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90DF Live Chat 2: This Thread is Only 60% Good

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10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

This whole thing is pissing me off.

She may not have cash, though. She's been in the US for 3 months and can't work. We don't know how much she came over with.

That, and having a newborn, was the hardest thing on us when we got married. He'd sold his car and stuff and came over with some money, but between gas, groceries, stuff for the house, bills, and baby it all went in a few months. Being financially dependent upon me was very difficult for both of us. His first US job  was as a living historian at a pre-Revolution site. It paid minimum wage, but it got him out of the house and gave him pocket money. That alone was good for his ego. I hope Zied does something similar. A lot of us in the K1 community saw our spouses go through some major depression that first year, especially those of us who live in rural areas. 

I hate Mike. I hate Brandon and Jovi, too. They can all kiss my hiney. 

I hate all of them except Yara, Julia and who the hell also .. I forgot.  Two hours of Nothing !  Geeze @Mamadrama .. you sure had it tough with a new little one and all.  You’re a strong woman.   Oh, I just remembered, I like Zied too.  That’s it.



Edited by Silver Bells
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15 hours ago, LucyEth said:
15 hours ago, Armchair Critic said:

Amira would be better off with Pepé Le Pew

Too late, he’s cancelled

Yeah, funny thing about that. Turns out teaching boys via cartoons that it's perfectly okay not to accept "No, I don't want you touching me as I struggle to get away from your grabby-perv hands" as an answer is a terrible message to ingrain in impressionable young children. 

"Cancel culture" is merely the general public refusing to tolerate abhorrent,  outdated, unacceptable comments and/or conduct from a person or a corporation. As societal mores change and evolve, individuals and/or companies either adapt to the new climate or become extinct. The dinosaurs didn't get cancelled; they couldn't evolve & adapt. Same exact thing with so-called cancel culture. It's a matter of adapting to the changing climate or going extinct. Those who choose not to evolve have chosen their own extinction.

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15 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Right? Every day I'm just so grateful to be working and secure in my job. Whenever anyone puts up a GoFundMe or asks for donations I hit PayPal. I am by no means rich but I can throw someone $25 if they need it. 

I am so so grateful to my school board for continuing to pay us even when we were delayed going back to work. I have tried to pay it forward, increasing tips whenever I can (I do a lot of delivery orders.)


Also grateful President Biden said educators should be eligible for the vaccine. I can’t believe my <censored> governor actually allowed it, but I was able to get my first Moderna shot a couple of weeks ago. Sore arm was the only side effect. 

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1 hour ago, DanaMB said:

Also grateful President Biden said educators should be eligible for the vaccine. I can’t believe my <censored> governor actually allowed it, but I was able to get my first Moderna shot a couple of weeks ago. Sore arm was the only side effect. 

I rec'd my second dose on March 10 and as a teacher I was grateful for it.  I was going to respectfully decline not because I don't trust the vaccines, I do, but I am not in a risk group and I wanted to let someone else have it.  My hubby looks at me and says, "You work in a germ factory.  Take the shot."  Still mask, still test every two weeks as well.


5 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I like Zied too.

He is sweet, does not complain and had a nice family.

When Rebecca is on I mute her - can't stand her.

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4 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Yeah, funny thing about that. Turns out teaching boys via cartoons that it's perfectly okay not to accept "No, I don't want you touching me as I struggle to get away from your grabby-perv hands" as an answer is a terrible message to ingrain in impressionable young children. 

"Cancel culture" is merely the general public refusing to tolerate abhorrent,  outdated, unacceptable comments and/or conduct from a person or a corporation. As societal mores change and evolve, individuals and/or companies either adapt to the new climate or become extinct. The dinosaurs didn't get cancelled; they couldn't evolve & adapt. Same exact thing with so-called cancel culture. It's a matter of adapting to the changing climate or going extinct. Those who choose not to evolve have chosen their own extinction.

In regard to LePew, I always saw him as a silly loser who had an overblown estimation of himself and I understood that even as a child.   I don't think it "taught" children anything, but if it did it is also possible it taught them NOT to act like such a pathetic loser.  

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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

it is also possible it taught them NOT to act like such a pathetic loser.  

Notsomuch. Pepe may have seemed innocuously hapless to you, but his whole shtick was predatory, unwanted advances for which he never suffered any consequences. That's the overarching takeaway of those cartoons. They were accepted at the time they were made, but so was being fired for refusing to have sex with your boss. I say, good riddance to forced  acceptance of both. 

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On 3/22/2021 at 12:24 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

Yeah, funny thing about that. Turns out teaching boys via cartoons that it's perfectly okay not to accept "No, I don't want you touching me as I struggle to get away from your grabby-perv hands" as an answer is a terrible message to ingrain in impressionable young children. 

"Cancel culture" is merely the general public refusing to tolerate abhorrent,  outdated, unacceptable comments and/or conduct from a person or a corporation. As societal mores change and evolve, individuals and/or companies either adapt to the new climate or become extinct. The dinosaurs didn't get cancelled; they couldn't evolve & adapt. Same exact thing with so-called cancel culture. It's a matter of adapting to the changing climate or going extinct. Those who choose not to evolve have chosen their own extinction.

I have a different opinion. Evolving is one thing; censorship is quite another.

I believe that “Cancel Culture” is not the general public refusing anything. It is censorship by nameless, faceless, self-appointed social justice warriors who somehow think that it is their job to tell adults what is acceptable to read, watch, say and think. It is a slippery slope under which no free society can exist. Whatever happened to having a choice about whether or not you want your kids watching Pepe LePew cartoons? If that’s not something you want your kids to see, switch the channel, or turn off the tv, or use it as a teaching moment and tell your kids that that behavior is not acceptable. Like the New Coke, if people don’t want it, it will organically die on the vine. 

Many viewers had a problem with Big Ed’s and Stephanie’s sex tourism and Geoffrey’s checkered violent past. No one was stopping them from changing the channel.

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Whatever happened to having a choice about whether or not you want your kids watching Pepe LePew cartoons? If that’s not something you want your kids to see, switch the channel, or turn off the tv, or use it as a teaching moment and tell your kids that that behavior is not acceptable. Like the New Coke, if people don’t want it, it will organically die on the vine.

 I see things very differently. Although we came to the same basic conclusion that when people don't like something, it will go away on its own. Pepe Le pew for instance is going away on its own. We are not entitled to pepe Le pew. If those who make the cartoons don't feel that they are appropriate any longer, why can't we just honour that?  That's what happened with the doctor Seuss books as well. The estate of Doctor Seuss wanted books that were less popular and which expressed controversial sentiments discontinued from publication. That is 100% THEIR call to make. 

 In exactly zero of these cases is it some nameless, faceless amorphous blob making the decision, it's the general public. Same people who cancelled new Coke. As you said, if people don't like it, it dies on the vine. Pepe LePew died on the vine after decades of showing children of highly impressionable age that it's charming & cute to continue to grab and push up on females after they've said no. Just because a harmful thing was tolerated for a long time doesn't make ending that thing "censorship." Climates change and what people will tolerate changes as well. It's not censorship, it's evolution. 

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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On 3/22/2021 at 10:58 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

I rec'd my second dose on March 10 and as a teacher I was grateful for it.  I was going to respectfully decline not because I don't trust the vaccines, I do, but I am not in a risk group and I wanted to let someone else have it.  My hubby looks at me and says, "You work in a germ factory.  Take the shot."  Still mask, still test every two weeks as well.

teachers should have been in the first group. my daughter just went back to school after 1 year...1 day a week for a graduating senior.

6 hours ago, christmaslights said:

teachers should have been in the first group. my daughter just went back to school after 1 year...1 day a week for a graduating senior.

As someone who is prepping students for the MCA's, I can fully see the effects of kids who, in this state, returned to school after being out for A YEAR.  Yes, they were in DL, but man, it is just not the same as being here.  Even my kiddos who did attend are so behind.  I can only do so much, and as I tell my students:  "I can't want this more than you."

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Just now, OoogleEyes said:

So, now are you two or three hours behind EST?

We are currently three hours behind the eastern time zone.

This used to be amusing when my husband's work territory spanned from California to New Mexico.  Sometimes he'd get off a flight before he left home.  Other times, the same flight took two hours.  LOL.

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On 3/21/2021 at 9:56 PM, hula-la said:

That’s nonsense. I’ve stayed in hotels that were prepaid by someone else and I didn’t need the person’s credit card (work reasons). I smell producer shenanigans. 

It's true, though.  It happened to my husband and me.   His father was kind enough to get us a hotel room at the Hampton Inn in his hometown, and even though the last names were the same, the woman couldn't let us have the room because we didn't have the cc with his dad's name on it.  Fortunately, my FIL was not too far away, and was able to come over later and get it straightened out.  UGH.

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my theory on mike and nutalie

1.  nutalie threw the ring at mike just as he was to leave for the states

2.  mike comes home; begins his life w/o nutalie .  he decompresses and is doing fine w/o nutalie

3.  out of the blue nutalie calls mike  'my 90 visa came thru' and i'm coming to america!!!

4.  where's my ring, where's my ring, where's my ring.  it seems that was all she was interested in.  all she did was complain, complain, complain

5.  payback is a bitch!!!  at the last minute mike doesn't want to get married.......it's a replay of nutalie throwing the ring only now she's keeping it

was he a prick?  yes

was she an entitled bitch?  yes

pretty much evens out....they really didn't like each other




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On 3/22/2021 at 7:22 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I'm in Baltimore County as well, Timonium is really well run, our appointments were at St. Joe's, quick and easy too. My son has been working weekends at vaccine centers, he told me that last weekend 23% of appointments at Prince Georges General Hospital were no shows, unreal.

Is it ashame that the next big thing to happen in my neck of the woods is the new Lidle that is being built? LOL.

One just opened in my neighborhood (Long Island).  Nobody likes it.  All different brands we are not used to.  It’s similar to the other foreign one that nobody cares for.  Why don’t they leave things alone?  Too many changes.

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On 3/22/2021 at 8:31 AM, Boston said:

Hahaha!  Good for you!.  I still haven't been eligible (I thought I had an 'illness' ala OLD Stephanie, but turns out no).  My dad got his last month in MD, but none of the rest of my family - even one teacher- has had their vaccines (oh, my mother did but i don't count her)  - Massachusetts is a shit show.. my town is now in the RED again - hotspot.  I'm hoping for the J&J because I am lazy too

Zied needs to join all the other 'women' on the crazy train to back home. (Yara, Julia, Nutalie, Amira (what a piece of work).

I can’t stand the way Amira talks.  So monotone.

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On 3/23/2021 at 5:42 PM, Auntie Anxiety said:

I have a different opinion. Evolving is one thing; censorship is quite another.

I believe that “Cancel Culture” is not the general public refusing anything. It is censorship by nameless, faceless, self-appointed social justice warriors who somehow think that it is their job to tell adults what is acceptable to read, watch, say and think. It is a slippery slope under which no free society can exist. Whatever happened to having a choice about whether or not you want your kids watching Pepe LePew cartoons? If that’s not something you want your kids to see, switch the channel, or turn off the tv, or use it as a teaching moment and tell your kids that that behavior is not acceptable. Like the New Coke, if people don’t want it, it will organically die on the vine. 

Many viewers had a problem with Big Ed’s and Stephanie’s sex tourism and Geoffrey’s checkered violent past. No one was stopping them from changing the channel.

THIS!    Well said Auntie!!!!!!!!    & Good evening peeps!

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8 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Hey Guys!


6 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Hi all! Got my leftover pizza heated up and ready to snark. 


3 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Hello everyone! My parents finally got vaccinated yesterday and I'm so happy!

Plus, I updated my profile and cover pics on Primetimer. They're pictures of the beautiful Luxor Hotel in Vegas. I've never been to Vegas, but I'd love to go!

Anyway, it's time to snark and watch 90 Day Fiance!


3 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

Hello my lovelies!  I was stressing out because my daughter called and she talked for an hour and 24 minutes.  I just wanted to get off. Yes, my bad!


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