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The Annual Primetime Emmys - General Discussion

Message added by formerlyfreedom

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I think the problem with spoilers in the current TV watching environment is (at least) twofold.  Re-watch Andy Samberg's opening number.  There are literally hundreds of shows to watch.  If we consider something to be "not a spoiler" after a week, most shows can potentially ruined for later streaming which is a very legitimate, new way of watching TV for a lot of folks.  Also, "binge-watching" is now extraordinarily popular.  If finales are routinely allowed to be shown without warning, viewers may be deprived of the pleasure of binge-watching on their favorite streaming services which, IMO, is an incredibly enjoyable way to watch an entire series.  I'm binge-watching Damages right now and the show premiered in 2007.


Of course, we can't expect to hide finales and other spoilers indefinitely, so I don't have the answer to the issue, just stating that it can be a problem.  But I can see why people would be upset at the finale scene from Sons of Anarchy being revealed, it being a show that I believe has made its bones from binge-watchers and has now dropped tremendously on my own personal list because I now know what happens to Jax in the end.

YMMV I get that with Netflix and other streaming services, television watching isn't what it once was. But in my opinion, it is a bit entitled to expect how and when things are discussed to be altered because one has decided that "oh, you know I think I'll binge watch this show that ended a year ago."


It's not realistic. In my opinion, if one is watching a show that ended months ago or god forbid a year or two ago, then yeah, you may find out some stuff about it you didn't want. I accept that and I have binge watched shows on Netflix that were on seasons ago. Because as much as watching shows has changed, talking about shows have as well thanks to social media. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It's a very 1970s feminist kind of thing to do.

I was there (and a feminist) in the 1970s, and I recall when actresses who so identified themselves were up for an award (or Jane Fonda, who attracted widespread hate in some quarters for her politics), they may have elected to look simple and businesslike but they managed to look and act as if they valued the recognition, the work they appeared in, and their fellow nominees. Or if they didn't, they stayed away, which is always an option. 

I doubt it [winning in both drama and comedy for same role] has ever happened but I don't know for sure. 

As Andy Samberg pointed out at the start, Ed Asner did it first. That was to my mind a more legitimate (if that word has any place here!) instance, as Lou Grant appeared first on a sitcom and then on his self-titled drama, whereas Orange Is the New Black just went through a meaningless (in my opinion) reclassification but remains the same show.

I don't understand all the comments about spoilers. Haven't these shows all aired? I always think it's amusing that people think that no one should discuss a show just because they haven't seen it yet.

I agree! I even have some sympathy with those who (in this age of the DVR and on-demand) take a week or two to catch up, and I certainly wouldn't try to spoil things for them (if they let me know). But eventually there's an expiration date for TV spoilage, and I would think that the Emmy broadcast (which in effect marks the end of one TV season and the start of a new one) is it, if anything is. 


Also, enjoyment of a series is not dependent on being surprised by everything that happens. Surprise is nice, but if I elect not to watch something in a timely way, then I can do without that pleasure, and can still enjoy the story, the acting, the writing, etc. I don't expect the world to wait around for me and never talk about the series, and I certainly won't think "Oh, I now know what happens in the finale -- just for that I'll never watch it." There are plenty of great movies and novels whose endings I know too, but I still intend to get to them (and enjoy them) someday.

Edited by Rinaldo
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I wouldn't argue for being fussy about spoilers in all contexts, but given that the Emmys are there to *market* shows and get people to watch them, maybe *that*'s the place you don't post the ending of long-running series the same year that ending airs. It would not be particularly hard to choose a different clip. So why not do it?

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I tried and tried to like HTGAWM. It's a show that I should have loved, the premise was right up my alley. But watching it became torture for me and I had to finally give up. I think it was because of the annoying repetition of certain scenes like the bonfire and the fact that there wasn't a single character that I could stand.


Same here.  I usually love legal shows, even though its more like legal fantasy than anything else.  Still, the whole premise and back-ground of HTG just annoyed me to no end with how totally unrealistic it all was.  Viola Davis is great in the show, but frankly even a great performance can't always save a show for me (looking at you James Spader and Blacklist). 


I do appreciate how she's right that women need good roles and it is nice to see more black women in staring roles, even those roles that don't 'require' a black woman as the lead (such as with Empire).  Scandal, Sleepy Hollow, Person of Interest, all could just have easily had a white woman in those roles and even a man in some, so yay to increasing diversity.  Now to crack into the comedy category for nominations, lets get some recognition for Blackish and Fresh off the Boat.


Very glad Jon Hamm got the Emmy, though he should have especially this year given the rather weak field (though I love Spacey and Odenkirk in their roles).  A bit surprised Mad Men didn't get a final award for the show.  I though Christina Hendricks should have won too.  I appreciate Peter Dinklage, but come on, Jonathan Banks just killed it in that 5-0 episode in Better Call Saul.


Personally, I was rooting for The Colbert Report on writing and talk-variety, but can't complain about The Daily Show getting recognition.  I suppose Colbert will get more chances with his new show, and that might have influenced the voters a bit more.  I do expect John Oliver to get one of those awards next year, especially given how topical he's been and how his show topics have already had some real life effects.


Thought Adam Samberg did a good job.  I laughed at his re-using the blond wig in the Mad Men Coke commercial spoof from his 7 Days in Hell show. 


I'm sure Kit Harrington didn't show up because we're not supposed to know he still hasn't cut his hair.


Lady Gaga was surprisingly reserved, both in dress and manner.  A real professional (unlike some other musical performers on a recent mtv award show)

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Viola is a two time Tony Award winner (something I find much more impressive than an Emmy) and if you put her on stage with a phone book I bet she'd win a third.


I LOVE Viola, but I've never seen HTGAWM.    IMO, she should have won Best Supporting Actress Oscar for The Help.  I like Octavia Spencer but Viola was fucking amazing in that movie.  When she tells Skeeter about her son dying, and then at the end when she gets fired and has to say goodbye to the little girl, OMG. 

I appreciate Peter Dinklage, but come on, Jonathan Banks just killed it in that 5-0 episode in Better Call Saul.


Tell me about it.   Jonathan Banks is the best.   Maybe he'll get some love at the Golden Globes. 


I have to say altho I love VEEP, JLD winning every year is getting a little ridiculous.  


My favorite joke of the whole show (and I FF'd thru a lot of the show this morning) was "After the success of "Better Call Saul", Jon Hamm will be starring in a Mad Men prequel, "Dick Whitman, Horny Hobo". 


That would be an amazing SNL skit. 

  • Love 5
IMO, she should have won Best Supporting Actress Oscar for The Help.



She didn't lose because of Octavia - she was submitted and nominated in Lead Actress for the role. She lost to Meryl Streep and yes many thought she should have won and if you went by last night's crawler, apparently some still think she did win.

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  The only thing better than Viola Davis winning the Emmy was her acceptance speech. it was powerful, brilliant and pitch-perfect, just like her performance on How To Get Away With Murder. As a Black woman, another sister winning an Emmy was long overdue and if anyone deserves it, it's Ms. Davis. It was the right character played by the right actress. Ms. Davis' name-checking other Black actresses was the icing on the cake. I would've been just as thrilled if Taraji P. Henson had won. I'm just happy that Claire Danes didn't win again.


Don't watch House Of Cards, but I love Reg E.Cathey and that awesome voice of his.


I still remember him from Square One!


I still remember him from Oz.



The performance Viola gave in the episode featuring Cicely Tyson won her that Emmy.


  I respectfully disagree. I believe it was the scene in the "Let's Get To Scooping" episode when Annalise took off her wig and her makeup, revealing the vulnerable, beautiful woman beneath the tough exterior. After I saw that scene for the first time, I knew/hoped that Viola would at least get an Emmy nomination. In that scene, Viola said more with her silence than other actors can with whole pages of dialogue.  


  As someone who's a fan of HTGAWM & Empire, I love both shows because while neither one is "perfect," for me the good far exceeds the bad and as long as they keep doing that, I'll keep watching.


  I'm also thrilled for Regina King. The way I see it, her winning for American Crime was not only for that performance, it was an apology for never even nominating her for Southland.

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Yes fun and crazy but in my opinion, it's nothing more than a glorified soap opera set in the hip hop/music world, much like Downton Abbey is just a glorified soap opera with period pieces. Yes, it's fun and I get why it has high ratings but I don't get the critical love and all the anger some had that it wasn't nominated for Best Drama. I find the writing average, the plots over the top and much of the acting mediocre.



Yes, and that's the point.  Empire is very much like Downton Abbey, but Downton Abbey won awards, to me that's the problem.  Downton bored me to tears, at least Empire is interesting, even though it is over the top.  


I'm over the moon that Game of Thrones won though.


And IMO Viola won that Emmy for the scene where she didn't speak, but took off her make up and her wig, stripping off her armor.  She said more in that scene that she did in the entire episode with Cicely Tyson.

Edited by Neurochick


I believe it was the scene in the "Let's Get To Scooping" episode when Annalise took off her wig and her makeup, revealing the vulnerable, beautiful woman beneath the tough exterior.

I would have to poke around to see which episode she did submit but it wouldn't surprise me if it was for this episode.  Best wig pull off since Marcia Cross in Melrose Place (for completely different reasons.)  Apparently it was her idea to do it so clearly it paid off. 

As someone who's a fan of HTGAWM & Empire, I love both shows because while neither one is "perfect," for me the good far exceeds the bad and as long as they keep doing that, I'll keep watching.


I'm also thrilled for Regina King. The way I see it, her winning for American Crime was not only for that performance, it was an apology for never even nominating her for Southland.


Seconded about HTGAWM and Empire. And that speech by Viola Davis! Best speech of the night.


As for Regina King, I was happy for her because I've always thought that she should've been recognized for voicing Riley and Huey Freeman on The Boondocks :)


I was also delighted for Game of Thrones. Season 5 wasn't great (in GoT terms) but the show and a lot of it's cast honestly should've received Emmys a long time ago.

Edited by kdm07
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I wouldn't argue for being fussy about spoilers in all contexts, but given that the Emmys are there to *market* shows and get people to watch them, maybe *that*'s the place you don't post the ending of long-running series the same year that ending airs. It would not be particularly hard to choose a different clip. So why not do it?


Honestly, the finales of these shows aired months ago, TDS was the most recent. If you like any of these shows and even cared about how they ended, you should have watched their finale already.

Edited by cpcathy
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I would have to poke around to see which episode she did submit but it wouldn't surprise me if it was for this episode.  Best wig pull off since Marcia Cross in Melrose Place (for completely different reasons.)  Apparently it was her idea to do it so clearly it paid off. 

Looks like she submitted "Freaking Whack-a-mole", which was also a really great episode for her.  

I would have to poke around to see which episode she did submit but it wouldn't surprise me if it was for this episode.  Best wig pull off since Marcia Cross in Melrose Place (for completely different reasons.)  Apparently it was her idea to do it so clearly it paid off. 

She submitted "Freakin' Whack-a-Mole". 


Edited by Chrissytd

I thought this was one of the better awards shows in recent years. Samberg was good (I'm still throwing shade at NPH for his dismal outing); the buttsy Girls joke and Brody nose joke were superb. I floved his wardrobe too.


My favorite moment as a viewer was watching Tina Fey watch Tracy Morgan. There was a lot of history and a lot of emotion going on there, and it was just cool to see from my couch.

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Very happy for Viola Davis.  Happy for Jon Hamm.  Disappointed for Christina Hendricks.  Not so disappointed for Elisabeth Moss - I find her average and while she may be the show's most important female, she doesn't stand out as a lead to me.  She might have won in Supporting one of these years.


I'm confused as to why American Horror Story continually qualifies as a miniseries.  Because each season is a self-contained storyline?  It doesn't matter to me, it's still the same producing team and many of the same actors.  Do they do this so they don't have to compete with the big boys in Drama?

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I missed the first 15 minutes, but in general thought it was a good show and moved along fast enough. I do wish there were more opportunity for Network or regular cable shows because I don't get HBO and by the time I binge through a show on Netflix it is usually after the Emmy's have come and gone. I have no problem with spoilers though; if you want a year old show without knowing anything in advance, you have to stay clear of pretty much all media related to television. It would be impossible to have some sort of ten year blackout on show discussions to insure that every last person on earth isn't spoiled by something.


I was happy to see Viola Davis win although I don't like the show and couldn't stand more than two episodes. Sometimes there are good actors stuck in less than good shows. I didn't see the win coming for Regina King though. I like her in most things, but I thought her part in American Crime was both small and unmemorable. I would rather have seen the award given to one of the less famous cast members who were very good.

I thought this was one of the better awards shows in recent years. Samberg was good (I'm still throwing shade at NPH for his dismal outing); the buttsy Girls joke and Brody nose joke were superb. I floved his wardrobe too.

My favorite moment as a viewer was watching Tina Fey watch Tracy Morgan. There was a lot of history and a lot of emotion going on there, and it was just cool to see from my couch.

Tina talked about it on a podcast before but she adores Tracy. Even more than that, she accepts him for who he is. When the drama was going on about his bit where he said he would kill (or beat) his son if he said he was gay. For one, she's knows he doesn't mean it. But, also she can respect Tracy and his brand of humor while disagreeing with the message. I'm sure there are few people that took the accident harder than her.

I'll put the spoiler thing like this. I sympathize with people being spoiled. It happens and it sucks. But, will never put that anger or annoyance on anyone else. The way things are today, someone will always be spoiled about something. So I wouldn't even bother putting to much pressure to protect things. It is on the viewer to watch in a timely manner. They were showing clips from finales. I would just turn away at that point. Something like sons air like six months ago and it's been streaming on hulu and Netflix all summer. If you haven't watched it than the it might not be that important. In think it also bugs me people dont even just do it for recent stuff. If Sandberg had made a joke about the finale of the Wire, there are people out there that would complain because they are mid binge watch. It's getting crazy these days.

Edited by Racj82
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My favorite moment as a viewer was watching Tina Fey watch Tracy Morgan. There was a lot of history and a lot of emotion going on there, and it was just cool to see from my couch.


I loved when he said he was going to get a bunch of women pregnant at the after party and they showed Tina and she was covering her face with her hands.


Good on the director for keeping a camera on her during Tracy's speech.  There are pictures on some celebrity site of Tracy and his daughter and wife and I swear his daughter could be Baby Virginia from 30 Rock.  RUDE!!! 

I'm binge-watching Damages right now and the show premiered in 2007.


What season are you on?  I kinda watched S4 & 5 yesterday and don't want to ruin it for you but 5 goes off the rails.  It's like they just gave up and said "Fuck it". 

The one thing I want to see before I die is a comic or a director have a baby poop on a red balloon and slap HBO's logo on it and the have as a limited series because it will win all the awards because none of the Emmy voters watch TV and its HBO so it has to be good, right?



Andy hit the nail on the head with "We said goodbye to True Detective, even though it's still on the air".   I just realized I missed the joke with Lauren Lapkus. 


I'm not a Game of Thrones fan.   I watched the first episode and when they cut Sean Bean's head off I was like  "out!!!!" 


But wouldn't you watch "Dick Whitman, Horny Hobo"? 

The one thing I want to see before I die is a comic or a director have a baby poop on a red balloon and slap HBO's logo on it and the have as a limited series because it will win all the awards because none of the Emmy voters watch TV and its HBO so it has to be good, right?

Being on HBO sure didn't secure a win for Game of Thrones or Veep before this year. Nor did it unleash a wave of wins for The Wire when it was on.

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I thought Game of Thrones had won a lot but you're right it had been Breaking Bad and Mad Men.


And Veep broke Modern Family's stranglehold on the Comedy Emmy.


I like a lot of HBO series/docs.  And some of them I've never watched. 


One that I finally just caught was The Knick, which is a Cinemax series but on HBO OD.  It is really good. The first couple episodes are a little shaky, you're trying to figure out who everyone is, etc. but then it all clicks and it's a really great show. 

You will never see Terrance Howard get an Emmy nod because of his history of being difficult to work with and his history of manhandling women.  I wish he could clean up his act and control his anger management issues, because he's SO talented and is great in Empire.  Just read an article that says his role in Empire this season is going to be limited because of how difficult he is on writers and staff in general.  Not having Lucious on a lot will affect the show, imho.  


I just cannot understand this whole see through dresses business.  I'm sorry, but seeing granny panties under a see through skirt isn't a good look for anyone.  Hell, next year, someone's going to show up nekked.  Heidi Klum and her Big Bird dress looked awful.  I just don't get her fashion choices lately.  It's like she's trying to get attention any way she can.  

  • Love 4
I thought this was one of the better awards shows in recent years. Samberg was good (I'm still throwing shade at NPH for his dismal outing); the buttsy Girls joke and Brody nose joke were superb.


Can someone explain the buttsy Girls joke?  I don't watch anymore and, while I actually laughed out loud when he did it, I don't get it in the context of Girls.



What season are you on?  I kinda watched S4 & 5 yesterday and don't want to ruin it for you but 5 goes off the rails.  It's like they just gave up and said "Fuck it".


I'm on season 3, so I have a little ways to go before it goes off the rails I guess.  And despite the fact that I watch tons of TV, I was never spoiled for this or for Breaking Bad which I also binge watched after the fact.  Just lucky I guess.  But I reserve the right to feel annoyed if I am spoiled on things I am binge-watching, the same way anyone else should feel free to talk about things that have aired in their entirety.

What I liked about Andy Samberg:  His humor can be silly and goofy.  (One of my favorite shorts on SNL was "Laser Cats!")   Last night, he did not seem fazed if a joke or a bit didn't go well -- he kept that same wide-eyed smile going.  Almost as if he was playing a joke on US, all in good fun and we'll just move along now!  lol  And, he was willing to take a risk on a sharp-edged joke or two.


While I can admire Neal Patrick Harris, I felt like he believed too much of the press about his wonderfulness.  

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I saw that, too, something along the lines, "Oscar Winner Viola Davis Appears in 12 Minutes", like how they tease Santa "coming up" at the Macy's parade. She has already won Tonys and a SAG Award and was Oscar-nominated for The Help. Perhaps the person who writes the screen crawls was pissed about Meryl winning that year, lol. 

Viola Davis was also Oscar nominated for her performance in "Doubt" a few years prior to "The Help."


She didn't lose because of Octavia - she was submitted and nominated in Lead Actress for the role. She lost to Meryl Streep and yes many thought she should have won and if you went by last night's crawler, apparently some still think she did win.

I think even Meryl Streep thought that Viola should have won for "The Help."  I can't remember her exact words when she accepted her Oscar for "The Iron Lady" but she made a special comment to Viola Davis at the time that, IMO indicated that she was kind of surprised that she (Meryl) was up there accepting instead of Viola.

I'm SO happy for Viola Davis!  I ONLY watch HTGAWM because of her.  It's not the greatest show by any means but Viola's performances are definitely worth the price of admission!

One other comment about Viola's well-deserved win:  Just a coincidence, I suppose but did anyone else notice that her ground breaking Emmy award was presented by Adrien Brody who also famously--with a bend-her-over-backwards full-on kiss--presented Halle Berry with the first Best Actress Oscar ever won by an African American actress?

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Very happy for Viola Davis. Happy for Jon Hamm. Disappointed for Christina Hendricks. Not so disappointed for Elisabeth Moss - I find her average and while she may be the show's most important female, she doesn't stand out as a lead to me. She might have won in Supporting one of these years.

I'm confused as to why American Horror Story continually qualifies as a miniseries. Because each season is a self-contained storyline? It doesn't matter to me, it's still the same producing team and many of the same actors. Do they do this so they don't have to compete with the big boys in Drama?

They changed "miniseries" to "limited series" this year. This article, from The Hollywood Reporter this past June, explains what qualifies as a "Limited Series".


While I can admire Neal Patrick Harris, I felt like he believed too much of the press about his wonderfulness.  

I'd say it's a little more complicated than that, though I too found his Emmy hosting underwhelming. He was genuinely terrific hosting the Tony awards the first two or three times -- that's his home territory in a way, and he had some good ideas about what to do. Some stupid ones too, but they didn't take up much time. (Though I could add that Hugh Jackman had done well hosting the Tonys too.) But then other awards shows got to thinking of him as an instant ticket to being Funny and Current, but (a) by now he'd used up his best ideas, and (b) everyone got lazy thinking that all you have to do is throw NPH at an awards show, without putting any work into coming up with something noteworthy.


I share the frustration with the same people or shows winning year after year, but I don't think anything can be done about it other than voters thinking more (unless an actor chooses to take himself out of contention, as John Larroquette eventually did long ago, and I seem to recall others doing likewise on occasion). And not all repeated winners are the result of lazy thinking: for my money Julia Louis-Dreyfus earned it every time, for instance.

One other comment about Viola's well-deserved win:  Just a coincidence, I suppose but did anyone else notice that her ground breaking Emmy award was presented by Adrien Brody who also famously--with a bend-her-over-backwards full-on kiss--presented Halle Berry with the first Best Actress Oscar ever won by an African American actress?



You have it backwards. Halle won the previous year and as the previous Best Actress, presented the Best Actor category that year when Adrian Brody won. That's why he kissed her because he was so shocked and surprised and overwhelmed. He was a total long-shot win that year. Halle was presented with her Oscar by Russell Crowe who won Best Actor the previous year. 

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One other comment about Viola's well-deserved win:  Just a coincidence, I suppose but did anyone else notice that her ground breaking Emmy award was presented by Adrien Brody who also famously--with a bend-her-over-backwards full-on kiss--presented Halle Berry with the first Best Actress Oscar ever won by an African American actress?

It was the other way around-Halle Barry presented Adrien Brody with his Academy Award.

  • Love 1


I just cannot understand this whole see through dresses business.  I'm sorry, but seeing granny panties under a see through skirt isn't a good look for anyone.  Hell, next year, someone's going to show up nekked.  Heidi Klum and her Big Bird dress looked awful.  I just don't get her fashion choices lately.  It's like she's trying to get attention any way she can.  

So I'm not the only one who thought Big Bird upon seeing her dress? That dress was a monstrosity. 

It's the voice. Loud, strident....cringe-inducing. I swear her accent gets thicker every year. She really comes across as not being very bright. My friend calls her "Vulgara."


During interviews I've watched her accent is far less pronounced. And as far her not being bright, no. I would argue strongly no. She's very smart and her being loud and outrageous IMO is her 'brand" or her 'schtick'.

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I only know Ray Parker Jr from Ghostbusters. I guess he's also a session musician.

And we get at least the second True Detective diss I noticed. Considering the primary difference between the season is the director, I think we now know for sure who made the first season so magical.

Back in the '80's (maybe actually the very late '70's), Ray Parker, Jr. was the lead singer of a fairly successful musical group called Raydio. He then went on to have a solo career where, I think, his biggest hit was the theme from Ghostbusters.

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(One of my favorite shorts on SNL was "Laser Cats!")


Oh man, now I need to look up some of them on Youtube again.  There were some jokes that didn't land but he was being a good sport about it.



I loved when he said he was going to get a bunch of women pregnant at the after party and they showed Tina and she was covering her face with her hands.


That made me miss 30 Rock all over again!  There are some photos of him lifting up his shirt at an after party so I think he's slowly becoming himself again.  It made me more anxious for him hosting SNL again soon.  

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I was fairly pleased with the Emmy telecast this year.  I'm a Game of Thrones fan, so I was very pleased with its wins.  It was nice seeing Jon Hamm finally win.  The telecast ran under 3 hours which is always a plus given that the norm is to go over 3 hours.


I did appreciate how the producers did a segment on shows that ended their runs this year.  Given that both Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart, Colbert Report, Late Show with Letterman, and Mad Men ended, it felt appropriate.  It was also nice that Sons of Anarchy and Justified got some appreciation as well, although only Justified got some Emmy attention. 

I was there (and a feminist) in the 1970s, and I recall when actresses who so identified themselves were up for an award (or Jane Fonda, who attracted widespread hate in some quarters for her politics), they may have elected to look simple and businesslike but they managed to look and act as if they valued the recognition, the work they appeared in, and their fellow nominees. Or if they didn't, they stayed away, which is always an option. 

This has been sticking in my craw all day.  I realize that it's partly that I have lived something of an unwanted celebrity experience in my own career and also because I love Frances McDormand.  I struggle with people's interpretation of her demeanor last night.  I think being subject to our interpretation is part of what she is rebelling against. And it is an intentional rebellion.  In reviewing Frances McDormand's awards appearances she has always been dry and thoughtful rather than breathless and simple.  I really appreciate that about her and her acts of resistance.  Also, she is pretty funny sometimes as evidenced here: https://youtu.be/EtLPPda-meE. Now I'll be in my corner watching my VHS of Laurel Canyon and being a Stan.

Edited by ACS
  • Love 6
Oh man, now I need to look up some of them on Youtube again.  There were some jokes that didn't land but he was being a good sport about it.



That made me miss 30 Rock all over again!  There are some photos of him lifting up his shirt at an after party so I think he's slowly becoming himself again.  It made me more anxious for him hosting SNL again soon.


He's being criticized for not mentioning his friend who was killed in that accident, I think it's unwarranted because from what I read a big part of his case against Walmart and his final settlement with them included a very generous settlement to the family of his friend. I saw him speak about it and he was quite emotional,and grateful that they would be well taken care of.

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Didn't like his singing bit at the beginning - that felt more like something that NPH would have done.


I thought it was very much in keeping with Samberg's digital shorts on SNL, which often featured him singing. 


I remember when Samberg and Bill Haider were introduced as featured players on SNL at the start of the 2005 - 2006 season.  I thought, "Great, two more white-bread frat boys, just what the show needs."  I almost couldn't tell them apart.  Boy, did they prove me wrong!

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For me, the problem with Sophia and Neil Patrick Harris is that they're overexposed.  Once someone is "discovered" and they become a little popular, everyone jumps on that bandwagon and then that's all you see is that person, EVERYWHERE.   NPH was hosting everything, being in magazines shilling for whatever.  Sophia is also everywhere, in commercials, on billboards and magazines.  To my mind, very overexposed and people might be getting tired of her.  But I am glad that Modern Family was punched down this year.  Personally, I much prefer The Middle and the actors on that show are constantly overlooked because of Modern Family.  I'm thinking that MF will probably be around for maybe another season, and then go away.  

  • Love 2
Message added by formerlyfreedom

A reminder that all Primetimer rules and policies are in effect during live chats, including politics policy. Please stick to discussion of the show. Thank you.

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