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S05.E18: Confessions Of A Housewife

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You can't go back after 5 years, having blown through you proceeds from being bought out, then cry foul!   And why is it, no matter what conversation, or with who(m), the moment the focus comes back to Kim, to straighten out some misunderstanding, Kim's comeback is always "why don't you worry about your own family".     Well, last night when she and Kyle were discussing (or arguing) about the house, that's exactly what they were talking about - FAMILY!   


Kim doesn't need to clear things up with Kyle - Kim needs to be in intensive therapy, where a qualified therapist will tell her she cannot rewrite her history, and has to own whatever successes and FAILURES she's had.  Stop the blaming.   Man, if I were Kyle, after last night, I'd be out, done, over!   

  • Love 22
  On 3/18/2015 at 10:51 PM, ryebread said:

This week's epi gives us a flashback to when they were at the windmill talking to the guy Yolanda allegedly kissed years ago.  LisaVP leans in and says to the guy, "Go on, kiss her again.  For old time's sake.  Fluken mahkhen fluken flahken!" 


Had we been in China and if Lisa had said, "Ching yang chong, chinky yang dong?" would that be okay?  I can't decide if Lisa making fun of the dialect is just stupid or offensive.


This made me chuckle, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons (ie. "chinky yang dong"). I think what Lisa did was probably both stupid and offensive, but it was overlooked since they're both affluent white women and non-oppressed, marginalized and/or fetishized ethnic minorities.


Kim really needs to get the hell off this show. If she won't do it her for the sake of her own sobriety and mental health, she should consider her grown ass children who she makes such a stinking big deal of, despite never acting in their best interest. Their private exploits in and out of the psych ward are fair game for reporting thanks to her HoWife status.

  • Love 10
  On 3/18/2015 at 11:41 PM, mwell345 said:

Me neither. What was really creepy was how easily Kim went from screaming to "I love you" and hugging Kyle.   I'm guessing Kyle slept that night with one eye open.


Yes.  This is why these two will be forever entwined in their freaky-deaky dysfunctional dance.  I think they love each other and hate each other fiercely.  I  believe they share every little secret (even ones about Lisa Rinna and Harry) and yeah, it was a whole new ball game when Kingsley bit Alexia but I believe they'll be close again.


Although I'm sick and tired of all the screaming these women do, when Kyle and Kim ended up screaming at each other THEIRS somehow annoyed me least.  Because they're sisters, I suppose and I know that's how some sisters roll.  Doesn't make sense but it does.  Kyle is never washing her hands of Kim and vice versa, imo.

  • Love 7

Just finished the episode and oh my that Kim is a beast! She's so embarrassing,

Brandi is actually really brave. Letting them film her at that angle during her facial? Mess. And her 23 year old boy toy is so not interested in women.

Why won't Kyle wear red lipstick more often? I hate the glimmert sheer she wears it's so wrong for her face.

  • Love 4

Yeah...I think Kim's just not a nice person, and not in a fun reality show villain kind of way.  She's just...a dick.  I hope there was a ton of footage left on the cutting room floor between Kyle's "Brandi said you need an intervention" and Kim shrieking about the house.  That was really...abrupt.


I'm surprised/pleased it's the finale already.  Let's get to the reunion, the only thing I care about at this point is Kim's reaction to Brandi.  I have this weird need for her to explode or apologize to Rinna/Eileen and her sister, though I doubt she will.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 12:13 AM, racked said:

Why won't Kyle wear red lipstick more often? I hate the glimmert sheer she wears it's so wrong for her face.


I think she probably will.  Along with lots of new money comes an upgraded new body, skin, clothes, jewelry and make-up.  Even the caftan she was wearing last night in PS was an upgrade from what she's worn in earlier seasons. She's tweaked her appearance each season.  She's almost got it exactly right. 

  • Love 1
  On 3/18/2015 at 11:26 PM, msblossom said:

Agreed. The problem with Brandi is she never gets to a point where she's built enough traction with these women for them to overlook some of the stuff she says/does or like you said to enjoy the banter with her, bc everything she says and does annoys them. It's like she's got a negative balance in her bank account with these women. She's not making enough deposits to give her account a positive balance, she takes withdrawal after withdrawal and no one including most of the viewers have any tolerance for her anymore.


This is a great metaphor.  I agree. 


Personally, if I'm going to let down my guard and joke around with someone and give and receive affection then I need to trust that person, or at the very least like them.   Brandi doesn't get that relationships have to be maintained and if there are trust issues, they have to be rebuilt slowly and with earnest.  She goes from one extreme to the other yet expects the same treatment, no matter how she treats others, and then refuses to look at herself critically when she is told why people don't like her. 


I keep shouting to Brandi while watching the show that she needs to stop looking at the tree.  When I was learning how to drive, I remember being taught that what I focused my eyes on would be the direction my car was going to head in. If you focus on the tree beside the road you'll drive into the tree, if you focus on the guardrail beside your car, you're going to hit it, etc.  Brandi is given so many chances to ride the smooth road of friendship and fun that's straight ahead of her, but she keeps looking in the other direction at the tree, with her immature, rude behavior, intended to shock and upset, and she veers off the road and runs right into it, every.single.time. She never learns that she's focusing on the wrong things.       


I get why Yo wants to mold her, or why she thinks she can, at least, get Brandi to curb some of those bad habits of hers. I do think she's genuine in that but I think she's getting sick of her advice and support going in one ear and out the other.  I get it because Brandi is so infuriating that just like a child, there's an urge to want to pull her aside and try to correct her.  But she doesn't want to learn anything or correct her behavior, and that's certainly her choice, as an adult.  Other people, though, can choose not to be friends with her and choose not to put up with her antics.  She seems to find that unfair.   

  • Love 8

Oddly, I enjoyed Kim and Kyle's argument last night. Kim was so jealous she could barely squeak out a compliment about Kyle's beautiful home, and Kyle was a bit more assertive with Kim and called her ass out in a way that was very entertaining for me.

Kyle's decor isn't my taste (all that beige and heavy dark wood is quite boring to me) but the house has great bones and I'm happy for her and her family.

The dinner seemed fun and Yolanda looked amazing.

I ff through Brandi's date. She's gross and unattractive so no point in torturing myself.

Overall, I love the show sans the Brandi/Kim dynamic. Kim can stay on because she and kyle entertain me. Sorry, they just do. I'm not close enough to my sisters to argue like that so in a weird way, their stuff is...endearing? I'll show myself out now.

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  On 3/18/2015 at 1:45 PM, announcergirl said:

I am sure my opinion may be unpopular but I think I can understand where Kim is on the house. If both of her sisters sere more financially successful, she may have thought "why do they need to take this too" and it looked like greed and selfishness. Neither one of them seem to have needed money because of their spouses. So then Kim may have felt FORCED into being bought out and is stuck with the "its unfair" monologue in her head that won't go away. Maybe they took something from her when she was at a weak point. Doesn't she deserve something after working as a tewn to help support their lives back then? IMO

It seems (I say "seems" because what do I really know?) that Kim has had lots of somethings, some even funded by others because she's a mess. I can understand why she might feel exactly like you describe here but that's kind of just more of her trademark entitlement--just because they have stuff doesn't necessarily mean she deserves it too, especially if she needs other people to help her to keep it because she refuses to take responsibility for herself. To put it simply by paraphrasing a common mom-ism, Kim is why Kim can't have nice things.

I feel like I can identify a little, with my own sister. A few years ago, I bought a home by saving and making a few changes in my habits. Well, my sister made a mess of her own life and was practically evicted because she would not change a few habits (not drugs, just ill-advised behavior and self-involvement). Before I was even unpacked, I got into a little spat with my family, who decided I should help...by allowing her to move, rent-free, into the place I had just bought for myself. And suddenly, because of that (and because I was not overjoyed when I found out she had pursued and become involved with a very serious ex of mine who is an ex for many reasons), I was the one who wouldn't let her "have anything." 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 14
  On 3/19/2015 at 12:08 AM, Higgins said:

So was there only $60,000.00 worth of equity when they transferred ownership to Kyle and Mauricio?

How so? Because Kim said she took out a $20,000 equity loan? That whole story is a bit sketchy to me. Why would Kim pay back an equity loan to Kyle and Mauricio instead of the bank? Did she pull money out in the two years before the buyout, then come back five years after and want her name back on the house? Was this an official equity loan from the bank or an unofficial one from her sisters? How would a bank let a part owner pull out equity equal to the maximum of her share? It's all murky from Kim's side of the story.

  • Love 7

Kim & Brandi deserve each other, I hope they remain BFF.  Both like to throw out half truths and accusations, hoping they'll stick, and then quickly turn around and play the victim.  It's exhausting.  The story Kim spun for Adrienne was a great example.  Convenient to leave out any mention of her threats to LisaR, her ridicule of Eileen and her accusations toward Kyle.  Oh no, better to make it look like LisaR attacked her while Kyle stood by watching.  Poor little Kimmy.  The woman is ridiculous.


The desert home is gorgeous.  Kim was seething from the moment she walked in.  Glad Kyle kept her emotions in check long enough to point out the inconsistencies with Kim's house accusations.  What really got me was how evil Kim got so quickly.  What was her line about all of Kyle's supposed friends?  Just plain nasty.


The wedding ceremony Lisa performed was sweet.  I can see Pump being a hot spot for weddings.  


Everyone looked beautiful at the final dinner.  The dynamic without Brandi is so much lighter and relaxed.  Speaking of, she looked pathetic on her date, sitting there in her spanx, slurring her words, and making out at the table.  Plus, enough with the age comments, she's in the same demographic no matter how many 20 year olds she bangs.

Edited by snarts
  • Love 14

One thing I forgot to note in a previous post about the PS home being mentioned again. The last time it was mentioned, a lot of people were of the belief that Kyle was lying about Kim's sobriety. Many believed Kim was not an alcoholic.  It played a part in how people felt about the PS home and the eventual sale of it. Now, we know without a doubt what Kim is. That surely changes things up a bit, along with the new info mentioned last night.


  On 3/19/2015 at 12:47 AM, snarts said:

Everyone looked beautiful at the final dinner.  The dynamic without Brandi is so much lighter and relaxed.  Speaking of, she looked pathetic on her date, sitting there in her spanx, slurring her words, and making out at the table.  Plus, enough with the age comments, she's in the same demographic no matter how many 20 year olds she bangs.

I loved the banter at the final dinner sans Brandie. It was fun, enjoyable to watch, hearing the stories about the various sex shows in other countries. The one time where Brandi's kind of talk would have finally fit in.  I was hoping we'd actually see them taking a stroll in the red district of Amsterdam.


Of all the things Brandi says, constantly referencing women being in menopause, as if it is such a horrid moment in a woman's life.  It is one thing to insult the women she works with, but it is another to comment negatively about something that all women will endure. Women don't have a choice in that. Also, Brandi alludes being menopausal is what makes her co-stars treat her the way they do, not Brandi's behavior. That is akin to males who blame women being bitchy because of their menstrual cycle, not the fact that the guy in the woman's life has a real issue that is upsetting the woman.


I would love to know how YoFo feels when watching Brandi in her THs as she groups YoFo into her comments - "those menopausal women"? The time Brandi lashed out in the streets of Amsterdam by saying, "You all are hypocrites!" she included YoFo in that as well.




LOL!   I'll even bet that it was Kyle who stole all of Kim's kitchen utensils and that's why she had to mix chicken salad with her hands.  What a bitch, that Kyle.

Don't forget, it was Kyle who jammed the escalator in the Amsterdam airport! Trifling! lol

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 15
I think a lot of the house thing boils down to what Kyle and Mauricio (and maybe Big Kathy) knew about Kim's mental state at the time. It sounds like they knew she couldn't handle the responsibilities of a house but were ok with having her make major financial decisions that were beneficial to Mauricio and Kyle. I think that's unethical. I know a lot of people see Kim's addiction issues as something she should have addressed back then in order to have the right to a bigger say in that decision, or clout in complaining about it in the present day -- that's not my opinion, though I understand that point of view.



But Kim didn't make any bad financial decisions as I understand it. She seems to have made the only reasonable financial decision. She couldn't afford a house and wanted the money for it so she sold it--just like Kathy. She apparently even already had a house nearby. She didn't get screwed in any objective way, she just later decided she wanted to have the house that she sold by paying possibly less than she even sold it for.


Before I was even unpacked, I got into a little spat with my family, who decided I should help...by allowing her to move, rent-free, into the place I had just bought for myself.



I'm shuddering just imagining being in this scenario. I hope you stood your ground!

  • Love 9
I'm shuddering just imagining being in this scenario. I hope you stood your ground!


Yeah, I did. Had to take a bit of shit for a while from family members who saw only me saying no, and not what was behind it, or the fact that my BF was planning to move in soon. Same with the ex-BF deal too; from the people who knew the dude was my ex, I got shit for being jealous, and from the ones that had no idea who the guy was, I was told that I can't stand seeing others happy...even though I am happily coupled! Haha--maybe my sister will come over, point at my BF, and say, "You stole my goddamned room!"

  • Love 11
  On 3/18/2015 at 10:47 PM, Nanny pants said:

A couple of folks have talked about how Kyle should not have invited Kim to her new house, implying that it would make Kim jealous. And, yes, it did. It's sad when someone needs to hide their success(es) to keep peace in the family.

Yes that's true and Kyle should not feel guilty about having a nice life. However, the whole trip was a dumb idea. I mean invite Kim all the way to your new vacation home which will remind you both of the biggest fight you ever had just to sit around looking at the view and tell her Brandi is a bad friend? That's just so stupid. Helen Keller could have seen that this was going to end with the two of them trapped in a house screaming at each other. These women all have this bizarre need to physically trap each other in arguments. I'm really at a loss as to what Kyle was thinking. It's hard for me to even feel bad for her because she created this sister bonding trip from hell and now she's got Kim and the camera and an incoherent fight about something with a house and lots of tears. Oh and steak. The steak looked good. Why? Why do you do these things, Kyle?

  • Love 3

mla40 This has been a Yolanda season for me, I adore her. Lyme disease is a very serious and life threatening/altering disease. My mother suffers from chronic Lyme, it is very challenging and scary as it attacks every part of your body, including your brain. As Yolanda says - words are lost, thoughts are lost, personalities change. I have a lot of sympathy for her and I love that she is able to bring awareness to the public, too bad preconceived notions about the disease get her dismissed.



I agree. I have a chronic illness too (not Lyme, but similar) and I really feel for her. The Amsterdam trip was the first time where I could see her lack of energy and mental exhaustion.

  • Love 5
  On 3/19/2015 at 1:55 AM, FozzyBear said:

Yes that's true and Kyle should not feel guilty about having a nice life. However, the whole trip was a dumb idea. I mean invite Kim all the way to your new vacation home which will remind you both of the biggest fight you ever had just to sit around looking at the view and tell her Brandi is a bad friend? That's just so stupid. Helen Keller could have seen that this was going to end with the two of them trapped in a house screaming at each other. These women all have this bizarre need to physically trap each other in arguments. I'm really at a loss as to what Kyle was thinking. It's hard for me to even feel bad for her because she created this sister bonding trip from hell and now she's got Kim and the camera and an incoherent fight about something with a house and lots of tears. Oh and steak. The steak looked good. Why? Why do you do these things, Kyle?

Excellent question, but much has made of the need for one on ones, and it was private and maybe Kyle thought her sister might like to see the place. Maybe it was naive and and, Kyle, though quite adorable, is also quite dim; still, it reads as a nice gesture to me.

  • Love 9
  On 3/19/2015 at 1:55 AM, FozzyBear said:

Yes that's true and Kyle should not feel guilty about having a nice life. However, the whole trip was a dumb idea. I mean invite Kim all the way to your new vacation home which will remind you both of the biggest fight you ever had just to sit around looking at the view and tell her Brandi is a bad friend? That's just so stupid. Helen Keller could have seen that this was going to end with the two of them trapped in a house screaming at each other. These women all have this bizarre need to physically trap each other in arguments. I'm really at a loss as to what Kyle was thinking. It's hard for me to even feel bad for her because she created this sister bonding trip from hell and now she's got Kim and the camera and an incoherent fight about something with a house and lots of tears. Oh and steak. The steak looked good. Why? Why do you do these things, Kyle?

Because she's a bitch.


She knew it would throw Kim.  Even so, Kyle is the one who started the screaming and pointing her fingers.  She was so thrilled to hurt Kim with her Brandi dirt.  Even though Lipsa hasn't stopped talking to anyone and everyone who would listen all damn season about Kim's sobriety.  

  • Love 4
She knew it would throw Kim.  Even so, Kyle is the one who started the screaming and pointing her fingers.  She was so thrilled to hurt Kim with her Brandi dirt.  Even though Lipsa hasn't stopped talking to anyone and everyone who would listen all damn season about Kim's sobriety.


I'm just not seeing this mustache-twirling villain. And I don't think "Lipsa" is going to happen (though I admit that I do sort of wonder what she talks about when it's not Kim's issues).

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 10

To me the odd thing about the sister trip is that Kyle felt the need to go out of town to tell Kim Brandi is a bad friend. That was the inspiration for the trip (finding out what Brandi said about the intervention at lunch from LisaR). The exact location is besides the point. Kyle picked a bad one, but why the need for the trip? It just felt so icky to me. Like she's so invested in making Kim think Brandi is a bad friend that she needs to sequester her until she gets her point across. Don't get me wrong, I think Brandi is a bad friend and Kim is an epic PITA, but you need 24 hours of uninterrupted bonding to call Brandi a bitch and say "I told you so" about it? You couldn't just invite her to lunch? Or maybe say that your sister's choice of friends is none of your business and you've said your piece about Brandi and you don't need to spread more gossip? This is where Kyle's need to be right and be the fixer stops being endearing to me and starts to feel manipulative.

  • Love 7
  On 3/19/2015 at 1:55 AM, FozzyBear said:

Yes that's true and Kyle should not feel guilty about having a nice life. However, the whole trip was a dumb idea. I mean invite Kim all the way to your new vacation home which will remind you both of the biggest fight you ever had just to sit around looking at the view and tell her Brandi is a bad friend? That's just so stupid. Helen Keller could have seen that this was going to end with the two of them trapped in a house screaming at each other. These women all have this bizarre need to physically trap each other in arguments. I'm really at a loss as to what Kyle was thinking. It's hard for me to even feel bad for her because she created this sister bonding trip from hell and now she's got Kim and the camera and an incoherent fight about something with a house and lots of tears. Oh and steak. The steak looked good. Why? Why do you do these things, Kyle?

It sounds like they have a long family history in the area, so maybe Kyle was thinking about that and not the stolen GD house. Or maybe she was trying to get Kim as far away from toxic Brandi as possible. I don't find the trip to the desert home to be weird or malicious.

To me the odd thing about the sister trip is that Kyle felt the need to go out of town to tell Kim Brandi is a bad friend. That was the inspiration for the trip (finding out what Brandi said about the intervention at lunch from LisaR). The exact location is besides the point. Kyle picked a bad one, but why the need for the trip? It just felt so icky to me. Like she's so invested in making Kim think Brandi is a bad friend that she needs to sequester her until she gets her point across. Don't get me wrong, I think Brandi is a bad friend and Kim is an epic PITA, but you need 24 hours of uninterrupted bonding to call Brandi a bitch and say "I told you so" about it? You couldn't just invite her to lunch? Or maybe say that your sister's choice of friends is none of your business and you've said your piece about Brandi and you don't need to spread more gossip? This is where Kyle's need to be right and be the fixer stops being endearing to me and starts to feel manipulative.

I'm happy Kyle asked Kim to a private residence instead of asking her to coffee or lunch...haven't enough patrons and employees been subjected to housewife explosions??

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 11

I'm no financial expert, nor am a real estate expert. But for some reason this house disput fascinates me. I have read all your posts and looked at the talking heads videos from past seasons regarding GDHousegate v.2.0. From Kim's own lips she says she took out $20K in cash from her equity in the house. So how is paying back said $20K 'buying back in'? Wouldn't she just be paying back a loan? To 'buy back in' wouldn't she have had to not only pay back the 20 to make the estate whole and then additionally have to pay back her 1/3rd share that K/M paid her to buy her off the title?

In other news, totally agree that this issue the biggest tool she has in her toolbox. Kim doesn't want to resolve this. It would take away the biggest arrow in her quiver.

I will also add that I never once thought that alcohol was Kim's main problem. She's pilled out. Remember her visit to the good Dr.Paul's office. He was concerned and I don't for a minute think she was telling him everything she was on. Kim is all about Kim. Hence my screen name.

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  On 3/19/2015 at 2:19 AM, Umbelina said:

I'm not trying to make Lipsa happen, one of the recappers came up with it, and I prefer it to Lisar or Lisa R, it's faster and less annoying for me, also obvious which Lisa I'm referring to.  Lisa V has earned her solitary "Lisa" with her years on the show.  If she leaves, then Lipsa can be Lisa for me.

Oh, she can be whatever you like--I have no strong feelings one way or the other; I was just referencing the "fetch" thing from Mean Girls.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 5

Hmmm...the house story is so strange. I'm still trying to make sense of it, from Kim's perspective. The only thing I can think of is that she must have felt coerced into selling her portion of the house.  I assume her bitterness about it all is that her money (that childhood Disney money) actually bought the house for her mother and she resents that she had to split it between her sisters and then give it up entirely.  Thats why she thinks of it as "my house." Thats all I can think of?


Anyway, dutch boy was super gross and cheesy.  I wouldn't brag about being with that guy if I were Brandi. Embarrassing!

  • Love 3
  On 3/19/2015 at 2:37 AM, lightbeam said:

Hmmm...the house story is so strange. I'm still trying to make sense of it, from Kim's perspective. The only thing I can think of is that she must have felt coerced into selling her portion of the house. I assume her bitterness about it all is that her money (that childhood Disney money) actually bought the house for her mother and she resents that she had to split it between her sisters and then give it up entirely. Thats why she thinks of it as "my house." Thats all I can think of?

Anyway, dutch boy was super gross and cheesy. I wouldn't brag about being with that guy if I were Brandi. Embarrassing!

That may be how Kim thinks about the house, but her mother apparently didn't feel the same she left it to all the sisters. She's directing her hurt and anger at the wrong person. I also find it very odd she doesn't have the same anger towards Kathy. My guess is Kathy doesn't deal with Kim's bs. Edited by howivesforever
  • Love 7

Loved how LVP handled the latest apology from Brandi.  Brandi thinks that if she shits on you, but she says oh I'm sorry, she can keep doing it over and over and over because she does say I'm sorry.  No, eventually people get tired of it, even if you bring flowers or some other present or if you beg or cry or whatever.  LVP don't have time for that.  "She's your asshole now" .  LVP will be going at Brandi full force during the reunion.  


Then Yolanda said that Brandi's response that she'd be having more fun on her date rather than at the dinner with the women was so childish.  Bingo.  Like a kid who gets a toy but then sees that another kid has the toy they really wanted, they pout and say well mine is funner/better anyhow!  Neener neener.


I thought I was looking at Madame (of puppeteer fame) when Brandi was getting that facial.  Yikes.  She is not aging gracefully, which has her petrified.  I think that's why she makes the old age cracks about the other women, except all the other women (sans Kim and cat lady Adrienne) look younger than Brandi.   


Kim is just a nasty piece of work.  Why is it HER house?  If all three sisters got an equal share, it would be OUR house.  Even if only Kathy got bought out, it would still be 2/3 Kyle/Mauricio, 1/3 Kim.  If it were so important to her, why didn't Kim find the money and buy everyone out?  Secondly, if she was that royally screwed out of the house, get an attorney and sue for damages.  The end.  No, it's easier for Kim to keep in her bag of tricks to torment Kyle during one of their many arguments.   If I were Kyle, I would make a copy of those checks and freaking frame them and put them in every home I own, plus make a wallet size copy, laminate them and carry it with me.    Kim is so jealous of Kyle, it literally oozes out of her pores.  Kim was the special one between those two (Kathy was never competition for Kim).  She's the one who should have the wealthy husband, the fabulous homes, the life that is fairly put together.  She shouldn't be the one struggling.  

  • Love 15
  On 3/19/2015 at 2:37 AM, lightbeam said:

Hmmm...the house story is so strange. I'm still trying to make sense of it, from Kim's perspective. The only thing I can think of is that she must have felt coerced into selling her portion of the house.  I assume her bitterness about it all is that her money (that childhood Disney money) actually bought the house for her mother and she resents that she had to split it between her sisters and then give it up entirely.  Thats why she thinks of it as "my house." Thats all I can think of?

The house was bought in 1996 by their mother, by that time Kim's childhood earnings would have no doubt been long gone.

It sounds like Kim thinks Kathy got more money for her share, but Kyle disputes that and claims to have the checks to prove it.

I think Kim believes Kyle "stole" her house by selling it and therefore Kim no longer has free and unlimited access to a desert vacation home. She had the best of both worlds, cash for her portion and unlimited free use of the house. Kyle and Mauricio ruined it by selling.

  • Love 13
  On 3/19/2015 at 2:43 AM, hoosier80 said:

Loved how LVP handled the latest apology from Brandi.  Brandi thinks that if she shits on you, but she says oh I'm sorry, she can keep doing it over and over and over because she does say I'm sorry.  No, eventually people get tired of it, even if you bring flowers or some other present or if you beg or cry or whatever.  LVP don't have time for that.  "She's your asshole now" .  LVP will be going at Brandi full force during the reunion.  


Then Yolanda said that Brandi's response that she'd be having more fun on her date rather than at the dinner with the women was so childish.  Bingo.  Like a kid who gets a toy but then sees that another kid has the toy they really wanted, they pout and say well mine is funner/better anyhow!  Neener neener.


I thought I was looking at Madame (of puppeteer fame) when Brandi was getting that facial.  Yikes.  She is not aging gracefully, which has her petrified.  I think that's why she makes the old age cracks about the other women, except all the other women (sans Kim and cat lady Adrienne) look younger than Brandi.   


Kim is just a nasty piece of work.  Why is it HER house?  If all three sisters got an equal share, it would be OUR house.  Even if only Kathy got bought out, it would still be 2/3 Kyle/Mauricio, 1/3 Kim.  If it were so important to her, why didn't Kim find the money and buy everyone out?  Secondly, if she was that royally screwed out of the house, get an attorney and sue for damages.  The end.  No, it's easier for Kim to keep in her bag of tricks to torment Kyle during one of their many arguments.   If I were Kyle, I would make a copy of those checks and freaking frame them and put them in every home I own, plus make a wallet size copy, laminate them and carry it with me.     

LOL Good idea!! Kyle should have replicas of those checks tattooed on her chest.

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  On 3/18/2015 at 10:46 PM, nc socialworker said:

I swear I'm not being snarky (crosses heart and hopes to die) but what should Kyle have done instead? The bills aren't going to wait around for Kim to sober up. Kim is an adult in the eyes of the law (even if we all know better) and is able to sign a contract. I get that you are talking the morally right thing to do and not the legality of it but I just can't figure out what else they could have done. I think it's safe to say if Kyle knew all the problems that God damn house was going to cause she would have passed on it.

Haha it's cool, I have made my peace with being in the minority opinion, even though I'm pretty sure some people think I am Brandi or Kim (I'm neither, thank God). To answer your question...I'm not exactly sure what they should have done, to be honest. Did Kim say she'd contribute to renovations and flake out, or did Kyle and Mauricio do all of it on their own and then inform Kim she owed them? Could Kim literally not be trusted to make mortgage payments and so forced their hand, or did someone come to her and say the buyout was on paper only to make taxes and whatnot less complicated? What would their mother have wanted? What part, if any, did sister Kathy play in all of this? And wtf is giving Brooke and Farrah the listing all about? All I know is something stinks and it's not just Kim.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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  On 3/18/2015 at 2:17 AM, howivesforever said:

I don't understand Brandy she certainly has the means to leave at the drop of a hat and see about her Dad. I'm sure Eddie would have kept the kids. Why is she on my TV crying about how bad it is, but not rushing to be by his side?

Brandi always has a tragedy ready for when she's being chastised for poor behavior.  In Palm Springs last season, it was her dog disappeared.  Now it's her father's illness.  Eternal victim.

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