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LSSC: Season Six Episode Talk

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On 11/25/2020 at 3:18 PM, ABay said:

It is a sad commentary on the current occupant of the office that I was so very comforted to hear a President of this country speaking in complete sentences, expressing rational thoughts, and having a sense of humor.

Can I just say -- YAAAAS! 

I was literally just asking a co-worker if she had watched the interview ! Haha! -- OMG! Listening to the intelligent, well-thought out responses was like being in a different universe!



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Just when you think Christopher Walken can't get any cooler, he whips out Muhammad Ali's boxing trunks from 1971! 

But the fact that he's never sent an email? He pleaded age on that one and 'old dogs new tricks' and all, but really, email has been pretty common for about a quarter century now. Lop 25 years off his age, and he definitely should be emailing!

  • Love 3
41 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Oh, my god, that whole "yogurt" bit. Kudos to Stephen for managing to rattle off both of those ridiculously long paragraphs without missing a beat. 

Also, "McConnell-sutra". Thanks, now I'm going to have nightmares. 

Yes, and how wonderful to have a week of such fabulous guests before the break!
  --Including cutest babies! What's next? Puppies?

But I wish there was time for Jon Batiste to do a whole song --especially one of my favorites that he gave us a taste of: "People Get Ready."

Was Anderson Cooper high? 

I don't have CBS All Access, but I might get access to it in January. Whoopi's version of The Stand looks like my kind of limited series.

  • LOL 1
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6 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Yes, and how wonderful to have a week of such fabulous guests before the break!
  --Including cutest babies! What's next? Puppies?

Right? We're getting spoiled this week. I loved the way Stephen announced all those guests. 


I don't have CBS All Access, but I might get access to it in January. Whoopi's version of The Stand looks like my kind of limited series.

I'm kinda curious about it, too, yeah. I haven't read the book, and I know there was a version that came out in the '90s, but I haven't seen that, either (I think it came out when I was still a kid). I am familiar with the general premise, though, so if I do wind up seeing this, it'd be my proper introduction to that story. Which would be interesting :D. 

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On 12/16/2020 at 12:47 AM, Annber03 said:

I'm kinda curious about it, too, yeah. I haven't read the book, and I know there was a version that came out in the '90s, but I haven't seen that, either (I think it came out when I was still a kid). I am familiar with the general premise, though, so if I do wind up seeing this, it'd be my proper introduction to that story. Which would be interesting :D.

The book is my favorite Stephen King novel and the 90s version was great too.  I hate that these broadcast networks are putting their best shows on their streaming platforms when they can just broadcast them.  I already pay for Netfix, Hulu, and HBOMax.  I refuse to pay for another service.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, saoirse said:

Jon Batiste’s ‘Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas’ was beautiful. I think it got a bit dusty here.

And his suit was so awesome. Damn, he has such style!

And “heart”! 😍


Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on [Next year all]
Our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yule-tide gay
From now on [Next year all]
Our troubles will be miles away

Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
[Will] Gather near to us once more

Through the years [Someday soon] we all will be together
If the fates allow 
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
[But, until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow]
And [So] have yourself a merry little Christmas now…

[piano music depicting snow falling]



Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 9

I was very disappointed that Joe didn't really have an answer to Stephen's question about how to help the nation deal with its grief and trauma from recent losses. He just stuck to his habitual response that you just get through it and eventually it's bearable. I think Stephen is right, that we need more than that, that there's a danger it will not be dealt with, and that's how we repeat our mistakes and have other bad consequences. 

I really expected more from the new administration on this point. I guess we have to look elsewhere for some collective mourning. 

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, possibilities said:

I was very disappointed that Joe didn't really have an answer to Stephen's question about how to help the nation deal with its grief and trauma from recent losses. He just stuck to his habitual response that you just get through it and eventually it's bearable. I think Stephen is right, that we need more than that, that there's a danger it will not be dealt with, and that's how we repeat our mistakes and have other bad consequences. 

I really expected more from the new administration on this point. I guess we have to look elsewhere for some collective mourning. 

I didn't get that from his answer. Maybe he doesn't think it's something that can be answered in an interview like that.

If you have the time, here is a video of Vice President Biden giving a speech to military family survivors at TAPS in 2012:


  • Love 6
6 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

I didn't get that from his answer. Maybe he doesn't think it's something that can be answered in an interview like that.

There's also the fact that we're still in the midst of this painful period, so while it's certainly important to figure out how to deal with the grief and pain as it's happening, there's still a lot more pain and grief we'll have to experience before we're out of the woods. It's hard to know sometimes what the proper response is in situations like this until the dust has completely settled.

Add in all the other issues that surround and compound this particular trauma, many of which this show has talked about constantly throughout the year , and I think that makes it a lot harder to give a proper answer on how we as a nation deal with it. I think, in some ways, Biden's trying to be really careful in discussing exactly how he plans to address a lot of these issues, because of the tense, to put it extremely mildly, nature of things right now. 

  • Love 9

I agree. He even said himself to Stephen that we're going to lose a lot more people over the next few months, which is correct. I don't think we can even begin to grasp the depth of this as it's happening. It's almost incomprehensible, to realize more people died in the last week than in the deadliest year of the Vietnam War.

Maybe when it's over or finally slows as vaccinations happen we can begin to address this somehow. 

  • Love 8

I have been hoping there would be something like the 911 memorial events, where they read the names, etc. Of course, we're losing as many people per day now as we lost on 911, so I don't think that exact format is practical. But there should be something, some kind of event or a monumnet built or something. We've lost as many or more people in the pandemic as have been lost in various wars. We should do something to address that, so people know their grief is not ignored and that we as a people can acknowledge it together.

I understand that Biden knows how grief affects people individually, but I am not sure if he has considered that there is a role his adminstration can play in orchestrating collective responses to the emotional, as well as the technically viral, dimensions. I think this is what Colbert was trying to get at with his question, but even when he repeated it, Biden just kind of reverted to his original answer.

  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I have been hoping there would be something like the 911 memorial events, where they read the names, etc. Of course, we're losing as many people per day now as we lost on 911, so I don't think that exact format is practical. But there should be something, some kind of event or a monumnet built or something. We've lost as many or more people in the pandemic as have been lost in various wars. We should do something to address that, so people know their grief is not ignored and that we as a people can acknowledge it together.

I've thought the same thing about some kind of memorial once all is said and done. Both for the reasons you note, as well as a way to remember those we lost, and also as a way to remind people that yes, this pandemic was real and was serious, and perhaps most importantly, to serve as a stark lesson for the country at large, to make sure this kind of tragedy never happens again. 

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Annber03 said:

"And obviously he has to keep his fist closed, 'cause if he opened it, he'd see the blood on his hands." 

Tell 'em, Stephen. Damn, this rant is cathartic as hell. 

Those photos and videos are truly something else. Jesus. 

I loved this. This made it worth it to stay up late last night; just to watch this.

8 hours ago, anna0852 said:

I've never seen him this angry.


He came pretty close to it when he called Trump a fascist right after the election. 

6 hours ago, possibilities said:

he didn't even try to be funny tonight, which I appreciated. Sometimes you just have to be serious.

He only did one bit--when he was impersonating Eric Trump. I'll admit, he gave me the laugh I needed after the horrific day yesterday.

48 minutes ago, DrSparkles said:

Thank you Stephen. Your opening monologue was balm to my soul.

That it was. But I couldn't help wondering what Jon Stewart would have said.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, possibilities said:

I was so disappointed by how non-commital and evasive and flat out weak Klobuchar's responses were. It was like none of that had ever occurred to her? Stephen shouldn't be the first person she's heard form who is outraged and thinks action is needed.

I thought she chose her words with care - and I appreciated that, maybe if more politicians did that things would not have come to this - and I am not just talking about T**** here.  I also thought her anger came out loud and clear.  

2 hours ago, DrSparkles said:

Thank you Stephen. Your opening monologue was balm to my soul.

Same here.  I was exhausted last night but I stayed up to watch Colbert and I am so glad I did.  

  • Love 12
13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:


He only did one bit--when he was impersonating Eric Trump. I'll admit, he gave me the laugh I needed after the horrific day yesterday.

That it was. But I couldn't help wondering what Jon Stewart would have said.

I guffawed so hard at the Eric impression.

Stephen said everything so perfectly although I found myself wishing Trevor Noah and John Oliver weren't on hiatus.

I was annoyed at Klobuchar (as well as Kinzinger) side stepping the question of holding certain Senators accountable but I know she was also shaken.  Oh to be a fly on that wall in the room of fighting Senators.  In all fairness at least Cruz and Hawley need their asses thrown out.


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