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The Grinder - General Discussion

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I adore this show. Nobody seems to be dumbed down which I realize is so unusual! Any other soap would have drawn out the faux friendly obnoxious assistant situation. I loved that it didn't go on and on,

I had an assistant a bit like that too, which is howbiblearned never to hire someone you can't fire, she worked for me and for my boss and routinely played both ends against the middle. She was ultimately laid off... I was too young to just openly complain but it might not have worked anyway, she was a yiu g girl and I was in my early 30s and I shspect our male boss would have thought it was some girl thing and had she cried he'd have folded,

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My favorite scenes every week are the bedroom chats between Stewart and Deb. Fred Savage and Mary Elizabeth Ellis have such good chemistry and those talks come across as so natural. 


I just hope they start spreading the wealth and giving underdeveloped characters like Lizzie and William Devane storylines. I love the brother interaction but would love to see Dean branching out more (like he did with Ethan's play).

  • Love 4

I'm not sure I really wanted to know that about Stu and Dean's parents. 


Small point, but Stu's kids can't remember 5 years ago? Deb filled one of the kids in on the old Thanksgivings, which we later found out was just 5 years ago. 


Always love seeing Jason Alexander. I like the new wrinkle of a Grinder spin off. The terrible puns were fun too.

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I did not see that coming! I should have, I've been watching TV for half a century. Still, surprise. Any as always the funniest show on TV.

I know!  I sat there thinking "I have watched a billion hours of TV and yet I did not see that coming, how can this be?"  And I mean, I have watched so much TV that I get nervous whenever anyone in real life says something like "wow, things could not get worse!" 


For the life of me now I can not remember the specific last line of the Grinder spinoff promo ("__somethingsomething___ just. got. hard!") even though I laughed out loud at the time.


This show is just wonderful. 

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It was something about New Orleans. Maybe "Grinding in the Big Easy... just got hard" ?

Oh that's terrific.


I actually did suspect that the father knew about the affair but I couldn't figure out if it was going to be because their marriage was already essentially over and he just didn't care or if they were swingers.  (I read a lot of Savage Love--Dan Savage that is, not Fred). And I'm so happy the show went with swingers. 


I also absolutely loved the fight when Dean was trying to get Stewart to tell him why he stopped doing Thanksgiving.  Rob Lowe and Fred Savage have always had good chemistry but it was exceptional there.  Also continuing to be exceptional?  Stewart and Debbie's relationship.  These two do the small things so well. 


I wonder if we're going to keep getting little blurbs from the spinoff.

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I was just casually checking out the show like I normally do- it's almost like an easy listening radio station- funny, doesn't require too much effort, and there's always this nice tinge of nostalgia from watching Fred Savage. Then Timothy Olyphant turned up and I started yelling at my television (in a good way- is that a thing?). I knew the betrayal was going to happen, but it didn't matter because it meant more Olyphant chewing up the scenery. I only hope this is a story arc.

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Yeah, people who predict whether or not a show will be renewed have this show going from a toss-up to "likely to be canceled."   It'll all come down to comparisons and it is helped because FOX owns it.


That said, it'll get a new time slot after Brooklyn 99 which will be a better lead-in than Grandfathered in January. 


RE the ratings, they're kind of mediocre: http://tvbythenumber...gs-week-9-2015/


Fox announced that as of this week they are no longer using the data for the same day live and DVR and will focus on live + 3 Day stats.  So in short, we have to hope shows like this get a sizable boost by the Friday.  



Fox is steering away from same day ratings because their entire network, except Empire, is doing horribly, this show included. The Live plus 3 data can be a little more generous, but not much. At this point, it all depends how we perform after Brooklyn 99 in January.

Damn this episode was amazing. By far the funniest show on TV right now. I love every damn character, and Tim's guest star role was perfect.

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Fox is steering away from same day ratings because their entire network, except Empire, is doing horribly, this show included. The Live plus 3 data can be a little more generous, but not much. At this point, it all depends how we perform after Brooklyn 99 in January.

Damn this episode was amazing. By far the funniest show on TV right now. I love every damn character, and Tim's guest star role was perfect.

Empire may not be doing all that well this season, either. Just saying. I read on Twitter today that this week's ep hit a series low in the ratings (at least the second time that's happened this season)--though I know Fox isn't emphasizing/using the overnight ratings any longer (maybe stuff like that is why).

Empire may not be doing all that well this season, either. Just saying. I read on Twitter today that this week's ep hit a series low in the ratings (at least the second time that's happened this season)--though I know Fox isn't emphasizing/using the overnight ratings any longer (maybe stuff like that is why).

Empire is down this season compared to the astronomical figures it did last season but it's still a big hit. It's the top rated scripted show in the demo. Thanksgiving Eve is not good for ratings and isn't representative.


I think they have no real way to measure the audience right now and are feeling their way through. Unfortunately it took them way too long to figure out that previous ways of measuring this data are useless and we may have lost a lot of good shows unnecessarily.

Nielson's weren't/aren't useless.  They don't capture the whole viewership picture but they do capture the most straight forward way to monetize a program...i.e. through advertising.  They're far from perfect but a show that is a hit in live viewing is usually a hit in delayed viewing/online viewing. Low rated shows can gain viewers using other means but it doesn't shuffle the deck that much between the successes and failures.  Although, we don't know how online plays into this because everyone is pretty cagey about online viewing figures.

Probably my favorite episode yet. It's interesting that they killed off the Grinder, although something tells me if Dean really wanted to go back show with in a show would find a way to bring him back, shirtless of course.


The show seems to have figured out that they want Dean to have an arc and not just have him meddling in a case of the week for Stewart. Whatever they're doing, I'm enjoying it. 


Also Fred Savage is very underrated. 

  • Love 6
I'm glad Claire hooked up with the new grinder. 


I laughed out loud and for a long time at Stew stepping into Dean's last scene as the Grinder, but I would have laughed even harder if Timothy had decided he would prefer Claire leave if she didn't want to spend all evening watching and discussing The Grinder.

Edited by SomeTameGazelle
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It looks like this might be the last ep/last new ep until January. I follow Rob Lowe on Twitter (I was following him before The Grinder, not following him because of it) & I follow the account for the show which was set up by Fox.

At/towards the end of the ep tonight, all the Twitter accounts connected to the show (most of the other actors, except William Devane, are on Twitter) Tweeted that they'd be back in January, at their new time of 9:30PM Eastern (I got the Tweets from the cast members I haven't started following yet--Fred Savage, Mary Elizabeth Ellis [Debbie, Stewart's wife], Hana Hayes & Connor Kalopsis [Deb & Stewart's kids]--through Retweets from Rob's account or the show's account).

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The traffic or weather on one of my local radio stations was sponsored by the Grinder. The radio person said it was the last new episode of 2015. The good news is, Fox was promoting the show. I also found it interesting that it was just advertisement for the Grinder, not for the Grandfathered/Grinder hour.

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I adored everything about this episode, to the point that I can't bring myself to delete it from my DVR yet. It demands a rewatch. Loved everything having to do with Dean's commitment to the character. "I tried, but he was the Grinder. The Grinder doesn't know who I am!" LOL. And of course the whole scene with Mitch and Barry Grinder (ha!). Rob & Fred play off each other so well. That small moment when Dean breaks character slightly when he asks "so you want me dead" and then is immediately the Grinder again was fantastic. Even in the middle of this totally ridiculous scene, there's character development.


Even the minor characters on this show are so great. Todd's line "Cliff Bemis, the creator of the Grinder" had me laughing for awhile.


/off to rewatch

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As soon as they showed them n the morgue, I knew they were going to do it right there, on the body. 


I love how, in the Grinder universe, there is no air conditioning in New Orleans court rooms. 


I am really glad I decided to catch up on this show over Thanksgiving weekend. Its a lot of fun, and Fred Savage and Rob Lowe are great together. 


Plus, additional Timothy Olyphant action! I hope we can check in on him and his spin off from time to time. 

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