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S19.E11: The Women Tell All

Tara Ariano
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I totally agree...I would loathe Kaitlyn as the next Bachelorette...she seems like the kind of woman who friend-zones every man she dates, and she's also the kind of person (and there are plenty of men like this, too) who thinks they could hack it as a standup comedian, so they feel the need to constantly crack (lame) jokes.

I think the comedian part of your statement directly applies to Ashley S. I was already sick of her comedy act by the end of the first episode of the season. As she sat in the hot seat tonight, I genuinely disliked the way she was obviously acting as bizarre as possible just to get some laughs.

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The scene of her hacking the wood was hilarious.



I hadn't seen Ashley's ax-wielding until tonight...I guess I missed some of the camping group date when that occurred? But I agree, it was awesome...Chris looked genuinely terrified as he watched her chop wood.

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The crowd is booing (or negatively "oooh"ing) Carly and cheering Britt. Bachelor Nation (as represented by the studio audience) is Team Britt...at least in this first face-off.  Harrison is asking Britt whether she loved Chris. She's saying, "Yes! Absolutely!" while she's shaking her head no. If she's going to continue to lie, she needs to work on the OBVIOUS tells. This audience is buying everything that Britt is saying, though, such as her explanation about not wanting to get married now, etc. Britt came on this show "for love if you want to put it the simplest way." What would be the complex way? Wrong Reasons famewhoring? Nearly a half hour focused on Britt in her big redemption storyline with lots of cheers and tears. Yep, she's a contender for Bachelorette. Oh, yeah, this commercial break hysterics to Harrison is TOTALLY the Bachelorette audition reel!


watching more closely, though, I HEARD applause at one point, but SAW most of the audience just sitting there, with a few people doing a polite clap.   So - I call editing.  For some reason, they tried to give Britt a more sympathetic edit.  


If Chris really was into Britt at the end, anything Carly said wouldn't have mattered.


Yes, in previous seasons, Bachelors have IGNORED warnings about women, ended up choosing them, then (I assume)  regretting it later.  Jake/Vienna, Ben/Courtney.

Edited by backformore
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To each his own but despite the heavy emphasis on Britt, it didn't make her likable to me at all. I just found her over the top dramatic and weepy and I didn't feel bad or empathize with her, I just wanted her to quit with the annoying bawling. And that segment with Chris was just way over the top. And I think that's exactly why some of the women thought Britt was fake. She's just so exaggerated with things - the too long hug, the dramatic bawling, even the five pounds of caked on makeup, the squealing when she was excited about something, telling Chris she wanted like a 100 children. It's all so big and over the top that it doesn't seem real. 


Yes, this. I think it was Sharleen who said Britt reminds her of girls she knew in high school who were stars in the drama class and always so OTT and exaggerated in everything they did and said that they just seemed constantly insincere and fake. That's how Britt seems to me, too, always putting on some kind of an act. Not sure why--for effect?--to get attention?--a habit? but she obviously hasn't mastered the old saying, "It's all about sincerity and once you fake that, you can do everything."

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I had forgotten an early instance that perfectly illustrates what a drama queen and flip-flopper Britt is. (Carly reminded me, it was one of her examples.) Before Britt's one-on-one date, she told the other women that she's terrified of heights. Not just afraid, but that she has a genuine "phobia" about heights. She made it sound like she'd been diagnosed by a professional with acrophobia. Then she gets the hot-air balloon date and not a sign of discomfort.

The other women in the house, who stayed the longest, are the ones who also saw this behavior and backed Carly up.

Edited by Andromeda
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I had forgotten an early instance that perfectly illustrates what a drama queen and flip-flopper Britt is. Before her one-on-one date, she told the other women that she's terrified of heights. Not just afraid, but that she has a genuine "phobia" about heights. She made it sound like she'd been diagnosed by a professional with acrophobia. Then she gets the hot-air balloon date and not a sign of discomfort.

The other women in the house, who stayed the longest, are the ones who also saw this behavior and backed Carly up.

Yes - I have a fear of heights.   I get through it, when I fly on a plane.  I focus on something else, I trick myself into not thinking about flying (not looking out the window helps)

A ferris wheel, a high bridge, my palms sweat and my heart races.  A TV show where someone is on a high ledge, a mountain, a skyscraper - just watching, makes my palms sweat, and I find myself holding my breath.  A hot air balloon ride would have me shaking.  All this makes me sound neurotic, but seriously, besides the heights thing, I'm pretty stable. 


When Brit said she was "terrified"  of heights -  she lied.  So I'm inclined to think she was lying about  other stuff too.  

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Memo to Ashley I: pairing a pale-pink lipstick with all-over bronzer is not a good look for you. Or for anyone, really.


I know Samantha is the one that most people forget was on the show, but I was raking my brain about Nikki. Gorgeous woman, so how could I forget? Was she eliminated on night one?


If Britt really wanted to be Bachelorette she should have worked with an acting coach and media consultant before the WTA was filmed. They would have advised her to dial the drama WAY down.


Kelsey can "apologize" all she wants, but the bitch face she had every time someone criticized her doesn't lie. If looks could kill, there would have been several casualties in the studio that night.


CH wrote a romance novel??? Who knows, I might just bite.

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Carly came off just as bad here as she did on the show. Britt was right she has some internal anger or type of issues and she latches onto hate others. Mean girl jealousy or hate she's projecting.


Kaitlyn deserves better than Chris, they all do. Except maybe a few. 

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Am I supposed to unlock my door every time I watch The Bachelor?   I mean, just in case Chris H wants to pop in "unexpectedly"  with the B.  They might be surprised and disappointed to find that I watch ALONE, in my pajamas, sometimes reading my mail or paying bills.   

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I think she came very close to pulling a Nick there.



Yep, especially when she used the word intimacy.  She definitely had more class than Nick which might help her become the Bachelorette.  Another big difference is the "Nick" thing was at the After the Final Rose, after the engagement, which was a huge difference.  IIRC Andi was fairly receptive and kind to the guys on her Men Tell All....the ATFR not so much since Nick made that his show. 

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That hair that Kelsey kept trying to push behind her ear? Never gonna stay, Kelsey. Either leave it alone or use a barrette. Reminded me of Tori Spelling; she was always trying to get a chunk of her hair swept out of her face but it always fell back to its original location.

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I am firmly on Team Carly. I don't care that she doesn't always say the right things, or always take the high road - she entertains me. I like her commentary, I like the way she mocks the assholes, and if her reactions aren't always the most mature, then so much the better as far as I'm concerned. Watching people have mature, classy, clipped reactions to drama is boring. Plus, she dislikes the same women I do, so, you know, that really works for me. I would love for her to be the next Bachelorette because I think all of her talking heads would be fun, but I don't hold out any hope that she would ever get that "esteemed" position.

I feel exactly the same. A Carley season would be awesome! Sadly, I can tell production doesn't favor my sardonic, snarky blonde girlfriend.

Edited by Andromeda
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I don't hate Kaitlyn, but her crass humor and language always turned me off, e.g. the "you can plow the f--- out of my field" comment as soon as she got out of the limo... and her lips have annoyed me so much I can't look at them. Something about the combination of her big front teeth and the overly plump lips, actually. Finally, she is a dance instructor, but has absolutely NO muscle tone. That seems off. The white dress she wore tonight was disgustingly tight showing everything. I feel bad for her, but I do NOT think she would make a good bachelorette. Actually, I don't like any of the women for Bachelorette. How about someone NEW for a change?

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Sheeeeesh did they have to have Britt on for so long? Every commercial break I was hoping she was done, but no, she was still there.  haha I'm glad I wasn't the only one who noticed the makeup all over Chris' suit after her prolonged hug with him.


It was interesting to see that Kelsey hasn't changed at all. It was like she didn't even get what they were saying about her "amazing!!!" story and how maybe that's really not appropriate. I mean everyone grieves differently, but starry-eyed "TRAGIC and AMAZING!" bothered me a lot. Plus she's still acting like she's above everyone else, and she doesn't even seem to realize she does it. Also, totally shallow but that chunk of hair that was "bangs but not bangs" drove me nuts.


I think Samantha got more air time on this show than on the whole rest of the season. I was surprised when one of the women (was it Kelsey?) called her "Sammie."  It seems she must've been at least somewhat familiar with the women, so maybe she just didn't have many camera-worthy moments.


Ashley S. started a garden? I hope she figured out vegetables from fruits and roots from plants and trees while she was working on that. I don't feel like she's 'acting' exactly, but I think she was telling the truth when she said the cameras weirded her out. She still cracks me up. I think she and Clare would be awesome cast-mates on BiP. 


I think Kaitlyn was more embarassed than heartbroken, personally. She even said it on her exit ride - she was humiliated. I felt bad for her, though. I think she was led on at least to some degree. I mean I know that's part of the 'game' but it seemed like she had a pretty clear indication she was moving forward and then wham, no rose, and all she got for an explanation from Chris was pretty much "ummmm" and sighs followed by more "ummm" followed by the "throwing a dart" comment in the WTA special, which had to really hurt.


I really thought they'd pull Carly up on stage along with maybe Virgin Ashley. I would've been interested to hear more from them (and less from Britt).

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I feel exactly the same. A Carley season would be awesome! Sadly, I can tell production doesn't favor my sardonic, snarky blonde girlfriend.



The thing is, while Carly may have been willing to be snarky and well, in my opinion, more catty to other women she was competing against for Chris, I don't see her being that way towards guys as the Bachelorette.  And take away the mediocre snark and cattiness and what was a left was a highly insecure woman. What I remember most about Carly this season aside from her Britt hate, is the constant weepiness over Chris and whinging about never being the one, never being the one picked, never liked, etc. That personally does not bode well for a Bachelorette, someone raging with insecurities.  I mean I guess if a season of weepiness appeals to some then sure.

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While I have no doubt that Kaitlyn and Chris expressed their love physically (which was the style at the time), whereas Becca and Chris did not, I honestly don't think it made that much difference to whether Chris was going to keep Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn wanted a real explanation for getting the boot, but I don't think she could handle it. The plain truth, I think, is that there were three women left, one had to go, and Kaitlyn was number three. Not much more to it.

I so agree with this (love the Grandpa Simpson reference.) I thought Kaitlyn's big fuss about going out at third was almost as bad as Britt's big fuss when Kaitlyn got the date rose. Why was Kaitlyn so angry that she "had to go through a rose ceremony," when she had calmly watched a dozen other girls go through a rose ceremony before being cut? I know it's a little different when it's later in the game but she had no reason to be that over-confident, it was insulting to the other two. False hope and rose ceremonies are the name of the game.

One of these days a girl like Kaitlyn is going to push the "Why me?" thing too far and the guy is going to get fed up and say something like, "Because you have those big beaver teeth and Becca doesn't."

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Minority here, but I am absolutely going buy Chris Harrison's book.  I absolutely adore him, so I'm interested to see how he writes and what kind of story he's put together. .



Me too!

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I agree with much of what has been said.  I just really hated all of the time with Britt....she is a joke.  I hated that she said what she did to Chris about Carly--seriously, girl, you made yourself look dumb, as by saying that to Chris you are insinuating that he can't have a thought for himself and is so easily swayed by some random woman that said something to him.  I am so glad he spoke up to say that he had doubts and it wasn't Carly or the other girls that made his decision for him.


As for Kelsey, I felt like she keeps wanting to talk about honoring her story, but yet had the ability to make those catty remarks about it being an amazing story as if it was all fun and games (during the show).  I don't see how it is right for her to be angry at others for not being sympathetic when she can't even respect her own story in the proper way.  I know she says she regrets it, but the fact that she had the ability to even say what she did during the show tells it all.  Plus, I agree with Ashley when she said--why would you ask for Chris during a panic attack--the last person I want to see is the person I like.

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I don't hate Kaitlyn, but her crass humor and language always turned me off




Thank you..."crass" is a great adjective for Kaitlyn. That aspect of her personality is why I do not want her to be the Bachelorette.

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I loved Carly during the show. Found her humor funny and thought she had a point on Britt waffling on different things. But the montage of all the stuff she said about Britt was pretty hateful.


And Britt had one small point. If Carly indeed was sitting in her room chatting about songs etc on the night before she left and acting all like a friend that is pretty two-faced and backstabby. If she had a problem she should have said it to Britt.


Katelynn is just so 'meh' for me. I don't like or dislike her. I actually never saw any emotion or chemistry between her and Chris and don't think she was hurt. I just don't see her carrying a whole season. 


Kelsey tried to mitigate but to no avail. 

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Did anyone else think Chris Harrison handled Kelsey with kid gloves?? Admonishing the women to not speak until she was finished - hassling Ashley I about not accepting Kelsey fake apology for saying Ashely was "down here and I'm up here"? Kelsey couldn't even squeeze out one tear for all her "distress." No one had much to say after that episode. Good job Chris H - shut down the voices every one came to hear. Although I could do with less shouting and talking over one another.

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I agree, Kendra. The Britt section was a free for all, but no one could interrupt Kelsey? (Not that I like either of them.) I didn't have much hope that anything of significance would come from the Kelsey part. Nothing the girls could say could make a dent in that level of crazy. I was glad that Juelia spoke up so fiercely- her words damned Kelsey more than anyone else's could. And I only wish that when Kelsey tried to call out Ashley I for suggesting that the husband story was fake, that Ashley would have said that if everyone else there could honestly say the thought never crossed their minds that she'd apologize- because I thought I heard someone else in that section saying they thought the same thing too. Had I been Ashley (yikes!) I'd have pointed out that it was Kelsey's crazy behavior that made me question her story. Kelsey was completely unwilling to acknowledge that it was her own behavior that generated the reactions she got throughout the season.

Edited by Shibori
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Evidently much of Bachelor Nation questioned Kelsey's story- Sanderson Poe's obit was the most googled item on the net for a time. Lol. Yeah I read it too. TPTB couldn't be thinking of Kelsey as the next Bachelorette could they??? Poor misunderstood widow who only wants love????

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Not a great WTA.  Britt and Kelsey had too much air time.  But how else could they have filled the 2 hours?  Seasons run way too long on this show.  I am ready to watch the finale tonight and be done. 


I like Kaitlyn.  She is cute, smart and well spoken. 

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 Can not stand Britt. And she really didn't bother me on the show. I did think she was fake but her little one on one with Chris H was totally fake!! As someone else noted she was saying she loved Chris blah blah blah while shaking her head "no"!!  I totally believe Carly's side of the story and that Britt was just saying whatever Chris wanted to hear. While Britt is very attractive something about her screams clown face to me. Just the big lips and round face. Hate her mouth and that lipstick. Please don't let her be the next Bachelorette.  I didn't mind Carly so much. Yes I believe she didn't like Britt because she was jealous but at the same time I think she was looking out for Chris as well.  Ashley I is gorgeous, prettier than Britt dare I saw.  


Very interesting that Juellia the other widow can't stand Kelsey!  Kelsey is ridiculous. There is something totally off with her. Lock her and Ashley S in a padded  room together.


I will say that Chris had to be in hell  having all his exes coming at him about why did he do this? Why did he do that/ Why doesn't he love THEM? I totally understand the reason he let Jade go although she didn't seem to be able to process it. As mentioned above, if you really like someone because they seem sweet and innocent and kind and you meet their family and said family tells you the person is wild and basically warns you away and what you find out is the total opposite of what you've seen, yeah I would have ditched her too.  how would she think it wasn't awkward for him to see her pictures while being filmed? Not like he could be like damn girl you have an amazing body or I want to hit that!  LOL. That seems to be the reaction she wanted. 

Loved that Chris immediately defended Carly and made it clear to Britt she went home because HE saw things he didn't like. He definitely seemed over her.  I agree that he and Kaitlynn probably slept together and that is why she was so blindsided she went home.   He probably chose Becca because I truly believe Becca does NOT want to be chosen. Her reaction to seeing Arlington was worse than Britt's. She doesn't want to live on a farm in the middle of nowhere and pop out babies. I think Chris likes her the most because she seems to be the type of girl that is most acceptable in his life stye. Remember, his sisters picked sweet innocent Jade as their favorite and that is who he chose to take to the football game and to meet his parents. So that seems to be the type of woman he is interested in. However, I think Becca does like him but she's young and isn't ready to settle down yet.


Loved the bloopers!

Edited by kira28
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    Well, I disagree with those that find Carly catty and mean.  I think she really just liked Chris and was trying to have his back by warning him about Britt's fakeness and two-faced comments.  Maybe she could have found a better way to say it, but she thought he had to know the truth about her.  

     And, it seemed like Britt was just still too hung up on her problem with Carly all this time after her act on the show was over.  She just can't seem to accept that it could be something about herself that Chris just did not want to pursue and not at all Carly's fault.  But she probably doesn't see anything as her fault.  And, I'm pretty sure she thought that even now she could seduce old Chris into renewing their relationship, all that hugging and touching him....

    Kelsey.......the girl just doesn't get it and maybe never will.  Still condescending - "I use big words".  And, why didn't somebody bring up her blogging about her amazing experience?  

    I don't know how Jade could think that sitting there and showing Chris her nude photos was a good idea, cameras rolling. I'm guessing he probably thought he was going to see something more like the artistic shots of Victoria Secret models than the fully nude shots she likely showed him.   At that point in their relationship, just too much.  She should have just told him about it and they could have looked at the images later, if she lasted long enough to make it necessary. 

   As for some of the girls that we never got to see for more than a minute on the show.  I would guess that they did have a chance to interact with Christ at some point during their time there, but the editors didn't feel there was anything that would add drama to the show so we didn't see it.


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The night Britt left she announced to everyone that she had her bags packed and was leaving.  She conveniently forgot that part of her exit.  It was a ploy for Chris to say "don't go!" that backfired.   She is going to have a tough time dealing with the aftermath, so is Kelsey.  They created their own situation so I have little sympathy.  


Britt, you wear so much make up it distorts your face.  You look like Bette Davis in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane.  

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    Well, I disagree with those that find Carly catty and mean.  I think she really just liked Chris and was trying to have his back by warning him about Britt's fakeness and two-faced comments.      

I may have bought that, but when she said in a talking head about Britt (paraphrasing) "The prettiest girl in the room didn't get everything she wants.  How does it feel to be like the rest of us?", it convinced me that she cared much more about Britt "losing" than she did about Chris' feelings.  She cries about why nobody wants her?  The men I know certainly don't want to deal with someone who cuts others down to make herself look good.


For the record, this isn't a Carly vs Britt issue as far as I'm concerned.  I do think Britt came across as fake, and she was nasty regarding Kaitlyn getting roses/attention over her.  I just think Carly (in and of herself) is a mean, petty, two faced person.

Edited by ByTor
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Her "talk" with Chris could not have been more condescending... 'it's okay that you were duped Chris, I understand'.



She said she knows that Chris was duped by Carly.  Then Chris says no, I was not duped, it was my own feelings, not what I heard from another person.  Then she says yes of course you would not make a choice based on what she said, I know you would not be that small.  OK but you just said that he was that small like 3 sentences back, so which is it?  Fake fake acting fake. 


She would appear fine then the cameras would roll and she would start the tears again.  I think that is why they showed that "behind the scenes" candid clip.  Look how she rebounded to go back to her seat and fluff her hair.  They when ther introduce Chris to come out she starts crying again at the mere sight of him.  Come onnnnnn!


Also I realized tonight that I still have no independent recollection of the first 5 or 6 bootees that CH introduced.



I think the reason why they did not talk about the F2 at all is becuase Chris would be unable to talk about it without giving it away.  He has like no poker face and would start stumbling over his words and reveal too much.  I think Chris H and TPTB know this and could not take that chance, so it was not discussed.

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I agree, Kendra. The Britt section was a free for all, but no one could interrupt Kelsey? (Not that I like either of them.) I didn't have much hope that anything of significance would come from the Kelsey part. Nothing the girls could say could make a dent in that level of crazy.



I think CH would make a worse attorney than Andi.


The issue with "isn't my story aMAZing?" isn't that she was taking the death of her husband lightly.  It's that she was treating her time on the show as a chapter in the Book of Kelsey that's she's apparently narrating in her head (and in talking heads) All. The. Time.  She did the same thing last night.  The crazy loon lives in the third person!

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I think the reason why they did not talk about the F2 at all is becuase Chris would be unable to talk about it without giving it away.  He has like no poker face and would start stumbling over his words and reveal too much.  I think Chris H and TPTB know this and could not take that chance, so it was not discussed.



I don't think they ever talk about the F2 with the "Star".  But they do usually ask the eliminated contestants who they think will "win".  I have to assume they did that this time as well, but chose not to show it.  To me, that suggests that the vote was unanimous one way or the other.

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I wouldn't take anything that twit Sharleen says as gospel.  Seems to me that she is biased when it comes to her fellow Canadian, Kaitlyn.  I can't wait to see heads exploding when Britt is announced as the next Bachelorette. 

Edited by Adeejay
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The only thing I changed my mind about was Ashley S. Thorne-Smith.  I now LOVE her.  She absolutely made the show for me.  I really hope she goes on BIP2.  And I think she really is very pretty. 

Everything else was just cry, shriek, cry, pout, justify, cry, interrupt, shout, cry and babble time fillers.

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Well, I disagree with those that find Carly catty and mean.  I think she really just liked Chris and was trying to have his back by warning him about Britt's fakeness and two-faced comments.



So what was the reason for the nasty comments about Jilian to Jillian's face and sometimes in front of Chris, per Jillian and which Carly didn't deny and also the producers conveniently left on the cutting room floor. What, she thought Jillian was being fake and two-faced too because I certainly didn't get that impression from Jillian at all during the show. She seemed pretty much herself, maybe a little bit too much so.


Most aren't denying Britt's fakeness and ridiculous behavior. Like the poster said, it's not necessarily a Britt vs. Carly thing where criticizing one means you liked the other. But the fact is while Carly may have been right in her assessment of who Britt was, it doesn't negate the very real possibility that there was an undertone of cattiness and petty jealousy and insecurity on her part. And personally for me, it's why it didn't make her any more appealing to me than Britt.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Britt is the definition of a drama queen. That said, there was a lot of mean behaviour from many of the women this season, so I understand why things got emotional. Still, she overhugs and overcries...it's exhausting watching her.


This. She's just too much. It is always about her. The tears, the crying questions. I really about lost it when Chris walked in the studio and she broke down crying...again.  Over seeing him. I was watching with my dad and he didn't watch the season, but saw this and said, "she's a professional crier". She cries a little bit, then talks, then cries. She can pause her sentences to cry perfectly.

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It's why she brought up Andi's letting Chris go early during her F3. I think that's what Kaitlyn was trying to understand - was he really that confused until that very moment and if so what made him pick Becca. And if he wasn't and knew it was Becca and Whitney, why didn't he at least give her some indication before or even let her go earlier rather than drag it out.


I've heard tell that the B/B'ette often lets go of the #2 best of the F3 so that the final rose selection isn't so difficult.  Could be the case here?

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She said she knows that Chris was duped by Carly.  Then Chris says no, I was not duped, it was my own feelings, not what I heard from another person.  Then she says yes of course you would not make a choice based on what she said, I know you would not be that small.  OK but you just said that he was that small like 3 sentences back, so which is it?  Fake fake acting fake.


That whole sequence was divine. My other favorite was when Britt asked Carly for examples of Britt acting fake, and when Carly immediately rattles off three or four, Britt has to try to talk over her again. Too funny. I can't stand Britt. And Jillian needs to calm the f down. And I will kind of always love Carly for not bowing down and tearfully apologizing to Britt, even when the live audience seemed against her. 


I also noticed Kaitlyn's mush-mouthed weirdness. I expect her to be the Bachelorette, and ugh, whatever. I can't really think of who would be better but there are a lot who would be worse. 

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All I can remember about last night's episode are teeth and eyelashes.....

Lol. I finally saw the line of demarcation where Britts "amazing" Topanga-esque extensions were attached.

I actually thought Carly with her understated make up looked prettier than Britt, but she was still wearing Grandma Blanche's senior cruise dinner dress.

Actually, I found Eyelashley, Jordan, Amber, and Megan all more attractive than Britt and her Tiffany Amber Theissan cabbage patch face.

Sam, your ass wasn't staying no how. If Chris had been interested, you would have gotten time with him.

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But the fact is while Carly may have been right in her assessment of who Britt was, it doesn't negate the very real possibility that there was an undertone of cattiness and petty jealousy and insecurity on her part. And personally for me, it's why it didn't make her any more appealing to me than Britt.



I agree.  There was an interesting dynamic going on with Carly in the way she said "Chris is my friend."  You don't usually hear contestants friend-zone themselves out loud.  Carly's water-works in the reject-limo suggest that she thought she had a legitimate chance.  So I think her declarations that "I wasn't being mean to Britt, I was trying to protect my friend" are either defense-mechanism (subconsciously acknowledging that she had no chance of winning and so she didn't want Britt to win either), or a pretext for being an asshole.


That whole sequence was divine. My other favorite was when Britt asked Carly for examples of Britt acting fake, and when Carly immediately rattles off three or four, Britt has to try to talk over her again.



I guess its a YMMV thing, but I thought Carly came away from that exchange looking bad. As in, is that all she has?


Is it so implausible that, upon Carly sticking her head in the bedroom door in the middle of the night and saying "hey, we're going to road trip to Arlington tomorrow" for Britt to say "uh, okay" without giving it much thought one way or the other; and then, having had time to think about it, decide that it might not be a good idea?


Is is so implausible to initially think that Arlington would be a bad place to live (which is the overarching theme of the whole season, after all), but then deciding "you know what, there are some nice rural areas, and if I have Chris and this is where he likes to live I can make it work"?


We've seen alot of "wrong reason" revelations over the years.  I didn't think Carly's "gotcha" response came close to cracking the top ten.

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There is no truly viable B-ette in that group of women. 


Britt looks like a blow-up doll and cries like a third-rate soap actress. She reminds me of someone who stars in videos for CollegeHumor.


I'd be great friends with Carly. She's a snark queen. But I know from experience that men don't appreciate women who launch attacks on the prettiest girl in the room - especially considering that Carly is quite pretty herself. It just smells like jealousy. I think Chris friend-zoned Carly, which explains why he listened to her assessment of Britt so calmly and didn't give her any of the Ben Flapjack "tread lightly" treatment. Men tend to listen to their female friends. This would also explain the big bear hug he gave her when he first went over to the women. They weren't going to have a romantic relationship, but they were on the same page about Britt and I think he just appreciated the candor.


Ashley I's face is a disaster. I'd imagine it looks like a sandstorm if she sneezes - all that tan and white contouring crap must fly everywhere. 


Ashley S. IS a young Courtney Thorne-Smith! She's adorable and has perfectly dewy skin. She'd be great for BiP.


Kaitlyn's huge duck lips don't bother me at all. In fact, they're her best feature! She's the only one who can get away with that shade of maroon lipstick. I loved how she didn't feel the need to go over and sit next to Chris.


Can someone please explain why the footage of Britt's diva meltdown about Kaitlyn's group date rose wasn't shown? That's the real reason she left and the moment when Chris gave up on her. It was only a few weeks ago. I don't know why the editors don't think we remember it. Though I did adore how quickly Chris shut down Britt's narrative of how "Carly ruined their connection." No, honey, it was your stank behavior.


Kelsey is still a loon, but everyone grieves differently. I don't mind at all that she uses big words. I just mind that she gets so much camera time. She can't possibly be a viable candidate for Bachelorette, right?


I'd love Carly as the next B-ette, but they clearly gave her a less than desirable edit. None of the rest would work at all, so I'm hoping they go back in time and pick up Claire.

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Well, Carly is my favorite from this season.  I think she fell into the "friend" category with Chris early on, and was actually offended by the women who were clearly (to the women in the house) just there to manipulate Chris and get farther in "the game".  I'm glad she told him about Britt's fakiness, and he seemed to appreciate it a lot more than previous Bachelors have.  I also noticed that Carly was the person he immediately hugged as soon as TWTA ended last night.


Britt won't be the next Bachelorette for the simple reason that she just (fake) cries too much.  Its her go-to move, and the only one she has.  Can you imagine her crying every time she talks to one of her 25 suitors?  She'll rub her eyes right out of their sockets!


I couldn't understand why Jade (and maybe many in the studio audience) felt that Chris kicking her to the curb due to her Playboy pictures would have been terrible, or why Chris had to keep denying it.  I wish he'd just said, "Yeah, I'm not a fan of the idea that my wife is naked all over the Internet."  Why would that have been so wrong to say?  Chris' explanation about Jade's family also made a lot of sense.  He'd been dating a sweet, shy, country girl, and suddenly her brother is calling her a wild mustang and her father told Chris that Jade was too much woman for her previous boyfriends!  WOW!  That would be hard to get past, especially on a dating show where you have to constantly cut contestants each week.  If you have to cut somebody, are you going to cut a woman you feel like you understand okay, or the one who you suddenly realize you don't know at all?


I never really cared for Kaitlyn, and her complaining about coming in 3rd place didn't work for me.  Chris had 3 women left and had to drop one.  Juan Pablo told Andi straight out that she was his third favorite, so she was the first to go, and he got beaten up over that (with good reason, but still).  Chris at least had the sense to not make that same mistake, even though we KNOW that's what happened.  In a perfect "Bachelor" world, the Bachelor would fall in love with someone midway through the season, and then just drop the other "ladies" as needed for production of the TV show until he's left with the "winner".  In an actual "Bachelor" world, the bachelor likes several of the women and keeps the ones he likes the most until the end.  Maybe he falls in love, maybe not, but he's going to drop the "ladies" as needed by production in the reverse order that he likes them.  I understand why Kaitlyn was surprised to be cut that day in Bali, but 4 months later, she claims she STILL doesn't understand?!?  I don't buy it.


I think Kaitlyn will be the next Bachelorette (I probably won't watch, because I won't care what happens), but if the producers go crazy and make Kelsey the next Bachelorette, I'll be glued to my TV all season.  What a weird, disturbing TV show THAT would be!

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