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S10.E09: Swimming With The Sharks

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Ugh, Vicki I just can't with her. She's so crass, loud and obnoxious and thinks she's just so funny.  Vicki dear, the snoring is old, the holier than thou attitude is old, your ignorance of other cultures and traditions is old; you may be the OG of the OC but your schtick is old.


I agree Neeners, Shannon's kookiness and her talking heads are hilarious (when she's not waxing poetic about David).


Edited to add...forgot how much I just love to hear Vicki wretch and scream through her vacations.  Lordy she is so taxing.

Edited by RegalRegin
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Well, I guess I'll go over to the other side of room but I actually felt bad when Vicki and Tamra kept going at it with Meg about having a baby after Meg was getting visibly upset, especially with Vicki talking about 'bearing' a child.  Yeah, Vicks, well maybe it isn't that simple and Meg didn't owe her an explanation.  Obviously, Meg would like to have one of her own.  Tamra and Vicki aren't helping.  And yes, I understand that Meg may be overstepping with her stepchildren but it was time for Vicki and Tam to shut up.  Credit to Heather for actually listening to Meg later on and understanding her point of view without criticism.


God, I would need earplugs if I had to be within 20 feet of Vicki.  I did enjoy Shannon, Vicki and Tamra getting drunk and having fun but could do without the licking and the WIU.  I guess it's all relative when comparing to what has happened on RHNY when some of the women get drunk.


Note to Meg - age shaming isn't humorous.  You'll find out soon enough. 

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Shut up, Meghan! I don't give a damn about your desperate attempts to smother.




I get what charmed1 is saying about Meghan deserving a bit of understanding. JUST A BIT. Because on the one hand, if you haven't had your own kids, OF COURSE you don't know what it's like to have given birth to your own child. 


At the same time, *hearing that* all the time, spoken in a certain tone, gets really old, and becomes a tad insulting. Like, you can't POSSIBLY EVER KNOW what it's REALLY LIKE--and thus you're somehow mentally and emotionally incapable of fathoming what love is, what feelings are, and what it's like to suffer, have a burdensome struggle, or deal with complicated issues. 


In Meghan's case, I think that a good chunk of the way she manifests her feelings comes out as a bid for attention--but I don't doubt that she really does care about the kids.


And she *is* right. They don't know what it's like to be a stepmom. It *is* different and comes with its own set of challenges.


Mind you I don't have any kids, at all, so I'm sure someone somewhere is looking at me with judgy eyes!

Edited by ivygirl
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Meghan and her age-shaming can just go suck it!!  


As far as I can see, the "old" ladies were having a whole lot more fun than the "young" ones....


And, I honestly think that Tamra did that topless jump into the ocean because she wants to maintain her "hottest housewife" title.  She paid for those new boobs, she wanted to show them off.  And show them off, she did.  As much as I hate to admit it, Tamra does have a great body, and she looks waaaay better than giraffe body Meghan.  Meghan is very, very, very thin and very, very, very muscular - not an ounce of fat on that girl, and not a curve to be found anywhere.  Her butt looked weird in that semi-thong suit bottom.  


I guess we now know what attracted Jim to her - her body resembles a baseball bat.

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Heather is much better away from her Terry/building a manse storyline. 


Dammit Tamra and Vicki, don't make me defend Meghan. So according to Vicki, the only way to be a true mother is to give birth. Tell that to all the adoptive moms out there. And I want to high five Meghan when she was eye rolling and complaining in her TH about how Tams and Vicks complain about the food. Unless its fries and chicken nuggets, they turn up their noses. 


Shannon needs to stop with the herbs and crap. It's clearly not working if you have to use a nebulizer every day. 


Why do they need to be so loud and drunk in nice restaurants? It;s so disrespectful of the other diners and the staff. 


I want to go to Moorea. The water looks spectacular and like heather, I want to stay in a hut over water.

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Now Meghan is mourning Leeann's passing (the funeral apparently was this past weekend), and her stepchildren's grief, by going away on vacation, just her and Jimmy, leaving the kids behind.  She's so selfless that I just can't help but believe she's doing it for the kids, that this seemingly incredibly callous move isn't somehow for them!  I'm just sure of it.  



Edited by OhGromit
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"Old people get tired"?  Ugh.  She's so lame.  Does she ever think that her attitude is the reason she's so unpopular?  No one wanted to hug her when the two groups met up.  Also?  That giraffe neck and pinhead won't age well so she'd better hope ol' Jimmy's eyesight starts failing or she'll find herself selling medical supplies in St. Louis again. 


Vicki driving that golf cart on the path right up to the door was HILARIOUS.  I'd rather hang out with Vicki, Tamra and Shannon than the others and I think the three of them just didn't want to spend anymore time with Meghan.  "Who squeezed my lime? I didn't squeeze it."  "Shannon, I want to lick you."  "I think I spilled my drink!" They were TRASHED and I loved it.  Drinking "champs" with Heather and Meghan would not be a fun time.


Meghan's hair looked like shit at that night. Did she bring a brush to Moorea?

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Hmmm, I must have missed the part about Jim having a vasectomy. Maybe Meghan is re-thinking?

Tamra is so crass. Can't remember the specifics, but there were some TH of her in the beginning that were just attention-seeking, IMO.

In the first episode when Meghan meets up with Heather she mentions that Jim has had a vasectomy and Heather generously offers some embryos she and Terry created they won't be using.  No comments as to the appropriateness of the offer or conversation in general.

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Okay, so I don't have kids and I'm not a step-mom but I remember Gisele Bunchen getting into similar trouble for saying she loved her step-son as her own. What is wrong with Meghan wishing that the kids were hers?

It's really insensitive and dismissive to the mother's role in their children's lives. It's one thing to say you love your step children, or even that you love them like they were your own, but to say you wish they were yours? Again, what does that say about their mother? That being said, I thought Vicki and Tamra were entirely out of line in telling Meghan that you can only love a child if you give birth to one. Vicki, in particular, was being her typically rude, cruel, and obnoxious self.

I hate vacation Vicki. She gives me a headache.

Who would you least want to go on vacation with? Vicki or Ramona? This needs to be a WWHL poll question.

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Why do people make such a big deal about friggin boobs? Tarma was topless...who cares?! I couldn't care less if my gym owner or real estate agent was naked. Again. Who cares? They are just boobs.

People make too big a deal over the human body.

I'll take Tamra over Shannon any day. At least Tamra is fun. Shannon was the inspiration for the Debbie Downer character on Saturday Night Live. I can't stand her.

David will never hear the end of it for letting his kids have some fun. Poor guy. I hope he still has a happy, peppy, perky side piece.

I really hope Vicki is never anybody's step mother.

Edited by Maharincess
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I'm in my late 40's and I am absolutely embarrassed how Vicki, Tamra and Shannon acted. I hate Vickie as much as I hate Ramona from NY, but Shannon hasn't bothered me to badly, but girl is trying waaaay too hard to be fun-not buying it. Why is it so fucking hard for these morons to have fun without being LOUD and DRUNK.? Christ on a cracker, learn to hold yor liquor by the time your 25! And Bravo, WIU is not funny, ever, and if that is all you got to show us, RH's is really circling the drain. What a waste of a fabulous trip.

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I'm young and I get tired. My body wastes so much energy fighting itself that I don't have as much for fun as I'd like. At least Meghan saved her bitching for her talking heads. People like Vicki who want all party all the time just wear me out. Also, what is up with her threatening to barf wherever she's sitting? I can't be the only one grossed out by this.

ETA: Why do they keep ordering the same drink and expecting different results? How is that fun?

Edited by crabbypants
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I'm in my late 40's and I am absolutely embarrassed how Vicki, Tamra and Shannon acted. I hate Vickie as much as I hate Ramona from NY, but Shannon hasn't bothered me to badly, but girl is trying waaaay too hard to be fun-not buying it. Why is it so fucking hard for these morons to have fun without being LOUD and DRUNK.? Christ on a cracker, learn to hold yor liquor by the time your 25! And Bravo, WIU is not funny, ever, and if that is all you got to show us, RH's is really circling the drain. What a waste of a fabulous trip.

Could not agree more! These people have such limited resources at their age. What is "fun" about drunken hollering and jumping into pools? Maybe if you're a kid, but, frankly, they are simply too old to misbehave in public in this fashion. It was pathetic enough on Jersey Shore, but it is exponentially distasteful in women of this age, with their pretensions of wealth and class.

Edited by SFoster21
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To be honest, I didn't really get why staying at the resort was supposedly such an "old lady" move, either. They were out exploring all day. And the resort is gorgeous. Why not make the most of it?


Note: I said "make the most of it," not "get hammered off pretend shots of Fireball that are really lemon juice, ice, and vodka, then proceed to drive everyone else at the resort to distraction and/or annoyance."


On that note, Fireball MUST pay to get on all these shows. It's been mentioned on just about all the reality shows I watch.

Edited by ivygirl
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I don't wish anyone ill health, but it cannot be said how stupid it is for Brooks to stop chemo and use juices as treatment for his cancer. And he's stopping after 3 rounds out of how many? Then Vicki starts spouting this nonsense about no bread or carbs because cancer feeds on it, but lets Brooks ingest all of the carbohydrates in the juices. I hate to renew this subject, but a most people with cancer would not be so half assed and cavalier with their treatment. If you're doing nontraditional and eastern medicine then you should be knowledgeable about it. This man does not have cancer.

Edited by HunterHunted
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The classy way to handle the dancer’s sarong slipping thereby flashing his genitals – quietly mention it to him as you pass by, preserving his dignity and allowing him to make an adjustment before the next guests arrive.  Or you could mention it to the woman who is guiding you, again quietly.  The Tamra method, shriek like a fishwife about balls and wieners.  Stay classy Tamra!


Speaking of Tamra, her breasts look so fake.  Did the doctor accidentally implant softballs?  I wouldn’t be so fast to show them off.  (Although swimming topless in French Polynesia is very common.  No one would be shocked.)


One of the reasons people enjoy the over-the-water huts is how quiet they are.  People tend to speak in hushed tones so as to not disturb others.  You fall asleep listening to the waves gently splashing against the pilings.  Of course, our OC gang enters shrieking. 


I went swimming with the stingrays and the sharks.  If you spread your legs and stand still enough, the stingrays sometimes swim between your legs.  Of course, Tamra would probably accuse them of trying to get an upskirt shot. 


Girlcode changes when you are all on a TV show together.  Forget the fourth wall you idiots.  You all need to spend time with Meghan.

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"They pulled out their inner 30s!"  Meghead - you need to knock boots with that man of yours....oh wait...he's probably banging the concession lady who is old but sweet. 


I was looking down and doing my nails and I just busted out laughing at the three drunkos.  David's going to watch this and say "How come you never act like that around me Shannnnnnnon?  Fun?"


Next week, Shannon is asked to leave AAAAgain.  Hee.  I would have broken into a chant WHERE'S #4  WHERE'S #4   #(gangsign)NUMBER 4!!  WE WANT #4!  JIMMY SCORE A FOUR!

Edited by Lablover27
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Meghan as the villain isn't really doing it for me, but she's not sympathetic to draw me in in a fully positive way either.  As a result it feels like a show about a bunch of assholes (and Lizzie).  I think I'll watch the next episode with a bottle of wine, see if that makes it any better.


Did Vicki ask for "dos cervezos?"  How has she not at least learned that word?  


Also, I hope the show lasts long enough for Shannon's kids to really start acting out.  One of them my be wound as tight as her, but the others...she's going to break them.  Though it makes me an awful person, I'm curious to see what that will look like.

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I may be in the minority but I really enjoyed watching Vicki Shannon and Tamra get shit faced!

Incidentally, Vicki has had several inner ear tumors removed and no doubt that's why she gets so violently nauseous and motion sick but she should try to head straight for the restroom because ick.

Edited by barbaralewis
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I thought Shannon looked great in her gold hot pants.  But I wish she'd quit talking about her weight all the time.  She has 3 daughters who will learn that pizza and chocolate = bad.  I was at the grocery store this morning and a woman's shopping list dropped out of her cart and I bent down to pick it up.  She said, "thanks, you just burned 3 calories" right in front of her young daughter.  I'm not sure if it was a joke or I'm just being too sensitive, but it was a weird comment.  I don't want Shannon to pass her eating/food issues onto her young daughters, that's all.  You're on vacation!!  Eat that yummy pizza!  


The bar seemed pretty empty.  Hopefully they cordoned off an area so not to bother the other patrons.  Those rooms can't be cheap and I'd hate to have my trip ruined by a bunch of women whoo…..don't worry, I'll spare you guys from hearing it again.  

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I feel like the dancer's "flashing" wasn't a big deal and it didn't seem intentional. I wouldn't have noticed or cared either way. I figured that he was wearing traditional garb and perhaps male frontal nudity isn't a cultural taboo there the way it is here.

Tamra's boobs looked swollen and painful. I think she's still experiencing swelling from the surgery as it wasn't too long go, IIRC?

Nudity in general is not a really big deal there.  It's hot.  People swim and fish a lot.  People don't feel like they need to run off in shame to chnage out of wet clothes and into dry ones.  I was giving examples how a person could handle it if they cared and assumed the other person did too.  I doubt the dancer was concerned that he was a little extra breezy.  


If only they had the shrimp pizza with sour cream.  i can imagine Vicki and Tamra's reactions to that.

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Vicki doesn't seem too upset about Brooks' stage 3 cancer. Something just isn't right.


Meghan is clearly having second thoughts about having children. If Jim had a vasectomy and obviously does not want any more kids, she should never have married him if she thought there was a chance she would want children in the future. I think she was crying because she knows she made a mistake. That marriage is not going to last.


I just can't get over Shannon overlooking everything that went on last season with mean girls Tamra and Heather (and Terry). It must be killing her to make nice in front of the camera after the way those bitches treated her.   

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What was up with Lizzie? If I thought I might be pregnant I would pee on a stick at home before I went. The test takes all of 5 minutes. At first I thought maybe she wanted to take the test with Christian and they couldn't find a time to do it together, but then she did it on camera. What was all that about?

Meghan is so obnoxious, but it is weird how much the others ladies bring up being offended by situations that no one actually involved in seems bothered by. I wouldn't want to have to deal with Meghan either, but if Jim's exes and kids aren't complaining about her what are Vicki, Tamara, and Shannon so worked up about? It looks like from the preview Vicki brings it up again next episode. Why? It's just weird how many fucks they all give about her.

Agree with whoever said vacation Heather can be pretty great. She's surprisingly easy going and good natured about traveling and looks like she has a lot of fun without feeling the need to scream about what a good time she's having. You know, when she's not staging "I don't like you for no particular reason" interventions (I still remeber Heather!).

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I don't wish anyone ill health, but it cannot be said how stupid it is for Brooks to stop chemo and use juices as treatment for his cancer. And he's stopping after 3 rounds out of how many? Then Vicki starts spouting this nonsense about no bread or carbs because cancer feeds on it, but lets Brooks ingest all of the carbohydrates in the juices. I hate to renew this subject, but a most people with cancer would not be so half assed and cavalier with their treatment. If you're doing nontraditional and eastern medicine then you should be knowledgeable about it. This man does not have cancer.

It's incredible to me how they thought they could pull this off. There's only been a few mentions of Brooks' cancer so far, and already, both Vicki and Brooks have made a lot of mistakes - the juice smoothies diet is one of them. It reminds me of Teresa and Joe Giudice's scheme of fraud on RHONJ - not just committing the crime, but being dumb enough to flaunt it on national TV. Did they really think they'd get away with it?

That makes sense. Thanks for explaining. This is an area in which I have absolutely no experience so that did not occur to me.

Sure. I also wanted to add a point, cuz I remember this from the example you gave about Giselle, and I think it fits with Meghan. When a new wife starts talking about her step kids in the way that Meghan and Giselle did - they're portraying a happy family - (step)mom, dad, kids - and it's essesntially erasing or replacing the mother from the picture, and this is obviously going to be off-putting to the mother. If you know my posts from RHOBH, you know I hate Brandi with the heat of a thousand suns, but this is what LeAnn Rimes did when she married Brandi's ex, and it wasn't cool. LeAnn, Giselle, and apparently Meghan all seem pretty narcissistic and caught up in their happy world, so they say things or tweet things that publicize their happy life without thinking about how they might be hurting others.

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Fireball is disgusting, shots of vodka would be a vast improvement.

Did LuAnn slip Shannon some cash to use the phrase "girl code" about three women and their relationship that she knows nothing about.

Post vasectomy IVF can be quite successful and it was discussed briefly when Heather offered her eggs so having a biological child or adoption isn't necessarily off the table and we haven't heard the conversations about it between Jim and Meghan.

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What is a fireball anyway? I've never been much of a shot person so I don't really pay attention to them. Is it a type of shot or a type of liquor?

Fireball is a cinnamon flavored whisky.

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Poor Shannon, being 85 trapped in a 50 year olds body must really suck.


Er, my 88 year old grandma is more fun than Shannon.  Honestly, Granny is a laugh a minute & she still gets boyfriends too!  Ah, but Shannon OTOH was probably an old lady when she was 30 (or 20 or 10).  She dresses old, she's hunched over like she's old & she constantly whines & complains like she's old.  She just acts old, old, old -- except when she's drinkin' like a fish.  Sheesh, were they actually drinking straight vodka?  Holy fuck!  Man, was that bar empty or what?  Is there a lame nightlife in Tahiti -- or was it these broads weren't hitting the right places?


I had to lower the volume on my TV & keep it low for the remainder of this ep with all that freakin' screeching.  I hated it.


OK, Meghan was annoying & obnoxious as fuck with ALL of her comments about her step-children, BUT Vicks saying she was offended was ridiculous.  Vicks is once again passing judgement on shit that's absolutely NONE of her business.  AND she should be more concerned about her own business & what the fuck is going on with the con artist living with her.  I don't know much about cancer, but why in the hell are they acting so casual & nonchalant about his supposed cancer status & him stopping chemo?  None of this makes ANY sense.  My vote is he's faking the cancer & Vicks is in on it.  To me, it's becoming more & more obvious they're both pulling a con-job on us.


I agree Heather was tolerable in this ep.  When she relaxes on throwing her supposed billions at us & stops being such a damned phony-baloney, she's actually sorta OK.


Meghan, I'm NOT digging you calling 50 year old women "old".  Cut that shit out.  Every week she's very much showing who she is.  A really nasty asshole thru & thru.  That's what Jimmy wanted, I guess -- except he must hate her guts too cuz he's never with her.  Who could blame him?  So just who is ole asshole Jimmy spending time with?  It sure as fuck ain't asshole Meghan.  And it ain't the kids.  Hmmmm.


So Shannon's 4,000 miles away & she's still nagging the fuck outta David & twisting his balls in a vice.  He really wants this shit?  Is the dough worth that?  Guess it is to him.  Idk, I think if he washed her (& that bucket of grease) out of his hair, we'd absolutely see an infinitely happier David.  Did we hear him thru her iphone -- or maybe I just imagined him sounding completely tortured, miserable & degraded by her?  Strange how the only time Shannon is remotely tolerable is when she's drunk off her ass & screaming her head off, eh?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I liked this episode.  The Vickster is always the same no matter if she's reading a fancy menu in Napa or asking the waiter in Italy for California wine, lol.  Of course she's the ugly American.  That said, she's fun to watch and I wouldn't mind a trip to Mexico with her to you know, WIU.  


Shut up Meghan.  50 sounds old until you are actually 50 but still feel 30-35.    Fun with with fun girlfriends on vacation - I've been there, except not Moorea there.   If you are very lucky, you will reach your 50s with good girlfriends who love to go away and have fun.


I think Meghan's boo-hooing about wishing she was her stepkids mother was for some sort of attention.   It sounded to me like Vicks and Tamera were just sticking it to Meghan - I don't think they would have said those things to anyone else.  Well, except maybe Gretchen, lol.   But 'have your own baby" in my head sounded like, 'Have your own baby and shut the fuck up whining about your stepkids because we are on vacation and can barely stand you."  


Besides, if Meg really really felt so maternal towards Haley and her sister she probably wouldn't have tweeted about a "highly anticipated vacation" with their father two weeks after their mother died.  And speaking of Jim, what kind of douchbag takes off with wifey #3 when his kids just buried their mom?  Maybe they might just need their dad.  Sounds like those two belong together.  





I don't get how you can be so obnoxious with the herbs and all and still suck down alcohol as though it's your last day on earth and the bar is closing. Shannon, alcohol is poison, ok?

Hey, vodka is completely natural, LOL. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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LeAnn, Giselle, and apparently Meghan all seem pretty narcissistic and caught up in their happy world, so they say things or tweet things that publicize their happy life without thinking about how they might be hurting others.

To preface, I'm sorry - I don't know how to quote part of a poster's comment to include their name, so the above quote was from LotusFlower.


The three women mentioned above all have one thing in common; they've been coddled all of their lives because of their looks or talent.  They've been surrounded by "YES" people who never point out any wrongs in their behavior, so they're entitled and completely lacking in social graces and couth because they never learned how to be, or had to be, empathetic and/or sensitive to other's situations other than their own.  


Having said all that; if I recall correctly, Giselle took it too far and said something to the effect of "When he (Tom's son with Bridget Monahan) is with us, I AM his mother." Uh, no, Giselle, you are still his stepmother.  Bridget had every right to be pissed as hell, and made that very clear in comments thereafter.  The same goes for Leanne, shooting her mouth off on Twitter about "HER" sons.  I don't like Brandi, but Leanne was an asshole for pulling that shit, and continues to be an asshole about it.


Meghan really needs to cut the shit, every which way, but she's so full of herself, it'll never happen.


Finally, I enjoyed watching Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon "whooping it up".  If we can't act like kids once in a while, when on vacation away from our kids, especially in a mostly secluded location, it would give me the sads.

Edited by cherry slushie
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I have an unreasonable obsession with, and fear of, sharks.  I actually quit swimming lessons, after watching Jaws four times, when I was a kid.  I fear I would have acted like Vicki, but in a quieter way.  I actually lol'd at the poor man who had Vicki wrapped around his waist.  Shannon clinging to Vicki on top of the guy, made it that much better.  I also thought it was cute when Heather was bumped by a stingray, and she thought it was Shannon.


For me, this was the best episode so far.  I didn't hate anyone, and Heather was so much more likable than usual.  I actual think it would be a blast to party with Vicki/Tamara/Shannon.  I would be afraid to get too drunk with Vicki and Tamara though.  They might let me wonder of the pier and drown.  I'm pretty sure neither would stand snatch guard (tm Luann).  And they'd probably both blackmail me with things I'd said and done, before spilling the details anyway.  As wrong as it probably was, I almost died when Vicki drove that golf cart up to the restaurant door.  How they let drunken women climb in and drive these things, I'll never understand.  It looks like next week they act like the golf carts are bumper cars.  The lack of respect should surprise me, yet somehow doesn't.


What's the deal with Meghan going off on Shannon in the previews?




One cannot marry someone with a vasectomy and expect children Makes me wonder about what she said earlier about the marriage possibly not working out (didn't she say something like that in her first episode...? Am I remembering incorrectly?)


Per WebMD, vasectomy reversal has a greater than fifty percent change of ending in pregnancy.  The shorter the time between vasectomy and reversal increases pregnancy chances, and even after ten years, there's a thirty percent chance of pregnancy.  I'm irritated by Meghan's whining because of course she can't get pregnant - Jim has been sterilized.  She talks like a woman who's been trying ten years, and had three unsuccessful rounds of in vitro.  It's no different than if she religiously took her birth control pill, then sobbed about not getting pregnant.  It's nonsensical.

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I know that a lot of us love to travel and love good food, so when I see these rubes who are unable to consume anything more complex than the app trio from TGiFriday's, it makes me cringe. Tramp-ra, scallops are not exactly an exotic food, and who, past the age of four, eats his or her meat well-done? Sigh. What a waste. 

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It is so bizarre to me that Shannon embraces a holistic way of living (acupuncture, herbs, oxygen treatments, whatever), but drinks often and doesn't work out. It is all very odd. I do like Shannon and I appreciated her attempts to have fun with Vicki and Tamra though. Anyone else snort when Shannon and Vicki pulled out their reading glasses for the menus?


I kind of understood why Shannon was upset with her husband because it seems the sleepover was the first the girls had, she wasn't there, and they left the house to go TP someone's property only for one of the girls to get injured. It was all in innocent fun, but someone did get hurt. I would be a little annoyed, too.


Why did Meghan marry Jim if she wants kids? The man had a vasectomy, i.e. he's happy with the kids he has and needs no more. Either she doesn't want kids or she figured a reversal was a possibility. Either way, she's annoying. I don't get why she's even on this show if she's going to complain that everyone is old. Get over yourself. You'll be 'old' one day, too, Meghan, and Jim's 5th or 6th wife will make sure you know that.


I like Heather on vacation. I was surprised she was so gung-ho about blowing the conch shell. IDK, I thought she'd get all freaked out about germs or something else silly, but she seems open for anything. I'd vacation with her, Shannon, and Lizzie.

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I'm in my late 40's and I am absolutely embarrassed how Vicki, Tamra and Shannon acted. I hate Vickie as much as I hate Ramona from NY, but Shannon hasn't bothered me to badly, but girl is trying waaaay too hard to be fun-not buying it. Why is it so fucking hard for these morons to have fun without being LOUD and DRUNK.? Christ on a cracker, learn to hold yor liquor by the time your 25! And Bravo, WIU is not funny, ever, and if that is all you got to show us, RH's is really circling the drain. What a waste of a fabulous trip.

That old term "ugly Americans" pops up in neon in my mind every time Vicki and Tamra are shown in another country.
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I don't want to think that Crooks is that much of a scum bag that he would fake cancer, but the juice cleanse vs. chemo method does sound really odd to me. Even Shannon, who is all about supplements and holistic this and that finds it odd. I know Terry is not an oncologist, but I'm curious if he's secretly calling bullshit on this.

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Could not agree more! These people have such limited resources at their age. What is "fun" about drunken hollering and jumping into pools? Maybe if you're a kid, but, frankly, they are simply too old to misbehave in public in this fashion. It was pathetic enough on Jersey Shore, but it is exponentially distasteful in women of this age, with their pretensions of wealth and class.

Thank you.

These women (yes, I'm talking about the terrible 3) are in one of the most beautiful, exotic places on Earth, likely on an all expense paid trip to what is clearly one of the best /high end hotels on the island and the best they can come up with is to get falling down, shrieking drunk, falling in the pool and then exclaiming how they'd just peed in it.

No, not funny. Sad and pathetic.


As to Meghan wishing her stepkids were actually hers; when my son was an infant an old friend of my now ex came over one day, took a roll of pic of the baby (she was a pro photographer) and gave us the prints a week or so later. Thank you very much. She later told me that she'd kept a set for herself and put them up at work, her co-workers thought my son was her kid and...wasn't that so neat? She was smiling as she said this, taking it as the best thing since sliced bread.


Yeah...no, it wasn't. Back the fuck off, Meghan--dead or alive, these kids have an actual mother.


I agree with the poster who said that this thing is circling the drain; new woman joins cast, jealousy, arguments about nothing, fighting, bitching, everyone takes sides, unforgiven non-insults, wasted exotic trip, more fights, lots of drinking, more fighting about nothing. Repeat.


Stupid and boring.

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Gah, I would hate to travel with these women. Well, mainly Tamra and Vicki, with a bit of Shannon. They are just the worst. So obnoxious. 


First we have Vicki and her obnoxiously loud dry heaving - that I heavily suspect is mostly for show. Maybe she does get motion sickness, maybe she's feeling a bit nauseous. But I firmly believe she amps it up for attention. Yup. That's our Vicki. 


Then there's the need to point out every wiener we see and have a shrieking fit like you're a 12-year-old peeking in the boys' locker room. Calm down, Tamra, I'm sure you've seen plenty of wieners in your life. Is it really a big deal? Especially when you're the one so quick to go topless in a foreign country? 


Next we have a couple of 5-year-olds at the dinner table with their retching and gagging and largely exaggerated faces. Who acts like that???? Look, I'm kind of a picky eater. I'll try stuff, but I often don't care for things that are outside of my normal fare. However, I would never NEVER grimace and groan and loudly announce that I don't care for something when I'm out at a nice restaurant. Take a little nibble, swallow it down, and shut your mouth. 


And the thing that kills me most, is the constant shrieking and acting like every outing on a trip is putting them in mortal danger. A boat! A tiny boat! Water! Don't push me in! Oh no, stingrays! They'll kill me! SHUT THE FUCK UP. These women are so ungrateful. I would kill for the opportunities they have. I've never been out of the country. I'm a SAHM, wife to a blue collar husband, and the best we can do is a weekend camping trip. They are so blessed to be able to travel the globe and experience different cultures, and all they can't even take a moment to just embrace it. It's like they're grudgingly checking something off a list just so they can say they did it. Grrr. 


(Again, this mostly applies to Tamballs, Icky, and Shannon - the other three mostly behaved fine.)



Megan and her tears - I'm bored. Sorry, I probably sound like the coldest, most cynical bitch ever, but I just don't buy it. I think she's trying to use Jimmy's kids to make their relationship more than it is, and also to have something to "bond" with the ladies about. But it just comes off as really disingenuous - because she's only been around 5 minutes! It's not like she's Donn, a step-parent who has been there most of their lives and truly helped raise them. I don't begrudge the roll of a step-parent, and I'm sure she does love those kids. But she just seems like she's trying to make it more than it is. 

Edited by ghoulina
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What was up with Lizzie? If I thought I might be pregnant I would pee on a stick at home before I went. The test takes all of 5 minutes. At first I thought maybe she wanted to take the test with Christian and they couldn't find a time to do it together, but then she did it on camera. What was all that about?


She has absolutely nothing going on this year, so she wanted to try and make people care about her storyline?


I don't know much about cancer, but why in the hell are they acting so casual & nonchalant about his supposed cancer status & him stopping chemo?  None of this makes ANY sense.  My vote is he's faking the cancer & Vicks is in on it.  To me, it's becoming more & more obvious they're both pulling a con-job on us.


Personally, his stopping chemo doesn't really bother me. Everyone has different views on the subject, but I'm one of those who believe the chemo will kill me before the cancer does. But the problem is, they seem all - "Eh, we don't want to do chemo so we're just going to sit here and not eat and hope to starve the cancer". Do what now??? I would have a lot more faith in the situation if they were talking about some serious alternatives - Shannon's doc, Gerson therapy, something. They just seem way too chill, and I agree it smells fishy. 

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http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/episode-1010/videos?clip=2887803  I am sorry but after last season no one was a bigger pot stirrer than Tamra.  Laying something on the table is doing it in front of everyone and also requires there be some finesse.  Tamra thinks this year by blabbing whatever she hears she has turned over a new leaf.  Tamra stays on the show due to her willingness to create drama.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Meghan and her age-shaming can just go suck it!!  

I guess we now know what attracted Jim to her - her body resembles a baseball bat.


Oh my gawd - this is one of the funniest comments I have ever read!!!  THANK YOU!!!

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I know I"m old and boring like Shannon, but I honestly don't think I could take deal with any of these women for more than 10 minutes. Going on vacation with them would be real difficult for me. What is it with the damn screaming? Jesus - either go in the water or stay on the boat, but do you have to frigging scream every 2 seconds about what's in the water. I can only imagine what the people on the boat/hotel/bar/restaurant - pretty much everywhere they went, said about this group after they left.


Okay - things like this bug me, but when the waiter told them his English wasn't good and brought them straight vodka, why didn't one of them go up to the bar, and see if someone else spoke better English and knew what Fireball was? Or maybe even, see the bottle and point to it? Why would you continue to chug something that was totally not what you ordered, and that your facial expression said was awful?? I get that they wanted to drink and have fun, but order something else. For whoever asked upthread - yes Fireball is spicy cinammon flavored whisky - remember those red hot Fireball candies from years ago? That's what the flavor is based on.


Meghan has made my strong dislike of Tamara lessen slightly - lesser of two evils - that's about the best thing I can see about either of them. Next week should be good.

Edited by parrotlover
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Tamra's tits looked cheap and hard, yuck.  Meghan is scary skinny, I mean like, seriously shockingly anorexic.  I doubt she could get pregnant, being that thin.


I loved the scene with Tamra, Vicki and Shannon getting snockered, except for the loud screeching.  Wish they could tone it down just a bit.  But it was fun to watch with the volume turned down.  I can't imagine drinking straight vodka, and I think my facial expressions matched theirs as I watched. 


I think Shannon was more upset about her daughter breaking her foot with a soccer tournament coming up than she was about the teepeeing.  Also, I think she was a little peeved about a "first" (as in, sleepover) happening without her. 


I agree there's something not right about the Brooks cancer story.  Can't remember who, but someone on WWHL was asked by a caller if she believed the story and she responded that there is more that will come out about it. 


I really enjoyed watching everyone have fun in their own way, the episode went fast for me.  A lot less friction and meanness than usual.  Then, next week's previews . . . . . :/

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The classy way to handle the dancer’s sarong slipping thereby flashing his genitals – quietly mention it to him as you pass by, preserving his dignity and allowing him to make an adjustment before the next guests arrive.  Or you could mention it to the woman who is guiding you, again quietly.  The Tamra method, shriek like a fishwife about balls and wieners.  Stay classy Tamra!



 Classy will never be a word used to describe Tamra!!  


I felt bad for that guy.  Yeah, it was awkward, but probably because he had tied his sarong-thing incorrectly.  I wonder if Tamra went to Scotland or Ireland, she would be flipping mens' kilts to see if the myth about that is true.  Why was she the only one who's eyes went to that part of the guys' body, instead of enjoying the warm, welcoming smile the dancers offered?  


Tamra reminded me of a 10 year old...."Is that his weiner?"  Seriously, Tamra....you need to grow up!!  

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Megan and her tears - I'm bored. Sorry, I probably sound like the coldest, most cynical bitch ever, but I just don't buy it. I think she's trying to use Jimmy's kids to make their relationship more than it is, and also to have something to "bond" with the ladies about. But it just comes off as really disingenuous - because she's only been around 5 minutes! It's not like she's Donn, a step-parent who has been there most of their lives and truly helped raise them. I don't begrudge the roll of a step-parent, and I'm sure she does love those kids. But she just seems like she's trying to make it more than it is. 

I agree with you. Honestly, if the children had an issue, I have no doubt that Meghan would be the last person called. She's known the children 2 years. She has not been their primary care-giver. I just think she likes to sell this story that she's a loving step-mother who has sacrificed her career and happiness for her husband's children and blah blah blah. Like no. That's not what's going on here.

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Classy will never be a word used to describe Tamra!!

I felt bad for that guy. Yeah, it was awkward, but probably because he had tied his sarong-thing incorrectly. I wonder if Tamra went to Scotland or Ireland, she would be flipping mens' kilts to see if the myth about that is true. Why was she the only one who's eyes went to that part of the guys' body, instead of enjoying the warm, welcoming smile the dancers offered?

Tamra reminded me of a 10 year old...."Is that his weiner?" Seriously, Tamra....you need to grow up!!

Well, she thinks she's cute and girlish, so "ten" is probably what she's going for.

On another note, what does Jim's vasectomy have to do with Heather's eggs? How do you achieve pregnancy? And M has no eggs? Honestly confused here.

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Megan's body is strange looking on camera.  Maybe it looks better IRL - I know the cameras sometimes can distort.  I hate to bash a person about body stuff, but backless is not a good look for her. When she was leaving the bungalow from the back she looked like a teen boy, like for a second I did a double take that there was a shirtless island hotel worker boy in the room.

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When Vicki announced the dinner was prix fixe, I knew it was not going to end well. These women are not adventurous eaters. I remember one episode where they went to famous chef Thomas Keller's restaurant and it was a disaster. As I recall, Vicki gagged on Gretchen's foie gras, and then she said she'd rather eat at a restaurant where she could get a steak and salad.

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