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S11.E11: Ice Queen of the Desert

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Kathy and Kyle do seem fun. I’d hang out with them. I liked Crystal much better this episode and still love Garcelle - but I think she throws out the shade just as fast as the rest of them while playing innocent- her comment to Kathy re: Paris comes to mind. But I’m here for it.

Does Kyle sleep with those under eye patches on or just wear them in the morning before applying makeup or….? Beauty product junkies (me) need to know. 

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24 minutes ago, amarante said:

It doesn't matter whether she is lying under oath.

It does if you're saying she's committing perjury.


18 minutes ago, Ss55 said:

Does Kyle sleep with those under eye patches on or just wear them in the morning before applying makeup or….? Beauty product junkies (me) need to know. 

Maybe you or another beauty product junkie can answer this:  Why is Kathy's face so shiny?  Is it an after-effect of having facials or peels or something like that?  Or just using massive amounts of moisturizer?

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Kathy and Kyle do seem fun. I’d hang out with them. I liked Crystal much better this episode and still love Garcelle - but I think she throws out the shade just as fast as the rest of them while playing innocent- her comment to Kathy re: Paris comes to mind. But I’m here for it.

Does Kyle sleep with those under eye patches on or just wear them in the morning before applying makeup or….? Beauty product junkies (me) need to know.

also: hated Garcelle and Rinna’s hats.

1 minute ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It does if you're saying she's committing perjury.


Maybe you or another beauty product junkie can answer this:  Why is Kathy's face so shiny?  Is it an after-effect of having facials or peels or something like that?  Or just using massive amounts of moisturizer?

I think all of the above - plus fillers and Botox.

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50 minutes ago, amarante said:

It doesn't matter whether she is lying under oath. She is still giving the lawyers a field day when she was deposed. They will have compiled all of her conflicting statements and they are on tape. They will be able to subpoena ALL of the footage including footage that wasn't aired.

They will then force her to either tell the truth or lie. Many of her lies are very easily exposed. For example, all of her testimony about Tom's accident and the injuries. There will be medical evidence of what injuries were sustained as well as testimony from anyone who interacted with Tom who will testify regarding his lack of injuries. 

She is not going to be able to lie about whether she has talked to Tom either - there would be records of phone calls unless they were both using burners. 

I think Erika's real exposure is the civil liability since she is effectively the deep pockets - there is the Pasadena crypt but not much will be left after the liens on it are paid off. 

I think Erika got VERY uncomfortable when Sutton was discussing forensic accounting. I don't think she really thought deeply about how all of her finances will be pored over.

Standard of proof for civil litigation is preponderance of evidence and I can't imagine what kind of argument she would be making that any of the possessions she acquired prior to the separation aren't part of the marital estate. Once that is determined they would get a judgment against her which would follow her until repaid - in excess of $25,000,000 once all the creditors are added up. 

Yes, the temper tantrum overshadowed other little tidbits. She actually looked nauseous when Sutton was explaining forensic accounting. I also rewatched today to confirm I didn't imagine that during the conversation about the Desert house she had never seen she said something about it being a place for a family. She was implying Tom may have had another family which is some giant leap. It's like she is trying out new lies all the time. Granted, it was only an implication, so testing the waters? I agree it does not matter if she is under oath or not. She is contradicting, on film, statements she previously made, on film. Jurors always have to decide the credibility of a witness. At this point, I'd believe Brandi over Erika.

Edited by chlban
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I hate knowing this, but Kathy was spraying a Tatcha Dewy Skin mist a few episodes ago. Love their skincare, but it’s scented and I gave up on it. 

Watched the Hulu special on Erika and Tom. I hate them so much more now. Those poor victims. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The real crime was the wig and beanie Garcelle was wearing for that outing, she looked like Meg Griffin from Family Guy.

I couldn't take my eyes of it because I was trying to figure out what the hell was happening with that whole thing. 

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4 hours ago, Raiderred said:

1)  Harry has acrylic nails?  And those were his ACTUAL nails?

It was a preview so I'm reserving judgment.  But I have a feeling I will be judging harshly come next Wednesday 😄


3 hours ago, 90sfan said:

Also, doesn't Erika say something to Garcelle like "You got it out of me once. You're not getting it out of me again." I deleted the episode already so can't play it back. I guess Erika can say she was talking to production, but it didn't seem that way when watching.

As I recall, on their hike Garcelle was asking the kinds of questions we all are, and that's where Erika came up with the "he calls me" thing.  I'll admit that when Garcelle brought it up at the house in front of all of the women she kind of turned me off with that gossipy "I want to give the scoop first" tone in her voice.  But when Erika said "you got it out of me once" I thought that referred to Garcelle's pointed questions on the hike.  (No way will I ever believe they thought that was a private convo and the mike "picked it up"). I can believe that at some point Erika said no more, and Crystal was present for that but Garcelle was not. Garcelle's bringing it up to the ladies in the house was a turnoff to me, as I said, but since someone here suggested that she was "doing her job" as a HW I now get it.


46 minutes ago, Ss55 said:

Does Kyle sleep with those under eye patches on or just wear them in the morning before applying makeup or….? Beauty product junkies (me) need to know. 

She wears them when she gets up - @20-30 minutes to moisturize the eye area, cool it off and reduce puffiness.  (They also work well if you're on an overnight flight - you can put them on when they lower the lights and no one notices :). Kathy had them on in the morning too.


26 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Maybe you or another beauty product junkie can answer this:  Why is Kathy's face so shiny?  Is it an after-effect of having facials or peels or something like that?  Or just using massive amounts of moisturizer?

Yes - laser peels.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It does if you're saying she's committing perjury.



As I explained, even though she isn’t under oath, all of her inconsistent statements and lies will be used to attack her credibility because she will be out under oath and be confronted with all of her lies.

When police interrogate a suspect, they are just as happy if the suspect lies because that can be used to impeach their credibility. 

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My sister's second husband worked at a golf course.  He worked behind the counter booking tee times and bullshitting with the club members, occasionally moving golf carts around.  Minimum wage job (this I know because a couple of times they asked me to deposit his paychecks).

Fast forward about two years of them being broke asses (my sister didn't work) and suddenly they were renovating their kitchen...then the bedrooms...then all new cookware, bakeware, dishes, etc.  Totally redone down to the utensils.

I didn't ask any questions.  Not my circus, not my monkeys.  I did wonder how they came up with the chunk of change, though.  I made 3 times what he made and I couldn't have afforded to do that all at once.

Now fast forward about another year.  Suddenly these two are half owners of a private plane, a top of the line bass boat, a party barge, and are going out of the city/state/country at least twice a month...yet his paycheck amount only rose about $50/week.  

My sister showed me one day how there were literally THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS hidden throughout their house.  It was like fucking Goodfellas.  Stacks of hundreds hidden in toes of shoes, jacket pockets, even the goddamned light fixtures.  THOUSANDS of dollars.  

Clearly something was way off with this whole scenario.  These jackasses, who earned still about minimum wage, were living like they were the Kennedys.  

I asked my sister, "Where is he getting all of this money?"

Her reply, "I don't know.  I don't care.  I'm getting everything I want."

My reply, "But what if he gets caught?  You could go down, too."

Her final word on the subject:  "I'll just play dumb.  I don't really know where he gets it or how he gets it."

And there we have it.  The redneck Erika Girardi, right in my own family.  

I think my sister's attitude is exactly the same attitude Erika has.

I always thought my sister should go down with her husband if he ever got caught, and I also think Erika needs to go down with Tom.  

Share in the gold, pay the piper.  

ETA:  Karma got my sister, though.  She had an affair, her husband found out, he jockeyed the titles to the assets around, hid some cash, and she couldn't prove he had ownership in any of those things.  She walked away with just half of the house equity.  She didn't put up too much resistance because she and her new redneck beau had bigger fish to fry, apparently.  *shrug*

Edited by Persnickety1
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On 8/4/2021 at 8:57 PM, Andi27 said:

Erika, you shared a 'private moment' with two woman while on mic on the television show you are all on.

 Yes, she's on tv, but there is a difference between the women hearing/seeing months later that they may not even mention to Erika vs. someone bringing it up while filming which could cause conflict, drama, unpleasant emotions, etc.

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24 minutes ago, amarante said:

As I explained, even though she isn’t under oath, all of her inconsistent statements and lies will be used to attack her credibility because she will be out under oath and be confronted with all of her lies.

No doubt.  But the statement I was responding to was a reaction to watching the show:


She literally just perjured herself.

If you're accusing a person of perjury, it does matter whether the statement is made under oath.  No oath, no perjury.  I'm convinced Erika's lying to the other housewives, but we're not seeing her commit perjury.  Perjury is a big deal--it can get you sent to jail.  Lying to your girlfriends, even on TV--not so much.

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23 hours ago, HotHW said:

She shared her story on TV. That is completely different than your "friend" literally announcing "so on behalf of Erika I'm going to tell you what she shared with me". I'd be pissed too. All of the other women could read the room and knew not to even ask questions unless Erika brought it up. But Garcelle seems to fancy herself way more important than she is and has some right to butt in where she doesn't belong. "So Sutton, tell me where you get your money from". "So everyone, let me tell you all about a story Erika told me about her husband and their legal troubles". But boohoo, I can't trust Rinna because I don't know if she'll be nice to me if we have a disagreement. 

STFU Garcelle.

It seems like such a simple thing to grasp.  I agree 100%.  Garcelle was looking for a moment.  Reality tv or not, the other women weren't there in the moment so let Erika tell them what she wants and how she wants.

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7 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

I love Garcelle. I can just hear her bullshit detector going off, and see her mentally filing away every new bombshell Erika decides to drop about her situation. This is what I meant when I said last week about continually embellishing your story — it will come back to bite you. Erika told Garcelle flat out Tom was not cheating. Later, she made the cheating the topic of dinner conversation. I’m just sorry Garcelle wasn’t there to call her out then. 

I especially liked how Garcelle brought up Tom’s phone calls. At first this struck me as sort of rude, but it was her way of signalling to Erika that she was on to the BS. That scene was totally between Garcelle and Erika — the rest are still too gullible sympathetic and take at face value whatever she says. No wonder Erika went off — “victim” Erika has been put on notice that her sob stories won’t work on at least one member of the group. Erika does not like meeting her match. And, of course, Erika makes the grand exit stage right after, complete with hiccuping sobs. Was her mascara running too? Spare me. This stopped feeling genuine a long time ago.


I think a lot of you are going to be disappointed if you think Garcelle is going to try to stick it to Erika.  She's in previews saying something to the effect of not kicking her while she's down and also on WWHL she was supportive.

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Have some thoughts...

I heard that the producers prompt the naive newbies to ask/say things  that will stir the shit and burn/cause a blowup for some major drama. It doesn't work again if they make  to a 2nd season

Possible one got to Garcelle  and it was   'suggested' she  bring up about Tom  contacting Erika?

On one level I can believe Erika never having a bank acct or debit card -  worked with people like that, they cashed their checks at the Currency Exchange-- aka the poor peoples bank. They also used them for money orders.

Also, Currency Exchanges  offer fewer  paper-trails  over a bank - I'm sure Erika  had lots of cash from tips that may have not been reported

Edited by sheetmoss
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On 8/5/2021 at 2:49 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Among her countless other crimes, believing she looks good in sea foam green speaks volumes about her delusions and arrogance. 

Not sure which I like less, the sea foam green or road crew yellow shirt she wore to croquet.

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7 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

I think a lot of you are going to be disappointed if you think Garcelle is going to try to stick it to Erika.  She's in previews saying something to the effect of not kicking her while she's down and also on WWHL she was supportive.

It’s enough for me right now that somebody appears to be listening critically to Erika’s story. You can still have a healthy level of skepticism about what you’re hearing and not “kick someone when they’re down”. Erika’s whole gig has been playing on emotions, which is deflecting any hard questions about her possible role in all this mess.

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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I liked

Erika: I’ve been very open.

Garcelle: Yes, you have.

Erika: And very honest.


That scene was the BEST! I gasped and said out loud, in a scandalized voice, "Oooo Garcelle!" 😂 


I'm getting annoyed with editing and production. If they're going to have such a big presence, and a big hand in making things play out the way they do, then they need to show it. The 4th wall can be the extra housewife!

   They had no problem showing when they badgered Denise to go back into the lion's den, and when they meddled and got Garcelle irritated with Denise. 

 Since I'm being grumpy, it's also annoying that  watching wwhl and the never before scenes are now kinda needed to get the full story.   Don't they know I need all the information in one place so I can be properly outraged and judgmental? 😆 


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15 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

It seems like such a simple thing to grasp.  I agree 100%.  Garcelle was looking for a moment.  Reality tv or not, the other women weren't there in the moment so let Erika tell them what she wants and how she wants.

You mean like they all, including Erika, did with Denise? Oh wait, nevermind.

8 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

It’s enough for me right now that somebody appears to be listening critically to Erika’s story. You can still have a healthy level of skepticism about what you’re hearing and not “kick someone when they’re down”. Erika’s whole gig has been playing on emotions, which is deflecting any hard questions about her possible role in all this mess.

I actually have my hopes pinned on Sutton. Scary thought, I admit, but I am becoming convinced Sutton may indeed be eccentric but not stupid. 

Edited by chlban
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49 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

That scene was the BEST! I gasped and said out loud, in a scandalized voice, "Oooo Garcelle!" 😂 


I'm getting annoyed with editing and production. If they're going to have such a big presence, and a big hand in making things play out the way they do, then they need to show it. The 4th wall can be the extra housewife!

   They had no problem showing when they badgered Denise to go back into the lion's den, and when they meddled and got Garcelle irritated with Denise. 

 Since I'm being grumpy, it's also annoying that  watching wwhl and the never before scenes are now kinda needed to get the full story.   Don't they know I need all the information in one place so I can be properly outraged and judgmental? 😆 


Besides they are not going to force me to watch WWHL. Even BRAVO viewers have some standards😀

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14 minutes ago, chlban said:

You mean like they all, including Erika, did with Denise? Oh wait, nevermind.

I actually gave my hopes pinned on Sutton. Scary thought, I admit, but I am becoming convinced Sutton may indeed be eccentric but not stupid. 

Sutton will probably go there, if the previews are to be believed. Really, nobody “can bring Erika down” — except Erika.

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17 hours ago, OFDgal said:

Erika was claiming she didn't know how to make a deposit at the bank.  Where did she get the cash that she was depositing?  It must've been left over from all that cash that Tom had lying around that he gave her her spending money from.  lol

It was probably from the settlements in cash which is either in a safety deposit box or in Switzerland or hidden somewhere.  Her Effie face and that fake crying is Effie annoying, but most of all, those stupid women are all over her, except Darcelle who has her number.  If any of them annoy her, she threatens them.  Get off the show already.  I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with Tom either.


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One thing about this season: if it wasn’t for the Erika/Tom drama this season would be boring,  did we really want a whole season of Sutton and Crystal arguing about the naked/violated incident? 
I read somewhere Erika got in a screaming fight with the producers, would have liked to have seen that, funny how they aired Denise and the producers conflicts last season. Why does everyone seem scared of Erika? 

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I think she knew she was intentionally bringing up the subject for Erika to talk again about how Tom was calling her every day, but I don't see how she could have known that she wanted to pretend it never happened and would freak out if it was mentioned.

My post doesn't say Garcelle knew she would get such a dramatic reaction. My point is that Garcelle likes to poke the bear. She wasn't trying to "help" Erika - she was pretending to be sympathetic while shading Erika. Garcelle has seen through Erika since the beginning of this mess.

And for the love of gawd, what was Garcelle wearing on her head? The old Spencer Davis lyrics "wig hat" come to mind. I suspect Garcelle doesn't pay for constant styling like some of the other women do. Did she look in a mirror before she wore that thing in public?

Edited by pasdetrois
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45 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

My post doesn't say Garcelle knew she would get such a dramatic reaction. My point is that Garcelle likes to poke the bear.

Because if she just sat there like a bump on a log she would be fired ... come on now

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I thought Garcelle and Crystal looked entirely appropriate for a hike😊

1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

My point is that Garcelle likes to poke the bear.

Well, yeah.  Sure.  Is anyone under the illusion that any of those women actually like each other—with the possible exception of Kyle and Kathy?  😊. Of course, they're all looking for ways to throw each other under the bus.

But there are the demure leg-out-so-they'll-trip maneuvers that end someone up in the bus lane.  And then there are the smackdown pushes.

I think Garcelle's moves belong in the former category.  😊

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I did not anticipate this, but I’m digging the brief glimpses into Kathy’s arcane existence and Sutton’s divorce (two minor-league baseball teams!). I wouldn’t want Kathy to become a main focus of the show but they’re using her just enough this season, I think. 

Also, I 100% thought that the Confucius comment was just Kyle being racist until she and Crystal clarified that. Eek! 

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20 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Nah.  Perjury is lying under oath. 


I see that monotone as her dramatic interpretation of how it must be to be sooooo exhausted and beat down, and it really grates on me.


I heard her say that she doesn't know how to use a debit card, and Kathy said she didn't, either.  They might both be lying, but I have a friend who's in his early 70s who has never had a debit card or an ATM card and doesn't know anything about them.  He uses a credit card for lots of stuff, and if he needs cash, he goes to the bank and withdraws it.

He knows about banking, but the only PIN he's ever had is for his answering machine.

As someone who grew up in Bel Air and Beverly Hills, I can definitely second this. My mother, who has two Ph.Ds, has never used a debit or ATM card in her life. She somehow doesn't trust them, and it seems really common with her group of friends. They all go into the bank if they need cash and still use checks all the time. This includes a few of her friends who were actually in banking. 

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19 hours ago, dbell1 said:

I hate knowing this, but Kathy was spraying a Tatcha Dewy Skin mist a few episodes ago. Love their skincare, but it’s scented and I gave up on it. 

Watched the Hulu special on Erika and Tom. I hate them so much more now. Those poor victims. 

Is it anywhere else than Hulu?

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21 minutes ago, suzsqueak said:

As someone who grew up in Bel Air and Beverly Hills, I can definitely second this. My mother, who has two Ph.Ds, has never used a debit or ATM card in her life. She somehow doesn't trust them, and it seems really common with her group of friends. They all go into the bank if they need cash and still use checks all the time. This includes a few of her friends who were actually in banking. 

I could understand that.  Debit cards get compromised often, and it’s a big pain in the ass to straighten it out and get a new debit card.

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19 hours ago, chlban said:

Yes, the temper tantrum overshadowed other little tidbits. She actually looked nauseous when Sutton was explaining forensic accounting. I also rewatched today to confirm I didn't imagine that during the conversation about the Desert house she had never seen she said something about it being a place for a family. She was implying Tom may have had another family which is some giant leap. It's like she is trying out new lies all the time. Granted, it was only an implication, so testing the waters? I agree it does not matter if she is under oath or not. She is contradicting, on film, statements she previously made, on film. Jurors always have to decide the credibility of a witness. At this point, I'd believe Brandi over Erika.

Doesnt Erika understand that being on the show is not helping her case?  She’s getting more mixed up by the minute when she is lying.

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16 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Doesnt Erika understand that being on the show is not helping her case?  She’s getting more mixed up by the minute when she is lying.

I suspect that, at this point, she does know she is hurting herself. Unfortunately for her, the season is filmed so not much she can do now. I bet her lawyers are furious.

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11 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Doesnt Erika understand that being on the show is not helping her case?  She’s getting more mixed up by the minute when she is lying.

That’s the thing with lies. They keep building on themselves and take on a life of their own. I’m convinced she’ll say anything if it means keeping the heat off her, and she knows most of the women will believe whatever she says. Pretty cynical, if you ask me, but that’s Erika.



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2 minutes ago, chlban said:

I suspect that, at this point, she does know she is hurting herself. Unfortunately for her, the season is filmed so not much she can do now. I bet her lawyers are furious.

Didn’t a few lawyers resign from her case? And yes, when that was being filmed she had no idea just how deep she was planting her foot in her mouth. The best possible thing would have been to leave the show when the divorce crap and Lion Air stuff came out, but maybe she couldn’t.


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19 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

My sister's second husband worked at a golf course.  He worked behind the counter booking tee times and bullshitting with the club members, occasionally moving golf carts around.  Minimum wage job (this I know because a couple of times they asked me to deposit his paychecks).

Fast forward about two years of them being broke asses (my sister didn't work) and suddenly they were renovating their kitchen...then the bedrooms...then all new cookware, bakeware, dishes, etc.  Totally redone down to the utensils.

I didn't ask any questions.  Not my circus, not my monkeys.  I did wonder how they came up with the chunk of change, though.  I made 3 times what he made and I couldn't have afforded to do that all at once.

Now fast forward about another year.  Suddenly these two are half owners of a private plane, a top of the line bass boat, a party barge, and are going out of the city/state/country at least twice a month...yet his paycheck amount only rose about $50/week.  

My sister showed me one day how there were literally THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS hidden throughout their house.  It was like fucking Goodfellas.  Stacks of hundreds hidden in toes of shoes, jacket pockets, even the goddamned light fixtures.  THOUSANDS of dollars.  

Clearly something was way off with this whole scenario.  These jackasses, who earned still about minimum wage, were living like they were the Kennedys.  

I asked my sister, "Where is he getting all of this money?"

Her reply, "I don't know.  I don't care.  I'm getting everything I want."

My reply, "But what if he gets caught?  You could go down, too."

Her final word on the subject:  "I'll just play dumb.  I don't really know where he gets it or how he gets it."

And there we have it.  The redneck Erika Girardi, right in my own family.  

I think my sister's attitude is exactly the same attitude Erika has.

I always thought my sister should go down with her husband if he ever got caught, and I also think Erika needs to go down with Tom.  

Share in the gold, pay the piper.  

ETA:  Karma got my sister, though.  She had an affair, her husband found out, he jockeyed the titles to the assets around, hid some cash, and she couldn't prove he had ownership in any of those things.  She walked away with just half of the house equity.  She didn't put up too much resistance because she and her new redneck beau had bigger fish to fry, apparently.  *shrug*

Sounds like what was going on at the golf course in our city several years ago.  

I believe Erika knew it all.  All that was going on while she was married to him.  Her behavior suggests guilty mofo.  

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is Chrystal new on the show?  She doesn’t bring much to the table.

8 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Sounds like what was going on at the golf course in our city several years ago.  

I believe Erika knew it all.  All that was going on while she was married to him.  Her behavior suggests guilty mofo.  

That story was more interesting than the whole damn show.

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On 8/5/2021 at 3:54 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

Being ignorant about banking sets up her defense about not being aware of the piles of money being transferred to her various LLCs. 🙄

I think that’s what she thinks cause it turns out she’s not that bright. I’m sure there are now lawyers who can’t wait to depose her about her “never had a bank account or debit card” story.

She probably thought being on the show again was a brilliant idea. She’d get a nice paycheck and be able to spin her BS at the same time.

She likely thought nobody was ever going to find out about that pesky $22M loan to EJ Global. Bitch please - it’s on the Girardi Keese balance sheet as a receivable. And apparently this “loan” wasn’t made all that long ago either. Your signature is also on the law firm operating loans Old Tom took out. If it was a forgery I’m sure she’d be squawking about it by now.

If Old Tom wasn’t such a deplorable human being I’d actually like him. He set up her fall real good. No prenup makes me giggle.

ETA - “hot mic” my ass.


Edited by Jennifersdc
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20 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

My sister's second husband worked at a golf course.  He worked behind the counter booking tee times and bullshitting with the club members, occasionally moving golf carts around.  Minimum wage job (this I know because a couple of times they asked me to deposit his paychecks).

Fast forward about two years of them being broke asses (my sister didn't work) and suddenly they were renovating their kitchen...then the bedrooms...then all new cookware, bakeware, dishes, etc.  Totally redone down to the utensils.

I didn't ask any questions.  Not my circus, not my monkeys.  I did wonder how they came up with the chunk of change, though.  I made 3 times what he made and I couldn't have afforded to do that all at once.

Now fast forward about another year.  Suddenly these two are half owners of a private plane, a top of the line bass boat, a party barge, and are going out of the city/state/country at least twice a month...yet his paycheck amount only rose about $50/week.  

My sister showed me one day how there were literally THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS hidden throughout their house.  It was like fucking Goodfellas.  Stacks of hundreds hidden in toes of shoes, jacket pockets, even the goddamned light fixtures.  THOUSANDS of dollars.  

Clearly something was way off with this whole scenario.  These jackasses, who earned still about minimum wage, were living like they were the Kennedys.  

I asked my sister, "Where is he getting all of this money?"

Her reply, "I don't know.  I don't care.  I'm getting everything I want."

My reply, "But what if he gets caught?  You could go down, too."

Her final word on the subject:  "I'll just play dumb.  I don't really know where he gets it or how he gets it."

And there we have it.  The redneck Erika Girardi, right in my own family.  

I think my sister's attitude is exactly the same attitude Erika has.

I always thought my sister should go down with her husband if he ever got caught, and I also think Erika needs to go down with Tom.  

Share in the gold, pay the piper.  

ETA:  Karma got my sister, though.  She had an affair, her husband found out, he jockeyed the titles to the assets around, hid some cash, and she couldn't prove he had ownership in any of those things.  She walked away with just half of the house equity.  She didn't put up too much resistance because she and her new redneck beau had bigger fish to fry, apparently.  *shrug*

Holy moly, that’s some story.

Hopefully karma will get your sister’s ex at some point!

Well, my family drama is, well, boring, in comparison.

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On 8/5/2021 at 1:48 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

I would bet $25 million dollars (heh) that one of the production people was in the bathroom with Erika when she was sobbing and saying she's been open and honest. I bet her openness and willingness to talk about all this shizz is why she was given a contract for this season. They just edited out that side of any bathroom convo as not to break the 4th wall again. I can believe her sobs are real, her life has fallen down around her ankles and turned to rubble.

I don't know how she forgets that every single thing she says -on camera- can be viewed multiple times, parsed, rewound, screenshot, gif'ed. She's made a gigantic error by filming.

This is absolutely what happened.  (And Rinna’s post seems to confirm it).  Erika left the group to avoid talking about the inconsistencies, and to beg the producers to edit this all out.  She started hyperventilating when she realized her mistake, and her “I’ve been...open (sob)...and...honest...(sob)(hiccup)...”  makes sense in the context of talking to producers.

Also, about the talk in the desert - there’s info. coming out that that footage was probably shot via a drone.  (Looks believable to me if you watch the scene again).  That would explain why Erika might not have known that part of the convo was filmed.  And also why she said to Garcelle: “go ahead, you want your moment...”  In other words, she realized her slip after she said it, told Chrystal not to say anything, and probably quickly begged the producers to edit it out.  But she didn’t count on getting set up (the producers goading Garcelle to raise the subject with the group).  That explains Erika’s outburst with Garcelle and then her fury with producers.  



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4 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Holy moly, that’s some story.

Hopefully karma will get your sister’s ex at some point!

Well, my family drama is, well, boring, in comparison.

Mine is too! Though my now ex-BIL is even stupider than Erika Jayne. They were married for 20 years and he settled for $350K in cash and no child support in exchange for all rights to the $1.5M house (paid off) and all her assets, investments and pensions. She hasn’t worked since 2008 (she was an Institutional Equity Trader at Morgan Stanley for 20 plus years and he never really worked). Her Morgan Stanley stock and pension alone is worth a million or so. I’d have had a lawyer subpoenaing her ass in two seconds. He’s already spent most of it in a year (including a Mercedes, boat, $6K Pomski puppy and $2K on a “mini pig” that lasted all of two weeks). I just refer to him as the Village Idiot.

Village Idiot #2 (Erika Jayne) is going the complete different path and still trying to pick the carcass of whatever is left in the Tom Girardi estate. Widows and Orphans be damned!

I’m guessing coke on the golf course? Like Richie Aprile from The Sopranos and the garbage routes…hehe…

ETA to add - the Village Idiot is actually very nice. Unlike Village Idiot #2.

Edited by Jennifersdc
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3 hours ago, suzsqueak said:

As someone who grew up in Bel Air and Beverly Hills, I can definitely second this. My mother, who has two Ph.Ds, has never used a debit or ATM card in her life. She somehow doesn't trust them, and it seems really common with her group of friends. They all go into the bank if they need cash and still use checks all the time. This includes a few of her friends who were actually in banking. 

Erika didn’t grow up in Beverly Hills. She was a stripper in New Jersey.. the girl used a bank and bank cards 

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54 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

This is absolutely what happened.  (And Rinna’s post seems to confirm it).  Erika left the group to avoid talking about the inconsistencies, and to beg the producers to edit this all out.  She started hyperventilating when she realized her mistake, and her “I’ve been...open (sob)...and...honest...(sob)(hiccup)...”  makes sense in the context of talking to producers.

Also, about the talk in the desert - there’s info. coming out that that footage was probably shot via a drone.  (Looks believable to me if you watch the scene again).  That would explain why Erika might not have known that part of the convo was filmed.  And also why she said to Garcelle: “go ahead, you want your moment...”  In other words, she realized her slip after she said it, told Chrystal not to say anything, and probably quickly begged the producers to edit it out.  But she didn’t count on getting set up (the producers goading Garcelle to raise the subject with the group).  That explains Erika’s outburst with Garcelle and then her fury with producers.  



I feel so validated! I don't social media so didn't know about Rinna's vague posting until after my post.
 If I had a mic stuck to my back and big secrets to hide, you can bet your bippy that I would be extra mindful and hyper aware every time I opened my mouth! At least I now know for certain that I'm smarter than Erika, just in case my husband ever decides to bilk hundreds of millions from somewhere. I'll be able to do a better job at covering our butts. 😂 

She knows how this show works, I don't know why she'd expect they'd treat her any differently than any other HW.  I wonder if they paid lip service that none of what she said would be aired? Crossing my fingers the deleted scenes or reunion show her screeching at the producers!

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13 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

I feel so validated! I don't social media so didn't know about Rinna's vague posting until after my post.
 If I had a mic stuck to my back and big secrets to hide, you can bet your bippy that I would be extra mindful and hyper aware every time I opened my mouth! At least I now know for certain that I'm smarter than Erika, just in case my husband ever decides to bilk hundreds of millions from somewhere. I'll be able to do a better job at covering our butts. 😂 

She knows how this show works, I don't know why she'd expect they'd treat her any differently than any other HW.  I wonder if they paid lip service that none of what she said would be aired? Crossing my fingers the deleted scenes or reunion show her screeching at the producers!


What seems so strange to me is it's not like I can believe that Erika he was genuinely unburdening herself to Garcelle and Crystal and accidentally got caught on the mic because why would she trust those two with something that went against the story she was trying to put across? She's got no real good reason to think that Garcelle or Crystal--two women she doesn't seem to know all that well--are going to keep a secret any more private than the camera people would, so what's she supposed to have been caught in, you know? 

Like, yes, she would have been wise to not be talking about any of this stuff on camera whether or not a particular clip was going to be on TV, but it doesn't make much sense for her to be saying it to any of these women off-camera either! What exactly was she up to in telling them that?

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On 8/5/2021 at 5:28 PM, tranquilidade said:

I don't believe he was cheating on her based on the articles where victims say he talked about her affectionately.   

He’s too old to cheat.  At 82 or 83, he can barely take a pee in the morning or dress himself, then barely go do business in the office.  He probably has people doing everything for him at this point.  I don’t believe the mistresses story.  He’s done.  As of now, he’s done for sure.  He’ll go to court in a walker probably like Harvey Weinstein and put on the ole act.  They both will probably spill beans on each other.  It’s everyone for himself now.  They turn on each other.  She knows what’s coming .. that’s why she’s sobbing her eyes out.  Screwed!  It’s sickening how all the girls are doting on her.  Would they like it if it was them not getting their due?  Hell no.







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5 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I could understand that.  Debit cards get compromised often, and it’s a big pain in the ass to straighten it out and get a new debit card.

A couple of years ago, I lost my debit card and instead of getting a temporary one, I decided to just go get some dough until I had the new real card (it was a weekend, so the temp would have taken almost as long to get to me). When I walked inside the bank to make the withdrawal, I totally forgot HOW—it had been so long since I’d done it! HAHA, I WAS ERIKA JAYNE FOR A MINUTE!

Also, a teller called me out on it; she had seen others do the same!

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