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S14.E14: Finale, Part 2


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I dont have a problem with this season's winner, IMO, Ashley's work was miles above anything Gretchen produced, that winning was a travesty.

This season has less standouts for me, and I was thinking this could be just about anybody's win.

They all had at least one or two looks that I loved... And also some pieces that were not so great.

I liked Ashley's use of color, the jewel tone pieces really worked on the runway. She also edited down the flowered head pieces so it wasn't every single look. Putting plus size models in form fitting outfits was a good choice, it seems like plus size means drape me in a tent and hide any notion of shape/ body parts etc.., so I liked the see through hints.

I think I liked less if Kelly's stuff, but I thought she had the win. Some of her looks were cool, but I didn't like a lot of her use of the nude illusion stuff, it just made me think of pantyhose.

Overall I don't think this was the most awesome season, but it wasn't the worst by far for me... It was just kind of boring. ( but not from a drama standpoint! Don't put in more drama!!! I want more interesting clothes, that's all!!)

Edited by Jjrmt
  • Love 10


And Edmond was a true gentleman.  I will agree with the crack-smoking judges that Edmond respects women.  Too many of the male contestants on this show have had such a disdain for women and it was nice to have one who was the complete opposite of that.

I loved that he said "Good luck, ladies" after being auffed -- such a gracious thing to do.

  • Love 22

Why do they have a guest judge for the finale? Especially someone like Carrie Underwood who is know for picking dresses that look like she’s going to the prom. The finale shouldn’t be treated like a regular challenge, the only people who judge it should be the ones who are familiar with all of the designers work over the competition.


As for the clothes, I was surprised that I liked Kelly’s collection best, I liked a couple of pieces in Edmond’s collection (the tight black dresses) but other than that, I didn’t care for it, I liked the cherry print dress & the gown (would have liked to see it with the hoop in too) in Candace's, but the rest looked like (in spite of what Tim said) it was trying to hard, & while I liked the colors in Ashley’s collection, I didn’t see a single outfit I liked, & I thought a number of them were badly fitting. I noticed that after the show when they showed people talking about their favorite collection, nobody said that Ashley’s was their favorite. Of course that could be because it was plus sized & a lot of people in the fashion industry don’t like anything larger than a size 0, but I think the last outfit in her collection may feature in my nightmares tonight. I can’t believe she won over Kelly.

Edited by GaT
  • Love 3

Candice’s models looked like they couldn’t walk in several of her outfits.  She put them in really high platforms.  Why?  When the clothes are already restrictive you may want to go for easier footwear. 


In each collection there were some good pieces but more dogs. 


Ashley’s last dress was horrible.  She made her model look enormous. 


Edmond’s collection was a mish mash.  Did he add all of the “sexy” designs based on his critique?  Because many of them looked very been there, done that.  The white toilet paper dress was horrible.  But there were some beautiful pieces.  His more dramatic pieces were beautifully done.


Kelly’s collection also had a few great looks and a lot of WTF.  She really did a great job of someone making her model’s asses look both flat and flabby. 


I do have friends who would wear variations of Ashley’s outfits.  Based on fashion sizing, they are plus sized.  They are also confident, beautiful women who are not ashamed of their bodies.  Using the argument as to whether or not Ashley would wear those designs is useless.  She did wear a lace outfit to match her collection.  She is much larger than the fashion idea of plus size, so her style choices would be different.  However, she has shown all season that she does dress more boldly than many very large women.  Even showing her upper arms is considered radical to some. 


The more they showed me of PR Crotchfruit, the more they confirmed I will not watch it.

  • Love 13

My choice came down to least offensive. Edmond, who at least made wearable clothing. The ruffled items didn't bother me, not for a runway show. I can think of at least two past winners who had some ruffle-like flurries in their collections, so I didn't get the big deal made over his. LOVE his personality, too.


  • Candice's was mostly scary, yet boring. Made me think of Elvira.
  • Kelly's was a tacky, glittered, fanny-packed 70s flashback nightmare. Liked one dress, but underlining cut too short.
  • Ashley's was a poorly-made parade of pastel sherbet w/ fairly unfeasible styles/styling.
  • Love 5

I totally cracked up whenever they showed Dmitry judging for PR Junior potential contestants. My biggest favorite moments? When the kid said he liked playing with unusual fabrics (and it was something very structural and neoprene-like), Dmitry sat up straighter in his chair and I thought, there's your kindred spirit! And earlier, when he liked something a girl had done, he said in his marvelously dry way, "I feel like I woke up a bit with that one." (Or something to that effect, LOL.) Like all the others had bored him terribly. Ha!

  • Love 7

As a lifetime teeterer between Plus size & size 12 (of course, fashionistas find that to be within the Plus realm), having a pear-shape, decent waist/midriff & good legs (calves if not thighs!), & tall enough to carry clothes well, I would not be caught dead in most of Ashley's clothes, as I aim for a more slender, attractive & fashionable look. Woulda loved to have seen Ashley (so brave!) wearing her see-thru purple lace over panties! IMO, Swapnil's aufing was at least in part because the judges would have had a hard time choosing Ashley over Swap, if he made it to the finals & presented even an average show (not quite so obvious for the judges to crown Ashley when the other finalists were equally mediocre.)  What a wasted opportunity!  If the producers were determined to have a designer of Plus sizes win, there HAD to be much more talented candidates.

  • Love 7


What a wasted opportunity!  If the producers were determined to have a designer of Plus sizes win, there HAD to be much more talented candidates.


What was interesting to me was in the midst of the line-up of PR Junior contestants there was a young woman (16 years old, maybe?) named Sami or something like that, who liked to create a variety of styles and her focus was on celebrating curves. All her stuff that she showed was really interesting and she was confident in herself even though she was not a stick figure size. Just watching her brief segment, I thought, "There you go. There's someone who could have a future in strong designs for a variety of sizes. Ashley could learn from her!"

  • Love 7

Where is the Holy Tim Gunn save to overrule this PANDERING horseshit? None of them really believed the manure they were spewing.

Zac saying Ashley had "the most sophisticated colour palette"--da FUQ?


I can't.


Kelly wuz robbed. Just like Uli, who she reminded me of a cooler version of with her shiny, feminine long dresses. I loved how Kelly managed to be the only one to ever make a fanny pack look nice.


Wretchen's winning was worse, though. At least Ashley isn't a witch who thinks her shit don't stink when it clearly does. Just remembering her gives me the shudders.

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 3

I was just now able to watch the show that I recorded and you could have knocked me over with a feather when Kelly got eliminated and Ashley actually won!  OMG!  My mind is officially blown!!!


When Tim told Edmond after that bad critique from the judges that he didn't understand why Edmond had so much design decision making to do and should only have to go in and start sewing, (or something like that), I was like, "Uhhhh Tim?  Did you not hear them say they didn't like any of the outfits he showed?  You know, the outfits he's spent weeks putting together?!"  They pigeonholed poor Edmond into a "sexy" rut just because he happened to pull that design aesthetic from a bag and won a challenge with it.  It was almost like the judges themselves sabotaged his collection.   But I knew from the start he wouldn't win because he was a "second chancer". 

Edited by swankie
  • Love 10

I'm not upset that Ashley won, partly because all four of the final collections had a very "been there, done that" feel to them.


Edmond's dresses were pretty but he had two types of dresses in his collection: totally plain or ruffled.


Candice's collecfion was very referential (whether intentional or not) but even someone who didn't see that would see that her leather and corset aesthetic is nothing new.


Kelly's collection was fun but disposable. I like that she makes her own textiles but when you're just looking at the clothes walk down the runway, of course you're not going to know how much time she spent creating all of those different textures herself. Most of her pieces looked like $20 tops you would buy at Forever 21 or Wet Seal to go out dancing at a bar with no cover charge. There's definitely a market for that but it's still nothing new.


Although Ashley's collection was supposed to be groundbreaking, it still had that "I've seen this before" vibe. Some of the silhouettes were fun, but for the most part I didn't see how this was specifically a plus sized collection because it looked like regular clothes made in bigger sizes.


I didn't see anything fresh or new or innovative in any of these collections. I didn't love any of these four collections but I didn't hate any of them either. My feelings about the final runway shows was ehhhhh, which is why I knew I wouldn't be very upset by whoever won because I didn't see anyone whose collection blew my mind and I didn't see anyone's collection that made me angry (ahem, Gretchen). Gretchen winning was the nadir of my viewing experience with Project Runway. I was so angry about Gretchen winning with that fugly ass collection for days after the finale aired. But with this finale, i was like meh, whoever wins or loses is fine with me.


I hope that Project Runway Junior gets rid of Vanessa Simmons and the stupid bedazzling/glue shit to a a dress aspect, both of which made me really dislike Threads.

  • Love 9

I normally don't agree with Heidi, but she was spot on when she said Candice's collection was a bit "Fredericks of Hollywood." I think Candice's inspiration for Candice's collection was Candice, Candice, Candice. I thought it was great when she was last among the finalists!

It doesn't bother me that the plus size models are only sizes 14-16 because the regular size models are only 0-2. Both are idealized versions of the demographic they represent.

I'm OK with Ashley's win. Her and Kelly's collections were the two most interesting, even though I don't know anyone who would wear most of their stuff. I happen to prefer 1950's Mexico to Studio 54 meets whatever.

PR really needs to revamp the casting process. They've really missed the boat lately.

  • Love 11

I forgot all about this show until I tripped over the finale last night...and I used to plan my week around it.

First, people who are wearing red pantsuits that make them look bowlegged (Heidi) and matchy red pumps with a DVF knockoff made from the 70s knit remaindered fabric section (Carrie) should not be judging a fashion anything. Ever.

Second, Kelly, honey, nobody should wear head to toe satin on television unless they're spanxed to the point of anoxia.

Third, no my GOD, they awarded that ridiculous skirt with the flowers and the poncho with the win? I get that it's sort of brave to take everything plus size women are told to avoid and put them in a collection (and wow some of thise women were beautiful despite the clothes) but there's a reason NO ONE wears a pleated skirt made from a moving blanket.

Awful. Really, really awful.

  • Love 14

As a fat woman, I would love to see clothes in my size like I see in Ann Taylor.  I have a professional job and want nice pieces but everything in my size (and budget) is awful.  I am not happy that Ashley won even though I liked her earlier in the season.  To be a plus-sized plus size designer, she can't even dress herself.  The lace top she wore at the runway show rode up all over and showed the underneath layer.  Why should I buy your designs when you can't properly fit yourself?  And the shorts on the one model that were riding up?  Do you really think people want to go around looking like there's more in their pants than there should be?


I'm pretty sure that the next winner will be designing for transgender since that's the "hot topic" right now.  I think PR Jr may get close since one of the contestants wants to design for drag queens.  I'm guessing that's the bridge between plus and transgender.

  • Love 12

I just can't... Stars have been wearing see through with granny pants underneath for a while-not new or innovative. Ashley's final outfit was the most costumy thing of the whole show and yet other designers are told they had outfits that looked like costumes, but not precious Ashley who was standing NEXT to a costume. Ashley had a couple of models whose waist's were clearly smaller than the waistlines on their skirts: therefore, the skirts made them look much bigger and heavier. The thing about Gretchen's win is that I think the judges did like her outfits, Ashley's win is more that the judges thought they should like her fashions. They should have had a judge who understood plus sizes on the panel. I think that Ashley is too smug about her 'gift' and her win.

I liked Edmund's best and thought his last black ruffling dress was beautiful. Kelly's collection was full of joy but doesn't appeal to me. Oh, and the comments about Kelly Osborne saying that there was buzz about Ashley's collection...I'm sure that there was buzz-as in disbelief. Buzz does not always mean good. All of the judges and Kelly Osborner need to learn one thing from the movie Mean Girls-"stop trying to make fetch happen."

  • Love 6

I wonder how many of Ashley 's outfits she would wear herself. I can't see her strutting down the avenue in that see through lace skirt with the purple panties or the blue dress with the mesh bands. I can't think of one plus size celebrity going for those looks. Okay, maybe the pink long tunic over the purple catsuit.... maybe.

I believe her collection represents what she and her small circle of friends *want* to wear.

I've never not been plus, and I've felt guilty criticizing her at times. But yeesh. That finale piece was horrifying and the shorts downright criminal in their construction and design suckiness.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 4

Just, the shorts.

Nobody involved in this show would have any way of knowing this, but it's hard for people with convex thighs to find shorts. They tend to ride up above that place you may have noticed on other people where the thighs don't have room between them.

So even if you're OK with emphasizing a body part many women prefer not to emphasize, the person wearing them gets to spend the day with bunchy fabric at their crotch and as often as not friction irritation on their (exposed) thighs. Which is why if your thighs are not completely smooth, your shorts have to fit really, really well.

Either that, or the designer could cut the legs of the shorts pointing up towards the crotch, cutting off the (comparatively) smooth outer leg and exposing every possible inch of (reddened, in very short order) fat bulge.

If Ashley's message is "I'm not interested in camouflaging what you think are my figure flaws. I just want to hang things I think are pretty off myself," fine. The problem is, they're unwearable.

Believe me, one of the very few categories for plus-sized women which is in ample supply is garments in unfortunate colors which restrict range of movement and require constant monitoring to control what's being exposed. Although garments which expose the fairly sturdy bras women who need breast support wear are close behind. And I could assemble better-made versions of every outfit Ashley showed from a catalogue in my recycling bin or an online store in my inbox.

It's not just that they fail as fashion. It's that they fail as clothing for fat women. And the idea that this is the bone Zac and Nina chose to throw woman over size four is really insulting.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 19

My angry rant on the finale


I am a big curvy girl and I would not want to ever be seen in the clothes that went down that runway.  The only thing to me that was runway worthy was the purple two piece gown which I must say I loved.  However the shorts were riding up in the middle and the pink pair was just ill fitting.  There were fitting problems with several of the pieces so I was angrily incredulous at her win.  I however did expect her to win when they kept reminding us that this was the first plus size show ever on PR


I still was in awe of the praise Kelly was given for the 80's mess that didn't even look good in the 80s.  The fanny packs were just my nightmare come true.  That they chose her over Edmond was just disheartening.  I only liked the first set that came down the runway.


I loved Edmond's pieces (except the deflated balloon dress) and that he had such a sophisticate flair.  When he was auf'd right after Candice I was so in shock I just turned away from the show.  I felt like this whole season was just a waste of time.


Candice thankfully did tone down her collection but she was given the villain edit because she rejected Ashley right after their win and was the main one trying to get Ashey auf'd.  I knew she had no chance of winning for that reason and the fact that her entire collection had a strong A McQueen influence and was indeed a bit costumey.  I liked it but i am a goth so I would.


All in all, it wasn't as good as when The Christians season but I had very high hopes for Edmond and he will go far.  As for Ashley, she may do well with help from a seasoned professional but on her own ....no.

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This show is so much easier to watch when you realize it's not a real competition. It's a TV show, and the producers are only trying to make good TV. They suck at it, but that's what they're trying to do. And this season they thought that having a plus-size collection win would be good TV.  It might have been with a different designer or a different collection. But, like I said, the people who put this show together suck at their jobs.

  • Love 9

Third, no my GOD, they awarded that ridiculous skirt with the flowers and the poncho with the win? I get that it's sort of brave to take everything plus size women are told to avoid and put them in a collection (and wow some of thise women were beautiful despite the clothes) but there's a reason NO ONE wears a pleated skirt made from a moving blanket.

Awful. Really, really awful.

I nearly peed my pants laughing at this!!


  • Love 2

So Carrie Underwood's acting skills from The Sound of Music couldn't save that choreographed outcome response . She hated it. I kind of like her for that. Not that Carrie Underwood has ever worn anything interesting.


Unflattering outfits for everyone!


Yes!  I loooooooved when Carrie Underwood told Ashley that she loved the hair and makeup - and then said nothing else about the collection. 

That girl was raised right in that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything but it really would have helped Kelly if she had.


Glued-on flowers on a pastel tent-wedding dress!  Bah!

  • Love 7

I swear, it Edmond had dress several of his pieces on a plus sized woman they would have ROCKED!!!!!  THAT is the stuff we curvy girls want to wear.  Not the day of the dead flowers on the head granny laced nightmares.

Glued-on flowers on a pastel tent-wedding dress!  Bah!

I forgot about that horrible mess.  If she did a pencil skirt or a mermaid skirt with that it would have rocked.  but that dress made the model look like she was 500 lbs.!

  • Love 12

Whatever, Swapnil for the win.


Swapnil defeated himself by melting under the pressure.  I still think that he's the most interesting designer by far, but he lost his drive or something as the weeks went on.  If he'd have blossomed under pressure, as Kelli did, he'd have been the winner by far and probably in the ranks of some of the early season designers...but he didn't.  We saw his creativity decline.  We saw his motivation decline.  This just wasn't the right kind of venue/showcase/event for him.   I think the same is true to a degree about Patricia from a couple of seasons back.  She was great at creating textiles and shapes, but wasn't right for a high pressure competition and the mean girl drama of her season.


Swapnil will be successful, just not in this competition.

  • Love 8

I thought Kelly was a bit of a bad loser (I know she is very popular here) and her pieces to me were the types of separates you can find in any junior store plus a couple of Star Trek type gowns.


I was thinking her clothes could go directly on to the rack at Charlotte Russe, not even H&M, cheap looking outfits that verge on hooker-ish and with lots of sparkles.

  • Love 4

I felt bad for Candice too, but she thought she was the cat's meow all season.    If she got her comeuppance, it wasn't undeserved -- even in this episode she condescendingly laughed at Kelly's collection.   Her utterance, "I let them water me down" was the ultimate statement of defeat, because she deprived herself of even the dignity of losing on her own terms.


I wish Candace would have let her flag fly.  That red floral dress was spectacular.  Send the wooden skirt down the runway.  Close out the show with the red and black gown with the massive hoop skirt.    I don't understand why they were telling her to scale it back while Kelli was being told to go big.  Yes, Candice's red and black looked like Morticia's hip young sister would love it...but Kelli's looked like what would be worn by Olivia Newton-John's character in Xanadu's younger sister who was addicted to ectasy and was turning tricks to pay for her addiction.  Honestly, she should have accessorized with friggin glow sticks.  

Edited by terrymct
  • Love 10

Did Heidi really say Kelly's "look with the matching fanny pack was very chic?"  There is no universe in which a fanny pack is chic.  What a dumb slave to fashion she is.


So Ashley thinks she's been given a gift while at the same time crying that people are mean to her.  The combo of big ego and self pity is not a good one.  


Ashley could have sent Hefty bags with glued on watermelon rinds down the runway and she would have won. PR and its judges were hell-bent on getting on the plus-size fashion train and the money and self-congratulation that comes with supporting that.


Also, I hope Kelly is getting treatment for what appears to be a goiter.  

Edited by RemoteControlFreak
  • Love 12

I wish Candace would have let her flag fly.  That red floral dress was spectacular.  Send the wooden skirt down the runway.  Close out the show with the red and black gown with the massive hoop skirt.    I don't understand why they were telling her to scale it back while Kelli was being told to go big. 


Candice is the one who confuses me. She already has investors. So for her, the choice was on the one hand, $100k, a title with no particular cachet or correlation with success, and a spot on one of Mondo's pop-up tours of the suburbs if Michelle and Dom are busy. On the other hand, a chance to spread her wings at NYFW and on television. That should have been a no-brainer. 

  • Love 5

First- now I know why I never will watch this "live" again. The amount of commercials was ridiculous!  At one point they cam back after a break, did 4 minutes of show and took another break that lasted 8 minutes!  And enough of the PR Jr. pushing.  I hate every one of those smug little snowflakes thanks to "lets meet the designers" segments wedged into the real reason I'm watching your stupid network, Lifetime.  And if self-promoting the precocious moppets wasn't enough, we get a mine add for Kellie Pickler (whoops) I mean Carrie Underwood's album AND her clothing line. I guess I am more dependent on my DVR & the FF button than I thought.


So, I am disappointed Ashley won.  I think it was a wasted attempt for Heidi et al to pat themselves on the back for working in "plus size" clothes and models.  I wish the designer they chose to make this "brave" statement was worthy of the challenge.  Some of Ashley's designs this season were good but I hated everything in her final collection.  I wear size 12 to 16 depending on the brand.  There was nothing in that Carmen Miranda collection that looked like a quality garment or flattered any of those models. The fit, the cut, the materials...nothing was flattering. I know her inspiration was '50's Mexico City, but all I could think of when I saw her final dress with the hair salon caplet was the "Beauty School Dropout" dream sequence from "Grease".  Good thing that last model didn't have the flower arrangement on her head a la the pyramid of curlers  like the movie or Nina would have been shouting "derivative!!!" from her seat.  Badly sewn, badly styled.


I loved Edmond's collection and thought his was the most commercial.  I hope he has a lot of success from his appearance on this show.  Kelly too.


And Candice, when you come in 4th in a competition vs. first, that is called "losing".  Don't try to tell us in your TH that you can't consider it a "loss".  It was & you did.  And retire the bangs and RED! lipstick for a while.  You looked so much better with the bangs off your face and the nude lip.

  • Love 5

In defense of Ashley (and no, I don't think she should have won)....designing flattering clothing for plus-size women as a group is next to impossible.


There are five main female body shapes; apple, pear, rectangle, inverted triangle, and hourglass.


If you're tall and thin, how much your body shape influences whether the silhouettes you choose are flattering is minimal. After all, there are accessories (such as belts to cinch in a waist, or heels of different heights to slightly change one's posture - which affects fit), and alterations that can be made to "tweak" a particular design to better flatter a particular individual's body shape.


The shorter and heavier you are, the more pronounced and obvious effect your body shape has on your clothing decisions.


If a plus-size designer knew at the outset exactly who their models would be (their body shape; apple, pear, etc.), and could design specifically for each model, their looks would be much more flattering - on those individuals. But would they be flattering on most women who fall into the category of "plus-size"? No. They would be flattering on plus-size women with the same body shape.


Put an outfit designed to flatter a large-size "rectangle" on a woman with a large-size "pear" body-shape and she is not going to look her best.


So, the question is, can a plus-size designer be profitable creating outfits that are only flattering to 1/5th of the plus-size market? That doesn't even take into account personal tastes of those who fall into that 1/5th category a particular "plus-size" outfit has been carefully designed to flatter. It doesn't matter how good that little black dress (LBD) you designed to perfectly flatter an apple-shaped customer if that customer hates black and/or has no occasion to ever wear a LBD.


To be profitable and successful, a designer has to create clothing that is both attractive and flattering to the greatest number of customers. That is quite a challenge for those designing for the plus-size market, and I think it's why we don't see designers creating collections especially for plus-size women that are as flattering and fashion-forward as those which are available to taller, thinner women.

  • Love 13

I wish Candace would have let her flag fly.  That red floral dress was spectacular.  Send the wooden skirt down the runway.  Close out the show with the red and black gown with the massive hoop skirt.   


I sort of wonder if the judges deliberately sabotaged Candice.   Told her to strip it down so that she wouldn't eclipse Ashley's steaming pile of pastel.   Even if the original version of Candice's collection didn't meet their definition of good, it would  have been the most memorable thing to walk that runway, hands down.  But the judges couldn't let her outshine the bride, could they? 


Did you see Candice's face fracture when Heidi said "Fredericks of Hollywood?"


I'm sorry, but that was plain mean.  Especially from a trashy dresser like Heidi Klum.

Edited by millennium
  • Love 20

If Edmond had not put the TP dress and the black flamenco gown in his collection, he might have eked out that win. They love his simpler sexy designs. I knew when I saw that white dress and they flashed to Heidi's face that it was all over for Edmond at that point.


I agree, PepperMonkey. Tim torpedoed Edmond by telling him to include those pieces, when Edmond was scrambling to "fix" his collection. Once a beloved mentor, Tim has sold his soul to TPTB...

  • Love 4

 Oh, and the comments about Kelly Osborne saying that there was buzz about Ashley's collection...I'm sure that there was buzz-as in disbelief. Buzz does not always mean good. All of the judges and Kelly Osborner need to learn one thing from the movie Mean Girls-"stop trying to make fetch happen."

Yes, I thought this too!  The audience may not have been "happy" so much as laughing in disbelief that anyone would ever wear such ugly clothes.   


On another note, I'm reminded of all the "real women" challenges where the designer lucky enough to score the most model-like "real" woman wins.  You can almost predict who will be top and bottom in those challenges,  by the size of the models, which points up for me how phony this whole season was.  Plus-size women going up against slimmer women in a challenge don't normally have much of a chance. 

  • Love 2

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