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S10.E14: That's Not Amore

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I think Teddi's issue with Denise really is that she thinks Denise dislikes her, and Brandi confirmed that.  And honestly, from Denise's own words, she seems to be correct.  But Denise won't actually come out and say it to her face.  And that's Denise's big problem - she can be visibly fuming, but will insist to everyone in front of her that she's fine and there's no problem.  Andy Cohen really needs to throw Bethenny at her.  

Denise's timeline re: Brandi is confusing, and probably shifty, but I think that they were probably both gossiping and bitching about the other women, and regardless of whoever said things first, Denise basically agreed with everything Brandi then told Kyle and Teddi.  If she had just said "Hey, I was upset after Santa Barbara and vented things I was feeling in the moment, but that I don't really mean," it's possible the outcome would have been a bit different.  But she initially acted like she'd never even think that Erika can be cold and she doesn't like Teddi, and where could this possibly be coming from?  

I can't quite get a handle on Garcelle.  In her interviews, she says she's cheering Denise on for standing up for herself.  But in the moment, she won't look at Denise, and then she rushes outside, thus breaking Denise's rhythm and putting everyone else even more on edge.  Plus, she has a thing for getting very intrusively personal with people she just doesn't know that well, and I find that off-putting.  I go back to her confrontation with Kyle, saying that Kyle glances over her and stays very superficial.  And honestly, I can't blame Kyle for wanting to stay on the surface, and not talk in depth about her finances and body issues.

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4 minutes ago, Thumper said:
23 minutes ago, Pop Tart said:

That was weird.  I wonder if, as someone mentioned upthread, Denise is someone who doesn’t think well on her feet and needs time to plan her response/argument.  I know I’m like that if attacked!

I get it if Denise had to think about how to respond. But she presents her prepared remarks, reigniting the topic, and then is upset when the others respond. It’s then that she just has to leave because they won’t let it go? If she hadn’t restarted things I doubt any of them would have brought it up.

And in fact she was the one who brought Brandi up at their second night’s dinner when she told them all the things Brandi had supposedly said about them. She starts things up, totally her right, but then says she’s under attack when they respond .

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

It’s so interesting that now Denise is saying that Brandi said that Erika was cold and Denise agreed.  That’s what she’s saying now.  The night before, Denise looked completely baffled and acted like she had no idea how the message about Teddi could have been conveyed, because she doesn’t talk to Denise.  There are bad liars, there are horrible liars, and then there’s Denise.  

Seriously. And it's so confusing because you'd think that someone who is so intent on controlling the narrative would be a way better liar at this point. Maybe she's just better at shutting things down in her real life, such that Denise never has to lie on the spot. 

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 Satan Andy played that game of “When did Kyle cry” where she has to guess from a photo when she was weeping.

I was curious about why he didn’t show her crocodile tears when she outed her sister for being an alcoholic?

Kyle is all about outing people’s personal secrets to serve her ends. She just used her minion Teddy to do it this time.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

I wish the universe would punch Rinna in the face.

It will. Karma is a bitch and she's coming for Rinna!

1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

Showing the producer wrangling Denise back to dinner was so strange.  I'm sure it happens all the time but I can't remember the last time I saw something like that air.

Honestly I kind of thought that its was a bit like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. for Denise.

I really wish Denise had the conviction to walk away from these women and not return after producer intervention. The coven (minus Garcelle) is a highly toxic bunch.

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11 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I get it if Denise had to think about how to respond. But she presents her prepared remarks, reigniting the topic, and then is upset when the others respond. It’s then that she just has to leave because they won’t let it go? If she hadn’t restarted things I doubt any of them would have brought it up.

And in fact she was the one who brought Brandi up at their second night’s dinner when she told them all the things Brandi had supposedly said about them. She starts things up, totally her right, but then says she’s under attack when they respond .

It seems to me that every time the women get together, Denise contradicts what she has said previously. In this episode she said that Brandi is the one who said all the negative things about the women. But as Teddi pointed out, why did Denise not say the night before that it was Brandi who said those things? Instead she just denied saying them herself. Would that not be a normal reaction? Unless of course Denise is lying though her teeth. Which I think she is. There were several times that Teddi called Denise on her BS and inconsistencies, and for that I give Teddi a standing O. 

I don't think I have ever seen footage of a producer intervening during a shoot? As others have said, we know it happens, but to have it shown? Bravo must really be tired of Denise's antics. As am I. And this is coming from someone who actually liked Denise last season. 


Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Just now, Rahul said:

It will. Karma is a bitch and she's coming for Rinna!

I really wish Denise had the conviction to walk away from these women and not return after producer intervention. The coven (minus Garcelle) is a highly toxic bunch.

Me too, but I guess she didn’t want to get in trouble for breach of contract. She’s already, obviously on the ship list. 

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39 minutes ago, ancslove said:

I think Teddi's issue with Denise really is that she thinks Denise dislikes her, and Brandi confirmed that.  And honestly, from Denise's own words, she seems to be correct.  But Denise won't actually come out and say it to her face.  And that's Denise's big problem - she can be visibly fuming, but will insist to everyone in front of her that she's fine and there's no problem.  Andy Cohen really needs to throw Bethenny at her.  

Denise's timeline re: Brandi is confusing, and probably shifty, but I think that they were probably both gossiping and bitching about the other women, and regardless of whoever said things first, Denise basically agreed with everything Brandi then told Kyle and Teddi.  If she had just said "Hey, I was upset after Santa Barbara and vented things I was feeling in the moment, but that I don't really mean," it's possible the outcome would have been a bit different.  But she initially acted like she'd never even think that Erika can be cold and she doesn't like Teddi, and where could this possibly be coming from?  

I can't quite get a handle on Garcelle.  In her interviews, she says she's cheering Denise on for standing up for herself.  But in the moment, she won't look at Denise, and then she rushes outside, thus breaking Denise's rhythm and putting everyone else even more on edge.  Plus, she has a thing for getting very intrusively personal with people she just doesn't know that well, and I find that off-putting.  I go back to her confrontation with Kyle, saying that Kyle glances over her and stays very superficial.  And honestly, I can't blame Kyle for wanting to stay on the surface, and not talk in depth about her finances and body issues.

That is me. I need time to think out, or preferably write out, a response to even know what I'm feeling and I don't like confrontation until I've internalized my thoughts, so I'll make nice in the moment. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Honestly, if I were Denise, I'd be changing my story at every meal just for shits and giggles, to see how much these women are going to tie themselves up in knots to try and prove their points. You might as well have some fun with it. Sure, they would never trust anything she would say ever again but it's not like they believe anything she says now. 

Yeah, because we know how they all hate liars!   Next thing you know there’re going to hook’um up to a polygraph machine! Lol

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2 hours ago, whydoievencare said:

Rinna clearly doesn't know the meaning of love if she's telling Denise that she invited her to Rome because she loves her.  That's not how anyone behaves with a loved one.  She's a nasty woman who doesn't own any of her shit.  She clearly has an axe to grind with her long time "friend".  I'm sure all the Rinna tears are a way to deflect Denise being upset with her - she'll be back to her original agenda in about two minutes.  What a phoney.

Rhinna and Kyle are the queens of deflecting. Anything to avoid talking about their own family messes. Thet are both horrible people. Teddy is just plain fucking boring and annoying and so happy to be Vile Kyle' backup. and Erika IS cold as ice, why are they debating that? 

I had a supervisor at a job once who talked trash about everyone  to everyone. Nobody really took her seriously and wouldn't agree or disagree. But she would then turn it around as if we were the ones spewing the venom. Is it possible that's what Brandi does?

Brandi is a desperate fame whore who will say anything for screen time. I really don't care if Denise slept with Brandi or not. Why should they?  And if she did why should she tell them? Is this suitable dinner conversation? 

The only enjoyable part of tonight's epi was the last few minutes. I thought thank God they're done with this. Silly me, cause next week she's back with Kyle and Teddy glued to her every word. Ugh. Enough already.

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Ugh Denise is ruining this show for me. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but i can’t stand her. I think she’s  inauthentic, manipulative, and a liar. 

I used to love coming to read the forums after a new episode, but now it’s full of people treating Denise like her shit doesn’t stink, while being cruel about anyone they feel has wronged Denise. I really hope she isn’t back next season. 

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26 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

That is me. I need time to think out, or preferably write out, a response to even know what I'm feeling and I don't like confrontation until I've internalized my thoughts, so I'll make nice in the moment. 

I agree. If I walked into a dinner with my coworkers and they all came at me with the garbage they're attacking Denise with, I'd be speechless and confused too. Too bad her good friend Rhinna, or any of these bitches didn't give her a heads up. Or Gid forbid, not bring it up at all. 

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Oh my god Teddi needs to shut the fuck up.

Rinna needs to shut the fuck up too. Maybe Rinna needs to own it. Her garbage daughters and her pathetic fake marriage.

I honestly hate Teddi she’s such garbage.

Why are they so obsessed with Brandi and thinking she’s a truth teller. Brandi is complete trash.

Rinna is garbage and she is 100% the cause of her daughters issues.

Recast this garbage!

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10 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I am disgusted with all of this, and so disappointed with the direction that this, and all the other housewife franchises, have taken.  It's no longer just about a bunch of rich women, seeing how they live and interact....now, 

Every once in a while I like to toss out into the universe that this mythical nirvana of HW shows that was about seeing how rich women lived and interacted and was less icky than it is now never existed.  It most especially never existed on RHoBH.  They've gotten better at the reality TV game but they aren't anymore vile than they used to be.

Before season two one of the husband's committed suicide.  And the show wasn't the only issue in his life, but the toxicity of it wasn't a non issue.

And then there is Kyle vs Kim and Kyle vs Camille and the Dinner from hell and the original grifter, Taylor.

Its almost reassuring that this cesspool seems a little more fake than it used to be.


3 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

I know people here hate Teddi but her approach seems to be the most sensible. I would also proceed with caution with Denise, given how weird and squirrely she's being. 

I would too - what I would NOT do is present Denise with a bunch of accusations and then sanctimoniously announce that I was taking the cautious high road.

3 hours ago, nexxie said:

Teddi is smart to be cautious around this group - especially after falling for the LVP manipulation. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Since she seems to be doing the bidding of Kyle, Brandi and Rinna - I'd say shame on her 😄 

3 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Sutton's unabashed elitism is not cute. 

But SHE thinks it's adorable 🙄

3 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

If these women want to be better People and good friends to Denise they should just shut their traps, mind their own business, and Drop the nosey questions about what dumbass Brandi did or didn’t say. 


2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

As smart as these ladies are, why don’t they understand that it’s much more fun to talk about someone behind their back? It is. Behind their back is more relaxed. You can do it without pissing someone off, without seeing them react poorly, without them getting in your face, attacking you or seeking retribution.  Saying negative things to someone’s face is highly overrated.......lol.   (Kidding..sorta)

Yes!  I've always found it's best to let someone vent about another who annoyed them and then go back and have fun with "the group" - honesty about everything is the easiest way to ruin everyone's day! (Or trip to Rome 😄 )


2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

She looks like the friggin' Wicked Witch of the West!!  


2 hours ago, Thumper said:

I like Teddi.  (I never really followed how she got blamed for everything in the LVP gang-up  last year.). She reminded me of Father Guido Sarducci (SNL)  in that hat, though!  

Haha these are great!  I thought that maybe while the others were getting glammed up she had joined the mafia 😄 

1 hour ago, Pop Tart said:

I get it if Denise had to think about how to respond. But she presents her prepared remarks, reigniting the topic, and then is upset when the others respond. It’s then that she just has to leave because they won’t let it go? If she hadn’t restarted things I doubt any of them would have brought it up.

😂🤣😂🤣😂 You're adorable 🤣😂🤣😂🤣

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26 minutes ago, suomi said:

People who lie a lot get good at it, and they think quickly. Practice makes perfect. I am more inclined to believe someone who stumbles and fumbles, and needs time to gather their thoughts.

What confuses we about Denise is that she spends a day thinking about what she has to say and then contradicts herself without realizing or acknowledging that she contradicts herself.  I half wonder sometimes if they reshoot a lot and she's so used to being an actress that she gives them multiple options expecting that they will pick a consistent through line in editing. And then they don't and we wonder why she 's flip flopping without giving any clues that she is aware of it.

I don't really understand why Denise hasn't gone on the offensive in one of these dinners without sliding back into something like I'm not calling you that name, I'm telling you how I'm feeling.  What Teddi has done (and Kyle although she got Teddi to do the dirtywork) is pretty terrible even if its true.  It should be fairly easy to come back at her.  I mean Teddi kind of deserves Denise coming back and saying, I don't like you and yes I said some things behind your back about the reasons I don't like you...but look at what you just did, you came after me and my marriage on Brandi Glanville's word..  I wasn't wrong about you and I think if you take a look at yourself and accountability for your actions you'll come to realize I'm not wrong and you have some things to work on.

1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Gee....this sounds exactly like, ummm - I don't know - Brandi Glanville??  


Brandi had plenty of time in this planned attack to prepare. She's also changed up her story. Even if I did believe they had sex, and it's not out of the realm of possibility, I absolutely do not believe Brandi's story surrounding it

IMO there is a huge underpinning of tittering homophobia in their response, and that alone makes me despise them. 

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I think production/that producer knew the coven was going to propose a truce and Denise blew that when she said she wanted her car brought around. That's why he stepped in and brought her back. Her first instinct, that she was facing a Who Me stonewall, was correct. She should have stayed with Plan A and burned them bitches to the ground. I don't think confrontation comes easily to her because this isn't the first time she second-guessed herself and missed an opportunity. 

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10 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Is this where Denise stops filming the show? I can’t blame her really, she doesn’t need this show. Garcelle should go with her, she doesn’t fit in and doesn’t need this show either. And take along Sutton too, she doesn’t fit in with the mean girls either. They really need to recast this group. 


I keep thinking as I watch the group scenes at dinner, then trying to keep track of the paired off scenes with two, oh there are two, ...oh and where are the other two.

There are too goddamn many cast members. WTF ! 8 is too many. 

If the producers need 7 plus 8 (Sutton) to keep the show interesting, then the existing cast just isnt interesting. 

Shave off: Sutton of course, Teddi, Erika, even the likable Garcelle. I know we all hate Rinna, but there are core organic relationships between Rinna, Denise, Kyle. As for Dorit ? Dont know. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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The thing I don't get is this.  The group wants Denise to admit she doesn't like them but when she expresses any criticism at all about how they act or what they do they become very offended.  How is making her admit to talking about them behind their backs going to clear the air when they show they can't take the truth?  


I also found Rinna's apology a soap opera scene of her own devising and watching her flip again to :Let's not call each other names...proved it for me.  Her friendship is as fake as her lips.


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11 hours ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Nah, I don't see it. Everyone keeps talking about how all of these ladies must be so jealous of Denise but I don't see why. She's got a crazy ex-husband and an asshole of a current husband. Sure, she wrangled a big pay day for Bravo, but other than that? There isn't much to be jealous of IMO. That being said, I do think Rinna has some unresolved anger towards Denise - maybe it's because of that pay day, maybe Rinna feels like Denise should have paid more dues or something, maybe it's because of something that happened two decades ago. But it's there and she should deal with it. 

I think they are jealous but as you point out and by the nature of jealousy itself it is not rational.  Denise has an attentive husband right now who stands by her side and even fights for her, something none of them have.  Denise still gets work and they all want that for themselves and even though most of them are getting it they are very insecure about their futures in this area.   These two things alone could trigger jealousy.  Jealousy is often based on a person's perception of what another person's life is like and that perception is rarely an accurate one and more of a fantasy in the jealous person's head.  For example, people look at social media and think that a person's life is reflected in their pictures and postings when in fact that stuff is only a tiny and very filtered and often contrived fraction of a person's real world. Jealous people create the whole scenario in their heads, and often the subject of their jealousy has no idea this is happening. It makes any real friendship impossible because it drives passive aggressive behavior and fuels anger but honestly you don't have to have anything much at all for a person to be jealous of you. 

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So just like puppy gate last year I have to say I’m a smart woman but this has gotten so convoluted I’m not even sure what the issue is.... Are they really sitting around every dinner table in Rome demanding that Denise confess that she had an affair with Brandi? Is that what they think they r deserving of when demanding “the truth”? ... I don’t even like Denise but do all of u demand your friends to tell every  explicit detail of their sex life or else they’re keeping something from you? 
PS I decided last night I also don’t like Sutton...

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12 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Is Teddy a singer or musician? I could get why riding her daddy’s coat tails might make sense if she did that kind of thing, but a personal coach....? What sense does that make? Do the people who are her clients even know who her father is?

It definitely opened doors for her. She wouldn’t be on this show without her pedigree. And she gets suckers, I mean clients for her business through the show. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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I felt like I was watching Young and Restless when Rinna and Denise were alone talking and was waiting to hear Nadia's Theme to start playing and for Eileen to pop in.  It was so fake!  

Also, Erika's story about having sex in a hospital was weird.  The way she said "I had a private room honey" implied it was because she was rich, but when in fact, it was probably because no one was in the bed next to her. why she frontin' like that when we know she comes from humble beginnings?  


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