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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I liked the ring. Mother's rings are very common and very popular, so it's not the most original gift idea, but I still think it's pretty.

I've always believed that Jim Bob and Michelle do love each other even if they are both dumb and nuts, so I don't see anything fake or wrong with their interaction in this particular video.

  • Love 1

Why do those children always look like nobody cares? Josie is ALWAYS wearing the same damn dress. Even shopping at thrift stores you can get more attractive clothing...when we had to take custody of our granddaughters in an emergency (that's a whole 'nother story), I went to the local thrift store and bought them GORGEOUS clothing, most with the tags still hanging on them. I spent 50 bucks and came home with 2 brown grocery bags FULL of the most adorable stuff (and toddler sized clothes don't take much room so just imagine how many little outfits I bought). 


Very good point. Pretty much any thrift store in the country will get you that, and yard sales.


Of course, the good news here is that Josie isn't defrauding us with her sinful kindergarten-age calves.

  • Love 6

What really gets my goat is seeing how Michelle roller skates, water skiis, and those like things so well...The reason she can do those things is that she HAD A REGULAR LIFE when she was a teenager and I'm sure she most likely lived at the roller rink like most middle school kids still to today; She developed proficiency in her skating, skiing, etc. all because she LIVED before she met Jim Bob; something she and Jim Bob deny their own children of doing. It sickens me to see her with that awful long, heavy skirt, and waay too long hair, in need of condition and a re-style; quite haggard if you ask me.

Who takes their kids to a zoo-like place with improper footwear yet again? Those kids have sandals on and one girl has what I call bedroom slippers on (the closed pink foam like numbers) only to stand in mud like dirt sprinkled with animal feces....I can't imagine their filthy and unsanitary toes when they got home. Disgusting. IMO.

  • Love 16

I think Josie has not grown as fast as the other girls and can't share clothes with them. I saw that Hannie and Jennie are wearing juniors skirts from Kohls, those maxi skirts rolled up. Josie looks like she is still in toddler range clothes so she probably gets whatever hand me downs are left. I have seen her in 2007-09 Gymboree dresses. I think whatever older girl does the shopping now, Jana or Jinger buys clothes that can be shared by Hannie/Jordyn/Jenny. I doubt Michelle has shopped for clothes except for posing at a thrift for the cameras for years.

  • Love 1

What really gets my goat is seeing how Michelle roller skates, water skiis, and those like things so well...The reason she can do those things is that she HAD A REGULAR LIFE when she was a teenager and I'm sure she most likely lived at the roller rink like most middle school kids still to today; She developed proficiency in her skating, skiing, etc. all because she LIVED before she met Jim Bob; something she and Jim Bob deny their own children of doing.


This is why I have a hard time seeing how at least one of those kids hasn't exploded or run far far away by this point. This situation obtained in my family of origin as well, and it made me furious from the time I was a tiny child. Because they're essentially throwing the things they can do in your face, while pretending that they have no idea they're doing that. It made me madder than almost anything else and really cut me off from the people who were doing it as well as other family members who defended it or were apparently oblivious to it. To be denied human freedom by someone who obviously has enjoyed their own is galling beyond belief. And yet I haven't seen any Duggar kid explosions or escapes to this point. Baffles me.

  • Love 8

What actually could have been nice is if Ben had designed a piece of jewelry with the birthstones. There obviously isn't any comp or discount here, but it could have been a nice bit. But I do think that JB just can't be shown up by ANYONE about ANYTHING. So he had to go and prove he can design jewelry too.


It could well have been comped -- they already had done some filming for next season, hadn't they? It very much so strikes me as the sort of thing that they would have filmed an episode around: JiB goes to the jeweler to order J'chelle a special anniversary gift! Look at the shock on the jewelers face when JB tells him HOW MANY stones will be on the ring!


It just seems so out of character for him to buy something expensive -- even for J'chelle. The only thing that does ring true is the she didn't seem to like it too much, so I doubt it was something she specifically wanted.


The video was just really poorly thought out and put together (big surprise, I know). Who just hands his wife a gift like that? Wouldn't normal people exchange gifts over a nice dinner? if they wanted to stage it nicely, they could be sitting side by side on the sofa, or he could surprise her while she is "working" -- making dinner or some similar fake scene -- and slip the ring on her finger. It was just odd the way he awkwardly stood there and handed her the unwrapped box while various people lolled around on the sofas in the background with no interest in the goings on at all.

Edited by cmr2014
  • Love 7

Jackson was the cutest toddler/preschooler the family ever had, and he got a lot of attention from the camera crew. I think he'll miss that attention.

He's been missing it since Josie was born.




 It was just odd the way he awkwardly stood there and handed her the unwrapped box while various people lolled around on the sofas in the background with no interest in the goings on at all.


Because it was an reenactment. They were all bored stiff.


Funny how he gave her a ring with BIRTHstones of the kids. That about sums up her interest in them. She was probably mad because there isn't room for more.

  • Love 6

Good grief, that was one massively ugly ring! It looked like something JB "designed", for no jeweler in his right mind would have created something that unattractive on purpose, lol. And the box was extremely cheap, so maybe the ring came from FingerHut??

You could tell everyone was trying to be polite (including Michelle) with the faux compliments.

I would be losing that ring accidently on purpose asap!!

  • Love 4

Is there a picture of the ring for those of us who don't want to watch the video?

Hell to the no! We share the suffering equally on this board. Off to the prayer closet immediately!

You have to watch the video because the best part is Michelle trying to fake like she likes that monstrosity of a ring.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

He's been missing it since Josie was born.



Because it was an reenactment. They were all bored stiff.


Funny how he gave her a ring with BIRTHstones of the kids. That about sums up her interest in them. She was probably mad because there isn't room for more.

Can we hope that this ring is symbolic of the death knell on Mechelle's fertility? She's 49 this year; full menopause isn't out of the realm of possibility. (please baby Jesus, make this true)

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 7

I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle will still be able to get speaking engagements 3 or 4 years down the road. I think being off tv is going to impact them more than they think. TLC did keep around the Roloffs and Kate Gosselin for specials several times a year, so they're still in the public eye, but I have to wonder if in 5 years's time, whether the public will even remember who the Duggars are. My mom was in the hospital recently, and I found a book in the library about Jane Pauley for her to read, Jane wrote it last year. I remembered the name but had a hard time remembering who she was and what television show she was on. 

  • Love 4

I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle will still be able to get speaking engagements 3 or 4 years down the road. I think being off tv is going to impact them more than they think. TLC did keep around the Roloffs and Kate Gosselin for specials several times a year, so they're still in the public eye, but I have to wonder if in 5 years's time, whether the public will even remember who the Duggars are. My mom was in the hospital recently, and I found a book in the library about Jane Pauley for her to read, Jane wrote it last year. I remembered the name but had a hard time remembering who she was and what television show she was on. 

One-note Kate Gosselin of the sharp tongue shopped herself around to stay in the public eye with minor success. No one cared and the kids have grown out of the baby stage. Not much going on there. The Roloffs became boring and will get an occasional special as the kids get married. Matt and Amy will split up and that's that. Not much going on there either although I think Matt likes the attention of being on TV. Jim Bob, Michelle, and Josh have had a major scandal and will join Mama June outside the corporate gates of TLC . Jill, Derrick, Jessa, and Ben are possibly viable but are as dull as watching paint dry. Dull, ignorant paint. 


Bring on the Rodrigues Family. They are really purposing to get out of that stinky bus they live in, and Mother Jill is on a quest to fill the family quiver.  

  • Love 5

Don't give TLC any ideas thank you :)

Well, a crew present might ensure that the Rod kids get at least one square meal a day. That would be one more than they're getting now. Please amuse yourselves by going to the blog and reading Jill's latest birth story. It's riddled with poor grammar and major WTF???? moments. 

  • Love 4

Annnnnnddd she is skating to the gay national anthem YMCA!!! She has no clue and the floor is being lit up by rainbow color lights. LOVE it.

Yeah that's great!  I'm all for Michelle skating backwards in her maxi skirt with her mad skills to this rainbow background music but how exactly is this different from dancing?  There is absolutely no consistency with these people.  They are just walking-skating contradictions.

  • Love 10

I wonder if Jim Bob and Michelle will still be able to get speaking engagements 3 or 4 years down the road. I think being off tv is going to impact them more than they think. TLC did keep around the Roloffs and Kate Gosselin for specials several times a year, so they're still in the public eye, but I have to wonder if in 5 years's time, whether the public will even remember who the Duggars are. My mom was in the hospital recently, and I found a book in the library about Jane Pauley for her to read, Jane wrote it last year. I remembered the name but had a hard time remembering who she was and what television show she was on. 



She's Gary Trudeau's wife. And who's Gary Trudeau?


Yeah, very good point. Even with many actual accomplishments, and much broader channels of distribution, people's names fade away quickly in this buzzing world. Obscurity -- the Duggars' soon-to-be fate. Don't see how it can't affect their other gigs, too. And since they really have  done nothing worth thinking about, they have little to no chance of revival, even in most people's memory. Unless TLC brings them back, of course. Argh.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2

I think Jill Rodrigues and family made it to a Bates wedding.  They've stayed at her parent's house or somebody's while her sister was in hospital paralyzed.  Damned shame, but it got Jill and family into a house for a while.  I wonder if the Dugger family know them.  They must.

They've met at least once. The Rodrigues family website has photos of the happy quiver couples posing and smiling. They were wearing name tags so I guess they weren't long-time friends exactly. Getting together was probably a bigger moment in Jill's life than in Michelle's. I think I've seen pictures of the kids together, perhaps at a Bates' wedding, but I'm too lazy to go looking. It is a shame about Jill's sister's accident.  

  • Love 1

Roller skating was HUGE in Fundy world at one time. It was the roller skating episode that hooked my sister on the show. She called me up saying, "You aren't going to believe this, but there's this show on TLC about this fundamentalist family and they go roller skating with skirts on and sing the happy birthday song we did and everything!"

I told her we were watching it right now, too.

Dancing, really, is about touching. Remember, the dancing prohibitions went into place back in the 1920's. They were just updated to include modern dancing. Ironically, folk dancing is usually given a pass, as is square dancing.

Well, a crew present might ensure that the Rod kids get at least one square meal a day. That would be one more than they're getting now. Please amuse yourselves by going to the blog and reading Jill's latest birth story. It's riddled with poor grammar and major WTF???? moments.

I read it last week because I wanted to know if she had the baby. She reports that they found a house because of Jesus! I am still SMH trying to figure out how they had any money to put down on a down payment!?

Roller skating was HUGE in Fundy world at one time. It was the roller skating episode that hooked my sister on the show. She called me up saying, "You aren't going to believe this, but there's this show on TLC about this fundamentalist family and they go roller skating with skirts on and sing the happy birthday song we did and everything!"

I told her we were watching it right now, too.

Dancing, really, is about touching. Remember, the dancing prohibitions went into place back in the 1920's. They were just updated to include modern dancing. Ironically, folk dancing is usually given a pass, as is square dancing.

Well if you look closely at the FB mad-skills skate video they show some people in shorts defrauding everyone watching  who can manage to take their eyes off of the wonderful Michelle.

I have to give Michelle props for the backward skating. I never could do that and didn't understand how others managed it. The only way I was able to backwards-skate was to do that in-and-out thing with my feet!

Yeah props for skating backwards, no props for not being able to hold anyone older than an infant.

  • Love 2

I'm surprised Jim Boob let the moths out of his wallet long enough to take the family roller skating. Didn't he make them quit playing broom ball because the guy who owned the place started charging him $5 per kid?


Anyone with an ounce of taste (or a reputable jeweler) could have come up with something lovely and tasteful enough to wear every day. A good strand of pearls would have been much more appropriate, but I'm sure that J-Chelle wouldn't like them because they have no "bling".


Edited because it's always good to write a sentence that makes sense to the reader...

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 1

If I knew how to post pics, I'd get a screengrab. But alas, I don't. :(


As for Jackson hanging with the Littles, I guess they still haven't graduated him to the Big Boys' table, despite the fact that he's 11, and Justin was a Big Boy by the time he was about 9. I wonder about Jackson, but I'll take that to the Other Kids thread.

Jackson is 11? He looks/acts 7!
  • Love 7

Yeah that's great!  I'm all for Michelle skating backwards in her maxi skirt with her mad skills to this rainbow background music but how exactly is this different from dancing?  There is absolutely no consistency with these people.  They are just walking-skating contradictions.

Skating does not require physical contact?

I have to give Michelle props for the backward skating. I never could do that and didn't understand how others managed it. The only way I was able to backwards-skate was to do that in-and-out thing with my feet!


My mother could roller-skate AND ice-skate backwards. To me, as a child, this was incredibly impressive. Outside of Olympic skaters on TV, she's been the only person I've ever seen who could actually do that. Mom was a very athletic kid apparently, and told us many stories about her childhood and teen activities. We lived on the southern shore of Lake Ontario until I was 10, and Dad told me Mom learned to water-ski in one afternoon when I was a baby [i'm the oldest].

  • Love 3

I sometimes think Michelle was one of those kids that was naturally good at anything she tried and thus got bored easily. She kind of still seems that way.

Yes and since she was the youngest in her family growing up she didn't have to help raise any of her mother's children so she had plenty of time to learn how to do these things well, something she denied her own children.

  • Love 8

My question about the mothers ring is, don't a bunch of their kids share the same birth month? If so whydid they need so many individual stones? Couldn't they have just said "The ruby is for Jana, JD, andJeorgey Porgey?" It would have been cheaper and possibly prettier.


  • Love 22

My question about the mothers ring is, don't a bunch of their kids share the same birth month? If so why

did they need so many individual stones? Couldn't they have just said "The ruby is for Jana, JD, and

Jeorgey Porgey?" It would have been cheaper and possibly prettier.


Similarly, why did they need to have so many children? It would have been cheaper and absolutely prettier.

  • Love 5


Skating does not require physical contact?

I'm imagining the reaction someone like Roller Girl from Boogie Nights would get.



I sometimes think Michelle was one of those kids that was naturally good at anything she tried and thus got bored easily. She kind of still seems that way.

Except anything artistic or intellectual.

Edited by JoanArc
  • Love 7

Jackson was the cutest toddler/preschooler the family ever had, and he got a lot of attention from the camera crew. I think he'll miss that attention.

Yes and because of that Jackson was the only boy they allowed to have a personality - it was good for the show.  But no more - once he's old enough to be shipped off to ALERT they'll break him and then he'll be allowed into the big boys club, poor guy.

  • Love 5

The skating video: Michelle looks absolutely ridiculous roller skating in that heavy long skirt, with her possum mullett... to the most flamboyant disco song of the century!

It sickens me that she was allowed to have normal, mainstream childhood experiences but denies her children of the same. What if Jana wanted to go roller skating alone? Would she be allowed to?

All these questions I'd pay to have Michelle answer.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 9




It's amazing the ring is not in the shape of -- well, there's not enough brain bleach in the world to picture a ring the shape of Jim Boob's equipment.

  • Love 6

The skating video: Michelle looks absolutely ridiculous roller skating in that heavy long skirt, with her possum mullett... to the most flamboyant disco song of the century!

It sickens me that she was allowed to have normal, mainstream childhood experiences but denies her children of the same. What if Jana wanted to go roller skating alone? Would she be allowed to?

All these questions I'd pay to have Michelle answer.

Now THERE'S an idea. Are there any secret millionaires among us? You know Boob is all about the money. Maybe we could actually pay them to answer some questions. Let's wait a while until they're more desperate, though. I volunteer my services to the hair, makeup and wardrobe department.

  • Love 5
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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