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S06.E01: The Challenger


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So all 3 kids dealt with the Challenger accident in their own way.

Poor Kevin. He really needs to move out from Madison's garage. She is being very obtuse to Kevin's feelings. The man is still in love with her.

Not really into Kate's storyline but I will say Toby arranging the childfree day and massage was super sweet and honestly instead of feeling grateful she craps about it.

I hope not letting the burglar David out and into a group home doesn't bite Randall in the ass. Especially since he didn't show up.

Show, I get Rebecca is losing her memories but I don't think I can handle the whole thing every week.

Just finish it off for me show and give me the answers.

REO Speedwagon is the new Beatles.

I remember the Challenger happening but for some reason I always think I was younger than I was. January 1986 I was in 5th grade but for some reason I always picture being in my third grade classroom...unless maybe we went to that room to watch it for some reason? But it was a different wing of the building.

Kate's boss is in her phone as Philip Mean Jerk. I hope he still is five years in the future or whenever that flash-forward wedding was happening.

Oh, little Kevin broke my heart.

Miguel, Rebecca, and Nicky on a road trip? That’s gonna be fun.

I cannot imagine being a child and watching the Challenger explode. So horrific. I don’t blame little Kevin for wanting to pretend it wasn’t real.

Lol at Jack’s response to Rebecca describing Holden Caulfield as depressed: “ Well, his name is Holden.” 😂😂😂😂 But man, Rebecca saw the writing on the wall about Randall having a savior complex.

Starting to think that Kate and her music teacher deserve each other. Toby arranges for a nice message, and she just fixates that it’s not his usual in-person romantic gesture. And even when he comes home at the end, it probably still won’t be enough. 

Edited by Spartan Girl

Oh My: The Kleenex came out at the end, Little Kevin broke my heart when he told Kate "Mom & Dad are going to die", and then when Rebecca remembered "Caboose"....   But, I did get a chuckle out of Rebecca telling  Nicky was giving her a Headache.   Kate & Kevin discussing how far they had come in 5 years was a good scene too.  

Edited by BuckeyeLou

I forgot the show was coming back. 

3 minutes ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Oh My: The Kleenex came out at the end, Little Kevin broke my heart when he told Kate "Mom & Dad are going to die", and then when Rebecca remembered "Caboose"....   But, I did get a chuckle out of Rebecca telling Miguel he was giving her a Headache.   Kate & Kevin discussing how far they had come in 5 years was a good scene too.  

Kate & Kevin’s relationship has been a highlight of this show. 

I personally don’t think that Kevin loves Madison although I think he cares about her and I feel it’s best to do what they are doing now. Being Kevin and somewhat egotistical snd insecure, seeing her with anyone else just hurts his ego a bit and his ideal of a family. I also feel they did not bring up Sophie and that phone call for no reason but I don’t think they will show that for another three or four episodes. 
I forgot how much one of my kids love that caboose book and although bittersweet, it brought back some nice memories. I love the scenes of them as children



Edited by debraran
34 minutes ago, greekmom said:

The man is still in love with her.

Kevin never really loved her. He loved the entire happy family fantasy, trying to recreate what he thought his parents had. Now he's having feelings because there's another guy around, but he still doesn't really love her.

Taking the local job ensures that he'll be around for his kids and his mother. It's a smart choice.

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse

Did anyone else think it was odd that Kate got called back to school for an emergency that just turned out to be a surprise?  She had to get cleaned up and dressed and drop her plans for a song.  Didn’t everyone know she had the day off; they would have either recorded the kids or had them sing when she was actually at work.  That was such a shoehorn.

25 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

But man, Tebecca saw the writing on the wall about Randall having a savior complex.

100%. And Randall being Randall makes it all about himself somehow. It's "I need to be doing more to help" and never anything like, these people are being failed or these people need to be able to get more help. Maybe that's nit-picky but I really think it's about his own ego a lot of the time rather than empathy for others.. Of course, if he actually does something to help, that's better than not. I'm not looking forward to the inevitable long suffering Beth having to to tell Randall to stop focusing on his own savior complex and worry about his own life and family but that's the show.

I am looking forward to the Sally trip. Is Sally going to be someone famous, I wonder? For some reason, Patricia Clarkson popped into my mind.

Kate's boss is really a piece of work. And Kate is a weirdo for standing outside his office listening to that conversation. As soon as I figured out it was a break up convo, I was like run away and come back later! Poor woman is being humiliated and doesn't need to see you standing there eavesdropping!

I remember the Challenger explosion when I was in school. It didn't effect me that much so maybe I'm cold-hearted or maybe I was just a kid and didn't really get the whole picture but I do remember my teacher crying and being effected by that at least.

I think Madison has every right to live her life, let her have her book club and friends! She almost married someone who didn't love her. But I do get Kevin wanting to share his news about his mom.

The Rebecca story is going to be sad upon sad. I hope there's some good stuff in there too. At least she's with it enough now to snap Nicky into action.

Edited to add: Never heard of show being rebooted after only 5 years! I hope Kevin can find something else since it seems he really does not want to do it. And he'd have to work with that red headed dude who was a real jerk.

Edited by DoubleUTeeEff
13 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Kevin never really loved her. He loved the entire happy family fantasy, trying to recreate what he thought his parents had. Now he's having feelings that there's another guy around, but he still doesn't really love her.

Taking the local job ensures that he'll be around for his kids and his mother. It's a smart choice.

I can’t tell what angle they’re pushing with the Kevin / Madison storyline . Not sure if they’re showing his yearn for a family where the parents are married and raising the kids together or if they are actually building their relationship and showing that Kevin finally isn’t living in a fantasy and he truly is realizing he has feelings for her because he’s finally getting to know her . 


48 minutes ago, MissT said:

I was very excited to finally get to this new episode of the last season, but to be honest I was very disappointed.    I'm not even sure why I was disappointed.  It was a meh for me.    Hopefully next week will be better.  

I'm at the point where I'm looking forward to it being the last season... I like the show still but I don't want it to drag on forever.

37 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

Randall is an idiot. Now the guy has robbed him twice because I doubt he’ll ever show up in court. Bye bye bail money. 

Right? Will he learn before the end of the series that The Pearson Speech®™ doesn't work on everyone?


Watching The Big Three on Seth Meyers right now (from Monday night). I forgot Seth did that cameo until he mentioned it...

Sterling K. Brown, Justin Hartley & Chrissy Metz Aren’t Ready for This Is Us to End

Sterling K. Brown, Justin Hartley & Chrissy Metz Refuse to Spoil the This Is Us Finale


Edited by ams1001

I was feeling it for Rebecca when she was struggling to remember caboose. Everybody gets those brain farts where you just can’t remember a name or whatever, but she was so fixated on it. 

The Manny seems like such a stupid show, I can’t believe it was a hit once, much less worthy of a reboot. 

There was a lot of talk about the finale, with the implication that Kate ends up with her boss and why she and Toby would break up. We know he’s alive because of the big flash forward. But what about the super flash forward, where they show their son as.a successful rock star? Was Toby in that? It was so long ago, and I can’t remember all the tidbits in the flash forwards.

I cant believe that this is really the last season premier where we get with the Pearsons. And oh yes, they are here for our tears. The little big three dealing with the Challenger explosion, little Kev realizing their parents will die one day, and worst of all, Rebecca's memory loss, which is just going to be a never ending sad fest all season. Not a bad start to the season, but I think I was hoping for more for the start of the final season. Although I guess we should count ourselves lucky that William didn't show up after previously faking his own death and running off to the Bahamas. 

Rebecca really had Randall's number right away, his savior complex is absolutely massive. I can get him feeling empathy for someone who is clearly massively brain damaged due to drug addiction, especially as so many members of his family have struggled with addiction, but I did laugh a bit at Randal clearly gearing up for a big Pearson speech, only for for to realize it would be totally wasted on a guy who is obviously massively out of it and has no idea who he even is. 

Kate's boss seems like a real dick, but Kate wasn't at her best together either, I thought she was pretty harsh about Toby. And I would have serious reservations about dating a guy who would dump his girlfriend by telling her talking to her is like watching paint dry. 

Its for the best in the long run that Madison called off the wedding, but its still awkward and while I don't think Kevin really loved Madison like that, he did still deeply care about her so seeing her moving on is rough. Also, while Kev is probably making a good responsible choice doing the Manny reboot, that show still looks absolutely god awful, even by terrible sitcom standards. 

The Rebecca/Nikki/Miguel team was a lot of fun, until it just became really sad. Oh Rebecca. 

18 minutes ago, Shermie said:

I was feeling it for Rebecca when she was struggling to remember caboose. Everybody gets those brain farts where you just can’t remember a name or whatever, but she was so fixated on it. 

The Manny seems like such a stupid show, I can’t believe it was a hit once, much less worthy of a reboot. 

There was a lot of talk about the finale, with the implication that Kate ends up with her boss and why she and Toby would break up. We know he’s alive because of the big flash forward. But what about the super flash forward, where they show their son as.a successful rock star? Was Toby in that? It was so long ago, and I can’t remember all the tidbits in the flash forwards.

I don't think we saw any of the regular cast in the flashforward where Kate's kids are adults.

I am trying to remember why Kevin's career seems to be in trouble? I know he walked off the set of that last movie, but didn't he go back and film reshoots with DeNiro?

There is an episode last season where Kevin saw his film with DeNiro and it was awful. And there was a scene where Kevin’s tendency to leave sets and plays was finally getting to be too much.

In terms of the reboot, I guess the show with Morris Chestnut didn’t work out? But in terms of a reboot after a recent ending, does Supernatural count?


I couldn't tell if the writers corrected their mistake in the pilot of having Kevin say he was in third grade during the Challenger explosion. The Big Three are six months younger than I am (assuming they were born in August 1980) and I was in kindergarten, not quite six when it happened and have no memory of it outside the Punky Brewster episode that addressed the tragedy. The individual desks the kids were in made me think they were going with the original timeline...sorry, things like that drive me crazy.

I am not very interested in seeing Kevin realizing his feelings for Madison because he is jealous she has a possible boyfriend. I feel like this show, for all the problems the characters face at times, can be too idealistic with its perfect-love-conquers-all narrative. It's okay if they don't end up together. For instance, I find it hard to believe that Deja and Malik are still together being teenagers, long-distance AND his having a kid. It's actually kind of refreshing that Kate and Toby aren't going to have a perfect, forever marriage. I also like how they are showing Rebecca's dementia, depressing as it is. 

3 minutes ago, brokenwing29 said:

 I find it hard to believe that Deja and Malik are still together being teenagers, long-distance AND his having a kid.

I predict this will be a spin-off show.  Malik goes off to college, Deja follows him there, they marry and build a new life in a new city, Deja adopts Malik's child, and has another one or two kids.  And Deja's sisters and cousins will all be nearby.

I'm half-joking, but I'm figuring on some kind of spin-off from this show, regardless of who it involves.

When they revealed Nikki was  living with Miguel and Rebecca, I thought it would be to help out with Rebecca.  It’s often unwise to leave people who have progressed to a certain point alone, even for short durations.  They seem to have a lot of faith in her medications, but IRL, there really isn’t a med that stops the progression.  

I liked this episode a lot.  It’s much improved for me.  

I’m also hoping that Nikki’s old girlfriend is a recognizable older actress.  I like the Patricia Clarkson idea.  Also, Ellen Barkin….there are some great actresses over 50 they could have chosen.  

4 minutes ago, brokenwing29 said:

I couldn't tell if the writers corrected their mistake in the pilot of having Kevin say he was in third grade during the Challenger explosion. The Big Three are six months younger than I am (assuming they were born in August 1980) and I was in kindergarten, not quite six when it happened and have no memory of it outside the Punky Brewster episode that addressed the tragedy. The individual desks the kids were in made me think they were going with the original timeline...sorry, things like that drive me crazy.

They were born in 1980 (I am five years older than them). The little ones certainly didn't look like third graders to me. We had individual desks in kindergarten (though our classrooms also had a lot of open space for group activities and free play; there were two kindergarten rooms in my school separated by a big open area in the middle) so that didn't make me think they were older.

So I was ten then and while I do remember it happening, I don't have clear memories of how I felt about it. I'm sure I was upset at the time, but it's not like a vivid thing that I've carried with me or anything. 

Just now, Gemma Violet said:

I predict this will be a spin-off show.  Malik goes off to college, Deja follows him there, they marry and build a new life in a new city, Deja adopts Malik's child, and has another one or two kids.  And Deja's sisters and cousins will all be nearby.

I'm half-joking, but I'm figuring on some kind of spin-off from this show, regardless of who it involves.

Noooo! How about a spin-off of Deja in med school? (Because there aren't enough hospital shows out there.) This Is US Healthcare.

20 minutes ago, memememe76 said:

There is an episode last season where Kevin saw his film with DeNiro and it was awful. And there was a scene where Kevin’s tendency to leave sets and plays was finally getting to be too much.

In terms of the reboot, I guess the show with Morris Chestnut didn’t work out? But in terms of a reboot after a recent ending, does Supernatural count?

Thanks, I had forgotten about him seeing his movie and it being bad.

They also rebooted American Idol after only a couple years. I am not sure that counts since it is a reality show though. But Hollywood is out of ideas, I can buy them doing an immediate reboot of a stupid sitcom.

18 minutes ago, brokenwing29 said:

I couldn't tell if the writers corrected their mistake in the pilot of having Kevin say he was in third grade during the Challenger explosion. The Big Three are six months younger than I am (assuming they were born in August 1980) and I was in kindergarten, not quite six when it happened and have no memory of it outside the Punky Brewster episode that addressed the tragedy. The individual desks the kids were in made me think they were going with the original timeline...sorry, things like that drive me crazy.

Those kids looked like 5-year-olds, but that did not look like any kindergarten classrooms I have seen.

1 hour ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:


Taking the local job ensures that he'll be around for his kids and his mother. It's a smart choice.

I don't know that it ensures anything.  Like any tv show, it may not survive past 13 weeks.  Though I did laugh at the idea that Kevin at 36 was fine to star as the Manny, while at 41, he's too old to play the part. 


I was confused how Kevin imploded the producer’s career.  We know they got a new manny and even got Kevin back for an episode.  The show went on without him.

I was confused by why the guy had multiple shirtless posters of Kevin in his office, if he dislikes him so much.  Surely you could still have an ego wall for your old show without the Kevin pictures, right?

Also, I honestly thought Madison's book club friend was gay.  I was surprised he maybe turned out not to be? 


9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m also hoping that Nikki’s old girlfriend is a recognizable older actress.  I like the Patricia Clarkson idea.  Also, Ellen Barkin….there are some great actresses over 50 they could have chosen.  

I think she'd be 70 or older by this point. 

Finally, silly Beth, you didn't need to get Randall a present for his birthday.  He got the present he likes best, i.e. ditching his family to spend time trying to save a complete stranger!  I suppose Beth should just be happy Randall did not bring him home to live with them.  

21 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

Those kids looked like 5-year-olds, but that did not look like any kindergarten classrooms I have seen.

I was more confused why all the Big Three were all in the same classroom. Schools really won't place siblings in the same class especially if there is more than one class for each grade.

Edited by nilyank
21 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I don't know that it ensures anything.  Like any tv show, it may not survive past 13 weeks.  Though I did laugh at the idea that Kevin at 36 was fine to star as the Manny, while at 41, he's too old to play the part. 

I was confused by why the guy had multiple shirtless posters of Kevin in his office, if he dislikes him so much.  Surely you could still have an ego wall for your old show without the Kevin pictures, right?

Also, I honestly thought Madison's book club friend was gay.  I was surprised he maybe turned out not to be? 


I think she'd be 70 or older by this point. 

Finally, silly Beth, you didn't need to get Randall a present for his birthday.  He got the present he likes best, i.e. ditching his family to spend time trying to save a complete stranger!  I suppose Beth should just be happy Randall did not bring him home to live with them.  

Right, I just figure they can age the ladies up a few years like they’re doing Mandy, if need be.  

Didn't Kevin have an Oscar and/or Golden Globe at the Pennsylvania house in the flash-forward? I think that means he's not going to take The Manny reboot after all and will write/direct/star in a movie instead.

Beth was tooting her own horn too much for my liking. It's great to have confidence, but that was pathetic. What is her new job again? I don't remember any mention of it last season (I do remember she had to close her studio due to the pandemic though).

Hailey and the twins were born on the same day, but current Hailey looks quite a bit older than current twins. And little Jack went from having dark hair, brown eyes, and olive skin, to blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin.

Toby did the best he could. I can see why he's not taking time off so soon into a new job, but he got on a plane right after work and made sure Kate had a nice day in the meantime. There's just no pleasing Kate.

33 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Noooo! How about a spin-off of Deja in med school? (Because there aren't enough hospital shows out there.) This Is US Healthcare.

Or she can just join Grey's Anatomy. That show will never end.

I guess they’re going to pretend COVID no longer exists.

Why does Beth put up with Randall? Who wouldn’t choose Door Number Beth?

The Manny being rebooted is such a stupid storyline. They haven’t shown Kevin running out of money. He obviously can survive for a few months without a job.

Is Treat Williams friends with someone on the show, and talking about his crappy roles was an inside joke? Because that was so random and really punching down.


so british guy was complaining about his girlfriend being boring/not intellectually stimulating... how is Kate that?


2 hours ago, nilyank said:

I did crack up that Randall was all set to go to the courthouse and do his big Pearson speech to the man that had robbed him, only to have the man shut him down/and up because he was in no frame of mind to hear what Randall had to say.

Poor little Kevin.

I was wondering why Randall seemed...disappointed after the arraignment was done - was he expecting to be able to make a witness impact statement at the arraignment?

Also, yeah, poor little Kevin.

1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

Noooo! How about a spin-off of Deja in med school? (Because there aren't enough hospital shows out there.) This Is US Healthcare.

oh no they could do a This Is Us-New Amsterdam crossover, have Deja go on that, then when New Amsterdam ends, spin off

So not a Madison fan. Kevin coming across as jealous seems like a bunch of writer making his wife seem desirable crap to me. Kate falling for her jerk boss is more crap. I don’t ever speculate but watching Randall meet the burglar made me say outloud “he’s going to say the people in the picture look happy.”

I only comment on shows that I hate watch. I got sucked in and binge watched first two seasons and the others IRT. I just want it to be over. 

10 hours ago, Shermie said:

I was feeling it for Rebecca when she was struggling to remember caboose. Everybody gets those brain farts where you just can’t remember a name or whatever, but she was so fixated on it. 

The Manny seems like such a stupid show, I can’t believe it was a hit once, much less worthy of a reboot. 

There was a lot of talk about the finale, with the implication that Kate ends up with her boss and why she and Toby would break up. We know he’s alive because of the big flash forward. But what about the super flash forward, where they show their son as.a successful rock star? Was Toby in that? It was so long ago, and I can’t remember all the tidbits in the flash forwards.

The Manny looks like Charles in Charge or a variation of Who's the Boss. Boss was a huge hit and Charge was big for syndication. Housekeeper/Nanny/Den Mother shows used to be a big thing.

I think a lot of people's taste has swung back around to tv styles of the past. Comfort food type of deal. 

Taking the Manny job may seem like a great idea but there is zero guarantee the show will last. It's not like this is guaranteed to give him longevity. 

9 hours ago, Jeddah said:

I guess they’re going to pretend COVID no longer exists.

They brought it up in the show. Most shows are operating in a post covid world at this point. It just becomes distracting after a while. They aren't saying it isn't happening. Just not making it an issue anymore.

9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Didn't Kevin have an Oscar and/or Golden Globe at the Pennsylvania house in the flash-forward? I think that means he's not going to take The Manny reboot after all and will write/direct/star in a movie instead.

He can still win awards while doing the Manny, the reboot could fail instantly or he can take a job during filming hiatus.

10 hours ago, Shermie said:

The Manny seems like such a stupid show, I can’t believe it was a hit once, much less worthy of a reboot.

It happens more frequently with movie franchises. On tv what tends to happen more often is that a canceled show gets brought back from the dead which is what Manny would be doing. Brooklyn 99 canceled and brought back by another network for example.

Edited by Racj82

Oh Randall he’s such a saint he does no wrong just wants to help everyone. Puke. Randall is the worst at this point. I wanna roll my eyes at all his stupid scenes. Beth seemed over the top. I don’t know what her deal was.

The teacher at the school is the worst. If Kate somehow ends up with him blech. That actor seems to play a jerk a lot. Well I’ve seen him in 2 shows as a jerk.

I was hoping Madison was going away or we would see her less. She annoys me. Always forced into the episodes.

Rebeccas scenes make me sad but we’re prob the best scenes. Not sure I can watch her decline tho. I know it’s just a show but still. 

What a jerk that Toby is..setting up a nice afternoon for Kate then surprising her later.That bitch is never happy.

Deja and Malik I have never cared. Them still being together tho is a joke.

I am now basically hate watching but I wanna see the end of the series. I have a feeling I won’t be happy tho lol.

Edited by Marley
3 hours ago, Marley said:

Oh Randall he’s such a saint he does no wrong just wants to help everyone. Puke. Randall is the worst at this point. I wanna roll my eyes at all hus stupid scenes. Beth seemed over the top. I don’t know what her deal was.

The teacher at the school is the worst. If Kate somehow ends up with him blech. That actor seems to play a jerk a lot. Well I’ve seen him in 2 shows ve a jerk.

I was hoping Madison was going away or we would see her less. She annoys me. Always forced into the episodes.

Rebeccas scenes make me sad but we’re prob the best scenes. Not sure I can watch her decline tho. I know it’s just a show but still. 

What a jerk that Toby is..setting up a nice afternoon for Kate then surprising her later.That bitch is never happy.

Deja and Malik I have never cared. Them still being together tho is a joke.

I am now basically hate watching but I wanna see the end of the series. I have a feeling I won’t be happy tho lol.

Can we please watch together? I don’t even want to be happy - I just want to see how the unnecessary plots end. 

I hate Madison! She’s annoying!!! #teamsophie

Kate and Toby - why did they have to break up? I swear the show brings out the worst in me! During that very unlikely breakup scene all I kept on thinking was “well if you’re out eating with Kate you’d at least be on your toes about her eating your food vs watching paint dry.”

I just needed a Rational Randall not a sanctimonious one. Who they going to bring back from the dead this season? William’s Mom? laurel’s dad?


Edited by chabelisaywow
1 hour ago, Leeds said:

But the sad thing is, Rebecca wasn't having a "regular" brain fart, it was a symptom of her Alzheimer's. 


I guess they were showing the beginning, but I work with over 55 group that does this all the time. We joke we remember the actor's name or movie name at 3am and we will call each other. : ) She never thought of google wanting to do it on her own but it saves a lot of people now. I'm sure they will show the forgetting getting worse but the first signs mimic "normal" and since she has no friends her age or relatives and her kids are younger, they don't understand not remembering caboose would be okay without the panic and illness. Panic also makes you not remember. I remember my pcp saying to me, if you just don't try to draw up the memory or word, it usually comes.

I hope we see more of Rebecca being okay though, "being early" in her disease and more laughs with Miguel and Nicky. They don't need to make Nicky that silly with Facebook, he's eccentric but not stupid. I feel they are still trying to find the right personality for him but I love his addition to the cast.

Since there is so much Deja next week, I can sniff a spin off too, they are part of the Pearson family now, but not the core but since young, would fit the "new show" spinoff with his kids and other cousins.


10 hours ago, chabelisaywow said:

Oh Randall he’s such a saint he does no wrong just wants to help everyone. Puke. Randall is the worst at this point. I wanna roll my eyes at all hus stupid scenes. Beth seemed over the top. I don’t know what her deal was

She's been having to live with Randall for 20 years. I'm surprised she isn't on a clock tower with a shotgun by now. I'm also shocked that sanctimonious Randall managed to watch the Challenger explode and did not become an astronaut to show them all how to do it better. And I wish SOMEbody would notice Randall is more selfish and narcissistic than the greatness he makes people believe he is. 

I am so cool with this show ending. I just can't stomach the endless speeches and how they all seem to ruin everything in their lives. But I am just too stubborn at this point to not follow it through. 

The worst thing you can hear from a dementia patient is "it's still early stage." It is the longest most unbearable illness to witness and care for, and from what it seems to me, to suffer from. Changing my grandparents' diapers, talking them down from endless meltdowns because it was bath time, it is literally the last way you want to remember your grandparents, and the last way they want to be remembered.  So, the last thing you want to hear is guess what! It can take umpteen more YEARS! 

Kevin should be thrilled to have the Manny reboot. He doesn't have to play the piece of meat this time, and he's a snob if he thinks he's too good for tv. 

Of all the people, Nicky is amusing me the most. For him to be sober and being all anxious over a girl was actually a relief to watch. 

8 hours ago, debraran said:

I guess they were showing the beginning, but I work with over 55 group that does this all the time. We joke we remember the actor's name or movie name at 3am and we will call each other. : ) She never thought of google wanting to do it on her own but it saves a lot of people now. I'm sure they will show the forgetting getting worse but the first signs mimic "normal" and since she has no friends her age or relatives and her kids are younger, they don't understand not remembering caboose would be okay without the panic and illness. Panic also makes you not remember. I remember my pcp saying to me, if you just don't try to draw up the memory or word, it usually comes.



I still try to guess everything before I succumb to iMDB, but as a kid with no google, those brain farts were torture! Where do I know that actor from?! It doesn't take an illness to have those moments. 

Edited by Chewy101
6 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Beth was tooting her own horn too much for my liking.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds that unattractive and cringey.

I thought Kevin's reaction to the Challenger disaster was the most realistic.  Little kids are good at denial and  I'm not sure grown-ups are helping when they force the kids to think about it too deeply.  

What I loved was worried little Kevin crawling in bed with little Kate.  They are so sweet together at every age.

Beth is downright obnoxious. 
Randall irritated me. Now that junkie can rob someone else thanks to him. 
I still think Madison was dumb for not marrying Kevin. He may not have been madly in love but I think he loved her enough. The book club guy seemed like a dolt. 
The pompous British guy is bored by good looking women. What to do, what to do?
Not liking that they want to continue Dejah and her boyfriend. Not believable at all. 

2 hours ago, debraran said:
3 hours ago, Leeds said:


I guess they were showing the beginning, but I work with over 55 group that does this all the time. We joke we remember the actor's name or movie name at 3am and we will call each other. : )

I call it “menopause memory.”

2 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

The worst thing you can hear from a dementia patient is "it's still early stage."

I think the hardest time with my MIL was when she had moments of lucidity and knew it was happening.  Now that the disease has taken over, she seems happier.


20 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Not liking that they want to continue Dejah and her boyfriend.

I cannot believe Miguel has been sitting there for years with a story to tell, and Dejah is getting yet another episode.  I have not enjoyed this storyline at all.  And why even give Randall three daughters when they only really care about two?

Good job, Randall, the thief is probably going to terrorize another family now.

Door Number Beth.  Ha!  She's the best part of the show.  I didn't think her comments were over the top.  It was her way of telling Randall confronting the burglar in court was a stupid idea.  Let it go.  Let the legal system deal with him.

Poor Rebecca.  That has to be so scary to know she will continue to lose herself.

Kevin and Kate continue to be selfish.  Madison?  You go girl, moving on to someone who will treat you better.  Toby?  You'll be better off with someone who isn't so exhaustingly self absorbed.

That was first grade (or a strange K?) for the Big 3?  I was in 1st when Kennedy was assassinated and only remember everyone (adults) crying.  A 5 or 6yo is not going to understand a tragedy.  They are more likely to be frightened by adults' reactions than to have any feelings about the event themselves.

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