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"The View": Week of 9/15/14


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I left at game show time, but discussion-wise, that was pretty good--especially for right out of the gate.  Nicolle Wallace* was a pleasant surprise, Ro Perez contributed some input and her voice was nicer than in her movies.  I love RO and Whoopi, so yay.


I think the coffee table is a HUGE mistake.   Their info cards are too far away to glance at, they have to constantly monitor the bottom half of their bodies, there's nothing to lean on and it's too far to reach if they want to fiddle with their coffee cups or something.  Sitting at a regular height table is simply more comfortable when you're being observed.  Plus, don't they want to give off a "roundtable discussion" vibe instead of "kaffeeklatsch"?


Poor BaBa.  I read an interview with her--in AARP, ha--where she was asked "What's next?" and she got defensive.  "Why do I have to have a 'next'?  Why can't I just visit friends, see a show. . .[blah blah blah]"  Mm-hmm.  Why indeed?



(*Detective Goren's arch nemesis, Nicole Wallace?  She lives!  She on The View now!)

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That beginning Babs bit was so very lame - fake and forced.  I have no idea what Babs was talking about, so garbled.  Not a good way to start what was supposed to be the "new" View.*  Is there no one there at all who could have advised against it? 


I can forgive them for being so controlled and overly cautious.  That goes for today only, though!** 


Loved when Rosie O said she can separate her admiration for a celeb's talent from their bad behaviour, but not for Woody Allen!  Now that's a discussion I would have liked to see go farther, but like I said, I can understand why it didn't (today anyway, lol).  I also would have liked short comments from them about the Dad and daughter peek-a-boo video, just to see what each one thought of it.  I feel that is really how we will get to know them, hearing how they feel about things other than politics.


I didn't mind the game.  Obviously it was just a way to let us get to know newbie Rosie a little better, and fit in a nice giveaway.  They did something similar with Nicolle after but without the gimmick.  For the first half hour or so I thought the show was too Rosie P-heavy, but then it seemed right to focus on letting us get to know both newbies better.  It also served the purpose of eliminating the problem of people being able to say right off the bat that Rosie O took over the show. 


It seems funny to say, but although the casual armchair sitting appears like it should give a more comfortable feel, I actually think the hosts would be more relaxed sitting around the table.  I hated the set at first.  I thought it looked cheap and shabby, not Target-cheap but dollar store-cheap.  It looked overly cluttered with cheap looking trinkets and knick-knacks.  I was surprised to find later into the show that it didn't look as bad to me as I had first thought. 



No blue cards!  No cross-talk!  No tantrums, or Bachelorette, or 40somethings acting like teenyboppers.  No selfies, or wall of photos, or gushing Twitter feed!  That's what I liked.



Same here!  It does look like they've finally succeeded at taking out all the trash.



*  I just had a terrible thought.  Was this a one-of?  You don't suppose this is how the show will open every day?


**  Don't recall exactly where, but somewhere in the last week I read that Rosie O thought it was a mistake that the four of them would not be getting together before today, their first show.  She was right.

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
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I was worried after the horrid taped opening bit with BW, but I thought the show was refreshing and enjoyable. They have some kinks to work out and chemistry to develop, but IMO it was light years better than the dreck they put out last season.

I only watched a handful of shows last season, but now with these changes (especially the addition of RO, who I just adore), this show is back on my DVR.

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Okay, I've watched most of it, and I...liked it. I like the new, more intimate look, like someone else said, harkens back to the early years.  And I didn't think they were overly cautious. Maybe we're so used to cross/talk, yelling, craziness, etc., that what should be appears, low key and low energy.  I'll take more of what we had today, as opposed to the last 8 years, thank you.


And what was it that Nicolle said about Hillary and Iowa? That Iowa was Serious Politics and Hillary wasn't serious? or Rural? Retail?


I'm not giving Nicolle any passes on being nervous (the constant shaking her head/running her fingers through her hair while she talked about the Cheney shooting), because this is not her FIRST time in front of a live audience.


I did love how Whoopi couldn't keep a straight face when asking about Palin, though, and I loved Rosie Perez's three questions about Palin.  I, too, ashamedly, wanted more dirt. Hey! I'm human!


Did love the small discussion about Robin and depression.


This show is NOW back on my DVR.


ETA: Is it just me, or did anyone think that the person in the chair, whose hands they were all kissing wasn't Bawawa, but a stand in, and that her lame crown/and bit was taped separately? That's the vibe/impression I got anyway. And sooo unnecessary.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I liked the show today. I agree with several other posters about the slight awkwardness between hosts which will most likely improve after they've worked with each other more. And I agree they should bring back the table or get better chairs with more back support. Whoopi looked the most uncomfortable with the seating arrangement, but that might be because she's used to the table. I loved the fact that there was no getting loud or talking over one another. Nicolle was rather quiet and Rosie P seemed a little shocked to be there, but I think they'll definitely improve. I also liked the Ro or Ro? segment, except for the continuous voice that would repeat title was a little annoying.


Oh, and Whoopi does look better. I'm happy for her. I noticed during the topic about celebrities who had passed, when Rosie O brought up Robin Williams, Whoopi Goldberg didn't speak and seemed like she was trying to concentrate on getting to commercial. I'm guessing it did hit her hard, and I expect there'll be more talk about that Friday with Billy Crystal. 


It was nice seeing Kristen Chenoweth, too. I didn't care for the song, but she sounded good today, imo.

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Definitely an abundance of first day awkwards and tentatives, but I fully expected that. Some things will work, some things won't and will be discarded. It's going to take a little time for them to find the groove, both in front of and behind the camera, but I'm cautiously optimistic. As I understand it they only just came together as a fully staffed show for the first time last week. Chemistry, comfort levels and a sense of team take time to develop.

Not sure I'm feeling the new set though. RO was the only one who more or less looked like she was making herself comfortable without a table to lean on. Sweet tribute to Joan Rivers. My heart went out to RO and Whoopi as they tried to keep their still raw emotions in check. That was a tough moment for them.

Four intelligent and WELL-INFORMED women on the panel finally. What a lovely concept.

I think the rather dreadful Babs intro was intended to be a one time symbolic passing of the baton from the old to the new. At least I hope that's all it was! Painful.

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And what was it that Nicolle said about Hillary an Iowa? That Iowa was Serious Politics and Hillary wasn't serious? or Rural? Retail?


I'm not giving Nicolle any passes on being nervous (the constant shaking her head/running her fingers through her hair while she talked about the Cheney shooting), because this is not her FIRST time in front of a live audience.



ETA: Is it just me, or did anyone think that the person in the chair, whose hands they were all kissing wasn't Bawawa, but a stand in, and that her lame crown/and bit was taped separately? That's the vibe/impression I got anyway. And sooo unnecessary.

That was definitely not BaWa in the chair when we saw them kissing her hand.  Poorly done, and such a stupid idea.


Yes, Nicolle was confusing in that Iowa talk.  I realized at the end that the point was that if Hillary is in Iowa it means she is running, because she is not a fan of Iowa and wouldn't go there otherwise.  At least that's what I got from that.  Yeah, I didn't like the annoying pushing back of the hair.  Whoopi and Ro were the most comfortable.

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I enjoyed the show thoroughly today. Nicolle did well, although she did seem a little tentative. I don't think that will last long. She's a pro. Rosie Perez was terrific; she's rational and kind and funny. I have always liked Rosie O, but the bare feet and crossed legs were a little wrong. I would prefer a regular table, too, rather than the coffee table. In any event, I thought it went very well and will only get better. BTW, Rosie O managed to shut Whoopi up about that particular child abuse topic. Hah!

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I think it'll take time for them to find their chemistry.  It was the same with The Chew-- their first few weeks were pretty awkward and stilted, but now, they're completely gelled and it's a pleasure to watch.  I felt like today was just ok, but pleasant enough. It didn't feel as tense or shrill as when Sherri and Jenny were on, which I appreciated, and I hope that they can get Nicole to come out of her shell a bit more and participate.  Whoopi actually seemed much more relaxed today than she had last season, and I remember thinking when they first came out that she looked pretty today.  I think the show was hard on her with the mentions of Robin Williams and Joan Rivers, and there were several moments that I think she was trying to choke back some emotion.


I did enjoy the lack of cross-talk and how respectful all the women seemed of one another.  Once they get more comfortable, I think it'll be a huge improvement.

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I forgot to mention the lame bit at the beginning that they taped with BaWA.  WTF was that?


I just remembered another weird thing. When Nicolle said she is a republican, Ro said to the audience that she liked her, she really truly liked her, and then she said:  it's all real this year, everything's true, if we say it, it's true.


The implication being that in prior years, when they said they all loved each other, they really didn't.


I think that if they needed BaWa in the opening, they should have skipped the lame bit, and just had her addressing the audience about the changes to the show, with no attempt at humour.


As we could have predicted, Whoopi was going down the road defending the football player who used a switch on his four year old, that left cuts etc, they showed the picture.  It was only when Ro said that he had cuts to his scrotum etc, that she backed down.  So that didn't surprise me, but I thought Ro said in her interview recently that they were going to have all the facts of the topics they were discussing, and it seemed like Whoopi didn't know that fact and then dialed it back.


Re the couch, there was set behind the main set with an L shaped couch and I guess that is where the interviews will happen.

No one even mentioned that the football player had to be at least 220 pounds vs. a 4 year old child.   That wasn't fair discipline, that was just a plain beating.

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I haven't seen the show yet, but this is an interesting article about it.


Interestingly, I always thought Rosie and Joan had a cool (not friendly) relationship. The times that Joan was on during her first stint, Rosie came off as professional but not a fan. Rosie was a big fan of Totie Fields (a contemporary comedienne of Joan's from the 1960s) and Joan and Totie did not get along (some say that Joan was cruel to Totie), and Rosie called Joan on it. That's why I was surprised to see Rosie at Joan's funeral. I like Rosie fine, but there is a touch of the show biz phony with her (the "I love Tom Cruise!" silliness for example). But then again, maybe they became friends.

Edited by Mumbles
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I thought Rosie P's dress today was really cute.




All in all, it was a refreshing change.  We've waited a long time for the show to be made better and I'm really looking forward to watching again.  





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I watched The View on the DVR when I got home.  I think the panel is a really great, diverse group of women.  I am sure that in the beginning that the show and discussion will be heavily led by RO and Whoopi mainly because they have a comfortability with the format and they are just more skilled at it.  I hope that Nicole finds her voice a little more because even though I am a leftist liberal, I think a voice of reason from the other side is important.  She is the only one who isn't a legit star, so I think she's gonna defer a lot in the beginning to those stronger personalities.  


The discussion of the violence in sports was really interesting to me.  I was surprised they showed the pictures of Peterson's child since it is a daytime show and could be considered too graphic to some watching at that time.


I'll definitely be adding it to the DVR to record.  I don't know if I will watch it everyday, but will definitely enjoy it when I have the time.  

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New season! New set! New (sort of) hosts! The best audience reaction shot was the two guys at the beginning looking at each other as if to say "well...here goes nothing."

I'm not sure if I like the studio yet but it's certainly better than the huge screen of selfies that no one asked for. I guess they want to go for a relaxed vibe with the couch and the colours while debating ISIS?

Whoopi is looking good. I don't hate the shoes, which is a change, and seems to be wearing something a bit more fitted.

Rosie P is definitely being conscious of her voice and accent but wow, she was well spoken, knew her talking points, and funny. Damn show, what took so long to think of her?

Other than that, it's not a bad start. They only worked together once before today so I will expect them to gel over the next few days. Jenny had the "advantage" of guest hosting numerous times before she officially joined (and we know how that went.) I did find the audience was a lot more muted during the topics, which isn't a bad thing. Normally they would be whooping and hollering for a lot of comments.

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Whoopi didn't like the set up, you could tell.


To me, Whoopi always looks like she can't sit still, and will bolt at any moment.  She seems severely ADHD.


No blue cards!  No cross-talk!  No tantrums, or Bachelorette, or 40somethings acting like teenyboppers.  No selfies, or wall of photos, or gushing Twitter feed!  That's what I liked.


No manic opening of loud music, dancing bodies, overly-hyped audience cheering and clapping.  It was a good thing.


If they want new life in this show, they need lose the taped Friday shows.


Anyone know if Friday's will be live?


I have no idea, but the taped Friday shows was something Rosie O brought over from her own show.


Loved when Rosie O said she can separate her admiration for a celeb's talent from their bad behaviour, but not for Woody Allen!  Now that's a discussion I would have liked to see go farther, but like I said, I can understand why it didn't (today anyway, lol). 


What a refreshing contrast to Whoopi's knee-jerk defense of any and all celebrities.  "We don't know.  We weren't there". 


And what was it that Nicolle said about Hillary and Iowa? That Iowa was Serious Politics and Hillary wasn't serious? or Rural? Retail?



I think her point was incomplete, and she was distracted from completing it.  I do think she revealed her disdain for Hillary Clinton, and I'm not looking forward to that on a daily basis.  Nicolle is going to have to tread a fine line to avoid alienating Republicans.  Today, she mocked Sarah Palin, and all but mocked Dick Cheney.  She also participated in Rosie's point regarding clueless W. flying over New Orleans.  I'm a Liberal so I loved every minute of it, but I want her to own her beliefs.  Otherwise, why is she there?


I thought Rosie P's dress today was really cute.


I thought that the ladies, minus Whoopi, looked lovely - hair, makeup, clothing.  I find Whoopi's look incredibly distracting.  I worry that her wig is going to slide off her shaved head.  Like Whoopi, Rosie O. does not wear makeup in her real life, nor does she dress up.  But, Rosie realizes you have to conform to a certain extent for television.  Whoopi can look as weird as she wants, but I find it easier to watch when her hair isn't hanging down over her face.

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I saw about 15 minutes of the show. There did seem to be some first-day jitters, but it was still light years ahead of what the show's been for so long now.


I know Nicolle Wallace (and, yes, I always think of Goren's nemesis, too, when I hear that name) from "Morning Joe," where she was nicknamed "Cackles" by one of the astute posters. She seemed much more subdued here. I think she'll find her voice and be fine. Anyone would be better than Bits.


I was not surprised that Whoopi again explained that child abuse was A-OK with her. She seemed perfectly fine with what AP did to his child until Rosie mentioned the scrotum. SMH.


I was surprised to hear Rosie say that she still liked Chris Brown as an artist (in spite of his proven domestic abuse) but that she wouldn't see a Woody Allen film (because of unproven charges). I'm exactly the opposite. (OK, I'd probably never be a CB fan in any case.) But I did applaud her for shutting Whoppi down during the child abuse discussion.


I missed the tribute to Joan Rivers. Which song did Kristen Chenowith sing?

I wonder what the sense is going into this newest incarnation, what kind of legs this show has potentially for the new kids.  Wallace in particular.  While she lately has eagerly parroted Conservative talking points I'm still thinking she is just soulless and sells her ideology to the highest bidder.  Or the only bidder.  She and Steve Schmidt were desperate to distance themselves from both McCain and Palin.  At a time when the Republican Party was at an all time low.   To the point that the lack of any real membership among non-white aging males was almost non-existent.  Or at least admitted.


I'm thinking even just a day in we are seeing the Wallace that will flirt with Conservative talking points the same way the age-issues mother flirts with the boys who come home from college with her just left the nest son.  She will do the same thing Meghan McCain would have had she gotten the job.  Proclaim to be a conservative and an avowed Republican member but then refute and repudiate every single socially conservative issue that public opinion is blatantly clear on opposing.  Even as the party Wallace claims to adhere to makes an even more extreme stance on


Today we saw out of the ashes 2008 Wallace.  The same woman who saw her political adviser future in tatters.  And threw Palin under the very bus she helped gas up for the Quitter in Chief with her novels and flirtation with MSNBC's evening line up -- as pretty much every other Republican refused to go on Maddow or Olbermann's show knowing they would end up looking the fool, Wallace eagerly held out her otherwise empty dance card to be punched.  Selling herself as a Reasonable Republican.  We saw how long that lasted when she washed up in the gutters of MSNBC, Morning Joe, as Obama lost most of his new car smell.\


However I'm calling it now that if the Republicans take the Senate in the mid terms Wallace will flare her ideology like a wind sock and straddle whatever direction public opinion seems to blow. 


And Wallace's tone about Clinton is just one of the many reasons why I would love to see a repeat of 2008.  Conservatives line up all their ammo to shoot down Clinton only to find some relatively unknown wunderkind burst on the scene and take the game.

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I enjoyed it. Yes it's going to take a bit for them to really gel, but I found myself smiling more then once. And I too liked that feeling that these were four intelligent women talking about topics with some degree of knowledge of those topics (even Whoopi seemed marginally informed).


My favorite part was actually Nicole Wallace's behind-the-scenes stuff and what it was like to get the call about Cheney shooting someone. I don't care if you're democratic or republican, to have that job and hear that the VP has shot someone? Must have been one of the most surreal moments of her life. I didn't think she bashed Palin, though she could have given the questions Rosie P asked her. She said she started out on okay footing with her and then it all tanked when the Couric interview happened. Yes she smiled and laughed along with some of the other commentary (George Bush doing a flyover), but I thought that was more in the nature of her still feeling her way.


I was so happy to see Rosie O back on the screen, so most anything would have worked, but all in all a solid start (with a few clunky moments). And I loved Rosie's glasses.


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I live in Minnesota where the Adrian Peterson case is dominating our local news (and my Facebook feed), so it was interesting to see the show's perspective on it. I liked how Rosie calmly shut Whoopi down by divulging the horrific details of the case -- and later, Rosie P did the same when she told us that Nelson Mandela was a boxer (which, like Rosie O, I was surprised to learn).


I've only seen Nicolle Wallace on her Rachel Maddow Show appearances. It sounds weird to say I enjoyed her Dick Cheney story (someone got shot!), but her rendition of it was amusing. I look forward to see how she acts when political heavy-hitters of both stripes appear on the show.


The Joan Rivers tribute was everything she would have hated, and I loved it. I YouTubed some of her appearances on "The View" and it was amazing to see her be able to make Whoopi Goldberg speechless.

Edited by JakeyJokes
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My favorite part was actually Nicole Wallace's behind-the-scenes stuff and what it was like to get the call about Cheney shooting someone. I don't care if you're democratic or republican, to have that job and hear that the VP has shot someone? Must have been one of the most surreal moments of her life. I didn't think she bashed Palin, though she could have given the questions Rosie P asked her. She said she started out on okay footing with her and then it all tanked when the Couric interview happened. Yes she smiled and laughed along with some of the other commentary (George Bush doing a flyover), but I thought that was more in the nature of her still feeling her way.

Yes, Ro was all high-fiving that Nicolle wasn't the one who made the fly over NOLA decision but Nicolle actually responded that it could have been her decision had she been there, and that she had made decisions (she may have even said many).


I didn't think that she took the Palin bait, but she acknowledged that Palin blamed her for the Couric epic fail.  But this is all in the movie so no big risk there for her.  And when talking about Cheney she never said he had a black piece of coal where his heart should be, it was more along the lines of how they had to manage that story.  I found that interesting and would like to hear that more than talking points.


I live in Minnesota where the Adrian Peterson case is dominating our local news (and my Facebook feed), so it was interesting to see the show's perspective on it. I liked how Rosie calmly shut Whoopi down by divulging the horrific details of the case


And there is more info out there on this that shows this not a little smack on the butt.  The Houston paper has a lot more detail including that the little four year old boy had no pants on, and that he was whipped twice during that visit (not sure if it was a weekend).  Peterson knew he had crossed the line because he texted the boy's mother about it.  He also knew that the boy was scheduled for a Dr. appt on his return home, and that the Dr. would see the injuries, so he was doing damage control to suggest that the "switch" somehow wrapped around the boy's thigh accidentally hurting him.  The boy told police that he stuffed leaves in his mouth while he was whipping him.  Peterson said if the boy had cried he would have known he was hurting.  The boy also told police that his father whipped him with a belt, that his dad had lots of belts, and "whooping" room.  So there are enough facts out there to suggest this is not a spanking.  I don't know why the new and improved view didn't present these facts, but Ro did present some of it to shut down Whoopie. I think Ro made a good point about football players and violence, but I think both Whoopi and Rosie are boxing fans, so that kind of ended there.  OTOH Rosie did talk about being abused as a child so I think we will hear more on the subject.


The reason I am interested in this is that my own husband said to me on the weekend, can you believe they charged this football player for spanking his own kid?  I think that is where Whoopi is coming from and she didn't have the facts.  It is weird how sometimes she is very well-informed and other times not at all.

Thanks for all the commentary on today's show, everyone. It sounds like the first show was just okay. Not terrible, but nothing earth shattering as far as being a must see show. I didn't DVR it and so far I haven't read anything that's tempting me to try to watch it, or clips, on the ABC website....except maybe the dreadful opening with Babs. That sounds like such a crazy idea, I wonder who came up with it and why smarter minds didn't nix it.


Someone please tell me that Babs is not going to be backstage every day. I'm hoping she was just there because she knew there was a lot of press covering the premiere episode, (typical Babs). I would think if BW were there every day that Rosie O and Whoopi would hate it. I know I would if I were them.

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I would have liked a bit more devoted to Peterson because it touches on so many issues.   Also I don't want the NFL to use it as a stalking horse issue over the larger element of their active indifference on so many issues.  But I was so glad my head did not have to suffer the likes of Sherri trying to parse this.  I think the Peterson case is morbidly fascinating because while horrified at what he did I also have a sad sense that Peterson is one of those incredible athletes that simply get pass after pass.  Not to do what they do.  But to simply not evolve as an adult.  He seems almost simple in his tweets.  Also he had one son killed by abuse by a step father figure no?  (I missed about five minutes of this part of the show).


I think the Peterson case has so many levels of problems and demons that Rosie did a good job touching on it and making sure Whoopi didn't completely derail it even if it is something I think you could take a week of shows to discuss and still not cover all the aspects of parenting, pro sports and even the perception that race will play as opposed to the true factors of social economics.


But there you are.  Actually talking about a true hot topic being discussed while actually "hot" and being able to take away the idea that some thought and some sense went into at least one panel member's approach to the matter.

  • Love 9

And there is more info out there on this that shows this not a little smack on the butt.  The Houston paper has a lot more detail including that the little four year old boy had no pants on, and that he was whipped twice during that visit (not sure if it was a weekend).  Peterson knew he had crossed the line because he texted the boy's mother about it.  He also knew that the boy was scheduled for a Dr. appt on his return home, and that the Dr. would see the injuries, so he was doing damage control to suggest that the "switch" somehow wrapped around the boy's thigh accidentally hurting him.  The boy told police that he stuffed leaves in his mouth while he was whipping him.  Peterson said if the boy had cried he would have known he was hurting.  The boy also told police that his father whipped him with a belt, that his dad had lots of belts, and "whooping" room.  So there are enough facts out there to suggest this is not a spanking.  I don't know why the new and improved view didn't present these facts, but Ro did present some of it to shut down Whoopie. I think Ro made a good point about football players and violence, but I think both Whoopi and Rosie are boxing fans, so that kind of ended there.  OTOH Rosie did talk about being abused as a child so I think we will hear more on the subject.


The reason I am interested in this is that my own husband said to me on the weekend, can you believe they charged this football player for spanking his own kid?  I think that is where Whoopi is coming from and she didn't have the facts.  It is weird how sometimes she is very well-informed and other times not at all.


Yes, I heard about it on Friday evening and late Friday night, I read all the disgusting details here:




It's pathetic, but typical, that Whoopi spouted off an opinion without knowing much of the details that have been reported. Same old View...

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Bitsy was not impressed with what Ro had to say about football, surprise, surprise.




I am no Elisabeth Hasselbeck fan, but given that she is married to a professional football player, her response does not surprise me at all.  I do think that Rosie is generalizing and to paint all NFL players with the current actions of Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson is unfair.  

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The AP story got even bigger today with him being reinstated and then the news of injury last year to another 4 year old son from another mother hours later with a scar over his eye as a result of the "discipline."


There are no words, imo.


ETA - another 2 year old son of AP died from "discipline" from his step-father.


AP has 7 children from 7 different women.

Edited by maggiemae
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I'm glad there is finally a Republican on this show that isn't a moron, and she is treading carefully.  It was kind of annoying to have the two Rosies make her apologize for all of the Republican misdeeds (in their opinion) of the past.  Rosie Perez talking about the evil things "Mick" did as a presidential candidate (which doesn't make sense, since he couldn't pass any laws as a presidential candidate) made me cringe, and then to talk about hitting Sarah Palin after they had just had a discussion about violence was in poor taste.  When they asked about George Bush doing a flyover of Katrina, I was hoping Nicolle would respond with a comment about Obama grinning at his golf game after the journalist was beheaded.


Having said that, Rosie O'Donnell didn't irritate me, and I appreciated her nuanced views on a wide range of topics.  Coming out and stating that she doesn't support Woody Allen was brave, good for her.  

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Damn, this was a very impressive show today. And it's about time.  After the silly "Queen Barbara" open, it was quite entertaining, definitely a refreshing change.  Of course it's gonna take some time to work out the kinks and for the panel to get accustomed to one another.


Besides losing weight Rosie O seems to have changed. She looks great and didn't overwhelm anyone. I didn't even mind her feet. I also noticed Whoopi trying to give her the stink eye after the Woody Allen remark. I'm so glad there's someone there willing to counter Whoopi's headstrong opinions by offering details of the topics being discussed.  I hope this lasts. And I hope that Rosie is just as accepting when she becomes impassioned and gets the same treatment....and you know it's bound to happen.


I got a kick out of Whoopi not being able to say Sarah Palin with a straight face.  I found Nicolle to be a little tense but informed and likable. No sign of Cackles yet. And Rosie P is definitely not the ditz I might have thought she was at one time.


The Joan tribute was sweet.


Adrian Peterson needs to be behind bars instead of free to play his game, or he at least needs to know what it's like to be whipped in the scrotum.


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Whoopi's reaction to the child abuse story reminded me of her defense of Michael Vick - in that case she excused it as "he's from the South" and this weekend I've heard a lot of people saying that "whupping" was a Southern thing and something that was culturally based. As a woman who is a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, she is completely misguided. I'm glad that both Rosies were able to counter her.

Yes, anyone who uses force against a tiny child is committing child abuse. You are breaking that child's heart and spirit, and teaching them that violence is a solution to a problem.

I liked NW, I think her calling herself The Republican was an attempt at humor and a little dig at Elizabeth. She doesn't seem to have knee-jerk reactions so I"m grateful for that.

  • Love 9

I agree Cousin Amy.


I am looking forward to this season because I think, now that Rosie O is back, the show will be thought-provoking, as it was today.


Rather than topics being derailed by other co-hosts.


And I loved how there was not really any pop-cultural gossip.


Perhaps the management realized their demo is not the 20-somethings after all....especially with co-hosts in their 40's, 50's, 60's and 80's like before.

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It was kind of annoying to have the two Rosies make her apologize for all of the Republican misdeeds (in their opinion) of the past



Oh, I wouldn't worry about Nicolle.  She knows they weren't "making her apologize" and she didn't apologize.  She got her digs in.



Coming out and stating that she doesn't support Woody Allen was brave, good for her.



I thought so.  Especially considering that Barbara is, if I remember correctly, a very good friend of Woody Allen.  Rosie has been open about her close friendship with Mia Farrow.



What a refreshing contrast to Whoopi's knee-jerk defense of any and all celebrities.  "We don't know.  We weren't there".



Exactly.  Loved it.  Looking forward to more. 

  • Love 3

Whoopi's reaction to the child abuse story reminded me of her defense of Michael Vick - in that case she excused it as "he's from the South" and this weekend I've heard a lot of people saying that "whupping" was a Southern thing and something that was culturally based. As a woman who is a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, she is completely misguided. I'm glad that both Rosies were able to counter her.


I haven't seen the entire show yet, but I did see this part and yes CousinAmy  I thought of Whoopi's defense of  Michael Vick too, as well as her ardent defense of any celebrity that lost endorsements over something they said/did whether in their act or on social media or even in their "private" life*.   I think celebs losing endorsement paychecks really brings out the ridiculous in her arguments and I suspect that's because she once lost a rather lucrative commercial endorsement (Slim Fast or something?) for slamming Bush 43 in her act way back when. 

  • Love 2

Rosie has LONG been ardently anti Woody Allen. Back when she had TROS and there would be rumors that people were banned, she maintained that the only people not allowed on her show were O.J. Simpson and Woody Allen. I do applaud her for recognizing that it's seemingly incongruent for her to be able to, as Whoopi says, separate the art from the artist in certain cases (Chris Brown, as she cited today) but not for Woody Allen.

  • Love 2

The AP story got even bigger today with him being reinstated and then the news of injury last year to another 4 year old son from another mother hours later with a scar over his eye as a result of the "discipline."


There are no words, imo.


ETA - another 2 year old son of AP died from "discipline" from his step-father.


AP has 7 children from 7 different women.

What the hell is wrong with these people????

  • Love 2
Awkward bits, but a HUGE improvement over the last couple years IMO.


I agree. It was awkward at times but it sounded like people were actually having a conversation with each other. Nicolle seemed the least comfortable, which makes sense because she's in a different world. She's used to being on political talk shows with cable news people. Here's she's surrounded by three celebrity co-hosts and is probably trying to figure out how political (just in terms of discussing stuff like what it means to call the Iowa Caucus "serious politics" and how much she can say before she starts going over the audience's head) she can be. On Morning Joe, those people are idiots but they're idiots who speak that language. I think she's figuring that stuff out.


But the discussion of those child abuse charges was a good segment. Predictably, Whoopi tried to defend the guy and tried to minimize it by calling it a "Bop" but both Rosie's were informed enough to respond that this was a "Bop" that caused bleeding and enough to alert a doctor.


wasn't sure why Kristin Chenowith was there (I thought she was primarily a comedic actress but does she sing or do Broadway?).

She's known primarily as a Broadway singer/actress, and made her name doing "Wicked."  Everything else, including sitcoms, stemmed from that.


I thought she's known for the revival You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown... or was that the role that got her to Wicked?


I just remembered another weird thing. When Nicolle said she is a republican, Ro said to the audience that she liked her, she really truly liked her, and then she said:  it's all real this year, everything's true, if we say it, it's true.


The implication being that in prior years, when they said they all loved each other, they really didn't.


I loved that moment. Rosie's been saying stuff like that ever since she left, I'd like to think this show has a chance if she's not biting her tongue about her past frustrations.

  • Love 4


I think celebs losing endorsement paychecks really brings out the ridiculous in her arguments and I suspect that's because she once lost a rather lucrative commercial endorsement (Slim Fast or something?) for slamming Bush 43 in her act way back when.

Whoopie lost her gig for speaking the truth about Bush, BW, for all her faults gave Whoopie a new opportunity.......

I think they're off to an excellent start.  It was refreshing to watch the hour and not feel like I'd lost IQ points.  And I have no problem with Rosie's bare feet.  She's a "professional" comedian which doesn't come with a dress code.  (I find professionalism to be highly overrated anyway!)


The Ro vs. Ro portion was fair but as I recall from TROS of old, the games were much more entertaining when celebrity guests played on behalf of the audience rather than when the audience members played for themselves.

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