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After Paradise

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I'm not liking one bit that it's co-hosted by Jenny Mollen. I know nothing about her, but no woman of substance would be married to Jason Biggs.


There are plenty of Bachelor alums who would be better choices. Why in the world is Michelle Money not co-hosting?? Jenny Mollen has neither actual celebrity nor any connection to the franchise. Worst of all worlds.

  • Love 7

I have no idea who the blonde chick is who's co-hosting, but it seems like she's trying way too hard to say something mean or snarky every single time. 


Yes, she just came off really rude. And I can't believe I felt bad for Mikey, but they were just so mean to him with those polls and all. He's a human being too! 


The random discussion about Lacy's boobs was so weird. They are huge though.

  • Love 8

If anyone thought Ashley I might be playing an annoyingly vapid character, this live appearance should put that theory to rest, ha. I have an intense dislike of her that grows every time I see her, so I'm not pleased that she's getting so much airtime.

In the preview when Joe is a jerk to Clare, I wish she said something to his face in that moment rather than walk away. She wouldn't have to be nasty back, but just call him out that she thought his comment was rude.

  • Love 2

Chris Hardwick would be great, but this is probably too lame even for him. I find it hard to believe Josh Malina is really a fan of the Bachelor and think he was probably forced to do this along with his costar. I don't know, too many polls and too much Ashley I. I can't imagine them doing this every week although I did like the deleted scenes.

  • Love 1

I'm just wondering how they're gonna fill an hour every week. They can't talk about Kaitlyn/Shawn and the next Bachelor every time. Or Ashley I. being an immature pain in the ass. Are they really gonna spend an hour just talking about that week's episode? Sounds super boring.


So much bullying on this show. How about those comments about Jillian having a penis? Awful.

  • Love 7

I actually started to tune out midway through.. Solitaire on my iPad was more intriguing.

As far as the cohost. When Chris H said her tweets were hilarious at the beginning, I actually followed her on Twitter. By the end, after her desperate attempts to be funny on th show, I unfollowed her. All in the span of two hours.

I'm not sure I can get through another hour of that next week.

  • Love 2

This show was so dull I stopped watching 15 minutes in.


I don't care about the people from Scandal, or this co-host I've never heard of. I'd rather have Chris and Michelle Money host and show us funny things that didn't make the show, talk about what happened in the episode and maybe talk to the person that was kicked off but not ones who are currently there.

  • Love 10

I am so relieved to come here and find that every feeling I had about this awful show was validated several times over by the rest of you guys.  As I watched, I was aware that I was wasting valuable time that could have been put to better use, such as sleeping, for crying out loud.  But I kept watching, hoping I would see or hear something that would justify the minutes I had already invested in it. The BiP show was fun and entertaining, but this after-show was (to me, anyway) as excruciating to watch as the entire Kaitlyn season.

  • Love 7

It occurred to me while giving them an hour of my life:  this was a poor knock off of 'Watch What Happens Live' on BravoTV.


I didn't like it on Bravo.  It's even worse here.


If they're gonna split the show over two nights, then don't waste my time with this nonsense.  Show me four hours of BiP and leave this idea of the aftershow to the professionals.

  • Love 9

I agree about the co-host. However, she did remind me a bit of Kaitlyn...perhaps it was the mean attempts at humor at which absolutely nobody laughed. I wonder if they thought she would actually be funny or if they knew she would be mean. Several times she was looking at the cards in her lap rather than listening to what other people were saying.

Are they pushing Ashley for some reason? Way too much of her.

And, I was surprised and pleased that Marcus joined the Coast Guard. I really like it when former contestants go and get real jobs and seemingly end their quest for fame. Such a contrast to those who repeatedly show up. It also seems to confirm at least a little bit that maybe some of the contestants do want to find love.

When they were all going on about Lacey's breasts she actually made a comment about having back strain due to her breasts. A few of my friends have had extremely large natural breasts and they do have ongoing back and shoulder issues (one actually had breast reduction surgery). So, my heart went out to Lacey a bit-getting made fun of and actually having real concerns.

Overall, this show is no Talking Dead. It seemed very stilted. I will watch next week as they may get better and more comfortable. I hope they tell the co-host to slow down a bit. Very interesting that the official stance seems to be that nobody can make fun of Kaitlyn as that is bullying, but everyone else is fair game...

  • Love 9

OMG like I needed another reason to hate Ashley I. we have to listen to her ramble on about "old people"?!  So what is Kenley 84, 85??  Good lord what a dumb F she is!  Her sister said something similar to this Sunday night I believe. 


So I guess this show is like The Talking Dead but not as funny, clever, or engaging.  Actually I do like Chris Harrison as the host but totally agree with previous posters, the blonde chick is just trying to hard to be witty/mean and I just don't like the other 2 people.  Can we start a petition to get Reality Steve on this show?! 


I too felt bad for Mickey T.  He seems like a good hearted guy who just says the wrong things sometimes.  I can forgive a slip of the tongue, it happens to all of us, as long as the heart is in the right place and so far he seems to be that way.  Kinda like a loveable lunk head =)





Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 4
I don't care about the people from Scandal, or this co-host I've never heard of. I'd rather have Chris and Michelle Money host and show us funny things that didn't make the show, talk about what happened in the episode and maybe talk to the person that was kicked off but not ones who are currently there.



Agreed. This concept has plenty of potential and has been done well by other franchises, but they biffed it with this first episode. I was fine with Ashley I being there because she was such a big focus of the episode (not sure why Mikey was the other person, he was hardly the most prominent male in the episode), but I'd rather have had more contestants and fewer random other people. 


The stupid polls should be the first thing cut, those were a complete waste of time. 


Actually I do like Chris Harrison as the host but totally agree with previous posters, the blonde chick is just trying to hard to be witty/mean


I usually find Chris Harrison really annoying, but I enjoyed him on this where he was allowed to show an actual sense of humor. 


This show was rather mean-spirited. How ironic that this aired just two weeks after this same franchise condemned bullying.


The comment about Jillian having a penis was way over the top and yes, extremely ironic that THAT is allowed to be said on tv on a franchise-related show when online comments about Kaitlyn are treated as a crime. 


That being said, I think everyone there (hosts and audience) thought she went over the line and there was a very uncomfortable moment just after she said it. I don't think anyone was very happy with her for that one and I'm kinda hoping they ditch her because of it (or pretend that's the reason to make themselves look noble when the real reason is that she flopped hard with the audience.) 


And I can't believe I felt bad for Mikey, but they were just so mean to him with those polls and all. He's a human being too!

I felt bad for him too. I get the feeling he's one of those guys who comes on so strongly that people kinda forget that he has feelings. His facial expressions were making me sad, you could tell that some of those comments stung but he was playing them off as much as he could.


  • Love 12

The After show certainly blew its potential for good entertainment. I'd love to see more behind the scenes footage, of which there is no shortage. The polls were useless. Same could probably be said for the co-host and celebrity fans from Scandal--no offense, I'd just prefer insight from people actually connected to the show. Though, I've had more than enough of Ashley I.

  • Love 7

I've seen the kind of "after - show shows"  when the "show'  is a scripted fiction show.  

When it's reality TV that's being discussed, it takes on a different dimension.  They're not critiquing acting, character portrayals, story lines - they're making fun of people who are somehow convinced that  they can find "true love"  on a show like this.  


A lot of their polls, comments, etc,  came across as very mean-spirited.  


Making fun of the show is what WE, as viewers, do, in our living rooms, or on this forum, or at work.   But when people connected with the show (CH)  or the network ( the Scandal actors)  are doing it, ON TV and in front of some of the participants - it just seems mean.   


If tweeting something about kaitlyn being a slut is "cyber-bullying", then what is it called when you make jokes at someone's expense  ON NETWORK TV? 

  • Love 15

I would, at the very least, like to see the recently eliminated contestant/s on the show to give their side of the story and how they are now, if they've found anyone yet, etc.  I was kinda hoping Jillian would be on to talk about what she thought of how this episode was aired.  And major dittos on the penis comment, good lawd honey that was just tasteless and rude.  Again trying too hard to be edgey--please leave that to the experts like R.S.


The behind-the-scene thing was kinda nice with Jared, nice to see him actually smiling for once, but I like the bloopers of the show so maybe more of that would be nice; show a fun, silly side to these people.


And totally agree on the stupid viewer polls!  They have to go and I question if ABC was actually able to tally up those votes so quickly or were those results just given based on what viewers were saying during Sunday night's episode. 

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 4
It occurred to me while giving them an hour of my life:  this was a poor knock off of 'Watch What Happens Live' on BravoTV.

I didn't like it on Bravo.  It's even worse here.


That is what I felt too--that they are going for a spicy talk show but it was awful. It is way too Wrong Reasons for a lot of the Right Reasons ABC audience. I'm no prude and enjoy colorful language but a lot of it was in very poor taste. I'd rather have another hour of the show.


The RIP Black Box thing was a total rip-off of Talking Dead, which I also do not like. 

  • Love 3

This sucked. It sucked big meatballs made from excrement & covered in glitter to try to fool you. I agree with what's been said above, poking fun at TB franchise with friends or in my living room is completely different than doing it to people to their faces. They aren't making fun a of character or a plot but of someone. Yes I know they put their lives on reality TV & while they may give people a pass to say things it wouldn't hurt for the show that produces it to not be the one indulging in it.

This show was neither clever nor smart. It was mean-spirited & stupid. Saying a super fit woman has a penis is disgusting & incredibly inappropriate. Telling Mikey that the majority of their poll would rather go to the ER than on a date with him was ridiculous. The polls were set up to be mean, not funny. Between the lame need to push social media input, the uninteresting ABC stars & the horrid guest host I hope this show either gets reworked quickly or dies just as quickly.

It doesn't take a genius to know that additional footage, outtakes & cast member commentary could be entertaining. Give the contestants a chance to poke gentle fun of themselves. Have a cohost with some compassion & grace. Include Bachelor Nation folks. Good grief this isn't rocket science!

  • Love 18

I haven't even seen Bachelor in Paradise this season yet, but holy crap this aftershow was bad. I thought it was just me not seeing the actual show that was the issue, but most on here seem to agree with me. Why in the world would Chris Harrison need a co-host? His job isn't that hard that he needs assistance and he does fine on his own. Hopefully they get rid of the co-host because she was an epic failure. Why was she on there anyway? Because she live tweets some snarky comments during the show? Big freaking deal! I've read far better snark on these forums. She was so lame that it was offensive. I soldiered through it because I'll watch anything, but it was painful.


The folks from Scandal weren't needed either. I actually kind of liked the woman. She seemed to be into the show at least. But it's pointless to have them on the show because they have no connection to the show and they're not big enough stars to care what they think.


What I want in an aftershow is backstory.  I'd love for them to have the editors on to explain some of their behind-the-scenes decisions.  I want to know who came up with the idea of Claire baring her soul to a squirrel, for example. At least have some people affiliated with the show who might have some kind of insider knowledge that will provide color to the episode we just saw and add new knowledge. It'd be like a DVD commentary where the contestant involved in a particular scene could explain what was really going on. We got a little of that with Ashley I. and Mikey T., but they were on there primarily to get ripped on for their behavior on the show. I want to hear some stories that don't make the episode as well. I want to know why sunscreen wasn't provided and why there was no AC in the house. The problem is these Bachelor shows are so formulaic that TPTB don't want too much revealed about what actually goes on. They want to be able to do the same stuff over and over again.


The polls are nothing but filler and useless. The twitter questions could be okay if they're good questions and the cast members on the aftershow are capable of providing quality answers. Ashley I. and Mikey T. aren't going to keep anyone's interest. Jared's tour of the house was probably the only thing I liked about this craptacular show that I will continue to watch no matter how dreadful it is. I hope it improves. At least they'll do the big bachelor reveal on it.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 5

This show was neither clever nor smart. It was mean-spirited & stupid. Saying a super fit woman has a penis is disgusting & incredibly inappropriate. Telling Mikey that the majority of their poll would rather go to the ER than on a date with him was ridiculous. The polls were set up to be mean, not funny. Between the lame need to push social media input, the uninteresting ABC stars & the horrid guest host I hope this show either gets reworked quickly or dies just as quickly.

I forgot about that "she has a penis"  comment!!  And this is the franchise that scolds twitter users for being mean to poor, poor, Kaitlyn.  

I hope everyone who has ever been on the Bachelor/B'ette  watches this show and vows to never be on BiP .  It's set up to prey on people's vulnerabilities, it's a forum to mock people for trying to hook up with someone, on a show that encourages them to do so.  The woman does not walk around with a black box attached to her ass, the show did that - and then mocks her for it.   

  • Love 6

Poor Jillian! First she feels she needs bigger boobs to be found attractive on this show (and is the first one kicked off anyway). Then, for no reason other than sheer meanness (the word, I think CH, is "bullying"?), they say she "has a penis" just because she's a fit woman who likes to develop some muscle. How misogynistic!  But, of course, this show is oh-so-sensitive about poor little Kaitlyn and all the internet meanies (who don't have a national television forum of millions)!


I couldn't make it all the way through and doubt I'll watch again unless I read here that it remarkably improves (not holding my breath).

  • Love 7

Ok - another "worst moment" Was when Chris H hyped that  he was going to make an "announcement"  about the next Bachelor. 

Then  - commercial break.

And the announcement is .... (drum roll)    ......  that he WILL be announcing who the next Bachelor is on an upcoming "after Paradise"  show. 


Shut Up Chris Harrison!   And put that book down - I am NOT buying it. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 4

So ABC wants to have its own successful follow-up talk show, like the Talking Dead over on AMC (which is nominated for an Emmy). I don't see it happening. The show guests already know what happened, and I don't like seeing them there to discuss things, knowing that.In other words, seeing Ashley discuss Jared -- I don't know the end of that relationship, so I don't want to see Ashley discussing it at this point. It's a little different than a show about a fictional TV show (The Walking Dead).


Did they have to have the two most bone-headed people on the first installment? (Ashley I and Mikey). I already feel like we've gotten a disproportionate amount of Ashley I in the first two episodes -- I can only hope this means she goes home soon, so she's been front-loaded.

Actually, the only thing we were curious about was why Ashley S. went to the hospital, and they never really explained it beyond Dan's speculation that it might have been the heat.

I know. I liked seeing more of her "date" with Dan. The fact they never said what her medical problem was pretty much confirms in big neon letters that it was Montezuma's Revenge. Which, since the show is sponsored by the Mexican Tourism Board, cannot be spoken of. Seriously, do NOT drink the water (or eat anything off a casual cart)! I speak from experience. Edited by Andromeda
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