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S31.E02: Survivor MacGyver

Tara Ariano
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I loved every minute of this episode. Except I wanted to hug Abi and I'm glad Terry came to her side. I just wish both Spencer and Shirin could have gone together. He sucks up like no one I have ever seen.

Woo finally got a clue.

Shirin, maybe the reason you always have a bad time is because.... you're Shirin, and how you treat people will come back to you??

I love Varner. I would love to have him over for dinner. Our N.C. drawls are dead-on alike. :)

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Did Savage's confessional regarding Stephen's comment about Jeremy seem self-involved to anyone else? "Maybe he wanted to have a moment thinking about his wife because of my story?" Because it's all about you, isn't it...


Is Peih-Gee on anyone's radar? I think both Spencer and Shirin left her out of their confessionals entirely about the opposing alliances.


I loved the animal shots in this episode.


I'm a bit surprised that Spencer, who is more likely to go on an immunity run than Shirin, wasn't the one sent home tonight.

Edited by jsm1125
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I kind of like the geezer alliance on TaKeo.


Oh oh, here's Abi blowing up! Ha! Oh darn, now I feel a little sorry for Abi now that she's by herself. Nice and strategic of Dietz to go and talk to her.  That's kind of gross when Jeff tells Abi that her moments turn him on.  But the guys are smart to reel Abi in. I'm also curious to see Kass' game now after hearing her confessional about how she played the first time.


Gosh that baby monkey is cute! Shirin is too desperate now. She forgot that she has to get people to like her first. People like to feel they're worth more than just a vote.


Kelley buried her idol, didn't she? If someone else finds it, does she still keep it or does it belong to the other person?  (That Johnsonville commercial is funny. "I'll have dinner in my room with chocolate milk!") I hope she retrieves it before the tribal switchup.

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The Joe worship is getting old really fast. We get it he's hot and great at everythhing. We don't need everyone on the tribe to validate it. It's making me not like him.


Kass girl stop you were one of the most horrible people during your season. So whatever.


WTF is up with Abi? Spencer asks Peih-Gee about the chimney and she gets all stank and then gets in an argument with her at night and starts crying because Shirin didn't have her back. Why would I back someone that's causing a fight? Terry goes that her alliance should have backed her up or be with her at the beach, again why? It's a little too early to think about taking Abi to the end, she would have to survive the merge, she might piss off too many people that they'll want to vote her off and risk not getting a vote from her in the finale.


Maybe Peih-Gee shouldn't have talked about Abi within earshot of Abi, but can we blame her. Abi is a shit stirrer. She's an annoying ass hat and I have to keep putting up with her and her nonsense.


Ta Keo is just a flat out mess. Shirin comes in to do the puzzle and immediately spazzes. 


I was scared that Spencer was going to be eliminated. Thank goodness he stayed, as I didn't care much for Shirin. 

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This episode was full of kumbaya, but I guess it's nice to see that human decency can still be present in the game of Survivor.

I used to have a major crush on Varner in Australia and loved his alliance with Alicia. He may not look the same but he still has the awesome commentary and great humor. I hope he makes it till the end just so I can hear his amusing THs and I hope he doesn't get all cocky and irritating. And so far he is playing a smart game but it's only episode 2.

Is there supposed to be a hidden immunity idol at every challenge?

TC was touching and full of truths and good but in a different way than what I feel when I see an awesome blindside. Shireen was the right person to be voted out over Spencer for all the reasons Varner stated.

Edited by dizzyd
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I was going to say Ta Keo is playing a social game vs. a physical game but it doesn't matter now because

next week they are going to change it up to three tribes.

I like that idea, should be interesting.

Good speech Spencer, I think it saved him. I'm glad Shirin got the boot. My head hurt everytime she talked.

Edited by GenL
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I am glad that Spencer survived. He was my pre-season pick to win but liking the older wily vets like Terry, Varner, and Savage. They will go far, but think a young gun will beat them.

Edited by susannot
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It's the second episode.  Could we can it with the crying?   I still get annoyed when people act like someone's been raised from the dead during the family visit but you've been away from home a couple of weeks.  Did none of these people go to college?  A business trip?  A sleepover in middle school?


 Savage is bad enough when he's being smug, but being weepy?  Mushy is not a good look on him.   I hate that he's kinda hot, but can't he just stand there as set dressing?


 Varner's glee at Abi's antics is...odd.  But entertaining.


 WTF with the pan flute during tribal?  Especially during Spencer's plea.  Did someone pick up a mix tape from the hotel spa?


 Bye, bye Shirin.  Didn't want her back in the first place and glad to see her put upon self sent packing.  I would much rather have Spencer around than her.

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Well, that sucked. Seriously, I can't root for anyone from TKO. Fuck 'em. All they see in Abi-Maria is a goat that they can ride to the million bucks. And it's going to be torture for viewers.


Seriously, Shirin doesn't stand up for Abi-Maria, and she's out as a result? I used to say that as far as Brazilians on reality shows went, Abi-Maria wasn't as bad as Camilia from The Challenge. I might have to fix that statement. Shirin wanted to get away from the drama, and she's out because Terry (freakin' Terry!) had a few moments with her. And I kinda want to kick Jeff Varner in the head. I don't know where the emotion comes from, but I want to follow it.


At least Shirin didn't get shat upon like Dan and the others did to her in S30. Thank goodness for small favors.


I can't think of Kelly by any other name. "Wiglesworth" sounds like a naughty pug.

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Thank you Ta Keo!

Amazing how people just don't learn. Did Shirin really not see the parallel to how she acted to Abi compared to when Whatshisface was going off on her?

And Andrew thank you SO MUCH for not changing. Last week you were in the group who accused Stephen of looking for an idol, and this week you bitch and moan that Stephen DARED to suggest Jeremy was looking for an idol.

Andrew, your disdain for Stephen is noted. It feels like a code to me, but I won't make any assumptions. Ass. I do feel vindicated for never warming to him.

Is his wife dead? Because I didn't get why his story was so emotional.

Varner wearing his sleeveless shirt and tie and then wearing the shirt with the ripped sleeves over the elbows cracked me up.

Terry is human! At least he changed.

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So clearly the lesson here is to never align with Shirin or hell Spencer, because it just always goes to shit. For two people so obsessed with the game, much like with Shirin and Max last season, Spencer and Shirin played this really badly. Part of being strategic is paying attention and I would think Spencer would know that. We saw last season that Shirin is pretty bad at reading the room but I am really disappointed in Spencer that he was so clearly clueless about the vibe of the tribe and what was really going on.

Last time Spencer played, he just ended up on the wrong side of the numbers but he was fairly attentive of what was going on and he was actually good at staying quiet I thought. So it's interesting that this time he over-talked himself into trouble so quickly. I also think he is a victim of his own arrogance and I say this as someone who really likes Spencer. But him not trying to secure some side deal with Woo who he played with before was stupid, especially because Woo proved last time how whatever you may think of his game-play, he is loyal to a fault. But my guess is Spencer still thinks Woo is an idiot and just didn't bother, which kudos to Woo for pretty much being "screw you for trying to get my vote now, after you never said anything to me."

All that said, I'm not surprised they went for Shirin instead Spencer because they probably figured they needed him for challenges which is fair because honestly, I think they lost that challenge partly because of Shirin. She kept yelling instructions at Spencer and was panicking and I think if they'd just left him alone for a few seconds, he would have figured out the puzzle, because he was doing fine. However, I have a very strong feeling that NOT getting rid of Spencer, much like his original season, will come back and bite them down the road. I'm wondering if Spencer will realize how dangerous Varner is because Varner is playing. That man is definitely paying attention.

So another person who hasn't learned anything is Joe. Joe thinks the problem last season was that he didn't provide enough or show how needed he was? No, Joe, they knew they needed you. You became a threat once the merge happened and everyone knew they had to get rid of you or you'd go on an insane immunity run. And securing two challenges in a row for your tribe is not going to change people's mind about that.

I'm still not seeing Joe being really strategic but hey being strategic almost got Spencer eliminated and did get Shirin eliminated so maybe just being the nice, provider guy is the way to go for now. I just still feel like Joe will once again be kept around for votes and be eliminated as soon as the merge happens because he's too much of a threat. I mean really, who the hell would want to sit next to a guy as nice as Joe in the end?

So yeah who wants to take bets on how long nice Kass lasts? Also, why does Savage speak in that slow, whispery way? And am I the only one who finds him incredibly smug and pretentious in everything he says, just because of how he says it? Honestly I find him and Varner both incredibly smug which is interesting with all the new school vs. old school and how they made it seem like the new school were the not so nice ones because they strategize or whatever.

Edited by cooksdelight
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Varner uses Spencer and Shirin to take out Vitas, then turns on them.  Well done, but don't get too comfortable.  Pinky swear with Woo.  He might give you $900K.


He should know a swap is coming.


Enough of the crying already!  It's only the first week.

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Spencer weeping on day 6 made me laugh. It must be his hormones making him so irrational.

I've been worried that the game has been too centered on "Big Moves!!" I'm glad they came out and said that the social game is still vital. I never thought I'd say this, but Woo was right. You can't talk to someone for the first time in six days and expect them to want to help you. An alliance isn't just numbers, it's a relationship.

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I kind of like the geezer alliance on TaKeo.


Oh oh, here's Abi blowing up! Ha! Oh darn, now I feel a little sorry for Abi now that she's by herself. Nice and strategic of Dietz to go and talk to her.  That's kind of gross when Jeff tells Abi that her moments turn him on.  But the guys are smart to reel Abi in. I'm also curious to see Kass' game now after hearing her confessional about how she played the first time.


Gosh that baby monkey is cute! Shirin is too desperate now. She forgot that she has to get people to like her first. People like to feel they're worth more than just a vote.


Kelley buried her idol, didn't she? If someone else finds it, does she still keep it or does it belong to the other person?  (That Johnsonville commercial is funny. "I'll have dinner in my room with chocolate milk!") I hope she retrieves it before the tribal switchup.


Nope. It is Kelley's idol. It is actually smart to bury it in the jungle because if someone else does find it they won't know whose it is as opposed to the people that keep it in their bag where anyone can look and find it.

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Amazing how people just don't learn. Did Shirin really not see the parallel to how she acted to Abi compared to when Whatshisface was going off on her?


These were not the same at all.  Whatshisface went off on Shirin in an intimidating, bullying and extremely personal/non-game way.  Not even just saying she was annoying.  And this was after days or weeks of shunning and bullying.  This is just what?  Day 2? 3? and All Peih-Gee said was Abi was annoying or drama-ing, Abi overheard and confronted her and they had a very run of the mill argument.  And why would anyone, need to "have her back" with that?  What would they say "Yes, Peih-Gee said that"  Peih-Gee said she said that, she owned up to it.  And Peih-Gee said she'd still vote with Abi because you don't have to like someone to stay in an alliance with them.  That was just odd.  Shouldn't Peih-Gee have been a target, for saying the thing in the first place?

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Each tribe only has one, and it's only hidden if the tribe found the clue before the challenge. A video online said it was going to be placed on the 3rd A frame on top, but Bayon didn't find the clue (or, at least, so we didn't see), so that idol wasn't there.

Wow. I can't imagine anyone trying to be inconspicuous about reaching for that one. Casually walking back and climbing while everyone was busy with the puzzle? I don't think so.

I'm happy Jeremy's wife is pregnant. I really liked her.

Edited by Haleth
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Abi is the literal worst. She acts completely insane and is rude to everyone, and then somehow Spencer and Shirin pay for it. Say what? 


All the Joe love and adoration is making me hopeful that they're setting him up for a very satisfying blindside later on in the season. No one can be that perfect at everything and sail smoothly to the end, can they? Moreover, the guy has a great body but he's not working with much in the face. So the "Oh, Joe's so perfect!" comments are lost on me. 


That scene with Savage recounting how he met his wife and their eventual marriage was... weird? Like, it just felt like it came out of nowhere. 

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That scene with Savage recounting how he met his wife and their eventual marriage was... weird? Like, it just felt like it came out of nowhere. 


Yes, it was very weird to me.  And he was crying?  I didn't quite know what to make of it.  It seemed so random and overwrought.

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Spencer survives what is essentially a coin flip tribal...again. Spencer grovels at the feet of the tribe...again.


And Spencer lucks into a tribe swap directly following that...again. Now watch, he will end up in a good position as a result...again.


Spencer for luckiest Survivor.


EDIT: Next time spoilers...

Edited by MKL122788
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Spencer weeping on day 6 made me laugh. It must be his hormones making him so irrational.

Thank you! I don't feel so terrible now, knowing that it wasn't just me.

I love Varner. Seriously, I've always loved Varner. Let's just hope he doesn't do anything repulsive this season to make me regret saying that.

Shirin seemed to have mellowed out a bit, so I'm a little bummed she was voted out so quickly. While I hate Abi, I felt bad that they left her solo on the beach to partake in the massive comedy-set mockery against her. Yet still, knowing that nobody will vote against her in the end means that we might have weeks of Abi-complaints ahead.

Let's hope that the 3-tribe split next week changes that.

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Yes, it was very weird to me.  And he was crying?  I didn't quite know what to make of it.  It seemed so random and overwrought.

I was wondering if his wife had died, but I guess not. I think he was playing the room for sympathy and bonding (which he took advantage of with Jeremy).

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These were not the same at all. Whatshisface went off on Shirin in an intimidating, bullying and extremely personal/non-game way. Not even just saying she was annoying. And this was after days or weeks of shunning and bullying. This is just what? Day 2? 3? and All Peih-Gee said was Abi was annoying or drama-ing, Abi overheard and confronted her and they had a very run of the mill argument. And why would anyone, need to "have her back" with that? What would they say "Yes, Peih-Gee said that" Peih-Gee said she said that, she owned up to it. And Peih-Gee said she'd still vote with Abi because you don't have to like someone to stay in an alliance with them. That was just odd. Shouldn't Peih-Gee have been a target, for saying the thing in the first place?

But that's the thing. Whether it was rational or not, which it wasn't, Abi thought Shirin was going to back her up and console her when she felt bad. But Shirin didn't. She just skulked away, and when Abi was sitting by herself someone she wasn't even aligned with at the time is the one who came over.

Shirin should have been perceptive enough to just lie to Abi and make agreeing noises with her just to diffuse the situation.

So perhaps my hyperbole got in the way, and it wasn't like when that guy was so rotten, and really it was just my convoluted way of saying that Shirin was dumb in that situation.

And I don't even LIKE Abi.

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I don't see the situation with Abi as anywhere close what Shirin dealt with in her original season. Abi and Pei Gei were having an argument; Shirin walked away because she was aligned with both and didn't want to get involved. In Shirin's season, she was screamed at and told that nobody back home loved her and that everyone on the island despised her. I'm annoyed already that Jeff turned this into a comparison.


I agree completely, but Shirin really should have known better than to align with Abi, she's just nuts (in the game, seems perfectly pleasant in real life). 

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Savage reminded me of that guy in Beverly Hills 90210 who's name I can never remember, probably because I never watched that show but I knew who he was. He must be under the assumption that there is an Emmy for Best Reality Nervous Breakdown Ever award.

If Savage and Spencer are already crying, they won't be long for this game. Thankfully.

I really think someone no one expects to win will take this to the bank.

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I really liked this episode. Loved the scenery and animals. Very interesting to watch the numbers totally shift and how Shirin and Spencer went from power positions to scrambling to stay. It seemed like Shirin almost tried to play the victim card at tribal. When Jeff asked her about the game and she stated that it was similar to her last season it was like she was implying that the rest of the tribe was shunning her/picking on her instead of her ignoring those she did not feel she needed were just going to vote her out Nobody yelled at her or rejected her, yet she had victim demeanor going full time at tribal council. Nevertheless, I was really entertained by how the tables turned.

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Savage reminded me of that guy in Beverly Hills 90210 who's name I can never remember

Luke Perry?


I thought maybe he was going to pull a Johnny Fairplay and say his wife had died, and then laugh in a confessional that she wasn't really dead.

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For me this season is has been amazing so far! Idol twists, 2 neck and neck close votes at both tribal councils soooo much more suspenseful to watch than big brother and

a 3 tribe format twist next week. Next week the game will literally reset its like the premiere all over again doesnt get much better than that.

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That was a really unsatisfying tribal.  I figured Shirin wasn't long for the game, but I liked her in her first season and hoped she'd last longer.  And I don't mind Spencer, either, but his "I'll get to know you all better, I promise, just give me another chance" speech was unpleasantly desperate. 


Abi, thy name is hypocrite.  Don't whine about other people talking about you behind your back when you're guilty of doing the same.  I wish Peih-Gee had been even more direct in telling her that she had done just that during The Great Bracelet Non-Caper.  I couldn't even feel sorry for Abi when she was alone on the beach, because the appropriate response to Peih-Gee would have been, "You're right, and I'm sorry I did that.  Abi's 'whatever' attitude didn't quite get there.


Varner is walking a fine line between entertaining and annoying self-congratulatory about being the only old-schooler who's smart enough to figure out the new-schoolers, or something like that.  I like him, so I hope he tips back towards the entertaining side of that line.


Thank goodness for cute monkeys.

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Luke Perry?


I thought maybe he was going to pull a Johnny Fairplay and say his wife had died, and then laugh in a confessional that she wasn't really dead.

Yes, thank you, that guy!! I was waiting for the same thing.... "She died.... SHE DIED IN MY ARMS!!!" with a snakey laugh in his confessional. And a shitty look from Probst later.

Shirin almost tried to play the victim card at tribal

Now, more than ever, I would love to know more about her first go-around and what was really said that we never saw.

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Shirin should thank her lucky stars that she had Dan and Will around last season. Not that I'm saying she deserved the smack down Will gave her, but thanks to that as well as the chauvinism and sexism with the men, she really got a golden edit. I really think it would have turned out much differently for her if she had been the annoying tag-along super fan. So she blew another puzzle, too. If she ever does come back hopefully they know better than to let her perform in a puzzle task again.

I always love how the other tribe looks so shocked at who was voted out.

I have a feeling this tribe swap is going to screw the Bayon crew. Ta'Keo is a delicious mess, and they deserve to go down in flames. However, Ta'Keo has people TPTB more likely want to see last.

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I couldn't stand either Spencer or Shirin last time, nor this time either.  As soon as Spencer referred to being in control of the game, I wanted him to flame out spectacularly.  Maybe next week. 


I love Varner with every fiber of my being.  He & Terry were genius in cuddling up to Abi and making her feel valued.  THAT is the only way to keep her reined in.  I also loved her basically telling Shirin that she was a target and there was nothing she could do about it.  


Burned bridges, people!  

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Andrew Savage is one of the few Survivors I really intensely dislike: him, Rocky, Philip Sheppard, Ben Browning. I like RHantz more than Savage, and that's saying something. His story was utterly ridiculous - he acted like he found a supermodel in a room and then she died - but then he married her instead or something. His hypocrisy over Fishbach's comment is typical Savage. A more self-involved tossbag you will not find. He has this impossibly narrow view of gender - men are these 3 qualities, women for the most part are irrelevant because they lack those qualities. Exist beyond those boundaries and he has nothing but contempt for you. I still burn when I remember his actual disgust that Lil, sad sack as she was, didn't just roll over and die for his own cause a second time. That she actually got a clue and got rid of him is his greatest humiliation. Awful, smug egotist that dude.


The 180 I did this episode was on Terry. He and Savage are cut from a similar cloth, but his move with Abi, as insufferable as she may be, was smart social play. I can't believe I'm saying this, because I have not been a fan of his, but he was absolutely MVP of this episode.

Edited by Shock Corridor
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I actually kind of hated this episode. I don't know if I can stomach a whole season of Abi. She's such a shit stirring drama queen that likes to dish it out but can't take it back in return. I'm not mad that Shirin went I'm just upset that I have to endure Abi for another episode.

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Reminder- previews are talked about in the Spoiler and Specuulation thread. A lot of people purposefully avoid previews, so let's keep it out of the episode threads. I've edited and deleted threads with preview content.

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I feel like the general public's feeling about Joe (overrated, can do no wrong) is my feeling about Spencer. I just don't see it. I can't stand him because I feel like he thinks there's only one way to play Survivor: scheme, scheme, scheme. Idol! Alliance! Backstab! Blindside! It was the epitome of his sanctimonious lecture to Woo his first time around: you're not playing Survivor the right way.


To me, a gamer is someone who reads the room. If the tribe is a bunch of backstabbers, be a backstabber. If the tribe is a bunch of social gamers, be a social gamer. If the tribe is a bunch of challenge competitors, be a challenge competitor. Or if you can't do any of those things, at least maneuver yourself into one of these groups.


I think the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction, and I'm glad to see the oldskool people bringing it back. Survivor does not have to be scheming all. the. time. That's not the only way to win. And quite frankly, players like that are getting tiresome. Savage needed to be less self-centered about it, but he was absolutely right: every time someone goes off by themselves, they don't have to be looking for an idol. Every time someone has a conversation, they don't have to be in an alliance. You need to be aware of other's actions, but not to the point where everything! is! a! game! move! To me, that's just as boring as an under-the-radar player. And no, it's not the "right way" to play either.


In other words: Shut up, Spencer.

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I'm relatively new to Survivor -- loved both Spencer and Kass on their seasons. I was glad he made it through.  Most of the early season people are unknowns to me, so it is interesting to see the interactions. I understand wanting to keep the goats around, but this early in the game, don't teams need some brute strength? Voting out Vytas last week, and almost Spencer this week undermines the physical strength of the team. And since they've lost both immunity challenges, I thought that strategy was odd.


How did Abi make it back on the show? Weren't these people all voted on by fans? Is she adored by some faction out there in Survivorland?  Or did she make it in just for the drama? I was hoping she'd be gone last week.

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I'm relatively new to Survivor -- loved both Spencer and Kass on their seasons. I was glad he made it through.  Most of the early season people are unknowns to me, so it is interesting to see the interactions. I understand wanting to keep the goats around, but this early in the game, don't teams need some brute strength? Voting out Vytas last week, and almost Spencer this week undermines the physical strength of the team. And since they've lost both immunity challenges, I thought that strategy was odd.


How did Abi make it back on the show? Weren't these people all voted on by fans? Is she adored by some faction out there in Survivorland?  Or did she make it in just for the drama? I was hoping she'd be gone last week.


Yes Abi is very popular especially amongst the Survivor Sucks demographic.

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I feel like the general public's feeling about Joe (overrated, can do no wrong) is my feeling about Spencer. I just don't see it. I can't stand him because I feel like he thinks there's only one way to play Survivor: scheme, scheme, scheme. Idol! Alliance! Backstab! Blindside! It was the epitome of his sanctimonious lecture to Woo his first time around: you're not playing Survivor the right way.


To me, a gamer is someone who reads the room. If the tribe is a bunch of backstabbers, be a backstabber. If the tribe is a bunch of social gamers, be a social gamer. If the tribe is a bunch of challenge competitors, be a challenge competitor. Or if you can't do any of those things, at least maneuver yourself into one of these groups.


I think the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction, and I'm glad to see the oldskool people bringing it back. Survivor does not have to be scheming all. the. time. That's not the only way to win. And quite frankly, players like that are getting tiresome. Savage needed to be less self-centered about it, but he was absolutely right: every time someone goes off by themselves, they don't have to be looking for an idol. Every time someone has a conversation, they don't have to be in an alliance. You need to be aware of other's actions, but not to the point where everything! is! a! game! move! To me, that's just as boring as an under-the-radar player. And no, it's not the "right way" to play either.


In other words: Shut up, Spencer.

Love and agree with every word of your post. I think that whip-smart young Spencer has also figured all of this out.
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I remember his actual disgust that Lil, sad sack as she was, didn't just roll over and die for his own cause a second time. That she actually got a clue and got rid of him is his greatest humiliation.


I would so love it if they had Lil come back in some kind of super outcast twist or something,  he wakes up, and she's just staring at him, "Andrew, you said you would get back to me, I'm still waiting." The look on his face would be priceless.

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