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S26.E02: I Got The Smartest Dude

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Yeah, still not really sold by this season yet.  Though I guess it's because I still feel so spoiled by the beauty that was last season.  The Detours seemed a tad unbalanced, but the Roadblock looked like a tricky one, at least.  And no-equalizer legs can be good or bad.  This counts as bad since the last-place team was pretty much no longer in doubt before the first commercial break.


But still, the teams:


Jelani & Jenny: Another fine leg.  Jelani worked that Roadblock like magic, and they stayed calm at that Share Roadblock.  Lucky that Laura & Tyler stupidly gave up their cabbie, but nonetheless, who can argue with luck when it gets you a win?  Great job!


Laura & Tyler: Stayed in first for most of the leg, thanks to Tyler being good at puzzles and them taking the Share Detour quickly.  But never give you cabbie up unless you're absolutely sure you're not gonna need him or her for a long time.  If they hadn't, they'd probably have won this leg.


Aly & Steve: Good job by Aly at the Roadblock, and great job by both of them at the Chair Detour.  The only team to clear it in only one try.  Pretty solid, quiet, staying-the-course leg from them.


Harley & Jonathan: Other than Harley struggling with the Roadblock, they made no noticeable mistakes.  They cleared the Detour quickly, and then, they somehow passed up Jeff & Jackie to take fourth.  Good work by them.  Also, the Date Night must be a pretty sweet deal.


Bergen & Kurt: Somehow, they didn't seem as harmonious on this leg.  Bergen struggled at the Roadblock, and then, they both struggled at the Share Detour.  Still, fifth place is nothing to sneeze at, especially since they passed up Jeff & Jackie, a team who'd been two places ahead of them, at first, to do it.


Jeff & Jackie: Jeff really had a tough time with that Roadblock.  And I have no clue why they thought the Chair Detour would've been better for them than the Share one.  And I really don't know how they lost two places when they left that Detour in fourth.  But nonetheless, solid leg.


Matt & Ashley: Ashley did fine with that Roadblock.  But they were another team who really should've done the Share Detour.  Still, their leg was otherwise solid, so good for them.  Too bad Matt still comes off as kind of a douche.


Mike & Rochelle: They're still not very physical, and that's gonna cost them at one point.  But I'm glad that Mike did well with the Roadblock.  Share was yet another Detour that would've been better for them, not Chair.  I hope Rochelle's okay.  And good that they made it in eighth place.


Hayley & Blair: Blair seemingly only barely tolerating Hayley is still funny for now, but other than that . . . it's gonna get old after a few legs.  I couldn't believe that Hayley struggled at the Roadblock that much.  And the Detour was not the best one for them to choose.  They should've also done Share over Chair.  Very lucky that Libby & C.J. made all the mistakes they made, or they would've been toast.


Libby & C.J.: Let's face it.  Mike & Rochelle's U-Turn on Wednesday was a stay of execution for them.  They weren't gonna last much longer.  Well, once in Nagano, they didn't seem to make any mistakes.  But that doesn't excuse the mistakes they did make.  I mean, getting lost for as long as they did after the Detour already put them far enough behind, especially considering that this was a no-equalizer leg.  But the "Selfie Fail" really was the killer mistake for them.  Without it, could they have made it?  Hmm.  Perhaps they might've had a fighting chance.  But getting stuck with the non-bullet train that had an emergency stop to make because of the selfie incident really did kill them.  It was deserved, though, because of the "Selfie Fail."  As much as I like rooting for teams of my peeps, I won't really miss them.  They had no get-up-and-go or hustle to them.  Or maybe they did, but lost it because of how far behind they knew they were.  In either case, they're no huge loss to the race.


Okay episode.  But I hope things improve.

A friend of mine once had the privilege of watching two people walked right into each other while texting. He said it was the best day ever, and I was SO ENVIOUS. Seeing Libby and CJ miss their train because they were taking a selfie has assuaged my envy somewhat.


On Wednesday I gave Laura/Amy Adams a hard time because she seemed so smitten with Tyler, and he didn't appear that into her. So it was interesting that they started this leg with her voiceover declaring that they are focusing on the race and leaving the question of a relationship to after, and she certainly dialled back her "Look at how handsome you are!"-isms this episode. Methinks Tyler had a convo with her that night (maybe some posters even think that convo included a "Laura, I'm just not that into you...and girls" declaration. Who's to say, eh?)


I can't believe no one dong the ramen task in front of the fans pulled out a Beyoncé! Beyoncé! impression.


I am digging the (young) season so far. The show had fallen into a casting rut in recent years, with their readymade slots (oldsters, sniping dating couple, siblings...). In essence, the show is now taking the "dating couple" category and making finer distinctions, showing us the different stages or kinds of romantic relationships (including the Friend Zone: Bergen and Kurt's comments about now necessarily wanting to date yourself was really sociologically interesting. Too many people assume that homosexuality is literally about love of sameness. Now if the show would only cast 12 gay couples...)


Though I would be even happier when that dime store Nicole Scherzinger that is Jackie gets eliminated. #FreeJeffrey

Edited by Corgi-ears
  • Love 1

Blair consistently walks in front of Hayley. He is clearly uninterested in her. Neverthless, he signed up for a race with a big payday, and Hayley is his partner. If he wants to stay in this thing, he needs to suck it up, accept that he and Hayley are a team, and concentrate on not facing the dreaded Philimination.

I think the blind date angle is flopping. These people are all only looking for their 15 minutes and a big wad of cash. I hope the next Amazing Race gimmick is a return to Old School Amazing Race - no "celebrities," just a mixed bag of ordinary people who already know each other and are up to the challenge of racing around the world.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 12

It seemed like all they knew about the detour was chair or share.  I cannot ice skate so I would have been totally screwed if I showed up at chair.  That would have been a lets get right back in the cab moment for me.  I know it felt hand picked for the Olympians but I do not believe in the conspiracy theories.  And I really like that team.  Their attitude (so far) is great.


I was surprised Blair didn't snap when Hayley was being super cutesy at skating task.  If ever there was a time to buckle down, that was it.  But they have each made mistakes.  They do not seem like they'll make it that far.  Then again, some seemingly weak teams have done the cockroach routine, barely staying in but always being ahead of someone.  


Bergen was very patient with Kurt's freak out over noodle eating.  Sheesh.  He's eating a bowl of noodles for a chance at a million dollars.  Get slurping!  I had flashbacks to the infamous high drama pizza eating final leg challenge.  

For some reason I am having a very hard time keeping track of everyone this season.



Me too, glad I'm not the only one. They all seem to blend together, there's no yelling team, no sneaky team, no team that rolls their eyes and makes fun of others.

Add me to the list. Maybe that's why I'm still not rooting for or against anyone, nobody is standing out.


I'm not sorry to see Libby & CJ gone, it's only the 2nd episode, & I'm already tired of the "marry me!" story. He doesn't want to get married Libby, after all this time you need to cut your losses & move on or accept it. Somewhere in his mind, CJ is still checking to see if there is someone better out there.

  • Love 6

Frustrating to see the most out-of-shape couple consistently choose the athletic/physical tasks and then having to watch them suffer and fail miserably. After they switched and the guy said, "Yup. An eating challenge is right up our alley...." that was the closest he'd say to "I told you so" since she seems to be the decision-maker.


Jackie is annoying when she tries to flirt because she does it in a bimbo damsel-in-distress style. It makes me think: "No wonder you're single."


I felt bad for the male lawyer at the mat after she quickly asserted, "This is a FRIENDSHIP" because he looked like the guy in a movie scene where the morning after he sleeps with his friend, she says, "That was a mistake" and he replies, "Oh....Yeah. Definitely. Totally agree." 

Edited by anonymiss
  • Love 3

Wait, was it a year's worth of food or a year's worth of deliveries (of groceries you have to pay for)? If it's the former, then I'd start working on my (new) weekly grocery list: "lobster, champagne, truffles, Kobe beef... caviar..."

I'm guessing it's one of those things that you would subscribe to, and have everything delivered to cook several meals with. Sort of like Plated, if you are familiar with them. Even if you got only a couple of meals a week, that's still a great prize for a year.

  • Love 1

You know, as one who has been more than willing to criticize Blair, I have to say I actually didn't think he was that bad this episode. He kept calm and kept his patience when Hayley fell far behind doing the puzzle box thing. She was getting frustrated but that was all on her own. And he also kept calm when they messed up the skating challenge twice and in fact they both stayed relatively calm then. That's actually why I said I don't see a sense of urgency in them and it's more him than her.


Blair hasn't seemed panicked or stressed once, despite the mistakes, falling behind and more, that's happened with them. Now maybe that's because he figures the sooner they're eliminated, the sooner he can get away from Hayley but hey, I'll take calm behavior on this race over hysterics. I just feel like the pairings who seem okay now, are because they're doing well and killer fatigue hasn't set in yet. 


Speaking of Blair and Hayley, I was wondering where they got all the stuff they were wearing - her with the goofy hat and what looked like gloves, he with the bowler hat and I assumed maybe it was theirs that they pulled out because Nagano was cold.  But they both looked so goofy with all those added pieces on them that none of the other teams had. Again, maybe I'm crazy, but I just get this sense that I wouldn't be surprised if after the season I hear those two started dating. Something about them, even while it seems he may not be into her, also seems like they weirdly complement each other. I can't really explain it.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4

The goofy hats were a part of the chair task. I think tptb just put out hats that seemed to match their personalities (which explains team ny getting the I love NY hats).

I no longer believe the conspiracies after watching TAR canada. On that show they had a pair of gold medal Olympic hockey players and the task they had to complete was shooting 5 goals into a net on a hockey rink. On the surface that team should've powered through. It look something like 52 shots on net for them to make all 5 goals. A kid on another team who couldn't even skate did it in 11. It's not like the speed skater or bobsleder had specific training in pushing a chair on ice. The speed skater can skate but their training is pulling weight rather than pushing it. The bobsleder pushes weight but not on skates. So it was just as challenging for them as any other team. I would think the derby girl should've had better luck mostly because she is probably pushing other women in her skating sport. Thus pushing weights.

Edited by HistoryGirl
  • Love 3

I had a japanese yosegi puzzle box when I was a kid.  They sell them on amazon.  When I saw it, I was sure several of them would rip through it having had or handled one at some point in their life. 


The sleeping situation was not clear to me.  We saw 2 couples lying down and another sitting on the bench.  Something must have released to make a place to lie down.  


I only know the blind date couples now; the others are a blur.  


Missed their train. Hysterical.  It was loud, large and 3 feet away, how could that have happened?!

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

#selfiefail, while amusing, was inaccurate.  It was a perfectly successful selfie.  However, the hashtags #traincatchingfail and #raaaaaaacefail would have been entirely apropos.

I didn't have much use for the selfie element....but that did make it more worth while!  Poor CJ and Lebya, but they were cannon fodder all along.  I hope and believe they enjoyed the experience.

Although one could easily share a hot springs etc. experience with a blind date without it being too awkward, I was happy it went to a longterm actual couple instead.  Those guys seem sweet and I hope it helped them relax!

  • Love 5

I felt bad for the male lawyer at the mat after she quickly asserted, "This is a FRIENDSHIP" because he looked like the guy in a movie scene where the morning after he sleeps with his friend, she says, "That was a mistake" and he replies, "Oh....Yeah. Definitely. Totally agree." 

I read that moment differently. To me, he seemed to be in agreement. The two of them seem very well matched actually, in terms of thinking alike.

  • Love 8

I read that moment differently. To me, he seemed to be in agreement. The two of them seem very well matched actually, in terms of thinking alike.



I saw this, too..  Neither of them are interested in romance.  It appears they are delighted and high on the fact they work so well together.  So far they are my favorite racers.  How perfect is it to be a control freak racing with someone who appreciates that!  

  • Love 8

Bergen was very patient with Kurt's freak out over noodle eating.  Sheesh.  He's eating a bowl of noodles for a chance at a million dollars.  Get slurping!  I had flashbacks to the infamous high drama pizza eating final leg challenge.  


Kurt wasn't the only one who said he/she didn't like the noodles.  It made me wonder if they were cooked in a fish broth, or some other liquid that isn't typically served with noodles int he US. Still, it is probably the simplest task you will encounter on the race, so just eat it as fast as you can.  


I thought most teams could have eaten faster if they didn't try to eat so much at once - better 4 large bites than 3 gigantic ones.  Also, it looked like some teams went with the "I will feed you first, and when your bowl is empty, you feed me" strategy - or the "I will feed you 4-5 bites, then you feed me 4-5 bites.  They should be feeding their partner when they chewing.  


Memo to everyone who edits or produces a reality tv program, or any other sort of tv program, or movie, or music video --- the viewers never, and I mean never, need to see someone throw up.  If you deem it important to the story, then have it off camera and use sound effects or someone making a comment.  It doesn't ever have to be shown.  

  • Love 8

-i have a crush on tyler. HE is perfect--looks, personality & athleticism. His partner not so much. As someone upthread mentioned 'her face is harsh.'


I think that poster was actually referring to Jackie, who is Jeff's partner. Tyler's partner is Laura. But maybe I'm wrong since I am getting those two teams seriously mixed up even though they are not similar looking at all.


Did Hayley really struggle at the puzzle? I thought they arrived after everyone else at the time so, naturally, they left after everyone else. That doesn't seem like she was struggling a lot to me. I mean if you arrive after everyone else and manage to leave before some teams, then that's great, but arriving last and leaving last doesn't necessarily suggest to me that she did worse than everyone else did.

  • Love 2
-being a germaphobe, i was grossed out by the "noodle nazi" dipping her chopsticks into everybody's broth



I would think you'd be more freaked out by the noodles falling on the table that they had to eat. 


I think that poster was actually referring to Jackie, who is Jeff's partner. Tyler's partner is Laura. But maybe I'm wrong since I am getting those two teams seriously mixed up even though they are not similar looking at all.



Nope you're right. I was referring to Jackie who is paired up with Jeff. 


Did Hayley really struggle at the puzzle? I thought they arrived after everyone else at the time so, naturally, they left after everyone else.



Yeah they managed to catch up to some teams that were way ahead of them meaning those teams were really struggling with the box and bled some time. So her finishing after them wasn't that bad but she definitely got frustrated especially as more and more teams finished. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1

I would think you'd be more freaked out by the noodles falling on the table that they had to eat.

That what the thing that was getting to me. I would have really struggled with eating noodles that fell on the table. So gross!


Yeah they managed to catch up to some teams that were way ahead of them meaning those teams were really struggling with the box and bled some time. So her finishing after them wasn't that bad but she definitely got frustrated especially as more and more teams finished.

You're right, she did seem to get frustrated. I feel like it was coming more from her seeming to realize Blair thinks she's an idiot and her not wanting to prove him right.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I'm guessing it's one of those things that you would subscribe to, and have everything delivered to cook several meals with. Sort of like Plated, if you are familiar with them. Even if you got only a couple of meals a week, that's still a great prize for a year.

"Groceries for a year" is a pretty standard prize on The Price is Right, also CBS. There, it basically consists of being given a set amount of money to buy your own groceries for the year, I think this is probably the same. I'm not sure of the money value, on TPIR it's usually given as a group of prizes including housekeeping for a year and gas for a year and totals at around $8000. I'd guess the groceries is around $3500, possibly more. So a fairly decent prize.

  • Love 1

I've changed my mind about the SelfieCams.  If we can get more shots of moronic assholes grinning at the camera while in the background their train to a million bucks rolls out of the station without them...


I would think you'd be more freaked out by the noodles falling on the table that they had to eat.


Actually, a piece of somebody's noodle blew on to the floor.  I certainly hope they were required to pick it up and eat it!  Also, I found weirdly-blond Japanese noodle-girl kinda cute.  And I want noodles for lunch.  Best part was Phil explaining the task, sat at a table with two Nipponese gentlemen scoffing down some noodles!


The Greeter wants Phil's job.  Speaking of which, was there a Greeter last week?


Aaand just as I was beginning to think Hayley/Blair were coming around to the idea of teaming up to win a million...

  • Love 2

Old school TAR when they stayed in jungle camps and one single rustic open dorm space (TAR2) and just beds alone in a vast desert vista (TAR7).  Also means eat, sleep and mingle are back but we don't get to see it.


Just thinking of "eat sleep mingle" makes me all warm and fuzzy for the old days.


The blind date gay men looked like they were starting to hate each other at the noodle task.


And it made me seriously start hating them.  The attitudes were so unnecessary.  You can dislike something without being a whiny baby about it, and there's no reason to be snippy with your teammate for something so stupid.


Then there seems to be like a ton of 20-something white-white couples and I have no idea who any of them are.  They just meld together into a mess of blah and bland.


I agree.  Even though if I go through them systematically I can see plenty of differences... when they're on the screen I keep thinking they're teams I've never seen before.  Who are they again?  Wait, have we seen them before?  


Although one could easily share a hot springs etc. experience with a blind date without it being too awkward, I was happy it went to a longterm actual couple instead.  Those guys seem sweet and I hope it helped them relax!


I was really happy a longterm couple won, too.  I loathe stunt casting in general, but I'm not finding it the least bit annoying.  You'd never wish an anxiety problem on anyone, but I think in the case of someone like Jonathan, it's kept him from thinking he's some sort of celebrity god.  He and his partner both seem like pleasant guys you could stand to be around for more than a few moments.  

And that "you're a dork" look that Aly gave Steve when he was getting mushy about meeting her in Sochi... well, that just made me love them forever, stunt-cast Olympians or not.

As for Jelani and Jenny, they're definitely my favorites.  And I can see them being a long-term couple.  They seem very in sync and well-matched.  Part of that is them being on the same page right now: this is not about romance, this is about winning.  I wouldn't be surprised if after this was over they'd be willing to look at each other a little differently.  (What can I say?  I'm a romantic at heart and they seem like nice people, and I want nice people to fall in love.) 

CJ and Libby:  I can't understand at all why they were cast.  I don't think I've ever seen racers so unburdened by any sense of urgency.  I found myself wondering how they made it to their casting interviews on time.  Did they have a babysitter to get them to the start of the show on the right day?  


Truck stop guy whose name I can't seem to remember:  He seems like a nice guy.  I'm less sure how I feel about Rochelle. 

  • Love 4

I kind of liked the premier but this episode was a real snore. The "challenges" were ridiculously simple, aside from the skating thing and that was a choice. Eating noodles? Really? I don't think I've ever seen an easier Detour ever in the history of this show. The puzzle thing was lame too.


I thought Hayley was going to be the annoying one but she really dialed it down a notch - she seems to have picked up on the fact that Blair is just not that into her and has resolved to just run the race as a partner, and now she's entirely tolerable. I'm not sure what Blair's problem is because he seemed annoyed with her the first second they laid eyes on each other. She was a little too giggly and "he's hot!" during the introductions but now that she's mellowed out she seems pretty reasonable and self assured.


I really, really detest Phil asking the blind dates if they're in love yet every time they finish a leg. Give it a rest, they've known each other two days. I am enjoying some of the teams though.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry to see Lebya and CJ go. They were hapless but so good-natured. Also, they were one of the teams I could identify.


I like Blair, but Hayley showed remarkable restraint during the puzzle box challenge when he told her to "try to make progress." Oh, okay, thanks for the helpful advice.


I'm still liking everyone, but Jackie is probably my least favorite right now. She's all adoring gazes and arm-touching and eyelash-batting, and it makes me want to shake her. Just be a person.


Some of the team nicknames are hilarious in showing how hard it was for Production to come up with anything interesting to say about the couple. Team JJ, Team SoCal. Has the show always given them nicknames for their chyrons or is this a relatively new thing for twitter hashtagging purposes?

  • Love 1

I think CJ and Libby knew they were VERY behind (almost 2 hours behind the closest team) so they pretty much accepted being eliminated and didn't bother hustling to catch up. That's why the elimination was so low key. They really didn't deserve to be on the race.

This leg was a straight shot, with no bunching or impossible challenge, so the way-behind team was doomed.

Blair and Hayley were also not hustling which seemed strange. Maybe they knew just by the way the leg was unfolding that CJ and Libby had no way to catch up so they took it easy too?

The editing was weird this ep trying to mask the lack of suspense.

I noticed Blair is very reserved around Hayley like he doesn't know what to say, but he has no prob opening up to the mat greeter and Phil and showing off. So he's not reserved or camera shy. He just doesn't know how to be himself with Hayley because he typically avoids girls like her. So I hope the fighting in Thailand will break the ice and make them act more naturally with each other. Same goes for all the blind daters. Everyone is being too nice and not showing their true self.

  • Love 1

I'm glad to see Libby and CJ go there was no way they were long for the race but I will be forever grateful for the shot of them missing their train while taking a selfie.


The thing to me is this is the amazing race, the show has never needed gimmicks because the race itself is so awesome. But so far this season, and it's still very young, they haven't played to their strength which is the scenery.  Sit down and open a box, sit down and eat noodles. They could be anywhere, show me Japan. Do something that shows me how beautiful and amazing Japan is.  YMMV.


I think what's already starting to show up with the blind date couples is that they are strangers and strangers don't know each others strengths and weaknesses especially under stress.  You don't know how to encourage a stranger, do I talk to them, do I just stay quiet and let them work it out? That's actually what I'm enjoying right now since I can't get any beautiful scenery. 


Enough with the romance and selfie's though.  Just race.

  • Love 5

Blair consistently walks in front of Hayley. He is clearly uninterested in her. Neverthless, he signed up for a race with a big payday, and Hayley is his partner. If he wants to stay in this thing, he needs to suck it up, accept that he and Hayley are a team, and concentrate on not facing the dreaded Philimination.

Blair is showing everyone why he's single . He may be a good friend , doctor... but he needs an adjustment . To me he comes across as judgemental and looking down on people he considers not up to his standards.

Edited by lianau
  • Love 9
Don't like the selfies, seems too much like a CBS production decision to be "cool" and connect with "the kids". Same goes for the FitBit stuff.

I assumed it's being done for advertising revenues.


I appreciate that none of the racers seem like complete assholes, but none of them seem terribly interesting either, personality-wise.  It is early so we'll see how things unfold.  Blair strikes me as a real anal retentive type.  They can be amusing (to me, at least) for a while, but eventually you just tire of their rigidity.  I think his partner is going to get there soon.  Also, his superiority complex reflects ultimately a lot of insecurity.  Interestingly, as silly as his partner was in the premiere, she seems much more comfortable in her skin than he, notwithstanding his off-putting energy towards her.  And didn't she say, when she got the puzzle, oh, it's an algorithm? 


There's too much deadwood walking in this season.  The truck stop couple and the gay blind daters seem the most obvious fodder.  The rest seem evenly matched, but unexceptional, except perhaps for the blind date couple that have won the first two legs.  


I have to say I am really loving the boy bander and his partner.  They are the most genuine and regular gay couple the show has ever given us.  And i applaud the show for not hiding their little expressions of affection.  They are endearing to watch.

  • Love 4

When Phil said that the "share" challenge was going to be really awkward, and then I saw noodles, I really did think they were going to have to eat them one at a time, meeting in the middle, Lady and the Tramp style. That would have taken forever AND involved touching of lips. I hope that was the original plan until someone objected at the last minute, because otherwise they've hired some pretty lame challenge designers.


Why does this show only do the 'awkward double entendre' moments with gay couples? ("I can't swallow!" "It's too big!!"). Reminds me of the guys putting up the tent last year.

  • Love 3

On Wednesday I gave Laura/Amy Adams a hard time because she seemed so smitten with Tyler, and he didn't appear that into her. So it was interesting that they started this leg with her voiceover declaring that they are focusing on the race and leaving the question of a relationship to after, and she certainly dialled back her "Look at how handsome you are!"-isms this episode. Methinks Tyler had a convo with her that night (maybe some posters even think that convo included a "Laura, I'm just not that into you...and girls" declaration. Who's to say, eh?)

I don't think Laura or any of the women are really that into the guys. I just think they were a) giving the producers what they wanted and b) saying nice, reassuring things to their new partners. They're all just there to be on TV and win a million dollars.

So far, loving the lawyers (especially her). Neutral on everyone else.

As a note, the Tokyo to Nagano Shinkansen have some trains that make more stops than others...


Specifically speaking, we have somewhat figured out that it took place on a Saturday, since the 9:04 that Libby/CJ missed was a Saturday-only run.


The relevant schedule (http://www.eki-net.com/pc/jreast-shinkansen-reservation/english/wb/common/timetable/e_nagano_d_b/index.html) shows the following available that the teams possibly took (from Tokyo station): 6:24, 6:44 (Sat only), 6:52, 7:24, 7:40 (Sat only), 7:52, 8:12(Peak travel season/other specific days only), 8:36, 9:04 (Sat only) and 9:20 (Libby/CJ's train) - and believed to still be current, as they started the race in mid-November - as such, the real-time day at this point would have been November 15, 2014 (which was a Saturday).


Ergo, the first teams likely took either the 6:24 or 6:44 trains - as it depends whether or not they got to either Tokyo or Ueno stations in time for the 6:24 from Tokyo - since it showed at least a few teams entering Akihabara station and having to take a train/metro from there, since the Shinkansen to Nagano doesn't stop at Akihabara.


So, even if Libby/CJ didn't bleed the 20 or so minutes (including emergency stop time) and caught the 9:04, they still would have been some distance (at least 30 minutes to and hour) behind Blair/Hayley.


With that said, mmmmm, ramen! Of course, I would have my ramen without those scallions though...

  • Love 4

I'm sorry, but I must respectfully disagree with your contention that Jenny and Jelani are not 'good television'. They're very competent, they're focused but still seem to be thoroughly enjoying every aspect of the Race Experience, and they're warm, considerate people even when in competitive mode. They're the type of Racers that I would want to be if I ever was fortunate enough to take part in the Race. I'm rooting for them and enjoy every moment they're on my screen.

  • Love 21

The noodles on the table DID bug me, but not as much as the secondhand saliva germs that were being spread as she dipped the chopsticks into everybody's bowls while checking for remaining noodles.

Yes.i was wrong about the 'harsh face' comment. It was made about jenna. I choose to add laura to that column, too.



So glad I grew up how I did, without that attitude. No allergies or weird new age bullshit in my family. It's really funny that a noodle on a table or a tad bit of saliva will freak people out. Jesus, do people not pay attention to what you touch and come into contact with every day? 


*This isn't just focused on you, I swear. I just am baffled by the utter fear and disgust by very simple things just because of the way they are presented at face value. These same people rarely think about the straight up nasty shart they come into contact with every day.* Oh well. Dirt eater and scratcher gluten and peanut eating mongrel for life.* Too much life going on to get the new world "diseases" that are a plague upon the oh so suffering PC American soft bottoms. God help us. 

  • Love 12

Sorry, didn't mean to like that post, just to reply to it.  As a "PC" (as in actually for real medically diagnosed) sufferer of celiac disease, which is neither new world nor a fad, but in fact a real, auto-immune depressing, disease, where one G-D stray crumb can screw up my entire digestive tract for days, I am still aware of the straight up nasty shite I come into contact with everyday.  This includes the legion of people who do not wash their hands in public restrooms, making opening the door problematic for the rest of us.  This includes the people who walk through crap and track it in to other places.  Cholera, typhus, typhoid, even tetanus, are nasty bugs helped along by poor hygiene.  



If gluten doesn't give you the runs, if nuts don't make you break out in hives, if you can ingest anything and everything, yea you.  If other people actively seek to NOT trigger biologic responses that they know are the effect that goes with the cause, yea them.  If being in the presence of such people gives you the hives, do what they do - make a different choice.

  • Love 10


I missed the premiere due to snowstorm power outtages, but these dating and blind dating couples seem out of sync to me. Or maybe it's because I'm used to seeing people who know each other very well to be already sniping at each other.


I missed it too, a few snowflakes fell on my Direct TV dish.


I really like Amazing Race, but I'm not sure I'm going to like this version.  I wish they would stop tampering with a formula that has worked for years. For a long time, it was the only competitive reality show that was entirely skill based in that the last team in was eliminated. Now we have couples that don't know each other, in addition to U Turns, etc.  I don't know, I just wish they'd leave this one alone.  : )



The thing to me is this is the amazing race, the show has never needed gimmicks because the race itself is so awesome. But so far this season, and it's still very young, they haven't played to their strength which is the scenery.  Sit down and open a box, sit down and eat noodles. They could be anywhere, show me Japan. Do something that shows me how beautiful and amazing Japan is.  YMMV.


YES!!!! This!  1000 times this!  Thank you for saying what I was trying to say!

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 5

The noodles on the table didn't bother me.  Given the rules of the challenge I just assumed that the tabletops were well cleaned before they arrived because they would probably need to be eaten off of.  That would make the table no more likely to get you sick than the bowls holding the soup that may or may not have been washed the way you want.  Even if I was wrong about things like this, if I was ever a racer I think the ability to delude yourself is a great skill to have.

  • Love 5

Kudos to the editors, I knew that there was no chance Libby&CJ were going to catch up, but a less obsessive viewer may have felt that they had a chance there at the end.


I've come to the conclusion that the show is editing out bad taxi luck unless it directly leads to a teams elimination.  There have been tons of position switches the last few seasons that are only explainable by a taxi going the wrong way or stopping for gas.  But, since that just shows teams whining or being "Ugly Americans," they've elected to not show it anymore.


Anybody else feel that Libby & CJ would qualify for an "Unfinished Business" return? They took a selfie at the wrong time, and they wound up akin to having a Charlie Brown moment. It should be interesting how far behind Hayley & Blair they were.


ETA: I hope Phil's opening episode narration comes back. Some traditions should never be shelved. Also: Who got the title quote?

First, the title quote happened at the puzzle box Roadblock.  Laura, Jenny, and Jackie were watching their partners, and Jackie said the line first, followed by Laura.  Jenny, being appalled at the mangling of the English language opted for, "I do. for sure."  And, as an aside, "Who can think outside the box?," sounds like a non-physical challenge; I was surprised that as many men (of the M/F teams,) did the puzzle.


As for Libby and CJ, I don't know what they showed in their audition video, but I don't see why they were cast.  Hypothesis: Libby applied with a friend, casting came back with, "Are you dating anyone?," and a team was born.  (thus explaining why CJ hasn't put a ring on it...)  Alternate, or possibly Sub-Hypothesis:  CJ does plan on proposing, and they managed to get CBS to spring for a (pre-) Honeymoon.


The date night was nice.   But how about that prize for coming in first -- a FIT BIT.    Awesome.   I love my fitbit, I do.   But if I got it as a first place prize instead of a trip I would be PISSED.   


It's been mentioned, but figuring out how to split a trip for a friends/ parent-child/ sibling teams has always been inherently problematic.  For teams of strangers who may never want to see each other again?  Awk-ward!  Besides, this particular first place prize probably has a valuation higher than many of the Travelocity trips in the past.


The thing to me is this is the amazing race, the show has never needed gimmicks because the race itself is so awesome. But so far this season, and it's still very young, they haven't played to their strength which is the scenery.  Sit down and open a box, sit down and eat noodles. They could be anywhere, show me Japan. Do something that shows me how beautiful and amazing Japan is.  YMMV.


They could have given us the scenery from Tokyo to Nagano, except it took place at night.

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