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I'm trying to figure out exactly what they were going for in the linked story with this line:

Johnny and Bao's marriage has been highly anticipated, as they are opening the doors for more diverse cast members to star on Married At First Sight's future seasons. 

What the hell does that even mean? Their marriage has to be successful in order to open doors for more diverse participants? And if they get divorced, it means Asian couples just don't work on this show? And that translates to diverse participants being unsuccessful on a show like this?



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4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I'm trying to figure out exactly what they were going for in the linked story with this line:

Johnny and Bao's marriage has been highly anticipated, as they are opening the doors for more diverse cast members to star on Married At First Sight's future seasons. 

What the hell does that even mean? Their marriage has to be successful in order to open doors for more diverse participants? And if they get divorced, it means Asian couples just don't work on this show? And that translates to diverse participants being unsuccessful on a show like this?



Sadly I think it means that TPTB wanted a test balloon to see if viewers would warm to Asian couples (or even watch them). It's all about ratings. If people still watch, and better yet, like watching Johnny and Bao, it's more likely there will be other Asian couples on future seasons.

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All kinds of wrong by the show runner,  field director and MAFS production....they have some explaining to do tonight...

Why wasn't Zach grounded in Houston? And Michaela?

He and Michaela couldn't get any closer exchanging body fluids and breathing all over each other all night just hours before his symptoms bloomed.

He knew a friend he was in contact with was positive so he was tested...Why wasn't Michaela tested?

Why did they fly to Florida? See them in the tease arriving at night...

Contact tracing doesn't apply to basic cable teevee shows?

The 2 could have been flown out when Zach and Michaela got their negative results...but nooo...

Edited by humbleopinion
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20 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Anyone else want to join me in a "too generous" pour of wine to help them feel less pitiable about this?

I don't feel pitiable about any of these people. Train wreck city here. But I will still join you for the wine. This season is going to require some heavy pours to get through.......

18 hours ago, buttersister said:

I’ll take some Pinot while I contemplate the smoke screen being put up to increase the drama. Or the whole bottle if I’m being too optimistic.

Did you know that Amazon sells a six pack of "bottle size" straws for when you just need a whole bottle and want to drink straight from it? I know this not because I guzzle wine like our favorite MAFS veteran Virginia, but from my friend's 50th birthday weekend last month where her drink of choice was just her own personal bottle of wine ;-p

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Time for San Diego singletons to crawl out from under their rocks where they've been hiding and out from under the bottoms of barrels!

Hoping for San Diegans dating losers who aren't looking to find spouses to Check all their boxes, aren't Stage 5 Clingers, aren't looking for someone as a rebound, and can mustard up the energy after working out to rinse off your Downtown districts.

Good luck...Snark you later!

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5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


Time for San Diego singletons to crawl out from under their rocks where they've been hiding and out from under the bottoms of barrels!

Hoping for San Diegans dating losers who aren't looking to find spouses to Check all their boxes, aren't Stage 5 Clingers, aren't looking for someone as a rebound, and can mustard up the energy after working out to rinse off your Downtown districts.

Good luck...Snark you later!

Interesting questionnaire - nothing at all in there about income, employment, debt, attitudes toward finances...

Or arrests, convictions, criminal background. They should run background checks but still...

Edited by Elizzikra
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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Interesting questionnaire - nothing at all in there about income, employment, debt, attitudes toward finances...

Or arrests, convictions, criminal background. They should run background checks but still...

I'm assuming that this is a first step to get you to the next round and they'll be more later.  

The fine print at the bottom mentions this:


I understand that if I am selected as a participant, I shall be required to sign one or more additional agreements, which may contain the terms set forth herein with respect to my participation in the Program, as well as additional and/or different terms. I also understand that I may be required to submit to all required background checks, psychological examinations, and similar screenings, and that I shall be required to comply with all applicable rules and requirements relating to the Program, before I am allowed to participate in the Program.

All that and they still can't seem to filter out the whack jobs.....🙄

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4 minutes ago, gingerandcloves said:

Someone who works in the building where this season's cast was staying said that the only couple who actually lived in the apartments full-time was Gil and Myrla. The rest just showed up for filming. Can't say I'm shocked by this revelation.

I guess Rachel did not know that she was knocking on those doors and nobody was home.

Were the others living together somewhere else or in their respective homes as in separately?

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23 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I guess Rachel did not know that she was knocking on those doors and nobody was home.

Were the others living together somewhere else or in their respective homes as in separately?

I don't know for sure, I'm guessing they stayed in their own individual (separate) places and just showed up when they had to film.

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I'm not surprised that they're staying in separate places.  Yes, they're married but they haven't had enough time to get to know each other well enough to be comfortable with each other's bathroom habits, kitchen habits, etc.  It takes weeks, not days, and that's even if they know they want to stay married. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 8:13 AM, Retired at last said:

I think that the entire pool consists of whack jobs, after reading the fine print. So, they have to find the least whack?

I AGREE!  They try to portray the "thousands and thousands" of drooling would-be participants lining up to hear the "we found you a match" message and start the frenzied process of going on the show.

However, IMO, that's all window dressing.  I think, after all these seasons, the # of sane, "normal", available and/or interested people ready, willing and able to be filmed for this show is "tiny."

I note that they cast the net (pun intended) for the next group of participants in San Diego BEFORE this dismal season aired.  Clever strategy because the volatility and incompatibility of this season's couples is quite stunning!


Edited by pdlinda
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8 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Don't let Jose read this!!

The writers of this article have obviously not seen his magnificent Whiteboard of Finance.

Of course, that is if they can figure out what the hell it says...

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A few people have reported sightings of Jose and Rachel together - at the airport in Cancun and at an Astros game. One person approached them and talked to them, and they confirmed they are together. No pictures though. Excuse me while my head explodes.

ETA: There have been multiple sightings (with photos) of Zack and Bao out together (!) And she wished him a happy birthday on her Instagram stories. So there might be a happy couple this season after all. /snark 

Edited by gingerandcloves
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11 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

A few people have reported sightings of Jose and Rachel together - at the airport in Cancun and at an Astros game. One person approached them and talked to them, and they confirmed they are together. No pictures though. Excuse me while my head explodes.

ETA: There have been multiple sightings (with photos) of Zack and Bao out together (!) And she wished him a happy birthday on her Instagram stories. So there might be a happy couple this season after all. /snark 

I actually like the idea of Zack and Bao as a couple.

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On 9/25/2021 at 2:27 PM, gingerandcloves said:

Someone who works in the building where this season's cast was staying said that the only couple who actually lived in the apartments full-time was Gil and Myrla. The rest just showed up for filming. Can't say I'm shocked by this revelation.

And yet one wonders why they didn't wake up when Rachel was knocking on their door late at night.  The dog was barking.  That would wake me up!  Or maybe they did and the show didn't show that.  It was never disclosed where Rachel spent the night.

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2 hours ago, qtpye said:

I actually like the idea of Zack and Bao as a couple.

I haven’t watched every season of this show. Has the USA version of MAFS had a couple switch like what may have happened here? Before or after decision day?  Because I could see it happening in these later seasons where the couples do so many activities as a group.  
I caught parts of episodes  of some Australian season and there was drama about a hook up between one man and women on the show married to others.

Edited by mythoughtis
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27 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

I haven’t watched every season of this show. Has the USA version of MAFS had a couple switch like what may have happened here? Before or after decision day?  Because I could see it happening in these later seasons where the couples do so many activities as a group.  
I caught parts of episodes  of some Australian season and there was drama about a hook up between one man and women on the show married to others.

I think that after Zack rejected Mindy in his season, that he tried to hit on Katie.

It was funny because Katie was one of the least attractive participants to me (both in looks and personality) and people talked about Zack having high standards and that is why he did not like Mindy. 

I think Katie rejected him. Besides this, I don't know of any other former brides and grooms hooking up.

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 I would really like to know how much of the Rachel/Jose drama was production shenanigans. Her staying with him, if all of that rage and coldness was really him, makes me very disappointed with her. She claimed that she was raised to have more self-esteem, and she clearly knows better. I am feeling towards her the same way I felt about Paige (and way back to Kate staying with Luke). After that scene, there is NO way he can redeem himself (plus his lying about it to the  guys), so he is not worth my time or thought. But, I had thought better of her. Wondering if they will be on Couples Camera, or if they learned their lesson afterf Erik and VirGINia. I think the couples should have to stay together for at least a year before they are selected for the couples show.

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54 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

 I would really like to know how much of the Rachel/Jose drama was production shenanigans. Her staying with him, if all of that rage and coldness was really him, makes me very disappointed with her. She claimed that she was raised to have more self-esteem, and she clearly knows better. I am feeling towards her the same way I felt about Paige (and way back to Kate staying with Luke). After that scene, there is NO way he can redeem himself (plus his lying about it to the  guys), so he is not worth my time or thought. But, I had thought better of her. Wondering if they will be on Couples Camera, or if they learned their lesson afterf Erik and VirGINia. I think the couples should have to stay together for at least a year before they are selected for the couples show.

Yes, I can not root for them after the way he acted:

  1. Flew off the handle because of ego and insecurity
  2. Abused her by locking her out
  3. Gaslighted her very reasonable concerns
  4. Blamed it all on her when retelling the story

These are all terrible signs and she should stay away from him unless this was all just bullshit manufactured by the show.

Edited by qtpye
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24 minutes ago, qtpye said:

Yes, I can not root for them after the way he acted:

  1. Flew off the handle because of ego and insecurity
  2. Abused her by locking her out
  3. Gaslighted her very reasonable concerns
  4. Blamed it all on her when retelling the story.

These are all terrible signs and she should stay away from him unless this was all just bullshit manufactured by the show.

I felt like Rachel was acting when she said, "I cannot be your wife".  It seemed disjointed from what she said before it and she said it very slowly and deliberately like she was reading from a script.  I think the producers may actually lie to one of them or misrepresent the truth to get them mad at the other person, then after they blow up admit to both that it was all a ruse just so they could get some drama on camera.  Either that or they're all in on it.  I said something similar in the episode thread too.

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14 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I felt like Rachel was acting when she said, "I cannot be your wife".  It seemed disjointed from what she said before it and she said it very slowly and deliberately like she was reading from a script.  I think the producers may actually lie to one of them or misrepresent the truth to get them mad at the other person, then after they blow up admit to both that it was all a ruse just so they could get some drama on camera.  Either that or they're all in on it.  I said something similar in the episode thread too.

It was a very stupid thing for them to do because they just ruined the best couple on the show...which is not a high bar.

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8 hours ago, Retired at last said:

 I would really like to know how much of the Rachel/Jose drama was production shenanigans. Her staying with him, if all of that rage and coldness was really him, makes me very disappointed with her. She claimed that she was raised to have more self-esteem, and she clearly knows better. I am feeling towards her the same way I felt about Paige (and way back to Kate staying with Luke). After that scene, there is NO way he can redeem himself (plus his lying about it to the  guys), so he is not worth my time or thought. But, I had thought better of her. Wondering if they will be on Couples Camera, or if they learned their lesson afterf Erik and VirGINia. I think the couples should have to stay together for at least a year before they are selected for the couples show.


7 hours ago, qtpye said:

Yes, I can not root for them after the way he acted:

  1. Flew off the handle because of ego and insecurity
  2. Abused her by locking her out
  3. Gaslighted her very reasonable concerns
  4. Blamed it all on her when retelling the story

These are all terrible signs and she should stay away from him unless this was all just bullshit manufactured by the show.

I know. I feel like saying, Rachel. GURL. You is kind. You is pretty. You is smart. You can do way better than that asshole and his whiteboard. Frankly, being alone is better than being with Jose. Maybe we'll find out it was all manufactured drama, but ugh, I could not be with someone that controlling and trigger-tempered.

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On 9/29/2021 at 2:04 PM, qtpye said:

These are all terrible signs and she should stay away from him unless this was all just bullshit manufactured by the show.

....in which case he should change careers to acting because his mannerisms, tone, facial expressions and "vocabulary" were worthy of an Academy Award. 

I see it as production possibly overseeing the fiasco; however, jose was the most authentic "lunatic" I've seen on the show this season (maybe tied with Michaela). 

To me, you can't "fake" getting into character for such a dreadful scene unless it's heartfelt and something that seethes within you waiting until the proper moment/situation to emerge in all its fury.


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12 hours ago, gingerandcloves said:

et another sighting of Zack and Bao out together at a restaurant. The reunion show should be very interesting

I am glad if this is a true relationship (or it could be a friendship like Henry and Olivia from a prior season). If they both found someone where walking on egg shells was not required, then great for them!

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3 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

What the hell is Jamie O. on about this time? She’s such an attention whore. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/mafs-jamie-otis-hints-at-big-changes-amid-marriage-troubles/

All this is just an announcement that she is starting a YouTube channel which a ton of people do every day. I imagine she is really angling for a reality show.

I guess it's marketing but there is really nothing about her life that would make me want to watch her.

She will hold on to Doug because he is the key to her MAFS paycheck.

I actually have nothing against her but she is the queen of oversharing.

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On 8/31/2021 at 12:45 PM, glitterpussy said:

I am SO excited! I live in San Diego and I cannot WAIT for this shitshow. Single people are crazy here (per my friends that are single and dating rn)!

San Diegan here too! I'm single and I'll be honest: if the success rate wasn't so shitty, maybe I'd gift production with an application from my extroverted self. I'm a natural redhead and I also teach 8th grade - by choice. That tells anyone ALL they need to know about me! haha!

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21 hours ago, Bridget said:

San Diegan here too! I'm single and I'll be honest: if the success rate wasn't so shitty, maybe I'd gift production with an application from my extroverted self. I'm a natural redhead and I also teach 8th grade - by choice. That tells anyone ALL they need to know about me! haha!

Come on Bridget.... do it for US!  We need the inside scoop! 😉

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OMG - I really can't stand this attention seeking loser. So, there are constant articles about the state of their failing marriage and now they are going to cram themselves and their children into an RV???? I don't care what size it is, it is close quarters and doing this for long-term therapeutic benefits is a lost cause. Looks like they may have to get real jobs. This is too much.

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