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S06.E03: Four Fathers

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7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I think Deja was 12-13 when she first came to stay with the Pearsons. I remember they made a big deal of whether she would be ready to start high school on time. That was season 2, so her being 16 (a junior) 4 seasons later fits.

If Kevin is so upset about missing time with his kids, and Madison is stressed from all the work of taking care of them, why don't they do joint custody? Wouldn't that be the logical solution, especially when they live in the same town?

I remember that and wondering about her adjustment.

I'm SO tired already about Kevin and the twins. Please, he might care bout missing a "first" but most people don't see something and they will do it again. I never got the "first" food obsession on the show. My hubby would be told, the twins had oatmeal today, messy, but it wasn't a breakdown he missed it. lol We know he loves his kids, stop stuffing it down our throats with whiny conversations. Madison has peanut butter in her hair she'll never find someone. Oh please, she has time to think about that? Take care of yourself and be quiet. The twins are young. Your guy friend doesn't care about that or he wouldn't be with you.All they do is whine. This show is an advertisement for birth control. PLEASE don't make Deja pregnant after one time of being reckless. I don't want to think a single dad would do that again. That writing would be so below TIU so I hope not.

Kevin is rich, act a little mature and get a place, rent a nice home, not your sisters house, have a nice place for them to visit and play. Why would a grown man, he's 40, with money live with his sister and hubby and kids? Where is Nicky to give him some advice. ; )

A fan on FB mentioned Cassidy would be back and she was but is far away. I resent they brought back Sophie for that call, to show Kevin's anguish and his fear of talking to her, but he calls Cassidy? I guess he's still scared of the ghost she represents. I hope they bring closure there, Cassidy and him didn't have any chemistry and I hope she's happily married now (but I doubt it)

Didn't love this episode like last week, seemed fine but a little "filler" with reruns of past except Jack. I'm old enough to remember iconic Cosby episode with their daughter lying to them. Very funny and this has shades of it. I'm sure the writers remember it too.

Edited by debraran
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Kevin, get your own place and have regular, set time with your children. 
Kate, move to San Fran with Toby. Since she’s the most amazing teacher aid to blind kids that ever lived, she should be able to find a job there. 


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2 hours ago, Mrs Shibbles said:

Was the “rocket slide” That Rebecca was referring to something like this?   I totally remember those playgrounds!


^^^ I hit my head on one of those when I was a kid. 😢

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13 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

Kate's hair did not look as though she'd had a professional blowout. It looked pretty much like it always does.

I was distracted by the curls but maybe for her it was wash and style.

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I am reading the comments before watching the episode and it is so incredible that a lot of people had the same idea of a better scenario for things that happen in this show - like why can't Kevin share custody with Madison? I don't always read all the comments before posting so I am sure this is just common sense, something missing in the writers' room.

If Deja is pregnant, then she will have an abortion or miscarriage. In the flash forward, there is no child with Deja and they would not leave the kid out of the goodbyes for Rebecca. Unless, of course, the kid is already in the house and it is the "big surprise" we still don't know

If they are making her pregnant, this is yet another problematic trend with TV writers. Too many shows are having characters sleeping with multiples partners and without any type of protection, let alone birth control. It speaks to the low level of creativity. In this show it would be teenagers being ridiculous - even if it would be out of character for Deja and absurd for Malik to "forget" how to be safe. But in other shows it is just a "let's hope the audience doesn't pay attention to real social implications" thing. 


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4 hours ago, kili said:


Jack's first memory is of getting burned on the green egg and his parents marriage exploding? How old is he when this happened? Most little kids wouldn't realize that themselves getting injured wrecked their parents marriage. Of course, it didn't ruin their marriage - it was just the incident that was the tipping point that led to the exposure of all the problems.

He's the child of a Pearson.  Of course his first memory is of something deeply traumatic which forever destroyed his family.  I just appreciate that he still has the (probably evil) grill of marital destruction to symbolize how he cannot move on from that event.  It reminds me of Kate watching football with her father's ashes. 

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We don't know that Malik didn't use a condom: what we saw of his and Deja's lovemaking ended before that would have happened. Beth wants their daughter to be in charge of her own contraception, and that makes sense for any girl or woman, at any age. Beth also wants the peace of mind of knowing which form of birth control Deja is using and why. 

Of course it's possible that whatever Deja told Beth, Beth spared Randall her worry. Maybe she sent him upstairs to make peace with Deja while she headed out to CVS to make their day by asking for the one home self-test that they do have in stock. But we don't know yet. 

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8 hours ago, shoovenbooty said:

How would Adult Little Jack even know the Big Green Egg blew up his parents' marriage? How would that conversation even go?

Little Jack: Mommy, why did you and Daddy get divorced?

Kate: Well, you know the Big Green Egg? Daddy wasn't paying enough attention to you while he was smoking some meat, and you got too close and burned your head. Yeah, I was there too and probably should have been watching you better, seeing as how Daddy was busy cooking and handling raw meat and had his back to you while he was cooking, but I was preoccupied thinking of things to criticize your dad about...and, well, accidents happen but it was definitely Daddy's fault, and now you have a small scar on your head hidden underneath your hair and you should let our divorce and the smell of cooking meat haunt you forever.


I have some personal experience with a toddler and a hot grill.  Sometimes it is no one's fault that the kid burns their hands/head/whatever.  Toddlers are sneaky, fast, and dumb.  Accidents happen in the matter of seconds.

I'm also preemptively not buying Jack remembering this future incident.  As far as I know, I remember my little brother burning his palms on the grill because I was 11 or 12 when it happened.  He does not remember.  

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So the crockpot took out Jack and the big green egg is going to take out Kate and Toby's marriage. 🙄

I was honestly bored with most of the episode. I liked Beth handing Randall the glass of wine while she told him she was taking Deja to get birth control. Although they were both a lot calmer than I would have been.

It was less about Deja and Malik having sex as teenagers are gonna teenager (and BC makes sense but also condoms) but the fact that she lied about where she was going and what she was doing and she took a trip several hours away and they knew nothing about it as they thought she was overnighting with her friend, Tiffany, who was presumably in Philly. Anything could have happened to her. I also didn't care for her "that's gonna be a problem" response when Randall indicated she wouldn't be seeing Malik for a while. I just hope she's not pregnant as I wouldn't put it past the show and have this child show up in the flash-forward.

Kevin, you need to get your own house and have joint custody or some sort of shared parenting with the twins.

While I liked the first two episodes, this one was just meh for me. This is the final season and they need to get the show on the road.

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Even though I'm not happy that Kate and Toby are apparently going to split, I did appreciate the conversation between her and Philip.

I was poised for a moment that shows why they end up together later, but instead, I saw Philip turning the conversation back to Toby and that it was a good sign that they both still care enough to bicker about such things.

I saw when he swallowed hard as Kate was talking (okay, oversharing) about what had transpired since Toby came home for his whirlwind 36-hour stay. And when he let down his guard for a moment and we learned he had been married and it ended in divorce. 

I like getting that little peek into him and seeing he's not always a jerk, even though he sometimes still is. But I think a lot of that prickly, prickish behavior is armor he put on after his marriage ended and it's who he needs to be to get on with life and self-preserve. Yet it's obviously a lonely go of it. And yes, a little bit of trope with Kate warming his cold, dead heart. 

I also appreciate that Kate caught herself after some moments of venting to recognize she shouldn't be sharing all of this with him. Because that's how lines get blurred and crossed. 

I also liked the conversation between Kevin and Toby about what makes up a family. It can be anything it needs to be. 

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7 hours ago, kili said:

Kevin has twins. His character has twins. Maybe he'll get them cast as his twins and get to spend lots of time with them.

I thought the same thing as soon as we saw those two dolls. "Twins. Twins. Let's see, where could we find some twin babies for the New Manny?"

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12 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

Kevin-buy a place and take the kids on the weekend!!

Yeah, I don’t understand what they’re doing, or not doing, with this arrangement. I’d go through the courts and put a custody arrangement in place, but failing that, at least they could put something informal in place and Kevin could buy or rent a place he takes them to. Mom’s house, Dad’s house. Chris Rock bought a house around the corner from his ex when they divorced; I don’t understand why Kevin doesn’t do that. Maybe it’s because he’s going to build the house that he and Rebecca live in, but  that’s years out. Like … live somewhere, my guy.

Beth putting Deja on birth control is the right call. You can’t unring a bell; she’s sexually active and she (and all women, TBH) needs to take control of her reproductive choices.

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

the fact that she lied about where she was going and what she was doing and she took a trip several hours away and they knew nothing about it as they thought she was overnighting with her friend, Tiffany, who was presumably in Philly.

Yes - the lying and sneaking around is a bigger issue than the sex, to me. She’s 16, it’s not unusual that she’d be sexually active (and punishing a kid for having sex doesn’t stop them from having it). Lying and taking a bus six hours out of state is the bigger issue; it’s a big breach of trust.

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10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Father and Son is such a cheesy song, but I can't stop singing along when it's on. It was a good choice for a show that likes '70s emo music.

Beth and Randall, after getting themselves so worked up, totally wussed out on giving Deja any consequences. Her "that's going to be a problem" probably means that she's planning to graduate HS early and move to Boston for college, but it sounded very bratty, like she knows she has Randall wrapped around her finger and he'll let her do anything she wants.

When Kevin went to the bar I first though he'd fall off the wagon, and then thought that he'd hook up with the 25-year-old squeaky-voiced costar. Glad neither of those things happened. He needs to stop feeling sorry for himself though. Even if he and Madison had stayed together and gotten married, he still would have missed Frannie's first steps because he was at work. Unless parents are with their kids 24/7, they'll inevitably miss some of the "firsts."

The Green Egg "blowing up" Kate and Toby's marriage is a red herring. Household accidents happen all the time, and adult Jack only has the tiny scar, so it couldn't have been that bad. The writers first decided that their marriage is doomed, and then wrote in the smoker as a symbol.

Where there's smoke there's fire.

I'm not really looking forward to next week.

Not super excited for Cassidy being Kevin's future whatever, but I do look Jennifer Morrison so yay?

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10 hours ago, bros402 said:

tbh you think if Toby wanted to get into smoking he'd get a dedicated smoker like a Masterbuilt, instead of a grill that doubles as a smoker.

If only Toby had gotten a Masterbuilt! It wouldn't had destroyed his marriage!

We’ve got a Masterbuilt smoker and love it. We were looking at the Big Green Egg but decided on the Masterbuilt because it was a better smoker.

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10 hours ago, shoovenbooty said:

How would Adult Little Jack even know the Big Green Egg blew up his parents' marriage? How would that conversation even go?

Little Jack: Mommy, why did you and Daddy get divorced?

Kate: Well, you know the Big Green Egg? Daddy wasn't paying enough attention to you while he was smoking some meat, and you got too close and burned your head. Yeah, I was there too and probably should have been watching you better, seeing as how Daddy was busy cooking and handling raw meat and had his back to you while he was cooking, but I was preoccupied thinking of things to criticize your dad about...and, well, accidents happen but it was definitely Daddy's fault, and now you have a small scar on your head hidden underneath your hair and you should let our divorce and the smell of cooking meat haunt you forever.


So you've met my ex-wife? That is exactly how she would have spun it. Especially the "preoccupied thinking of things to criticize your dad about."  🙂

Edited by Tango64
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9 hours ago, mtlchick said:

The credits showed that the audio from the movie was from An American Tail which came out in 1986. 

I had the stuffed animal Fival. I was 25. Lol. Never saw the movie just saw the thing in the store and it was so cozy. I bought it and slept with it. Lol. I am NOT and stuffed animal person. 

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6 hours ago, debraran said:

I'm old enough to remember iconic Cosby episode with their daughter lying to them. Very funny and this has shades of it. I'm sure the writers remember it too.

The only thing missing was a fire at Tiffany's house! (For those who haven't seen the Cosby Show episode, there was a fire at the home where the daughter claimed she was staying, thus causing her parents to think she might be dead.)

I'm amazed that the fire-obsessed This is Us writers didn't jump on that angle.

Oh man, Kate's going to be especially unbearable after the grilling incident because of her traumatic associations with fire. I'm really not looking forward to seeing this all go down, because I never cared much about Kate and Toby's marriage to begin with. They've never seemed to actually enjoy each other's company very much.

 Can we just skip past this whole plotline, please? Maybe they can just put something on the screen that says "Kate and Toby's marriage died on its way back to its home planet."

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I could be wrong but isn't it only a week since Deja went to visit her boyfriend in Boston?  She could be pregnant, but it would be a little early to know yet. However, this is a TV show, so anything is possible. I think one of the other suggestions in this forum are more likely. Deja got married or is planning on getting married. Or Deja will finish high school early to join Malik in Boston. 

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Jack and Rebecca may have been the most awesome parents that ever parented, but somehow all three of their adorable children ended up as insufferable adults. They are all exhausting in their neediness. 

Edited by Haleth
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4 minutes ago, Leeds said:

I hated the driving lesson scene:

The learner needs to be fully concentrating on driving and driving alone.  No distractions like music/the radio, never mind bickering about what to listen to.  No chitchat.  The learner's phone should have been turned off before the lesson started.  The learner should have been taught that you glance at your mirrors -- the amount of time Deja spent looking at her mirrors would have had her swerving off course/rear ending someone.  (Same with all the scenes in films and TV shows when the driver and passenger have long conversations while looking at each other longingly/angrily/confusedly.)

Maybe this belongs in the Pet Peeves thread!


4 minutes ago, Leeds said:




This is totally what I said to my wife as soon as Deja mentioned music and then Randall just keeps talking and not watching the road.  I taught my boys to drive in parking lots first not big city streets and still there was no music and very little conversation other than about driving

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14 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I thought this was kind of a boring episode. I’m kind of tired of Jack and Rebecca moments and sometimes they talk in a kind of fantasy way that seems different from real life, not sure I can explain what I mean. Kevin’s situation is probably what a lot of newly separated parents feel and there really is no answer for those feelings. I thought Toby suddenly talking about the smoker seemed shoehorned in so we could see grown up Jack with the scar.


14 hours ago, Shermie said:

Isn’t the Big Green Egg a pretty pricey bbq for a couple that’s living paycheque to paycheque? Toby is working at the only job he can find, but he can spring for a bbq that’s five times the price of a regular one? Unless he gets a cheap knockoff, hence the explosion or whatever happens with it.

I liked this ep, seeing parenting struggles for the guys. Loved Beth’s comment that making Deja go back to online school was really punishing all of them. Sing it, Beth.

Yeah, that was so ridiculously shoehorned in. Who in their right mind thinks “we need some activity to enjoy as a family.  I know, a smoker!”


My husband loves to BBQ. We have 3 smokers. We all enjoy eating the food, but it’s not a feel-good, fun family day. It’s a meal like any other. We gather at meal time, eat it and that’s it.
We were recently given a Green Egg from someone who just never used it. We didn’t have one before because it was too pricey and also not as good for smoking meat. 

Like all of you, I just cannot understand and what Kevin is doing.  He complains about not seeing the kids, but he’s not actually doing anything to rectify that. Simply having a place of his own to take the kids to would solve most of his problems. 

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14 hours ago, Aileen said:

A 25 year old was born before Y2K, Kevin. Because math.

Next week looks awful.

The Y2K math was bad enough, but the line that was even worse IMO was Jack explaining the brand-new “indoor movie theater”! Indoor movie theater? Sir, movie theaters have been indoors since before the talkies. If this was set in the ‘50s (as I assume from movies such as Grease and The Outsiders), then maybe a distinction between a drive-in and a theater would be acceptable, but I assure you that shopping malls with “indoor” movie theaters was not some new-fangled ‘80s fad.

6 hours ago, Jillybean said:

Kate's hair did not look as though she'd had a professional blowout. It looked pretty much like it always does.

That was the third thing that really bothered me. She gets this expensive blow out and then pulls half her hair back into a barrette? 

Too many people to try to quote on the CrockPot(TM) and Big Green Egg(TM) cooking appliances of devastation. God forbid Beth comes up with a new Instant Pot(TM) recipe or gets a new air fryer for Christmas… If only they were having a 7th season, for sure Randall and Beth’s kitchen would explode when the pressure in their Instant Pot builds too high. 

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On a shallow note, Mandy Moore looked gorgeous throughout the entire episode. She’s always been beautiful, but ever since she came back from parental leave she’s looked downright radiant. Is it just me noticing this? 

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13 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

Yeah, that was so ridiculously shoehorned in. Who in their right mind thinks “we need some activity to enjoy as a family.  I know, a smoker!”

I thought the same. When Kate broke into a big grin and said "yeah, let's be smokers!" I was like...seriously? It was so weird and inorganic. 

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If the babysitter only comes when the kids are asleep,  who takes care of them while Kate is working? And where is Kate going at night after working and being the perfect mom to those two kids?

After the show began by featuring her super personal assistant skills, why have those skills disappeared? 

If the Brit couldn't stand his wife's passive aggressive towel habits, how is he going to deal with whiney Kate and two rugrats?

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Damn, Deja, that was quite the snarky response for someone who got caught in a huge lie. She should probably be counting her lucky stars that her parents reacted the way they did.

I truly feel for Kevin. But he should absolutely buy his own house and get partial custody. Am I crazy to think he should buy a huge house for the four of them and they live in separate wings?

Kate. Is. Exhausting. I guess she and Philip (still not buying it) can get married and be miserable people together. Toby is trying so hard and nothing is ever good enough. I have a feeling she’s not going to try very hard, or even move to accommodate Toby’s job so they all be together, before deciding that their marriage is over and “has been for a long time.”

Though maybe unintentional, I think there’s an interesting paradox that’s shown between how Kate and Rebecca react to Jack and Toby’s parental mistakes. Jack fell asleep in the theater and one of his kids goes missing; Rebecca is calm, understanding and insists that he forgive himself. Toby makes any wrong move and Kate is on his ass about it immediately. I imagine the smoker incident is going to be the ultimate example of how everything is Toby’s fault.

As usual, Beth is the real MVP. 


13 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

On a shallow note, Mandy Moore looked gorgeous throughout the entire episode. She’s always been beautiful, but ever since she came back from parental leave she’s looked downright radiant. Is it just me noticing this? 

Agree 100%. I could not stop staring at her shiny hair and glowing skin.

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10 hours ago, kili said:

Maybe he'll get them cast as his twins and get to spend lots of time with them.

Pretty obvious foreshadowing, I thought.

I cannot bring myself to care about Madison or the twins.  True, I haven't tried very hard.  But whatever the opposite of "charisma" is, the actress who plays Madison has it.

Someone remind me please why Kate has elected to remain in LA while her husband is working in the SF Bay Area.  is it so she can spend more time with increasingly-dementia-struck Rebecca?  But she doesn't seem to actually spend much time with Rebecca, does she?

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33 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

The Y2K math was bad enough, but the line that was even worse IMO was Jack explaining the brand-new “indoor movie theater”! Indoor movie theater? Sir, movie theaters have been indoors since before the talkies. If this was set in the ‘50s (as I assume from movies such as Grease and The Outsiders), then maybe a distinction between a drive-in and a theater would be acceptable, but I assure you that shopping malls with “indoor” movie theaters was not some new-fangled ‘80s fad.

I think he was more referencing inside THE MALL, instead of stand alone movie theater.

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15 hours ago, LexieLily said:

If they want us to get on board with Kate and Toby divorcing and Kate marrying Phillip Mean Jerk in five years they need to come up with a better reason than the road to divorce starting because Toby bought the smoker toddler Jack burned his scalp on.

Randall missed the 'first twelve years of Deja's life"? Deja was definitely older than twelve/thirteen when she first stayed with Randall and Beth. I thought she was older than Tess. 

Why does Haley Damon look like a toddler while Nicky and Frannie Pearson are presumably only just now walking? They were born the same day.

Deja's answer of "Well, that's going to be a problem" when Randall said she wasn't allowed to visit Malik in Boston anymore terrified me that she's pregnant.



Disappointed in the writing on this show so far this season...not quite up to par. Like all good shows, the longer they go on the writing falls off and veers into ridiculousness. Deja annoys the hell out of me...always rolling her eyes when Beth and Randall talk to her...dismissive and bratty behavior...ugh. Since Malik already has a child from unprotected sex when he was a young teenager, it would be really irresponsible of him and Deja to not even use a condom. 

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1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

The only thing missing was a fire at Tiffany's house! (For those who haven't seen the Cosby Show episode, there was a fire at the home where the daughter claimed she was staying, thus causing her parents to think she might be dead.)

I would love to see Phylicia Rashad reenact that entire Wretched scene with Deja.  


25 minutes ago, OlderThanDirt said:


If the Brit couldn't stand his wife's passive aggressive towel habits, how is he going to deal with whiney Kate and two rugrats?

When he was telling the story of how he discussed his wife's towel habits with his class everyday, I was thinking he would fit right in with the Pearson's and their lack of boundaries. 

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35 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

On a shallow note, Mandy Moore looked gorgeous throughout the entire episode. She’s always been beautiful, but ever since she came back from parental leave she’s looked downright radiant. Is it just me noticing this? 

Well...yes but she does have the benefit of professional hair and makeup people.

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1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

The only thing missing was a fire at Tiffany's house! (For those who haven't seen the Cosby Show episode, there was a fire at the home where the daughter claimed she was staying, thus causing her parents to think she might be dead.)

The parents thought Vanessa was staying at her friend’s house and going to a concert in the city but the concert was actually in Baltimore. “She and [her] three friends put themselves on a bus and went joyriding off to Baltimore. ALL the WAY to BALTIMORE.” I can quote Clair Huxtable’s rant from that episode, it was epic.

Edited by Empress1
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6 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

When he was telling the story of how he discussed his wife's towel habits with his class everyday, I was thinking he would fit right in with the Pearson's and their lack of boundaries. 

I was also reminded of Miguel realizing his marriage was over due to coffee.  They all have oddly specific triggers.

For right now I am pretending that Jack’s traumatic memory and scar is all Kate’s fault.  A girl can dream,  right?

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I hope whatever the Big Green Egg did to Baby Jack was somehow Kate's fault, i.e. she was sneaking a phone call to Mean Bossman and got distracted from watching the kids. 

I'd rather T&K stay together, but if it that's not to be, I'd prefer Toby be the leaver and Kate be the leavee.  

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I would just like to say that they sure got that Manny reboot going *fast* since according to Malik's text that we heard, it's only been a week since Kevin was asked. I mean all the actors cast and everything.

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1 hour ago, Leeds said:

(Same with all the scenes in films and TV shows when the driver and passenger have long conversations while looking at each other longingly/angrily/confusedly.)

I'm sure I have commented on this several times in regards to this show. Including for Randall, probably. You're actors! You should be able to act like you are in control of a two-ton pile of metal and glass, not looking at the person next to you like you're sitting on the couch together.

48 minutes ago, Goldfish77 said:

This is totally what I said to my wife as soon as Deja mentioned music and then Randall just keeps talking and not watching the road.  taught my boys to drive in parking lots first not big city streets and still there was no music and very little conversation other than about driving

My first driving lessons were from a professional teacher (on suburban roads), not my parents. He had his own brake pedal. There wasn't a lot of chitchat. (Teacher turned out to be the dad of a kid I went to middle school with. 😄)

Also my phone automatically goes into driving mode when I'm driving. Whenever I park I and want to look at it I have to tell it I'm not driving. It doesn't ring and if I get a text it doesn't read it. (I didn't set it that way, and I don't even know how to [I've never bothered to look], but I wouldn't want even that much of a distraction while I'm driving.)

44 minutes ago, Whimsy said:

Yeah, that was so ridiculously shoehorned in. Who in their right mind thinks “we need some activity to enjoy as a family.  I know, a smoker!”

And let's make it something that's entirely focused on food for a couple who has battled weight/food addiction issues for their entire lives. That seems wise. Or something involving fire and hot metal with two toddlers, one of whom is blind, running around. Not seeing the "family activity" here. My dad is usually the one in charge of grilling stuff. We don't hang out as a family and watch...we just eat when it's ready.

42 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

Just to add….my husband hates this show with the fire of a thousand suns but somehow can’t find anything else to do when it is on…..however, he was hate watching and when the Big Green Egg was shown he sat up, a glint in his eye, and said: “Wow, that’s the high end model!”. And I had to listen to endless hours about how he wants one and a droning discussion about all the various features.

OK, I had to look up what these things cost. Went to "Egg Packages" on their website, sorted by Price low-high. They start at $779.00 for the MiniMax (includes a bag of charcoal and some accessories). Add a stand (sorry, "nest") and it jumps to $1029.00. The most expensive option includes a 76-inch "island" with a space for the egg plus some countertop and cabinet space on each side, plus accessories and charcoal, for $4799.00.


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14 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said:
50 minutes ago, PepSinger said:

On a shallow note, Mandy Moore looked gorgeous throughout the entire episode. She’s always been beautiful, but ever since she came back from parental leave she’s looked downright radiant. Is it just me noticing this? 


Well...yes but she does have the benefit of professional hair and makeup people.

It’s not just the professionals.

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