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S01.E09: The Man In The Yellow Suit

Tara Ariano

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I thought this was the strongest episode this scenes. That being said the fight scenes and special effects are still over all weak to me and I dont like the way they film them.


Grant was pretty good at the emotional stuff in this episode. I really felt for Barry when he was crying(and he did alot of that in this one)


Danielle also was pretty good this episode and she's usually a weak point for me. 


Lack of follow up with that scene with Barry and Iris was disappointing. She didn't even get to properly talk to him when he told her his feelings.


Tina McGee was in the comics as well I wonder if she's going to be more like her comic counterpart(without the dating Wally part).


Wells is not the Reverse Flash. He may own the suit during this century but he is not the Reverse Flash. Nice try show.

I felt for Barry and Iris. Barry's I love you scene was so difficult to watch but it was handled well. I liked that it wasn't overly dramatic but I felt for both of them. What really could Iris say at that moment? I thought Barry coming home to Iris sitting on Eddie's lap and wishing them well was a bit too cheesy though. 


I hope Caitlin and Iris have more scenes together. How adorable was Iris in her christmas hat?


Barry's scenes with his two dads were gold, as always

Edited by dirtypop90
  • Love 1

If any episode needs a postmortem it's this one because I'm so confused. If Wells is Yellow Flash, how did he attack himself? Or was that a flash forward version of himself? Or is he the red and he had a replica yellow Reverse Flash suit?


Iris didn't realize Barry's feelings before? This episode more made adore Joe and Barry as father/son, the scene where Joe says he needs Barry Allen. They'be become my favorite relationship on the show. Which make me icky on Iris/Barry, especially when Joe basically raised them both from kids. They're like siblings. 

...But why didn't he [Reverse Flash] try to kill Eddie? He didn't even touch him. Just looked at him....

My guess would be because Eddie serves the purpose of keeping Barry from spending too much time with Iris. This would especially make sense/be in character if Wells is Reverse Flash. But in the last scene with Joe and Eddie, Joe says that Flash saved Eddie's life, which seems to imply that Reverse Flash would have killed Eddie, but just got interrupted. IDK.

If any episode needs a postmortem it's this one because I'm so confused....


I'm guessing Reverse Flash is fast enough to appear to fight with himself if he zips back and forth. If so, at some pivotal moment, Cisco will see the zipping on a video feed of the action.

Jessie L Martin is such a good actor, but scifi actors don't win awards, so not this year either for him. Sigh. At least he brings credibility to the genre.

Edited by shapeshifter

I have a hard time thinking it is as simple as Wells being the Reverse Flash. The final scene was a fake out of sorts... he is the most obvious choice so it can't be him. I still believe that he is Barry from the future who was stranded in the past 14 years ago when he traveled back in time to try and stop his mother's murder. The yellow suit in the stinger of this episode could be a RF costume he recovered during his battle with RF in the Allen living room back in 2000 or his own Flash costume turned yellow somehow by the energies unleashed during his battle with RF and run through the time stream.


My alternate theory is that there are two Harrison Wells, one who is future Barry and another who is RF (they have the same face in the comics. Long story) and that is how he was able to pummel "himself" tonight.


I might just be in denial because I was certain it was Eddie. Hooking up with Iris is exactly what RF would do if he was trying to make Barry suffer.  

  • Love 3

So much awesome in this episode that it felt like a season finale. I can't believe that they revealed reverse flash and Barry's feelings for Iris already.

I still feel as if Reverse Flash is Eddie but he's from the future, which is why he didn't kill himself or Joe. Don't know how Wells was beating up himself unless he's from the future. This show makes me think too much.

Barry's relationships between his two dads continue to be the highlight of the show for me. I started tearing up when Joe said that he needed Barry Allen. Can he get an Emmy now?

Edited by twoods

I still believe that he is Barry from the future who was stranded in the past 14 years ago when he traveled back in time to try and stop his mother's murder. The yellow suit in the stinger of this episode could be a RF costume he recovered during his battle with RF in the Allen living room back in 2000 or his own Flash costume turned yellow somehow by the energies unleashed during his battle with RF and run through the time stream.


That's some pretty extensive plastic surgery.  I can easily buy flying fire hotties.  Can't buy such insane advancements in plastic surgery.  

So this is a crazy thought; I didn't see it mentioned earlier, but if it was, I apologize. But tonight we learned that Wells is Reverse Flash, despite him appearing in scenes with RF at the same time. Also, there's now a trend, both in tonight's episode and in casting spoilers, of actors from the 1990 Flash series reprising their roles. Given that we learned tonight that there was a Red Flash running around when Barry's mom was murdered, and given that it's possible for a Flash to appear in the same scene with his alter ego, is it possible that Barry's dad, played by the original Flash, was the Red Streak running around in the scene where his wife was murdered?

  • Love 3

Between Caitlin and Harry, they managed to make me real sad multiple times.

I really liked that Caitlin and Cisco were invited over for Christmas by Joe. This is something that Arrow never did - bringing in people from all sides of Oliver's life together and The Flash is doing it so well.

I am still mad at Oliver for not inviting Felicity and Diggle to Sara's come back from dead party. I mean even sin was invited but not Team Arrow. Will never forgive Oliver for that.

This was a decent mid-season finale.  It hit all the right notes and set us up for a fun second half. I guess for this post I'll mix speculation with my review of this episode. Sorry for it being so scatterbrained


- Caitlin finally finds Ronnie. I liked her talk with Iris even if it does seem like at times they're pushing that blog way too hard. Eventually, Iris is going to have to move up onto a better career, because I'm having a hard time believing that her blog would be the definitive piece on meta-humans without somebody of importance taking notice and trying to employ her.  But back to Caitlin, I don't know how I felt about that storyline, it felt more like they were trying to find a reason for Firestom to help them at the end.   I find it interesting, given her comic book history, that Caitlin gets Kidnapped by Captain Cold in the previews.... I'm sure it's  nothing and that either Flash or Firestorm will save her in time ...


I felt that Cisco's conversation with Joe should've been with Barry. The thing about the red and yellow lightening seemed fairly obvious. It is interesting that the yellow man was the one that saved young Barry. However, I don't think the man in the yellow was the one that killed Barry's mother, I'd suspect that the red man killed her by mistake trying to fight the yellow man.


Joe, Joe, Joe. This character infuriates me so much. Iris can't be a cop because it's too dangerous, she can't write a blog about the flash because it's too dangerous, yet he continues to run an investigation on a man that's threatened her. I guess he only protects her when it's convenient to the plot.  That being said, I did like  his scene at the end with Barry. I wish he'd have such scenes with his daughter, but it is what it is I suppose.


Grant's developing into quite the leading man. We see the anger seep out from time to time and also the desperation.  And yes, telling Iris about his feelings was a dick move but from a literary , Barry needs to grow up, standpoint, I understood why they did it. I also liked the scene with his father.  Even if Im WTFfing the fact that his dad would know that his son still has a crush on Iris.  Most kids eventually get over that stuff. Why would it occur to him to tell Barry this? 


More then anything, what I read in that reveal scene, was pity. Well acted scene all around. Iris might have to start going Laurel on the men in her life to get respect.


I love me some Dr Wells. I found the reveal that he was the man in the yellow to be great.  To answer an earlier question, he wanted access to that trachion device and the security in that lab was too hard core, so he set up a scenario where that thing would leave the lab and he'd be the one to antagonize the man in the yellow into beating him up so he wouldn't get suspected when Reverse Flash was successful in stealing the device.


I feel that  we've been given all the information to discern how the Reverse Flash was created.  Eddie having once again failed to capture the Flash ( and likely dumped by Iris by this time), comes to the lab demanding that Dr Wells helps him. Wells probably offers him the perfect solution and injects him with that flash's blood, and to insure that his anger is at an all time high, Wells takes him down to the prison and exposes him to Roy ( which would explain the red eyes) . So yea, I'm saying that Wells is an older version of Eddie.




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I am still mad at Oliver for not inviting Felicity and Diggle to Sara's come back from dead party. I mean even sin was invited but not Team Arrow. Will never forgive Oliver for that.

They were dark times, Harry, dark times.

I loved this episode of The Flash. It was great, I felt emotional every two minutes and Barry and Joe's relationship remains my favourite relationship on the show.

It was so great to see Barry open up to Iris like that. I mean we're talking about years of repressed words that finally came out (gives me serious hope concerning Olicity). You know I can actually, FINALLY see that Iris may have repressed feelings of her own. Sometimes you get comfortable with discomfort so you can ignore it. I'm not saying she and Eddie will break up or she'll have massive realisations, but I do think when you KNOW someone is an option, it makes you look at them differently. It happens. Now Iris needs to know about The Flash and I can really take that relationship seriously.

Caitlin my wonderfully sad scientist. Gosh I really want her to have a happy ending. Someone make that woman smile for a day. She had a beautiful scene with Cisco, whom I think is the least fleshed out character yet, and it was great to see her just breathe and let her emotions flow. Poor thing.

Dr. Wells you psycho. Can't wait to see that situation come to light.

Great episode overall.

So to offer another wrinkle in the theories that there is more to it and that Wells isn't RF - how about that ending scene where he changes his voice just like the Flash can?

I think he really is the RF. But I think that there are more than one. A future version and Wells. In the comics there are multiple RFs.

What we know is that The RF took the tachyon device and then Wells had it at the end. So either he's so fast he can make everyone think he's in two places at once or there are two versions.

Seeing the flash ring made me smile - but it also makes me wonder which version of RF Wells might be. Along with who Wells really is. It's certainly not Harrison Wells.

ETA: I was happy to see that some fan speculation that Barry had a crush on Iris BEFORE he moved in with her and her dad was on point. I know that won't convince some people but I thought it put paid on the whole "sibling objection".

Edited by phoenics
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So... that ending.  I'm not sure what to think.  It sure is setting things up to make Wells look like he was the Reverse Flash.  But, unless he is so fast, he can kick his own ass, and convince people there was two people in that cell, the Wells we see now wasn't in this suit.  Is he controlling the suit?  Or is there some time travel going on, and it was another Wells?  And, what was the deal with it not killing Eddie?  Maybe Wells just has the suit for now, but it's a Future Eddie or something, who somehow gets it?  Or maybe I'm just way off.

Didn't what Wells do with that harness to the Reverse Flash suit look familair? It reminded me of the effects when Blackout took/negated Barry's powers...

So to offer another wrinkle in the theories that there is more to it and that Wells isn't RF - how about that ending scene where he changes his voice just like the Flash can?

Yeah, that's what led me to change my mind about Barry's father being RF but it makes no sense!

Darn you, show! :-)

Barry alienates his best friend/one true love and gets his ass kicked twice by the guy who killed his mom.  That's a pretty lousy way to celebrate Christmas.  Maybe he and Caitlin can discuss who had the lousier time.  


Sure, he may be mentally unbalanced and a danger to others but Robbie can fly!  That's almost worth all the other crap he has to deal with, like not realizing telling someone not to find you AFTER stalking her is kind of weird. 


I do get the feeling that Joe and Eddie really didn't think about what to do when after springing their trap.  Was Eddie planning to keep him in there forever?  Presumably he (unlike Joe) would have some objections to the metahuman prison under Star Labs.

  • Love 2

I liked the Flash midwinter finale as well, but - another deja vu moment, as well as Flash/Arrow comparisons...


Detective West told Barry that he (Barry) has a light in him.  Isn't that the same thing that Barry told Oliver last week?  Are the EPs just recycling lines from one show to the next, or was that intentional?


West also told Barry that he (Barry) has faced more darkness than any other man in his lifetime.  Uh, didn't West just meet Oliver/Arrow last week?


Finally, Ronnie/Firestorm's wig was just as bad as Oliver's flashback wig (as BkWurm1 noted).

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 1

I liked the Flash MSF but man they were just recycling the S1 Arrow beats.  Flash gets his ass handed to him in 109 by Reverse Flash...guess what's going to happen in 123?!  3 minutes before the show ended I commented to a friend that the Reverse Flash reveal will happen in the last minutes because that's exactly what Arrow did in 109, 209 (and quite probably 309).


I can't help but feel that Barry/Iris is what they wanted Oliver/Laurel to be and just utterly failed at telling.  I don't have a problem with Barry/Iris, I don't ship anyone on Flash but there's something in every episode (especially with Iris) that just screams AJK is attempting a do-over.  I'm currently dreading the increasing presence of the Love Triangle (Barry/Iris/Eddie) especially since I like Eddie...which if they really follow Arrow (guess who's going to die saving Iris in the finale?!).  Hell even the Barry/Iris/Flash is something they tried on Arrow with Oliver/Laurel/Hood in S1.


Other than the Arrow anvils I enjoyed this episode.  I'm glad the Reverse Flash turned out to be Wells because they had been setting that up all along.  The problem (for me) came when I was spoiled on the images of RF because the body type looked nothing like Wells and more like Eddie.


Loved the Joe/Barry scene, Jesse Martin is just killing it as Joe.  I also loved the Barry/Henry scene, Grant works best when he's playing emotional off of Jesse and John Wesley. 


The Caitlin/Ronnie scenes were good, I'm still not sold on Danielle but I think she's at her best when she's acting/reacting to stuff pertaining to the loss of Ronnie.  That scene with Cisco where Caitlin breaks down saying she wished Ronnie had just died was gut wrenching and really well done, not too OTT.  I'm really looking forward to eventually seeing Firestorm in all his glory.

  • Love 3

...Given that we learned tonight that there was a Red Flash running around when Barry's mom was murdered, and given that it's possible for a Flash to appear in the same scene with his alter ego, is it possible that Barry's dad, played by the original Flash, was the Red Streak running around in the scene where his wife was murdered?

Interesting. Sure. Why not? But then if this is also true:

...However, I don't think the man in the yellow was the one that killed Barry's mother, I'd suspect that the red man killed her by mistake trying to fight the yellow man....

--well, Barry's gonna need some serious therapy when he finds out/remembers.

But maybe Yellow/Reverse Flash did kill Barry's mom in the original timeline, but that has now been altered because Barry has become Red Flash (and accidentally kills her "by mistake"). If so, as Barry gets better at flashing (sorry, couldn't resist), eventually he might be able to save his mother from Yellow/Reverse Flash.

Since Wells has been shown to be a manipulative sociopath when it comes to Barry, this scenario would fit with Wells being Yellow Flash (i.e., the murder of Barry's mother would have been to motivate Barry to become a crime fighter/solver and a faster, better Flash). But, if so, there's probably some bigger reason Wells needs/needed (not sure where in the time stream) Barry to become The Flash (like some evil nemesis to fight--maybe a time traveling nemesis who killed Wells' mother).

Non-comic-book-savvy theory: Wells is Barry's great-grandfather (father of Barry's father's mother) whose nemesis is/was the father of Barry's father. Not too complicated for daytime soap opera, but maybe for comic book lore.

Speaking of Wells being a manipulative sociopath: Was he responsible for Ronnie being in the right place and time to become Fire Storm? Or was that all Ronnie's idea?


I liked the Flash MSF but man they were just recycling the S1 Arrow beats.  Flash gets his ass handed to him in 109 by Reverse Flash...guess what's going to happen in 123?!  3 minutes before the show ended I commented to a friend that the Reverse Flash reveal will happen in the last minutes because that's exactly what Arrow did in 109, 209 (and quite probably 309).


To take this further with the Arrow parallels, I think that it's gonna be Eddie that bites it in the finale in heroic fashion in a similar twist with how Tommy Merlyn dies a hero on Arrow even though in the comics canon he's the dark archer.


Basically if Eddie is revealed to be the ancestor of RF then I put money on RF having Iris in danger and Eddie allows himself to die so that the RF can't be born or created to be a current threat to Iris. The only problem with that is if the theory of it being the same RF that travels back to the past to kill Barry's mom and the red blur being Barry's Flash, it could become a paradox loop issue. The way to get out of it is that there are two separate RF's OR an RF from another time stream slips into place to do what needs to be done.


It may have been bad timing on Barry's part, but he needed to tell Iris about his feelings. It's not like she and Eddie are married with a kid and if not now, when? What Iris does with the information and how it affects her relationship with Eddie is on her.  What matters is that Barry isn't pining or passive/aggressively undermining her relationship. He told her his feelings and didn't ask for anything back. I think it actually will free him up to possibly move on because as long as he held onto the 'If only I told her, she'd like me back' as a crutch he wouldn't want to feel anything for anyone else.


Yep, I'm on the train that thinks while Wells is RF we don't know who Wells is and he may not be so much as evil but ruthlessly determined to do a greater good. Wells shows spots of seemingly sincere emotional connection with Barry and Caitlin and Cisco. Either he's that damn good at masking and emotional manipulation or Wells was once a decent guy who got corrupted along the way.


It was SO awesome to see Amanda Pays. A smart, perceptive, cutting, imperious badass woman in charge. Tina's disdain for Wells and his knowing smile spells a possible bad past betrayal. And they vibe like they could've been a darker version of a future Barry & Caitlin.  I would love to see her interact with Caitlin and Felicity at some point. We need a ScienceWomen! episode.

Joe, Joe, Joe. This character infuriates me so much. Iris can't be a cop because it's too dangerous, she can't write a blog about the flash because it's too dangerous, yet he continues to run an investigation on a man that's threatened her.



And while we're at it, what's with not telling the rest of the cops that hey, there are some very dangerous metahumans running around Central City, in order to "protect" them?  If he'd told Eddie that they couldn't tell the rest of the cops because no one would believe them, then, sure. I'll believe that - if a couple of cops came up and told me that metahumans were running around my town, "skeptical" is the least of what I'd be thinking, and I love genre stuff. But because it's too dangerous for the rest of the cops to know?  Sigh.


I did love Joe's "I need my Barry Allen bit though, so he's forgiven for much.

  • Love 3

So this is a crazy thought; I didn't see it mentioned earlier, but if it was, I apologize. But tonight we learned that Wells is Reverse Flash, despite him appearing in scenes with RF at the same time. Also, there's now a trend, both in tonight's episode and in casting spoilers, of actors from the 1990 Flash series reprising their roles. Given that we learned tonight that there was a Red Flash running around when Barry's mom was murdered, and given that it's possible for a Flash to appear in the same scene with his alter ego, is it possible that Barry's dad, played by the original Flash, was the Red Streak running around in the scene where his wife was murdered?

Douthful. I think they're doing it the Smallville/superman route. The superman tv/lore would always cast a pat lore actor into a different role, like how teri hatcher (lois and clarck... lois lane) played Lois mom on Smallville. And so forth. It's a common thing. We haven't seen it much or any on arrow because We never had a GA live action before (the Smallville one doesn't really count).

Really good ep and left us with enough questions for the hiatus.

My first question: where can I get that Flash ring?

So is the RF future Wells or Eddie or someone else? If Wells is from the future could theRF have a younger version of him?

So Barry spent one Christmas in a coma and now had this, he should avoid it next year.

Caitlin watch out. I think Well's 'help' is going lead to 'frosty accident'.

I thought Firestorm might show up to save Barry but it was still a cool moment.


So is Wells really crippled or is he faking that? Or is he crippled but he can stand when he enters the Magic Chamber of Secret Things?

I think he's just faking it, since he was also standing in the metahuman prison when he was talking to Tony about taking on Farooq, and he also stood up to kill Simon Stagg in his office, way back in episode 2.  I do wonder if he really was crippled or something at first, but somehow fixed himself.  Clearly, there are plenty of questions when it comes to old Wells.  I'm sure they've got some flashbacks prepared for us!

  • Love 1

Caitlin watch out. I think Well's 'help' is going lead to 'frosty accident'.

So agree! Especially with the promo with Cap'n Cold...

I think he's just faking it, since he was also standing in the metahuman prison when he was talking to Tony about taking on Farooq, and he also stood up to kill Simon Stagg in his office, way back in episode 2.  I do wonder if he really was crippled or something at first, but somehow fixed himself.  Clearly, there are plenty of questions when it comes to old Wells.  I'm sure they've got some flashbacks prepared for us!

He also stood up at the end of the Pilot episode in his secret room. That's when we first saw the news article from the future.

Reverse Flash gave us a few hints during their fight in the stadium. He said something along the lines of, "We've been doing this a long time." I took that to mean that from RF's point of view, this wasn't the first time they've raced or fought, even though it was Barry's first time. The only thing that makes sense, in that case, is time travel. That would mean that if it actually was future-Barry fighting the RF when his mom was killed, that was the past for RF but still the future for Barry-Flash.


All of this points to Wells as being RF since he obviously has powers/capabilities related to time travel; we know he can see (read about) the future timelines, etc. and based one what we've seen so far, it looks like everything he's doing is taking us down a path to a very specific end game. Perhaps he killed Barry's mom to set Barry on this very path to becoming the Flash.

  • Love 1

I liked the Flash MSF but man they were just recycling the S1 Arrow beats.  Flash gets his ass handed to him in 109 by Reverse Flash...guess what's going to happen in 123?!  3 minutes before the show ended I commented to a friend that the Reverse Flash reveal will happen in the last minutes because that's exactly what Arrow did in 109, 209 (and quite probably 309).


I don't have a problem with Barry/Iris, I don't ship anyone on Flash but there's something in every episode (especially with Iris) that just screams AJK is attempting a do-over.  I'm currently dreading the increasing presence of the Love Triangle (Barry/Iris/Eddie) especially since I like Eddie...which if they really follow Arrow (guess who's going to die saving Iris in the finale?!).

THIS. It has been bothering me for several episodes now, basically from when they had Barry and Eddie sort of bonding in that episode with the bully.  I really like this show, but I don't want to watch a redux of the same story arcs that I've already seen just because the chemistry fit is better here than on the previous show. Give me new stories, people! Diverge!

~Have yourself a merry little Christmas~


Fuck you, song!


It might be a perfect choice, since it's actually not at all a happy song. It's about maybe being happy at some vague point in the future, but not in the present. (Beats me how an ironic song whose theme is essentially "Man, Christmas is going to suck this year!" ever became so popular.) [/hoilday rant mode]

  • Love 3

It might be a perfect choice, since it's actually not at all a happy song. It's about maybe being happy at some vague point in the future, but not in the present. (Beats me how an ironic song whose theme is essentially "Man, Christmas is going to suck this year!" ever became so popular.) [/hoilday rant mode]


I would have played Grandma got run over by a reindeer myself, what with running and the Flash runs and keeping with the theme of speedsters and whatnot.

  • Love 4

Enjoyed it but there are many things I don't understand.


1. Why Harrison didn't just take the McGuffin in the first place. Surely, there's some time he could have just stolen it using his speed before it was suggested to be used as bait. 


2. Why he needs the McGuffin. Assuming his access to future info isn't just limited to copies of the Central City Citizen, shouldn't he just be able to build a McGuffin for himself, based on future knowledge that he either has or can get?


3. Why Harrison outed the RF's existence, in general. He could have just taken all these things and done most of these actions as himself, or just worn a ski mask or something, instead of giving Barry cause to be suspicious.


4. Why Harrison apparently participated in the ruse of the trap, instead of just taking the McGuffin after it was voluntarily given to the Flash Mob.


5. How the rest of CCPD is (according to Joe) unaware of the existence of metahumans. Obviously, there is no reason they would be aware of the precise STAR labs name for them, but clearly there should be some level of awareness at a minimum of people doing weird and unexplainable things -- Weather Wizard and Multiplex (police were called, and someone had to haul off all these dead duplicants), Girder (police were actually shooting him while he was in metal form, if I recall) and Mist (I would think there'd have to be some recording of him breaking into the prison by going gaseous). There would presumably be some reports made to the cops after the various weird things being reported on by Iris. I suppose Joe may have played a role in downplaying the weird factor in at least some of these things, but I think some of these things would have to be known to more than just a few cops. 

  • Love 1
Beats me how an ironic song whose theme is essentially "Man, Christmas is going to suck this year!" ever became so popular.



Well, it was written during WWII and made popular by Judy Garland singing it to US troops, so I would guess the song wasn't seen as ironic at the time, but as a more genuine melancholy-longing sort of song. 


I didn't have a problem with Barry giving Iris the wedding ring.  Barry and Iris are best friends and have tons of history together.  I don't think it was the wedding-ringness that was important about the gift, but that it was something that had great meaning to Iris. Barry - a boy who'd lost his mother - wanted to replace something that connected Iris - a girl who'd lost her mother - to he mom.  Though I can see how it would seem odd to Eddie.

  • Love 5

Maybe Wells is using the Thawne version of RF to make HIS RF better?

Or Wells exists in this time as 2 people (this present self and a future self that is corrupted more)? But they must be working together because how else would Wells have the Tachyon device at the end?

Gah! Nevermind. I forgot about Wells using the Flash ring to put the yellow suit (that he presumably just used) back on the mannequin. So I guess he sabotaged the force field so he could play "two places at once" to throw everyone off the scent and still get the Tachyon device at the end.

Now I guess my question is: which Reverse Flash is he?


Ok, for the first time I was really impressed by GG in this role! Man, he brought it tonight. Really good episode in general, but I was unimpressed/baffled by Iris's response to his declaration...I don't know what she was going for in that scene at all. I'm afraid that was an acting issue.

Do you mean the silence? That was definitely writing - since she clearly had no dialogue.

Or do you mean the tear? Because I went back to look (I've been binge watching it, lame I know) and that tear drops right when Barry says "After I lost my mom and my dad, I was afraid ... I would lose you too. That's the irony. I was so scared of losing you that I did." Right when he says, "that I did", the tear dropped.

So I'm assuming it was meant to convey sadness, pity, confusion, caring... because now she knows that he loved her from BEFORE they lived together and all the way up until now... and that he never pursued her and instead lived in agonizing unrequited love all that time and she never knew...

That's gotta hurt... she probably felt like all this time and she never knew - if it had been me I'd be wondering how good a friend I really was... and feeling horribly that he suffered like that all that time... and of course - confusion.

At least - that's what I got from it.

Edited by phoenics
  • Love 3

The moment that CEO lady said, "You two are soo alike" to Barry…I knew Wells was going to be the Reverse Flash.


Except for the villainous stunts that Wells has pulled I was almost tempted to think that Wells was actually a future Barry Allen.


Edited because spelling is important. :-)

Edited by Terrafamilia

1. Firestorm flying off into the sky. I may have cheered, right before having a vision of Stephen and Robbie Amell at Christmas this year: "Did you SEE my stunt sequences?"  "Yeah, well, my character CAN FLY."  Hopefully there's lots of cookies around.


If I was Stephen I would just laugh politely and mentioned these two words: Tomorrow People. That is if Robbie started to brag.


My nitpick: how do Barry's civilian clothes stay intact during his high-speed pursuit? Remember that that speed burned Felicity's blouse? Or is the combustion only works on hot girls?


Why are there two 50-yard lines on the football field? An why do they put the goal post on the goal line instead on the end line?*



*I am being sarcastic. I certainly know that it is a Canadian football field and I know exactly where that place is, the BC Place stadium in Vancouver, BC. The production could have done better with that visual consistency as this show is portrayed to be taken place somewhere in the USA.

Edited by TV Anonymous

Joe, Joe, Joe. This character infuriates me so much. Iris can't be a cop because it's too dangerous, she can't write a blog about the flash because it's too dangerous, yet he continues to run an investigation on a man that's threatened her. I guess he only protects her when it's convenient to the plot.  That being said, I did like  his scene at the end with Barry. I wish he'd have such scenes with his daughter, but it is what it is I suppose.


This is why I'm not invested in the Barry/Joe dynamic (I fast-forwarded through the Barry/Joe scenes near the end). For some reason, the writers have decided that Joe and Iris, who are father/daughter and have also suffered loss, can't share scenes together, at least not without Barry in the mix.  It's fine that Barry/Joe have a solid father and son relationship, but it's really hard for me to see love in the Joe/Iris and Barry/Iris relationships when there seems to be no respect there. And with Joe/Iris, not much of a relationship at all. 


They both know that Reverse Flash threatened Iris (and NOT because of the damn blog, hello), yet...nothing?  Either, or both, had plenty of time to have this conversation, even in this episode.  There were at least two scenes of Barry sitting around his studio/office/whatever, being introspective.  Barry loves Iris, but he can't tell her 1) that he's the Flash, and 2) that she's truly in danger because of Reverse Flash? It's not like she wouldn't believe him.  But you know, "love" and pining and tears and stuff.            


As for the "no cops other than Joe and now Eddie know about metahumans" thing, it's just another case of the writing making no sense within the logic of the show.  The Flash is already somewhat well-known, given the approval of the task force.  There were other members of the task force there - assuming they're dead, how exactly would Joe and Eddie explain their deaths? If they're alive, then hello, other cops know about metahumans.  That's not to mention the cops that would have witnessed/investigated some of the other metahuman activity, as others have pointed out.  


I mean, this is basic storytelling that can be explained in a few sentences.  I can handwave all kinds of fantastical stuff - didn't give a damn about 500 proof alcohol, clothes that can or cannot catch afire, and whatever laws of physics that are warped/broken to explain metahuman abilities. For me, it's actually the mundane, non-supernatural stuff that's not addressed and detracts from the show. 

Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 3

Except for the villainous stunts that Wells has pulled I was almost tempted to think that Wells was actually a future Barry Allen.

I am now/still thinking he is, but mainly because of casting and hair styling/coloring. Tom Cavanagh looks more like a future Grant Gustin that he looks like a future Rick Cosnett/Eddie Thawne.

About Wells' inability to walk in public: Do we ever see him stand anywhere outside of the room with the Braille-like walls? Maybe it's a special anti-gravity chamber or something?

Do you mean the silence? That was definitely writing - since she clearly had no dialogue.

Or do you mean the tear? Because I went back to look (I've been binge watching it, lame I know) and that tear drops right when Barry says "After I lost my mom and my dad, I was afraid ... I would lose you too. That's the irony. I was so scared of losing you that I did." Right when he says, "that I did", the tear dropped.

So I'm assuming it was meant to convey sadness, pity, confusion, caring... because now she knows that he loved her from BEFORE they lived together and all the way up until now... and that he never pursued her and instead lived in agonizing unrequited love all that time and she never knew...

That's gotta hurt... she probably felt like all this time and she never knew - if it had been me I'd be wondering how good a friend I really was... and feeling horribly that he suffered like that all that time... and of course - confusion.

At least - that's what I got from it.

That's my problem, I just didn't really get what she was trying to convey. I thought the actress let me down in that scene, but maybe I need to rewatch. It wasn't laurel bad or anything, it just kind of didn't say anything. I do think the lack of dialogue was a mistake but that's a writing issue.

I would have been happy to see shock, horror, pity, anything.

Edited by Shanna

Ddn't like the ep much, kinda boring most of the time, and I still couldn't give a damn about Barry/Iris as a romantic pairing.

I still like Eddie, can I ask the show to not kill him or make him evil? Both would be SO predictable!

For quite a while, I've had a theory that Wells is a total red herring. I still believe that. Midseason finale is just too soon for a reveal like that that. I think Reverse!Flash is Future!Barry who was changed by Wells' experiment. Wells also was the one to design the suit. This doesn't answer why he's speaking like that, however. Another theory is that Nora Allen was evil or something.

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