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S02.E11: Midnight Train to Royston


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3 hours ago, Natalie25 said:

I don’t think it really matters that there was no power imbalance on the anonymous app, because as soon as they figured out who each other was the power imbalance was back in play. And this situation with Akufo is exactly why the power imbalance messes things up. Sam no longer has the freedom to make a true decision. Consciously or not the fact that he is in love with his boss is going to affect the decision he makes. It wouldn’t be the same as her not being his boss. While they together, romantic and worked decisions  are tied together. There’s no way to truly be objective. 


Also, what dating app doesn't have an age filter? I highly doubt Rebecca would willingly seek out someone 20+ years her junior. 

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6 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

This is why I don't really have an issue with the relationship. They were in a relationship together before knowing who they were talking to, so there was no coercion. They both seem to be level-headed adults and I can't see Rebecca being vindictive or Sam feeling pressured to keep the relationship going because Rebecca is his boss. When Rebecca told him she didn't want him to leave, she wasn't talking as the  owner, and I think Sam knows that. She would have said the same thing if she wasn't his boss. I'm not denying that it might get messy or  look bad to outsiders. Maybe it's a bad idea, but it also seems stupid to deny yourself love just because of what others might think or because it might end badly.

Worry not about offending me! It’s just something I can’t pass over. All the steps to jump through to make ‘seemingly okay’  a Rebecca/Sam relationship (and not an abuse of power from the get go) should tell us all how such a relationship is not generally okay. And now here we are on the cusp of a season finale where the imbalance still impacts the show. 
I have much less trust in the show than at the beginning of the season, but I am actually still rooting for them to get it right. 
And really, everything has been a half (or more) a bubble off for so many characters this season that perhaps they know where they are going and want us to be uncomfortable in this string of episodes. I hope so! But I’m not going to ignore what I see as problems along the way, maybe they want us to see them—that’s the conflict of the season. 

Edited by pennben
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11 hours ago, AngieBee1 said:

I disagree. Take the boss component out of it. This scenario could have happened the same way with her being an actual stranger he met on an app and he is now faced with a decision on staying and exploring a relationship with this person or moving away.   It's no different than someone embarking on a new relationship but has an opportunity for a job in another country.  It's going to come down to his feelings, not feeling obligated to stay for her team.

But she is his boss. I get your point that on the face of it he's deciding whether or not to take a new job far away while in a relationship. But you can't take her being his boss out of the equation. Is he going to take the offer (even though he wouldn't have normally) because it will get rid of the power imbalance and mean that she's willing to go public with their relationship? Or maybe he won't (even if he wants to) because he knows he's one of Richmond's better players, and he doesn't want her upset that he's ruined the team by leaving. We may feel that Rebecca won't do that, but Sam doesn't. They're still new in their relationship, and they don't really know each other that well.

Plus, they're human, and love can make people do crazy things. Hell, the whole first season is because of Rebecca's reaction to her marriage failing. Yes, it was revenge - but she loved him once, and it fell apart.

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@wlk68  Nate is dead to me too.  I would love him to get fired in front of the team and then to walk away in shame.  

While he may have father issues, it was still no way to treat the person that believed in you and promoted you.  

And Roy and Keeley, they get each other.  They belong together.  

That said, the teacher would be great for Beard.

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On Friday, the sports talk show PTI had college football analyst David Pollock on to talk about controversial coach Lane Kiffin. First, Pollock acknowledged that Kiffin is one of the best strategists in the sport. But then he talked about Kiffin's earlier years, where he "he didn't run the guys well, he was not a good leader, he was very immature". That's a perfect description of Nate. He is so emotionally immature that he would crumble under the pressure of having the head job. Ted's anxiety attacks are not just about his private life. I think there is a lot of imposter syndrome going on there.

I know this is a fictional representation of how journalism works, but Trent did Ted wrong. Not in printing the article (with a single "anonymous" source) but in not allowing Ted a chance to react to the new allegations before going to press.

I'm from an art heavy family, so my reaction to Phoebe's nudes was "she is really talented" then I realized that the subject matter was probably inappropriate. I also laughed hard at the "Banksy" reveal.

  • Love 7

There was a story line on Scrubs where a female doctor asked Cox if he was married and he said no, then he asked Jordan what she would say if someone asked her and she had a long explanation about how they were married, then divorced, now are in a long-term committed relationship with a kid.  Anyway, the episode shows Cox coming to the realization that he has a crush but that's all it is and he really loves Jordan. 

Granted this is a very different situation, but it gives me some hope that's all that's going on here with Roy and Keeley.  The way he looked at her during the photo shoot before he joined here was so adoring, and maybe they're both just scared.  That said, they could be one of those relationships where they adore each other and push each other to be better but ultimately it isn't enough. 

  • Love 4

As the week goes by, I'm feeling more optimistic about the RoyxKeeley of it all, but of course, "it's the hope that kills you." My take on the scene with Roy telling Phoebe's teacher that he's not married was that he was thinking about Keeley and perhaps he'd like to be married to her. He seems to space out in that moment, so that's my shipper heart keeping me sane until Thursday.

Given the literal heart eyes that Roy is making at Keeley during the first part of that photoshoot, I feel like his silent (even for Roy) reaction to the Jamie love declaration is more, he thought they were just sharing weird things that happened that day. And it kinda looked like he wanted to say something else, but then Keeley drops this thing that should also be a weird thing they may have talked about on the way home from the funeral. But she kept it from him - why did she do that? But he's also not going to fuck up her photoshoot, so he just stares and doesn't say whatever he might have.

I have a feeling that those who are predicting that the team will get promoted, but everything else will be in shambles (being happy and alone also sucks) are correct. That sets up season three to fix things and then get the team to the finals or whatever success in the Premiere League is.

  • Love 5
37 minutes ago, xaxat said:

I'm from an art heavy family, so my reaction to Phoebe's nudes was "she is really talented" then I realized that the subject matter was probably inappropriate. I also laughed hard at the "Banksy" reveal.

I’m still wondering where this is going because Roy left them on the table by the door, but then the camera deliberately showed they were gone.  

As for Ted’s knowledge of Football…I think he knows more than he is willing to admit.  He didn’t get to be a winning coach in the US (albeit a differ form of football), without understanding rules and strategy and I refuse to believe that after 2 seasons of coaching he is still clueless, if he ever was.  I think it helps him be underestimated, same with his aw shucks demeanour.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

I’m still wondering where this is going because Roy left them on the table by the door, but then the camera deliberately showed they were gone.  


The whole Phoebe pictures thing is weird. Why would Roy bring them into the photo shoot when he most likely drove himself there - he could have left them in the car. We have routinely seen the characters driving cars NOT taking public transport. If they make some kind of mixed-up misunderstanding about the pictures that drives discontent.....well, that's jumping the shark territory and I want to believe the writers are better than that.

10 hours ago, SoWindsor said:

Am I the only one who ships Jamie & Keely? Don’t get me wrong, I adore Roy but Jamie showed such incredible character development from the pilot. I’ve loved his journey and really love the actor. 

Well, I'm not exactly shipping them but the fact that Roy has great chemistry with the teacher made me think what the writers would do with Keeley if they really wanted to go there, and Jamie is the answer - new and improved Jamie  that is. My impression of this episode was that there's some strain on Roy and Keeley's relationship that has to do with different outlooks on life. He clearly wasn't enjoying the whole photo shoot shenanigans but went along with it because it was important for her. Now imagine Jamie in this scenario (again: new and improved Jamie).

And now I feel like I need some sturdy riot gear.


Edited by MissLucas
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1 hour ago, MissLucas said:

Well, I'm not exactly shipping them but the fact that Roy has great chemistry with the teacher made me think what the writers would do with Keeley if they really wanted to go there, and Jamie is the answer - new and improved Jamie answer that is. My impression of this episode was that there's some strain on Roy and Keeley's relationship that has to do with different outlooks on life. He clearly wasn't enjoying the whole photo shoot shenanigans but went along with it because it was important for her. Now imagine Jamie in this scenario (again: new and improved Jamie).

And now I fell like I need some sturdy riot gear.


I think Roy and Keeley are in two different phases of life. He’s had the powerful star moment, the earned fame, and is kinda over it all. Keeley is just now having that. Yes, she was known before, but as she said last season, she was known for being known. Now she is actually achieving based on her smarts and ability. 
Keeley was there for Roy when he needed someone to transition to life after football. Roy was there for Keeley when she needed a mature relationship and someone to support her ambition. They served purposes for each other that maybe they don’t need anymore. As much as I loved them as a couple, I can see them moving on and it wouldn’t upset me as a viewer. 

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The Sam/Rebecca thing is awful awful awful, and what makes me more annoyed about it is that if she was so truly in love with this guy on the brink of his whole life that she couldn’t stand to be away from him she would ask if she could go with him. And she didn’t ask. She told him to stay with her and turn his back on his opportunities so she, who has everything, doesn’t have to be sad. She is so openly using him.

It’s selfish and she is abusing her power over him, which actually is imbalanced. I can’t believe we haven’t heard Sam’s father try to extract him from this and the only reason I can think of why is that Sam hasn’t told him because Sam knows this isn’t right.

SHE WAS LYING IN WAIT FOR HIM AT HIS HOUSE LIKE A SPIDER. At the end of his long, emotionally and physically exhausting day, in girl tears, to tell him she is so sad. Maybe that will be his wake up call. Maybe Isaac will advise him.

I love Rebecca but this is wrong. She is manipulating him to get what she wants. Blocking opportunity isn’t love.

Did she buy Sam the Tesla to keep him like her father did for her mother?

And KEELEY! Keeley, the PR leader of this team, leader among leaders who gets to be in a magazine for her astute professional excellence, is cheering this on? This undermines her totally. Are we blaming sloppy writers or is this a deliberate character flaw? Because it’s a big one. Maybe they’ll pull the article for it. Maybe this is her carbonite moment.

As for the billionaire and his extravagance… Hiring people to act in the Museum and the Restaurant game didn’t bother me. He is trying to distribute his wealth. I didn’t see him as creepy at all.

When he finds out about Sam and Rebecca he is going to lose his shit. And it won’t be soon enough. I hope Sam listens.


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I don’t like Rebecca/Sam, but I don’t feel like she malevolently showed up at his door like a spider. She was reacting as a woman in a relationship who was responding as such. It just highlights why the relationship is not something that should happen with this type of power imbalance. She should consider sitting at his door as the owner of a team where he is a rising star.  Or, she should not be at his door because there are financial pressures on her team as a demoted team and she could use the cash from selling his player rights to stabilize the team finances and future. He should only have to consider what is best for his professional future. 

HMMM, now in addition to hating the power imbalance storyline, I’m beginning to realize I hate this storyline because it’s two seasons in telling us that a woman is too emotional to be a good business woman/owner.  Last season she was malevolent, this season is too emotionally involved to be a good owner for this decision.  

More to noodle on……maybe the moral of the whole story is that all of these good people who were in horrible places just for whatever reasons ended up together in the most unlikely of places for all individually, but spent a couple of years together healing & the happy ending will be they all go back to their own places that make more sense for each rather than somehow stay together as the bestest owner/head coach, etc., etc. 


Edited by pennben
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5 hours ago, MissLucas said:

Well, I'm not exactly shipping them but the fact that Roy has great chemistry with the teacher made me think what the writers would do with Keeley if they really wanted to go there, and Jamie is the answer - new and improved Jamie answer that is. My impression of this episode was that there's some strain on Roy and Keeley's relationship that has to do with different outlooks on life. He clearly wasn't enjoying the whole photo shoot shenanigans but went along with it because it was important for her. Now imagine Jamie in this scenario (again: new and improved Jamie).

And now I fell like I need some sturdy riot gear.



I guess I don’t see Keely wanting to be super into fame. She told Nate how it wasn’t that great. She is happy to have an opportunity to show who she really is, something she hadn’t done before. But other than this one thing they haven’t showed her wanting some super celebrity type lifestyle. Roy was thrilled for her to be featured.  Maybe he didn’t love being it it himself, but he was just annoyed over all the bullshit the photo shoot people had going on. He was happy to sit back and let her shine, which is what she needed. With Jamie, even new and improved, she’d have to share some of that. 

I refuse to believe that after two seasons showing how amazing they are together, Roy and Keely end over Jamie Fucking Tartt and a character that literally does not have a first name. Nope, I don’t buy it. 

  • Love 9

The Sam/Rebecca thing is awful awful awful, and what makes me more annoyed about it is that if she was so truly in love with this guy on the brink of his whole life that she couldn’t stand to be away from him she would ask if she could go with him. And she didn’t ask. She told him to stay with her and turn his back on his opportunities so she, who has everything, doesn’t have to be sad. She is so openly using him.

It’s selfish and she is abusing her power over him, which actually is imbalanced. I can’t believe we haven’t heard Sam’s father try to extract him from this and the only reason I can think of why is that Sam hasn’t told him because Sam knows this isn’t right.

SHE WAS LYING IN WAIT FOR HIM AT HIS HOUSE LIKE A SPIDER. At the end of his long, emotionally and physically exhausting day, in girl tears, to tell him she is so sad. Maybe that will be his wake up call. Maybe Isaac will advise him.

I love Rebecca but this is wrong. She is manipulating him to get what she wants. Blocking opportunity isn’t love.

Did she buy Sam the Tesla to keep him like her father did for her mother?

First, I don’t know if we (or they) know if anyone is truly in love. It’s clear that Sam and Rebecca are infatuated with each other and if anything, I’d say Sam is the one who is more sure of his feelings, while Rebecca is trying to figure them out. And while there’s definitely an issue of power imbalance, at this point, Rebecca has not exercised any authority over Sam. She would have been within her rights to refuse to allow the billionaire to talk to Sam; Sam is under contract to Richmond and Rebecca doesn’t have to let Sam go. It seems to me that she’s actually giving Sam the power to make the choice. Showing up at his house may have been ill advised but as pennben above noted, that was more likely as a confused woman in a relationship than a predatory boss.

Finally, I’m 99% sure Sam bought his own Tesla. Colin was driving a Ferrari or some such thing. Footballers are well paid and can afford to buy whatever they please. It’s in line with Sams personality that he has a Tesla, which I’m sure is chump change to a professional footballer.

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4 hours ago, Maysie said:

And while there’s definitely an issue of power imbalance, at this point, Rebecca has not exercised any authority over Sam. She would have been within her rights to refuse to allow the billionaire to talk to Sam; Sam is under contract to Richmond and Rebecca doesn’t have to let Sam go. It seems to me that she’s actually giving Sam the power to make the choice.

Yeah, I feel like this is worth pointing out again - Rebecca, as the club's owner, is under no obligation whatsoever to let what Sam wants decide. Sure, players can express a wish to leave - sometimes that's what ends up happening and sometimes it isn't, I've seen both - but those in charge have to do what they feel is the right move for *the club*, not for the player. Sam is clearly a very important player to Richmond at this point, and although you could argue that the money they'd get for him could enable them to invest in other players, they're already on the verge of promotion back to the Premier League which would also generate more money for them. No club wants to sell one of their best, especially not when they're such a positive locker room influence, too. Rebecca, Higgins, Ted, etc - they shouldn't be letting Sam make this decision. That's their job.

Edited by Schweedie
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On 10/2/2021 at 10:24 PM, Natalie25 said:

And this situation with Akufo is exactly why the power imbalance messes things up. Sam no longer has the freedom to make a true decision. Consciously or not the fact that he is in love with his boss is going to affect the decision he makes. It wouldn’t be the same as her not being his boss.

I've seen this point being made a few times and I simply don't agree. If Sam were dating another woman who had a career in the UK and he received this offer, he'd have the same hard time making the decision. Consciously nor not - the fact that he's in love with ANYONE who couldn't make the huge move to Africa - is going to affect the decision he makes. That's the point. Whether he stays or goes has nothing to do with the fact that she's his boss... it has to do with the fact that she's just a girl, standing in front of a boy, telling him she loves him.

Personally, I find the huge age-difference a little weird and awkward, but I find lots of relationships weird and awkward for lots of different reasons - but, as long as no one is being harmed (and no one is), to each their own. I believe that the way in which they met makes all the difference. They got to know each other completely anonymously for a long time. They're consenting adults.

Now, decisions about his pay, a potential trade, vacation days or social media choices likely shouldn't be made by a lover. Good thing Higgins typically handles those kinds of things anyway. As far as his decision to leave, though, that would be a tough call for him if he were in ANY committed relationship and his lover asked him to stay.

  • Love 6

I can't help wondering if Akufo is being straight with Sam. I really think Rupert is behind it all. We have already speculated that Rupert is buying another team. What if Rebecca sells Sam's contract to Akufo, then Akufo turns around and sells Sam's contract to Rupert? Rupert doesn't even have to know about the Sam-Rebecca relationship. He sticks it to Rebecca by stealing her best player.

I also think the news about Ted's panic attack will have more of an effect on the fans than the team. After all, most of them had their own sessions with Dr. Sharon for various issues. I could see this turning into a kind of Spartacus scene, where each player confesses his own mental health treatment to the press.

Edited by Good Queen Jane
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But whether Sam stays or goes could depend on Rebecca as his boss, since Akufo would have to buy Sam’s contract from Rebecca in order for him to leave the team. We can say that of course Rebecca wouldn’t refuse Sam’s request to leave, but still, she’s the one that holds the contract. We’ve seen Rebecca be vengeful before, so there’s precedent. I ultimately come down on the “no” side of their romance because of the boss/employee situation; couldn’t care less about the age difference. 

  • Love 1

Some randomness a few days later:

1. Nate's a dick, but Ted deserves to be called out for abandoning the team in a crucial moment of a crucial match, and he should have admitted it in the first place. I think that might be the way it plays out, but Ted should have given Crimm a comment, and then should have hooked ups Rebecca and (I guess, Keely, since she's apparently the PR department) of how to talk about it.

2. As has been stated, Rebecca has partners in the club; I don't know what percentage of the team is owned by other people, but it's a number, and she has a fiduciary responsibility to them (not to mention the town, the fans, the other players, her staff, whoever). To be fair on it, though, Trent should have talked to Ted before writing the piece, especially if it's a single anonymous source. I don't know English libel law, but that would be borderline libel unless he had good evidence it happened. 

3. Keely might just have thought Nate's kiss was no big deals and wanted to show some compassion, especially once she saw Nate's reaction. She's probably been inadvertently/unwantedly kissed a whole bunch of times over her career as an influencer, and she has times she makes a fuss and times she doesn't. 

4. Giles giving the shares back to Rebecca is part of the aforementioned plan to doubt Rebecca's competence and then force either a lawsuit or a shareholders' movement about the direction of the team. It's why he convinced Nate to go to Crimm with the story -- my guess is that the funeral scene was Rupert saying he respects Nate's coaching ability (or just complimenting him), and offering to buy Nate a drink sometime, and then Nate accepting, spilling the story and then Rupert tells him to go public for the good of the club. 

5. if the world's taught us anything, it's that people as rich as Rebecca can do whatever the hell they want with their romantic life. But it could work into the plot point of someone trying to take Richmond from her in the aforementioned shareholder vote of confidence, which is what I guess we see next week. 

  • Love 1


54 minutes ago, marcee said:

Now, decisions about his pay, a potential trade, vacation days or social media choices likely shouldn't be made by a lover.


34 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

I can't help wondering if Akufo is being straight with Sam. I really think Rupert is behind it all. We have already speculated that Rupert is buying another team. What if Rebecca sells Sam's contract to Akufo, then Akufo turns around and sells Sam's contract to Rupert? Rupert doesn't even have to know about the Sam-Rebecca relationship. He sticks it to Rebecca by stealing her best player.

Just a note - we don't really have "trades" in European football the way I've gathered you do in American sports. At least as far as I know you can't just sell a player's contract without their consent. What you can do is keep a player out of the team and say "unless you agree to sign a contract and move to a different club you won't be playing for the foreseeable future", but forcing someone to go somewhere isn't really a thing.

26 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

But whether Sam stays or goes could depend on Rebecca as his boss, since Akufo would have to buy Sam’s contract from Rebecca in order for him to leave the team. We can say that of course Rebecca wouldn’t refuse Sam’s request to leave, but still, she’s the one that holds the contract. We’ve seen Rebecca be vengeful before, so there’s precedent.

Again, Rebecca is completely entitled not to let Sam leave, romance aside. There doesn't need to be any revenge involved at all. As nice as it would be to let the player decide, that's not how it works. Clubs can't force a player to go somewhere else, but neither can a player expect his club to just let him go where he wants when he wants.

ETA - it seems like there's the general sentiment that if Sam wants to leave he should automatically get to do so and Rebecca would be a villain not to let him, so I just wanted to make it clear that it's really not as clear cut as that, heh. /someone who's been through a lot of stressful transfer windows

Edited by Schweedie
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34 minutes ago, whiporee said:

4. Giles giving the shares back to Rebecca is part of the aforementioned plan to doubt Rebecca's competence and then force either a lawsuit or a shareholders' movement about the direction of the team. It's why he convinced Nate to go to Crimm with the story -- my guess is that the funeral scene was Rupert saying he respects Nate's coaching ability (or just complimenting him), and offering to buy Nate a drink sometime, and then Nate accepting, spilling the story and then Rupert tells him to go public for the good of the club. 

I love that you called him Giles at first, then Rupert later, and it’s still clear who you’re talking about 😄

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I’m more uncomfortable with the Sam/Rebecca power dynamic over how it will make other people feel than Rebecca leveraging her power over Sam to manipulate him. I don’t think she would do that (what she did at the end of the episode any woman could have done, not just his boss). Realistically, it would make things awkward because people would always suspect Sam is getting special treatment because of who he’s dating, and people would be afraid to say anything negative about Sam’s performance (even if warranted/needed) lest Rebecca come down on them. This is a huge reason why companies have policies against this sort of thing - it makes it weird for everyone. Except this show takes place in bizarro land where everyone thinks it is great, so…okay.

But the main thing is that they are really at different phases in their lives. As someone said up-thread, Sam is only 21 and just on the cusp of launching his adult life. Rebecca is well past that point. Does Sam want to have kids? I don’t think Rebecca does. She very much strikes me as someone who loves her goddaughter, but has no desire to raise one of her own. If they were treating this like an affair they know isn’t built to last and to grow into a relationship but they are enjoying it while it lasts, I’d feel better about it. But they are treating like they are soulmates.

I don’t think Ted did anything wrong really leaving the field. He had a medical situation that prevented him from staying - doesn’t matter if he had a panic attack or was about to shit his pants from bad fish pie, as everyone speculated. And it would have been worse if he had stayed - be it having a crippling panic attack in front of everyone and freaking his players out - just like shitting his pants in front of a stadium full of people would have been worse/more distracting than leaving.

Trent Crimm, The Independent did ask Ted for a comment a couple episodes ago, and I don’t think Ted was obligated to reveal his health status. His health prevented him from being there. People could believe he was about to shit his pants because the bottom line is the same, and he chose not to reveal private health info, which is his right.

  • Love 11
18 minutes ago, Kostgard said:

She very much strikes me as someone who loves her goddaughter, but has no desire to raise one of her own

I do think Rebecca wanted/wants children.  When Rupert/Giles shows up at her office in "All Apologies" (Season 1.9), he takes delight in taunting her.  It's obvious in Rebecca's expressions that his words hurt.  After this horrible exchange, she rushes to Ted's office and confesses.  

"Rupert:  People change. I do want a child. I just suppose I... I didn't want one with... Before. I mean, in the end, it's just about being with the right person, isn't it? Oh, I'm so glad I got to tell you this in person. I would have hated for you to read it in the press. Good luck against Man City."

Read more at: https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?f=1020&t=45368"





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6 hours ago, whiporee said:

Some randomness a few days later:

1. Nate's a dick, but Ted deserves to be called out for abandoning the team in a crucial moment of a crucial match, and he should have admitted it in the first place. I think that might be the way it plays out, but Ted should have given Crimm a comment, and then should have hooked ups Rebecca and (I guess, Keely, since she's apparently the PR department) of how to talk about it.

That's a bit harsh TBH.  He was sick, whether it was food poisoning or a panic attack, and shit does happen.  Why should he have to share a personal issue (that he's still coming to terms with himself) with his staff?  If anything, he maybe should have been more upfront with Rebecca (as his boss).  Now the issue is out there not only for fans and the team, but his kid and his ex will also see it.  His ex (not that we have any indication she would do this but all the same) could to try use it against him if they ever have custody issues.  It isn't Ted's obligation to be a spokesperson for mental health (or physical health, while we're at it).  Nate is a dick, full stop, there is no justification for what he did. 


Edited to add:  Every future employer will know this about Ted.  With the stigma about mental health issues, he could be viewed as a liability or otherwise unfit for future coaching gigs.  This is a big effing deal.  Nate has done irreparable damage to Ted, his family, and his future.  So many things to criticize Ted for, this will never be one of them.  Ever.

Edited by lauridsen
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18 hours ago, whiporee said:

Some randomness a few days later:

1. Nate's a dick, but Ted deserves to be called out for abandoning the team in a crucial moment of a crucial match, and he should have admitted it in the first place. I think that might be the way it plays out, but Ted should have given Crimm a comment, and then should have hooked ups Rebecca and (I guess, Keely, since she's apparently the PR department) of how to talk about it.


No. Ted no more "abandoned" the team than someone who fainted, threw up, or got a positive Covid test and got pulled off the field. Ted has an illness and had a symptom flare. 

Ted is lacking in a lot of ways as a coach, and most of those are on him. As has been pointed out, he still hasn't learned the game. As Beard told him in season one (when Ted wouldn't listen to him or to Nate about benching a flagging Roy), these are not college students, they are professional athletes. While building character and developing a team spirit are great and important, it's not the coach's only job. They should be trying to win. 

There is plenty about Ted's coaching to criticize, but leaving the field mid-panic attack is no more it, than if a diabetic's sugar got too low and they had to leave the field to have some juice and a snack.

Besides, it's not like Ted is a lot of use on the field, because he still hasn't learned the game.


2. (...) To be fair on it, though, Trent should have talked to Ted before writing the piece, especially if it's a single anonymous source. I don't know English libel law, but that would be borderline libel unless he had good evidence it happened. 

Yes. Not asking for Ted's input was as unethical (from a journalism and a human point of view) as giving up Nate as his source (which I find forgivable from the human POV).


3. Keely might just have thought Nate's kiss was no big deals and wanted to show some compassion, especially once she saw Nate's reaction. She's probably been inadvertently/unwantedly kissed a whole bunch of times over her career as an influencer, and she has times she makes a fuss and times she doesn't. 

I agree with this. Nate has huge issues (which like other people, I suspect will be the redemption arc of season 3), and he should not have kissed Keeley (1) without her consent and/or (2) because he knows she's involved with his co-worker, but I completely understand why Keeley shrugged it off. It shouldn't have happened to her, but she would have little reason to think much more than that Nate has a crush and got his signals crossed. 

They weren't at work. They were on a personal errand that turned social (with drinks). Keeley does not work for Nate. He didn't try to leverage her job or reputation. I don't think Keeley was in possession of any information that (if I were in the same boat) would have made me sound the alarm. I'd have told my boyfriend, and I would have told him gently, so that my boyfriend didn't get himself arrested and fired for beating up Nate.

When you tell someone to stop (or make it clear you want them to) and they do, the story is over, unless it happens again.


Edited by General Days
insert omitted word
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3 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

I can't help wondering if Akufo is being straight with Sam. I really think Rupert is behind it all.

This might be be completely random but I noticed when Afuko introduced Sam to Edwin/Banksy he said 'Congratulations, you both just met a cool person.' That's the same line Ted used when he introduce Ted Crimm to waiter (or owner) of the Indian restaurant. It seemed a unique Lasso line but maybe this is common and I just never heard it before? Or is one of the writers just in love with the line? Or is there more going on? In that case it would tie Afuko to Ted Crimm but not Rupert 🤷‍♀️

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Kostgard said:

I’m more uncomfortable with the Sam/Rebecca power dynamic over how it will make other people feel than Rebecca leveraging her power over Sam to manipulate him. I don’t think she would do that (what she did at the end of the episode any woman could have done, not just his boss). Realistically, it would make things awkward because people would always suspect Sam is getting special treatment because of who he’s dating, and people would be afraid to say anything negative about Sam’s performance (even if warranted/needed) lest Rebecca come down on them. This is a huge reason why companies have policies against this sort of thing - it makes it weird for everyone. Except this show takes place in bizarro land where everyone thinks it is great, so…okay.

This is so important! The appearance or perception of favoritism is just as bad as actual favoritism and terrible for team morale for exactly the reasons you listed. Even in a situation where Rebecca is able to be completely impartial, people are going to assume that decisions are because of their relationship and not on merit.

  • Love 6

Is anyone else dying to see the season finale? Nate is an ass. Agree w previous authors, the writers twisted his character in season 2. The weird thing is that he has no basis for being cross w Ted. Wtf man? Re him kissing keely aka coworker - does not seem like it stopped anyone on the show. Keely only dated coworkers so far. Btw agree that she’s become annoying. Can do no wrong and everybody loves her. So far haven’t noticed her do anything extraordinary. She looks trashy, bad makeup that makes her look worse for wear, all she does is gossip, suck up to Rebecca and be a princess with roy. A shallow character. Why is everybody in love with her? I think she has feelings for jaimie though, that’s what why she looked so pale. She chose roy bc he was more mature and clear about what he wanted. But she still has the hearts for the bad boy Jamie. Roy will hook up with the teacher. Rebecca, and Sam. Rebecca is trying to have her cake and eat it. V weird and unclear of where the writers want to take it (is it anywhere takeable??) Her moral remorse about sleeping with an employee was short lived lol but fine, glad they’re reversing roles, gender wise. Not sure I understand what’s in it for Sam though. How interested can he be? He’ll want family at some point. And? Disappointed that Sharon is leaving. I totally expected a romance between her and Ted sparkle. It’s been too long since Ted was romantically involved. Hated the episode about beard. He’s cool but the whole episode??? It was an hour I’ll never get back. Lastly definitely improbable about the journalist giving up his source. Just impossible. Unless he’s desperately in love w Ted? Did that ever happen unless it was cia/a7/mosad/isis asking? 

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The one thing I couldn’t get over with Sharon leaving early was that the team practiced so hard on the dance routine. They deserved the chance to show it to her!

On 10/4/2021 at 6:21 AM, Maysie said:

It’s in line with Sams personality that he has a Tesla, which I’m sure is chump change to a professional footballer.

It was so perfect for him. He’s from a country ravaged by an oil company—of course he’s going to make sure he never has to go to a petrol station. 

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On 10/1/2021 at 5:49 AM, Avabelle said:

I usually love Keeley but she’s starting to become that annoying female character that everyone is in love with and can do no wrong. I could be feeling this way though as her reaction to Jamie has annoyed me.

I do not feel the Keeley love, for the actress or the role. I honestly don't see why she's so fucking amazing. And that's ok! If Rebecca and Roy see it, that's what matters.

On 10/2/2021 at 8:54 AM, nomodrama said:

And yes, Sam is absolutely the Mary Sue of this show, he has been since season 1. It's always worked for him though.

On the other hand, I totally love Sam! I don't care if he's a Mary Sue. He's delightful and I want to hang out with him. How mileage varies on boards fascinates me.

On 10/1/2021 at 12:17 PM, Trillium said:

I guess I don’t get the affinity for Phoebe’s teacher others have. Nothing wrong with her, she’s fine. But I don’t feel any “struck by fucking lightning” vibes I do with Roy and Keely.

And I see loads more chemistry between Roy and the teacher. Roy seems so much more real with her, maybe because he's outside the footballer world. Less grunting, more humaning. When they first met that vibe shocked me, because they would not have Roy stray and it didn't seem like they would write in a breakup either. I thought it was an odd acting/writing choice. Maybe they just needed to set this up so that both Roy and Keeley had a confession and inner conflict that will drive their next stage.

Roy and Keeley are at different spots. He's looking to retire and live a quiet life reading at home next to her. She's his focus. She's working all night and ramping up. He's not her focus. That doesn't mean it has to end, but they have some stuff to sort out.

On 10/1/2021 at 8:19 PM, AngieBee1 said:

Roy told Keeley he loves her in the same episode Jamie did.  I assume they had said it to each other loads prior, but some people feel that was the first time he said it as it was the first time we've  seen it (which I don't agree with).

It really wouldn't make much sense to me that it's the first time...don't they live together? I took it as a deliberate bookend by the writers, and moment of contrition and connection by Roy.

On 10/2/2021 at 12:26 PM, alalaxmom said:

My big ass grin started when I noticed Roy bobbing his head to the music and singing along word for word. I love the little details like that!!

I don't tend to pay much attention to the little details, so I'm eager to rewatch the series and look for these moments. A friend also told me that on rewatch you see lots of foreshadowing, including Rebecca hooking up with a player.

On 10/1/2021 at 9:25 AM, DEL901 said:

More importantly, Nate doesn’t realize that while the Coach gets credit for the wins, they also take the responsibility for the losses.  Can’t ever see Nate doing that.  He would throw everyone under the bus. 

And Nate should have seen that by now. Has Ted thrown anyone under the bus -- coach or player -- despite ongoing losses? No.

On 10/4/2021 at 3:28 PM, Kostgard said:

I’m more uncomfortable with the Sam/Rebecca power dynamic over how it will make other people feel than Rebecca leveraging her power over Sam to manipulate him. I don’t think she would do that (what she did at the end of the episode any woman could have done, not just his boss). Realistically, it would make things awkward because people would always suspect Sam is getting special treatment because of who he’s dating, and people would be afraid to say anything negative about Sam’s performance (even if warranted/needed) lest Rebecca come down on them. This is a huge reason why companies have policies against this sort of thing - it makes it weird for everyone. Except this show takes place in bizarro land where everyone thinks it is great, so…okay.

But the main thing is that they are really at different phases in their lives. As someone said up-thread, Sam is only 21 and just on the cusp of launching his adult life. Rebecca is well past that point. Does Sam want to have kids? I don’t think Rebecca does. She very much strikes me as someone who loves her goddaughter, but has no desire to raise one of her own. If they were treating this like an affair they know isn’t built to last and to grow into a relationship but they are enjoying it while it lasts, I’d feel better about it. But they are treating like they are soulmates.

I don’t think Ted did anything wrong really leaving the field. He had a medical situation that prevented him from staying - doesn’t matter if he had a panic attack or was about to shit his pants from bad fish pie, as everyone speculated. And it would have been worse if he had stayed - be it having a crippling panic attack in front of everyone and freaking his players out - just like shitting his pants in front of a stadium full of people would have been worse/more distracting than leaving.

Trent Crimm, The Independent did ask Ted for a comment a couple episodes ago, and I don’t think Ted was obligated to reveal his health status. His health prevented him from being there. People could believe he was about to shit his pants because the bottom line is the same, and he chose not to reveal private health info, which is his right.

Oh, I think Rebecca definitely wanted to have kids. The pain was palpable when Rupert twisted the knife with the he never found the right person to have kids with until new Rebecca.  This was a conversation they had had before where he said he was too old.   She gave up this want to be with him and he fucked her over. 


I have no issues with Sam and Rebecca. It's a tv show, and they have great chemistry.  Is it end game? I dunno, but it may be just what both of them need at this point in time.

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On 12/22/2021 at 9:23 AM, roseslg said:

Oh, I think Rebecca definitely wanted to have kids. The pain was palpable when Rupert twisted the knife with the he never found the right person to have kids with until new Rebecca.  This was a conversation they had had before where he said he was too old.   She gave up this want to be with him and he fucked her over. 


Rebecca is rich enough that she could have frozen her eggs and could have someone be a surrogate for her and someone else. (Maybe Sam, someone she knows, or an anonymous donor). I wouldn't mind this being a story line in S3.

14 hours ago, Captain Carrot said:

Rebecca is rich enough that she could have frozen her eggs and could have someone be a surrogate for her and someone else. (Maybe Sam, someone she knows, or an anonymous donor). I wouldn't mind this being a story line in S3.

Hopefully. I've had friends who wanted kids but didn't because of their partner/ lack of partner.  I also have one who had the foresight to freeze her eggs.  I've also known people who got divorce because one partner changed their minds.  

 A lot of information there to mine.

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On 10/1/2021 at 7:31 AM, Schweedie said:

Well. Didn't love that and don't really have all that much to say about it, which makes me sad. I did love the callback of the "Congratulations, you both just met a cool person" line from the billionaire guy - that's exactly what Ted said when he introduced Trent and Ollie to one another in the restaurant way back in 1x03.

And I loved the dance routine. They were really giving it their all! I kept rewinding and focussing on a different person throughout, heh - Jan Maas was killing it in the background. I really wish we could spend more time with the team, because I live for those himbos.

I love how the team really has coalesced into a team. Everything from the Christmas to the funeral to the haircut to the dancing. Just love the feelings. 

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On 11/8/2022 at 9:10 PM, anna0852 said:

Rewatching and thinking Keely's look for the photo shoot was awful! Her eyebrows were clearly painted on, the eyeliner was too thick and her hair looks like she left the conditioner in. Weighted down and greasy.

I remember thinking the same thing at the time. The wet racoon look models sometimes go for... 

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