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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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40 minutes ago, Reality police said:

I don't know, it could be fun. Let's pick our crew. 



Capt. Sandy

More suggestions? 

11 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:



I used to call it Aleks Taldykin's crew of the damned: Chef Leon, Kat, Sierra and Sam as stews, Rapey Bryan, Trevor the hair model, Joao, Andrew Sturby, Dane, and Rocky.

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

He could be all cave man about the finer things and Tre could keep trying to have sex with him on every surface of the ship...it writes it's self folks, it writes it's self.

Bravo could also get into merchandising for the episode - a set of Below Deck - Tre & Juicy barf bags.  

I feel sorry for the kids.  Those two crooks knew what they were doing.  I remember her going to Joe, and his peeling out a wad of cash.  Right then, something seemed very off to me.

Even your most savvy businessmen, real entrepreneurs wouldn't carry that much cash around, nor pay in cash.  They did the same for the movers as they moved into Chez Juicy, the tackiest McMansion ever!  And she spent big money on the girls at some kiddie boutique.  All with ill gotten gains.  They knew full and well what they were doing.  Tre can stop spouting the I didn't read the papers before I signed BS.  Probably been grifting for a long time.  At least those vendors got paid in cash, more than the other folks that were ripped off and haven't been paid to date.

So what does Joe do in Italy?  Open one of his "businesses"?  Does he sue Tre for spousal support when she files for divorce?  

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I feel bad for those four girls, they were not able to make decisions about their initial life trajectory. However, their parents did have that ability and both had a nice wonderful upbringing (from what I can tell), in a wonderful country. Their parents made decisions that put that in jeopardy.

The only reason I would hate to see Joe deported is because of those girls. Him being deported seems awful, but it is more his fault than then US government’s fault (even if that seems severe) but I do know that 5e government does not take these decisions lightly

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On 10/10/2018 at 9:57 AM, LilaFowler said:

Wow. I still don't understand how or why he never became a citizen.

Because he sees himself as better/superior  than most Americans. Although he was brought to the US as a baby and raised in Working Class NJ,he wants to identify with the Macho/ Mafioso/I’m European mentality.  

He’s too good/special to do the paperwork and become a US citizen.  He doesn’t have to follow the laws of the road.  Paying taxes is stupid.  Paying your bills is for the little people, etc, etc. 

He has always seen himself as smarter than those around him.  So now that reality hit him in the face he is in shock!  He can’t believe there are real consequences to his actions.  These kinds of consequences don’t happen to people like us.  

And by the way, they are raising their “four beautiful daughters  “ with the same beliefs.  Gia is old enough to know /have researched this subject. 

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38 minutes ago, Emkat said:

I wonder if his parents are citizens.

It really doesn’t matter. At 18 a resident child gets to file their own petition for citizenship.  At least that’s what it was when a became a Naturalized Citizen. 

The girls will be able to petition Italy for citizenship based on Joe’s status. 

What isn’t discussed in social media is the fact that Italy does not have to take Joe back, they will most likely do, but they don’t have to. There are lots of young gang members from South Asian countries who deny the return of its citizens who came to the USA as babies.  

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20 hours ago, Reality police said:

I don't know, it could be fun. Let's pick our crew. 



Capt. Sandy

More suggestions? 

Well that gotta have that screaming Steve guest.  Not sure what he could do but he has got to be there

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5 minutes ago, Reality police said:

Remember that Joe and Tre loved that bubble bath at that resort. I will now go wash out my eyes and brain with bleach.

Believe it or not, that flashed through my mind.  Save some of that bleach for me!

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On 10/13/2018 at 12:32 PM, Emkat said:

I wonder if his parents are citizens.

They are.  So are his siblings (having been born here). The article I read (People, I think) assumed his parents became citizens after he was 18 or 21 (I forget which age) because if he had been younger, he would have automatically received citizenship when they did.


ETA:  Have either Joe or Melissa Gorga made any statements about the deportation? 

 I know Richie Wakile did, but have seen nothing from the Gorgas, or Rosie for that matter (who always seemed to have a good relationship with Joe Guidice.

Edited by mwell345
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I feel zero sympathy for Teresa or Joe. If they were sooo concered about their family maybe they shouldn’t have so blatantly broke the law. Funny how they STILL haven’t expressed a modicum of sympathy for all the FAMILIES they defrauded and stole money from, no, it’s always about them them them.  Well, they had their party (season 1 flashing wads of cash around) and now the check has come and they don’t want to pay. Big surprise. Or if lazy entitled Joe had bothered to become a citizen years ago. Just another example of them thinking they are “special” and the rules don’t apply to them. Watching them parade their children around for sympathy is disgusting but exactly what I expect from these horrible people.  Bye Joe don’t let the door hit ya on your way out. 

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On 10/10/2018 at 12:22 PM, bagger said:

i haven’t watched nj since these two filed bankruptcy. I love the “felon cried” line. Lol

I'm confused, is Teresa screaming "I don't understand" supposed to be newsworthy.........

Edited by bosawks
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Good grief.  He will have served his time for the crime.  So did Tre.  I don’t feel like they owe any sort of public apology or flogging after that.  Being incarcerated fucking sucks, even for 1 day it’s AWFUL.  (I’m speaking from experience and it was more than 1 day but the 1st day is the worst).  They were convicted and sentenced and served their time.  Deporting him now serves what purpose?  I thought we were supposed to be against running people out of this country?  And FOR keeping families together?  Seems that there are violent non legal citizen offenders who should be more sought after than Juicy Joe.  I honestly hope they appeal and he is able to stay here with his family.  

Edited by geauxaway
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On ‎10‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 10:44 PM, Marley said:

I don’t know I’m not a fan of his and yea he committed crimes but he’s been in the US since he was a kid. It isn’t right deporting him. 

He could've filed the paperwork to become a citizen when he turned 18.  He chose not to.  Then he chose to repeatedly violate the laws of a country of which he is not a citizen.  Deportation is the correct decision, based on his actions.

8 hours ago, geauxaway said:

I thought we were supposed to be against running people out of this country?

People who've committed no crimes other than coming into the country without proper authorization.  That does not apply here.  As someone who isn't a citizen, deportation was always a possible consequence.

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25 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

He didn't commit these various crimes in the past couple of years. He's been pulling this shit for more than a decade. Nine license suspensions, including the last one which was a DUI. While his license was suspended, he fraudulently tried to obtain a license using his brother's identification. Think on this for a second, there is MUCH evidence that people of color are disproportionately targeted by the police even though the rates that they commit crimes is about the same as whites, but Joe has managed to get his license suspended 9 times. This suggests that his behavior on the road is actually egregious.

Joe lied about his income to banks and the federal government. Not once, but multiple times. In fact, it was from 2004 - 2008 and in 2009 on when he lied repeatedly to a Federal court. He didn't commit these accidentally. All of these took huge active affirmative steps by him to break the law.

Joe is being deported because he is a perennial safety concern (9 license suspensions including driving under the influence) and a habitual liar who cannot be trusted to tell the truth to anyone (he lied fo the IRS, the NJ DMV, Federal Bankruptcy court, banks, and business partners). A person doesn't need to be a murderer or rapist to be a safety and welfare concern to the community.

It's honestly disingenuous to conflate the minority of the undocumented population who are criminally minded with the majority of the undocumented immigrant population. Most are just like everyone else--decent hardworking people. The criminals, much like Joe, are prosecuted, incarcerated, and deported. Just like Joe will be.

My earliest legal practice was asbestos defense and Section 8 evictions. Yeah, I know. I did at least 20 and up to 50 a month; my clients had almost 8,000 units. In that time, I only ran across 1 person who was committing straight up fraud. I did hundreds of these and only 1 person was lying fraudster despite fictions of "welfare queens" in Cadillacs.

My point being that people hear salacious stories about undocumented immigrants committing crimes, but ignore the many many millions who, except for their presence in this country, are as upstanding as most of us. I really think it's unfair to compare these individuals to Joe who has acknowledged that he has committed many crimes. 

Thank you!

The rules are clear.  He broke the rules, not just once, but multiple times; not just one rule, but many rules.  He is not a US citizen.  Why should he be treated any differently?  Ask his victims if they think this is fair, while they're recovering from his thievery.  It's too bad that he is being sent back to a country that he knows nothing about.  Deportations occur every day where the sentenced has no prior experience.  Again, why should he be treated any differently?

No, it's not right, but then again, what he did isn't right either.  And the penalty must be paid, just like it is for everyone else similarly sentenced.

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4 hours ago, jumper sage said:

And??????????????????????????????????????   What did he say?


"Joe Giudice’s cousin, Rich Wakile, revealed in an interview with Radar Online that he is fearful for the welfare of the four girls, who have lived and gone to school in the United States for their entire lives. He worries how such a move would impact the children.

Wakile noted to Radar, “It’s a terrible, terrible event. His daughters are going to suffer most of all from this. It’s a shame. His daughters mean everything to him.”

Although there have been times that Wakile and wife Kathy have had their disagreements with the Guidice’s over the years, he revealed to Radar that he has kept in touch with Joe while the former reality star has been incarcerated on fraud charges.

“I wish family members had an opportunity to speak on his behalf prior to all of this,” Wakile remarked to Radar. “We would’ve been all there to speak, sign any letter of petitions on his behalf. That wasn’t an opportunity given to us.”

Wakile hopes that the appeals court will allow Giudice to remain in the United States. He and his legal team have until November 9 to file."

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2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

“I wish family members had an opportunity to speak on his behalf prior to all of this,” Wakile remarked to Radar. “We would’ve been all there to speak, sign any letter of petitions on his behalf. That wasn’t an opportunity given to us.”

Yes, because that fine, upstanding family would have clearly made the difference to the judge.  Hell, he probably would have gotten released on his own recognizance, and not even served a day in jail.

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What new lies will Audriana be told to explain why her father isn't coming home?


Teresa is between a rock and a hard place. If she goes with him, she could possibly be giving up her Bravo contract to start all over.* If she doesn't go with him, the girls won't see him.

If The Felon wouldn't even take the girls to see Juicy in prison, then she damn sure isn't going to spend the money and time to take them to another continent to visit him. Not to mention, she supposedly has a boyfriend, so it's not like she cares about honoring her own commitments to their father.


Apparently, he didn't take his children into consideration when committing multiple felonies, so why should the judge?

Exactly. The Giudices had been breaking the law since before Gia was even born, so neither of them has ever put the well-being of their children above their own selfish wants.

I for one ain't dropping a tear for their situation.

Edited by jaync
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On ‎10‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 7:24 PM, HunterHunted said:

I used to call it Aleks Taldykin's crew of the damned: Chef Leon, Kat, Sierra and Sam as stews, Rapey Bryan, Trevor the hair model, Joao, Andrew Sturby, Dane, and Rocky.

I'm over here laughing at the idea of a Below Deck Med with all these characters PLUS Juicy Joe and Tre!!  I'm so Bravo's Beotch I'd definitely tune in with great anticipation!  I've just watched all the seasons of Below Deck and the Med,too, out of boredom and remember these characters well.  Throw in the little guy from 1st season Med named Danny who was so weepy/lovesick over the guest Morgan (Tilted Kilt ladies)and make him Entertainment Director!  In fact, I'd keep Joe and Tre on full season as part of the group (plus Melania-- can you IMAGINE Melania on board?!) and let them host the different charter guests.  Let one group of the charter groups be the Housewives of the OC.....  Suddenly the old movie It's a Mad,Mad,Mad World looks tame. 

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On 10/16/2018 at 2:51 PM, HunterHunted said:

He didn't commit these various crimes in the past couple of years. He's been pulling this shit for more than a decade. Nine license suspensions, including the last one which was a DUI. While his license was suspended, he fraudulently tried to obtain a license using his brother's identification. Think on this for a second, there is MUCH evidence that people of color are disproportionately targeted by the police even though the rates that they commit crimes is about the same as whites, but Joe has managed to get his license suspended 9 times. This suggests that his behavior on the road is actually egregious.

Joe lied about his income to banks and the federal government. Not once, but multiple times. In fact, it was from 2004 - 2008 and in 2009 in which he lied repeatedly to a Federal court. He didn't commit these accidentally. All of these took huge active affirmative steps by him to break the law.

Joe is being deported because he is a perennial safety concern (9 license suspensions including driving under the influence) and a habitual liar who cannot be trusted to tell the truth to anyone (he lied to the IRS, the NJ DMV, Federal Bankruptcy court, banks, and business partners). A person doesn't need to be a murderer or rapist to be a safety and welfare concern to the community.

It's honestly disingenuous to conflate the minority of the undocumented population who are criminally minded with the majority of the undocumented immigrant population. Most are just like everyone else--decent hardworking people. The criminals, much like Joe, are prosecuted, incarcerated, and deported. This is just like Joe will be.

My earliest legal practice was asbestos defense and Section 8 evictions. Yeah, I know. I did at least 20 and up to 50 a month; my clients had almost 8,000 units. In that time, I only ran across 1 person who was committing straight up fraud. I did hundreds of these and only 1 person was a lying fraudster despite fictions of "welfare queens" in Cadillacs.

My point being that people hear salacious stories about undocumented immigrants committing crimes, but ignore the many many millions who, except for their presence in this country, are as upstanding as most of us. I really think it's unfair to compare these individuals to Joe who has acknowledged that he has committed many crimes. 

Haven’t watched this show in years. Just popped in cause just found out Juicy is actually being deported.

I thought that’s a little excessive - until I read this post. Pretty much sums up why. He really had little respect for the “rules” of this country. Totally forgot about all the driving “infractions”. Plus he’s an idiot for never getting his citizenship. In his dim brain he probably thought he was pulling one over. And I sheepishly always enjoyed Juicy - he’s far more entertaining than his wife. There’s no way she’s going with him. She’s far too shallow and materialistic despite him being the “love of her life”.

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Not only did Joe have his license suspended 9 times, and then use his brother's id to get another license illegally and then get a DUI with that one, and not only did he have a long run of fraudulently getting mortgages, but he/they also created fake documents in order to get those mortgages.  He and Tre claimed they had various jobs and created fake W2s to support the jobs and income from them in order to get the mortgages.  THEN after doing this, they filed for bankruptcy.  And they lied on the forms.  They left out Tre's book advance.  They left out the pizza place.  They left out lots of other assets.  They had to amend the paperwork a lot because it was found that they had committed bankruptcy fraud.  Remember in Andy's first book when he said there was a housewife who almost didn't sign because they were constantly asking about being arrested from stuff on the show?

Tre almost had a chance to avoid going to jail entirely back at her final hearing, but she opted to lie yet again there.  She and Joe have lied and cheated and stolen and schemed for YEARS.  It finally caught up to them.  They did all of this while knowing they had their kids.  If they weren't worried about the impact it would have on their kids if they got caught, why should I care about it?  I can't be more responsible for their kids and the emotional well being of their children than their parents are.  The ONE thing Joe wasn't found guilty of was overstaying a visa and being here illegally.  He had a valid passport.  So, both he and Tre knew he was NOT a US citizen, therefore, it shouldn't be a shock that if you commit a whole litany of crimes in a country you aren't a citizen of, you don't get to stay.

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17 hours ago, Jennifersdc said:

Haven’t watched this show in years. Just popped in cause just found out Juicy is actually being deported.

I thought that’s a little excessive - until I read this post. Pretty much sums up why. He really had little respect for the “rules” of this country. Totally forgot about all the driving “infractions”. Plus he’s an idiot for never getting his citizenship. In his dim brain he probably thought he was pulling one over. And I sheepishly always enjoyed Juicy - he’s far more entertaining than his wife. There’s no way she’s going with him. She’s far too shallow and materialistic despite him being the “love of her life”.

His life is a choose your own moron adventure. If he doesn't want to become an American citizen, that's fine, but he has to obey the law. If he wants to break the law, maybe he should have thought about becoming an American citizen and hope they don't revoke it after incarceration because they can do that with naturalized citizens. And if he's dumb enough to flagrantly break the law while as a resident alien perhaps don't do that on national television.

The thing that really galls me about this whole situation is that half the people around the two of them act like it was something that happened to him. "Oops, just tripped over a stack of forged documents and now I'm up to my neck in fraud. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

No! They made choices and every choice was a step in the journey that led them here. Sucks that Joe mistakenly thought Tre was his ride or die. She's got the loyalty of a viper.

Edited by HunterHunted
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On 10/10/2018 at 2:16 PM, Reality police said:


Naturalization for Spouses of U.S. Citizens

In general, you may qualify for naturalization under Section 319(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) if you

Have been a permanent resident (green card holder) for at least 3 years

Have been living in marital union with the same U.S. citizen spouse during such time

Meet all other eligibility requirements under this section

In certain cases, spouses of U.S. citizens employed abroad may qualify for naturalization regardless of their time as permanent residents. These spouses may qualify under Section 319(b) of the INA.  

For more information, see USCIS Policy Manual Citizenship and Naturalization Guidance.

For information relating to spouses of military members, see our Members of the Military and Their Families page. Also for information about becoming a permanent resident or petitioning for family members, please visit our Green Card or Family webpages.

General Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for naturalization pursuant to section 319(a) of the INA, an applicant must:

Be 18 or older

Be a permanent resident (green card holder) for at least 3 years immediately preceding the date of filing Form N-400, Application for Naturalization

Have been living in marital union with the U.S. citizen spouse, who has been a U.S. citizen during all of such period, during the 3 years immediately preceding the date of filing the application and up until examination on the application

Have lived within the state, or USCIS district with jurisdiction over the applicant’s place of residence, for at least 3 months prior to the date of  filing the application

Have continuous residence in the United States as a lawful permanent resident for at least 3 years immediately preceding the date of filing the application

Reside continuously within the United States from the date of application for naturalization until the time of naturalization

Be physically present in the United States for at least 18 months out of the 3 years immediately preceding the date of filing the application

Be able to read, write, and speak English and have knowledge and an understanding of U.S. history and government (also known as civics)

Be a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States during  all relevant periods under the law

 For more information, see USCIS Policy Manual Citizenship and Naturalization Guidance.

Juicy - in your case, this sounded fairly easy to do sometime over the past 25 years. Unfortunately now you’re a felon (several times over). But given his circumstances - did he have to actually take a test? That probably clinched it. “American citizenship - who needs it”?

In Memoriam - us Juicy fans should come up with our favorite moments. I’ve briefly seen the earlier gymnastics posts (I’m going back to read). That was great. My favorite was when he called his wife a cunt on the phone (to not his girlfriend supposedly) on the wine country vacation, and then Teresa pulled her hot, juicy husband into the vines to have semi-unwilling sex (maybe within hearing distance of the rest of the cast). Good times. 

Surely we have more.

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20 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

His life is a choose your own moron adventure. If he doesn't want to become an American citizen, that's fine, but he has to obey the law. If he wants to break the law, maybe he should have thought about becoming an American citizen and hope they don't revoke it after incarceration because they can do that with naturalized citizens. And if he's dumb enough to flagrantly break the law while as a resident alien perhaps don't do that on national television.

The thing that really galls me about this whole situation is that half the people around the two of them act like it was something that happened to him. "Oops, just tripped over a stack of forged documents and now I'm up to neck in fraud. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

No! They made choices and every choice was a step in the journey that led them here. Sucks that Joe mistakenly thought Tre was his ride or die. She's got the loyalty of a viper.

I would like this post 100X if I could.

Will you marry me? That’s probably more appropriate for the 90 Day Fiance board....

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Oh, I also forgot about failing to file tax returns.  And even after they forgot to list a bunch of assets on their bankruptcy paperwork, which led to them being charged with bankruptcy fraud they showed up at sentencing and were supposed to have probation reports filled out that listed their assets, but, oops, they left $75k off of THAT.  And, Teresa lied under oath about her salary for RHONJ, Fabulicious, and her cookbooks.  

But, they are just good people who this shit happens to.  It's so horrible that their kids have had to go through this, etc.  The problem is, their parents didn't give a fuck about putting the kids through it, and now they want to hide behind how awful it is that the kids have to see/live it.  But, maybe they should have thought about this when they were committing all of the fraud?

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I'm typically fan of "do the crime, do the time," but in the grand scheme of goings-on and/or severe-punishment-worthy crimes in the US currently that are not being addressed properly, I think this is overkill after a 5-year prison sentence. Not that getting the hell out of here right now is a bad idea, however. 

I'll never stop being amazed that people think of "going/went away" as some kind of evasive "Giudice-ism," haha! It's not.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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If they were just the words they were using around the kids, I'd probably side eye it, but shrug.  I, personally, would think you wouldn't want to white wash the situation for your kids, because you'd presumably never want your kids to do what you had done (even if you thought all of the criming was ok, and it was just the getting caught that was the problem, at this point, I'd imagine you wouldn't want them to risk it), and you'd want to be pretty explicit that this IS the consequence, and so therefore, do NOT make these mistakes.  But, that's how I see things, and I think it's pretty clear that I don't view things the same way as they do.

The reason I can't just shrug in this case is because as soon as Tre got out, she promptly sued her lawyers.  She blamed them for filling out the papers incorrectly causing her to be in this position.  She LIED under oath.  They omitted assets and signed off on the papers.  They are the ones who committed bank and wire fraud, and yet, they are trying to blame it all on the bankruptcy lawyer.  There's no "do the time, do the crime" in there for me.  Instead, she did the crime, went to camp, and then wrote a book, got back on tv and is trying to sue for millions to profit and release herself from blame.  

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22 hours ago, stcroix said:

plus Melania-- can you IMAGINE Melania on board?!

20 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Milania would pop the inflatables, or run over someone with a jet ski (preferably Vicki, RHOC).


18 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I could see her pushing a deck hand overboard without hesitation and keep on walking.


Years ago, Uzo Aduba from Orange is the New Black was on Watch What Happens Live. Andy asked her who from Housewives or from New Jersey would you want on your side in prison. I can't remember her answer. It might have been Caroline. My answer is that you always always take Milania. Milania will cut a bitch.

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I came to this country when I was two with my mother and my uncle.  My mom and I'm pretty sure my uncle are permanent residents.  I chose to become a naturalized citizen at 18.  I filled out the paperwork and did what I had to do to become a naturalized citizen because it mattered to me.


A former co-worker of mine, her husband was deported earlier this year.  They were married for close to 10 years and have two small children.  He did not commit any crimes other than being an illegal immigrant.  He was always employed.  They had been working on getting him paperwork to stay in this country for years but it can be a very long process.

I have sympathy for her and her family.  I don't have any sympathy for the Guidice's. 

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On 10/12/2018 at 11:39 PM, HunterHunted said:



Please excuse this quote box. 

On 10/16/2018 at 6:58 AM, proserpina65 said:

He could've filed the paperwork to become a citizen when he turned 18.  He chose not to.  Then he chose to repeatedly violate the laws of a country of which he is not a citizen.  Deportation is the correct decision, based on his actions.

People who've committed no crimes other than coming into the country without proper authorization.  That does not apply here.  As someone who isn't a citizen, deportation was always a possible consequence.

But that's also a crime.  My niece in law came to this country from the Philippines. She insisted on becoming a citizen the correct way. She refused to accept my nephew's proposal until she became a citizen, which she did. She committed no crimes to get here and legally became a citizen. 

Coming in to this country illegally is a crime. A lot if people seem to forget that. 

Edited by Talky Tina
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27 minutes ago, Talky Tina said:

But that's also a crime.  My niece in law came to this country from the Philippines. She insisted on becoming a citizen the correct way. She refused to accept my nephew's proposal until she became a citizen, which she did. She committed no crimes to get here and legally became a citizen. 

Coming in to this country illegally is a crime. A lot if people seem to forget that. 

No one forgets that. In fact, there are multiple posts, including the one you quoted, stating that it's a crime, but contrasting the one crime undocumented aliens have committed with the many many crimes Joe has committed and plead guilty to some of which are safety concerns.

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10 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

When has Juicy ever taken responsibility for his crap? And how stupid is it to use your brothrs identification as if the dmv is stupid? And does Gia think at all before she posts? The questions are numerous.

A:  Never, really stupid, no.

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I ask you, WHO is this impersonating Tre?!? This person looks like the hate child of all the Jersey Ho's put together in one awful conglomeration.  Maybe the plastic surgeon/aesthetician decided to only do half the job until they got paid...?


ETA: That is a face so full of fillers that it could be used as cement shoes to make someone disappear, if you know what I mean...


On 10/17/2018 at 2:33 AM, mwell345 said:

"Joe Giudice’s cousin, Rich Wakile, revealed in an interview with Radar Online that he is fearful for the welfare of the four girls, who have lived and gone to school in the United States for their entire lives. He worries how such a move would impact the children.

As for the above, all these assholes go on and on and on about the Mother Country and how wonderful ol Italia is but suddenly Rich Wakile fears for the welfare of the girls...in ITALY? Are you fucking serious Richie?!? It's Italy, not the wilds of Afghanistan. They'll be fine. All I can say is good riddance to bad trash, its about time.

Edited by gingerella
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