Popular Post Emmeline April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 Jeez Dorinda is terrible when she drinks. First of all Tinsley has plenty of money. She did make some of her own and was married to a very rich man. They were childhood sweethearts and I’m sure she received a good settlement. Please tell me why Dorinda makes statements about buying her own things when the majority of her money comes from her deceased husband. She did have a cashmere shop in the U.K. and sold real estate in NY but her big bucks came from Richard. So where does she get off? 67 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041509
Popular Post Straycat80 April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 WTF is Dorinda and Tins fighting about? I don’t know about this show anymore. I think I might be out but right now there’s nothing better to do than watch mindless TV shows like this one. And they just showed the previews for the season, looks like a train wreck as usual. And I prefer Bethenny over Leah for sure. 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041512
Popular Post 65mickey April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 It looks like Dorinda is going to continue on being the drunken bully. Maybe John broke up with her instead of the other way around. I hope he does. Would serve her right. 44 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041519
SweetieDarling April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Does Bravo have an advertising contract with Chanel? 2 10 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041520
Popular Post ShawnaLanne April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 (edited) On 4/3/2020 at 2:00 AM, LibertarianSlut said: ..... Tinsley and Dorinda were both too drunk to have that conversation. Expand I agree, but Tinsley tried to have it at another time, spoiled, entitled Drunkinda insisted though. Edited April 3, 2020 by ShawnaLanne 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041532
Popular Post thefog April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 (edited) On 4/3/2020 at 1:35 AM, LibertarianSlut said: Ding dong, the witch is gone! I just wish they would have given her the amount of screen time they gave Carole when she left—a goose egg. Expand But I am willing to bet Bethenny is watching and will be for the rest of the season. Ramona said she was calling constantly while they were filming to get the scoop. FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out. LOL to the blunt confessionals of Ramona and Luann regarding Bethenny's exit. Edited April 3, 2020 by escape 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041533
Popular Post SweetieDarling April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 YES! and 2 shots of Ramona dancing! This is what we need to break those stay-home-orders blues! Love me some dancing Ramona! 1 18 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041534
Popular Post swankie April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:32 AM, Straycat80 said: I’m already annoyed with her for cursing twice in one sentence to her 12 year old. The daughter was more mature than her by telling her not to curse. Expand This tells me she doesn't really talk that way around her daughter which means she's being a big fat fake. And why do women think being "best friends" with their daughter makes them so special? Her daughter seemed annoyed with her the whole time they were on screen. Most 12 year olds want to be with their friends, not hanging out with their mother 24/7. Especially when their mother does and says things that embarrass them in public. Be yourself and stop trying to be "cool mom". Your kids will out you every time. 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041536
SweetieDarling April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Martin(?) the boxing giant, was hard to understand, but cracked me up when Tinsley was bragging about her hoops and his reaction was: "Aaaaaaannnnd nobody gives a fuck." On 4/3/2020 at 1:53 AM, Bronzedog said: I am really hating the new chick. First masturbation and now clit rubbing. Jesus. Also, Sonja? Ramona's dog is 17, which is really old, and, humping isn't generally an encouraged behavior in a dog. Stop your dog from humping! Expand Sonja and her dog both seem to share a sex addiction. 13 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041537
chewycandy April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 I think Aviva was the first born and raised New Yorker, right? It may have even been her tag line. Leah had a very good introduction. Impressed. Yes, Dorinda looked like the snake from Beetlejuice and is SUCH a bully to Tins. Ah, Ramona’s Instastory dance! I love and kiss you, RHONY 2 2 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041542
SweetieDarling April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Did any of you watch Ladies of London? Wasn't the British guy that did Dorinda's makeup for the party Caroline Stanbury's friend/makeup artist? 11 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041547
Mindthinkr April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 If I was Leah and on national tv I would not be admitting to getting so drunk that I lost my Chanel purse and passport. I think we are in for some very drunken antics from that one. Hey, she admitted to binging and getting out of control. Pretty soon Kiki will be cringing and wanting to be absent from school the days after her Mom has screen time/an episode. So much for their best friend/mother-daughter status. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041554
LibertarianSlut April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:02 AM, Straycat80 said: WTF is Dorinda and Tins fighting about? I don’t know about this show anymore. Expand I don’t know about this show either. I thought last season was mediocre. The season before that wasn’t great. I think they should have a bigger cast, because six just don’t have enough going on. Probably the last time it was great was the season that Jules was on, not because I love Jules, but just because it moved well. I like several of the other franchises more, and have for awhile. As far as Dorinda vs Tinsley—I know no one agrees with me, and Dorinda’s delivery was piss poor, but I don’t think she’s all wrong. It was disgusting of Dorinda to say Tinsley got the shoes by laying on her back. I mean, that’s new; what the fuck kind of thing is that to say? Having said that, the way I have seen it in the past is that sometimes I doubt whether Tinsley is equipped to be on the show. It’s called “The Real Housewives.” To me, and I know most people don’t share this opinion, that means you have to be real. Tinsley has already been adamant that she’s uncomfortable talking about money. Why is she on a show where they flash the prices of every walk of their lives on the screen, such as a private plane to Columbia costing 17k? I think that Dorinda would be willing to talk about how she got her money if she was asked. She rarely talks about Ralph, her first husband, but she also said in season 10 that she would never go around wearing Ralph’s family crest, because they’re divorced and she’s not part of his family. Dorinda has never been shy talking about Richard or John, and I think that’s why she’s enjoyed instant popularity on the show—because she’s being real, even when she’s awful. On a related note, Tinsley is also very coy about Scott, and I can see why her friends would find that irritating. Everyone on the show has to talk about their relationships. Bethenny had to talk about Boston guy last year, which resulted in Ramona insulting her and talking about Boston guy vs Dennis, and I think there’s just a mutual understanding from everyone on the show but Tinsley that they are being paid huge sums of money to show their real lives, and that includes their significant other. Last season, Dorinda threw a really nice spa party, In an effort to bring Barbara and the other women together, and Tinsley grabbed all of the attention, because she was fresh off of a break-up with Scott and everyone had to comfort her. My opinion only, but that’s when the Scott relationship began to become our collective business. She could have declined to film that day and skipped the party if it was so private, but she didn’t. Then she was back with Scott, then they were broken up, and then she swore at the reunion that she hadn’t seen him, except for the trip they went on together in the recent past. It gets very annoying and self-defeating to feel like you’re not getting the truth on a reality show. Tinsley, by all appearances, has a lot of money. She can leave the show. She chose to come back for a fourth season, so she should put up or shut up. Again, not in response to the way Dorinda treated her, but in general. She doesn’t need to say where each and every one of her dresses came from, or what they cost, because that’s just demeaning, and Dorinda totally blew her load and lost her ever-loving mind this episode by spewing the awful venom she spewed (it’s like she couldn’t be mad at Luann, so she had to direct her drunken rage somewhere), but Tinsley should be honest about things like whether she lives in New York full-time (something about which she’s been evasive), and this is a problem the entire cast has had with her, not just Dorinda. So, while Dorinda’s delivery sucked and she should shut her pie hole until she sobers up and offers Tinsley a giant apology, I see from where the frustration emanates. Tinsley is not doing anything illegal by being on-again, off-again with Scott. Bethenny was on-again, off-again with Dennis and no one cared. But what I strongly suspect is going on is that Scott is tugging at Tinsley on the one hand, telling her this can only work if she keeps their relationship private, and her cast mates are doing their literal jobs, as in what they are paid to do, by asking her about Scott, and she clams up and starts lying, and I don’t abide by lying. It makes everyone involved look foolish. She should just make a cogent decision and stick with it. I would respect any decision she made. 2 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041557
Maire April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 I thought I would like it more than I did. It depressed me to think how it will be a long time before we are all out and about like that again . 😩 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041565
goofygirl April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 (edited) Moaner's whining already just about made me puke. I mean, for those of us in her age range, the pickins are slim to none in the hot guy department. We could be considered the trophy wife of a 90 year old but how many of THEM are there?? My advice? Get used to it, Moaner. It'll be fine. Edited April 3, 2020 by goofygirl As usual, typing! 4 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041569
swankie April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:35 AM, LibertarianSlut said: I don’t love a scene about Sonja missing her daughter going away to college, when we never met her daughter. And this isn’t a Bethenny-Bryn situation where there was a court order that stopped Bryn from filming—Sonja’s daughter was 18 last year and could have chosen to film, but didn’t, so I don’t think Sonja gets to make her absence a storyline. We’re not invested in that. Expand I have a feeling Sonja's daughter probably cringes with embarrassment at the way her mother behaves on this show and chooses to distance herself from the train wreck. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure she loves her mother, but chooses not to be a red faced mess dealing with her mother's antics on nationwide tv. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041577
Popular Post SweetieDarling April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:36 AM, Maire said: I thought I would like it more than I did. It depressed me to think how it will be a long time before we are all out and about like that again . 😩 Expand I bought a bottle of champagne at the wine store today (because our wonderful governor considers alcohol sales to be an essential business). As the cashier scanned the bottle, I said, "That's because one day all this will be over, and we will celebrate." It will get better. We just need to follow the guidelines and be patient. very patient. 32 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041581
retired watcher April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:35 AM, LibertarianSlut said: Ding dong, the witch is gone! I just wish they would have given her the amount of screen time they gave Carole when she left—a goose egg. I’m so relieved Luann’s probation is over—now she can drink in public again! Luann and Sonja looked like shit leaving court and shooting their first scene of the season. I had the sneakers Luann was wearing when I was 12. The judge should have kept her on probation another month for failing to wear socks into a courtroom. Sonja looks like she aged five years in her talking head. I agree with Dorinda that Luann isn’t an alcoholic, so I’m so glad this charade of sobriety is finally over. Tinsley looks like she’s in great shape, but not scary skinny at all. I like her so much better without Scott, though she sounded kind of conceited picking apart the name “Bruce.” What’s wrong with the name Bruce? It’s not like his name is Snarf. Leah, yeah that was a little graphic, but what a welcome departure from the Queen B and her on again off again romance with the married, not filed for divorce Dennis. “Oh, your divorce is on hold? My pussy’s on hold.” Take that, “B.” You set women back 100 years. At least Ramona is finally admitting she’s lonely. I feel like she never really reacted to her divorce. I also like to see Ramona filming with women who actually support her. The groove of the show since its inception is that they’re always sort of laughing at her and laughing with her, and it’s nice to see that changed up. I wish Sonja could find a group of women with whom she could act maturely and taken more seriously, but I dream. I like that they’re bringing Leah in fully-fledged from the jump. I don’t know if I like her yet, but she’s so much more interesting than the rest of the women. It’s unusual for a Housewife from any franchise to have a well-groomed daughter in seventh grade. They all tend to look so unruly at that age, and I love when a parent minds the appearance of their kid before putting them on TV, so that the kid isn’t embarrassed for life. I don’t love a scene about Sonja missing her daughter going away to college, when we never met her daughter. And this isn’t a Bethenny-Bryn situation where there was a court order that stopped Bryn from filming—Sonja’s daughter was 18 last year and could have chosen to film, but didn’t, so I don’t think Sonja gets to make her absence a storyline. We’re not invested in that. Expand I believe Sonja's daughter was on once or twice the first season. I also believe her ex husband didn't want Quincy on TV so it is like Bethany/Brynn. She is old enough to make her own decisions and maybe her decision is to stay off the show. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041582
enchantingmonkey April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 I enjoyed Leah. She knows she's being paid to entertain. When she asked Tinsley why she's letting Dorinda talk to her like, it made me realize that Tinsley does put up with a lot more of their insanity than she dishes out. I can see Dorinda's point about Tinsley being secretive but I'd lean more towards thinking it has less to do with wanting to know Tinsley on a deeper level and more about how they're all putting their lives "out there" for public scrutiny, and perhaps Tinsley is perceived as getting away with something if she's doing the same thing. Didn't they all turn against OC's Gretchen for trying to keep her personal life out of the camera's eye? 1 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041584
Popular Post AttackTurtle April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 (edited) Dorinda started her Tins attacks at the end of last season and it made zero sense then. She’s not going to come out looking like anything but a bully if she keeps this up. Tins is probably one of the most harmless ladies ever to appear on this show. Dorinda’s comment about laying on her back for shoes was completely uncalled for. I’ve long felt that Dorinda was the one closest to being an alcoholic. Edited April 3, 2020 by AttackTurtle 2 69 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041591
Kiki777 April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 It was nice to see NYC at a brighter, happier time. I found Ramona’s tearful confession hilarious, as there were 2 men right behind them not batting an eye at the spectacle. Lean tries way too hard. The only thing I like about her is her daughter’s nickname 😉 Dorinda looks beautiful but continues to be ugly on the inside. Who cares how Tinsley paid for her shoes, but didn’t she tell them at the reunion? Good on Tins for not throwing her drink in Dorinda’s face. One thing I do dislike about Tinsley is the on-and-off tearful relationship with Scott. It’s been her storyline since her first season, and it’s boring. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041594
IKnowRight April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:22 AM, SweetieDarling said: Did any of you watch Ladies of London? Wasn't the British guy that did Dorinda's makeup for the party Caroline Stanbury's friend/makeup artist? Expand Yes, same guy, it’s Luke Henderson. He was on RHONY last year in a scene or two with Dorinda. Does anyone think it’s weird that they were discussing that Bethenny wasn’t there anymore? Usually, on these shows, when someone isn’t back the next season, it is not talked about out in the open. Interesting. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041600
Hangin Out April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Yikes! I should have worn my ear plugs. Too loud and too much fighting the first episode. Guess they gave Tins more air time. Where’s Scott? Just started and Dorinda is at it again with Tinsley. She feels rejected because Tins isn’t spilling her life with her? Too bad. Mind your business. Same scene at the bar with all the old guys. I’m not crazy with the new girl. I guess getting arrested also was a welcome start with the rest of them. I didn’t care for her cursing and masturbation remark so soon or at all. Who cares. Not too much nips and tucks that were noticeable. Good surgeons. Hope next week is quieter. Dorinda has to zip it a little or drink less. It’s very unbecoming. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041606
Hangin Out April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:32 AM, LibertarianSlut said: I don’t know about this show either. I thought last season was mediocre. The season before that wasn’t great. I think they should have a bigger cast, because six just don’t have enough going on. Probably the last time it was great was the season that Jules was on, not because I love Jules, but just because it moved well. I like several of the other franchises more, and have for awhile. As far as Dorinda vs Tinsley—I know no one agrees with me, and Dorinda’s delivery was piss poor, but I don’t think she’s all wrong. It was disgusting of Dorinda to say Tinsley got the shoes by laying on her back. I mean, that’s new; what the fuck kind of thing is that to say? Having said that, the way I have seen it in the past is that sometimes I doubt whether Tinsley is equipped to be on the show. It’s called “The Real Housewives.” To me, and I know most people don’t share this opinion, that means you have to be real. Tinsley has already been adamant that she’s uncomfortable talking about money. Why is she on a show where they flash the prices of every walk of their lives on the screen, such as a private plane to Columbia costing 17k? I think that Dorinda would be willing to talk about how she got her money if she was asked. She rarely talks about Ralph, her first husband, but she also said in season 10 that she would never go around wearing Ralph’s family crest, because they’re divorced and she’s not part of his family. Dorinda has never been shy talking about Richard or John, and I think that’s why she’s enjoyed instant popularity on the show—because she’s being real, even when she’s awful. On a related note, Tinsley is also very coy about Scott, and I can see why her friends would find that irritating. Everyone on the show has to talk about their relationships. Bethenny had to talk about Boston guy last year, which resulted in Ramona insulting her and talking about Boston guy vs Dennis, and I think there’s just a mutual understanding from everyone on the show but Tinsley that they are being paid huge sums of money to show their real lives, and that includes their significant other. Last season, Dorinda threw a really nice spa party, In an effort to bring Barbara and the other women together, and Tinsley grabbed all of the attention, because she was fresh off of a break-up with Scott and everyone had to comfort her. My opinion only, but that’s when the Scott relationship began to become our collective business. She could have declined to film that day and skipped the party if it was so private, but she didn’t. Then she was back with Scott, then they were broken up, and then she swore at the reunion that she hadn’t seen him, except for the trip they went on together in the recent past. It gets very annoying and self-defeating to feel like you’re not getting the truth on a reality show. Tinsley, by all appearances, has a lot of money. She can leave the show. She chose to come back for a fourth season, so she should put up or shut up. Again, not in response to the way Dorinda treated her, but in general. She doesn’t need to say where each and every one of her dresses came from, or what they cost, because that’s just demeaning, and Dorinda totally blew her load and lost her ever-loving mind this episode by spewing the awful venom she spewed (it’s like she couldn’t be mad at Luann, so she had to direct her drunken rage somewhere), but Tinsley should be honest about things like whether she lives in New York full-time (something about which she’s been evasive), and this is a problem the entire cast has had with her, not just Dorinda. So, while Dorinda’s delivery sucked and she should shut her pie hole until she sobers up and offers Tinsley a giant apology, I see from where the frustration emanates. Tinsley is not doing anything illegal by being on-again, off-again with Scott. Bethenny was on-again, off-again with Dennis and no one cared. But what I strongly suspect is going on is that Scott is tugging at Tinsley on the one hand, telling her this can only work if she keeps their relationship private, and her cast mates are doing their literal jobs, as in what they are paid to do, by asking her about Scott, and she clams up and starts lying, and I don’t abide by lying. It makes everyone involved look foolish. She should just make a cogent decision and stick with it. I would respect any decision she made. Expand I posted at the end not reading from the beginning, but you are right about Tinsley. I posted that Dorinda was wrong for attacking Tins, but she was right .. Tins shouldn’t be on the show if she hides her private life. If she’s going to hide going with Scott and where she’s living, etc. what’s left to talk about? Either shit it all out like the rest of them, or get off the pot. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041616
Popular Post The Ringo Kidd April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:22 AM, Emmeline said: I thought Dorinda had broken up with John. I was pleased with that idea. Yes, I find him physically disgusting and I don’t like myself for judging him like that. However, over the years I haven’t seen anything too redeeming in the personality other than the face that he escorts Dorinda home when she’s hammered. Expand John is a very successful business man who has many more friends and admirers than Dorinda. He needed to dump her loser drunken ass a long time ago and marry a nice nubile Armenian girl and have some babies who can take over the dry cleaning business. To illustrate what a horrible drunken bitch Dorinda is just imagine being quarantined with her. You would chew your arm off to escape. 11 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041619
Hangin Out April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 3:13 AM, The Ringo Kidd said: John is a very successful business man who has many more friends and admirers than Dorinda. He needed to dump her loser drunken ass a long time ago and marry a nice nubile Armenian girl and have some babies who can take over the dry cleaning business. To illustrate what a horrible drunken bitch Dorinda is just imagine being quarantined with her. You would chew your arm off to escape. Expand Yes, I agree. Dorinda needs John more than he needs her. He supplies her with clothing, dry cleaning, and more. She cannot be completely alone without a man, especially on her arm and to go to functions. Seems like there is a shortage of men their age group. Same ole guys at the bars. I wouldn’t want any of them losers. Besides, if Ramona can’t find a guy, Dorinda can’t. At least Ramona behaves like a lady, not like a drunken fish wife who slobbers and goes for the jugular when drinking. . 1 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041636
The Ringo Kidd April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 It’s a class thing with Dorinda. She looks down on John because works for his money and is not a finance thief like her husband. John gives off a working class vibe and these bitches are obsessed with a pretentious facade. That’s why that Douche bag Tom was such a catch. If Dorinda loses John she will be reduced to escorts like the one we met tonight who banged Ramona. 1 2 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041645
Popular Post Thumper April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:39 AM, Mindthinkr said: Lu is acting a bit haughty. Expand I haven’t even watched it yet and I agree with this! 😁😁 29 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041649
ShawnaLanne April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 I'm watching it again because I have no life. Re Luanne's reaction to B not coming back. She was honeat at least. Also her skin was looking kind of rough. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041656
Hangin Out April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:32 AM, Mindthinkr said: Without make up Dorinda looks a little bit like Lady Gaga. Expand Somethings different with her nose. It’s smaller or thinner. Either different shading or something done. 3 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041667
ancslove April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 I feel for Tinsley. With Sonja and now Dorinda turning on her, plus Carole disavowing her and their friendship, I wouldn't blame Tinsley for quitting the show and moving to Chicago (even if I do think Scott's not worth it). I'm glad that the show at least paired the new girl with Tins. I wonder what Ramona's friend Missy has to do to upgrade to an apple? 1 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041669
The Ringo Kidd April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:32 AM, Mindthinkr said: Without make up Dorinda looks a little bit like Lady Gaga. Expand Without make up she looks like Danny Trejo. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041676
Hangin Out April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:53 AM, Bronzedog said: I am really hating the new chick. First masturbation and now clit rubbing. Jesus. Also, Sonja? Ramona's dog is 17, which is really old, and, humping isn't generally an encouraged behavior in a dog. Stop your dog from humping! Expand New Chick on the wrong show. She belongs with potty mouth Denice Richards who talks about getting laid and masturbation 24 hours a day. 2 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041685
LibertarianSlut April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:44 AM, retired watcher said: I believe Sonja's daughter was on once or twice the first season. I also believe her ex husband didn't want Quincy on TV so it is like Bethany/Brynn. She is old enough to make her own decisions and maybe her decision is to stay off the show. Expand It’s not like Bethenny/Brynn, because before I posted, I looked up Quincy’s age, and she was born in October 2000. She was never on the show. Last season began filming summer 2018 through early 2019, so she could have chosen to be on the show the way that, on RHNJ, Dina Manzo’s daughter was pulled from filming because she didn’t have her father’s permission, and she basically reappeared on her 18th birthday. Same exact thing with Tamra Judge’s son Spencer. He filmed his 18th birthday party on the show. If Quincy made her own adult decision not to be on the show, which is what I said in my first post, fine, but then she’s not a part of Sonja’s narrative. I haven’t minded occasional mentions of Quincy’s status in the past, but, as I stated, it’s shitty storytelling to have Sonja film an entire scene about her daughter’s absence when Quincy opted not to be on the show in the first place. The time would have been better spent catching up on kids who will be filmed, like Hannah, or Victoria or Avery. To put it simply, I am not interested in watching a show about people who aren’t on it. I think the concept is absurd. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041687
Popular Post absolutelyido April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:51 AM, AttackTurtle said: I’ve long felt that Dorinda was the one closest to being an alcoholic. Expand Absolutely. It certainly seems like once Dorinda has a drink she can't stop drinking until she's sloppy drunk, and when she's drunk she gets really, really mean. 38 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041690
politichick April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:37 AM, jaybird2 said: sorry folks but i miss bethenny Expand I do, too. Of sorry. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041693
ShawnaLanne April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Sonja, Ramona, and even Lu are looking more their ages this season. I wonder if the lighting is different? 1 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041702
howiveaddict April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Quote What color was Dorinda at that party? Does she use the same spray-tanning dial as Alex Trebek, somewhere between bright orange and grey? Expand Alex's color looks like the color of a man who has cancer. I bet his liver is involved with that jaundice anemic look he has. I just hope he is doing ok. 1 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041704
ShawnaLanne April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Tinsley looks awful in her talking head, her hair looks thing, the bangs are stupid looking and her pink outfit doesn't look good. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041707
Hangin Out April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 3:28 AM, The Ringo Kidd said: It’s a class thing with Dorinda. She looks down on John because works for his money and is not a finance thief like her husband. John gives off a working class vibe and these bitches are obsessed with a pretentious facade. That’s why that Douche bag Tom was such a catch. If Dorinda loses John she will be reduced to escorts like the one we met tonight who banged Ramona. Expand Yes, all her husbands were “somebody”. She strings John along like a peasant. Besides clothing, John is good for many things (cough, cough). 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041713
Axie April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 I think both Dorinda and Luann are alcoholics. 1 17 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041728
MBJ April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 (edited) On 4/3/2020 at 3:10 AM, Silver Bells said: I posted at the end not reading from the beginning, but you are right about Tinsley. I posted that Dorinda was wrong for attacking Tins, but she was right .. Tins shouldn’t be on the show if she hides her private life. If she’s going to hide going with Scott and where she’s living, etc. what’s left to talk about? Either shit it all out like the rest of them, or get off the pot. Expand Hmm, I don't agree with that at all. I watch the show for the interactions between the women, the friendships, the social events, fun trips, the clothes. I couldn't care less about their personal lives and if they want to hide things from the show I'm all for it. Bethenny hid her kid from the show and that's her prerogative and I feel the same about Tinsley. I'm sure Tinsley was asked to be on the show. I doubt it was the other way around, her begging to be on the show. So, she gets to choose. They all do. Nobody forces Dorinda to parade John around the show. After reading about Leah's incredibly humiliating text exchange with Michael Che, I could never look at that woman in a positive light. I can't believe she got this spot that was left by Bethenny. Edited April 3, 2020 by Ms Blue Jay 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041766
RedDelicious April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 1:35 AM, LibertarianSlut said: It’s unusual for a Housewife from any franchise to have a well-groomed daughter in seventh grade. They all tend to look so unruly at that age, and I love when a parent minds the appearance of their kid before putting them on TV, so that the kid isn’t embarrassed for life. Expand 100 times yes!!!! ALL these moms on FB who don’t pick that battle. I’m not sorry, that’s a battle you need to pick. I’m so sick of stringy haired, sloppy looking kids because their mothers don’t make them sit for the hairdryer and let them go to bed with wet hair. Then they post a picture of the rats nest the next morning like it’s funny. It’s gross. My mom with four of us and my dad on the road all the time always made sure we were washed, dried and brushed. I really appreciate well-groomed children, so kudos to Leah. 1 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041776
Rahul April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Glad this show is back because it's the best of the RH franchises, but it feels wrong not being on Wednesday and it is already lacking some luster/entertainment factor without Beth. These ladies came out of the gate putting 110% into their performances, and it should have been embarrassing for many of them but these self-proclaimed bad bitches won't even bat an eyelash. Ramona's performance of "I want a man to hold me" was cringeworthy, but her friends are so immune to her histrionics it was just business as usual in the bar while she wailed. That portly Indian guy didn't even look over at Ramona, haha. Dorinda was also rearing to go with Tinsley. Guess they're all vying to be the new Queen B, now that Bethenny is gone. I don't mind the new girl so far. I've never heard of her fashion line--does it have something to do with the show Married to the Mob? I do appreciate that she wasn't afraid to call Dorinda's behavior crazy to her face upon first meeting because, well, it was. Could do without her being profane and threatening to beat her own mother's ass around her 12 year old child, though. Sonja's new place looks like a shit hole when juxtaposed with Ramona's UES apartment. Wasn't she charging $23k to rent her townhouse not too long ago? Well clearly that lie was exposed. So does Tinsley leave halfway through this season to move to Chicago or what? I definitely need her around to low key shade Luann when she's being extra. Speaking of the Cuntess, she hasn't changed one bit. She walked into Dorinda's party with all the airs in world. I'm all for getting back up after a fall, but this bitch has no reason to be haughty any more. 1 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041777
Primetimer April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Just posted at the mothership: Five Takeaways From the Real Housewives of New York City Season 12 Premiere https://www.primetimer.com/features/five-takeaways-from-the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city-season-12-premiere 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041779
Popular Post RedDelicious April 3, 2020 Popular Post Share April 3, 2020 Also I do not miss Bethenny one bit. It’s like the show can sparkle and fizz again now that she’s not lording it over production. 35 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041784
ichbin April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 2:00 AM, LibertarianSlut said: What color was Dorinda at that party? Does she use the same spray-tanning dial as Alex Trebek, somewhere between bright orange and grey? Expand Maybe it was my TV, but whatever bluish glitter or color she had on her chest appeared like she was aiming for a bruised look. I guess Dorinda inherited Luike from Caroline Stanbury after she went to Dubai. 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041793
sheetmoss April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 On 4/3/2020 at 3:59 AM, ShawnaLanne said: Sonja, Ramona, and even Lu are looking more their ages this season. I wonder if the lighting is different? Expand Actually, I was wondering if Lu had a $10,000 nap - her eyes look different 1 5 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041825
biakbiak April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 Leah was very unconvincing in her trying to pretend that she had no idea about any of these women. 1 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041849
nexxie April 3, 2020 Share April 3, 2020 (edited) On 4/3/2020 at 2:29 AM, Mindthinkr said: If I was Leah and on national tv I would not be admitting to getting so drunk that I lost my Chanel purse and passport. I think we are in for some very drunken antics from that one. Hey, she admitted to binging and getting out of control. Pretty soon Kiki will be cringing and wanting to be absent from school the days after her Mom has screen time/an episode. So much for their best friend/mother-daughter status. Expand If you google Leah, there are several articles that mention her bipolar II disorder. I don’t know much about that but all the drinking on the show could be a problem. Edited April 3, 2020 by nexxie 7 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/107727-s12e01-back-in-the-ny-groove/page/2/#findComment-6041896
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