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Jazz and the Jennings Family in the Media

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7 hours ago, gingerella said:

Nah, I bet nobody at Harvard gives even a quarter of a fuck about Jazz Jennings and her TV show. Jazz has been used to yucking it up for TLC with 'friends' who seem to be barely acquaintances, I'm guessing very few if any Harvard students want to do freebies on her show. I wouldn't if I was a student on her campus. I'm also guessing that she's in for an eye opener now that she's in an environment where she may get push back and/or questions that she doesn't 'like'. We all know how she behaves when she deems a question 'stupid' or 'out of line' even when they're not.

Media coverage has nothing to do with Harvard students' feelings. It is arranged by TLC and the Jannings' very seasoned PR team. It is quite clear Jazz is indeed not at Harvard, big surprise, Jazz could never get in, and there IS a big market for fake acceptance letters. Media'd be all over her arrival like a cheap suit -- Jazz moving into the dorm, Jazz buying textbooks; it's a golden PR opportunity and even if Harvard didn't allow filming on campus, there's plenty of opportunity for great footage in Cambridge. It would be arranged to run in People, USA Today, etc.  just like it did before. The whole thing is a ruse. It will be interesting to hear the explanation when the show starts up again. Jazz is taking a gap year, taking classes at community college, blah blah blah.

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Jazz May come off as annoying and entitled as hell, and she and her family (and by that I mean her seemingly opportunist mother) may be a lot of things, but lying about which college she got accepted into and is going to is likely not one of them. 

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I have no idea what she's doing, but if she's taking a gap year, or just busy actually studying instead of making a tv show, either way I have no problem with it. It's like if she's filming, she's criticized for being a famewhore, and if she isn't filming, she's not somehow real? I don't get it. She's a young woman living her life. People can watch her show or not watch it, she can make a show or not make one. I don't understand why it is upsetting either way.

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On 9/14/2019 at 3:37 PM, possibilities said:

I have no idea what she's doing, but if she's taking a gap year, or just busy actually studying instead of making a tv show, either way I have no problem with it. It's like if she's filming, she's criticized for being a famewhore, and if she isn't filming, she's not somehow real? I don't get it. She's a young woman living her life. People can watch her show or not watch it, she can make a show or not make one. I don't understand why it is upsetting either way.

Because she made such a big deal about getting into Harvard and yet there’s been nothing. There would have been at least a news article about the first openly trans reality star attending an Ivy League school. Yet there’s silence. No posts from Jazz herself to show the other trans kids that they can make it too!

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1 hour ago, thebigboot said:

Because she made such a big deal about getting into Harvard and yet there’s been nothing. There would have been at least a news article about the first openly trans reality star attending an Ivy League school. Yet there’s silence. No posts from Jazz herself to show the other trans kids that they can make it too!

I have absolutely no idea if Jazz took a gap year and not go but David Hogg’s who’s Harvard admission was much more well known and has a much greater media footprint than Jazz also didn’t have any articles written about him being at Harvard this year or update his IG.

Edited by biakbiak
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I read this Friday online and wasn’t really surprised given we’ve been seeing photos of Jazz on IG dated during the time she shoulda have been in college. However, the depression aspect is concerning in that we all know jazz doesn’t like talk therapy and real therapists, so I am hoping her father has insisted she see a real therapist and not Cousin Debbie or that other lady who wore the stupid hat and talked to a Jazz like she was 5. This kid needs to stay OFF TV. I would be fine with I Am Jazz never returning again so she can just be a normal person. 

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On 10/6/2019 at 3:33 AM, gingerella said:

I read this Friday online and wasn’t really surprised given we’ve been seeing photos of Jazz on IG dated during the time she shoulda have been in college. However, the depression aspect is concerning in that we all know jazz doesn’t like talk therapy and real therapists, so I am hoping her father has insisted she see a real therapist and not Cousin Debbie or that other lady who wore the stupid hat and talked to a Jazz like she was 5. This kid needs to stay OFF TV. I would be fine with I Am Jazz never returning again so she can just be a normal person. 

I agree her emotional and physical health is more important than the show. I do think she needs to separate from her mother, though. Going away to college would have provided some distance.

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3 hours ago, CousinAmy said:

I agree her emotional and physical health is more important than the show. I do think she needs to separate from her mother, though. Going away to college would have provided some distance.

I have a sneaking feeling that when she was nearing the time to leave for school, Jeanette started breaking down and I could totally see her laying a guilt trip on Jazz about leaving, or bombarding her with "What If's" that ended up freaking Jazz out. As much as she acts like a tough chick in her advocacy appearances, she's very insecure and doesn't know how to engage with people who might have a difference of opinion because her mother always sided with her. She is sadly emotionally stunted thanks to her mother's issues, IMO.

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On 10/9/2019 at 2:26 PM, CousinAmy said:

I agree her emotional and physical health is more important than the show. I do think she needs to separate from her mother, though. Going away to college would have provided some distance.

I agree with you. Jazz’s going away is going to be harder for Jeanette than Jazz, and because Jeanette raised her she knows exactly what to say to get her to stay close by. 

I think a plane ride’s distance from her mother would do Jazz a world of good, even if it’s just for a few years. 

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9 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

I just saw a picture of Jazz showing off her scars - why are there such large scars across the tops of her legs?  

I haven’t seen those, but since we know she ended up with a clitoris by her belly button last time, I don’t trust Dr. Ting and Dr. Bowers not to try to install breast implants through the thighs or something. 

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37 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

I haven’t seen those, but since we know she ended up with a clitoris by her belly button last time, I don’t trust Dr. Ting and Dr. Bowers not to try to install breast implants through the thighs or something. 

Well wouldn't that be convenient?

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On 1/2/2020 at 2:44 PM, RoxiP said:

I just saw a picture of Jazz showing off her scars - why are there such large scars across the tops of her legs?  

I think they took skin grafts from her thighs;  I hope these were the scars Jeanette meant were beautiful rather than genital scarring.

Her breasts look too large for the rest of her to me, and she does have a bit of a tummy. 

On 9/21/2019 at 10:05 AM, Fostersmom said:

Jazz looks down right miserable in the pics. 

She really looks like she would rather be elsewhere, and slouching in her seat doesn't help.

  I can't decide if she is unhappy that Noelle is the focus or if she is just generally not a happy face person.   Even in her best pictures, I don't find her especially attractive.

On 10/9/2019 at 5:54 PM, gingerella said:

She is sadly emotionally stunted thanks to her mother's issues,

I think she will have a very difficult time adapting to being away from home at Harvard.   I would think going to a smaller, closer school would be an easier transition.  I would think she might consider New College of Florida.  I know some trans students that went there.  It is far enough that Jeanette cannot pop in everyday, but close enough to go home for a 3-4-day weekend.

Edited by Twopper
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2 hours ago, TomGirl said:

I wish Jazz peace and happiness at some point.  What always disturbed me about the "journey" is that she was and is (emotionally) a child.  

She's always been some sort of medical experiment.

"Taking Jazz on as a patient for surgery, we knew it was going to be a one-of-a-kind surgery,” Dr. Ting adds. “We don’t have the experience of having said we’ve done 50 of these. I was just not expecting her to have a complication as severe as what she did have.”

And "battle scars" is an unfortunate choice of words.  IMO.  


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22 minutes ago, Otter said:

And "battle scars" is an unfortunate choice of words.  IMO.  


If someone other than Jazz had referred to her scars as "battle scars", I'd agree. But since it was Jazz that said it...

You see, I've been disabled since birth, and throughout my life, I've had dozens of surgeries; most to stabilize fractures, correct bone deformities, and to strengthen my long bones (legs and arms) with intramedullary rods. 

My arms and legs are covered with scars, and yes - I call them my battle scars. My entire life, the essence of me (which is what is in my brain and my heart) has been battling my body - and ultimately, I've won every battle.

I wear my scars proudly. 


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19 minutes ago, TwirlyGirly said:

If someone other than Jazz had referred to her scars as "battle scars", I'd agree. But since it was Jazz that said it...

You see, I've been disabled since birth, and throughout my life, I've had dozens of surgeries; most to stabilize fractures, correct bone deformities, and to strengthen my long bones (legs and arms) with intramedullary rods. 

My arms and legs are covered with scars, and yes - I call them my battle scars. My entire life, the essence of me (which is what is in my brain and my heart) has been battling my body - and ultimately, I've won every battle.

I wear my scars proudly. 


I understand, yet Jazz elected to have those surgeries, elective surgeries.

You didn't, nor did those who earned purple hearts elect to earn a purple heart.  That was my point.  

I don't mean to minimize what she has gone through, but it was her choice.  


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“You know, it’s nice to hear, ‘I did something,’ and acknowledging that,” Greg says. “On the other hand, there’s the medical side and an expectation that really should have been met.”

Does this quote read as ungracious and entitled to anyone else? The doctors are human beings, not gods who can simply reshape someone's body.

I thought the doctors were very clear that they would do the best they could, but that Jazz's lack of penile growth meant an experimental surgery with no guaranteed results. I seem to recall Dr. Bowers, in particular, strongly recommending an alternate path with testosterone cream that Jazz refused to do because she didn't want to push through her dysphoria around her genitals.

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I'm surprised at Greg's comment because he was always the one advocating for Jazz to wait a bit longer and to heed the advice of all the many doctors she met with, all of.whom, IIRC, told her she'd have to do multiple surgeries and use things like dilation and so on to prep her body for a more optimum result. But Jazz being Jazz, just went doctor shopping until she found doctors who told her what she wanted to hear. She was a minor when she has surgery and her father could have said No. He didn't because he's s puss and always caves in to his wife's Co dependant parenting decisions wrt Jazz. I don't know why they're all so shocked at the outcome. 

Also, Dr. Bowers can fuck right off with her comment about her not being any part of the second surgery because it was she who told Jazz it could all be done in one surgery without all the prep other doctors were requiring.

I honestly don't know if I can watch this next season because I'm already annoyed AF, again, at the stupidity of this family.

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Greg's quote is a very lawyer-ish statement. I would hope it's just because he is a lawyer and not because they plan to sue, but Jazz and Jeanette will never admit that their insistence that particular surgery when they were told Jazz didn't have enough tissue due to the blockers, but what ever Jazz wants, Jazz gets, just might have lead to some of the complications, so I can see this ending in some sort of suit. 

And how nice of Dr. Bowers to add some self serving, oops, my bad, I guess I shouldn't have booked it back out of town 13 seconds after the sketchy ass surgery Dr. Ting had reservations about and then left him to try to deal with the issues and we probably should have kept you in the hospital longer. Um, you think? Again, sketchy ass surgery, maybe insist on healing in medical presence. I get that people are released to heal for other things, but for what was an unknown surgery, she should have been in the hospital longer. But then, Bowers never bothered to correct Jazz and tell her her vagina isn't actually visible to anyone, let alone Jazz herself. 


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“I Am Jazz” has been renewed for Season 7 at TLC, Variety has learned exclusively.

Starring trans activist Jazz Jennings, TLC’s reality series premiered in 2015 as a 14 year-old Jennings prepared to go to high school, and wrapped its sixth season in March 2020 with her graduation as valedictorian. Over the years, viewers have watched Jennings, who became the youngest trans child on television after her 2007 “20/20” interview with Barbara Walters, deal with school, sports, dating and her health as she moved forward with her transition.

Season 6 saw Jennings helping a friend raise money for her gender confirmation surgery, manage her anxiety, and try to decide between attending Pomona College or Harvard University after high school. After a two-year break in filming, the longest in the show’s history, production on the seventh season will begin this summer in South Florida where Jennings currently lives with her family.



Edited by Cheyanne11
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Hadn't heard anything re Jazz in forever and now this news. I'd actually probably watch her weight loss journey if that's a part of another season. For the most part though, I think the whole fam should dissolve into anonymity and be happy privately.

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1 hour ago, jacksgirl said:

Hadn't heard anything re Jazz in forever and now this news. I'd actually probably watch her weight loss journey if that's a part of another season. For the most part though, I think the whole fam should dissolve into anonymity and be happy privately.

It is sad to hear of her problem.  I can imagine that many of the drugs she has to take can lead to these problems. I too think they should withdraw from public view and let Jazz heal and get back to health not under cameras and social media scrutiny.

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My guess the parents are once again giving all attention to Jazz. The other kids are free from parental control!!! 

I wish Jazz well but I don’t think she will lose the weight. She is lazy!

The parents are not capable of withdrawing from SM life. They put Jazz on SM at the early age... The parents should have never done that. 

Jazz deserved privacy from the beginning. 

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I hate watched the last 2 seasons of IAJ and wonder if her recent notoriety will lead to another season.   It would be interesting to see if Jazz has matured and if the parents are treating her like the adult she is now.  I've had enough of Jazz the teen brat.   If she came back to TV to address her weight issue and treated it seriously, I would probably watch that.  

I hope that the parents step up and stop with the coddling.

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The parents aren't just pushing Jazz on social media, the mother makes appearances too, without her daughter.  

I hope that Jazz is getting the help she needs, and will be happy and healthy.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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58 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The parents aren't just pushing Jazz on social media, the mother makes appearances too, without her daughter.  

I don't even bother with this self-absorbed and narcissistic family.  Jazz and her mother are the symbol of everything gone wrong in this country when it comes to parenting, and they are both terrible role models.  The TLC show and social media present a very phony view and gloss over the fact that Jazz has serious lifelong psychological issues that have led to the depression and overeating.

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On 6/20/2021 at 1:28 PM, patty1h said:

I hate watched the last 2 seasons of IAJ and wonder if her recent notoriety will lead to another season.   It would be interesting to see if Jazz has matured and if the parents are treating her like the adult she is now.  I've had enough of Jazz the teen brat.   If she came back to TV to address her weight issue and treated it seriously, I would probably watch that.  

I hope that the parents step up and stop with the coddling.

They have announced a new season, it’s on her Instagram. 

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On 6/19/2021 at 2:14 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

This is really a shame, BUT, the last place Jazz should be is on another season of this shit show, parading about pretending to be this amazing role model who in reality should withdraw from social media and just put in the hard work of losing weight and getting mentally fit. Jazz has always equated 'coming clean on social media and/or her show' as somehow being a fabulous role model because she thinks she's owning her issues, yet she never seems to do the actual, hard work. IMO, this young lady desperately needs serious psychotherapy to understand and address all the many issues she and her mother have swept under the proverbial rug for years while they play Trans Crusaders. What Jazz has undergone has been under a public microscope since she was a child. From what she says about herself, she is addicted to food, but more so, she is addicted to being in the spotlight. And THAT is part of her very serious problem. I don't want to watch another season of this young lady binge eating in her car, giving a half ass work out with her brother, or whining to her mother about how hard shit is. She needs to get a very skilled therapist and do the work. Sadly, I don't think she can lose weight successfully until/unless she gets the psych help she has desperately needed for years.

And if you can't tell already by the above, I won't be watching this show again. If I do I feel like I'm contributing to the problem.

Edited by gingerella
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Please don’t hate me for this, but I wonder if her eating disorder is a manifestation of her possibly wondering if she’s made a mistake. She was so young when she started transitioning, can anyone really know at 5 what they want? My friends daughter at 5 wanted to be a firefighting kitty cat. She mentioned in a video wearing dress up heels at 14 months, but most kids do. Toys don’t have a gender. My 2.5 year old the other day wanted to have a bow in his hair like my niece, but im not rushing to say he’s transgender. He also likes stomping around in my shoes, and his dads shoes. I wonder if she now isn’t questioning if she’s been forced to this life and is now not fully sure she believes it anymore, so it’s manifesting as an eating disorder, since food is something she can control. I seriously hope she’s getting some massive psychotherapy from an excellent psychiatrist, not cousin Debbie. 

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When I was suddenly seeing the news about Jazz & her substantial weight gain all over the place, in multiple media outlets, I have to admit that I immediately expected that the next headline would be from TLC announcing a new Jazz spin-off series where viewers could follow along with Jazz on her 'weight loss journey.'  Because this is the exact kind of thing I have come to expect from TLC. 

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9 hours ago, FurBabyMama said:

Please don’t hate me for this, but I wonder if her eating disorder is a manifestation of her possibly wondering if she’s made a mistake. She was so young when she started transitioning, can anyone really know at 5 what they want? My friends daughter at 5 wanted to be a firefighting kitty cat. She mentioned in a video wearing dress up heels at 14 months, but most kids do. Toys don’t have a gender. My 2.5 year old the other day wanted to have a bow in his hair like my niece, but im not rushing to say he’s transgender. He also likes stomping around in my shoes, and his dads shoes. I wonder if she now isn’t questioning if she’s been forced to this life and is now not fully sure she believes it anymore, so it’s manifesting as an eating disorder, since food is something she can control. I seriously hope she’s getting some massive psychotherapy from an excellent psychiatrist, not cousin Debbie. 

It happens.  There are quite a few videos on youtube from people who have decided to detransition.

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