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S01.E08: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered

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5 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

OMG I can't believe I watched this bullshit and I swore I wouldn't give them ratings.

It's not the ratings so much as the critics that they care about. The critics already dragged this one through the mud.

Edited by TheBride
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I just do not see Cynthia Nixon signing on to have this relationship that so closely mirrors her own IRL relationship end any way other than with Che and Miranda together in a “traditional” relationship (ie, not open).  I just don’t believe she will let this be portrayed as a “fling” or in a way that is seen as less serious or less devoted than a traditional relationship.  And yes I know people are poly or have open marriages and those relationships are serious and valid, but to paraphrase Charlotte, this show isn’t progressive enough for that.

Cynthia Nixon obviously wanted to tell her story and she’s not going to let this end without Miranda being validated.

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2 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Here's the real rub: People can smell stale, shitty storytelling a mile away. That's what's happening here. It's not phobias, or a hatred of women, or a discomfort with aging sexuality, or nostalgia, or how close viewers are to the characters - the storytelling is just.fucking.lazy.


(This show has made Carrie the character I enjoy watching the most! How did that happen?!!)

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Eight episodes and still nothing interesting. They introduced way too many characters that are hanging out with no purpose, dropped some, there's no rhyme or reason to the plot which just keeps splintering off into unfinished stories. Is this about Carrie and her life without Big? Maybe...but they drowned that plot out with silliness and unbelievable tangients. Miranda has become stupid and naieve (once smart and savvy), Charlotte is a complete ninny, Carrie has become boring. This is seriously a depressing series. Samantha wins.

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Its really hard not to think back to the bridge scene in the first Sex and the City movie, where Steve and Miranda ended their separation and choose each other again. I didn't really like that movie or that Steve cheated on Miranda, but that is one of my favorite scenes in the whole of Sex and the City. Its so sweet and hopeful, you really feel like this is the big moment between the two of them where they really affirm their commitment to each other, both of them saying that they aren't together because of Brady or because its convenient, but because they love each other and want to be together. 

And then this show comes along and takes a big smelly dump on the whole thing. Now I can never think of that scene again without feeling sad and angry that apparently Miranda was just faking it, was miserable all along, and she will end up dumping Steve without looking back.

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Something tells me they gave Cynthia Nixon way too much influence in the development of this plot. She's actually a very accomplished actor, but she's become a different person as she aged--always on the bandwagon. This story just needed art. We have plenty of politics in our lives.

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56 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

In regards to Lily, I find it ironic that the writers of this show have jumped through hoops to wedge minority characters into this show but, save for this episode, have all but ignored the only minority character from the original series.  They could have explored how Lily feels about being a transracial adoptee and her experience as an Asian-American during Covid times but instead the show decided to basically shove her to the side all season and concentrate on Charlotte's white daughter.  Which is how you can tell the difference between showrunners/writers who actually have something to say on a topic or a point of view to express and those who are just trying to check off boxes for points.

I think the writers have made a very deliberate decision to set this show way post-Covid, aside from some references here and there. You don't even see the basic mask-wearing in the background anymore like with other shows.

Regarding the other stuff, I see your point, but on the other hand, I do appreciate them treating Lily's teenager storylines as like they would a normal teenager, regardless of her race. When she showed her piano prowess in Ep 1, some complaints were about her being stereotyped as an Asian who's good at playing piano. Me? I see it as being extremely privileged that she had parents who can afford to give her expensive piano lessons, she likes playing the piano and eventually she got great at it. I think it's ok to show she's having the same typical problems as other (white) NY teens have. 

Teens happen to walk in on their parents having sex and then parents having that awkward conversation before they are ready. She's dealing with normal teen angst about her mother "invading" her social media accounts and wanting space and having a sleepover somewhere else. She's starting to learn her own sexuality and what she really wants and how she sees herself, like any other 15-year old does.

I get that there are serious race issues out there to tackle, to be talked about, to see in print, TV or movies. But I also appreciate seeing minority actors tackle issues and have character traits not concentrated about their race. One of the subtle things I really like about AJLT is the fact that there seems to be ZERO issues with her status in the family as an adopted kid, that there is no trace of her not being a blood relative except for her race, that Charlotte and Harry both love Lily and Rock equally, that Lily and Rock get along pretty well as sisters and there's no sense of jealousy about how Rock is the "real" daughter. So kudos to Goldenblatt family for having a perfect harmonious home in that sense.


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I caved and watched the scenes with Che (for context), Carrie on the phone (to see if Miranda seemed like a loon, which she did) and, of course, the one with Steve, and my heart broke for him.

When he said he was too old (and this is one time I don't mind framing it that way, because in this specific scenario, I'd imagine I'd feel too old too) to rally for them again, I wished I could give him a hug. For all of her crowing about wanting more, Miranda isn't the one who "deserves" (I generally hate that word) more; Steve is. And I don't mean he should be the one having sex with a shitty comedian outside of the marriage; I mean more from Miranda, from his partner.

He deserves to be appreciated, cared about and respected. He deserves to be happy, to not be yo-yo'd about and repeatedly made to feel like he wasn't enough. What this storyline has shown is that all of his patience and effort and love was ultimately pointless, and that's so... sad.

It hadn't been pointless - the show made it very clear none of it was pointless, and so did the first movie - but what they've done is drop a bomb on all of that. Instead of Miranda growing and learning something about life and herself like they originally showed, they've made it so that she was never actually worthy of Steve as a partner and I hate that. I hate that for Steve and I hate that for Miranda. 

I look at Miranda, and all I feel is:


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57 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

The only way I will like this story line is if Miranda gets slammed with the realization that she's just another of Che's many sex partners and we end the season with Miranda having to face being all alone and sad, as she almost did on that New Year's Eve in the first movie. This time maybe Carrie will let her just sit with the consequences of her actions. As Carrie said, "Being alone in theory is different from being alone in reality." 

And then Miranda can give Che the very same "I changed who I was for you!" speech that she gave Steve in that movie.

Edited by Jillybean
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One small detail I like in this episode - when Harry asked for a blow job, Charlotte didn't react like "Ew, Harry, we're too old for that!" She reacted as if they are still regularly being intimate. The colonoscopy and refusing to apologize aside, they seem to still be a happy couple. At least it looks like Charlotte's marriage will be saved from the wave of destruction that AJLT is leaving in its wake.

Edited by slowpoked
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4 hours ago, ivygirl said:

That’s it for me. I don’t find Sara’s ACTING bad—just that we are supposed to believe that this obnoxious character is supposed to be devastatingly, gravitationally attractive and funny. 

Here's the problem for me. This is the first thing I've seen Sara Ramirez in, so I have no barometer for whether this is good or bad acting by them. However, because I loathe the character, its going to be hard for me to like anything they're in because they're emblazoned in my mind as the Che character and will be forever tainted with that. 

Edited by SailorGirl
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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Its really hard not to think back to the bridge scene in the first Sex and the City movie, where Steve and Miranda ended their separation and choose each other again. I didn't really like that movie or that Steve cheated on Miranda, but that is one of my favorite scenes in the whole of Sex and the City. Its so sweet and hopeful, you really feel like this is the big moment between the two of them where they really affirm their commitment to each other, both of them saying that they aren't together because of Brady or because its convenient, but because they love each other and want to be together. 

And then this show comes along and takes a big smelly dump on the whole thing. Now I can never think of that scene again without feeling sad and angry that apparently Miranda was just faking it, was miserable all along, and she will end up dumping Steve without looking back.

Being a glutton for punishment, I watched Steve's first episode "Old Dogs, New Dicks" and the first movie again last week. What ended up killing me was during the reunion scene at the bridge, Carrie's voiceover is "And Miranda never looked back." 😫😭😡 (though she does add "well almost never" but that's over a sex scene between reunited Steve and Miranda with Miranda looking back at him.) In the second movie, Steve and Miranda don't really have a storyline together, but it's clear in their few scenes that they're happy together. This show has shit all over that and for what? So Cynthia Nixon can play herself? If that was really the only way she felt comfortable coming back, maybe she should have realized like KC did that she had no desire to revisit her old character, and like others suggested, she could have written a biography instead.

As a Steve/Miranda fan, I'll admit there's probably no way I would have ever truly enjoyed this storyline, but to try and marginalize Steve and ruin his character, at the same time as having Miranda act like he's just some annoying loser she's tolerated for years who she is so happy to be rid of...They could have done this better and simply don't care to.

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4 hours ago, greekmom said:

Carrie looked absolutely ridiculous in that getup to go for a smoke. And fucking rubber gloves? Please Carrie.

Carrie explained it to Seema: it is all in an effort to keep the smell of smoke to a minimum in the apartment while keeping herself to only one smoke a day.

Might be a whole lot easier to just stop already.

Edited by b2H
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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

But I do think the age and relative inexperience of the writer of this episode has something to do with that.  She's 29. 

It just never occurred to me they would do this. It's an indescribable oversight to have writers with absolutely zero knowledge of their subject matter - these women who are effectively post-menopause, or in menopause - writing this series. It's pointless. There are so many psychological changes associated with this time, and all these writers can do is make the characters seem 'old' - because that is how they, being young, see them. Ridiculous.


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Miranda telling Carrie and Charlotte that she is going to divorce Steve. Charlotte's reaction really pissed me off making it all about herself. Well, let me tell you what happened to ME today! WTF Charlotte. I'm not interested at all about what is happening with her kids. 

I was surprised Che said "I love you" to Miranda. Not expecting that at all. I'm curious as to where this relationship is going to end up. 

The only characters I like in this mess are Steve and Seema. 

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On 1/17/2022 at 2:44 PM, Tattooeddancer said:

There was a whole episode in one of the earlier seasons where it is mentioned that Charlotte doesn't "do that". She considered the guy marriage material but they broke up because she wouldn't give him oral.


What's funny is that I have no recollection of that, and I don't remember Charlotte practicing on a banana.  What I do remember is Charlotte breaking up with a guy because she didn't want to be the "up the butt girl," because men never marry the "up the butt girl."

Just like Brady is younger than what he should be, so is Lily.  On the episode that first aired on February 22, 2004, Charlotte and Harry were mailed a photo of the baby they were approved to adopt.  So Lily might be eighteen already, or if not, very close to it, not fifteen. 

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39 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

As a Steve/Miranda fan, I'll admit there's probably no way I would have ever truly enjoyed this storyline, but to try and marginalize Steve and ruin his character, at the same time as having Miranda act like he's just some annoying loser she's tolerated for years who she is so happy to be rid of...They could have done this better and simply don't care to.

This is also me. Thanks for putting this shit so succinctly.

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2 hours ago, cooper16 said:

Miranda isn't happy with Steve, and her life with him. It doesnt really matter how good he is to her, she's not feeling it - no amount of couples counseling is going to change that. I'm not sure why people want her to continue settling with Steve when she can find someone who excites her and makes her happy - right now that is Che, but if that doesnt work out she can find someone else. 

Fine. She's not happy. But she spent DECADES with the man. They had a family. Maybe treat him as a fucking human being with emotions and not a toy that Miranda is tired of playing with?

The writers apparently have no concept of empathy.

2 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I caved and watched the scenes with Che (for context), Carrie on the phone (to see if Miranda seemed like a loon, which she did) and, of course, the one with Steve, and my heart broke for him.

When he said he was too old (and this is one time I don't mind framing it that way, because in this specific scenario, I'd imagine I'd feel too old too) to rally for them again, I wished I could give him a hug. For all of her crowing about wanting more, Miranda isn't the one who "deserves" (I generally hate that word) more; Steve is. And I don't mean he should be the one having sex with a shitty comedian outside of the marriage; I mean more from Miranda, from his partner.

He deserves to be appreciated, cared about and respected. He deserves to be happy, to not be yo-yo'd about and repeatedly made to feel like he wasn't enough. What this storyline has shown is that all of his patience and effort and love was ultimately pointless, and that's so... sad.

It hadn't been pointless - the show made it very clear none of it was pointless, and so did the first movie - but what they've done is drop a bomb on all of that. Instead of Miranda growing and learning something about life and herself like they originally showed, they've made it so that she was never actually worthy of Steve as a partner and I hate that. I hate that for Steve and I hate that for Miranda. 

I look at Miranda, and all I feel is:



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2 hours ago, cooper16 said:

Miranda isn't happy with Steve, and her life with him. It doesnt really matter how good he is to her, she's not feeling it - no amount of couples counseling is going to change that. I'm not sure why people want her to continue settling with Steve when she can find someone who excites her and makes her happy - right now that is Che, but if that doesnt work out she can find someone else. 

IDK if people want her to stay because she seemingly has a good life with Steve so much as people (well this one at least), think years of being a reliable partner who is there in sickness and in health, boring times and exciting times etc entitles you to a modicum of respect. TELL ME you're dissatisfied and want to either try to fix what's wrong  or that for you  it can't be fixed before you go  start something new with someone else.

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39 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Being a glutton for punishment, I watched Steve's first episode "Old Dogs, New Dicks" and the first movie again last week. What ended up killing me was during the reunion scene at the bridge, Carrie's voiceover is "And Miranda never looked back." 😫😭😡 (though she does add "well almost never" but that's over a sex scene between reunited Steve and Miranda with Miranda looking back at him.)

One of my favorite episodes ever is still The One. Miranda at her most vulnerable state, just blurting out "I love you" to Steve, not even calculating the "pros and cons" of the situation like she usually does. Reminds me of a line in My Best Friend's Wedding where Michael said "if you love someone, you say it. You say it, right there, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by." Miranda didn't let the moment pass by, even though she doesn't know how Steve even feels about her, she knows Steve has a girlfriend, and she also has a boyfriend of her own. Just one of those scenes, sequences, that was beautifully done.

So yes, watching Steve and Miranda end like this, is maddening and saddening at the same time. 

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I actually thought this episode was okay. 

I liked Che for the first time when they were dressing down Miranda for putting them in a cheating position.

I liked the Harry blow-job discussion with the trio. It felt more like the old show and "You blow Harry? Is it his birthday?" was funny.

Miranda wasn't as dickish in her breakup conversation with Steve as I thought she would be, given how coldly she started. (But poor Steve.) 

All in all, it felt - except for the breakup -  sort of like the old days. Especially in the trio scene. I hope it doesn't slide backward. And - it's bitchy of me - I kind of hope it doesn't work out for Miranda, just so she gets a little karma for running around behind Steve's back.

On the other hand, I wish they had included Steve's reaction to Miranda's departure from strict heterosexual-ville. That would have been interesting to see. Might have been the most interesting part of the scene.

Also, Carrie's lived in NYC forever and she can't sleep through noise?

Edited by JeanJean
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2 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

I liked Che for the first time when they were dressing down Miranda for putting them in a cheating position.

Che put themself in that position by shoving their hand into Miranda without first making sure that her relationship wouldn't be damaged as a result. I've been around a number of polyamorous people (and were involved with some) and making sure that everyone was on the same page is critical to these relationships working. Che didn't ask and Miranda didn't tell them. Both are to blame.

So Miranda, the brilliant lawyer, is totally pants at basic communication. She's not able to tell her husband, who loves her, that she's unhappy with their marriage and she can't tell her paramour that she's married and that her spouse expects Miranda to be faithful. And I'm supposed to like this character?

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First, Charlotte quotes Demi Lovato, now she’s saying “throwing shade?”  Big ‘I’m not just a regular mom, I’m a cool mom’ vibes except she doesn’t know what a finsta is?  I thought Charlotte handled it as best she could.

Pro tip to Carrie, instead of wearing the world’s most ridiculous outfit to avoid smelling like smoke, you could try NOT smoking?  (I love how so many people online said that the leaked pictures of this outfit were a fake outfit/fake scene to throw off the spoiler police and yet it proved to be all too real.)

Things I liked: in the opening scenes, Che was the person to thoroughly call Miranda on her bullshit. Things I liked less so: Che absolutely did NOT ask Miranda if she was in an open marriage before they fingerbanged her.

Things I hated: literally everything else about the Miranda and Steve and Che plotline.  I thought Steve was at his most Steve in that breakup scene, in a good way (you mean the writers are actually capable of writing a character consistent with how they were portrayed in the original series?  Gasp!)   and he made many many valid points, all of which were ignored because Miranda is now all-in at blowing up her marriage.  Most of all, I’d like to commend Eigenberg for absolutely knocking it out of the park for that scene.  Some of the best acting in the entire series.

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3 hours ago, cooper16 said:

Miranda isn't happy with Steve, and her life with him. It doesnt really matter how good he is to her, she's not feeling it - no amount of couples counseling is going to change that. I'm not sure why people want her to continue settling with Steve when she can find someone who excites her and makes her happy - right now that is Che, but if that doesnt work out she can find someone else. 

I don't mean to pile on but it's about the implied "duty of care" (in both a legal and non-legal sense) that significant others are supposed to show one another.  Miranda showed more respect, care, affection and love towards Steve when they broke up after just being boyfriend/girlfriend in SATC than she has after decades of being married to him.

And some of the expectation is to try to communicate with the partner.  Care about their feelings.  Feel regret over hurting them.  And yes, I'd even say counseling.  Even if she's so certain her marriage can't be saved,  a good couples counselor can help a couple work through a split. 

But what's really infuriating about this story which could be both heartbreaking and beautiful if Miranda wasn't behaving so selfishly, is that it's really hard to reconcile this with their history of Miranda realizing that Steve might not be what she envisioned as her perfect mate but he offered so much more.  Or the history of them deciding to reconcile after the affair.  Or her acting as a caregiver to his mother.  I mean if she didn't crack then, it's hard for me to think that boredom is what did it. 

5 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

 For every David Chase and Matt Weiner, we have a Michael Patrick King.

Ha.  To be fair to MPK, Matt Weiner had some pretty messed up opinions about his characters as well.  It's almost a miracle that Mad Men did manage to bend towards justice.

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5 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Regarding Harry’s dick….was that a Boogie Nights type of prop, or does Evan Handler got it goin’ on like that?  If he does, I might have to shove his wife to the side because, rowrrrrrrr!!



5 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

I follow Mr. Handler on Twitter. Is it possible to awkwardly read his Tweets, after seeing his full frontal? My, my....


Yeah, totally a prop. I didn't think it looked very realistic, but the fact that Kristin Davis was touching it makes it clear to me that it wasn't real. Even if Evan Handler was comfortable having his co-star touch his dick, I doubt they would ask the actress to do that, even with intimacy coordinators and the like involved today. (Maybe the second frontal was added so they could say there was at least one actual penis in the episode, but seeing a real one just made the first look even more fake.)

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I suppose I'll start with the good.

I really like Mom Charlotte.  Yes, she is overly shrilly at times, yes she has her idea of what life and family should look like (coordinate Oscar De La Renta), yes, she angles and positions just as all of the UES society does.  But, in spite of that, she cares about her kids above all that.  Whether trying to understand and be supportive of Rock, even while acknowledging this could be a phase or not, talking to Lily about not just having a finsta, but about what that means and how its so different from what she was used to, acknowledging that there were parts of her upbringing that she'd like to do differently and being honest about that with her children, and understanding when space is a good thing...that's a good mom.  And ultimately at the end of the day, that's what Charlotte dreamed of.  Being a good wife and being a good mom.  That doesn't mean it's not without its challenges, but I really like Mom Charlotte.  I sill think KD's plastic surgery is overdone and was probably unnecessary because she was a really beautiful human, but so be it.  

I like Seema and I like her style.  

And now....

Fuck you, Miranda.  The problem when somebody saying "is this enough for you?  Is it really?  Are you happy?  Really happy?  This is really enough?"  is that behind those words lies judgement.  So when she had the gall to sit there and say to Carrie "I didn't make him feel bad, I didn't blame him" my mouth dropped.  Yes, she DID make him feel bad for being very happy with their settled and stable and traditional life.  Yes, behind the words there was PLENTY of blame because there wasn't "more."  Miranda has been looking down at Steve all season long.  There was plenty of blame coming from her.  And if she wasn't blaming, then somebody forgot to tell CN that she shouldn't play it that way.  I can understand the "wanting more."  But did she even give Steve a chance for "more" and tell him "I need more, let's do more?"  

And I'm really angry that we didn't get the conversation past "I met someone."  I'm really glad that Che called her out  But STEVE should have gotten the opportunity to do that as well.  #justiceforSteve for SO MANY REASONS.

Che said to her "you won't get a traditional relationship from me."  Miranda wasn't even willing to entertain the conversation of what CHE wants in a relationship.  She has absolutely no idea if they are on the same page or not.  She is going to show up in Cleveland or wherever she was running and nothing good is going to come of it.  

When does she come out to Brady?

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I know there's only about 10 years between SR and CN, but Miranda looks like Ches's grammy. I do not understand or believe that Che is in love with her. I have no idea, at this point, why they would be.

I also call bullshit that Che feels like they didn't need to have the open marriage convo BEFORE finger banging Miranda, or then sleeping with her for 3 weeks. They are right, Miranda had no business putting herself out there while still ostensibly in a monogamous marriage, but it's still on Che to ask, if that's a deal breaker for them.

Also, Che comes off like such a dude-bro sometimes, that's what bugs me so much. Being  non binary doesn't make it less obnoxious than when its a guy. And I still just hate the hair. All that said, Che is much more likable than Miranda any more. SR is a good actor, I just wish they weren't saddled with this fairly thankless role.

The steve/Miranda scene was well performed. I've been thru a divorce, many of my friends have too, and its never pretty. Its also rarely as calm as that conversation. Steve deserved to get PISSED. I'm at least glad he told her he didn't have it in him to rally for them as a couple anymore. He's fucking tired of it. He deserves more. I can buy that he's been content with a great house and watching movies and eating ive cream with his partner; hell, that's a goal for many, especially after you get a little older. And sex lives wane after a lot of years together. But to never have sex, for years, and not even talk about it, that's not normal, and I don't know why Steve would settle for it.

I'm glad to see he'll be back next week, I figured this would be it for him. They've had so little regard for him up til now. I really hope they do not have him begging her to come back or taking her back once Che hopefully dumps her.

I liked Carrie’s new neighbor. I liked Carrie again this week, despite the inexplicable smoking get up. I loved most of the rest of her wardrobe tho. I loved her interactions with Lily too, and that she's a good Auntie to her. (My BFF also adopted 2 Asian daughters and one of them is named Lily and I'm their Aunt Luna and I just loved the vibe in this storyline). I loved that she's helping Carrie organize her wardrobe. I loved that she was wearing Carrie’s old knitted poncho, the one from the Single and Fabulous? episode. And when Seema came over, carrie was holding another dress i recognized, I forget the episode but they're having a picnic and she has pigtails while wearing it.
And the Alexander petrofsky Paris gown. It IS stunning.

Harry might be at his fighting weight but he looks better chubbier. His face is too gaunt. And I never really needed to see Harry's penis, thanks, but hey, good for them.
And again I know they were joking but it still bugs that they were so incredulous that Harry and Charlotte still have oral sex. Though SJP's delivery of "Back up, back the truck up" was hilarious to me.

The Chelsea Market!  I love the Chelsea Market.

This ep WAS better than most of the others, but I'm still so disappointed in the completely revisionist history between Steve and Miranda. And in how Miranda doesn't seem even remotely like Miranda any more. Seriously, its partly the hair. Maybe if she was a redhead again I'd recognize her. 

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17 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

Che put themself in that position by shoving their hand into Miranda without first making sure that her relationship wouldn't be damaged as a result. I've been around a number of polyamorous people (and were involved with some) and making sure that everyone was on the same page is critical to these relationships working. Che didn't ask and Miranda didn't tell them. Both are to blame.

This is an important detail to highlight, and I'm putting this blame on the writers. The only way nonmonogamous connections can work is through a ton of communication. Che should have absolutely asked upfront before going too far. But even if they got caught up in the first moment, once they reconnected with Miranda, they should've said "Hey, wait, I forgot to check -- you are in an open situation, right?" That's a detail that was overlooked, and the drama could've played out mostly the same way if the writers really wanted to be locked into how the plot unspooled.

Pretty sure Miranda's headed for disappointment city with Che, btw. But if Che actually renounces nonmonogamy for Miranda, that's where I'll be disappointed. It would send the message of "poly until TRUE LOVE comes along," which is counter to the actual ideal of poly "you can feel TRUE LOVE for more than one person, actually." I don't think Che needed the burden of repping for nonmonnogamous relationships, tbh. There's more than enough material for them and Miranda already.

That said, I still feel compelled to point out that Miranda cheated on Robert to tell Steve she loved him, knowing that Steve was in a relationship too. There's not enough of a difference between committed dating and committed marriage for me to hand-wave one and not the other. I actually don't mind that the story involves her cheating on Steve here for a variety of reasons, I just continue to be confused that cheatin' Miranda was cool back then and THE WORST now. It's an established pattern of behavior on her part as far as I can tell.

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16 minutes ago, Rai said:

That said, I still feel compelled to point out that Miranda cheated on Robert to tell Steve she loved him, knowing that Steve was in a relationship too. There's not enough of a difference between committed dating and committed marriage for me to hand-wave one and not the other. I actually don't mind that the story involves her cheating on Steve here for a variety of reasons, I just continue to be confused that cheatin' Miranda was cool back then and THE WORST now. It's an established pattern of behavior on her part as far as I can tell.

Are you stating that Miranda telling Steve in the laundry room that she loved him and then never seeing Robert again [romantically] constituted cheating?

or did I forget something  else from  SATC?


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I’m disappointed that the show hasn’t bothered to tell us anything about Steve beyond that he doesn’t like chia seeds and his hearing’s shot. How did his bar survive the pandemic? My dad suffered really significant hearing loss, and it was a big deal for him. It’s hard to make contact and it can be very isolating and distressing. Steve’s hearing loss is a joke to everyone else, but to him?

I join in the general distress at the destruction of Miranda Hobbes. I wonder if she’s asked herself why the other changes—new job, going back to school, drinking then stopping—haven’t yet been enough. 

I’m not surprised that Charlotte still blows Harry. When Charlotte commits, she commits. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gave into anal, since she’d be Mrs Up the Butt now. 

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4 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

In regards to Lily, I find it ironic that the writers of this show have jumped through hoops to wedge minority characters into this show but, save for this episode, have all but ignored the only minority character from the original series.  They could have explored how Lily feels about being a transracial adoptee and her experience as an Asian-American during Covid times but instead the show decided to basically shove her to the side all season and concentrate on Charlotte's white daughter.  Which is how you can tell the difference between showrunners/writers who actually have something to say on a topic or a point of view to express and those who are just trying to check off boxes for points.

Also, Miranda's the worst and deserves to die alone.


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This show keeps losing me with the initial scenes/lines.  This week it’s “You leave me every day and go back to a husband.  That’s an open marriage!”  No, actually, that’s an affair.  It’s obviously an affair.  It’s the definition of an affair.  Who WRITES this stuff?  Has the world changed that much, that the first thing you’d think if you were sleeping with a person who was married was that they have an open marriage?  You’d be an idiot.  Or a Martian.  That makes no sense.   That line was terribly written.  Also, Che is the worst.    But I don’t know that Miranda is in for a rude awakening- in the previews for next week, they show the two of them together, and Che calls Miranda a “girlfriend.”  But then Miranda expresses confusion about what that means.  But this doesn’t suggest that Miranda finds Che in bed with someone else or whatever in Cleveland.  (As I had hoped.)  I can believe someone would discover a new sexuality at an older age, after all, Cynthia Nixon did.  But that’s not what I want this show to be about.  And, as others have said, it doesn’t seem to be something coming organically from the writers.  Also, why the shock at Charlotte still going down on her husband?  I really liked the last scene with Lily, when she asks if daddy really had cancer.  I took that as genuine.  She may have seemed grown up with the Instagram photos, but she’s still innocent in some ways.  I think that’s why Charlotte hugged her so tight, I think she was relieved.  

Edited by Rebecca berkowit
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1 hour ago, violet and green said:

I just can't stand Che's pants. It reminds me of the nineties when middleaged men were wearing those long 'big boy' shorts. Like middleaged toddlers.

Frankly, Che’s pic should go up with a slash through the face!  As in, no stopping here…

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2 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

I didn’t even see Harry’s dick. 

Me neither.  I even felt relief when I figured that Lily didn't see it (because I didn't see it).  Since it was supposed to be bigger than the other guy's dick (which I definitely saw), I don't know how I missed it.

As for someone thinking that an open marriage = having an affair, the definitions of words keep changing, and sometimes it's hard to keep up.  I remember when being single meant that the person was unmarried.  But then, you weren't single if you were engaged.  And then you weren't single if you were living with someone.  And then you weren't single if you were in a committed relationship.  And then you weren't single if you were on a date.  In the episode "Splat!" Kristen Johnston's character Lexi said to Carrie that they appeared to be the only two single women at the party.  Carrie said that she was with a date.  The implication was that since Carrie was on a date (with Aleks), she wasn't single.  Even though he couldn't have been called her boyfriend at the time.

Even open marriage doesn't mean what the authors of the book Open Marriage intended it to mean.  In the book, there is one chapter that discusses married couples having physical relationships with others, and the two authors were against it.  

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2 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Also, Carrie's lived in NYC forever and she can't sleep through noise?

That was beyond noise.

I kept waiting for that woman laughing to lay the egg already…..

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