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S16.E10: The Beginning of the End

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37 minutes ago, Kbo said:

Agree about Ari groping Christine - why didn’t Robyn tell her to cut it out?  Kids don’t enter the world knowing appropriate behavior, it’s our job as parents to teach them. If that was my kid I would have called them to another room and had a chat about how guests should be treated. 

Exactly, take the child aside and correct them.

I think it reveals Robyn’s true nature when she sits back and lets stuff like that go on…. She enjoyed Areola making a spectacle of Christine.

I also think she told Kody what to say and how to praise Areola knowing it would stick out like a sore thumb compared to how he treats Truely, Savanah, Ysabel and the rest of his children.

Robyn is an evil bitch and I hope it comes back to haunt her! 😠

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On 1/24/2022 at 12:28 AM, TeeMo said:

Shout out to Gabe who managed to sincerely offer a very sweet birthday toast for his baby sister despite having to sit there and watch Kody fawn all over her just weeks after he made it perfectly clear to Gabe that he has no such level of care and affection for him. Kody’s asshattery is not Ari’s fault of course, but I am not sure I would have been able to muster up anything quite so heartfelt in that moment if I were in Gabe’s shoes. More proof that the Brown children are far more mature and truly loving people than the jerk father they all share. 

There was another shot of Gabe and Sol playing in the background of whatever was going on.  Maybe at a train or Lego table. Gabe is solidly at the topic my fav Brown list. (Cody & Robin come in dead last of course.)

9 hours ago, TeeMo said:

It was also sad to see that none of the non-Christine kids or moms came to Mykelti’s baby shower. Christine had it outdoors and the tables looked pretty well spaced and several folks were shown wearing masks. I am guessing it was in the aftermath of the nanny COVID scare but it is infuriating that Kody would allow everyone to gather indoors to watch Ari blow all over a cake they all then ate but not show up to an outdoor gathering for his daughter  who was about to become a mother. He could have shown up masked and not eaten anything if he wanted to be safe. 

I thought Christine had it at Mykelti’s house. It seemed like there were a lot of M& T’s friends (ie people we don’t know).  Unless Christine invited her LuluaRoe peeps, I wonder if Christine even has that many Flagstaff friends.  I wouldn’t expect many to drive from Flagstaff, although maybe Janelle and Savannah should’ve.  Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. 

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31 minutes ago, Tdoc72 said:

I thought Christine had it at Mykelti’s house. It seemed like there were a lot of M& T’s friends (ie people we don’t know).  Unless Christine invited her LuluaRoe peeps, I wonder if Christine even has that many Flagstaff friends.  I wouldn’t expect many to drive from Flagstaff, although maybe Janelle and Savannah should’ve.  Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. 

Christine made a point of saying that the shower was outside, social distancing and following the rules.  It’s probable that there was a recommended limit in number of guests.  Since it was in Utah,  they probably limited the invitations to Mykelti’s  friends and Tony’s family.  Robin and her girls wouldn’t have come under kody’s  rules.  Same for Meri.  Maddie is too far away.   No idea about Janelle, Savannah and Michelle / but maybe they saw MyKelti that Christmas and gave her gifts then, or sent them with Christine 

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, lindalouwho said:

Anyone else see horns?

YES! I could barely focus on what the idiot was saying, I couldn't stop staring and laughing at his "hair horns"! 😆

He's such a ridiculous buffoon.

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12 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

That had me shaking my head as well. WTF? Where I live, even a year later, it is only available for those who show symptoms. Ya wanna test for any other reason, buy them yourself.

How disgusting that after not seeing most of his kids for months, it is suddenly OK'd by Kody because his princess demanded it. I  roll my eyes (and this is at any parent) at parents who claim that their special snowflake has demanded something, so they must comply. Like it is really cute, when it is actually really obnoxious.

I am confused though as to why, after the potential super spreader Christmas get together and birthday party, Kody is now fine going to Christine's to do work? It didn't sound like he had been there for ages because no one there was following his rules, but now it is OK? I guess because the nanny/tutor/Jack and Jill of all trades came down with Covid? Kody is such a jackass, and that is karma at its best. 

Geez, so the first time we have seen Kody laugh this whole season was in relation to the Covid test? TLC really needs to dump this sad excuse for a human being. I would totally watch a spin off of Christine in her new life. And Janelle's kids. I hope Christine finds her Prince Charming, as she really seems to want that, and she has already had the frog. 

The door scenes would have been March 2021.  It’s possible some were either vaccinated  and that the rules were relaxed by then. A year into the pandemic people had a better idea of what was and was not safe.

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On 1/24/2022 at 3:50 AM, crimson23 said:

Mind Boggling takes from the episode.  Robyn is blaming the family for the nanny getting Covid...but Robyn, all those attending the bday party tested Negative.  How does she get to that conclusion then?  ridiculous and delusional. . 

I also felt so bad for Truley, watching Ariella get all that attention, when the other girls, Christine's, Get NOTHING.  Kody is a buffoon.

The Christine intimacy issue.  So Kody wants to come and go and get what he wants, free food, etc etc and Christine gets Nothing. I see a trend here. Taker 

Also, timing is interesting. Kody suddenly wasn't interested in being intimate once Christine stopped having kids.  He Used her. Plain and Simple.

I thought the same...he used her, like a broodmare.  Effin d*ck that he is!

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14 hours ago, Peacock said:

I despise everything about Kody but he finally said something in next week’s preview that I’ve been wanting to hear:  “MERI HAD AN AFFAIR.”  I’m so sick of her describing it as her “dark place” or “when I was a victim...” 

and so much for the principle of forgiveness.   

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17 hours ago, hoosiermommy said:



I’ve been fortunate that I have t had to test yet, but I think the spit test turns my stomach. I think I’d be with Meri, especially if there were multiple people in the car taking a spit test that I had to listen to. 🤢

Before the vaccine I was tested weekly because of work and needing to know (paranoia). The nasal swab really isn’t that bad—people who make it sound like their brain is being pierced, I don’t understand it—unless they got an inexperienced person doing it.  It’s mildly uncomfortable at best and I had it done A LOT. I’d also rather get the nasal swab than spit in a tube. 

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I have never laughed so much during a non comedy show.

Kotex' planet is shrinking.  Sobbyn is losing minions.

Meri is like a tick though burrowed in and I hope she infects the host with the most unbearable pain.


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16 hours ago, Peacock said:

I despise everything about Kody but he finally said something in next week’s preview that I’ve been wanting to hear:  “MERI HAD AN AFFAIR.”  I’m so sick of her describing it as her “dark place” or “when I was a victim...” 

THIS. THIS. THIS. I also have been waiting for this to come out. 

I have long suspected that Meri never came clean about her role in the scandal—she tried to sell the “victim” role. I’m willing to bet Kody listened to those voicemails that are still out there and lost his mind. Kody could not forgive because Meri would not be honest about it and just went forward as if it would all be forgotten. 

No, that’s not how it works. In order to be forgiven, one must be sorry—truly sorry—that that they did the thing. I don’t think Meri ever saw herself as having done wrong, and that’s a problem. 

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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

Before the vaccine I was tested weekly because of work and needing to know (paranoia). The nasal swab really isn’t that bad—people who make it sound like their brain is being pierced, I don’t understand it—unless they got an inexperienced person doing it.  It’s mildly uncomfortable at best and I had it done A LOT. I’d also rather get the nasal swab than spit in a tube. 

The hard thing for me was the sneezing! I sneezed like Ysabel (was it Ysabel?) in the front seat of Christine's car. I sneezed so much doing the swab that my eyes were watering down my face and destroyed my mascara 😆

It was negative. I had allergies 🤧

But I too would continue to do the swab over the saliva.

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I would do the swab over the saliva too. Had to do the saliva for Ancestry DNA and found that disgusting. Also, when Kody slurped up his saliva I dry heaved and almost lost my cookies (not exaggerating at all). I have watched many gross things on TV (I love murder shows and vet/zoo shows...Dr Poll, pretty gross stuff there) and never ever actually had to keep myself from vomiting until that scene with Kody and his spit.

I also find Ari obnoxious and not cute. Goiter-Neck is not a very attentive parent. I remember when she and Kody were dating and they showed her with her kids, at her little trailer home and whatnot, that her kids were out of control and obnoxious and allowed to be brats. She is a lazy mom. Hence the nanny I suppose. Oh, and that over the top praise for Ari at her party was gross. When all his other kiddos were there to see. Plus it sets her up for disappointment when she gets in the real world and nobody else thinks she's the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

I heard her say they needed 6 tests in the car, so there must have been another one of her brats in the far back seat. I also heard them say they hadn't done the test before. Hmmm??? Wonder if they meant at all or the spit version or could that scene have actually been from way earlier (I assume queen paranoid had them test like 20 times)??

The door...I bet Kody had been denying sex due to there being no door to the loft where the master bedroom (and her office) was. He probably kept saying 'no we can't, the kids could hear or walk in'. So when he was installing the door and kept talking about the cat Christine's spidey sense was going off. So she asked him outright if now they could fool around and he said 'aint eva gonna happen'. 



Edited by Lamima
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13 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Kotex realized that he'll have to make nice with Janelle and Meri to keep the show going.

Yes, this is going to be very interesting to see how this new family dynamic plays out. Meri will bend over backwards to feel wanted and Janelle will just go along to get along. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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12 hours ago, lindalouwho said:

OK, can we talk about Christine’s ex husband’s hair? Specifically, garage meltdown, take two. The plugs on either side of his hair peninsula separated at the center, and curled up and back. Anyone else see horns? Sorry, just not aging well.

We used to joke about the boss where I worked.  He always had an underling do spots on camera for any news stories.  Reason?  If he were photographed, his horns and tail would show.  Kootie looks like crap!  


13 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I suspect Kody’s “book” boxes were full of comic books…. Probably old “Archie” comics with Betty and Veronica fighting over him.

This!  LOLOL

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10 hours ago, coconspirator said:

The door scenes would have been March 2021.  It’s possible some were either vaccinated  and that the rules were relaxed by then. A year into the pandemic people had a better idea of what was and was not safe.

Was there something I missed in the episode that indicated that the timeline had jumped from January when the birthday party and baby shower took place, to March?  If it was March, its hard to believe that any of the adults in the Brown family would have been vaccinated without cameras in tow, and Robyn tearfully giving thanks to God for saving her family. 

As far as what was and what was not safe, pretty much everyone except Kody and his chosen family knew back in the fall that doing things like wiping mail and groceries and changing clothes when you come home was unnecessary. 

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21 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Was there something I missed in the episode that indicated that the timeline had jumped from January when the birthday party and baby shower took place, to March?  If it was March, its hard to believe that any of the adults in the Brown family would have been vaccinated without cameras in tow, and Robyn tearfully giving thanks to God for saving her family. 

The only thing I noticed is that Christine commented that she had been back from MyKelti’s for a few weeks when she decided to box up his stuff.  So my presumption would be mid-late February.  

I got my first  vaccine  the last of February/ but I qualified then because I have a medical condition. As far as I know, these 4 ( except for Janelle)  here would have had to wait until later in the spring. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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22 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I don’t think Kody had ever forgiven Christine for not welcoming Robyn into the family with open arms.  I believe he has held it against her for the 12 years. It was intensely irritating to hear him gush about Princess Ari with Trudy, whom he has neglected, sitting there. I believe the reason Christine turned red was because she was boiling inside. It must have been painful to listen to him, knowing how he had mistreated and emotionally abused her and her children.

I am guessing a hot flash instigated by her extreme displeasure at Kody/Sobbyn.  I barely had them but when I did it was when mad or anxiety ridden.

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22 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I don’t think Kody had ever forgiven Christine for not welcoming Robyn into the family with open arms. 

She was kind of busy being 12 months pregnant and then having a crisis delivery he had to interrupt his date for, but priorities, Christine!

As for what's in the boxes, it would be pretty funny if he's been giving her "how to be a submissive sister wife" books for years and she returned them. 



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22 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I don’t think Kody had ever forgiven Christine for not welcoming Robyn into the family with open arms.  I believe he has held it against her for the 12 years. It was intensely irritating to hear him gush about Princess Ari with Trudy, whom he has neglected, sitting there. I believe the reason Christine turned red was because she was boiling inside. It must have been painful to listen to him, knowing how he had mistreated and emotionally abused her and her children.

And it bears repeating that Truely was barely a month old when Kody and Robyn had their obnoxious wedding. I can't even imagine how Christine must have felt on that day. 

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14 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly, take the child aside and correct them.

I think it reveals Robyn’s true nature when she sits back and lets stuff like that go on…. She enjoyed Areola making a spectacle of Christine.

I also think she told Kody what to say and how to praise Areola knowing it would stick out like a sore thumb compared to how he treats Truely, Savanah, Ysabel and the rest of his children.

Robyn is an evil bitch and I hope it comes back to haunt her! 😠

That’s the “child care provider’s” job, not Robyn’s. I mean, you don’t want her to PARENT those offspring, do you? As if.

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I was hoping one of those women would eventually wise up and fortunately for Christine it was her.  Now for the others....

I think the only reason they stay is for the $$$ from taping the show.  Particularly Meri. 

She.is.stuck.  I'm sure her heritage house has been a millstone around her neck during these Covid years.   As for her relationship with Kode the Toad...I knew he'd never get over her "affair" with what she thought was another man.  Never gonna happen.  Just another reason to stay and play with his favorite wife RobChyn.  

I sincerely wish Christine had thrown Kody's junk in a dumpster outside HER house one piece at a time instead of boxing everything up nice and neat and orderly for him.   Maybe pour a couple of gallons of bleach all over the top when she finished throwing it away.  He could have gone dumpster-diving for his crap if anything survived.   It would have been a beautiful thing, but I'm not a nice person so.... there's that.  

Kode the Toad has always favored Sobbin' Robyn and for the life of me I can't figure out why, other than they are so much alike in their laziness and their air-headed ways.  That and she buys hook, line, and sinker into his stupidity like the sucker fish she is.   Oh well.  No brains, no headaches.   Go Sobyn




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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

The only thing I noticed is that Christine commented that she had been back from MyKelti’s for a few weeks when she decided to box up his stuff.  So my presumption would be mid-late February.  

I got my first  vaccine  the last of February/ but I qualified then because I have a medical condition. As far as I know, these 4 ( except for Janelle)  here would have had to wait until later in the spring. 

Actually interspersed with scenes from Mykelti's shower were THs of Christine saying that a few weeks before she had told Kody that he was no longer welcome in her bed. So I have no reason to believe that she did not pack up Kody's things around that time as well, or at least in January.

You had mentioned that some of them may have been vaccinated in March. I googled when AZ adults were being vaccinated as I have a friend in California who was vaccinated in March, but he is in his mid 60s. Towards the end of March AZ opened vaccinations up to anyone over 16, but no idea when Kody/wives age group might have been eligible before that,  In any case there is no indication that this episode timeline encompassed two months. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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What I've never understood is why Kootie & Robyn want the Covid protocull to be all or nothing.  Xmas & Ari's bday with no masks or distancing, or no visitors at all (except for Nanny & her hubby).  I wouldn't have gone into their home unmasked at Xmas after seeing Kootie drive back from the unmasked, undistanced funeral, hit the Covid testing site and then run into the arms of Robyn & kids with no quarantine or clothes changing etc.

When Christine, Ys & Truely went on "vacation" in NJ, it was because 10-14 days of quarantining after the flight were required before Ys would be admitted for surgery.

Janelle knew she & Savanah had to wait 2 days after G&G got Covid before they could take the test, since there is an incubation period during which you can test negative only to be positive 2 days later.  At the testing site in December 2020 after the funeral, they probably told Kootie to follow CDC protocols, but he never listens.

Edited by deirdra
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15 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

There was another shot of Gabe and Sol playing in the background of whatever was going on.  Maybe at a train or Lego table. Gabe is solidly at the topic my fav Brown list. (Cody & Robin come in dead last of course.) 

Gabe reminds me a lot of when we used to see Logan on the show with the way they both interact with the younger kids. I hope that those two have a close relationship, or at least enough of one that Logan can provide some reassurance that Ramen Hair is being unreasonable and small while Gabe handling conflict with astounding grace. 

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I really miss seeing Logan on the show but Gabe is a more than adequate replacement. I'm impressed at the quality of the Brown sons despite their shithead father.

I wish we could have gotten a filmed reaction when Janelle and Christine got the call or text the nanny had covid.  Their couch reactions were gold as it was. I am assuming this is how Kody ends up getting covid?  Hopefully that is discussed next week.  I am very curious.


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17 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

There was another shot of Gabe and Sol playing in the background of whatever was going on.  Maybe at a train or Lego table. Gabe is solidly at the topic my fav Brown list. (Cody & Robin come in dead last of course.).

having re-watched the Mykelti baby Shower episode I can 1000% confirm that in attendance were ...

Robyn, Kody and Robyn's 3 children Dayton(sat behind Kody with a facemask on), Aurora and Breanna from her first marriage to the guy named Jessop. 

Christine's children Ysabel, Gwendlyn and Truely. 

Meri (who was alone) 

Janelle and her kids Savannah, and Gabriel . 


the only kids missing were ...

Robyn's kids Ariella and Solomon. 

Janelle's kids Hunter and his girlfiend, Logan and his fiance, Maddison and her husband Caleb, Garrison and his girlfriend, 

Christine's Kids Paedon and Aspyn 

Meri's daughter Mariah and her fiance Audrey 


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Please keep your remarks on-topic: the episode. Posts questioning gender identity or citing disproven theories about sexual orientation have been removed. (For more information on these topics, the GLAAD media reference guide is an authoritative source).

Meanwhile, I see that Christine is now Kody's minus-one...

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1 hour ago, GleamingMist said:


I really miss seeing Logan on the show but Gabe is a more than adequate replacement. I'm impressed at the quality of the Brown sons despite their shithead father.

I wish we could have gotten a filmed reaction when Janelle and Christine got the call or text the nanny had covid.  Their couch reactions were gold as it was. I am assuming this is how Kody ends up getting covid?  Hopefully that is discussed next week.  I am very curious.


Lol just for the record my hairdresser told me one of the side effects of covid is hair loss!

Kody will like that!

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These last two seasons Kody has practically been unhinged. Since the two seasons were filmed close in time, and likely the talking heads as well, Kody would not have known the reaction people had to last season prior to filming the current season. Therefore, he had no chance to modify his behavior. I firmly believe Kody believed at the time he was going to come off really well, that he was right and that the public would be on his side. Hell, he probably thought most parents would agree he should not go with Ysabel for her surgery. I am sure he is shocked and doesn’t understand why he and Robyn are the villains of the show. 

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6 hours ago, deirdra said:

What I've never understood is why Kootie & Robyn want the Covid protocull to be all or nothing.  Xmas & Ari's bday with no masks or distancing, or no visitors at all (except for Nanny & her hubby).  I wouldn't have gone into their home unmasked at Xmas after seeing Kootie drive back from the unmasked, undistanced funeral, hit the Covid testing site and then run into the arms of Robyn & kids with no quarantine or clothes changing etc.

Though I am loathe to defend Kody, didn't they say he stayed at Janelle's for a few days after they got back from the funeral to wait to be tested?  I remember thinking that must have made her happy. He did seem to genuinely mourn her mom.  By that point in the pandemic was 4-5 days plus a negative test sufficient to feel safe? 

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23 minutes ago, kassa said:

Though I am loathe to defend Kody, didn't they say he stayed at Janelle's for a few days after they got back from the funeral to wait to be tested?  I remember thinking that must have made her happy. He did seem to genuinely mourn her mom.  By that point in the pandemic was 4-5 days plus a negative test sufficient to feel safe? 

I think he knew it would look bad if he didn’t openly mourn Janelles mom so he put on a good show for the cameras since she was also his stepmother.

In reality Kody doesn’t seem to give a damn about anyone other than himself, Robyn and her children.

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15 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:
On 1/25/2022 at 12:03 AM, lindalouwho said:

OK, can we talk about Christine’s ex husband’s hair? Specifically, garage meltdown, take two. The plugs on either side of his hair peninsula separated at the center, and curled up and back. Anyone else see horns? Sorry, just not aging well.

We used to joke about the boss where I worked.  He always had an underling do spots on camera for any news stories.  Reason?  If he were photographed, his horns and tail would show.  Kootie looks like crap!  


I hadn’t read these comments when I took a screenshot during Kody’s Garage Meltdown. 






Edited by magemaud
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On 1/23/2022 at 6:36 PM, MamaGee said:

So. Many. Thoughts. 

- Finally, someone says it out loud: there are grown adults living in Robyn's house who aren't being forced out.  And it was Janelle!

- We knew all along that the daily comings and goings of the nanny/tutor was far riskier than a random trip to Utah. Welcome to reality, Kodouche abs Sobbyn.

- Good for Christine. Finally saying she isn't interested in a partial marriage with Kodouche. And she has gotten better looking over time. 

- Is there no expectation for the man in a plural marriage to continue intimacy with each wife??

- Meri would rather shove the stick up her nose than spit into a tube? WTF?? She is more demented than we thought!

And eff you Kodouche. You say over and over that your wives have betrayed you. Say what?!? The depths of your betrayals is infinite and not even by monogamy standards. 

Kody is trying to spin it like “he allows” his wives to leave but he would never leave the marriage 😳

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I think Kody and robochin are probably high fiving over ridding themselves of Christine but I think they’ll have a lot more trouble with the other two.

Meri the TICK and Janelle the TOAD aren’t going anywhere.

He told Meri that there’s zero chance of intimacy and that didn’t work!

He told Janelle to kick her sons out and that didn’t work!

Im wondering what he’ll have to do to get rid of Tick & Toad?

In the previews for the next episode Kody says that Meri had an affair, no more tippy toeing around the catfish…. Is that his new plan of how to drive Meri away… shame her and blame her?

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25 minutes ago, endure said:

Kody is trying to spin it like “he allows” his wives to leave but he would never leave the marriage 😳

He can 't leave the marriage if he's following his religion.  The wives can leave but not the husband.

Sorry I can't bring the source over.  I just googled his church and there it was!

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2 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I think Kody and robochin are probably high fiving over ridding themselves of Christine but I think they’ll have a lot more trouble with the other two.

Meri the TICK and Janelle the TOAD aren’t going anywhere.

He told Meri that there’s zero chance of intimacy and that didn’t work!

He told Janelle to kick her sons out and that didn’t work!

Im wondering what he’ll have to do to get rid of Tick & Toad?

In the previews for the next episode Kody says that Meri had an affair, no more tippy toeing around the catfish…. Is that his new plan of how to drive Meri away… shame her and blame her?

I don't think he wants them gone.  The show is Sister Wives and Kody needs bodies to make it work!

They will come to an understanding so the $$ keeps rolling in!

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