitch about living in a "small house", not having a staff and produce sci-fi storylines about your marriage and divorce.

I don't know how much she gets payed for doing the show but no way can she afford that house with that salary, and now it's pretty clear that whatever she had going on in her "singing" career was a complete sham, hell, I bet even LuAnn was making more money doing Cabaret.

It was a very thin line of what how she wanted to come off, and she failed miserably on every aspect, level, layer imaginable.  

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