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S19.E12: The Finale / S19.E13: After The Final Rose

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This totally applies to Whitney. I think Chris is pissed because she was ready to move to Iowa and now that she wins and is the Type A pants wearer of the two she probably told him that they need to work on their relationship before she moves, code for "yippee! I got to play the part of the princess on tv, but back home, in the safety of my Chicago apartment, where I get to be on my own from Sunday night to Friday, I'll take my time and reconsider the whole Iowa thing."  


Whitney was so absolute that Chris was her guy before she even met him and she probably is one of those people who pride themselves on seeing things through to the end, ignoring all the flashing lights and warning bells going off.


This could very well be true. During the finale when he asked her why she loves him or something along those lines, she said that she had this image of him in her mind coming into this and he never disappointed her. She said something similar during the proposal. I just thought it was such a weird thing to say. Aren't you supposed to get to know someone and then fall in love? Not create some ideal image of them in your mind and then see if they can live up to it. It's not like he even had a chance to fail, because she was already in love and willing to turn a blind eye to anything he said or did. She also said that she feels like she knows what he's thinking and that she can finish his sentences. Um... no. If you knew that then you'd know he was thinking about Becca most of the time.

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I'm happy for Chris and Whitney.  I think they'll last longer than a lot of the F1 couples, but I'm not sold on wedding bells.  I think it will flame out at some point.  She seems like she may tire of his inarticulated garble after a while. 


It was wonderful for me to see Becca be so composed and emotionally void.  How strange for this show.  However, this also poses a question in my mind:  Why did she not bow out at some point, because she really didn't seem to be feeling it.


I will not "watch anyway" if Britt becomes the season-long bachelorette.  I've sat out before (Des, Sean, Ben, Byron), and I'm prepared to sit out again.  Not that one measly viewer means anything in the grand scheme of things.  I don't hate Britt, but I'm not interested in seeing her cry her way though 25 guys, my little pony hair or not. 

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I know this was years ago, but on the Andrew Firestone season, after the F1 was chosen they showed this little video montage of all the cute moments of Andrew and Jen on their "journey" and CH was like "It was obvious they had a connection, we all saw it", and when the audience watched the video were were all like awww yes I see it now!  It was her all along!



I remember that, FamilyVan (and love your name!) I know people often reference the wedding-crash date as the Big Moment where Chris decided on Whitney. But I kind of think Whitney "peaked" a little too soon in the season and Becca was the dark horse that picked up steam towards the end. It was easy for Chris to not notice Becca much when then there were so many other women around, particularly women who were more outgoing, more determined to be noticed. (I did notice that during the wedding dress mud run, Chris spent some time with Becca to see how she was doing.) But once Britt was done dominating the scene….


By the time the FR rolled around, we'd been hit over the head with how conflicted Chris was, so yes, a similar montage would have helped to remind us all of the easy chemistry Chris and Whitney have (or had). 


Whitney was so absolute that Chris was her guy before she even met him and she probably is one of those people who pride themselves on seeing things through to the end, ignoring all the flashing lights and warning bells going off.



This situation reminds me of an arranged marriage in which the groom and bride are told by their parents that they will "learn to love" their spouse. I don't know if Whitney is into Chris for Chris, or if she's in love with his ready-made, welcoming family. (I've been there and can't blame her for that.) Chris cares for Whitney, but chose the path of least resistance. I can't blame him for that either - the conceit of this show probably made him feel pressured to deliver the expected proposal, and his family's enthusiasm over Whitney probably made anything else unthinkable. I agree with Drogo - I feel kind of sad for all three.

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Wow, I never thought I would say this, but I'm out and taking a break from this show.  That was the most boring finale, boring AFR, and boring season I've ever watched.  It all seemed so forced.  And having Britt on my screen again makes me want to puke.  I don't understand the idea behind the next season of the Bachelorette and don't really want to.  They've finally, for me, jumped the shark.

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Just because you see the hate here or on other boards doesn't mean they are hated.


Fair enough. But on the flip side, just because you don't "get' the hatred for Britt doesn't mean it isn't deserved.

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Did anyone else think it was incredibly odd and tacky that CH even asked Farmer Chris if things would have been different with Becca minutes before Whitney came out? CH has always sold the "engaged winners" bs, so it struck a really odd note with me that he'd ask that instead of proclaiming the engaged couple as madly in love blah blah cakes.

I don't see the two working out; no affection or comfort between them at all. I felt sorry for Whitney but I'm really hoping she's starting to break out of whatever hold this show had on her sanity. If she's looking to start a family, there'd be plenty more articulate interesting non-Arlington men for her to choose from now.

Yeah, Kaitlyn is not feeling the double Bachelorette twist at all. She kept twisting her face and that was one awkward interview with both women. Predictable finale and I think they'll be broken up in less than a month.


Chris Harrison was definitely rude about the whole Becca thing. He was rude before Whitney came out and he was rude after...he practically said to Whitney 'you know you're his second choice, right?'


In fact, he was annoying the whole night. I wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face while he was explaining how the whole world was 'torn' between Britt and Kaitlyn and how they decided 'lets not decide!'

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I found this season finale oddly depressing.


I don't know if it was just the editing making it seem like who he really wanted was Becca - if so, I have to wonder why they chose to go so obviously down that route.  It went beyond creating a question in our minds (who will he choose? kind of thing) and more towards flat out claiming Chris wanted Becca.  As a result, the ending was just sad.  Becca slinks away in the limo, rationally analyzing the situation in her monotone voice, showing little to no emotion...  Chris seemed to settle for Whitney... Whitney "won" but one can predict she's not going to be happy once she realizes what truly took place... And they're in a freezing barn in the middle of nowhere...and everything just seemed so bleak... I don't know, I just felt sad for everyone involved, really.  


And I could NOT believe his response when CH asked him if things would have been different had Becca been willing to commit.  "I don't know" is definitely the wrong answer.  The right answer is "No. Things would not have been different, because I realized my connection with Whitney was stronger regardless."


Disappointed Britt is in the running for Bachelorette - find her really annoying.

Edited by sofiah
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I only watched the Finale and ATFR, but I'm pretty excited that Topanga Lawrence is going to be half of the next Bachelorette. Corey Matthews was a wimp anyway.



She's a Topanga/Tammy Faye Bakker Messner mash up.


ETA: By the way, since the bachelors get to choose, Fleiss & co. should go all out misogynist and include a mud wrestling pit for Kaitlyn and Britt to go at it in a winner take all to become the B-ette.

Edited by Nedsdag
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I can't say I'm too disappointed with the upcoming Bachelorette(s).  At least I'll be getting my Monday nights back after watching this franchise for far too long.  There is no way I'm watching fakety-fake Britt and/or meh Kaitlyn for two hours every week. Britt absolutely Drove. Me. Crazy. flipping her hair on the WTA and ATFR! 

Then again, if we turn that into a drinking game..........no, just can't do it.  

I agree that Britt looked very different last night.  Who knows, maybe she hired a stylist......or showered.  

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Well, my cold heart actually melted and I shed some tears when Whitney was "toasting" Chris's family, and during the proposal. This is the first episode I watched w/o flipping to other channels so got to concentrate more on what was happening/being said.


When Mom asked Chris what he saw in Becca and he was fumbling and stumbling and unable to articulate ANYTHING, I shouted out, "Because she's a VIRGIN!" Then BIL hit it right on the head, Becca is the woman at the bar everyone wants to date and who shuts all the guys down. Bingo!


Kimmel showed a funny Becca video ... he clipped a zillion of her "I don't knows" together. (When Chris asked if she loved him, would move, would do ANYTHING.) That was all telling to me.


Becca is SO painful to look at. It's like her face is swollen, her mouth is in a permanent downturn (worse than Grumpy Cat Andi) and her eyes are so painted-on black I want to do a cast-out-the-demon spell on her. Then her pink lips ... just ... no. Plus her personality isn't missing, I don't think she ever had one. Girl is completely stone-faced.


I have to say, I felt wonderfully comfortable with Chris's family. And bless his dad, getting out of that combine wearing his regular work clothes. He looked like everyman around here. I really, truly felt welcome in that family myself. Maybe because those are my people. (Midwestern farmers.)


The only one I did not feel was settled and ready to get married and have kids was ... CHRIS. I just don't feel it from him. If the relationship fails, I'd point the finger at him.


The heck, TB was in Dubuque? The local newcast covered a viewing party held at the Julien Dubuque hotel. Darn, who knew? The manager of the hotel said he got a call from a "reality show" wanting to book there for filming but the caller wouldn't say WHAT reality show was coming. Then only four staffers knew it was TB, so it was all kept secret. Otherwise, I would have been there in a heartbeat, Dubuque is a super easy drive for me.


The difference between Becca and Whitney: It was FREAKING COLD when that episode was filmed. Even Chris had on gloves. Whitney never said one word about it, even when Dad asked her if she was cold. Girl lives in Chicago, 15 degrees with a stiff wind is nothing. Becca ... all she could say is, "It's COLD" and "It's warm in here." Then, getting in the driveaway car, "It's warm!" Girl would never ever make it outside out San Diego. Buh-bye, Becca.


LOL at the barn proposal. ABC could have sprung for some battens for that barn to help keep the wind out. I was looking for the space heaters (I could see Chris's breath) but they were well-hidden. I thought TB decorations in the barn were hilarious, especially since there were multiple chandeliers. Remember Chris said his house was waiting for a woman to decorate and Whitney replied, "What? No chandeliers?"


I thought both women were in an awkward position during that barn scene. Becca showed absolutely no reaction to Chris sending her home, and he only managed some snot sucking, and that only because it was freaking cold in that barn. Then Whitney had to give a speech before Chris would say anything. 


LOL at the straw bale entry to the barn. I could just imagine all these California production kids trying to imagine what a Midwestern barn proposal is suppose to look like.


LOL also at the added-in horse whinny VOs. Horses do not whinny "just because." Mine go months and longer without vocalizing a thing.


All I could think of was Becca had to make that long-ass ride from Dubuque to Arlington HOW many times, and for nothing? LOL again at the "date" vehicle which had a wiper on the back window that had wiped the dust off so the driver could see out the back. Because those gravel roads were piling out CLOUDS of gravel dust, even in the frozen tundra of winter.


Also, when Becca opened the door to get in her ride back, there was a coffee cup in the door holder. Was someone riding with her?


Chris's house is all kinds of beautiful. Just ... wow.


Chris H. was not wearing a pocket square. I guess Kelsey really DID keep his.


When Chris H. was telling us about the problem of deciding who would be B-ette, I yelled at my tv, "Get them both." Wow, first time this show has listened to me. Why didn't it listen when we all wanted Jef and Ari to be duel bachelors?


My last thought was, welcome back, Bugs ... glad to know you will be joining us in The Bachelorette thread!


Oh: And Whitney looked beautiful in that black dress. (And my radio station TOTALLY made fun of her voice today. Try listening to her w/o looking at her. It's horrible.)

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And I could NOT believe his response when CH asked him if things would have been different had Becca been willing to commit.  "I don't know" is definitely the wrong answer.  The right answer is "No. Things would not have been different, because I realized my connection with Whitney was stronger regardless."


And then Jimmy Kimmel, who told Chris that Becca just didn't like him, right next to poor Whitney.

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Were they serving food backstage?  Becca, Kaitlyn and Britt kept cleaning their teeth with their tongues. 


Sometimes the make-up people will put a thin coating of Vaseline on a person's teeth to make them shine for the cameras. In addition to being gross, that may be why those three kept licking their teeth. 

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When Chris popped out another "Becca and I's relationship" I wanted to call the president of Iowa State and tell him/her that they REALLY need to test all grads on English grammar and the correct use of pronouns. And fail anyone who doesn't pass. Chris, alas,would still be residing in Ames all these years later.


LOVED the gorgeous Holstein heifer Jimmy brought out, all groomed and clean and walking on a lead ... Juan Pablo def is a show girl. And Chris H's "Ess okay" was hee-larious. Almost "amazing!" *ding*


Sometimes the make-up people will put a thin coating of Vaseline on a person's teeth to make them shine for the cameras. In addition to being gross, that may be why those three kept licking their teeth.



Vaseline is NASTY and not something you want to lick. The tooth-licking might have been more of an Emily veneer thing, or nerves. Like I want to tell all of the women to keep their freaking hands OFF THEIR HAIR! So irritating. 

Edited by saber5055
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I agree with those who said Whit looked sad and disillusioned on the AFTR. She seemed genuinely in love during the season but the light went out in her eyes last night. I would bet they've already broken up but have to stay together bc of contracts. This is also probably why Chris H kept saying there was no fairy tale romance and he focused on Becca - b/c he knows this won't last.

I actually teared up when Whit gave her toast to Chris's family, she really wants to be a part of that :(

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I may naive or obtuse, but I never saw that much of a connection between Becca and Chris. The whole "conflict" storyline seemed like a way to inject some drama into what was otherwise a pretty boring, preordained narrative: it has been clear from little things Chris has said himself (and not been prompted to say by Chris H.) throughout that Whitney was at the top of the pack. When his sisters asked home what he saw in Becca, he could barely formulate a lukewarm response; when asked at other points what he saw in Whitney he was (for him) fairly articulate.

I'm not saying they're going to get married (though they might). But I think that his choice of Whitney wasn't made by default.

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This is the first season where I haven't drunk the Kool-Aid.  I don't think Chris and Whitney will get married, because they just don't match as a couple.  In fact, the problem with this season was that none of the women appeared to be ready to move to Hooterville after dating this guy for 6 weeks.  It's just asking too much.


My favorite part of the show was when Neil Lane showed up at the Dubuque hotel; he looked like he was in shock.  I wish they'd had a camera crew follow him from the airport to get his initial reactions to Iowa-in-winter.  I wonder if this was his first visit to a "flyover state".  Ah, the stories he'll have to tell his Beverly Hills friends! haha


I don't like Britt or Caitlyn, but I am curious about how they handle this terrible idea of 2 bachelorettes.  Doesn't this mess up the P.R. budget for ABC, having to push 2 women instead of "the chosen one"?  Do we know for sure that they're going into Bachelor Thunder-Dome, where 2 enter but only one leaves?  I thought they'd both be bachelorettes the entire season, handing out roses to their own picks.  It all seems needlessly confusing to me.

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I did find it odd that Whitney seemed to be evasive about starting to plant herself in Arlington, juxtaposed with the attitude we saw during her visit with Chris' family.  I think she watched a lot more of this season than she's letting on (or she's getting a ton of shit from her girlfriends).


The unscientific consensus seems to be that Chris slept with Kaitlyn in the FS.  And he had his little "nap" with Britt.  And, of course, he made out with more 'ettes, earlier in the season, than probably any Bachelor since Blob.


All in all, though, this whole season seemed off to me.  There was a lot of "breaking the fourth wall" between CH's self-mockery of his superlative adjectives, amping up the "Bachelor Nation" to 11, using Jimmy Kimmel as a de facto greek chorus for the audience, the "no rules" idea, etc.


If it's at all possible given the show's concept, I dare say it may jumped the shark.

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CH: "We've found ourselves with a difficult decision. We can't choose between two Bachelorette. Audience, how many prefer Kaitlyn?"


*thunderous sustained applause*


CH: "And how many prefer Britt?"




CH: "Okay, that's right down the middle and evenly matched..."


They'll load the bachelor pool with pro-Britt guys. And I'm calling the reason why is to save face to have and not have Kaitlyn to allow for travel that doesn't include Canada.

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In fact, he was annoying the whole night. I wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face while he was explaining how the whole world was 'torn' between Britt and Kaitlyn and how they decided 'lets not decide!'

At least he didn't pimp his romance novel again...

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It was pretty obvious from the audience applause last night that Kaitlyn is preferred. I don't know why they are trying to push Britt on us. Yuck. I feel terrible for Kaitlyn. You know the guys are going to go for "Free Hugs."

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Only in Bachelor world would parents be head over heels for a woman that would lay in on that thick after 6 weeks. After meeting someone one time you know they are the one for you son? People are saying Whitney is too good for Chris? I think they both suck. So she has a career? She isn't all that attractive imo. Her voice is annoying and she is phony. I know her type. Phony people like that are the first ones to get pissed off and snap. Also he can't even have a conversation. Why would they all be in love with him? And what's wrong with Becca not being in love yet? It took me a year to really fall in love my husband when were dating. Everything before that is just lust and infatuation. That's what most of the Bachelor is also as well as people just wanting their 15 minutes of fame.

Edited by Laurie4H
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I didn't see every episode this season, and I certainly wasn't going to dedicate 3 hours of my life to the show last night, but I did watch ATFR this morning, and while I can't speak to the chemistry between Becca/Chris or Whitney/Chris during the run of the show, it was  clear to me on ATFR that Chris and Becca had chemistry in spades and Chris and Whitney had none.  


Their body language spoke volumes.  Becca and Chris faced each and looked at each while talking, even if the question was asked by CH.  Whitney and Chris had very little eye contact and both spoke directly to CH.   Sure Chris and Whitney may work out in the long run, because Lord knows they both have the same goals (marriage/family), but it seems like a relationship of convenience more than one based on mutual love and affection, to me, at least based on their appearance on ATFR. 

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Damn if the shot of Becca's limo driving off towards the Iowa horizon didn't look like a scene from Fargo.

And Chris is a lummox.

Please accept this prize of the internet. Anyone who calls Chris a lummox, which describes him perfectly, deserves to be a major prize winner.

Mrs Soules, you are not a poor person. I understand your way if life is very down to earth, but would it kill you to slap a little paint on the barn before going on TV?

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Hey Mu Shu, I thought of you last night during the scene in the Dubuque hotel where Chris is walking around w/o his shirt.*


* I guess that translates to: "Topless." Topless Chris!

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Whitney was so phony with Chris' family, saying all the things they wanted to hear.  I'm not saying that she didn't mean any of it, but It was so over the top that it was ridiculous.  But they fell for every bit of it.  I think Chris really wanted Becca but settled for Whitney because he knew she would say yes combined with the family pressure.   I'm not sure if it will work out but it may because they both seem a bit desperate.   

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During the proposal Whitney said Chris had never disappointed her--I inserted: "Except when you didn't take me to the Big and Rich concert." Chris lost me with his garbling incoherently during that proposal but then with that easy smile and the "Will you marry me?" my cold heart melted. He wore the hell out of that suit. Loved when Whitney said their kids would be freaking cute and Chris said "F#%k yeah!"


On the two bachelorettes: I concur with Kaitlyn's "It's not ideal".


Jimmy on Ashley: "She thinks she's on 'Price is Right'" hahaha


I really wanted the cow to be named Mesa Verde. 



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This could very well be true. During the finale when he asked her why she loves him or something along those lines, she said that she had this image of him in her mind coming into this and he never disappointed her. She said something similar during the proposal. I just thought it was such a weird thing to say. Aren't you supposed to get to know someone and then fall in love? Not create some ideal image of them in your mind and then see if they can live up to it. It's not like he even had a chance to fail, because she was already in love and willing to turn a blind eye to anything he said or did. She also said that she feels like she knows what he's thinking and that she can finish his sentences. Um... no. If you knew that then you'd know he was thinking about Becca most of the time.



This is exactly it.  Good post and I agree.  Thumbs up.  

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I thought it was very sweet that his parents came out to offer their love and support after Chris proposed to Whitney.  Kind of cute that they really think this is for keeps.



Pretty sure they like her more than he does.


I admit I wasn't paying full attention last night, and I actually missed some of the first half, so . . . . did Whitney actually ever see Arlington before the engagement?  I mean, I know she has since, but I just find it fascinating that the girl who was the most gung-ho about this guy also happened to be the only one who had never seen the place she'd end up living.

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Did anyone else think it was incredibly odd and tacky that CH even asked Farmer Chris if things would have been different with Becca minutes before Whitney came out?

Yeah, Kaitlyn is not feeling the double Bachelorette twist at all. She kept twisting her face and that was one awkward interview with both women.

Maybe CH was expecting Chris to say "No not at all. I'm totally head over heels in love with Whitney!". Little did he know Chris would fck it up by his inability to think on his feet and just saying the first thing that came to his mind.


Kaitlyn looked like she learned about the Bachelorrette twist the same time we did, and she did not like it. lol.

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Pretty sure they like her more than he does.



Yeah, for all the lip service Chris gives to his wanting to be married and have a family, I just don't see that from him any time soon. Or maybe ever. Which maybe is why he was painted to liking Becca better ... neither one really want to get married.


I'm interested in why Chris's mom (and other family) said he had been hurt before. I thought it was Chris who called off the engagement to the Paddle Board woman, just before they were supposed to get hitched? Because she moved to California? 


I'd love to hear her side of that story. I'm thinking Cold Feet Chris.


Of course, all I know is what Fleiss has let me see on tee-vee.

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I did find it odd that Whitney seemed to be evasive about starting to plant herself in Arlington, juxtaposed with the attitude we saw during her visit with Chris' family.


Also ironic, considering that Becca's hesitation was considered a big Red Flag.


I can understand Whitney's point of view, having moved 3,000 miles to be with my boyfriend (now my husband). I had been in love with him for a long time and when things between us finally developed, I had a "I got what I wanted…now what?" feeling. In my giddiness, I'd offered to be the one to move and didn't really think things through. It turned out to be a big mistake in many ways. I can understand Whitney's hesitation, but it IS pretty different than what she wanted Chris and his family to believe. Even if she didn't watch the show, I'm sure her sister did, and there's only so much you can blame on editing.

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I know this was years ago, but on the Andrew Firestone season, after the F1 was chosen they showed this little video montage of all the cute moments of Andrew and Jen on their "journey" and CH was like "It was obvious they had a connection, we all saw it", and when the audience watched the video were were all like awww yes I see it now!  It was her all along! And then everyone could buy off on her as his choice and see what they saw in each other.  I wish they had done something like this for Chris and Whitney.  I believe they do really have a connection and like each other, but we did not get to really see it becuase of the Britt/Becca/Kaitlyn misdirection.  I think it would help everyone buy off on them as a couple if we could see some behind the scenes clips of them and how they fell in love. 


Bachelorette - ugh what a debacle.  Everyone was "split"?  More like no one in Bachelor Nation really likes Britt, but the producers are like "we need a hot chick".   Think, think, think, producers, how can you get out of this jam?  You have a girl that is largely not liked by the viewers, but you need to get her on there somehow, must find a way!!!  Wait, men find her attractive, so have the men chose her!!  They you can wipe your hands clean and say it was a fair shot.  Yes! 

I also watched the Andrew season and I don't remember the video, but I did have better feelings about him and Jen although they didn't work out.

I wish too the producers made that kind of video for Whitney and Chris. 


On Whitney, I think a large part of Whitney's determination to be with Chris is the girl is almost thirty and wants to start a family sooner than later. Becca at 26 isn't as worried about turning thirty. Or she isn't as worried about never marrying or having kids. 


I would add Jade to misdirection going on all season. In addition to Britt, Becca and the other women Chris was into.


I think it's interesting both Kaitlyn and Becca showed a more level-headed and less emotional approach to being dismissed compared to most of the women who left earlier in the season. 


In my opinion, the producers including Chris Harrison were all into Britt and ready to make her the next Bachelorette. Then the ratings and feedback and whatnot popped up and they realized that a large (more larger than they would have thought)  portion of their audience is antagonistic towards Britt, and doesn't want her to be the next Bachelorette, so they decided on the double Bachelorette concept that would get fans to start watching Britt's season. (Although it would be awesome to see Kaitlyn win.) 

Edited by Temperance
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I surprise myself by posting a 2nd time on the finale considering it was so boring.  But I just wanted to say I get the feeling that Chris has had poor luck with women in the past because of location and the fact that he's quite dull.  His choice felt like he thought he wasn't going to find anything better and at 33 may be there was pressure from his family that he needed to stop looking and get hitched.  And she seemed to have the same opinion that he was the best she was going to find, he's financially secure, she's gaining a whole close family which is very important to her and her future would be pretty much laid out. Chris and Whitney look like decent people, so they can make it work like so many in arranged marriages that have learned to love each other even when there's no chemistry, just for the purpose of having a family, sad but true.  And really, they do compliment each other in that he has trouble articulating and all he has to do is let her do all the talking in expressing feelings or making decisions and just agree with her.  I don't think they're going to break up, I think they're going to go through with it and we'll get another televised wedding, this one at the Soules farm.


Btw, did anyone else get the feeling that they weren't being honest when Harrison or Jimmy (don't remember who) asked them how the sex was and if they were having a lot of it?

Edited by dizzyd
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Chris Harrison was definitely rude about the whole Becca thing. He was rude before Whitney came out and he was rude after...he practically said to Whitney 'you know you're his second choice, right?'


In fact, he was annoying the whole night. I wanted to slap that stupid grin off his face while he was explaining how the whole world was 'torn' between Britt and Kaitlyn and how they decided 'lets not decide!'

And he was totally trying to manufacture drama with the "have you argued?" and repeated questions to Whitney.


They've been secretly engaged for 3 1/2 months. Of course they've argued.


I can guarantee you that my husband and I argued within the first few months we were together -- although I can't remember the topics -- it was 16 years ago.

Edited by lulee
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Btw, did anyone else get the feeling that they weren't being honest when Harrison or Jimmy (don't remember who) asked them how the sex was and if they were having a lot of it?



Wasn't the answer something like, Whitney said they have sex "every chance we get"? That could mean never, because they haven't had any chances. So there's that interpretation of it! Of course, the answer deflected further embarrassing questions, which Kimmel loves, so there's that, too. If Whitney had said "We're waiting for marriage," Kimmel would have been all over that like a cheap suit.


And he was totally trying to manufacture drama with the "have you argued?" and repeated questions to Whitney.

They've been secretly engaged for 3 1/2 months. Of course they've argued.



Of course, what is an argument to one is a discussion (or, actually, nothing much) to another. Like asking hubby to take out the garbage is NAGGING to him, while it's just asking for him to freaking do SOMETHING around the house to her. It's all in the interpretation!

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Dear Lord, that took FOREVER.


That end-of-finale shocker was super depressing.  The audience reacted with mild bemusement, at best. Gee, two bachelorettes, their candidacy to be decided by bachelorette contestants who will themselves compete for the prize THEY HAVE CHOSEN??? Niiiice. That is low.  

Edited by runforcover
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I got the feeling that Chris had created in his mind what type of woman he wanted to end up with.

He was so enamored with Jade when he thought she was a shy, classy girl. I think she was definitly the front runner until he found out his demure girl had a bunch of nudie pics on the Internet.

Then I think he wanted it work with Becca because she next fit the outfit. Think Johnny Bravo. It's only about who fits the suit.

I don't think Whitney is what he wants. I think his ideal girl will be happy to sit on the farm and raise his kids. Someone who will build up his ego and make him look good. I don't think it will last with Whitney.

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I had been rooting for Whitney, but it seems like she and Chris ended up together by default. They both wanted to get married, not necessarily to each other. At least that's how I read it. He liked Britt, Jade, and Becca more than her. And like Becca said in the people article, Whitney was ready to get married as soon as she stepped out of the limo. 


I am ticked about the Bachelorette announcement too. Clearly the audience and fans want Kaitlyn more. People are divided about Britt (some people hate her and some people love her) but pretty much people only like Kaitlyn. So there's not really a divide there?


I think the season would be better if both girls were there the whole time. That would be hilarious and better drama. If Britt is the Bachelorette I won't watch and that's not an empty promise. I literally can't stand watching her. It gets so annoying.

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Becca showed the same amount of emotion I do when I decide that I really didn't want pancakes but what I really wanted was waffles at the IHOP.

I'm actually pretty devastated when that happens!

This was my first season watching, so I'm pretty bummed that the b'ette is going to be the duck lips and pony hair show. Grrr...

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I got the sense that Becca was really not interested in Chris at ALL.  Not even in the way she was pretending by saying she wanted to see where things would go with him.  There were times where it felt like she was pushing him to choose Whitney by continually mentioning how ready Whitney was to move to Iowa and start a family with him.  To me, she was making her feelings very obvious but Chris was not seeing the writing on the wall and simply taking her words at face value.  She kept saying "I don't know" no matter how hard Chris pushed her in his questioning... I took "I don't know" as I'm just not that into you but I'm too nice to come out and say it so please let me off the hook here.

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I can guarantee you that my husband and I argued within the first few months we were together -- although I can't remember the topics -- it was 16 years ago.


You know what kind of couple never argues? 


The kind that doesn't give a shit about each other. 

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Sheesh that was long! 


Most of what I was thinking has already been said, but did have a few other things. When Chris was talking to Becca trying push her into sharing her feelings and particularly his feelings for him, I wanted to shake him! She HAS answered you, Chris, you're just not liking the answer so you keep asking another way. I was feeling really bad for her.


When Chris' Dad was talking and said something about him wanting Becca, was it just me, or did the words not match up with the lip movements on part of that?  I've seen it now and again before but this time it was so jarring to me I actually rewound it a couple of times. I don't think he really said what we heard.


That cow was adorable! I wonder if they really did take it back to Iowa?

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I must say, having seen very little of this season, I'm confused as to why most think that the guys will for sure pick Britt over Kaitlyn. Main reason seems to be because Britt is more attractive. Personally, I think Kaitlyn is prettier and she seems more down to earth, whereas Britt comes across as high maintenance. Who's to say the guys won't think the same?

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I, too, wanted to give that beautiful cow a rose. (And, Jimmy? You do know cows are always female, right?  But I was happy to see Kimmel who is otherwise forgettable to me, but I have grown to love on this show.)


ITA that Chris wants a wife as dull as he is, but also one that is devoted and subservient. Just a vibe I got. He certainly doesn't need "intellectual companionship". The cow would probably do.


re: Kaitlyn and Britt. I actually feel sorry for both, and I'm sure they found out well before the taping, in order to sign the contract. I -did- admire how they made the best of it, acting just like bffs--with Kaitlyn making funny comments and Britt laughing appreciatively. I don't dislike them, but am still kind of on board for the idea upthread about them doing the whole season together. Could be kind of (meanly) funny:


Britt: "Tom, will you accept this rose?"

Kaitlyn: "Tom will you accept my rose, too?"

(Britt complains that Tom took two roses. Kaitlyn complains that Britt got the chance to choose first. Britt offers a one-to-one to the same guy Kaitlyn does, a guy who realizes it's too late to refuse the mud bath date and go sky diving over the Grand Canyon instead.  FS...same 2 guys? as part of F3?  Final Rose...Both women choose same F2 and hope for proposal? (CH hopes that they pair off perfectly at the end--or a "trainwreck of jealousy, even better.")


From the bit on ATFR, Kaitlyn interestingly appeared the same height and to have just as good a figure as Britt, but --esp. when she laughed--be much plainer of face. However, she seemed 10x more animated and fun to watch "host" this thing. (Plus, you know they'd bring back Kimmel for her--and their "date" was better than anything she had with Chris).  

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