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Favorite Commercials

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Just saw a preview for a few Super Bowl ads. I LOVE the Pantene "Dad do" commercial, with dads styling their daughter's hair. We hear too much about the bad boys of the NFL.


The Heinz Dachshund hot dog family was cute, but the Pantene ad brought tears to my eyes (I'm a softie).

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It's like that dress - some see it white & gold, some see blue & black. 

That dress is shown in one of the new SuperBowl ads.  I can't remember what it's for (so fail there) but a group of aliens is on a tour of Earth stuff and the guide points to the dress and says it started a civil war.  It's pretty funny.

Edited by Haleth
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I don't know if I can call it a "favorite," but the Subaru commercial that starts with the guy giving his 14-year-old dog a birthday cake, and then they proceed to cross things off the dog's bucket list while Willie Nelson sings in the background. Tears for all!

Edited by SmithW6079
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"It's personal this time."

Hehe this is my husband's exact feeling about the skunk that gets into our yard and has sprayed the dog a couple of times. It's personal now. This commercial cracks me up because it rings so true on so many levels!

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That dress is shown in one of the new SuperBowl ads.  I can't remember what it's for (so fail there) but a group of aliens is on a tour of Earth stuff and the guide points to the dress and says it started a civil war.  It's pretty funny.

I've seen a preview of that ad.  It's for Avocados from Mexico, and I think Scott Baio is in it.

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Avocados are in season pretty much year-round in California, too - different varieties at different times of the year.  If grocery stores hadn't created a situation in which people think the Hass avocado is the only avocado, people could be buying in-season avocados locally all year round here (instead of buying Hass all year, so that sometimes it's local and sometimes it's from Mexico or even South America).  Fuerte and Pinkerton are in season right now - and utterly delicious - but, no, the major groceries are stocking imported Hass.  So I haven't seen the ad, but I'm preemptively annoyed by it.

Edited by Bastet
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Well I love the "Future/Alien Museum" Super Bowl commercial.  "That's the dress that started The Civil War.  That's Scott Baio."  :D


Also enjoyed the bear commercial.  "Awww, I just wanted to give them a hug."  "I wanted eat them."  "Dude, aren't you a vegan?"  :)


And I loved the Schwarzenegger commercial and the "Ant-Man steal's Hulk's Coke" commercial.

Edited by bmoore4026
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I already liked the Verizon ad with the multi-colored rolling balls, because it's oddly soothing to look at, but I have to give T-Mobile credit for coming back the way they did.  I knew the Steve Harvey gaffe would eventually become a joke.

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I just saw a use a condom commercial. Son asks dad to borrow the car (doesn't say what for). Dad gives son the keys, then calls the son back and hands him a couple condoms, just in case. The whole ad was simple, awkward and brilliant.


I can't find it online.

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I already liked the Verizon ad with the multi-colored rolling balls, because it's oddly soothing to look at, but I have to give T-Mobile credit for coming back the way they did. I knew the Steve Harvey gaffe would eventually become a joke.

I loved the Steve Harvey T-Mobile ad too. I'm glad he's got such a good sense of humor about the Miss Universe gaffe & has maintained it since it happened--plus the whole "owning your huge, made on an international stage, mistake" thing. I think, though, that it's also been something of a joke since it happened--not just in the Super Bowl ad--with him being among the first to make 1. A week after his pageant gaffe, he sent out a "Merry Easter" Tweet when it was actually Christmas (or close to it).


My other favorite was the ad with Oscar-winner Dame Helen Mirren about not driving after drinking "adult" beverages.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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I just saw a use a condom commercial. Son asks dad to borrow the car (doesn't say what for). Dad gives son the keys, then calls the son back and hands him a couple condoms, just in case. The whole ad was simple, awkward and brilliant.


I can't find it online.


Read this as "I just saw a used condom commercial . . . "  After seeing monkeypuppybaby (my eyes!!), I'm pretty sure nothing in a commercial could surprise or horrify me any longer.  But I'm still glad I read it wrong.  :-)

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Avocados are in season pretty much year-round in California, too - different varieties at different times of the year.  If grocery stores hadn't created a situation in which people think the Hass avocado is the only avocado, people could be buying in-season avocados locally all year round here (instead of buying Hass all year, so that sometimes it's local and sometimes it's from Mexico or even South America).  Fuerte and Pinkerton are in season right now - and utterly delicious - but, no, the major groceries are stocking imported Hass.  So I haven't seen the ad, but I'm preemptively annoyed by it.

You mean there are avocados other than Hass and those crappy Florida ones?  Just when I thought there was no reason for me to ever go to California . . .

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Any avocado is a good avocado in my book.  (Here in the midwest anyway.)  And the ad was cute.

I also liked the Willem Dafoe Snickers commercial.

Somehow I missed the puppy monkey baby.  Guess I should count my blessings.

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You mean there are avocados other than Hass and those crappy Florida ones?


Oh, yeah; there are about half a dozen CA avocado varieties other than Hass that are commonly grown here, and there are probably at least 20 total.  I don't know how many FL varieties there are.

Edited by Bastet
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I'm a sap for Ben Stiller and I love that Fiat commercial with his blue steel face. Hilarious to me.

I don't much care for Ben Stiller, but I thought Zoolander was hilarious, and I'm looking forward to the sequel. I like those commercials too.

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I love the one currently airing (although I can't recall what it's for) where the kids show up at their grandparents' for a visit and the grandparents don't even hug them but shove all of their devices at them and say something like "it's wonderful to see you - none of this works!" The tag line is something about how having grandchildren is like having unlimited tech support. Makes me LOL every time.

Edited by captain1
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That series of ads wore thin for me after about the second or third ad.

Yeah, they need to drop the bratty cheese wheels and bring back the little girl explaining how they get all the flavor into a Cheez It:


I'd pay good money to see someone try it on a cat. I've got three of the little jerks and if there was any way to clean them without bloodshed (mine), I'd do it.

Aren't cats supposed to be self-cleaning?

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The squirrels running around the pool in the background make me giggle. "This time it's personal."


Do any of you remember a phone commercial (IIRC) a few years back that had the wife talking in the foreground about the product. Meanwhile, the husband is in the background, presumably  stupid and all trapped up, entangled in the blinds? It struck me as hilarious.  I wish I could recall the item they were selling. I want to say "Vonage" or Verizon but Im just guessing.

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This is by FAR the best commercial airing on TV right now. "He says this time it's personal." 


And I, too, laugh at the Zumba line every single time.

Even better are the outtakes/alternate Momversations that you can find on YouTube. My sister has taken to posting random quotes on my FB wall, like "have you ever heard of a nutria?"


From the Annoying Commercials thread:








Well, I think it's better, anyway. ;-)


Of course it's better. Dame Helen Mirren can do no wrong.

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Love the latest Geico commercial - Tarzan, with Jane asking for directions.  Every time I see it I laugh when the monkey keeps shaking his head "no"!  Too funny.  Not to mention how true it is -- have yet to know a man who will actually stop to ask for directions. 


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Would it be considered an 'unpopular opinion' to say I like the 'Commander Audi' commercial? Yeah, I know that letting an old man with such diminished capacity that he's not eating drive a car may not the smartest move. However; I like the idea of letting him have his fun even if its entirely within his own mind (like Captain Pike's fate in the Original "Star Trek"). Also, those pictures and NASA footage were quite impressive!

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See, for me this ad is a nostalgia-plus, but a reality-minus, since it just reminds me of how crappy the not-Cadbury Cadbury products are in the US now. I'll probably still eat one egg this year, but it's just not the same as they were in the 80s. Stupid new recipe and not even really Cadbury now.

Edited by theatremouse
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I know they used to have six-packs of Cadbury Eggs, just like real eggs.  Then they only put 5 in the box, for the same price.  And then they changed the recipe.  I just HATE this kind of shit!


Hershey is the same way.  They outsourced all their production to Mexico.  They changed the recipes, too; they cannot be called 100% Chocolate anymore, legally.  The only bar that didn't change (except for size) was the original plain Hershey Bar.  (This may have changed since I last checked.)

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