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Centering the show around Braunwyn is a huge mistake.  For the people I know that are still watching this season, they are not Braunwyn fans.  We do not know her well enough to care about her sobriety journey.  All of her shenanigans 'in her partying days' aka last season, ring false to me because she never seemed wasted, just oversexed and desperate for airtime.  Despite having a wacko mother, a sexually confused husband and a thousand kids, she is one of the most boring women ever presented as a housewife.  There seems to be something dark under the surface in the Burke household, but I just don't care.

The new housewife gives me Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids vibes big time.

I like Gina and Emily's relationship, it seems kind of real.  I don't have a problem with a rebrand of OC.  I just don't understand this direction.  And the cast is STILL talking about Tamra and Vicki, and showing flashbacks, in both of the first two episodes.  Do the producers realize that in Bravo's attempt to get publicity by firing the two lynchpins of the franchise, they eliminated what keeps it interesting?  Love her or hate her - Tamra knew what the public wanted to watch and delivered, even if it made her look like an asshole.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 2:38 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

It's like you are looking in to my soul. LOL. 

I had never heard of Glennon Doyle before WWHL. 

I adore Amy Sedaris, Andy is very good friends with her, it would be ratings gold!!!  I do have a couple of meeting David Sedaris stories, (we have people in common).

Jimmy could not have been the tallest best looking person in that bar that night unless she had been wearing her beer goggles.  


I thought for a minute that Glennon Doyle was an Amy Sedaris character.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 2:08 PM, angelamh66 said:

I have no idea what Shannon's new business is but I sincerely hope someone is giving her decent advice. Shannon is not someone I would consider as having her finger on the pulse of the consuming public. 


Perhaps she'll try to sell boxes with 9 lemons, an enema kit and a spinner from a twister game that you place on your belly to diagnose health conditions.  

  • LOL 19
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Some good takes on the pros and cons of Braunwyn's addiction/recovery story in this thread.

For me, it's a good thing. I find usually these addiction and recovery stories go like this:

Years of denial/hiding/enabling;

Someone (usually in a shitty, ulterior motive kind of way) breaks out the truth, gossiping ensues;

Much later, an admission is made and the person is quietly ushered off the show, if they haven't been ushered off already.

This time, we are seeing it in virtual real time, seeing her early admission and very early struggle. I think it's the most real thing we have seen around substance abuse on these shows ever.

(I still can't get over the fact that her own mother tried to blackmail her about it though. She's beneath contempt and I hope we never have to see her on the show again.)

  • Love 14

The property settlement would have been based on the value of their assets. Presumably they had the house which probably had a high mortgage and David's business which would have been assessed at a certain value by forensic accountants.

The spousal support and child support (not sure of how that was divided) is separate and would have been based on David's income which must be pretty high to justify that amount. His business might not actually be worth that much if it were to be sold - a doctor might make a very high salary but his business is of little value without his services. 

I don't think there should be an issue with a housewife not drinking. There are housewives who don't drink at all or drink in moderation and don't have embarrassing episodes as part of their plot line. 

Brawnwynde is obviously extremely damaged and her mother is even worse than what was depicted last season. Her mother didn't say anything was false during her scenes with Brawnwynde. She just attempted to justify her decisions. 

  • Love 1
  On 10/22/2020 at 2:51 PM, Jel said:

I wondered about that 1.4 million figure too. She also mentioned 30K a month. But is that 1.4 million plus 30,000 a month until the kids are grown or was it 1.4 million, payable in 30,000 a month increments?

If it's 1.4 million total, that just does not seem like very much.  

Gina's hair from the back. Yikes! It's crazy cat lady back there.



She's getting $10 grand per month, down from $30k per month during the negotiations. As I recall, Shannon very amenably agreed to the lower monthly stipend. She probably got to keep all of her Housewives money and I think also has some family money.

I am really praying this is not going to become the Braunwyn Gets Sober Show. Also agree with the person who said Gina's arms and shoulders are linebacker level. When she was entering Emily or whoever's house, I was struck by how the view of her bum and legs are okay but the face, arms and upper torso weight gain are way too much.

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I see that Tamra's been busy offscreen to get that orange back next year, manipulating half these women. Keeping in daily contact with Shannon (wasn't she complaining in interviews that Shannon ghosted her after she got the boot? Hmm)... ratting out Gina to Braunwyn... getting the dirt on Braunwyn from her mother. At least Emily recognizes what's up. Every time one of the HW's mentions her name, just bolsters the case for re-hiring her. So stop bringing up her name! 

Is there any non-manipulative reason that Tamra would be in contact with Dr. Deb, who looks like Rainbow Brite after smoking four packs a day for forty years? I don't recall those two palling it up last year.  Now I keep bringing up her name too, damnit show!

Braunwyn claimed on WWHL that Gina and Emily would regret talking shit about the immunity idol necklace once the backstory behind it is revealed. I was under the impression that he had multiple gaudy necklaces made of puka shells and whatnot, so who's to say that's the one they were poking fun at?

Wow, Braunwyn couldn't have thrown Shannon under the bus any quicker if she tried. At least it looks like she gets called out on it next week.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 4:44 PM, dmeets said:

Is there any non-manipulative reason that Tamra would be in contact with Dr. Deb, who looks like Rainbow Brite after smoking four packs a day for forty years? I don't recall those two palling it up last year.  Now I keep bringing up her name too, damnit show!


Sweet baby Jeebus on a cracker!  I shouldn't read this on my work laptop.  I spit out my tea!  Dr. Deb is a horror show in every possible way.  Yes, I can see why Brauny drinks to excess.  Anything to block out all memories of her mother's existence.

I am afraid that Tamra is like Beetlejuice.  Say her name three times and she'll appear.  Please, housewives, don't do it!  I don't need to see her beady, rat-like eyes on my screen ever again. 

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  On 10/22/2020 at 3:38 PM, 65mickey said:

Shannon's new business was referred to as lemon aid.  No one at the meeting said what it was but I have a feeling it is a skin care product. Just what the world needs another skin care product hawked by a housewife, how original. 


There are nine lemons in every bottle.

She should have asked Ramona about how to market/not market her product like Ramona's TrUe ReneWaL, all these products go nowhere and then show up at a TJMaxx on the racks at the check out.

  On 10/22/2020 at 2:53 PM, DrivingSideways said:

The new housewife gives me Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids vibes big time.



  • Love 6
  On 10/22/2020 at 2:53 PM, DrivingSideways said:

Centering the show around Braunwyn is a huge mistake.  For the people I know that are still watching this season, they are not Braunwyn fans.  We do not know her well enough to care about her sobriety journey.  All of her shenanigans 'in her partying days' aka last season, ring false to me because she never seemed wasted, just oversexed and desperate for airtime.  Despite having a wacko mother, a sexually confused husband and a thousand kids, she is one of the most boring women ever presented as a housewife.  There seems to be something dark under the surface in the Burke household, but I just don't care.

The new housewife gives me Melissa McCarthy in Bridesmaids vibes big time.

I like Gina and Emily's relationship, it seems kind of real.  I don't have a problem with a rebrand of OC.  I just don't understand this direction.  And the cast is STILL talking about Tamra and Vicki, and showing flashbacks, in both of the first two episodes.  Do the producers realize that in Bravo's attempt to get publicity by firing the two lynchpins of the franchise, they eliminated what keeps it interesting?  Love her or hate her - Tamra knew what the public wanted to watch and delivered, even if it made her look like an asshole.


I have a feeling covid will change the focus of the show.

From what I read, the show filmed for 5 weeks before they shut down.  And when they resume, all 6 are barely together.  groups of 2 or 3...or individual stuff. 

But I guess now none of the women are speaking to Braunwyn..so I'll be interested to see why as the season moves forward 

  • Love 3

I thought it was Braunwyn who made fun of Gina's tiny house in the first episode.  I didn't remember Shannon really saying anything that bad about it.  But Braunwyn was sure quick to tell Emily that Shannon was making fun of Gina's place.  I think she was diverting attention away from herself like Tamra would do.  Of course Emily had to then run and tell Gina.  Emily does not like Shannon so I think she enjoyed that.  

  • Love 5


  On 10/22/2020 at 2:03 PM, watcherwoman said:

I commend Brawny if she really is an alcoholic, she spoke up and wants to change.  However, coming to that realization on the first episode of this season is suspect to me.  Last year she told everyone about her rotten mother, her sex room, her open marriage, she swapped tongues with Tamra ( I'd request a blood test before that act), she went after Vicki in the first episode last year....she really tried to make an entrance.  I think she is all for show. Also speaking about her rotten mother, I agree her mom is nuts, but Brawny is not exactly mother of the year to her kids, IMO.  Kids get embarrassed by normal behavior from their parents,  what is she doing to her own kids on national tv?  Get off reality tv and get your life in order Brawny.  Do it for YOUR kids.



She should get a rabies shot!


  On 10/22/2020 at 4:10 PM, amarante said:

The property settlement would have been based on the value of their assets. Presumably they had the house which probably had a high mortgage and David's business which would have been assessed at a certain value by forensic accountants.

The spousal support and child support (not sure of how that was divided) is separate and would have been based on David's income which must be pretty high to justify that amount. His business might not actually be worth that much if it were to be sold - a doctor might make a very high salary but his business is of little value without his services. 

I don't think there should be an issue with a housewife not drinking. There are housewives who don't drink at all or drink in moderation and don't have embarrassing episodes as part of their plot line. 



The court documents listed David's income as $179,000 per month.  So, something is not adding up.  Maybe she got 1.4 million plus the monthly amount, plus  child support (which she isn't including in "her" money).  Still seems really low for having been married to a guy who makes over 2 million a year.


There shouldn't be an issue with a housewife not drinking, but this whole thing is that she is in early recovery.  Like I said in her thread, I can FEEL her anxiety.  The first days of sobriety are extremely difficult.  She is white knuckling right now and I don't find this to be entertainment.  Great to shine a light on alcoholism, not great for viewers who don't want to watch a newly sober person struggle to maintain her sanity.



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Was it just me or did it seem like we only got 20 minutes of show and the rest commercials ?  Emily's Immunity necklace crack was too funny. It seems that Emily and Gina have a good friendship again. Maybe Brawny should have rented a 4000 sq ft mansion instead and used the rest of the rent for proper rehab. The one thing I really want to know if Dr Deb called Tamrat. I have a feeling Tamra called her, like she did with Slade's ex-baby momma. It would not surprise me that she would try to dig up dirt.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 2:31 AM, Bronzedog said:

As you should be!  Congrats!


After reading the comments here, decided to skip this episode. 

I thought I heard Braunwyn had a facelift during the break. I remember thinking she seemed a little young for a facelift. 

I wonder if her home looks smaller because some of the rooms have low ceilings. I noticed it last week. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
  On 10/22/2020 at 7:04 PM, heatherchandler said:


She should get a rabies shot!


The court documents listed David's income as $179,000 per month.  So, something is not adding up.  Maybe she got 1.4 million plus the monthly amount, plus  child support (which she isn't including in "her" money).  Still seems really low for having been married to a guy who makes over 2 million a year.


There shouldn't be an issue with a housewife not drinking, but this whole thing is that she is in early recovery.  Like I said in her thread, I can FEEL her anxiety.  The first days of sobriety are extremely difficult.  She is white knuckling right now and I don't find this to be entertainment.  Great to shine a light on alcoholism, not great for viewers who don't want to watch a newly sober person struggle to maintain her sanity.




In California spousal support is pretty rare especially for someone who has been making a high salary for a number of years. There is her actual Bravo salary plus all of the promotional income she gets from plugging stuff on Social Media. I think the housewives are also paid to make appearances at different events. So Shannon wouldn't really be entitled to much spousal support.

Child support is quite different and there have been cases dealing with what level of support a child is due. Also whether a parent has to support a child past 18 especially in terms of education. That would have been spelled out in the settlement agreement and I think we can assume that David is on the hook for significant amounts in terms of tuition payments through whatever professional or graduate schools the girls are interested in attending - if any.

I agree with you and others regarding the ill advised choice of a newly *sober* person to appear in any reality show - regardless of whether drinking is required. However, Brawny is someone who has psychological issues - that was apparent last season based on her actions even when she wasn't obviously three sheets to the wind. All power to people who want large families but there seemed to be something off in their family dynamics as if having the children was an obsession rather than a healthy decision.

So expecting someone who has severe emotional issues to make a rational decision to opt for healing is not realistic. Between the greed and the narcissism, very few reality stars retire on their own volition because it is the wise decision for their sake and/or the sake of their family.

And there is no way any of the interactions with the mother and revelations about her childhood could possibly leave one with any doubt that Brawnwynd was a bundle of unresolved emotional issues that were waiting to erupt. Even without the on-air revelations and discussions with her mother, watching the mother made one realize that the mother is an insane woman - whether she is narcissistic or some other personality disorder, she is not well. Lydia's mother also presented as *bohemian* but I never got the sense that the woman was pathological or that Lydia had suffered from some kind of depraved parenting. At worse, Lydia seemed to react by becoming a bit more straitlaced as many kids react from parenting as a bit of cliche - liberal parents have conservative kids - career driven parents have altruistic kids. Obviously I am over-simplifying but just to point out the differences between Lydia's benignly eccentric mother versus Brawnwynde's extremely pathological disturbed mother.

And I obviously am an evil person but I don't really care (do you LOL) if Brawnwynde breaks down on my screen and causes drama. That is what she has chosen to make the big bucks to do. It beats working for minimum wage at a meat packing plant so not much sympathy on my end. It seems as if she is definitely breaking down so that's more fun to than doggiegate or even the Denise Rich thing. But hey I also enjoyed Scary Island when Kelly was obviously suffering from mental issues of some kind. You wouldn't catch me for any amount of money on a reality show and I am just your basic neurotic. 🙂

Edited by amarante
  • Love 12

That late night text from Brownwind’s husband was definitely a ‘sending out feelers’ text!
Why make a point to mention that Browny was now asleep? It seemed innocent enough, but could have been read a different way. He was sussing out Gina and waiting on her reply. From his perspective... who knows what could have happened? 🤷‍♀️

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  On 10/22/2020 at 8:51 PM, CrinkleCutCat said:

That late night text from Brownwind’s husband was definitely a ‘sending out feelers’ text!
Why make a point to mention that Browny was now asleep? It seemed innocent enough, but could have been read a different way. He was sussing out Gina and waiting on her reply. From his perspective... who knows what could have happened? 🤷‍♀️


I missed the text. What did it say?

  On 10/22/2020 at 8:51 PM, CrinkleCutCat said:

That late night text from Brownwind’s husband was definitely a ‘sending out feelers’ text!
Why make a point to mention that Browny was now asleep? It seemed innocent enough, but could have been read a different way. He was sussing out Gina and waiting on her reply. From his perspective... who knows what could have happened? 🤷‍♀️


Agreed and who wouldn't have mentioned it to others as being something weird - if only to see if one is misreading it and whether others feel there is something off.

This is especially true since they are co-workers and in the public eye so any response or non-response can become an issue.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 8:56 PM, SunshineOnMe said:

I missed the text. What did it say?


Basically making sure you got home alright ... then saying who was sending the text... I don’t get how that is him wanting a 3some but who knows .. I mean if she was that waisted and having trouble getting a Uber I think it’s just good manners but hey what do I know I’m not in the str8 world lol

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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  On 10/22/2020 at 1:59 PM, 65mickey said:

Neither do I. No one on the show is 60 and so far they haven't made fools out of themselves this year anyway with their drinking. I don't know of a real housewives franchise that doesn't involve drinking and drinking to excess. That's the playbook. But there is no way that I want to tune in and see someone cry and go on and on about having a drinking problem. If you have a drinking problem get help and stop drinking. If it is so hard to not drink then don't take a job where you are around others who are always drinking. This didn't work out for Kim Richards and it didn't work out for Dorinda.  Last year Braunwyn carried on about all of her allergies, this year her drinking and soon to be secret. I just don't find her interesting or edgy. 


It's worked out for Lala and James Kennedy on "Vanderpump Rules." And Leah on RHoNY is now joining this crew. I for one am actually very interested to see people undertake sober journeys on this show - it's a nice contrast to the constant drinking which gets old fast, IMO.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 1:07 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

So show the fans that Drinking is more important? This show isnt the real drunk housewives of whatever city its not only for woman who drink prioritizing that over showing other woman who do have real issues is telling people what? that you should shut up and hide? that you are only worth something if you do drink? Why not show a housewife who is going through something and trying to get help? I would say yes if she was like Kim richards and a hotmess with the issues but she isnt ... let her tell her story.. whats so wrong about that? Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean you stop being around people who drink .... that's not the real world ....you dont all the sudden get put in a bubble you have to learn to deal with being around that ....


I am with you 100% on this.  She already admitted that she has been hiding liquor and drinking alone.  It isn’t always about social drinking.  That said, she will feel uncomfortable at gatherings because she doesn’t drink and hopefully will eventually get over it.   She is a wealth woman in California and she will be surrounded by people drinking at every turn. When she said “I’m an alcoholic” I thought it was one of the most honest things I’ve ever hear on The Housewives.

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Bravo is focusing way to much on Brauny, just like they focused way too much on Leah on this past NY season. She isn't interesting enough or likeable enough to carry the show (same with Leah).   I will say though that as much as I like Gina much more than Brauny, and think Sean is creepy, I think Gina over reacted to Sean's text. If she had not asked him to help her hail an Uber, and the text was just out of the blue after they had both attended a party, maybe. But she did ask for his help, so a follow up text I don't find out of line. Also Brauny has said that she will only have threesomes with hot women, and it is obvious that Brauny does not consider condo Gina to be in that category. 

I did love Shane saying that if things got out of line at the birthday party between Gina and Brauny, he would have to eject one of them. And Gina following that up with a comment that she did not want to get ejected from Shane's house again. I like that Gina and Emily are friends again, and that Gina and Shane can joke about their past history.

I'd like to know the square footage of Shannon's house because it looks to be at least as big as Brauny's, if not bigger. And what is the square footage of Emily's? Her's seems to be the biggest of the current howives. Still not buying that Brauny's is 8,000 sq ft. That is a pretty good sized house. 

I am shocked that Shannon only got 1.3 mil in her divorce settlement. That is peanuts for someone who was married for as long as she was, and who's hubby is worth that David is supposedly worth. I guess David is hanging on tight to his money for when he has to pay up for his second divorce. 

The one thing that stood out to me and I missed last week was that between filming and the THs, Shannon and Brauny both had their lips inflated. Some of the others may have as well, but Shannon's and Brauny's are enormous. I will never understand why women get so much botox that their upper lip is undistinguishable from their lower, and loses all definition. Surely when this trend wears off women who partake in this stupid procedure will look back and think "WTF was I thinking?". 


Edited by UsernameFatigue
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  On 10/22/2020 at 10:28 PM, Rambunctiouscurls said:

Here it is. 😂It’s the winky emoji and mentioning he put Braunwyn to bed in their sex condo that creeped me out.



I am reading the subtext of that text and that is a "see if I can make that happen text" if I have ever seen one.  The smiley face, two of them to boot plus the emoji...I think Gina would have figured it was a text from Sean.

I wonder how many of those texts he has sent to Brawny's friends over the years.

How do you think he got Gina's number? Did he go thru B's phone?  Anyone think there are texts from Brandi on Brawny's phone? lol.

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First time poster, but long time Real Housewives watcher!  I live in Newport and I think this season is going to be good for one reason - most of these ladies are living (way) above their means and that always makes for an interesting watch!  

Let's talk about the new girl - I'll call her "The Exaggerator" :  In her first episode she says (repeatedly) she was married to a Billionaire, Bernt Bodal.  A quick google search will tell you he's worth about $200M, he's rich but no billionaire.  She says that she was tired of being a Billionaire's wife (she cried on the couch for 3 yrs and he now has a child w/another woman) um, okay something isn't adding up.  Sounds like she got dumped but got the beach house in the divorce.  Kelly says she owns mansions and private jets, not so fast.  The beach house sold for $4M last (that's expensive) but its not $6-$7M.  This girl is so full of it.  Just sayin'  Don't even get me started on her fake music business.  Maybe she'll figure out the dog rescue and be the entrepreneur she's always wanted to be.  And maybe tuck in the girlies, it's a bit much how they're always showing. 

Braunwyn, Brauwyn, Braunwyn is so hard to believe.  She did drink a lot last year but "My name is Braunwyn and I'm an alcoholic" was a lot on the first episode.  If so, I wish her the very best.  What's even harder to believe is her renting a 8,000 sq foot house that looks styled out to the hilt.  She really is playing up "I'm a rich b**ch" this season.  We'll see how long until she downgrades.  Her husband seems very bi-sexual so that is probably confusing their relationship.  She is going to be really annoying this season.  I just hope they are done having kids.  

Shannon seems happy and is doing much better- I'm puling for her she's been through a lot.  

Kelly overstating her sex life is cringe... her husband is selling his $800k one bedroom apt in New York and she is renting a house for $5k.  So when she said on the reunion that she's flying around in private jets & made it sounds like her new guy is loaded is interesting.  

Gina is boring so I'll skip her for now (I fast forward her scenes).

I'd like to know what neighborhood in Newport Kelly, Shannon and Kelly moved to.  Hard to tell from the videos - Dover Shores, Cliff Haven maybe?  I don't think it's Crystal Cove.  Any locals know or want to take a guess?  

Edited by JenniferTeach
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  On 10/22/2020 at 2:08 PM, angelamh66 said:

I have no idea what Shannon's new business is but I sincerely hope someone is giving her decent advice. Shannon is not someone I would consider as having her finger on the pulse of the consuming public. 


she's clearly clueless, imagine saying out loud "yeah the cheaper one, lets go with that cos its cheap" at a public biz meeting, her developers were like " ah yeah its a bit less expensive". Way to sell your product shannon!. Did you also go with cheap ingredients?

It's tedious how they all want easy passive income, set and forget. It rarely succeeds and more than likely ends in losses and lawsuits. Shannon also has no niche or "thing" to exploit, she's a fake hippy who is hypochondriac. *she* is the gullible buyer of crap products, not the hustler selling them.

if i was her id open a restaurant or food business.  Get professionals to run it. Lots of fans will visit it - she can market some health food crap/tea or some thing they can buy and take home from it. She could possibly make some ongoing ok income  meh - i could be wrong though!

Edited by ladypoodle
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  On 10/22/2020 at 2:51 PM, Juliegirlj said:

I feel bad bringing it up and am not trying to malign Bronwyn’s journey to get sober, but, if she was drinking so much that she had withdrawals, then how did she manage during her pregnancies? It is very dangerous ( can be fatal) for a heavy drinker to stop cold turkey with no medical support. I wonder if she she secretly drank through all her pregnancies. 

When Emily and Gina got drunk and made fun of Shawn’s “ immunity idol” necklace I laughed so hard!! 


Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It's very possible, and probable that she wasn't physically addicted in the same way when she was having children. I'm an alcoholic (in recovery) and was never physically addicted. I didn't need detox. 

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  On 10/23/2020 at 1:27 AM, ShawnaLanne said:

Alcoholism is a progressive disease. It's very possible, and probable that she wasn't physically addicted in the same way when she was having children. I'm an alcoholic (in recovery) and was never physically addicted. I didn't need detox.


Thank you for sharing your experience.  I first thought there was no way B was an alcoholic because she didn't drink (her words, not mine) when she was pregnant.  She is quite ready to label herself as one so I respect that and hope she is able to come out of this experience stronger.

I know there is never any excuse, blah, blah, blah, but she has demonstrated great resilience having a mother like that.  She ended up standing.  I have one kid; I would never, ever dream of having seven but perhaps her dream was the Bobbsey Twins (plus triplets)?  I feel for her.

I don't feel for Gina.  She is a complete dumb-ass.  I'm not the historian but didn't she come on the show with three small kids, her husband had a horrible commute so he had an apartment and wasn't on the show.  He then had an affair, many tears, they agreed to divorce, and she got a new place so he could be with the kids for visitation, etc.  They decided to try again and he then assaulted her.  He lost his job and they aren't together.

Fast forward, she purchased a condo or townhouse with 1600 SF (BTW, good for her, no problem at all with the size of the place).  She then has her boyfriend move in with his 3 kids (and no commitment we know of) and we shouldn't wonder about her mental stability?  With her weight gain, I attribute it to depression.  She said she is so happy she eats a wheel of brie.  I see it as she is so buried with her bad choices she can't see a way out.  You're Brawnwin in a few years.

I'm not anti-Gina, I think her choices have been completely horrible for her kids.  I wonder why she feels so smug?



  • Love 9
  On 10/22/2020 at 3:25 PM, Jel said:

Some good takes on the pros and cons of Braunwyn's addiction/recovery story in this thread.

For me, it's a good thing. I find usually these addiction and recovery stories go like this:

Years of denial/hiding/enabling;

Someone (usually in a shitty, ulterior motive kind of way) breaks out the truth, gossiping ensues;

Much later, an admission is made and the person is quietly ushered off the show, if they haven't been ushered off already.

This time, we are seeing it in virtual real time, seeing her early admission and very early struggle. I think it's the most real thing we have seen around substance abuse on these shows ever.

(I still can't get over the fact that her own mother tried to blackmail her about it though. She's beneath contempt and I hope we never have to see her on the show again.)


The Mother looks like a freak. How can she be takin serious???

  • Love 2

Love watching all of these trash people trying to out-trash each other.

If Shannon only got 1.4M and $10-30K a month after nearly 2 decades with David, she got screwed.  1.4M would be my price for sharing cocktails and apps with his horrific ass.

Gina is an idiot for moving in with her boyfriend and his 3 kids after about six months.  I'm all for frugality and my house is smaller than her townhouse, so it isn't size shaming.  But I'm not cramming 8 people in here, four of which I've known less time than the Costco half-and-half has a shelf life.

Braunwyn needs to free herself from her mother and societal expectations.  She's over 40, so she should have gotten that memo.  She has potential to be a great HW, but is acting like a 7th grader on PEN15.

Emily is a lost cause.The new hip is the least of her troubles.  Her moral bankruptcy is the issue.  In every scene, she makes Shane seem like the good guy.  

Kelly is a dumpster fire on a shit river aflame.  I have no time for her.  New Gal might be fun, but the Dana comparisons are tired by Week 2.  She needs another couple of weeks to develop.  So far, her only redeeming quality is her love of dogs.  I generally distrust people who don't like dogs, as even my cats like dogs.  She can skate another couple of weeks, based on that alone.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 2:56 PM, Pondlass1 said:

The bit about immunity idol necklace made me laugh out loud. That’s the  kind of fun I want from a show like this. The other HW franchises I’ve watched this past season have been so dark.  Mix up the fights and drama with some laughs, Bravo. It’s a scary world out there right now.



I thought the episode had a good mix with the Brawnyrn stuff being the drama...while Emily/Gina being fun out drinking.  

Plus, we got a nice family scene with Elizabeth and her kin (her backstory is interesting so far) and Kelly realizing she's parenting Jolie like her mom parented her.

And I liked how Shannon was happy thinking Brawryn was pregnant again before learning the reason why B wasn't drinking 

Bravo is saving money by having Tamra causing drama off screen.  Mission accomplished 

Edited by JAYJAY1979
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  On 10/22/2020 at 3:14 AM, Rambunctiouscurls said:

Also laughed at Gina/Emily making fun of Braunwyn’s husband’s immunity idol. Btw.. what does he do? And yes that text to Gina was slightly inappropriate. 



Braunwyn was on WWHL when a viewer or someone asked her what exactly her husband did for a living.  She fumbled, said she didn't really know and then added, "He's in technology."    Hmmmmmmm

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