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S13.E10: Muse On The Street

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--Amanda:  This sucked dead sheep sideways, I swear.   Again, no originality AT ALL.  None.  Badly sewn.  Not particularly flattering.  She should have gone home for this, especially at this point in the contest.  She was lucky that others sucked just about as badly.  I can't believe the judges didn't comment on the big black arrow (inverted V) that was pointing at the woman's crotch.  It's like something on a pirate's map:  "Here lies the vagina!"--


Completely agree.  It was awful, awful, awful.  Michael Kors would have had some priceless comments about that giant V, quite apart from all the many other problems with the garment, I'm sure, but I am gobsmacked that none of the other judges mentioned it.  Almost said, pointed that out, heh.  

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I kind of wish Tim hadn’t suggested Alexander scrap his first dress.  I would have liked to see the judges’ reaction to the hideous color/pattern combination and the shapes he chose for the attack of the yellow and black splotches.  Weirdly, when he was clearing off his table, Alexander’s mouth was finally closed.  Sad Alexander doesn’t need to mouth breath.


When Tim first started commenting on Alexander's initial look, I thought he was seeing what I was seeing - those yellow things looked like fingers trying to grab at the woman's bits.  Both top and bottom.  It was creepy.


I think Alexander has some issues with his septum or sinuses.  His voice has that really nasal quality to it.  I recently had surgery to fix my septum and I would find myself mouth breathing like he did when one of my nostrils was packed up.  I didn't do it intentionally, your body sort of takes over when you aren't getting enough air.

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Someone explained on the TLO board that the zippers they use on Runway don't have stoppers at the end so a person, if not paying attention or told, could do exactly what Char's model did.

That's true because then you can custom a zip to whatever length you need as opposed to having to buy a 10", 24" or whatever. But it's a simple thing to sew a garment so that there's a stop added to prevent the slide going off the end; I had to do so yesterday on a sewing project of my own. It's a basic thing.


Having said that, zips break. They do. Even Posen's reaction was a shrug and an acknowledgement of that simple fact. And cars get flats and baseballs sometimes break windows. These things happen. Sure the other designers were pissed and they were kind of put in a corner when Gunn asked them but they all did agree. Even Amanda (no, not a fan) said something to the effect that they'd all agreed so let it go.


And yes, add my voice to the Korinda dislike list. I don't care enough to use 'hate'. She's not all that and she seems like a one trick pony to me.


Finally he's gone, and newsflash Tim Gunn, he is not one of the best designers ever, and his designs are hideous every week, not just this week!

My take on this was simply that Tim was acting as a mentor towards a young designer. He was being kind and encouraging when the kid was being kicked to the curb and told to leave.

Edited by Beden
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Most of the designs had been seen before.  Korina even stated that hers was not a deal as it was what she always did (huge paraphrase here), so essentially just did what she typically does.  Amanda's felt like a retread as well-the shape of the vest was very familiar.  Sean layered his fringe again and Char used her peplum again (for that alone she should have been sent home-what 'real woman' wants that ruffling to call attention to that area of her body?).  Tim saved Char again....same old same old.


Emily's was bold and different and Kini's really flattered his model's waist.


I agree with others that the extended 10 minutes would have been fair if everyone was able to benefit from it.  I also did not like that Char immediately blamed her model-and repeated that several times including when she went running to Tim.  I also found it interesting that she even thought of going to Tim for additional time (wouldn't be my first thought....).  And, it really was unfair for Tim to put the burden on the other designers.  It seemed like everyone wanted to say no, but felt the pressure to go along with it (they may have even anticipated a horrible edit or the villain role).  The 'average' woman in question would be able to make her own decision about wearing the outfit on the runway or not.  I also thought that Alexander may have been safe if Char had not received the extra time.  Not that his outfit was good, but at least he attempted a design while Char's was just...bad.

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I just wish I had as much free time as these people in Washington Square Park who can drop everything at a moment's notice and appear on Project Runway for three days.

This just reeked of screwiness to me.  When I first heard it was a make over type of challenge I was expecting actual women who could use a fresh coat of paint--not thin, young, already pretty women who just needed a touch up.  All of these women appeared to have model-ish type of qualities to them.

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Well, obviously they weren't going to give EVERYBODY an extra 10 minutes so Char could fit a new zipper after her model broke the first one. Where's the drama in that?


Letting them all pick their own models in the park for the real-woman challenge was lame. I much prefer it when they foist people on the designers and they're forced to work with that body type. Because this way lets the designers cherry pick skinnier women. (Even if as some others have noted, they're clearly not used to women with actual butts, because many of the skirts were riding up in the back.) Also, it was kind of hilarious to know exactly whether someone was going to agree or not based on whether their face was blurred.


I thought Emily's was dramatic, but the ruffles were a bit big, and  I feel like the judges might have liked it better if the shoulder ruffles were actually attached to a vest or shrug or something so they were removable.


Kini's was great, although I agree that the jacket might have been a bit small. It fit her great, and as others have said, took pounds off of her whereas other designers seemed to add pounds. But when they asked her to take it off, she seemed to struggle getting it off.


I also realized that Korina is part of Amanda's redemption arc this season. Watching how bitchy Korina was being this episode (whether genuine or helped by the editing), I got the impression that PR was basically going, "Hey, remember how awful you thought Amanda was? Well, Korina is WAY WORSE. You're welcome."

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First, let me say that I call BS on the producers. So all those willing women were just sitting around the park and it just so happened that they were all think and mostly tall. Um, no. I'm sure PR put out a call for "everyday" women as models, it was just too perfect that most of the women were actresses, artists and models. 


If there was ever a runway that called for a double elimination, this was it. 


Alexander's was just awful, from the heavy fabric to the cut of the outfit. I haven't liked anything that he has designed the entire season and he is just annoying, so I said a little yay when he left. Tim should not have told him he was one of the most gifted designers ever! WTF!


Oh, Char, that outfit was hideous and stupid. If she wanted a rocker vibe, why not make leather pants and a cute top? That outfit looked like it just high kicked in from one of the Rockettes at Radio City. That said, WTF was up with Heidi and her what schoolteachers should wear statements? God, it was like Nina and Heidi think that school teachers should wear peter pan collars and cat vests and keds.  GMAFB.


I liked Kini's demin dress, not so much the jacket. I thought it was way too small. Did you see his poor model struggling to get into it after the judges asked her to take it off? I also don't like denim on denim. And the hem wasn't straight. Actually, except for Emily, none of their hems were straight. 


I liked the bottom of Emily's dress, but those ruffles looked like paper cupcake cups with holes in the middle.  At first I thought those ruffles were an add on piece, then I realized that they were attached. Even with the crazy ruffles, it should have won. Nina is such a hypocrite. She dings one designer for an OTT design and calls it costumey, but if a designer she favors does an OTT design, she calls it editorial and runway. She's full of crap. 


Amanda's was horrible. That dress looked like something you would buy for a 5 year old for school. All it needed were knee socks. The vest was stupid and the patchwork that she made with the stripes looked really bad. But the judges love her, so they say it wasn't bad and give her props for the model's hair and makeup. Whatever. 


Sean's was meh, he did the fringe thing again. 


Korina's was straight off the Forever 21 rack. Hate hate hate. But she wins, of course


The two female judges were worthless. 


Are we supposed to be dazzled by MaryKay cosmetics? I thought they looked really bad. The eye makeup colors were horrible,  and the women's faces looked greasy or something. Let's just say I won't be buying nay Mary Kay based on that. 

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"What should have happened is Tim should have had the contestants all stop, pulled them from their models and sit them in the break room while Tim went to the judges and without telling them which contestant, what the deal was and whether extra time should allowed.  If and only if the judges said yes, then the rest of the contestants should have had  the same amount of time to address issues with their models/designs.  In what fucking land of fairy dust and farts made of cotton candy is it fair for someone to get more time than the others?  Period.  It does not matter why.  If Char got the time to sew her new zipper in the rest should have been allowed to have that time to their advantage in the sew room as well."

This.  x1000.   


Char -- along with several others -- had fit issues on her garment.  It. was. tight.  Yes, an untrained "model" may have pulled too hard on that particular kind of zipper, but I don't think she would have had the disaster that ensued if there was room in her tap dance uniform (which is exactly what it looked like).  

If she gets 10 minutes, then everyone should.  Period.  and then there would not have been the same bitterness.


The judges needed to know something was wrong (as if no one actually told them anyway...but I'll go along with the game here) and probably should have been told whose outfit -- ONLY because if it were  a real runway, I hope she would have been made to send her model down with a broken zipper.   


My fear would have been that the judges said sent it down, but cover her up - and then in the examination, they would have shown the broken zipper and that woman's naked hip.  That would have been horrifying for that woman.

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Yuck, Korina won.  I don't know what the big deal was about having the model walk the runway with the broken zipper, exposing herself, when there was a close-up camera shot.  We all saw it anyway.  (Poor lady).  ...


Seeing the gaping zipper seam for a couple of minutes is very different than having to walk down a runway and then stand while the designers are being questioned by the judges and then stand and be manhandled while the judges look up close at the designs.  


I also don't buy that the other designers were "backed into a corner" on the extra 10 minutes.  It's very easy to say No, or "I'd rather not" or "that doesn't seem fair" or "only if we all can work for those 10 minutes" or even "I'm not sure" or "how does the model feel about it?"

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There was one vaguely interesting outfit on the runway, and while it was top three, Heidi immediately dismissed it from having a possibility of winning.

As for everything else, zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

I miss Sandhya.

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My nominee for the worst skirt is what Char was wearing during the runway show.  I know we aren't judging what the designers wear but I couldn't get beyond how unflattering that was.


The Mary Kay cosmetics did no favors to the models.  I didn't use Mary Kay before. I certainly wouldn't now on the basis of this challenge.


So speaking just about the clothes, Korina did stay within her comfort zone.  The judges this year seem to like repeats of themes so I can't argue with the win when it was one of the better made garments (I probably would have had more problems with Sean winning with another fringed evening gown).  I liked Kini's outfit better though I'm not a big denim fan.  The fit on Alexander's garment was pretty sad around the waist and bottom of the crop top...if I could see it from my computer screen, I could only imagine what it looked like up close (Tim's critique of the first garment was blunt but Alexander could have gone forward with it; other designers have--I suspect he still would have been booted).    Amanda's garment looked like a giant test pattern and, to my uneducated eye, the vest didn't really fit well over the dress.   Char's garment was just too much...too tight, too red, too fussy in the details around the peplum (I hate peplums so that didn't help her cause).  Emily's garment was at least interesting...I realize that Project Runway is not about making clothes anyone could actually wear because I think those big ruffles would be a challenge but her model showed it off well.


I realize this is not a sewing show, but many of the garments looked poorly finished to me.  I don't think it was the model's fault that the zipper broke but that it was sewn into a too tight garment and sewn into a side seam under stress (why was the zipper in that position?).  As for the extra 10 minutes, I suspect Tim got a talking to after the fact given the face Heidi was making after his explanation.


I agree about these models seemed a little too conveniently placed.  Of course, if someone rolled up to me like that, especially with camera in tow, I would flee for the hills (I am safe, being in no demographic they have an interest in). 

Edited by dialyn
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I don't think Korina is a nice person. We've seen a couple of flashes of what passes for kindness from her, but we've seen her act meaner on most occasions.


No, I don't think she is either. Yes, she may be getting a mean-girl edit from the producers, but she's given them a lot to work with. She's the one who said, "Char does peplums because they're easy and she doesn't know how to do anything else," and, "When I look at Amanda's dress it gives me a headache." She's the one who makes all the rude, dismissive comments about all the other designers, thereby implying she is by far the most talented designer in the group. No one forces her to say those things.


I know there's quite a bit of Amanda hate, but I like her. I didn't watch her original season, so maybe that's why (I boycotted the show for awhile after the Gretchen/Anya double-travesty). But I will say this for her -- she has said nice things about the other designers. In her TH's she has been complimentary of Kini, Fade, and others. And when she has been critical, it's had a kinder vibe, saying, "Oh, I think that was a bad choice and I'm worried about so-and-so," instead of just being mean the way Korina is, and then reminding everyone of her boundless talent and skill.


Get off your high horse, Korina. We all saw that hideous green dress you made after being given a second chance by Heidi to go get more fabric at Mood.


I think my favorite moment of the episode is when Kini was fitting his model, and she asked about the jacket. Then he collapsed into giggles at the idea of a one-sleeved jacket. 

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I don't think Char got that much of an advantage - to sew on a zipper.  The other designers made it much of a bigger deal than it was.  But it was Alexander's time.  I am surprised he lasted this long.


I would love it if Kini won.  But I would be fine with Sean as well.

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UGH!!!! What a terrible runway and what a terrible winner. I've been driving myself crazy trying to think of who Korina reminds me of and think I've finally got it ... a bad knock off of Phoebe Cates. !


I was thinking Liv Tyler. (Although their personalities are like night and day).


I think Senor Wences is controlling her mouth from above.

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I forgot to mention what really annoyed me about zippergate was the way Char tried to deflect the entire blame onto her model. I mean, what the hell happened between the fitting and the actual pre-runway that the shorts got so tight the zipper gave way????

And then she said to the model who was kind enough to let her make a garment for her, by the way, "you bust the zipper." NIce grammar, too.


I'm so sorry Tim wasted his save on her. She has done nothing to impress me, personally, at all. Even her outfit which was praised last week was so referential of what the doll was wearing I couldn't believe the judges liked it so much.

I hope she goes next week.

I was just coming here to make a similar comment. It's not like her model did it on purpose; those kinds of zippers break very easily. I wanted to reach through my TV and slap Char upside the head every time she said, "My model broke the zipper." No. No she didn't.

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First, let me say that I call BS on the producers. So all those willing women were just sitting around the park and it just so happened that they were all think and mostly tall. Um, no. I'm sure PR put out a call for "everyday" women as models, it was just too perfect that most of the women were actresses, artists and models.

If there was ever a runway that called for a double elimination, this was it.


I just always assumed those folks were plants by the producers.  Shrug.


Next week the designers are working in teams of 2 so a double elimination wouldn't fit into the plan.

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My nominee for the worst skirt is what Char was wearing during the runway show.  I know we aren't judging what the designers wear but I couldn't get beyond how unflattering that was.


I second that nomination! We don't need to see contestants' underwear FFS.


Kini is an amazing technician, but that denim outfit was too "square dance in the barn" for my taste. Emily's was fresher, her muse was certainly loving it, and it was editorial. Maybe she wasn't wearing enough make-up to suit MaryKay.

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I also don't buy that the other designers were "backed into a corner" on the extra 10 minutes.  It's very easy to say No, or "I'd rather not" or "that doesn't seem fair" or "only if we all can work for those 10 minutes" or even "I'm not sure" or "how does the model feel about it?"

I think they were all waiting for one of the others to object. Then they all would have objected. Unfortunately, none of them had the stones to say anything. And, I agree, it didn't have to be in a nasty way. Saying something doesn't feel fair is a perfectly legitimate complaint. But since they were all cowards about it, who then immediately bitched about it to each other, screw 'em. And I don't like the cold shoulder they gave Char, either. They were just being petty. Tim could have given them all ten more minutes, but where's the drama in that?


I also don't buy for one second that the "models" were just meandering around the park and could drop everything to participate. I watch PR for the fashion and to watch how garments come together. The show does its audience a disservice by not trusting that we would watch it without the manufactured drama.

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I also don't buy for one second that the "models" were just meandering around the park and could drop everything to participate. I watch PR for the fashion and to watch how garments come together. The show does its audience a disservice by not trusting that we would watch it without the manufactured drama.

I've been laughing to myself picturing the designers walking through the park and it looks exactly what we see on TV - people walking/standing/sitting around with blurred out faces, but the "acceptable" ones are sitting there with a golden lights focused on them

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All I can say is...Emily was ROBBED.

Kini's jacket carved the most delicious curves into his girl - it literally took 20 pounds off her. As someone without much of a defined waist...I want, no, need, that jacket!

Korina, (and her outfit, and her snooty entitlement, and her giant mouth) can pound sand. I've seen that outfit at "Rue 21"...on the clearance rack.

But the burning question is...Will Alexander still win fan fave now that he's auf'ed?

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Amanda's was horrible. That dress looked like something you would buy for a 5 year old for school. All it needed were knee socks. The vest was stupid and the patchwork that she made with the stripes looked really bad. But the judges love her, so they say it wasn't bad and give her props for the model's hair and makeup. Whatever.


I'm pretty sure the Brady Bunch girls all wore dresses that looked like that.  Complete with knee socks!

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I'm reminded that those runway models are human bone slivers.  During recruiting in the park, I thought "thin. . . very thin. . .ballerina. . .thin. . ." but on the runway, no one would mistake this for anything other than the real woman challenge.


Psst, designers:  Ankle bootie + short skirt = chunky leg.

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Forgot to mention that when Alexander was in Mood, I actually rather liked the yellow houndstooth pattern. And I totally thought that was what he was going to use instead of the circular pattern on the other side. Houndstooth has a nice retro feel, so it made sense. But then i also saw the green houndstooth in his bag and thought that was an odd choice. Then I wondered if he was just giving himself some options. (Like Kini, who seems to always have extra fabric for a second or third outfit like he's magic or something…)


I didn't expect him to use them together like that. And with the yellow circular pattern in blobby shapes creeping up and down from the bare midriff? No. Tim was absolutely right to tell him how hideous it was. I was surprised how blunt he was, but he was right. It WAS hideous.


But what Alexander sent down the runway was only marginally better. Why would you use such heavy fabric to make a crop top like that? The whole thing was just thick and heavy and did not suit the style of the design. I mean, I may not know much about fashion, but I know that a crop top and skirt shouldn't be made of thick heavy wool fabric like that. (It looked like wool to me) Yikes!


And as with all the real-world model challenges, you can always tell who genuinely likes their outfit because they really sell it on the runway. That surely helped Emily because her model loved it, even with the giant ruffles. But Alexander's? Oh, she put on a brave face, but no. Just… no.

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Add me to the list of people trying to figure out what in the world Char was wearing during the runway show.  If they wear something bland and boring, I'm okay with that.  After all, they're working . . . not walking the runway themselves.  But to see something THAT WEIRD on the "designer" makes me question her taste and "esthetic" even more than I already do.


And the fact that she kept blaming her muse for the broken zipper was just tactless.

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Although Kini's was one of the better efforts last night his reminded me of something Blair would wear on the Facts of Life which I think was a 70's-80's sitcom? He did manage to make his model look at least 20 lbs thinner.


Mary Kay makes one of the best under eye concealers out there. Their makeup is not as bad as it comes off on this show. I am loathing their commercials shown during the show, that music grates. If I didn't have personal experience with their concealer and a few of their other products I would think their stuff was/is crap.


Which reminds me of Aldo's - another commercial that bugs. So little range of product. I don't think the sponsers' commercial on PR are doing any of them any favors.


The best thing I saw last night was the commercial for the kids' version of PR (I'm guessing) called Threads. This looks interesting.


And all my comments on the commercials seen last night reflects the amount of interest I had in last night's ep. I did like Emily's, although not a big fan of the ruffling. It was striking and the model seemed pleased.


I hated the blue vinyl and the blue houndstooth that Korina used in her jacket. To me those 2 blues just clashed. And it looked cheap.

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Not that I question if there was producer interference but I don't think everyone (like the short woman Sean practically threw gasoline on before running away) was a plant.


Ha! When he was struggling to find someone I thought to myself 'you should've been nicer to that short girl.' It would've been a more interesting runway if they got women of varying heights and weights.


I did find it funny that Sean's model was the only one to clearly define herself as an actress/singer and she got the least amount of screen time. No hate towards her- she seemed lovely- it was just funny how it worked out like that.

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My take on this was simply that Tim was acting as a mentor towards a young designer. He was being kind and encouraging when the kid was being kicked to the curb and told to leave.

I'm paraphrasing, but in Road to the Runway, Tim said there were only a couple of designers who had ever excited him so much as Alexander.

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But the burning question is...Will Alexander still win fan fave now that he's auf'ed?

It's giving us a reason to tune in next week!


I thought Amanda's time was up - that was one big pile of ugly.  And if this is "nothing but the season of the vagina" (T. Gunn, some previous episode), why wasn't she called out for the V's pointing to the model's vagina?


I also disliked Kini's.  She looked like she stepped out of Hans Brinker.  I kept waiting for her to skate down the runway.  

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Which reminds me of Aldo's - another commercial that bugs. So little range of product. I don't think the sponsers' commercial on PR are doing any of them any favors.

I think Tim inadvertently gave his true opinion of Aldo's when he gave the line for them to use the Aldo's accessory wall--and watch their taste level. 


I would have been so much more impressed if any one of them had chosen a woman who was not a 20-something WASP in a size 6.  Tim advised them to pick someone who truly needed a makeover because then the transformation would be more dramatic, and they each fell back on their comfort zone of young, thin, and pretty.


It's always funny to hear the judges falling all over themselves trying to assure the real women models that they don't look like crap; it's the designs.  They never do that for the professional models.  [bTW, do the models still work for free after all these years?]

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Amanda's was horrible. That dress looked like something you would buy for a 5 year old for school. All it needed were knee socks.



I had several similar dresses as a teen in the '60s. They were from Sears, $9.99 IIRC.  I wore them with tights...chartreuse, purple, etc.  I looked pretty good. 

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I think Alexander is fan favorite every week because they probably made a graphic for every designer when they created the little video for that and they keep playing the same one which just happens to be Alexander's by mistake over and over.  Kind of like how sometimes you see commercials advertising an event for which the date is already passed.


So maybe Alexander won fan favorite the first week and they have never updated the video.  Because there is no way in hell he is the most popular designer.  I personally am thoroughly annoyed by him and can't stand his slackjawed open-mouth look.  I have not liked a single thing he's put out.  Kini, Sean, maybe Char, or even god forbid Amanda I could see winning fan favorite (just due to the sheer airtime they give her alone), but Alexander???? NO WAY IN HELL!!!!


And Tim loses credibility by the day.  First the totally unearned Char save (and I like Char, but she is just not that talented--sorry), and now he actually tells ALEXANDER! that he is one of the most talented designers ever on Project Runway?????? WTF?  Has he ever even been in the top this season? 

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The fairest thing would have been, ask the client, do you want to walk the runway like this or not? 

I think that puts the amateur model in a tough spot. They should not be put in a situation of wanting "their" designer to do well causing them to do something they regret later.


This. I think that is what Tim said in his explanation as well, that if it was one of their models fine, but since it is a woman off the street she should not have to walk the runway like that. I was fine with him giving Char the extra ten for that reason. I know the question put the designers in a rough place, but could they stop bitching? I would have been fine if one politely spoke up, because it is a competition, but they didn't, so move on already.



The problem was, it should have been always and only a courtesy for the model. Tim should have said up front, "this is a favor to our guest, Char made a mistake, and I will make sure the judges know that." He did tell the judges, but in a way that minimized the consequences for Char, unfortunately.


When Char gave her "thank you" to the designers, I wish one of them had said, "we didn't do it for you, we did it for the model you let down."


Still not understanding why they didn't just give *everyone* an extra ten minutes to make it more fair, rather than creating a whole drama about special favors for one designer.


Well, obviously they weren't going to give EVERYBODY an extra 10 minutes so Char could fit a new zipper after her model broke the first one. Where's the drama in that?

I think you are taking "ten minutes" too literally, the real amount of extra time was exactly how long it would take Char to fix the problem.


And everyone else is done. They have nothing useful to do in those unanticipated 10 extra minutes. They would be foolish to try and tweak something at that point, they are as likely to make it worse. Giving everyone "10 minutes" because one designer NEEDS it and everyone else is done is not any more fair, IMO.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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I also don't buy for one second that the "models" were just meandering around the park and could drop everything to participate. I watch PR for the fashion and to watch how garments come together. The show does its audience a disservice by not trusting that we would watch it without the manufactured drama.


First, let me say that I call BS on the producers. So all those willing women were just sitting around the park and it just so happened that they were all think and mostly tall. Um, no. I'm sure PR put out a call for "everyday" women as models, it was just too perfect that most of the women were actresses, artists and models. 

When Sean was commiserating with Tim about trying to find a model, I got this subtext:

Sean:"Unlike everyone else, I haven't found someone right away!"

Tim: "I know, I'm astonished at how bad you are at spotting the obvious ringers we planted throughout the park!"

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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Amanda took a woman with the slender figure and made her look like a mac truck barreling down the runway.  It was like she was trying to create the before rather than the after.  That dress was ill-fitting and ill-conceived.  The skirt was cut at the worst place for the model’s legs.  The vest was nothing special.  Nothing like upholstery material to make a person feel like a couch, er, special, yeah, that’s it, special.


Since Amanda’s dress made her model’s waist look thick and had the crotch arrow, maybe it was an homage to pregnancy.  The dress would accentuate a baby bump and the arrow pointed to where the baby making started.


The top of Sean’s dress was ugly, unflattering and extremely dated.  He was lucky there was so much dreck on the runway to choose from.  This is the least talented group of designers ever on PR.


I would have liked to see everyone get the extra ten minutes.  Not that ten minutes was going to save that shit show Alexander put out.  The back of the top was taped together.  So he completed a circle skirt that was the same pattern as the one he showed Tim but didn’t have the extra fugly overlay of yellow fabric on the second day.  The he pieced together an ill-fitting top that he didn’t finish sewing.  Goodbye Alexander.  You seemed pretty much like a non-entity on this show.  Finish school and think about what you could do better.


I talked to a friend who sidelines as a fit model.  A lot of her work is for when they are working out the details for the initial patterning.  She said they often use zippers without stops on the pieces she tries on.  However, the designers either sew in a stop or they simply place a safety pin an inch or so from the bottom so you can’t pull the pull off of the teeth.    Since a non-model is used to a zipper stop, Char’s person probably pulled the pull right off the bottom.  A professional model would have been more careful.  Not an issue worth all of the drama.


I am tired of verklempt Tim.  He often seems half a tick away from succumbing to the vapors.  Does he have hormonal issues?  Is this a signal that he should be checked for a heart condition?  Tone in down, Tim, it’s only fashion (TM Santino).

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I think Tim inadvertently gave his true opinion of Aldo's when he gave the line for them to use the Aldo's accessory wall--and watch their taste level. 


I would have been so much more impressed if any one of them had chosen a woman who was not a 20-something WASP in a size 6.  Tim advised them to pick someone who truly needed a makeover because then the transformation would be more dramatic, and they each fell back on their comfort zone of young, thin, and pretty.


It's always funny to hear the judges falling all over themselves trying to assure the real women models that they don't look like crap; it's the designs.  They never do that for the professional models.  [bTW, do the models still work for free after all these years?]


And this is why I thought Kini should have won.  Tim talked over and over about how important the "transformation" was, and how much of a transformation will it ever be if you just choose skinny, young models.  Char's wasn't young per se, but she was skinny.  Emily's dress was pretty, but how much of a transformation did she really give a woman with the body of a ballerina?  Korina's was nice, but again, how much of a transformation did her outfit do for someone who already had a buff/toned body, and very few curves?  Kini actually picked someone who had curves and some body fat and managed to make her look and feel good about herself. Yes, its something you could get at the Macy's, but so is Korina's, unless we haven't all seen every iteration of a motorcycle jacket done before.  His jacket was a tiny bit off the mark, IMO, but the dress underneath was nice, and the jacket could have certainly been saved with maybe just another button or two.


And IMO, the models must be working for free this season because half of them look like unsuccessful drag queens.  I'm sure creative editing is the only reason we haven't seen a few adams apples bobbing around.

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I'm not sure which was worse - the makeup on Alexander's model, or the hair on Char's. 


I also think Alexander's north Jersey cheerleader outfit was the only thing standing between Char and the door, since the judges weren't allowed to decide the ten minute question the way they should have been. There's no way that the contestants missed the way the judges have gone after people they don't see as team players and protected their pets this season, so there was essentially no chance that they weren't going to feel pressured to say yes. 


And given that the whole transaction was labeled as keeping Char's model from feeling bad, it was really crappy of Char to blame her on the runway. I think it's really unlikely that the model broke a properly set zipper on a well-fitting garment.


Yes, Nina, "flamingo" was mildly amusing when Zac said it last week. The garment he was referring to wasn't dark red and black plaid.


I really liked Emily's. I think it's kind of hysterical if in the wake of a string of Sandhya and Amanda wins Sean was worried that it was too costumey for the judges.

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If Korina is being painted as the villain then that means she will be in the final three (or the cop out final four). I also predict then, Amanda, who will show a lackluster, boring collection, and Kini, who will be fabulous as usual but will be edited so it will seem he is flailing.

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And that one woman judge can just go suck it.  In what world is a :First Date" defined by a particular look?  Tell me you dumbass.  Do you wear the same outfit to just coffee on the first date?  A double date with the people who set you up to a play in the park?  Dinner at a nice restaurant?  A sporting event?  YOU ARE STUPID.  Don't come back.  I thought the wonderful mix of casual and yet pretty girl effort the outfit conveyed was perfect for some nebulous idea of a first date.  It made her look wow without being a huge trying too hard to impress effort.  Again.  GO AWAY you stupid bint.

THANK you. Jesus. If my misty memory serves, the last thing you want to do on a first date is overdress--you want to look nice, but not seem overeager. I thought Kini's model looked adorable and perfectly appropriate. Loved his outfit and his model was so cute. Emily's was really nice too. I think she would have benefitted from some editing--the skirt could have been simpler, since the big pleaty ruffles were the focal point. A simpler skirt, nice and full and twirly but not as ruffly would have been nice.


I had no problem with Char getting the extra ten minutes, for the model's sake. I do have a huge problem with the others agreeing to it, then being shitty to Char about it. To me it looks like this is the spirit of this cast--pick one person to snark on and marginalize, go into little mean girl, whispery huddles and bitch about. Now that Sandhya's gone, looks like its Char now. And they kept on about how Tim's saved her twice! then get mad at Tim, not Char! These guys all act like middle schoolers and I lay it directly at Korina's door. She's clearly the strongest personality of the bunch and her attitude seems to be setting the tone. She is absolutely putty in production's hands, spouting her bile with that big pleased shit eating grin, like she's the wittiest thing that ever hefted a needle. I'm sure the PA's laugh and laugh!

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I don't understand all of the consternation over "zippergate". Was that really a pivotal moment in the season? Will it really affect this season's trajectory. Somehow I doubt it. None of the "designers" are particularly talented. As a matter of fact, they are all spectacularly untalented. I think they should have all been sent home. This season has given us one dreadfully underwhelming runway after another. If this is the best talent that the producers can find; perhaps Project Runway has run its course. They should have given Kini the Top Seamstress Award, cancelled the rest of the season and sent everyone home. 


P.S. Zac Posen is an adorable little man but he brings nothing whatsoever to the show. 

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There was one vaguely interesting outfit on the runway, and while it was top three, Heidi immediately dismissed it from having a possibility of winning.

It's bad enough that the guest judges are often there just because they are an actress in a current film, but now Heidi seems to be chiming in more than she used to in the past.  I could swear that way back in the Kors days that he and Nina had the most to say as well as the main decision making while Heidi and the non-designer guests didn't really count.  Heidi may have a great body for wearing clothes, but I'm not sure she has an eye for them.

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Having spent a lot of Iike in Washington square park, I would doubt those are plants. It's in the heart of NYU and his was filmed in summer. It's always full of artists, models, students, freelancers, many of whom are beautiful, I did not find that in he least surprising, I remember one day a few years ago a friend and I were in a crepe place nearby, it was raining, and french model after french model kept coming in until we both started laughing hysterically.

I doubt anyone felt stalked because camera crews.

I wish they had chosen people of indifferent ages and boys though. That would have been much, much more interesting.

Transformation and muse would seem to be at odds with one another. Did producers think this through?

I'm glad kini didn't win. I just don't like his aesthetic. The dress was very blah and she had trouble getting in and out of that jacket. Considering this is NYC it's not a first date dress, even a coffee date, not a beautiful young woman like that. Simple, sure, you don't want to overdress, but that was frumpy, if well made.

Char- ever been to a rock concert? Seen people wearing red onesies there? Bizarre. Don't agree wig Nina precisely but gen again I can't think of too many grown women who want to roam around in red rompers.

Nothing good has ever come of starting an outfit over. Nothing, Alexander should have modified or stuck to his guns.

The dress riding up... We don't know about butts thing was endemic.

At first I wondered where you would wear Korinas but when I realized it was a party dress and the jacket was a coverup I changed my mind. I liked here a lot.

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P.S. Zac Posen is an adorable little man but he brings nothing whatsoever to the show. 

Posen would be the one I'd like to hang out with at a party.  As for his role on the show?  He's kind of a let down after Kors who was really spot on with his comments most of the time...and funny too. 

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Has Tim developed a crack addiction?  (Perhaps that explains the rashes around his nose?)  One of the best designers I have ever met?  The speed with which he continues to destroy his TV reputation makes one think he is desperate for cash.  Well, I guess bitchy Tim is the only way to try to keep viewers hate-watching.  It was completely inappropriate for him to fuck with Alexander that way.  Start off with an over the top encomium solely to heighten the effect of the devastating criticism to follow.  It seemed cruel and scripted.  Has Tim ever been so harsh and directive with any previous contestant?  And what has happened with young adults?  Why was Alex constantly acting as if he were some child put into a class with adults.  When I was 22, I was ready to do battle with anyone because I thought I knew everything.  I certainly didn't consider myself too young or inexperienced.  Twenty-two is adult in my book.  But Alex proved his point with the comment about being bitter at Char for the zipper fiasco.  She had no say in the matter, Alex, so grow up.  And didn't he already survive a previous fuck-up where he sent some last minute atrocity down the runway?


The problem with Emily's dress was that one of the those elements had to go.  Either the ruffled bottom or the fanned top.  Together, it did look too costumey.  I would have gotten rid of the ruffles.


I thought Kini's outfit was perfect for a first date.  She had the jacket to cover her up some, but if she became more comfortable with (and interested in) her date, she could remove it to show more skin.  And it was really flattering on her.  I was not into the Natalie Maines circa 1995 curls, though.  I thought a more natural look, either her hair down with a bouncy curl or even a pony tail would have looked better. 


My problem with Korina is less about her attitude, than her stupidity.  It is the worst combination IMO- bad attitude backed up by ignorance and stupidity.  Count me among those who found that skirt problematic.  I don't know if Sean is getting a weasly edit, but I certainly respond to him in that manner.  He seems a bit too disingenous and calculating for my blood- especially since he appears to be of average talent.  Everything he has done has seemed dated and derivative. 


Nina, if school teachers are expected to dress a certain way, perhaps you should embrace the small-minded look of a 50 year old spinster.  Sure, you do try some weeks, but how about a little more commitment to the look, eh?  The only thing that keeps me watching is Heidi.  Her critiques have been so blunt this season that they're a joy.  It probably helps that I've tended to agree with her.


I don't think there is any way production would leave model selection to the vagaries of random selection.  If for no other reason, it could prove costly.  My bet is that there were a requisite number of plants in the park.  If they were able to convince a non-plant to do the challenge, great.  If not, just keep looking until you find the mark.  It felt very much like a challenge on Amazing Race to me. 


Amanda's model was beautiful IMO. 

Edited by BarneySays
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I have no problem with Alexander going home. Most of his looks have been crap. I recall Tim once saying that he would only negatively critique a look if the designer has the time and materials to fix it. Alexander had both and it still turned out hideous and very poorly constructed. Yes, Char's was fugly, too, but you gotta know that she'll be on her way home soon as well. Sort of nasty to know that her model wasn't wearing underwear. Yuck. Amanda's was also terrible. At least she knew it was horrible.

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I've broken a zipper when trying to cram myself into a garment that was too small.  Do we know for sure that the zipper on Char's outfit didn't split because it was poorly fitted?  It looked fine in the end but I wonder if there was some change made to the seam when the zipper was replaced.  Don't know enough about sewing to be sure, but that's how they fixed the dress when I broke that zipper.

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Posen would be the one I'd like to hang out with at a party.  As for his role on the show?  He's kind of a let down after Kors who was really spot on with his comments most of the time...and funny too. 

Kors is very good at expressing his opinions. He's very articulate and very witty. His ability to articulately express himself  made him very entertaining. Posen although he is fairly articulate; he lacks Kors wit. Nina Garcia is somewhat inarticulate and only occasionally amusing.   

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