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S11.E04: Four Wives, One House

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On Christmas Eve, Kody presents his plan to the family for all four wives to live in one big house; Janelle likes the idea but Christine is against it.

Only Janelle and Christine weigh in? We know Meri doesn't want to be there period and Robyn DEFINITELY doesn't want to live within 10 miles of any other "wife". Of course Janelle loves it; it means seeing Kody's butt more often and she'd live in his Lexus just for that chance.

Cheers and a bottle of beverage to whoever is writing this recap. It's gonna be a most sincerely boring episode.

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Is 10 pm the new time slot for this show?  Does that spell "last season" to anyone else?  And only one hour to snark on, half of it probably clips from previous shows?  Kootie better up his snake oil salesman game, or he's going to have to "get a haircut, and get a real job."

Anyway, look forward to watching tomorrow, and snarking with all of you.

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Ha! It's on at 11pm for me. (Xfinity/Mountain time). I am so grateful for the live chat thread so I can find out what goes on from everyone who can watch it much earlier than I can. 

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There is a lyric to a song that seems appropriate here:  You've got the talking down, just not the listening. 

All four wives for a decade:  None of us want to live together

Kody: So for Christmas my surprise is spending money we don't have to try and live together. 

Edited by Soaper410
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51 minutes ago, absolutelyido said:

Has Kody even checked to see if Coyote Pass is zoned for multi-family homes, or if it is zoned single family only? 


I doubt.  That would have caused him to think ahead, something he does not do very well.

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1 hour ago, absolutelyido said:

Has Kody even checked to see if Coyote Pass is zoned for multi-family homes, or if it is zoned single family only? 

I doubt it.  He is probably saving that for a future episode when he confronts the City/District for being anti-plyg, even though the zoning would be evident in his deed to the land.

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I am not saying it is a good financial decision to build a condo complex out in the middle of nowhere but the wives were super bitchy about it. It wouldn’t be that much closer living than the cul-de-sac and they managed that.  Hey they married the same man, living close to your sister wives comes with the territory. Anyway, they should start getting used to apartment living LOL.

Robin you know you can clean right? Most of the kids are older do they just sit around all day after school? They should have lots of help for cleaning, there is no reason to destroy their homes.

The design of the house was nice. Whoever drew it had decent taste so it wasn’t any of these folks.

ETA: did anyone else here Kody slip and say “every single month that we don’t pay” and then quickly changed it to don’t sell a home. Interesting 

Edited by fountain
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Kodi Brown has GOT to be the most obtuse man on the planet. Dude, you have 4 wives, FOUR! You'd think that idiot would be able to see the "Danger Will Robinson" signs flashing over the heads of these gals when he said this is my house!! What a dumb ass. 

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4 hours ago, suev33 3 said:

I cannot believe the level of ungratefulness.  These woman want thousands of square feet to themselves.  You all married one man, who is the head of the household.  If you want to be married, you need to live under his roof, not a shared cul-de-sac, not 4 separate apartments.  If I were Kody and saw these reactions, I’d drop them all and replace then with young, fit, vibrant and appreciative ladies. From the puppy to shut up a bratty kid to a pre-teenage boy melting down because he has to move from  Lehi.  Rein it in Kody, don’t take this attitude from Christine.  Janelle was onboard and the only one to do the square footage math.  If you aren’t onboard Robyn, don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out.  He can and will find another younger, sweeter and lady to replace anyone of you.  Its obvious that a couple of these ungrateful wives just want gifts, more gifts from Kody.  I could go on and on, its so gross to here these self proclaimed “sister wife” aka Pligs saying they dont ever want to live as a family under one roof.  Kody, build it, build it build it 


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Well, well, I see that Robyn has lost her rose colored glasses when it comes to her husband. She's obviously a little jaded. I personally think that the reason Christine doesn't want to share houses anymore is because she is the current favored wife and she is eating that up. 

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3 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Christine can lose me with her foot-stamping  ‘I won’t live together’ princess attitude. As stupid and unrealistic as Kodouch’s vanity project mega hotel is, It’s still SEPARATE self-contained soundproof apartments he’s presenting to them. They won’t share anything more than regular neighbors in an apartment block or duplex would and they’d probably see each other less than in the cul de sac compound, where all the house windows faced each other. 

While she’s always been an airhead, I can usually tolerate Christine more than the other adults, but she’s coming across more fake every season to me. It’s like she’s trying to erase the one big family aspect, that she claimed to love on old intro ‘I wanted the fambly, I didn’t just want the maaan’ and just wants Kodouch to visit her in her completely separate suburb where she can pretend she’s a monogamist. Why stay in plural marriage at all if you can’t even tolerate your sister wives as close neighbors? 

That all said, that house is absolutely ridiculous. Way too mega of a carbon footprint for a family that will soon barely have 4 kids at home. Also the fact that Kodouch is still thinking the world needs more of his crotch fruit in it, when he has 19 kids already, is self-serving and idiotic. The world is overpopulated and struggling to cope already you dick, you’ve contributed directly to that issue enough now. Get an environmental conscience and a clue! 🛑 ✋🏼 

Wouldn’t 4 separate houses be worse environmentally?

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Christine can take a seat. If Koty wants to build the house and some bank is foolish enough to loan the millons it would take to build it he will do it. All of thsse women will go right along with him. After all Christine refers to him as wonderful man, gag! 

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So now we know that Robyn and Kody might not be finished with having babies. Interesting. And Christine and Janelle both stating in the couch scenes that they have children who didn't want to move and they have not adjusted well. Robyn sitting there with her bitch face on.  Then when she goes into the spiel about there might be another little sweet soul in heaven waiting to come down you know what this means. Robyn is trying to place the entire blame for the move on Kody when we all remember she slipped up last season and said that she and Kody had been talking about the move to Flagstaff for some time. She wanted to move to be near Dayton. So as Kody said where one goes we all go. And they did. 

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Was that a gay pride ribbon decorating the Christmas tree in Christine's house?  Perhaps it's symbolic for something else, but that's what struck me when I saw it.

Just binged watched season 2, when they moved to Vegas.  They all looked so much happier with each other back in Lehi, except for Kootie.  IMHO, moving to Vegas was when his narcissistic behavior really ramped up, and the bullying of everyone began in earnest.  Money-driven behavior was probably the most likely culprit, here.  Moreover, there was no mention of Vegas being a temporary fix by any of them, especially Kootie.  And, looking at the wonderful play area in Robyn's Vegas  backyard, along with the covered picnic area, and ceiling-fan lined patios, I don't think it was meant to be. No one puts in this kind of money into their backyards without planting some roots.

Finally, no matter how much Christine protests, she'll eventually get on board of the Kootie house train.  She reacts in this same way every time a major decision is made.  She must have been chosen the one responsible for being the drama llama for the sake of the audience.  🙄

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Some tweets from last night, including Robyn, who hadn’t posted since April, 2019:






Poor Savannah. I just flashed on "Like Water for Chocolate" where the youngest daughter is fated to care for her mother until the mother dies.

And I disagree with Kody. He's not a relationship expert. GOOD relationships are easy, sure you have to compromise and set boundaries, but good relationships are not "hard".  Kody, you're in three shitty relationships and a non existent relationship with Meri. JMHO.

But don't listen to me, here's what dating and relationship expert Evan Marc Katz says.


Edited by DakotaJustice
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11 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Christine will go where she is told in the end, as I imagine she doesn't hold the purse strings? Also, does she realize she won't qualify for SS once Cody is gone?

Won’t she qualify from all the YEARS working on the show and whatever nonsense corporation they have although her average might be lower.

Edited by Irate Panda
I wrote tears which may be more appropriate lol
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Last night was something else!  I thought Christine would never go away!  Robyn was different.  She's usually so passive.  

I felt sorry for the kids having a hard time with kody uprooting them so the show could go on!

Like it or not this move has taken Sister Wives to fresh material for the show.  We have lost Meri with neighbor wars and watching the five of them settle in to different homes.

Now the talk about not selling the LV  homes and building the mcmansion should buy them another couple of seasons!

Don't forget the cherry on the top...Mariah 's gay wedding!!!

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21 minutes ago, Chris Knight said:

When Kody was talking about having more children, I didnt think he meant with Robyn. I thought he meant with a 5th wife.

Dear Robyn:  you know that if Kootie is misguided (stupid) enough to want another crotch goblin, you are NOT the only dumbass who can provide that, right?

Just as I thought, more rerun scenes and an insane idea presented by The General.  Yawn.

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I'm confused about this mega home idea of Koduche's. Do they all have to enter through the same entrance to get to their homes? Do they each have separate garage entrances or do they have to pass each other in the hallway to get in their front door? 

Kody wants to do this for one reason only: For the convenience of Kody. He wants to sit his ass in the middle of the house with his pristine white furniture, floor to ceiling fireplace and windows and super duper kitchen and let them allllllll come to him! Because we have learned that walking from one house to another in the cul de sac in LV was just too much for the little man, now having all the houses on one street  on Cayote Pass is also too exhausting for him to consider. Driving from one house to another temporarily is just blowing his mind, even though he knows it's not forever. 

Janelle, shut up. 

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18 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Now the talk about not selling the LV  homes and building the mcmansion should buy them another couple of seasons!

Don't forget that this all happened a year ago.  We know from locals that there is nothing going on on the Plain of Prairie Dog Plague nor is there likely to be.  They sold the LV houses. Everything that they are trying to sell as interesing is already old news.

That's the problem with posting every piece of minutiae about your lives online - you cannot hide anything. 

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12 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Don't forget that this all happened a year ago.  We know from locals that there is nothing going on on the Plain of Prairie Dog Plague nor is there likely to be.  They sold the LV houses. Everything that they are trying to sell as interesing is already old news.

That's the problem with posting every piece of minutiae about your lives online - you cannot hide anything. 

Wow I did not know all of that!  I guess we're stuck with Mariah's wedding!!!!

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59 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Didn't anyone else notice Robyn's face when Kody was talking about pets?  She was clearly mocking him and then gave him the "sweet" "who? me?" smile when he caught her.  She is so over him.

I have a fillin' that Robyn has taken notice of the social media flak about her being the chosen one and is now trying to establish herself with the other wives, united to point out the flaws in Kody's ability to reason.  The whole 'making faces' behind Kody's back seemed phony and staged to me.

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Penny-wise and pound-foolish is a kind way to describe this band of dummies.

Our own @toodles went to one of Janelle's open houses, and reported that Janelle did nothing but look at her phone.  She doesn't have the energy or personality to sell anything, let alone four over-half-million dollar houses.  Stupid decision, but that's how the Brown Clowns roll.  One dumbass move after another.  

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so Robyn seriously called the kids 'jerks' because they were a little mortified/calling him out debating out loud at spreading his farming seed or having Ari be the last golden child of his Polygamous Joe loins. such a nice stepmummy, nice to see the real love of poly marriage "one family" love. also, cut that frikkin hair, the dead ends only add to his douchiness. gawd why do i keep watching this show??? help me please! someone hide my tv remote!!

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I hold Kody responsible for everything: uprooting his family over and over, the kid’s adjustment problems, his wive’s adjustment problems, not to mention the avalanche of financial problems.  I am feeling like Robyn: whiplash from all the changes Kody pings around like a pinball machine.  And the wives have become accustomed to living in their own McMansions and having all that autonomy, how he is going to get them all in smaller apartments in his new estate, we’ll have to see.  Who in their right mind picks up and moves hours away, leaving four homes behind, sets themselves up in four huge houses somewhere else, and then seems shocked and perplexed about the money problems?  Our Kody, that’s who.  What a genius.  I can’t blame any of those women for wanting to drop-kick him to eternity.  Meri, to her credit, restrained herself at the Christmas Eve celebration; she looked incredulous.  Robyn and Christine are up to their eyeballs with Kody’s never-ending “plans”, and Janelle, with not much else to do, is up for it.  He’s on a perpetual power-trip and they ( and the kids) are the pawns.  

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Color me confused here.  Was it on social media or the first episode this season that the reason for Christine buying a house in Flagstaff rather than rent, was because she couldn't find a rental to accept her dog AND cat.

Christine moved into her own home mid-September and here we are at Christmas showing them bringing home a puppy and Christine half promising Truely a cat.


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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm confused about this mega home idea of Koduche's. Do they all have to enter through the same entrance to get to their homes? Do they each have separate garage entrances or do they have to pass each other in the hallway to get in their front door? 

Kody wants to do this for one reason only: For the convenience of Kody. He wants to sit his ass in the middle of the house with his pristine white furniture, floor to ceiling fireplace and windows and super duper kitchen and let them allllllll come to him! Because we have learned that walking from one house to another in the cul de sac in LV was just too much for the little man, now having all the houses on one street  on Cayote Pass is also too exhausting for him to consider. Driving from one house to another temporarily is just blowing his mind, even though he knows it's not forever. 

Janelle, shut up. 

Do the wives get to take turns cleaning up the chambers for His Royal Majesty?

I have to admit I didn’t see the “I have to get away from you people!” plot twist coming. I thought polygamy was so great. 

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Interesting that Christine is the one that is dead set against living together and Meri sits there in silence. Also interesting that Janelle loves it. I thought for sure Robyn would be for it as well.  So it might be 2 against 2, or I guess 2 against 3? 

Hell the kids even love it! 

Kody should tell them they either get this big beautiful house or 4 double wides. 

They all chose to be in a marriage where the sole purpose is to live together.  And they aren't even friends. so Christine's "i didn't just want the man, I wanted the family" it total bull. That's not how it works Christine! If it weren't for the show you'd all still be living in that Lehi house.  Count your blessings. 

I say Kody go forward with it - it would make for some great tv with at least Meri and Christine being pissed off the entire time. 

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One amusing thing I noticed: when Christine was talking about Truely's BFF Daisy, kody whipped his head around so fast like this was the first time he's heard of it (lbr it probably was).

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It is obvious these women can barely tolerate one another.  They have become accustomed to living separate lives and almost pretend to be in monogamous relationships with Kody.  Every so often reality rears it’s ugly head, like at the Christmas gathering, and the thought of sharing their husband revolts them.  The mere suggestion of all of them living under the same roof is beyond consideration.  Yet....we’re supposed to continue to accept the fact that plural marriage is in all of their souls.  Really? 

I will say, Janelle is the only sister wife on this reality show who is very close to being the same woman we met in season one episode one and that’s why she was somewhat receptive to Kody’s one home proposal.

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1 minute ago, tinderbox said:

It is obvious these women can barely tolerate one another.  They have become accustomed to living separate lives and almost pretend to be in monogamous relationships with Kody.  Every so often reality rears it’s ugly head, like at the Christmas gathering, and the thought of sharing their husband revolts them.  The mere suggestion of all of them living under the same roof is beyond consideration.  Yet....we’re supposed to continue to accept the fact that plural marriage is in all of their souls.  Really? 

I will say, Janelle is the only sister wife on this reality show who is very close to being the same woman we met in season one episode one and that’s why she was somewhat receptive to Kody’s one home proposal.

Interesting too, that Janelle is the only one of the wives that wasn't raised in a plural family.  What does that say about this happy lifestyle, the others all know that it's fraught with jealousy and tension.

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