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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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 In light of recent plotlines, I think that the name of the show should be changed from The Bold & The Beautiful to The Slow & The Stupid. The only things on this show dumber than the characters themselves are the choices they make. Case in point: Ridge & Caroline, who eloped to Malibu with two huge secrets between them, both of which, if revealed by the wrong person at the wrong time, could be the nails in the coffin of their so-called "marriage," which never should've happened in the first place. Ridge & Caroline think that they love each other, but their refusal to be honest with each other proves otherwise.


  Then there's Thomas, who, instead of at least being honest with himself about his well-deserved misery over CaRidge's marriage, he's macking on another girl & his cousin's girl, at that. To call Thomas a scumbag is an insult to scumbags.


  Cha-Cha & her bitch Ping-Pong were the worst. Steffy's firing Ivy was bad enough, but having her escorted out of the building like she was a common criminal and Liam's letting her get away with is was, to quote the late, great Bernie Mac, "some bullshit." Steffy killed Aly, however accidentally, but Ivy's the bad guy? If it wasn't for Ivy, Steffy would be in jail right now, which is where she belongs.  If Ivy, Wyatt & Quinn joined forces, Steffy & Liam's lives would be the living Hell they would deserve to be.

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They're really writing Ridge as the selfish, supremely arrogant dicksmack his detractors have always considered him to be.  Brad Bell is really going overboard with this negative characterization.  With RM in the role, BB seemed to be vicariously living through the character.  But ever since NuRidge emerged on the scene, he really seems to dislike the character.  From marching into FC and "assuming" the CEO spot, firing Oliver, stealing Brooke away from her wedding, et al, all the way to, essentially, tricking Caroline into "marrying" him.  

This Ridge is a tool.

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I so agree!  Right from the get go I have not liked the new portrayer nor how he portrays Ridge!  At first he even used some kind of accent?!  Now he is a dirty looking poorly dressed Bohemian with a growly voice!  RM was debonair and walked like a prince, this guy always talks too fast and has his hands shoved in his pockets!  Caroline is silly but polished looking and so not a physical fit for him.  

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I've been wanting someone since Rick's dictatorship to create a "Spectra" to start competing with Forrester. Totally did not expect Wyatt of all people who has no fashion design experience with clothing to be the one to propose it though. Go Wyatt!

Edited by Artsda
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Can someone please punch Steffy right in the kisser?


I realize it will be somewhat futile as your fist will likely boomerang back from the tempur-pedic like consistency of said kisser, but still, bitch has it coming.


And kick Liam in his tiny little nut sack while you're at it.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I've just been watching for a couple of years but what I have read is that Deacon managed a night club when he first appeared and he was VP for Jackie Marone's company and Head of Promotions at Forrester.  If the writers are interested enough they could think of something for him.  If the writers can have Liam working for Spencer and Forrester they can think of a job for Deacon.

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La di Diva, on 14 Sept 2015 - 5:43 PM, said:

Not sure what that CaRidge ceremony was today -- but that was *not* a wedding.  I get the small intimate wedding thing, but that was just 2 people spouting their twu luv to the air and exchanging rings.


And now they are going tell everyone they're married.  Um.... no .... they're not.


Callie quote

Like I posted upthread, I don't know the laws in California, but Brooke and Ridge got married exactly like that two times. The first time there was a mistake in the marriage certificate but the second time it was legal.


They just have to go to City Hall and do the paperwork.


I admit TIIC play fast and loose with California law, but there's more to Ridge and Caroline getting married than "They just have to go to City Hall and do the paperwork."


Since they exchanged vows in Malibu without benefit of a California marriage license, two witnesses and an officiant registered with the state of California, they will have to register for a marriage license with the county clerk, find two witnesses and exchange vows a second time with a judge for their marriage to be recorded the day they "do the paperwork."


To the contrary of how revolving door weddings and marriages are depicted on Bn'B, getting married in California isn't like filling out the warranty card after buying a new microwave at Best Buy.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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I've just been watching for a couple of years but what I have read is that Deacon managed a night club when he first appeared and he was VP for Jackie Marone's company and Head of Promotions at Forrester.



I remember when he road into LA, just don't remember him working all that much.  Thanks for the info though.  All I remember him doing was deflowering virgins while their parents were on the phone, screwing his mother-in-law, drinking Jack Daniels and smoking lots of cigarettes.  I agree, Deacon needs a storyline stat, although I don't know if a boring job is the answer.  If only he got hold of some secret information...

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Does B&B get kick-backs from the CA Tourism Commission?  If not, they really should.  :-) 


Personally, I'm not a fan of those kind of soap weddings, mainly because in decades past it was usually just a way for the "good" girl to have sex without too much guilt. 


Honestly, I would also welcome Hope back just to make Steffy suffer.  Someone needs to do it and she's the only one who can make Liam suffer at the same time.

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They're really writing Ridge as the selfish, supremely arrogant dicksmack his detractors have always considered him to be.  Brad Bell is really going overboard with this negative characterization.  With RM in the role, BB seemed to be vicariously living through the character.  But ever since NuRidge emerged on the scene, he really seems to dislike the character.  From marching into FC and "assuming" the CEO spot, firing Oliver, stealing Brooke away from her wedding, et al, all the way to, essentially, tricking Caroline into "marrying" him.  

This Ridge is a tool.

It was patently obvious that Bradley Bell was obsessed with Ronnnnnnn Mossssss and the character of Ridge.  I think he saw Ridge as an alter ego of himself.  When Ronnnnn quit, so left all of the love for Ridge, leading me to believe that it was Ronnnnnn that Bradley was obsessed with and not Ridge.  He does seem to hate new Ridge.  I don't understand why they would cast an Irish (English?) actor and try and force him to hide his accent.  It's obvious that this is extremely difficult for the actor to do, which is why he seems to talk like a growling tiger.  When Windsor Harmon took over the role of Thorne many years ago, they decided it was OK for California blueblood Thorne to now talk like he's a hick from Oklahoma.  So I don't know why they would care so much if Ridge had an English accent.  They could say he picked it up in Paris while flying helicopters, reading powms and marching in pride parades.


Since Ronnn departed, Bradley had to find a new object for his infatuation, and unfortunately for us, that means it is All Beady Eyes, All The Time.  


I want Kim Matula to come back solely because it has long been rumoured that Jacqueline Wood quit because she and Kim didn't get along.  If Kim comes back and that makes Jackie quit again (and perhaps fall into a pit this time), then I am all for it.

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It's like people who still use things like password or 12345 as their password!

Dammit !  ......... Where is the account settings page again ?  ;)


A new design house, what's Bridget up to these days ?


If they tell Thorne the truth he can quit and run the the new company's basement and......... who am I kidding a Thorne story..... never mind.


At least there is no conflict of interest for $Bill here.


I love the faces that Katie makes at every mention of Steffy.

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Boy, Liam sure is pootie whipped.  All he needs is one of those large cow nose rings so Steffi can lead him around.  Liam needs to grow a set, and become a man, not an Octopussy boy.


Is Caroline going to wear only midriff baring tops from now on?  That's all she's worn since she's come back.  We get she's skinny, but come on, she needs to look more professional and less Kardashian.


So, Dolly Parton head (Steffi's hair looks like a brunette Dolly Parton) thinks she's the big cheese now?  I was out of town and my TV didn't tape every episode, so, did Ivy delete the video?  If so, Ivy is stupid.  


Not at all a TK fan and I wish he'd quit.  I don't like his look of being in need of a flea dip, don't like the voice (I always find myself trying to clear his throat) and I definitely don't like him with Caroline.  They just don't mesh with me.  Not that she would mesh with Ronn Moss either, but it's worse with TK.

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Not at all a TK fan and I wish he'd quit.  I don't like his look of being in need of a flea dip, don't like the voice (I always find myself trying to clear his throat) and I definitely don't like him with Caroline.  They just don't mesh with me.  Not that she would mesh with Ronn Moss either, but it's worse with TK.

Agreed. And if Caroline said one more time "we're married," I was going to jump through the screen and say "NO YOU'RE NOT!!"
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Wyatt being the one to come up with the idea for a rival fashion house seemed odd and OOTB, but if they actually go forward with it I'll let it slide.  It does remind me of Sally, though--and Nick and Jackie--so I wonder if $Bill would just scoop up the smoking ruins of Jackie M and let Chickenhead run it on a trial basis.


Steffy continuing to emulate her dad and insist that Ivy had to go would work if it wasn't accompanied by a Bill-sized wall of smug.  Bill makes it work.  Steffy, not so much.


So, Dolly Parton head (Steffi's hair looks like a brunette Dolly Parton) thinks she's the big cheese now?  I was out of town and my TV didn't tape every episode, so, did Ivy delete the video?  If so, Ivy is stupid.


Yup, the video was deleted (from the cloud, at least) the week before last.  And if Steffy had the boobs to go with the hair, I'd be willing to cut her some slack on the smug.


Flip side, now that Ridge and Caroline have consummated their "marriage"...the countdown to her pregnancy (and WTD story) can begin in earnest.

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Wyatt's heart might be in the right place, but Steffy needs some type of immediate take-down, like yesterday. As others have pointed out, who is going to work at this rival design house? IRL, that would take years to get off the ground and in a position to pose any serious competition to FC.


I'm all for finding some copy of the video.


OTOH, Steffy's actions might be her own undoing. How is she going to explain to Ridge (and better yet, Eric) why she fired Ivy? She just can't say, "I didn't trust her" without some plausible reason. It didn't appear that Ivy's work was suffering in any way.


By the same token, how is Wyatt going to explain all of this to Bill? It Wyatt spills the beans you know Katie will be on board in a New York minute. The way it's being presented right now, it just sounds like Wyatt's been fermenting sour grapes over Liam's "accomplishments."


Post-"wedding" sex on the beach in a tent. How original. Ridge did that for Brooke at least one time after a Malibu wedding and IIRC, Eric pulled the same thing when he married Brooke.

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Hey All!


It's been a long time, but personal family stuff has had me away.  I still remain a fan of CarRidge though...that's my shit! .I guess I'll ride alone, because I dig TK as Ridge.    He's certainly not original recipe Ridge, but that's ok by me.  What I love about this Ridge is that he's not all about Logan.  That bike had been ridden to death and personally I wanted off of it, and I wanted Ridge to finally get off of her.  Literally.  I dig that there's a new love in Ridge's life and it's Caroline.  I am a huge fan of LG's and I love what she and TK are bringing to the show with this May/December romance.  It's refreshing and they are really selling it to me.   What I can do without is that punk Thomas in the mix.  I'm not sure what I think about the actor..he's okay I guess...I think the show wants to make him happen but it's not. .  


What I can absofuckinglutely do without ...Is JM,  but my gawd is she hideous to watch.  Beyond her horrible acting is her distracting Las Vegas drag look.  Then there's the helmet hair that looks like a wig from the  Raquel Welch line.   I was starting to actually like Liam when he was with Ivy, but now he's become an annoying turd again.   I second KMatula coming back so she can make Steffy suffer.  I despise Steffy.     I want someone...anyone to crush the shit out of her and her loathsome ego.   .  


Where are Quinn and Deacon?   Those two deserve a front burner story.  I'd love to see Quinn torment and torture Steffy.   Ivy should have confided in her and let Quinn assist her with the blackmailing.  Quinn knows how to make a bitch squirm.   Why is Oliver being wasted?   Ally's death could have been written so much better and all the beats of the grief were missed with Thorne and Oliver.    Oliver especially is cute enough and way more appealing to me than this Thomas character.    


Bradley needs to understand that  there can be other 20 something characters/romances that are far more interesting than the one's that involve Liam or Wyatt.   Dollar Bill is hot, but his sons remain just meh for me.  I especially never got what Hope or Steffy saw in Liam.   He's never been anything other than just vanilla for me.   Wyatt at least pushes the envelope and lives a bit on the edge...but Liam is not all that in looks or personality and Wyatt shouldn't have to live in his shadow. 


I don't know how anyone else is feeling but the show is just lukewarm for me now,   Bringing on Thomas and Steffy to shake things up has been a huge dud for me.   I'm not looking forward to a wtd for Caroline, or her getting kicked to the curb by Ridge over this and I especially don't need Brooke gloating or sniffing around Ridge.    Or Steffy's judgmental attitude over it all.   

Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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Hey All!


It's been a long time, but personal family stuff has had me away.  


What I can absofuckinglutely do without ...Is JM,  but my gawd is she hideous to watch.  Beyond her horrible acting is her distracting Las Vegas drag look.  Then there's the helmet hair that looks like a wig from the  Raquel Welch line.  

Welcome back Psychedelic Trip. I've missed you. The bolded text is both on point and an insult to Raquel Welch, lol

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So Wyatt told Bill and Katie today he wants to start his own fashion house. While I wasn't a fan of the Marone's, this has my interest, a rival fashion house is an element this show has been lacking. While I doubt Brad Bell will, it'd provide a good opportunity to bring back some of the Spectra clan if he wanted to.


I also wonder if this is where the bisexual designer they are casting is going to work? Wyatt is marketing/PR, Ivy is jewelry, so they'll need a designer.

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It's been a long time, but personal family stuff has had me away.  I still remain a fan of CarRidge though...that's my shit! .I guess I'll ride alone, because I dig TK as Ridge.    He's certainly not original recipe Ridge, but that's ok by me.  What I love about this Ridge is that he's not all about Logan.  That bike had been ridden to death and personally I wanted off of it, and I wanted Ridge to finally get off of her.  Literally.  I dig that there's a new love in Ridge's life and it's Caroline.  I am a huge fan of LG's and I love what she and TK are bringing to the show with this May/December romance.  It's refreshing and they are really selling it to me.


No need to ride alone because I love him too. And I am a huge fan of Caroline/Ridge. They are currently my favorite soap couple.


Thomas is the worst. Sorry, but this is so not the way to make a character happen.

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Welcome back Psychedelic Trip. I've missed you. The bolded text is both on point and an insult to Raquel Welch, lol

Hey there!  Thanks ;) 


I'm a fan of Raquel Welch, I think she's a gorgeous woman but that wig line of hers is a no go and Steffy is too!  


No need to ride alone because I love him too. And I am a huge fan of Caroline/Ridge. They are currently my favorite soap couple.


Thomas is the worst. Sorry, but this is so not the way to make a character happen.


I thought there were a few here who were digging him when he came on board.   I was Ron Moss fan, he gave some good laughs and his scarves and growling "It's not gonna happen Rrrrrrrick!"    always made for good tv.    It's just impossible to replace or replicate that.   So I just tell myself that this is sort of a new character even though it's Ridge.    I'm just willing to let it slide and focus on the good good that TK and LG are bringing.   They give me the feels! 


I don't know why Thomas had to be replaced.  I thought the last guy was doing pretty good although I guess he doesn't resemble TK in any way. 

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Thomas has a real problem respecting women's physical boundaries, doesn't he? And isn't Nicole sort of his in-law?

Rick is Eric's son so he is Thomas's uncle if the show considers Ridge to be Eric's son. The show rarely acknowledges that they are uncle/nephew. During the Rick / Horseface Caitlin and Thomas / Amber flings, the show billed it as stepbrother vs. stepbrother since Ridge and Brooke were then married.

I don't think I've ever heard Thomas call him "Uncle Rick". But as it is, Nicole would simply be the sister of his Aunt (by marriage). So nothing really wrong with that. I know a brother and sister who married a sister and brother. When the brother first told his sister he was interested in her husband's sister, they initially thought it was slightly weird but now both couples have been married for about 15 years now.

Hey there! Thanks ;)

I'm a fan of Raquel Welch, I think she's a gorgeous woman but that wig line of hers is a no go and Steffy is too!

I thought there were a few here who were digging him when he came on board. I was Ron Moss fan, he gave some good laughs and his scarves and growling "It's not gonna happen Rrrrrrrick!" always made for good tv. It's just impossible to replace or replicate that. So I just tell myself that this is sort of a new character even though it's Ridge. I'm just willing to let it slide and focus on the good good that TK and LG are bringing. They give me the feels!

I don't know why Thomas had to be replaced. I thought the last guy was doing pretty good although I guess he doesn't resemble TK in any way.

I think nothing will ever top "It's not gonna happen".

For what it's worth, I hated the previous Thomas. Horrible actor, plastic looking. I thought the rumour was that Bradley wanted to make Thomas gay since there were complaints that a show set in L.A. in a fashion house didn't have any gay characters, and that Adam Gregory refused.

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Katie did say she needed a new "project." She ran FC for a bit so...

We are seriously supposed to believe Eggo is both President of SP and VP of Forrester? GMAFB! All we see him do is stand around and hold Bratz purse. The writers can't even get this right. Can you imagine $Bill, as written, stand for his son to be over at the "Dressmaker's" being handmaiden to Steffy?

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Yes!  Finally, a rival fashion house.  Ivy and Wyatt are so much more interesting than Liam and Steffy ever will be.  This better not be a fake out story, either.  I've wanted competition for the Forresters since Nick and Jackie (sp?) faded away.  It's the perfect way to ensure that Puffy and Waffle will get their faces cracked, too.  Make It Happen, Brad Bell. 



I'd love to see Quinn torment and torture Steffy.  



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I've been wanting someone since Rick's dictatorship to create a "Spectra" to start competing with Forrester. Totally did not expect Wyatt of all people who has no fashion design experience with clothing to be the one to propose it though. Go Wyatt!

I've been wanting that since before Aly was SORASed. For reasons that need no explaining, she would have been the best anchor for this.

But no. We can't have nice things. >:(

Edited by Anna Yolei
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 I still remain a fan of CarRidge though...that's my shit! .I guess I'll ride alone, because I dig TK as Ridge.    He's certainly not original recipe Ridge, but that's ok by me.  What I love about this Ridge is that he's not all about Logan.  That bike had been ridden to death and personally I wanted off of it, and I wanted Ridge to finally get off of her.  Literally.  I dig that there's a new love in Ridge's life and it's Caroline.  I am a huge fan of LG's and I love what she and TK are bringing to the show with this May/December romance.  It's refreshing and they are really selling it to me.   

You will never ride alone. Count me in the TK/LG/CaRidge train. They say good things happens when you least expect which was exactly how I fell in love with Caridge and most of my other favorite soap couples.

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Hey All!


It's been a long time, but personal family stuff has had me away.  I still remain a fan of CarRidge though...that's my shit! .I guess I'll ride alone, because I dig TK as Ridge.    He's certainly not original recipe Ridge, but that's ok by me.  What I love about this Ridge is that he's not all about Logan.  That bike had been ridden to death and personally I wanted off of it, and I wanted Ridge to finally get off of her.  Literally.  I dig that there's a new love in Ridge's life and it's Caroline.  I am a huge fan of LG's and I love what she and TK are bringing to the show with this May/December romance.  It's refreshing and they are really selling it to me.   What I can do without is that punk Thomas in the mix.  I'm not sure what I think about the actor..he's okay I guess...I think the show wants to make him happen but it's not. .  


What I can absofuckinglutely do without ...Is JM,  but my gawd is she hideous to watch.  Beyond her horrible acting is her distracting Las Vegas drag look.  Then there's the helmet hair that looks like a wig from the  Raquel Welch line.   I was starting to actually like Liam when he was with Ivy, but now he's become an annoying turd again.   I second KMatula coming back so she can make Steffy suffer.  I despise Steffy.     I want someone...anyone to crush the shit out of her and her loathsome ego.   .  


Where are Quinn and Deacon?   Those two deserve a front burner story.  I'd love to see Quinn torment and torture Steffy.   Ivy should have confided in her and let Quinn assist her with the blackmailing.  Quinn knows how to make a bitch squirm.   Why is Oliver being wasted?   Ally's death could have been written so much better and all the beats of the grief were missed with Thorne and Oliver.    Oliver especially is cute enough and way more appealing to me than this Thomas character.    


Bradley needs to understand that  there can be other 20 something characters/romances that are far more interesting than the one's that involve Liam or Wyatt.   Dollar Bill is hot, but his sons remain just meh for me.  I especially never got what Hope or Steffy saw in Liam.   He's never been anything other than just vanilla for me.   Wyatt at least pushes the envelope and lives a bit on the edge...but Liam is not all that in looks or personality and Wyatt shouldn't have to live in his shadow. 


I don't know how anyone else is feeling but the show is just lukewarm for me now,   Bringing on Thomas and Steffy to shake things up has been a huge dud for me.   I'm not looking forward to a wtd for Caroline, or her getting kicked to the curb by Ridge over this and I especially don't need Brooke gloating or sniffing around Ridge.    Or Steffy's judgmental attitude over it all.

So many good points in this post. I will never understand the nonuse of actors who can actually act such as Quinn and Deacon. Y&R does the same thing. Good actors sitting on the back burners.

I am actually interested in a rival fashion house despite the absurdity of it being unlikely. I just want to see Steffy and Liam get their comeuppance. Make it happen writers and give Quinn and Deacon an integral part of the story. It did seem like when Wyatt mentioned it, Bill had a twinkle in his eye. Plus Katie wants a new endeavor.

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Nicole would simply be the sister of his Aunt (by marriage). So nothing really wrong with that.

Yeah, I know they're only related by marriage but IMO it's still kind of icky. Why can't these people stay out of their own family trees? It's not like they're European royalty or Lannisters...

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Why can't these people stay out of their own family trees? It's not like they're European royalty or Lannisters...



Well, you are assuming there are other people in that small town of LA for them to hook up with! These folks only know family, so they have to get their loving someplace!!

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I have one way ticket on the CaRidge ride, too!  Have loved TK since AMC and he and LG work together but I do agree she needs to tone down the giggly stuff.


Oh, yeah.....open a rival house with Deacon, Quinn, Katie, Ivy, Wyatt  etc.  With $Bill in the mix things could get very interesting.

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I don't understand why they would cast an Irish (English?) actor and try and force him to hide his accent.  It's obvious that this is extremely difficult for the actor to do, which is why he seems to talk like a growling tiger. 


LOL, that's actually how TK speaks in real life for at least 20 years. He's half German and half British and he joked once in an interview that his accent is so weird that the American people think he's British and the British people think he's American.


I may be a huge Ridge/Caroline fan, but I do agree that it would be better if he just played a completely different character.



Edited to add this tweet from Soap Opera Network

#ICYMI: Producers confirm #CaRidge went to LA court house offscreen to get marriage license. They are legally wed #BoldandBeautfiul


I hope, since the producers confirmed it, it's going to be mentioned on the show as well, maybe when it is a new day.

Edited by Callie
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Why Wyatt, you forward thinker! I have waited patiently for a rival design house since, well, forever it seems. The previous attempts since the demise of Spectra have fallen flat for me. It may not be possible, but I want them to somehow recreate the magic of the Spectra/Forrester fashion wars. The reason it may not be possible is because you can not replace the likes of Darlene Conley and Susan Flannery, the two bigger than life Diva's who drove that whole show. So, I will be on board for this, but I do have some concerns. First and foremost is this will pit Wyatt against Ridge, which makes absolutely no sense to me. Ridge has played fair with Wyatt and Quinn, and he is not the one Wyatt is gunning for, but he will feel the sting all the same. Secondly, will this mean Wyatt going up against his mom? Will Quinn quit FC's and jump ship to Wyatt's new venture? Thirdly, I don't see how Bill will go along with this. Liam is his golden son, and even though I would like nothing more than to cram a frozen waffle in Liams mouth right now, I really don't want to see anything come between him and Bill. I think DD and SC play so well off each other, their scenes are funny and they come off as a real father and son. There is also the fact that Bill has been nothing less than a Walking Woody for Steffy for years, and if he agrees to this, he will lose his ability to fuck Steffy with Liam's dick. Katie is also a factor. Now Katie has been on her best behavior since retaking her vows with Bill, but I don't believe for one minute that she has totally forgiven Brooke for Bill or Ridge for Caroline. No, I think Katie has just put her Lemon Heads away, waiting for the day she needs to pull out her inner bitch for them to make a reappearance. More than all of that though, is this niggling fear in the back of my head about why the show is making a rival fashion house about the Spencer brothers and not the Forrester brothers. I always envisioned Ridge and Rick going up against each other; outside of it making sense, is the wealth of history and groundwork that has been laid between these two. As they say though, beggars can't be choosers, so I will truck along and see where all this leads. 


Is Katie Superwoman or what? It is hard to process that being married to Bill, raising a young son, filling in as President of SP's, while also fulfilling her role as VP of Spencer isn't challenging enough. No, Katie wants something new. Is this rich wife syndrome? All the same, I think I might get a little PO'd if Katie gets top billing over Wyatt. It isn't about Wyatt being more experienced, it is about Wyatt always getting the short end. Liam was the brainchild of the "takeover", and he got the President spot at FC's with no fashion experience at all, yet Wyatt did all the dirty work and got squat. It would only be fair since Wyatt is the brainchild of this venture, that he get at least the same. 


Liam and Steffy are simply insufferable. I hate them. When Steffy was going on about how much lighter she feels, I found myself rewinding and re-watching, but each time I did I still saw that sheep curled on on top of her head, and it was looking bigger and scarier than ever. Maybe Ivy could get her revenge by contacting one of her old sheep shearing mates back in Australia; those guys can shear a huge sheep in seconds, so I am sure it would only take a few minutes to remove Steffy's messy mop. And then we have Little Boy Fauntleroy's feeble attempts to defend Ivy, and nay say his Mistress's commands. Better watch it son, Medusa might get a wild hair and turn and give you a full frontal stare; turning your useless ass to stone. 


Ah, the perfect romance of Ridge and Caroline. You could give me clips of these two all day, and I would still be screaming for more. Love them. Love them. Love them. I don't blame them one bit for wanting to circumvent all the drama their family members would have brought to a real wedding. All that matters is they are happy. Watching Ridge place his big man hand on Caroline's tiny little back simply gave me the feeeeelllllls all over. Jesus, just watching TK gives me the feels. I hope they come back to the office wearing tee shirts with We're (Ridge) Married (Caroline) on the front, and Fuck (Caroline) Off (Ridge) on the back. 


Hey All!

It's been a long time, but personal family stuff has had me away.



Welcome back PsychedelicTrip, you have been missed!


I still remain a fan of CarRidge though...that's my shit! .I guess I'll ride alone, because I dig TK as Ridge.



Not a chance my friend! Just like Sissy said in Urban Cowboy "I'm gonna ride that bull again and again. I'm gonna ride it whenever I want". My TK love hasn't abated, not one little bit. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Yes!  Finally, a rival fashion house.  Ivy and Wyatt are so much more interesting than Liam and Steffy ever will be.  This better not be a fake out story, either.  I've wanted competition for the Forresters since Nick and Jackie (sp?) faded away.  It's the perfect way to ensure that Puffy and Waffle will get their faces cracked, too.  Make It Happen, Brad Bell.


Exactly! It's high time TIIC created a rival Spectra-type competitor for the Forrester's to expend their many neurotic energies upon.


$Bill as CEO, and with his media "empire" can flog the Hell out of his new fashion venture. Katie as president. Wyatt as VP. Ivy as jewelry design and spokesmodel. It's inevitable that Thomas is going to be thrown on a milk train cow catcher out of FC (his obsession with Caroline causes Rape Night denouement, bad attitude and can't take criticism about his lousy designs, Zende is disillusioned by his cousin macking in Nicole) so he could be their dress designer. Deacon sales and marketing.




Just spitballin'.  A yet unnamed new fashion house in LA with Katie as CEO, Wyatt as president, Ivy in charge of jewelry, a new bisexual designer, with Quinn as a mole in FC.  Deacon can be in charge of corporate espionage.  Wonder if Beau Rivage or Jasmine Malone are available?


This would be a hoot ... It will never happen.

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For what it's worth, I hated the previous Thomas. Horrible actor, plastic looking. I thought the rumour was that Bradley wanted to make Thomas gay since there were complaints that a show set in L.A. in a fashion house didn't have any gay characters, and that Adam Gregory refused.


Reading this, I could still kind of see them going there with Thomas.  Write it that nothing happened between him and Caroline, beyond some kisses.  His obsession with Caroline could be part wanting to hide or suppress his sexuality, part lashing out at his father.  And his generally creepy and inappropriate conduct with women could be him acting how he thinks some big macho man is supposed to act.  You could even write in his previous thing for Hope being part of it - she was the virginal princess, so their relationship would never be sexual, and no one would expect it to be. 


ETA:  Still on the TK and CaRidge trains here, too.  And I'd listen to TK's voice any time.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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Just spitballin'. A yet unnamed new fashion house in LA with Katie as CEO, Wyatt as president, Ivy in charge of jewelry, a new bisexual designer, with Quinn as a mole in FC. Deacon can be in charge of corporate espionage. Wonder if Beau Rivage or Jasmine Malone are available?

Get out of my head !!!!!! I thought of Jasmine Malone as well esp to provide some tlc to Carter. While we are at it we can add Clarke Garrison in the mix.

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I have been waiting years for a real rival fashion house ala Spectra to return to give FC some competition.


I don't even care if it's an overnight (and totally unrealistic setup). I can suspend disbelief for this


To see the smug wiped off of Hairball and Slackjaw would make me very, very happy.


As for Ridge. He's a big boy. He's been down this road before - hell, he joined forces with Spectra himself - he can handle this and I think he would welcome some competition to shake things up.

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Still on the TK and CaRidge trains here, too. 



Me too. I've never disembarked.


And I'd listen to TK's voice any time.


Me too again. He's got my favorite kind of guy voice--gravelly + Euro. That voice plus his huge man hands make me positively giddy. If he happens to smile, fughettaboutit, I'm done for the day.


Reading this, I could still kind of see them going there with Thomas.  Write it that nothing happened between him and Caroline, beyond some kisses.  His obsession with Caroline could be part wanting to hide or suppress his sexuality, part lashing out at his father.  And his generally creepy and inappropriate conduct with women could be him acting how he thinks some big macho man is supposed to act.  You could even write in his previous thing for Hope being part of it - she was the virginal princess, so their relationship would never be sexual, and no one would expect it to be.




And me too, yet again. This new incarnation of Thomas could totally play a gay man and I wouldn't bat an eyelash. I wish they'd just go there already. Thomas, played by anybody, has no chemistry with any actress, IMO. Is this a prerequisite for the job? "Pretend to be into women. Look horribly awkward/veering into creepiness, in the process." And whoever said upthread that he's sitting down whenever he kisses a woman: It's got to be because this particular actor is freakishly tall. If he were on Game of Thrones, he'd be The Mountain's skinny little brother who doesn't scare anybody but does succeed in making everybody's skin crawl.

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I want to love Wyatt and Ivy, but I dread the inevitable return of Hope which will inevitably lead to Wyatt doing something stupid.  Who knows... maybe they'll shock us and have Wyatt be totally faithful and non-Waffle-like.


In order for this to work, Bill has to get over his hard-on for Steffy.  I'm not confident that will happen easily.  


JMW... maybe less is more.  Less makeup in particular.

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Ah, the perfect romance of Ridge and Caroline. You could give me clips of these two all day, and I would still be screaming for more. Love them. Love them. Love them. I don't blame them one bit for wanting to circumvent all the drama their family members would have brought to a real wedding. All that matters is they are happy. Watching Ridge place his big man hand on Caroline's tiny little back simply gave me the feeeeelllllls all over. Jesus, just watching TK gives me the feels. I hope they come back to the office wearing tee shirts with We're (Ridge) Married (Caroline) on the front, and Fuck (Caroline) Off (Ridge) on the back. 



Welcome back PsychedelicTrip, you have been missed!



Not a chance my friend! Just like Sissy said in Urban Cowboy "I'm gonna ride that bull again and again. I'm gonna ride it whenever I want". My TK love hasn't abated, not one little bit. 

*Waves*      Thank you!     I can't get enough of TK and LG together either!      




Reading this, I could still kind of see them going there with Thomas.  Write it that nothing happened between him and Caroline, beyond some kisses.  His obsession with Caroline could be part wanting to hide or suppress his sexuality, part lashing out at his father.  And his generally creepy and inappropriate conduct with women could be him acting how he thinks some big macho man is supposed to act.  You could even write in his previous thing for Hope being part of it - she was the virginal princess, so their relationship would never be sexual, and no one would expect it to be. 


ETA:  Still on the TK and CaRidge trains here, too.  And I'd listen to TK's voice any time.  


Thomas really does have a creep factor to him.      I' was trying to figure out who he reminds me of with his unusual eye contact and lurkish behavior and it's Hans Klopek from The Burbs!   



Edited by PsychedelicTrip
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