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S15.E12: The Unmasking of Elizabeth Vargas

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot


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5 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

LATE July to be specific. Covid info was very well known by then. I think some of them were just willfully ignorant about it. 

I'm surprised that they kept filming the show.  It should've been shut down.  Face shields don't do much good without a mask on underneath either. I once saw a restaurant employee wearing a face shield, and she had a small fan wrapped around her neck blowing the cool air towards her face.  Yikes!  I should've said something, but I'm not the mask police, so I remained quiet, even though the air coming out from the back of the fan was hitting me each time she came to my table.  Needless to say, I haven't been back there.  

I deal with a number of different people everyday and I've seen various attitudes about Covid-19.  It's ranged from "we're all going to die," to following the rules and being cautious, to the attitude of "it's a conspiracy, and it's not that bad."   Living in the south where tornadoes are a common thing, I tell the non-believers of the severity of the virus to think about it like a tornado coming through town.  One might touch down and wipe out a neighborhood a few blocks from where they live, and just because they don't see any damage, it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.  Apparently they don't believe what they can't see.  Sigh. 

With or without Rick, I think that Kelly lives in her own little bubble of denial anyway.  I've seen many people with her attitude.  The only thing that matters is how it affects them and their plans.  She's always been like that. 

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17 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

It's nice that Rick seems to be good with Jolie.  Every kid should have at least one parental figure in their life and I don't think Kelly is much of one.

At some point when she goes into full teen age rebellion, she'll get pissed at him for trying to discipline her and say. "STFU You're not my DAD!!!"

2 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I'm surprised that they kept filming the show.  It should've been shut down.  Face shields don't do much good without a mask on underneath either. I once saw a restaurant employee wearing a face shield, and she had a small fan wrapped around her neck blowing the cool air towards her face.  Yikes!  I should've said something, but I'm not the mask police, so I remained quiet, even though the air coming out from the back of the fan was hitting me each time she came to my table.  Needless to say, I haven't been back there.  

I deal with a number of different people everyday and I've seen various attitudes about Covid-19.  It's ranged from "we're all going to die," to following the rules and being cautious, to the attitude of "it's a conspiracy, and it's not that bad."   Living in the south where tornadoes are a common thing, I tell the non-believers of the severity of the virus to think about it like a tornado coming through town.  One might touch down and wipe out a neighborhood a few blocks from where they live, and just because they don't see any damage, it doesn't mean that it didn't happen.  Apparently they don't believe what they can't see.  Sigh. 

With or without Rick, I think that Kelly lives in her own little bubble of denial anyway.  I've seen many people with her attitude.  The only thing that matters is how it affects them and their plans.  She's always been like that. 

Kelly and the rest of the group are hopefully taking this seriously now that Southern California has the highest infection rate in the country right now and the hospitals are experiencing overload and lack of beds.

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7 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yea they were spotted filming July 19th at the Lake at that time EVERYONE knew how bad it was and she was still saying Covid wouldn't stop her... Kelly is just a gross gross person ... you do also have to realize that she is marring a fox news correspondent that was down playing the virus still and was saying it was mostly a hoax and no different then the "flu" thing is the flu has a vaccine Covid didn't so yea there was a big ass difference  ...

Which is what makes the OC a loathesome place...a lot of douche baggy anti vaxxer and COVID deniers there combined with new money millionaires like Elizabeth flaunting their wealth with flashy cars and McMansions.

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2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I was DYING when Emily was filming them just sitting there and saying nonsense, I was like TAKE THE GUY HOME!  He just got released from the hospital, you can tell he was weak and just wanted to get home and into bed.  


Her in-laws are older so she is probably keeping them from coming over, and keeping them at a distance.  It is not a good idea for anyone to come and help - there are COVID positive people in the house.  It sucks to have to deal with the 3 kids all day every day, feeding them and keeping them occupied - I would go nuts!  But it would be really irresponsible to have healthy people come into the house.  I am sure that is why she didn't have people come over to help.


I absolutely 100% believe there was abuse, you are right it is not something people typically make up.  However, her delivery and fast and choppy way of talking makes it hard to even understand what happened. 

I didn't understand the thing with the boy and the tent.. until I put it together that she was abusing HIM after she had been abused. 

I think adding to that, she does leave info out on purpose, and tries to come up with something else to say on the fly - and usually it makes no sense, or contradicts what she had said before.  She claims to be a good liar but she actually sucks at it.  


What I noticed is that Elizabeth uses the same tactics any conman or woman uses when talking to people. Half saying something and leading the other person to actually feed them the actual words or information. Do I think something happened in the cult? Yeah, something. But, I think that she was being vague enough to lead the others to assume something and then ran with it. 
And, yes, I realize that saying this means that I’m casting doubt on a potential victim’s claims and that’s gross. I am always one of those screaming from the rafters to believe women. But, I’m also cynical when I’m watching the bullshit that is Bravo. We had disgusting Phaedra lie about an attempted drugging and rape plot against a coworker, Vicki and her cancer scam, Mary from SLC and her con game...Bravo is rife with immoral, lying pieces of trash. I still don’t buy Brawnywn’s thirsty stories and I side eye Elizabeth too.

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8 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yea they were spotted filming July 19th at the Lake at that time EVERYONE knew how bad it was and she was still saying Covid wouldn't stop her... Kelly is just a gross gross person ... you do also have to realize that she is marring a fox news correspondent that was down playing the virus still and was saying it was mostly a hoax and no different then the "flu" thing is the flu has a vaccine Covid didn't so yea there was a big ass difference  ...

WOw, I had no idea it was in July. They are behaving it is early March! Shame on Bravo for letting Elizabeth “plan” that trip!! The SHOW must  on! Or we needed an Elizabeth breakthrough with Dr. Brownstain. 

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I found Elizabeth's story riveting until she started to  contradict herself.  This story needs to be verified because she has a history of making sh*t up.   She said in one interview she was determined to get the church shut down, but on the show she said the FBI shut it down.  On the show she said she got the family kicked out of the church after some behavior with a nonchurch boy in a yard tent.   She also said she told a neighbor was going on causing the FBI to shut it down.   She said in an interview her grandmother, the church leader, died of constipation.  OKAY.  There are no names or places and no dates.   She said it is all over the internet but it isn't.  I'm not ready to call her a fraud but I am not buying it yet either.   I know her brother verifies the story in a teaser but she looked fake at that moment and it appeared contrived.  


I don't EVER want to be the person who accuses a victim of abuse of lying and I don't want to do that here.  However,  the fact that there is no way to check this story is unsettling to say the least. 



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Shannon leaves 3 teenagers home alone with no housekeeper because I'm sure Covid put a stop to that. She expects these girls who most likely never even made their own bed in their entire lives to keep the house clean and pick up Archie's doodoo. She really is delusional. 

How convenient for Eliz to bring attention to her horrific, abusive, mind fucking childhood in front of the camera! This chick is nuts. Isn't she supposed to be close to her mother? We have seen her mom in episodes. Wasn't mom in the cult while Eliz was going through this abuse? Something smells. 

I was kind of interested to hear what Kelly's dad was saying about their Mexican heritage but of course Kelly became bored quickly and couldn't wait to get off the phone because it wasn't all about her. How can you be in your 40's and not about your background? What a narcissist.  

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29 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

I found Elizabeth's story riveting until she started to  contradict herself.  This story needs to be verified because she has a history of making sh*t up.   She said in one interview she was determined to get the church shut down, but on the show she said the FBI shut it down.  On the show she said she got the family kicked out of the church after some behavior with a nonchurch boy in a yard tent.   She also said she told a neighbor was going on causing the FBI to shut it down.   She said in an interview her grandmother, the church leader, died of constipation.  OKAY.  There are no names or places and no dates.   She said it is all over the internet but it isn't.  I'm not ready to call her a fraud but I am not buying it yet either.   I know her brother verifies the story in a teaser but she looked fake at that moment and it appeared contrived.  


I don't EVER want to be the person who accuses a victim of abuse of lying and I don't want to do that here.  However,  the fact that there is no way to check this story is unsettling to say the least. 



I 💯 have the same reaction as you to Elizabeth’s story/stories.

There are victim stories that are unverifiable- because only two people were involved and not in public.

If the FBI did shut the church down or raided the church, that should be verifiable.

I really think something bad happened to her and her brother in that church. What that was could range from being mean, controlling, cult like behavior to abuse.

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7 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

People typically do not make up stories about being molested.

Children don't make up stories about being molested but unfortunately, adults sometimes do.  As another poster mentioned, she never actually came out & said she was molested, she danced around it hoping the other women would come to that conclusion.   

7 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

They show a scene from next week where Elizabeth's brother is breaking down over his treatment by the church, and describes being beat for ? ADHD?

That caused me to doubt her even more. She said she hasn't talked about this in 30+ years and just now came to realization that it's affecting her adult relationships, yet she immediately grabs her brother to discuss it on camera?  I'm sorry, but some people will do/say anything to be on TV.

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3 hours ago, dmeets said:

Not to mention her “mmmm.... no” reaction to Kelly’s declaration of her indestructible COVID-proof type O blood. And Kelly has the audacity to call BW stupid?

Now granted, BW IS stupid. And so callous and disrespectful towards her husband that it’s appalling.

Except there is truth to type O blood and better outcomes.

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5 minutes ago, OdinO. said:

Except there is truth to type O blood and better outcomes.

But it’s so typical Kelly to take something with a nugget of truth (people with Type O handling the virus better) and say someone told her it makes you bombproof or whatever absurd language she used. I’m Type O and I have a high-risk family member who is Type O so I’ve followed that research with a great deal of interest, but I definitely haven’t read anything that makes me feel I’m invincible.

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5 hours ago, ChitChat said:

I'm surprised that they kept filming the show.  It should've been shut down. 

I heard something interesting the other day although I have no idea if this includes reality shows RHOC:   In Southern California, films and TV are considered "essential businesses".  

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57 minutes ago, snarts said:

Children don't make up stories about being molested but unfortunately, adults sometimes do.  As another poster mentioned, she never actually came out & said she was molested, she danced around it hoping the other women would come to that conclusion.   

There are also False Memories, which have been known to occur with adults undergoing therapy for what happened in their childhood. (today, psychologists do a better job of separating this than in the 1990s).

From Psychology Today:

“Memories of past events can be reconstructed as people age or as their worldview changes. People regularly recall childhood events falsely, and through effective suggestions and other methods, it's been proven that they can even create new false memories.”

I am not a clinical psychologist although I am an organizational psychologist, so I am not an expert in this field, However I am quite familiar with eyewitness testimony being highly unreliable, especially as time goes by.

 I also don’t rely on Psychology Today as the best source of information, but they did have the summary correct. 

Have no clue what is actually real with Elizabeth, but I do think she have some serious, unaddressed trauma/repressed memories from her childhood. If she repressed a lot of what happened, it is possible that when someone makes a suggestion, she thought “that must be what happened”. That might explain some of her inconsistencies and her seeming to be highly uncomfortable in her own skin.

This does not explain her inconsistencies between her family being kicked out of the church and an FBI raid. 


3 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

I heard something interesting the other day although I have no idea if this includes reality shows RHOC:   In Southern California, films and TV are considered "essential businesses".  

I bet they are, because so much of California’s economy is dependent on the film industry. 
And IMO California is very odd in what they consider are essential businesses since then banned outdoor dining.

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34 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

In Southern California, films and TV are considered "essential businesses".  

Yeah, that's really effed up.  The powers that be in that area need to rethink their priorities!

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1 hour ago, MrsWitter said:

But it’s so typical Kelly to take something with a nugget of truth (people with Type O handling the virus better) and say someone told her it makes you bombproof or whatever absurd language she used. I’m Type O and I have a high-risk family member who is Type O so I’ve followed that research with a great deal of interest, but I definitely haven’t read anything that makes me feel I’m invincible.

Yeah the twit said she's "bulletproof." Like, okay, sure David Dunn. And judging by her SM posts, she clearly believes she's immune. She "wished" she'd get it. Knowing that at the time Shane was in the hospital. And if this was taped in July, it was already being reported that people may have been getting infected multiple times. She's just a dumb, narcissistic asshole.

And she really had it in for Braunwyn, the way she (of course) exaggerated to Shannon. At no point did anyone say or suggest that Shannon handed BW the investigation of Elizabeth's finances "on a silver platter" as Kelly relayed to her several times. Kelly definitely seems to have been plotting a group takedown of BW. Gina and Elizabeth were getting along with her at the time, so Kelly decided to rev up Shannon instead. It can't have been just because BW and Sean were caught maskless at a pool party, probably more like Kelly was pissed at the alcoholic storyline dominating the season.

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7 hours ago, Mar said:

I guess I must be a masochist, because I follow a fair number of housewives on Instagram. Kelly is non-stop posting videos of herself at a variety of large get togethers in peoples homes and in restaurants, and of course no one is wearing masks. I can’t imagine that every single one of these people has been tested for the virus. She is hopeless.

It’s not just Kelly.  But we can’t post about real time SM stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.

1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

I heard something interesting the other day although I have no idea if this includes reality shows RHOC:   In Southern California, films and TV are considered "essential businesses".  

It’s the same in the current UK lockdown

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In July here, we went into phase 2.5.  My son went back to in person summer school.  Our parks reopened.  We could dine in and out.  FFS, we took a flight back home to see my parents for the first time since Christmas and the beach was open.  🤷🏻‍♀️

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

I heard something interesting the other day although I have no idea if this includes reality shows RHOC:   In Southern California, films and TV are considered "essential businesses".  

I wonder if that has more to do with information dissemination than anything else. Like you still want the news to be filmed so people can find out new information and you still want documentaries and stuff filmed for preservation and record keeping and from there it might just be kind of hard to write a law where you decide which filming is essential and which isn’t. I could sit here and make a case for why TRHOC is documenting the pandemic and how people responded and that that’s important from a historical archival perspective. I say I could make that argument, not that i believe it.

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3 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

I found Elizabeth's story riveting until she started to  contradict herself.  This story needs to be verified because she has a history of making sh*t up.   She said in one interview she was determined to get the church shut down, but on the show she said the FBI shut it down.  On the show she said she got the family kicked out of the church after some behavior with a nonchurch boy in a yard tent.   She also said she told a neighbor was going on causing the FBI to shut it down.   She said in an interview her grandmother, the church leader, died of constipation.  OKAY.  There are no names or places and no dates.   She said it is all over the internet but it isn't.  I'm not ready to call her a fraud but I am not buying it yet either.   I know her brother verifies the story in a teaser but she looked fake at that moment and it appeared contrived.  


I don't EVER want to be the person who accuses a victim of abuse of lying and I don't want to do that here.  However,  the fact that there is no way to check this story is unsettling to say the least. 



She gives off a certain vibe and has all along.  She appeared to be panicking when she realized the women were discovering she wasn't the rich and sophisticated woman she was trying to appear to be and suddenly shifted it while in the kitchen with Kelly to having gone to a Penticostal 'cult' church where people waved their hands around and stood on chairs.  (all the while laughing about it all) She admitted to faking speaking in tongues so well people in the church believed her and smugly stated, 'That's when I learned I could lie to adults and they'd believe me.' (or words to that effect.)  I think she's still lying to make her storyline real and get the women's attention off her money troubles.  She wants to be fabulous and quickly realized they'd done some digging and knew she wasn't so to stay relevant on the show she quickly came up with a new storyline.  

I'm a pretty gullible type person who believes people easily (I've learned through my life) but there's something about Elizabeth that does not ring true.  And I think she's called in her brother to reinforce her story.  Sorry, but that's what I'm seeing. I hope she and Braunwyn are not back next year.  Super Superficial-- but I can't stand looking at Brauwyn's mouth!  Yikes, I'll see myself out...

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4 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

What I noticed is that Elizabeth uses the same tactics any conman or woman uses when talking to people. Half saying something and leading the other person to actually feed them the actual words or information. Do I think something happened in the cult? Yeah, something. But, I think that she was being vague enough to lead the others to assume something and then ran with it. 
And, yes, I realize that saying this means that I’m casting doubt on a potential victim’s claims and that’s gross. I am always one of those screaming from the rafters to believe women. But, I’m also cynical when I’m watching the bullshit that is Bravo. We had disgusting Phaedra lie about an attempted drugging and rape plot against a coworker, Vicki and her cancer scam, Mary from SLC and her con game...Bravo is rife with immoral, lying pieces of trash. I still don’t buy Brawnywn’s thirsty stories and I side eye Elizabeth too.

I feel suspicious about Elizabeth's story too.  She told the neighbors about the abuse, and then the FBI closed the place the next day.  That sounds a little suspect on it's own.  If it was a cult like as she said, she would have never been allowed to talk to a neighbor kid.  I guess I am just a suspicious person.

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31 minutes ago, albarino said:

I don't watch this show with a magnifying glass; I'm mostly going about my business.  I would very much appreciate anybody giving me some bullet points about what happened.  I heard "abuse," "neighbor turned the family in," "we moved/my fault".

I know shows need to evolve but this program is so much darker now than yelling about a family van.  Add Brawnwin in with her really coming out as a lesbian (and I don't care about sexual-orientation) but she has had seven children with her husband.  I feel very sorry for the kids.  I'm glad she is owning her truth but I don't see how she is weighing her children's' reactions.

Evolving vs. being almost unwatchable, there has to be a balance.

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4 hours ago, geauxaway said:

It’s not just Kelly.  But we can’t post about real time SM stuff, so I’ll leave it at that.

You can discuss social media in the character threads.  Feel encouraged to share this info and your thoughts there.  

On another note, at this point in time, the sinewy, over stressed looking, er, lovely Braunwyn is married to and living with Sean.  They are experiencing strain in their marriage which she is relating to her sobriety. She talked about a friend who she calls her wife because they are emotionally close.  Anything beyond that or from more recent info belongs in her thread.

Thanks for trying, housewife watchers.  🙂 

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1 hour ago, howiveaddict said:

I feel suspicious about Elizabeth's story too.  She told the neighbors about the abuse, and then the FBI closed the place the next day.  That sounds a little suspect on it's own.  If it was a cult like as she said, she would have never been allowed to talk to a neighbor kid.  I guess I am just a suspicious person.

This!! She said they lived on a compound and were isolated from others and she didn't know things weren't normal, yet in the next breath she's saying there was a neighbor boy. At some point I believe she said her family broke away from the church and moved when she was 13. If the incident with this neighbor boy occurred shortly before that, either we're talking about horny preteens or the boy was significantly younger than her. Did elizabeth go to a public school? If so, I doubt she could be as naive to the outside world as she's making out. Her grandma was the church leader...was she incarcerated when the fbi supposedly raided? No consequences for her father the minister? No mention of other families or children that lived on the compound? No story ever starts with, when I was 5, or, when I was in 5th grade. No mention of fearing her parents...this is a big one...when you're beaten on a regular basis you live in terror that you'll breathe wrong and catch one across the face.

All that said, there is likely some grain of truth to elizabeth's story. But much like her great wealth, it feels highly embellished. 

Brown wind did a great job helping elizabeth manage her panic attack. She should try that with her daughter instead of telling her to just get over it. I don't think it's cute at all that brown winds kid is calling the girlfriend her other mom so quickly. I feel bad for Sean, but I also think he's a wimp ass and needs to man up and provide a healthier environment for those poor kids. Brownie is welcome to her muff-in, but it's too soon to be eating it in front of the children.

Shannon was just dying for John to make some valiant gesture where he begged her to stay, told her he couldn't go 2 weeks without seeing her and said damn the consequences of catching covid. I can only imagine the sigh of relief and impromptu happy dance the ever calm john performed the second he heard her pull out of the driveway and saw the sun again. The storms cloud rained on its home location immediately upon arrival. I foresee the obligatory call on the holidays as more contact than those girls will want when they're adults.

Rick seems like a good guy and Jolie deserves him as her stepdad. Neither of them deserve Kelli 

Emily and Gina continue to be the two ladies on the show that I like this season. I'd really enjoy them with a fun new group of cast members. It would be a huge bonus to have a new hubby that could guy snark with Shane at gatherings. 

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On 12/30/2020 at 7:02 PM, JD5166 said:

As opposed BW who only cares about who she’ll fuck for the rest of her life and never once mentions her 7 children? She’s Disgusting. I’ll take Kelly. 

Yeah to Kelly over Brawly or Liesabeth.  These women are exhausting, boring and just tiresome to listen to. I can’t stand people who do catch and release.

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On 12/30/2020 at 10:17 PM, gatopretoNYC said:I fell out of watching OC a year or two ago, and just happened to watch tonight's ep. I cannot believe how lackadaisical they are about masks, social distancing, etc, while they actually know people who are sick (and at least one hospitalized) with it! 😵

I find it amazing too especially when they were in direct contact with someone with Covid and aren’t immediately quarantining.  I can see why the virus is so rampant in the states. And what was with the sometimes wearing of the face shields in the kitchen, it made no sense. I assume it was a prop, kind of like the hat wearing, also in the kitchen lol.  Sick of all these grown ass women crying all the time.  Why is Umily  so overwhelmed by her children, wasn’t she wanting more last season?  Wasn’t she concerned they would get covid too or just concerned about how hard it was being alone with them?  So much stupid on this show.

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Bravo should require therapy for cast members who use storylines that involve difficult issues like alcoholism, domestic abuse (Gina), childhood cult experiences and sexual abuse - but I suspect Bravo requires legal cover for the network instead.

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Shannon leaves 3 teenagers home to fend for themselves when they have been diagnosed with a serious and potentialy fatal virus. She moves in with her boyfriend and cries like a child when she is diagnosed with the same virus. Her main concern in this episode seemed to be that she had to leave her boyfriend for 2 weeks and she was worried about her relationship with him. She was really pissed that she had to go home. She is a selfish woman to be so unconcerned about her children. I know that they are not young children but only of them is an adult.  Most parents put their chilrdren's health above their own. But not Shannon selfish and spoiled child that she is. John better take a good hard look at what he is getting into. If he marries her or stays with her he will be catering to her for the rest of his life. Forget his kids. Shannon will always demand that she be number 1 because after all she has damaged lungs. 

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8 hours ago, J80134 said:

She said they lived on a compound and were isolated from others and she didn't know things weren't normal, yet in the next breath she's saying there was a neighbor boy.

This is exactly why I am not tearing up along with her, she lived on a compound cloistered away from the outside world yet she tells us about a neighbor boy...which is it, you were isolated or you lived in a suburban neighborhood?  

Elizabeth started on this show telling a confusing story about having sex with her boyfriend and not having sex with her boyfriend.

I for one would love to hear more of her stories just to see how far she will go. 

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43 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

John better take a good hard look at what he is getting into. If he marries her or stays with her he will be catering to her for the rest of his life. Forget his kids. Shannon will always demand that she be number 1 because after all she has damaged lungs. 

Since Shannon tested positive, she should've put a mask on while around John, and he should've been wearing one too.  Yeah, he was already exposed, but why not go ahead and wear a mask and try to stay away from each other?  Many families are doing this in their own homes.  I've grown tired of her. 

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8 hours ago, endure said:

Yeah to Kelly over Brawly or Liesabeth.  These women are exhausting, boring and just tiresome to listen to. I can’t stand people who do catch and release.

What’s wrong with catch and release? 


39 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

Since Shannon tested positive, she should've put a mask on while around John, and he should've been wearing one too.  Yeah, he was already exposed, but why not go ahead and wear a mask and try to stay away from each other?  Many families are doing this in their own homes.  I've grown tired of her. 

Yes thank you!! That was driving me nuts! It’s like she almost wanted him to get it so they could continue to quarantine together. Ugh she’s insufferable. 

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Archie deserved better.  That was more than a couple of days worth of poop out there.

Did they even remember to feed him, walk him and give him fresh water?

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16 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

What’s wrong with catch and release? 


Yes thank you!! That was driving me nuts! It’s like she almost wanted him to get it so they could continue to quarantine together. Ugh she’s insufferable. 

Yes because it is always all about Shannon. Not her children,  not her boyfriend and not Archie. The princess must be catered to and pleased at all costs or there's hell to pay. 

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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

Bravo should require therapy for cast members who use storylines that involve difficult issues like alcoholism, domestic abuse (Gina), childhood cult experiences and sexual abuse - but I suspect Bravo requires legal cover for the network instead.

A wee bit off topic (but not really), Candiace and Karen on RHOP mentioned on the reunion that Bravo offers counseling to cast members.  

Of course, it's Bravo, so they might likely have a caveat that they're entitled to film and air the sessions at their own discretion.  

I'm not sure how much of Elizabeth's tale I believe.  I guess it will all play out eventually and the viewers will be able to separate the facts from the embellishment.  

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Please don’t think less of me, but I actually found Brownie vaguely likable when she was comforting Elizabeth. She could have easily made the situation about herself and her own shitty childhood, and she didn’t. 

I loved when Shannon said that Archie had been watching the girls, the camera panned over to Archie and he noped out of that situation. 

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My problem with Elizabeth is that almost all of her dysfunctions have been/are being done by other housewives, with better execution.

-I grew up in a cult: Is anyone familiar with Mary Crosby (RHSLC) She's married to her step-grandpa, running a Pentecostal cult church, expecting the congregation to give all they can to the church, while Mary wears Versace. To the best of my knowledge, there are no beatings or physical abuse, just fleecing of the flock.

-I grew up poor, and met my rich husband while working in a bar: Erika Girardi (RHBH)

-I married big money and lived the greatest lifestyle until my husband knocked up a side piece: Camille Grammar (RHBH)

-I'm going through the worst divorce ever, and I will incessantly talk about how I can't talk about it: Bethenny Frankel (RHNY)

-My sibling is a drug addict: Kyle Richards (RHBH)


It may all be true, but it's a lot; which may explain why she's such a mess.



Edited by SweetieDarling
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On 12/31/2020 at 7:45 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I do not remember Elizabeth telling Brawny that she had been sexually abused when she was young, I heard her say there was physically abuse and was threatened with being tossed off a bridge but the sex abuse by multiple men, did not hear that.  I watched Brawny's face when all the HW's were on the pier talking and Elizabeth was telling her story, Brawny had a poker face but maybe a little doubt showed thru. 

Elizabeth is trying to get the sympathy vote at all costs.  The constant laughing is annoying.  



Seems like she’s in search of a storyline. 

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5 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

Seems like she’s in search of a storyline. 

Elizabeth is banking on the sympathy vote, it won't work unless she can tell a true story, this will not be her ticket back for next season.  Let's make a side bet she goes to a therapist on camera, (those are always annoying because what legit therapist will have a session on camera?). 

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9 hours ago, endure said:

I find it amazing too especially when they were in direct contact with someone with Covid and aren’t immediately quarantining.  I can see why the virus is so rampant in the states. And what was with the sometimes wearing of the face shields in the kitchen, it made no sense. I assume it was a prop, kind of like the hat wearing, also in the kitchen lol.  Sick of all these grown ass women crying all the time.  Why is Umily  so overwhelmed by her children, wasn’t she wanting more last season?  Wasn’t she concerned they would get covid too or just concerned about how hard it was being alone with them?  So much stupid on this show.

And why, if she had it, too, did she never wear a mask around her children?

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14 hours ago, J80134 said:

Shannon was just dying for John to make some valiant gesture where he begged her to stay, told her he couldn't go 2 weeks without seeing her and said damn the consequences of catching covid. I can only imagine the sigh of relief and impromptu happy dance the ever calm john performed the second he heard her pull out of the driveway and saw the sun again. The storms cloud rained on its home location immediately upon arrival. I foresee the obligatory call on the holidays as more contact than those girls will want when they're adults.


OMG, yes.  It was so hilarious to see her crestfallen and getting up to leave while he looked like the happiest man on earth to watch her leave.

These two will be done once he gets the reality TV jonesing out of his system.

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On 12/30/2020 at 10:11 PM, Bronzedog said:

It's nice that Rick seems to be good with Jolie.  Every kid should have at least one parental figure in their life and I don't think Kelly is much of one.

I agree, though it did seem odd and...overstepping (?)... that he was shown being actively involved in creating house rules for Jolie.  Like, how long has he even known her, and he and Kelly just started living together?  But I guess if Jolie doesn't seem to resent it and it works for them, who am I to say?  

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7 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Shannon leaves 3 teenagers home to fend for themselves when they have been diagnosed with a serious and potentialy fatal virus. She moves in with her boyfriend and cries like a child when she is diagnosed with the same virus. Her main concern in this episode seemed to be that she had to leave her boyfriend for 2 weeks and she was worried about her relationship with him. She was really pissed that she had to go home. She is a selfish woman to be so unconcerned about her children. I know that they are not young children but only of them is an adult.  Most parents put their chilrdren's health above their own. But not Shannon selfish and spoiled child that she is. John better take a good hard look at what he is getting into. If he marries her or stays with her he will be catering to her for the rest of his life. Forget his kids. Shannon will always demand that she be number 1 because after all she has damaged lungs. 

Everyone keeps commenting on this, but where the heck is David Beador?  Why aren’t they with him?  Just because he is having a child with his new Barbie, doesn’t excuse him from not being a parent.  He knows full well Shannon’s health is compromised.  What a dud.  He couldn’t help out??

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5 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

Everyone keeps commenting on this, but where the heck is David Beador?  Why aren’t they with him?  Just because he is having a child with his new Barbie, doesn’t excuse him from not being a parent.  He knows full well Shannon’s health is compromised.  What a dud.  He couldn’t help out??

Very good point!

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On 12/31/2020 at 12:09 AM, Marley said:

Seriously Shannon can’t be away from her bf for 2 weeks? I’m pretty sure she wanted him to get it or just quarantine with her no matter what. What a joke lol.

I've been cutting Shannon some slack because I know what it's like to be high risk and terrified, but my god, the whining about having to be away from her boyfriend for two weeks!  She sounded like a teenager.  


On 12/31/2020 at 9:26 AM, nexxie said:

I thought maybe only Shannon was on the production schedule because Emily had too much going on - but who knows. Shane has a sister too - it is odd that she had no help.

I think the issue is that the kids had been exposed to Covid.  So, even if they had tested negative at some point, those tests are not 100% and I would be worried about having them around other family members (particularly elderly grandparents).  


On 12/31/2020 at 9:26 AM, nexxie said:

But the kids weren’t in the car when Emily took Shane to the hospital, so where were they?

I do wonder about this!  It's possible she was able to leave them in someone's care temporarily in a distanced way (e.g. masked in the back yard)?

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