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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Deanna's post below confirms that Famy and Dill were only there for one day (Monday). We have see the pics with Jerick that confirm that. But Famy spent Thanksgiving with Dillon's family, so they didn't stay. 

Not sure how long Deanna (yes, she was there for a while, too) and Grandma stayed, but here's a pic of all three at the Dixie Stampede. Date of attendance at the Stampede confirmed on Jill's IG pics with Amy/Dillon, also posted Monday.

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Deanna's post below confirms that Famy and Dill were only there for one day (Monday). We have see the pics with Jerick that confirm that. But Famy spent Thanksgiving with Dillon's family, so they didn't stay. 

Not sure how long Deanna (yes, she was there for a while, too) and Grandma stayed, but here's a pic of all three at the Dixie Stampede. Date of attendance at the Stampede confirmed on Jill's IG pics with Amy/Dillon, also posted Monday.

Look how nice Deanna & Grandma look compared to the frumpwear Jill was wearing. (The blue velourish skirt with black leggings & black shirt with questionable Ugg boots.  Derick didn't look much better.)

  • Love 4
On 11/22/2016 at 10:05 AM, Defrauder said:

Completed public birthday greeting for Josie:

 Our dear precious Josie, Happy 7th birthday.  You are such a miracle in every way!  Every day we marvel at all of your accomplishments from walking to almost talking to your adorable smile.  As the baby of the family you are cherished by everyone around you as you touch their lives w your special self. You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day.  While you are such a good and special helper wanting even more jurisdictions as you attempt to drive the family around and clean up the crumbs on the counter (Josie's favorite food!) the best way you can. You try to grow up by doing your nails in a bowl of fruit juice because as the designated baby of the family for life you are denied proper utensils.  Happy public birthday greeting Josie, we hope someday you will be able to read this on our Facebook page. Love, Mommy and Daddy and the other 18 not as special miracle siblings.

But you left out the part about how Josie leads "thousands of children to Jesus" simply by being on a t.v. show. 

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 6

Derick the mission pastor, Ben the youth pastor, and Jeremy the head pastor. They can send their congregants to Austin's camp for retreats.

Jana can play the piano and JD can maintain the grounds. The church will allow JB a constant stream of potential mates for the rest of the Duggar 19. And Michelle & Josie can have special seats in the first pew.

And TLC can rebrand - 3 Pastors and Counting.

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Derick the mission pastor, Ben the youth pastor, and Jeremy the head pastor. They can send their congregants to Austin's camp for retreats.

Jana can play the piano and JD can maintain the grounds. The church will allow JB a constant stream of potential mates for the rest of the Duggar 19. And Michelle & Josie can have special seats in the first pew.

And TLC can rebrand - 3 Pastors and Counting.

Whooooa, that is a great idea!!!! A church solves many of Jim Bob's problems!

(josh can run the addiction recovery group)

  • Love 10

I agree.  This does NOT look like a "house".  This looks like an old church that's being remodeled.  There is a rather large parking lot (shown with foam insulation sheets lying on it, ready to be used).  

Oh dear LORD...this all makes sense now.  The need for the girls to marry men who are "called" to pastoral service in one form or another.  They say they want to marry "Godly men", but it's not enough to just marry someone who attends church regularly and who is a believer and practitioner of their faith.  They marry potential pastors.  Or current pastors.  Or missionaries.

My mind is racing...20 kids (including the foster).  20 potential churches all spreading Jim Bob's brand of Gothardism.  Add in the expected 200+ grandkids either becoming or marrying "pastors" and you have yourself quite the cult.   If he takes it, the opportunity is there for JB to establish and staff (with a ready-made pastor) four "churches" in every state.  And with Derek's background in missions work, he could effectively expand outside of the US.

Edited by Lady Edith
  • Love 9
On 27.11.2016 at 1:40 AM, kaleidoscope said:

According to this article, M & JB are now the official guardians of great-nephew Tyler:(


Is his name still Tyler or has he been renamed Jyler ?

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Derick the mission pastor, Ben the youth pastor, and Jeremy the head pastor. They can send their congregants to Austin's camp for retreats.

Jana can play the piano and JD can maintain the grounds. The church will allow JB a constant stream of potential mates for the rest of the Duggar 19. And Michelle & Josie can have special seats in the first pew.

And TLC can rebrand - 3 Pastors and Counting.

A Gothard church? How many people will want to attend that?

8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Derick the mission pastor, Ben the youth pastor, and Jeremy the head pastor. They can send their congregants to Austin's camp for retreats.

Jana can play the piano and JD can maintain the grounds. The church will allow JB a constant stream of potential mates for the rest of the Duggar 19. And Michelle & Josie can have special seats in the first pew.

And TLC can rebrand - 3 Pastors and Counting.

If they even have pews. . . . I really don't understand their idea of a "church."

  • Love 3

It will be a church...just like any other church.  Gothard won't appear in the name but they will name it something like Faithful Word Church (shout out to Steven Anderson) and it will be Bible Believing (code for fundamentalist). Ben and Jeremy can pastor it. Ben and Jeremy are not Gothard followers and both have some mainstream appeal.  Derick is delusional...Jim Bob will stick him in a nearby cabin and turn the water off for a few days at a time, hire a few Hispanics to ring his doorbell...Derick will believe he is in CA and doing mission work.  Trust me, Derick will never know.  Jill will be close to home forever!   

Seriously, for Jim Bob to buy a church type building...something is going on there.  Jim Bob attempts to flip houses and does rental.  We have never seen anything like a church before. He has THREE sons in law in the pastoral business!!!  Plus Josh, who is unemployable with most people, but could do a lot of behind the scenes work for a church organization and justify a salary.  We all hate Josh but we must admit, Jim Bob is probably trying frantically to find something to get Josh on the right path besides a flip phone and an accountability buddy.   

Gill Bates has a church, doesn't he?  Not trying to get off topic in this thread, just for comparison of the two men. 

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Marigold said:

Whooooa, that is a great idea!!!! A church solves many of Jim Bob's problems!

(josh can run the addiction recovery group)

But JimBob can't really be the boss of a church, he's not clergy, so he's not interested. What is Jeremy's particular Protestant flavour? His parents seem to believe in birth control, so he may not be amenable to JimBobism. 

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

My mind is racing...20 kids (including the foster).  20 potential churches all spreading Jim Bob's brand of Gothardism.  Add in the expected 200+ grandkids either becoming or marrying "pastors" and you have yourself quite the cult.   If he takes it, the opportunity is there for JB to establish and staff (with a ready-made pastor) four "churches" in every state.  And with Derek's background in missions work, he could effectively expand outside of the US.

Stop...you're scaring me. No really. I wish I was kidding but I'm not (said with fingers in ears)

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Marigold said:

I was just thinking (and avoiding work) that all the girls have married males who are pastors/missionaries.  But the bio Duggar males are not in the ministry or missionaries.  Why is that? 

Maybe because of the school-of-the-dining-room-table? Real pastors need an education? They need to be able to travel solo? They need to be able to do more than recite a Bible verse? Motivation? Drive? Initiative? Because their "ministry is TV"?

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Marigold said:

Plus Josh, who is unemployable with most people, but could do a lot of behind the scenes work for a church organization and justify a salary.  We all hate Josh but we must admit, Jim Bob is probably trying frantically to find something to get Josh on the right path besides a flip phone and an accountability buddy.   



Joshley Madison is not employable in any church in the United States because of the molestations*. Period.

Things are finally blowing up in multiple "mega churches" and Calvinist congregations around the country due to sexual assaults and molestations involving pastoral staff. It's been a long time coming and hopefully, the fiction that one's children are safe in any congregation will be laid to rest.

Jim Boob does not have the liability insurance or personal net worth for another "indiscretion" or "youthful transgression". One also must ask if TLC is in the market for a reality show that they will actually have to come clean on what the Duggars and their in-laws actually believe and practice. IMHO of course.

*Let's amend that to include any church that might claim 501c3 status. I'm sure he'll be just fine in the "home" church because nobody there would actually expect anything as exotic as a background check on those working with children.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 4
4 hours ago, Marigold said:

I was just thinking (and avoiding work) that all the girls have married males who are pastors/missionaries.  But the bio Duggar males are not in the ministry or missionaries.  Why is that? 

JD is too backward/introverted to lead or speak in front of people, not idea about Joe, shocked Josiah the attention whore hasn't gone that route just so he can have a captive audience.

3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

A Gothard church? How many people will want to attend that?

If they even have pews. . . . I really don't understand their idea of a "church."

Many newer churches, especially nondenominational church plants, use padded chairs now. No pews. Easier to replace and move around if needed, plus more comfortable. I personally love pews and hate this trend.

  • Love 3
On 11/27/2016 at 5:15 PM, GeeGolly said:

Is this a church?


We now know the future occupations of all of the Duggar men.  They will all be pastors or preachers or ministers or whatever JB decides to title them.  Their only qualification having the last name Duggar.  So far we have Jeremy, wanna-be Ben, and missionary Derick.  Soon to be -  Pastor Jeremy of JB Duggar Church, Pastor Ben of JB Duggar church, & acting missionary Derick of the Church of JB Duggar. Pastor John David Duggar, and then right down the line to Pastor Jackson Duggar someday.  Jana can run the nursery babysitting service for the congregants, while replacing broken lightbulbs and regular maintainence,  and the Duggar females yet to be married off will marry future church members or church pastors.  The Duggar men will marry Proverbs whatever women who attend the church, cook, clean and raise dozens of Duggar offspring.  

  • Love 7

I actually do think Bin would be a good youth pastor. This could be the only positive thing to come out of it!

ETA: this likely would still not be a viable career to support 10+ children. I grew up in a large downtown church that still used a teacher as a part-time youth pastor. Even though Bin could excel in this capacity, he'd likely still need to find another full-time job. 

Edited by Christina87
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22 hours ago, Joe Jitsu913 said:

But you left out the part about how Josie leads "thousands of children to Jesus" simply by being on a t.v. show. 

Right again.  OK let's throw that in after: You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day.

New completed public Birthday Greeting for Josie:Our dear precious Josie, Happy 7th birthday.  You are such a miracle in every way!  Every day we marvel at all of your accomplishments from walking to almost talking to your adorable smile.  As the baby of the family you are cherished by everyone around you as you touch their lives w your special self. You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day. We know you will lead thousands of children to Jesus by being alive and surviving a sure death along with me. Just don't tell them about you know the next one that didn't work out that way. While you are such a good and special helper wanting even more jurisdictions as you attempt to drive the family around and clean up the crumbs on the counter (Josie's favorite food!) the best way you can. You try to grow up by doing your nails in a bowl of fruit juice because as the designated baby of the family for life you are denied proper utensils.  Happy public birthday greeting Josie, we hope someday you will be able to read this on our Facebook page. Love, Mommy and Daddy and the other 18 not as special miracle siblings.

  • Love 8
23 minutes ago, Defrauder said:

Right again.  OK let's throw that in after: You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day.

New completed public Birthday Greeting for Josie:Our dear precious Josie, Happy 7th birthday.  You are such a miracle in every way!  Every day we marvel at all of your accomplishments from walking to almost talking to your adorable smile.  As the baby of the family you are cherished by everyone around you as you touch their lives w your special self. You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day. We know you will lead thousands of children to Jesus by being alive and surviving a sure death along with me. Just don't tell them about you know the next one that didn't work out that way. While you are such a good and special helper wanting even more jurisdictions as you attempt to drive the family around and clean up the crumbs on the counter (Josie's favorite food!) the best way you can. You try to grow up by doing your nails in a bowl of fruit juice because as the designated baby of the family for life you are denied proper utensils.  Happy public birthday greeting Josie, we hope someday you will be able to read this on our Facebook page. Love, Mommy and Daddy and the other 18 not as special miracle siblings.

Good thing I peed before I read this!

  • Love 4


Right again.  OK let's throw that in after: You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day.

New completed public Birthday Greeting for Josie:Our dear precious Josie, Happy 7th birthday.  You are such a miracle in every way!  Every day we marvel at all of your accomplishments from walking to almost talking to your adorable smile.  As the baby of the family you are cherished by everyone around you as you touch their lives w your special self. You encourage us by reminding us and everyone how I risked both of our lives to make you come into this world to remind us of that every day. We know you will lead thousands of children to Jesus by being alive and surviving a sure death along with me. Just don't tell them about you know the next one that didn't work out that way. While you are such a good and special helper wanting even more jurisdictions as you attempt to drive the family around and clean up the crumbs on the counter (Josie's favorite food!) the best way you can. You try to grow up by doing your nails in a bowl of fruit juice because as the designated baby of the family for life you are denied proper utensils.  Happy public birthday greeting Josie, we hope someday you will be able to read this on our Facebook page. Love, Mommy and Daddy and the other 18 not as special miracle siblings.


Am I the only one seeing Ruprecht from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with the cork on the end of his fork (so he doesn't put his eye out?)?  My sister has a great sense of humor.  When we were packing up my dads house and taking boxes home I unpacked one that had a fork with a cork on it.  Made me laugh!  I totally got it.

  • Love 1
37 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

Actually this isn't true. Sure some Fundie churches call themselves non-denominational but plenty of non-denominational churches aren't Fundie at all. I've attended  several. 

Then they are offshoots of traditional denominations (Baptists) or Calvinists. Churches don't go with the "non-denominational" moniker because they're welcoming. They go with non-identification because they're attempting to signal to non-believers that nothing "weird" is going on, like a non-denominational church in our hometown that wants to cloak their true ideology and beliefs.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Missy Vixen said:

Then they are offshoots of traditional denominations (Baptists) or Calvinists. Churches don't go with the "non-denominational" moniker because they're welcoming. They go with non-identification because they're attempting to signal to non-believers that nothing "weird" is going on, like a non-denominational church in our hometown that wants to cloak their true ideology and beliefs.

Agreed!!! I'm sure there are many that are more mainstream, but I live in a suburb of a fairly major city, and I have not just one but two co-workers who are totally fundie and attend [different] "non-denominational" churches. Both of them met their spouses (at church) about a year ago, and immediately started referring to their relatives as "in laws." They both faced immense engagement pressure after a month or two from others at church, and got engaged just a few months ago. One just got married, while the other will follow in a couple weeks. Both courtships had to have chaperones, modesty is the law, and one church is led by a guy about Jeremy's age. I am absolutely floored because this is a pretty enlightened area, and most of my coworkers are Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc if religious. These two churches are "non denominational," and practice exactly what the Duggars believe, although I think most have a relatively normal family size. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

Then they are offshoots of traditional denominations (Baptists) or Calvinists. Churches don't go with the "non-denominational" moniker because they're welcoming. They go with non-identification because they're attempting to signal to non-believers that nothing "weird" is going on, like a non-denominational church in our hometown that wants to cloak their true ideology and beliefs.

I'm in the NYC area and non denomination signals "evangelical" because they are so hip and cool, they don't identify with traditional church/denominations. That is out dated and stuffy; they are open and welcoming. 

I get sick of the non denominational crew lecturing me on that.  

Edited by Marigold
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14 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:
16 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

"Non-denominational" = Fundie.

Not always. Sometimes it is hipster barista sandals guitar college campus guitar church.

And sometimes its on a military base trying to tie in as many Christians without upsetting anyone. In Germany we went to a non-denominational church and Sunday school. I liked it as we got the basics without the individual dogma.

  • Love 1
On 11/28/2016 at 5:15 PM, Missy Vixen said:

Joshley Madison is not employable in any church in the United States because of the molestations*. Period.

Things are finally blowing up in multiple "mega churches" and Calvinist congregations around the country due to sexual assaults and molestations involving pastoral staff. It's been a long time coming and hopefully, the fiction that one's children are safe in any congregation will be laid to rest.

Jim Boob does not have the liability insurance or personal net worth for another "indiscretion" or "youthful transgression". One also must ask if TLC is in the market for a reality show that they will actually have to come clean on what the Duggars and their in-laws actually believe and practice. IMHO of course.

*Let's amend that to include any church that might claim 501c3 status. I'm sure he'll be just fine in the "home" church because nobody there would actually expect anything as exotic as a background check on those working with children.

Except it wouldn't come up on a background check, would it? because he was never actually charged with the molestations (or it's sealed because he was a juvenile when he did it)?

  • Love 1
On 11/28/2016 at 2:15 PM, Missy Vixen said:

Joshley Madison is not employable in any church in the United States because of the molestations*. Period.

He's not a registered sex offender, nor was he arrested, so he would pass a background check. And, even if he had been arrested, charged, and done time, it would have been a juvenile offense that would have been expunged from his record when he turned 21. Unless you're meaning that any church with sense wouldn't employ him because of the molestation charges and even then, if it weren't for the Ashley Madison stuff, many evangelical churches would have bought that the redemption/just a young teenager crap. Evangelical churches put a huge emphasis on once you've asked for forgiveness your sin is wiped off the books by God, and if God has forgotten it, everyone else should, also.

  • Love 6
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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