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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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18 hours ago, buffynut said:

Maybe it's because the hourglass is a Days thing, but I LOVED that speech.  Then again, I love John, so I might be a tad biased. 😉

Anything (almost) that keeps Hope away from Rafe is good with me.  And I'm really enjoying Rolf.  

I'm a Cin fan, and was a Ben fan before he was the neck tie murderer, so though I hate that they did that to his character, I can't not like Ben.

Interesting so many disliked the hour glass. I thought it was a nice touch. Though I love anything related to the show's identity. For example, I love when a character talks about the "days of our lives".  

Looking forward to tomorrow...

Yes, I love how they incorporated the show's iconic image into the storyline.  I liked John's advice to Jack...it brought back memories from the "old days"...

I really enjoyed today's show!  I especially liked Xander in "Daddy mode" 🙂  That baby is so cute & I love how Xander is really enjoying his family life.   And Ben's bunk-mate: I did not see that coming!

  • Love 12

I can't believe how much I LOVED today's episode!  I couldn't wait for the commercials to end to get back to the show.  I'm semi-spoiled, but am going to try to avoid details, and maybe spoilers in general for a bit, so I can enjoy the ride.

msrachelj:  It's not April Fools, or a dream, it's a time jump.  Like Jennifer, we the audience have literally missed a year in Salem, so now we are confused with what is going on with the characters, and everything that happened during the past year will be gradually explained via flashbacks.

9 minutes ago, Desperado said:

And who is in prison with Ben? Is it Will?

Yes. That was Will. 

  • Love 13

It’s been an entire year maybe he’s looked like shit a while. Also the plaque on the wall said “in Loving Memory of Nurse Haley Chen.” So probably figure he’s depressed. 

Pretty zippy episode. The only bad let’s was the exposition was clunky, i didn’t like the hazy filter on the flashbacks, VK/Ciara’s acting was so bad, and Abigail is back 😤

Xander and Sarah make a nice couple. Eric you broke up with Sarah like a year and half ago and were only an official couple a week. He needs to cut it out with the jealousy and calling her beautiful and shit. 

  • Love 11

Time Jump spoiler reminder

There will be a lot of questions and confusion about this time jump.

If it has been answered on the show, feel free to clarify details.

If you know about something that happened during the time jump because you read spoilers or read a rumor,  use tags or talk about it in the spoiler thread.

If you see something that you think is an untagged spoiler in this thread, report it.

If it's still visible later, it has probably been determined as spec. 

PM me @Door County Cherry or @scarynikki12 with any questions.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

I hate the choice to mist the edges of the flashbacks. Annoying.

I absolutely hate how the flashbacks look. It hurts my eyes. I hope they change that quick.

1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Did we find out the name of Sarah's baby?

If we did, I missed it. I joked that maybe it's Erica lol.

41 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Eric you broke up with Sarah like a year and half ago and were only an official couple a week. He needs to cut it out with the jealousy and calling her beautiful and shit. 

He's so creepy tbh.

In spite of that fact that the look of the flashbacks hurts my eyes, I enjoyed this ep. I'm excited to learn how everything turned out how it did.

  • Love 9

It's probably wrong of me but I really don't care that Eric doesn't know that is his baby.  He has been so annoying for so long.  But too many people know the truth so it will come out and of course Nicole will get dumped again.

Those flashbacks of Jack sitting by Jen's side for a year, and turning over that hourglass constantly, were fricking hilarious.  I would have smashed that hourglass a long time ago. 😁 

And Chad was too busy with work to go to the hospital when Jen wakes up after a year?  😵

So Chad and Abby live at the Dimera Mansion?  I wonder if Gabi is still bunking there.

  • Love 4

So much exposition, so few sands in the hourglass.  I thought I'd be able to sit through an entire episode but all of the clunky dialogue in the current-time scenes exhausted my patience.  And I can see why they're doing cloudy flashbacks, but everyone in Salem is talking about what happened exactly one year ago?  

JJ is addicted to Tic-Tacs, oh my!  It was hilarious that no one made mention of him looking dirty and smelly.  

Is wrongful imprisonment going to be the new back-from-the-dead?  It'd be fun if being in a cell with Ben has made Will cynical and angry at being stuck in a cruel and uncaring universe but I suspect the show wants them to be BFFs.   

Kayla's new hair was one of the best parts of the time jump.  I was hoping Nicole's new hair meant she was single and back in EvilNicole mode, and then Eric showed up to make schmoopy faces with her.   

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

It’s been an entire year maybe he’s looked like shit a while. Also the plaque on the wall said “in Loving Memory of Nurse Haley Chen.” So probably figure he’s depressed

Yeah, I mean...if Haley's dead, then everyone probably knows JJ is depressed and are used to seeing him look like crap. Could be she just recently died.

I'm so intrigued by Will being Ben's cellmate. Have no clue what he could've done to land him in there. I wish we had gotten to catch up with more characters today.

The thing I got most excited about was the new hospital set! University Hospital must've undergone some renovations in the past year and I think it looks pretty nice.  A lot warmer, and that window does wonders for making the set feel more alive. I'm hoping there are some other sets that have been refreshed (please let the multipurpose office/hotel room begone!) I also took note of the ambient jail noises during Ben's scenes. That was a nice touch as well.

Really looking forward to seeing how this all plays out!

  • Love 13

Good eye and ears!  I didn't notice the new hospital set, or the sounds of Ben and Will's jail cell.  I did notice that they paid for a real baby (Sarah's), an actual jail cell set (maybe it's been used before?) and that Nicole had an office.  I wonder where the money came from for all of this.  

I suspect these changes are what Matthew Ashford was referring to in the article in which he talks about a bunch of the show's producers showing up and milling around.  

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Good eye and ears!  I didn't notice the new hospital set, or the sounds of Ben and Will's jail cell.  I did notice that they paid for a real baby (Sarah's), an actual jail cell set (maybe it's been used before?) and that Nicole had an office.  I wonder where the money came from for all of this.  

I suspect these changes are what Matthew Ashford was referring to in the article in which he talks about a bunch of the show's producers showing up and milling around.  

Well a lot of people were let go in the last few months.... freed up some money.

Regardless as far as this episode I don't think this makes things better but it has added some mystery to the show at least to the point where you want to know how we got to this point. The problem is it only goes so far after that then what? 

I'd go into more detail but that would involve spoilers

That being said I'm glad JJ is back to being a screw up again its what his character should always be. I just wish we saw how he got to that point in RT. Same with Xander/Sarah. I'm glad we weren't subjected to a whole year of Jennifer in a coma but there are other stories that should've played out in RT rather than FF to it where hey it happened but we don't get the payoff/journey to that point. 

That's what makes soaps different than PT shows because we see them 5 days a week and its about the journey not the destination.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Pretty zippy episode. The only bad let’s was the exposition was clunky, i didn’t like the hazy filter on the flashbacks, VK/Ciara’s acting was so bad, and Abigail is back

I normally have no problem with VK, but yeah I thought she was bad. And RSW who I'm normally meh on I thought he did a good job with those scenes.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, enchantingmonkey said:

Is wrongful imprisonment going to be the new back-from-the-dead?  It'd be fun if being in a cell with Ben has made Will cynical and angry at being stuck in a cruel and uncaring universe but I suspect the show wants them to be BFFs.  

This is exactly where I fear they're going. It's not bad enough that Will has to listen to his twice attempted murderer bitch and moan about his innocence. Oh no, they're totally going to be best buds at the end of this and everyone in town will throw a parade for Ben once he's out of the clink, because he's now above St. Daniel status in the eyes of every poor character the Benny Bus runs over on his "redemption" tour.

I did like that at the end of the serial killer's long, droning monologue, Will only gave enough fucks to give him an "Oh, shut up" type of response. Please, Show, let my baby Will go off on the serial killer - you know, not enough to make him get re-strangled (for the 97th time now), but just enough to leave a mark on Benny Boy's pride.

  • Love 14

Today was an interesting mix.  It did feel like there was more mystery in the show given how much has changed in the year we jumped ahead.  Even spoiled, it held a few surprises for me like Haley actually being dead.  It explains why JJ is looking so hot unkempt.

My theory about Haley is that whoever killed Jordan killed Haley as well.  The neck tie killer will be back.  Oh how I'd love if it were actually Ben.

The exposition was bad, especially with Xander and Sarah.  Why not just have Xander acting like a dad and Sarah referring to him as such?  Viewers could do the math temporarily until it's mentioned in another conversation. 

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, TenaciousWarrior said:

I can’t wait until the paternity lie comes out. Eric will hate Sarah, Xander, and Nicole, and rightfully so. 


I'm not sure why I should be rooting for Xander and Sarah as a couple in all this.  They are knowingly keeping Eric from his child for no good reason at all.  Like him or not, Eric hasn't done anything to be denied the right to parent his child.  It's really of ugly of Sarah to be doing this.  I was pretty neutral about the character before, but this has pushed me to dislike her immensely.  But Eric will somehow be in the wrong when he finds out and wants Xander and Sarah no where around him and his child.  Xander was willing to let Kristen and Rolfe steal that child from Sarah, but I'm supposed to find them a cute couple.  Nope.  Uh uh.  The fact that he was perfectly happy to stand by and let Rolfe and Kristen do that to her is extremely gross and troubling.   

Nicole is just as wrong, but you can at least clearly see her reasoning.  She still will deserve everything she gets when it comes out though.

  • Love 11

Well, there certainly were a lot of commercials today - at least on my station.

Xander reminded me of Clark Kent with the suit and glasses. Thought he'd rip them off to be SuperXander or whatever. He's pretending to be the baby daddy? Why? Eric has every right to know he is the biological father. Sarah, you are being a bit selfish. Your intentions are good, but you are an adult and both you and Eric can successfully co-parent. Aunt Nicole and Uncle Xander could also be part of this plan. The baby, though, is pretty cute.

Wonder if Jennifer will be able to walk when she is allowed to get out of bed. She will need weeks of physical therapy to get back on her feet. Nice to see the Deveraux family again. Almost didn't recognize Abigail with her black locks. Didn't care for Chad's haircut - seems to be the new men's do and it's not my favourite. JJ looked unkempt and probably better than he has looked for months.

That plaque of Haley bugged. There should be a date on it - like 2020 - to show who she is/was to hospital staff who wouldn't have a clue. Why would there be a plaque, anyway? Seemed weird.

So Jordan was the dead person at Ben's home. Any case against him is circumstantial. He would have to be The Flash to get back to the gatehouse so quickly after leaving Rafe's home. And he is talking to Will? How interesting that both are cellmates.

  • Love 3
32 minutes ago, KBrownie said:


I'm not sure why I should be rooting for Xander and Sarah as a couple in all this.  They are knowingly keeping Eric from his child for no good reason at all.  Like him or not, Eric hasn't done anything to be denied the right to parent his child.  It's really of ugly of Sarah to be doing this.  I was pretty neutral about the character before, but this has pushed me to dislike her immensely.  But Eric will somehow be in the wrong when he finds out and wants Xander and Sarah no where around him and his child.  Xander was willing to let Kristen and Rolfe steal that child from Sarah, but I'm supposed to find them a cute couple.  Nope.  Uh uh.  The fact that he was perfectly happy to stand by and let Rolfe and Kristen do that to her is extremely gross and troubling.   

Nicole is just as wrong, but you can at least clearly see her reasoning.  She still will deserve everything she gets when it comes out though.

I hope when it does come out assuming there's no other twist to this that someone brings up how Sarah reacted when she found out Neil not Mickey was her father..... if someone talented wrote this story it has potential to be compelling.

  • Love 2

Eh they don’t but usually if someone had a prior relationship connection outside they don’t put them together and in jail if someone’s beat the shit out of someone or tried to kill them they are separated cuz if anything happens the family can sue the State. 

I think the theory that the real Neck Tie Killa is out there and snuffed Jordan and Haley sounds accurate. Of course it’s stupid as hell to rewrite history and blatantly tell us what we saw depicted was false. Maybe they will actually introduce Ben’s long lost brother (who looks just like him) with Rob in a dual role and that real Ben was brainwashed or gaslighted into thinking he did this shit. Ugh. 

I’m not sure whyyy Will, who has practically zero agency and is as insanely kind would be in jail or a jury would find him guilty of a (violent) felony. This is the man who always in any conflict or confrontation has immediately went to John, Sami, or Kate to solve it. The only way I’d ever find it believable was if he was in an altercation as a result of a hate crime and killed someone in self defense and the circumstancial evidence didn’t hold up beyond a reasonable doubt with the jury. 

Kayla seems to have a new man 🤔

I wonder what pills JJ is gulping. Xanax? Oxy? Where’s he getting that hookup, Rolf LOL. 

When Jack said “don’t worry the person who pushed you is in prison so can never hurt you or anyone again” I knew it has to be Eve. How unfair. This show is getting really prison heavy huh? Days is the New Black. 

  • LOL 2
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7 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Xander and Sarah make a nice couple. Eric you broke up with Sarah like a year and half ago and were only an official couple a week. He needs to cut it out with the jealousy and calling her beautiful and shit. 

IMO the longevity of the actual relationship doesn't matter. Eric and Sarah fell in love and the only reason he broke up with her was because Nicole came back from the dead. Unless Sarah has an issue with it, he's allowed to tell her she looks nice. Besides that scene and comment was only there to try to add some mystery and hint at Eric and Sarah possibly being together because of the time jump. I saw no hint of jealousy from Eric towards Xander in relation to Sarah but rather he seemed bothered when Xander was holding the baby, a baby Eric suspected was his and probably deep down feels a connection to.

2 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

The exposition was bad, especially with Xander and Sarah.  Why not just have Xander acting like a dad and Sarah referring to him as such?  Viewers could do the math temporarily until it's mentioned in another conversation. 

My God those scenes were torture. First of all, I had no idea what was up with Xander's glasses. I suppose the moron thinks glasses make him look smart or more like a dad. I already don't like Xander/Sarah but then you pair it with these heavy exposition scenes that didn't sound like natural dialogue. The actors might as well have been holding their scripts. It wouldn't have been any less clunky and unnatural than the dialogue they were spewing. I fear that a lot of scenes due to this time jump are going to be like this.

1 hour ago, KBrownie said:


I'm not sure why I should be rooting for Xander and Sarah as a couple in all this.  They are knowingly keeping Eric from his child for no good reason at all.  Like him or not, Eric hasn't done anything to be denied the right to parent his child.  It's really of ugly of Sarah to be doing this.  I was pretty neutral about the character before, but this has pushed me to dislike her immensely.  But Eric will somehow be in the wrong when he finds out and wants Xander and Sarah no where around him and his child.  Xander was willing to let Kristen and Rolfe steal that child from Sarah, but I'm supposed to find them a cute couple.  Nope.  Uh uh.  The fact that he was perfectly happy to stand by and let Rolfe and Kristen do that to her is extremely gross and troubling.   

Nicole is just as wrong, but you can at least clearly see her reasoning.  She still will deserve everything she gets when it comes out though.

I wish I could like this times a million. I know lying about paternity is a soap staple, but generally speaking the only reason I root for it is if I feel the secret keepers have a good reason for what they're doing. Like a long time ago on GH when Alexis kept Kristina from her father Sonny she did it because he was a criminal. If someone cheated on their significant other and got pregnant and didn't want to lose their significant other that could be a reason I could understand. Nicole is the only one (well besides Xander and his obsession with Sarah) whose motivation at least makes a little sense. She's insecure about not being able to give Eric a biological child. Where Nicole really loses me though is if she really trusted in her and Eric's love she wouldn't be lying to him about something this monumental and she wouldn't think Eric would leave her over this.

One of the things I hate most about this story is its another example of how this show in many ways is stuck in this mindset like we're still living in the 50s. People can co-parent nowadays. Just because you have a baby with someone doesn't automatically mean mommy and daddy must get married. Sarah is being painted as noble for not wanting to stand in Eric and Nicole's way but she just comes across as dumb and a bit arrogant to assume that Eric will leave Nicole for her or this is some unsurmountable obstacle Eric and Nicole can't deal with. Nicole's come back from the dead a thousand times and yet Nicole and Sarah think Eric knocking Sarah up has to mean game over? 

What's worse is now Sarah is letting an amoral cretin like Xander, someone she knows Eric hates for good reason, play daddy to Eric's child right in front of his face. That's really low and Sarah and Nicole are going to deserve whatever blowback they get for this and if the show expects me to cry when Xander loses "his" child, forget it.

  • Love 6

Sarah keeping that child away from Eric ..... How can something so wrong feel so right?  Xander is a psycho, no argument there, and no amount of charm should be enough to cloud Sarah's judgement - just like Brady with Kristen. But Eric is such a monumentally self-absorbed, narcissistic, sanctimonious pain in the ass, rude as hell whenever he doesn't get his way and always expecting everyone to kiss his ass just like Marlena always does.  He's far too big of a baby to be in charge of any child.

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With all of the far-fetched absolute ridiculousness that is this show these days, while I know this will not happen, I'll say it: I would accept some convoluted explanation in terms of retconning said baby as Xander's for real. Let Eric spawn with equally weepy/sneaky Nicole if he must.

I'd even say nice things about Ron Carlivati for 5 minutes. (Don't want to appear too greedy.)

  • LOL 4
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8 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Regardless as far as this episode I don't think this makes things better but it has added some mystery to the show at least to the point where you want to know how we got to this point. The problem is it only goes so far after that then what? 

It's November sweeps, right. So I figure if this helps bring in more viewers and ups the ratings, maybe that'll help gain them another renewal. 

6 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Wonder if Jennifer will be able to walk when she is allowed to get out of bed. She will need weeks of physical therapy to get back on her feet. 


That plaque of Haley bugged. There should be a date on it - like 2020 - to show who she is/was to hospital staff who wouldn't have a clue. Why would there be a plaque, anyway? Seemed weird.

Oh, that was another thing I liked, Jack doing the leg exercises with Jennifer.

About the plaque. Wonder if Haley died at the hospital during whatever happened that horrible night when Sarah's baby was born?

1 hour ago, worleybird said:

The coloring of the flashbacks has been used once before. The Hallowe'en episode. Which turned out to be Ben's dream. Foreshadowing? Pun intended?

Hmmm... I'm going to spoiler this, even though it's speculation based on something from Ron's Twitter.


someone tweeted they wondered if this was a dream Jennifer had while in the coma. Ron replied with a "thinking face" icon and an hourglass, which got me thinking. However, depending on how long this goes on, we'd then have to catch up with what we missed while Jennifer was "dreaming", which would just be totally confusing.

  • Love 6

I don’t buy Jennifer dreaming because so much happens outside her knowledge base (ie Xarah). 

-Ben & Will as cellies.  I think this IS part of the redemption tour.  At least he spends some time in jail, even if for the wrong murder.  
- I am totally here for reformed Dad!Xander.  Working hard at Work, adorable with the baby, sweet with Sarah, completely lie free (at the moment) with Sarah, and apparently still trying to be a good man for his new family.  Not gonna lie, I want he and Sarah to succeed.  
- Ericole are still together.  Even if it was during the time jump, they finally get their break. 
- Chad/Abigail back. 
- Jennifer is awake and Jack’s megawatt smile. 
- New hospital set

- Nicole’s hair.  That poof is not my jam. 
- Chad’s undercut hair.  I don’t like this fashion trend and want it to go away now please.  
- JJ on drugs.  I like good guy JJ.  And Army green with blue hoodie is ‘Homeless 101’, where is he getting money?

  • Love 8

Will probably calls animal control or John if he finds a spider in his bathroom. It gonna be interesting the storyline malarkey they use to explain his prison sentence.

I also am rooting for Sander.

I thought JJ looked good with the scruff and messy hair and baggy clothes. 

It was funny Ben droning on and complaining at length and at the end Will was like “cool story, Bro.” 

  • Love 8

Overall I liked it.  I still have no interest in the baby drama and I still can't stand Sarah.  The opening flashback montage of Jack taking care of Jenn wasn't good mostly because of MA. He played it so oddly. He needs to be more serious where he played it like a comedy. It was weird and I think because of him. 

Can't wait for the Kayla stuff to play out.  Love her new hair too

  • Love 1

Just popped over to the DR site and see that Australia aired the Nov 18 episode yesterday by mistake. So imagine how confused any non-spoiled Australians must have been!  I managed to not read about anything that aired, and will now totally avoid everywhere Days related, except this thread, till at least after next Monday's show.  Though it's fun being spoiled, sometimes surprises can be fun too. 

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Sarah actually smiles with Xander every once in a while. As far as I'm concerned, that makes Xander better for her right there. Eric is such a freaking sad sack. That being said, Sarah should tell him about their kid, but it's a soap, so whatever.

LOL right!

35 minutes ago, SnK said:

The opening flashback montage of Jack taking care of Jenn wasn't good mostly because of MA. He played it so oddly. He needs to be more serious where he played it like a comedy. It was weird and I think because of him. 

This. I find MA like really bad lately. He embarrasses me tbh. But I kind of enjoy it at the same time lol.

  • Love 4

Maybe I'm just so happy Jack's back, and that he didn't leave Jennifer during the coma-year, that I'm not seeing MA's acting flaws, but I LOVED every second of that opening scene. I got weepy even, watching Jack's frustration and heartache each time he realized the hourglass was empty and Jennifer was still asleep.  It was just so soapy good.

And the baby paternity lie is stupid, of course, but also soapy.  As is poor Will being jail cell-mates with the neck tie killer who almost succeeded in killing him.

Time will tell how this all works out, but for now, I think this time jump is the "shot in the arm" the show needed.

I wasn't crazy about Nicole's hair, but get that they were trying to make her look different.  I did like Kayla's hair.  And JJ's messy, druggie hair made him look good.  Interestingly, I didn't notice Chad's hair.  

Edited by buffynut
  • Love 9

Oh, I noticed Chad's hair and yes, yuck to that dumb trend that I thought was on its way out, lol. But otherwise, good show, I think! It has me curious, anyway, which is more than I've felt in a while. Just so glad they didn't mess up Jenn and Jack. And in the minority, I know, but I'm glad Chabby's back. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, SueB said:

I don’t buy Jennifer dreaming because so much happens outside her knowledge base (ie Xarah). 

That's exactly why I can't get on board with the dream scenario. Not to mention then what would happen once it comes out its a dream? Go back to everything the way it was after we saw everything "a year later" play out? My brain might explode even thinking about it lol

  • LOL 2
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7 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

That's exactly why I can't get on board with the dream scenario. Not to mention then what would happen once it comes out its a dream? Go back to everything the way it was after we saw everything "a year later" play out? My brain might explode even thinking about it lol

Its not like Carlivati has the writing skills to pull off this time jump. 

Once it bombs ,and it will , he can take the easy way out and reveal the whole thing was nithing but a dream.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 4
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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