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S24.E03: Week 3


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3 hours ago, alexa said:

I have never actually considered not watching the bach / ette, but this year I am tempted. 



Yeah same. I had to FF thru that one on one date. That woman's voice got on my last nerve. I don't know how the men can listen to it and not think "for the rest of my life this frog creak, no!" 

It's just a sad commentary on what passes in this decade as "beauty": fake hair, fake teeth, fake boobs, thin as rail, fake lips. I guess I am an old codger but these woman really make themselves look bad. The whole show is an insult to women and men and young people. It's not good look crying your eyes out at 22 that you will never find your soulmate, and you really believed that a 1 in 30 chance was a good chance. The whole premise of the show is 29 people get rejected and dumped, yet this doesn't apply to you? I know I'm old and cranky. I can't with these girls.


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I am also having trouble watching this season for some reason.   I even changed over for a short time to watch Rob Lowe on his new 911 show.    (Why don't they do an older skewed Bachelor show?)   

But I'll keep watching the Bachelor for the message board snark, to know who's who on BIP (Aliya must already be buying beachwear),  and to see if Mr 4 Times in a Windmill might break any other sort of records for the show.    


  • Love 8
6 hours ago, GracieK said:

Yaaaassss!! I came here to post this same thing about Alayah... the proper response to his hmmming and hawing over whether he believes Sydney or not should be to say if you’re going to believe every bit of trash talk from a woman you don’t know any better than me right now, without getting to know me on your own then see ya later - walk out and show some dignity. Instead it’s this anxiety ridden drama fest over whether it’s ruined their relationship or not. And let’s face it she IS fake (like the rest of them) because she’s not crying over Peter.. she’s crying over missed Instagram dollars. 
I know that every year I watch this I get older but the girls stay the same age (alright, alright, alright) but this year in particular they all seem SO young and so immature. I wish there was a way to recruit women of actual substance instead of Instagram shilling wannabes. 

Truly the issue is if they leave their go the internet opportunities- it’s so sad- it really did used to be about the guy way back when. Now it’s publicity . Hate it

  • Love 4

ugh, these women - so scorned by past boyfriends at 22 years old,  the sob story of their youth. I am waiting for that one girl who blurts out that she overcame a bunion. With all these pageant girls, do any of them do the bachelor handshake with a judge for their talent ?  Peter is a bore, whoa is me, I am not feeling myself, I must retreat to my abode and cry because I don't know who is here for the right reasons -dang - 90% of these women  are not here for you Peter, its the instagram $, PID $ and the chance of becoming the Bachelorette and DWTS and whatever else they can push their 15 minutes on.


Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
  • Love 13

How much you wanna bet that Peter’s mom is on the set and he runs crying into her bosom because he’s so confused?

I’m ready for one of the Victorias to go home so I don’t have to remember who is who. Chyrons are you’re friend. Must not have been written into the budget so they can pay for Peter’s fuel as he flies the friendly skies 

  • Love 3

I'm thoroughly enjoying this season of The bachelor so far.  Episode 1 was a little long, what with it covering the traditional first evening PLUS the first group date and first one-on-one, but last week and last night were both awesome!

These episodes reminded me of old-school Bachelor episodes, where I could count on 2 hours of constant laughter and making jokes at the show's expense each week.  Back in 20109, 2010, I would laugh so hard, my dog would get upset with me waking him up from his naps and literally walk into the next room for some peace and quiet! lol

The women this season are all acting foolish and silly and catty and mean, while Peter is completely clueless and fumbling around.  I love it.  Watching beautiful people who have never had to struggle for dates or constant attention, suddenly find themselves in danger of being ignored, cast aside, ridiculed, and quickly forgotten feels so good.  Is that terrible to say?

Early season episodes are always my favorites, since we haven't got to all the fake "feelings" and words of love yet.  I can't wait for more next week!

  • Love 12

Peter can listen to all this vocal fry because he does it too. I feel ashamed of myself for watching this season and that’s a new feeling. I’ve always enjoyed this franchise but this season just feels different and I have to remind myself that I’m 42 years old. Why should I be entertained by these kids crying and backbiting and making out with each other?? This season has reached a level of immaturity that I haven’t previously seen. All the girls look like they’re 14. Am I wrong or am I finally just old? 

  • Love 8
29 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Peter can listen to all this vocal fry because he does it too. I feel ashamed of myself for watching this season and that’s a new feeling. I’ve always enjoyed this franchise but this season just feels different and I have to remind myself that I’m 42 years old. Why should I be entertained by these kids crying and backbiting and making out with each other?? This season has reached a level of immaturity that I haven’t previously seen. All the girls look like they’re 14. Am I wrong or am I finally just old? 

I’m also 42 and feeling the same way. They’re definitely 14. It’s them not us! 🤪

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Rainsong said:

The term ‘ironic distance’ was first encountered in Roger Ebert’s review of the surreal but stem-to-stern hilarious Raising Arizona. At the risk of explaining the self-explanatory it meant ‘These people have lost their everlovin’ minds and I’m thankful I’m not one of them.’ It also might be a synonym for Wrong Reasons Viewing but, to be fair, it’s getting very difficult to find Right Reasons when the producers themselves have dispensed with such idealism.

Somewhere a video editor is congratulating himself/herself with the unifying water imagery introduction. A fountain, then rain, then tears. Somewhere a video editor is hoping we don’t notice that it was nice and sunny in the establishing shot of the house but that rain has begun falling in under two seconds. The Champagne Wars persist, demonstrating that a robotic I Hereby Acknowledge Your Feelings is not enough to prevent the inevitable crying jags. Hannah Ann (do we still need the Ann?) is anguished at being perceived as a champagne stealer. Quite right too. Kelsey pushes her glasses up to wipe the tears off what’s left of her nose. Victoria F speaks to Natasha F about The Drama™. We’re awarding Nat a special F designation because she is unable to communicate without the use of a particular expletive.

Victoria P is going on a date. She is a Harrison/Fleiss dream candidate: damaged, desperate, demonstrative and dim. She will be a litmus test for Pete who will demonstrate if he’s looking for a partner or a stray dog/injured bird type. Vic is talking about the ‘relationship’ that does not yet exist which makes her either psychic or psycho depending on the outcome. The Ma & Pa Kettle Pickup is back as transportation. It’s a very red, very obvious signal that the date will be country themed. To hammer the point home, Pete is in a buffalo check flannel. Vapid Vic isn’t fussed. She has her stock speech about ‘spending time’ and won’t be distracted by anything that actually happens during that time. Vic’s torn jeans look like…torn jeans as in torn, not torrid, and she appears to have stolen frumpy shoes from the doorstep of some unfortunate pensioner widow in The Villages. The penny finally drops for Vic who, upon entering a Western store, insightfully declares it will be ‘cowboy & cowgirl today.’ Well spotted that girl. You aren’t going scuba diving.

In a store lined floor-to-ceiling with a fantastic variety of boots including rose-themed boots and exotic skins like caiman and ostrich, they’ve opted for the most boring two pair in the place. Call it symbolism. With the proper topper Vic could have looked like Pam in Urban Cowboy but instead chooses a red hat and looks like Drew Barrymore in ET. Surprise! They enter a club in the middle of the day where Surprise! a country band is playing and Surprise! an audience has gathered who Surprise! enjoy line dancing but Surprise! Vic admits she’s already forgotten the steps. As a musician I must spare a thought for the band and the players who, despite being integral to the date and the setup, are onscreen for less than 11 seconds even with all camera shots combined. Like, literally. No, like literally literally. That isn’t editing. It’s calculated cruelty. We need a union. Well, we have one. We need a better union then.

Back along the Maginot Line, Kelsey denounces bullying by bullying Hannah who responds by coining a new word: ‘finasco.’ It might just catch on. Kelsey is the worst sort of debater – the kind who splutters ‘Are we making this about me?’ when she’s made it about her from the start.

On a show that regularly employs barns and sheds as settings for dinner encounters the Western date theme has been inexplicably jettisoned for an aircraft hangar. We get it. Pete’s a pilot. And now Vic will manipulate him like the rudder of one of his planes as she delivers the tragic backstory. Pete’s found his Rescue Bachelorette and files his adoption papers along with a rose. He may even stop at a 7-Eleven and buy one of those paw print stickers for the truck. They climb into a single-engine plane where a camera has been conveniently mounted on the dash. Who has the heart to tell them the mile high club can’t be joined when on the ground?

Alayah has read my mind as she references same. She’s letting her hair down a bit and earning merit for honesty but demerits from Sourpuss Sydney who already has a bad case of epicondylitis from wagging her finger. Demi And Her [Oh you probably know what very descriptive if slightly derogatory slang term I want to type here but they would probably kick me off the PC planet and ban my IP if I did] arrive with pillows and megaphone to scream and spread some feathers around. The group date makes the heretofore unknown underground pillow fighting scene. It’s an apt metaphor for the tenuous Bachelorette bonds because apparent softness quickly gives way to some red-in-tooth-and-claw viciousness from the laydeez. They’re not even above a wrestling takedown or two.

On a serious note, Fred Willard has had a brilliant career as a face you recognize but aren’t quite sure where you’ve seen him before. Columnist Bill Simmons called the character actor phenomenon That Guy. There have been two documentaries about That Guy called, fittingly, That Guy…Who Was In That Thing (pts 1 & 2). From Spinal Tap to Best In Show, Willard has been a master of satire because he plays his self-important but clueless parts straight in the context of a comedy or farce. His deadpan characters are the oblivious butt of the joke. It is with this appreciation for his work that it’s sad to see him in his dotage and with a rather obvious case of Parkinsonism.

We are genuinely surprised that no blood has been shed during the melee. Alayah emerges victorious and Sourpuss Sydney orders the phasers set to vaporize as she awaits a chance to eliminate her rival. You will recall that Sydney is from Birmingham but made it clear that she wasn’t like – and didn’t like - the University of Alabama Delta Gamma alumnae who provide the dazzling scenery at the Superior Grill. That rasping sound you hear is coming from the also-rans on the date as they grit their collective teeth. Sourpuss explains that ‘Alayah puts on the pretty little princess façade and flaunts herself in front of the cameras in an absolute orchestrated show.’ This is akin to complaining that someone who’s jumped in a pool is using their legs and arms to stay afloat. It’s in the job description, sugarbumps. There is no doubt that Alayah has moves. Mostly of her head and shoulders. This juror finds her innocent of all charges. She is pageanting (possible new verb) like mad during the interview segment of the competition. Hannah Ann looks like a piker now. Kelley displays an admirable bit of maturity and genuine interest in Alayah’s encounter. Sydney is red-faced and it ain’t from the gas fire or the booze. Syd decides the direct approach is best and demands to know Alayah’s employment status. Alayah either fails to detect the insult or is killing Sydney with kindness by actually addressing her question. Frustrated that her needles are missing the target, Sydney aims at the solar plexus and denounces Alayah’s personality to her. Charming. The Birmingham Bitch demands authenticity but what authenticity have we seen from her apart from the obvious and off-putting?

Credit to Kelley who, as a lawyer albeit one who possibly shares an office with Daddy, has seen something of the world and is able to ignore the ongoing catfight. Their previous encounter is definitely a huge springboard and an advantage. A jarring jumpcut to Like Literally Tammy whose first words are – wait for it – ‘like, literally.’

‘This is working’ declares Pete. Well, yes, if your objective was to have a snog with every female then it’s working a treat. Sydney takes Pete to a very dark place. Also, the lights in the room are low. ‘Am I someone you would want to be with?’ she asks.  A viewing nation responds by screaming ‘HELL NO!’ at their flat panels.

Caesar assembles the Senate around the fire. Sydnus Brutus wields the freshly-honed blade with its new inscription: Death to Alayah. Al may not be everyone’s cuppa but Syd’s behavior is now in the realm of the obsessive. Peter, to his discredit, is ‘confused’ because he accepts one side of a story as fact. The Bachelor franchise’s own Wrong Way Corrigan caps off a disastrous night (for him) by giving Sydney a rose. For someone claiming to be seeking a wife he doesn’t seem to understand that marriage to Sydney would involve lamps flying across the room, a tracker app on his phone and sleeping with one eye open in case she douses him with gasoline and threatens to light a match – all because he forgot to take out the trash.

The mama’s boy wants his mama because he lacks the emotional intelligence to detect lies and truth. He decides the best way to launch a party is to whine and moan some more. Even worse, he’s apologizing to…Sydney?!? Hey girls, some of the Seven Deadly Sins can be fun in the right context: lust, gluttony, pride. In fact, they’re part and parcel of many dates. Wrath and envy, however, are never a good time. The Carousel of Jealousy is the worst ride at Disneyland but Pete is dashing across the park to get his FastPass. Alayah, undaunted, confronts her tormentor and charms her suitor as well. This isn’t good enough for the suitor who asks Victoria P to dish the dirt. Both are shocked – SHOCKED! – that a participant might seek fame after filming. This is all getting absurd now. Vacuous Vic is unable to discern the very large difference between telling a premeditated falsehood and keeping a confidence. But hey, when you’re an emotionally needy basket case sacrifices will have to be made.

Pete walks out on his own party. Cue floods of tears. Well done ladies! The boo-boo-faced Bachelor arrives for his rose ceremony still grumpy. Er, Pete didn't you say it was working? Kiarra is worried about being in the background but the way the heads are rolling around this guillotine she’s better off remaining anonymous for now.

Victoria F still has her rose from what seems like a year ago. Alayah finally yields to the dozen or so blades plunged into her back. Victoria P is now in full stalker mode and declares she will put Pete first. And by Pete she means herself.

But wait – what’s this? We will break the official or unofficial episode discussion rules by noting, quite obviously, that Alayah is not done. Huzzah! If Pete is going to burn his Jet A on aimless drama then we’re happy to watch. Well, not happy but content. Well, not content but we’ll watch anyway. Probably. If you ask nicely and don't play up to the cameras because we are are trying to be our true selves.

I do look forward to your recaps they are brilliant !!

  • Love 2

I swear half of these girls look like completely different people with makeup and without. Alayah especially looks like two different people to me. I don't remember it being this bad in previous seasons. I guess it's the result of YouTube makeup tutorials and Instaface. But it's annoying. It's hard enough to learn who they all are when they only have one look.

Edited by Rhondinella
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18 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

Truly the issue is if they leave their go the internet opportunities- it’s so sad- it really did used to be about the guy way back when. Now it’s publicity . Hate it

Exactly. I loved Andrew Firestone but he was on season 3. It was a very different show then. They weren’t all fame seekers. Producers weren’t always casting the next Bachelor from the current show. When they started doing that on a regular basis, it fundamentally changed the show IMO. People starting applying so they could “audition” to be the Bachelor or the Bachelorette, not because they wanted to find love. 

Agree with the poster who wondering why they don’t do an older Bachelor. I wish they would cast someone in his early 40s, so the women would at least be in their 30s. They did it one with that Byron (was that his name?) guy, but I guess he was just a fluke. I wonder if its an advertising demographic issue. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
  • Love 11
8 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

Truly the issue is if they leave their go the internet opportunities- it’s so sad- it really did used to be about the guy way back when. Now it’s publicity . Hate it

I have watched this show because I find it (or I used to ) an interesting psychosocial experiment.   Put 2 dozen women together and give them the impression that the ONE MAN is their potential "true love forever", and make them compete for his attention.  Something akin to a mass hypnosis occurs.  Outside of this show (in "real life") if a woman walks into a party and sees  a man is making out with someone else, the woman moves on, looks around, talks to someone else.  She doesn't cry, try to interrupt, and then manage to have her own makeout session with the same guy, she finds another guy.  IF the only guy at a party is engaged in kissing someone else, the woman will talk to other women, eat or drink something, or, if her goal is to meet a man, she leaves.   

But in the Bachelor world, you don't leave, there is ONE man, and you must try to get him to pay attention to you.  you have to be the best - the prettiest, wittiest, most kissable and most interesting woman there.  And you have to be willing to "fall in love"  with this man, to be jealous when he pays attention to anyone else, and to be heartbroken when you are not his final choice.  You have to agree to step out of your comfort zone, to go through something akin to a sorority hazing which can include nudity, embarrassing situations, athletic competitions, or fighting with other women, all for a chance to spend time with him.   And if you are his final choice, you have to be willing to commit to him for the rest of your life.  Through this process, you have to be willing to decide to marry a man whom you barely know, who has been dating a bunch of other women right in front of you, who can be as intimate with them as he pleases, and you can't object. You have to agree to be thrilled each time he eliminates someone else, but keeps you in the competition.  Because the only way you get to leave is he decides you don't measure up.  And then you have to cry, because you have been found unworthy by one very ordinary man.  he may be ordinary, but the rejection is the message that you will never be loved, that you will end up alone. 

To me, it's fascinating how women buy into this plot line.   Or, they did in the past.   Now, most of these women don't care about winning the heart of the ordinary bachelor.   Oh, they want to WIN, but more importantly they want to defeat other women.  they want to be on TV, be noticed on Instagram, sell products, make money.  If they win, they don't necessarily want to marry the ordinary guy.  they want to be on the cover of PEOPLE, be interviewed on TV as the "winner", and maybe be on another competition show. It's not about being MARRIED, it's about being FAMOUS.   

And if they don't win? Make sure to cry, wail, act heartbroken, because that's another way to win.   they're no longer convinced that they'll never be loved.  They say it, but what they really mean is that they will be back on Bachelor in Paradise, and then back again and again, as long as they agree to bring DRAMA, they'll keep getting asked back. The only men they will ever date are other men in the "Bachelor Family" as they just keep trading partners, making out, breaking up, over and over, but only with people in the group.  

Most of these women wouldn't give Peter a second glance outside of this show.  They'd reject him on a dating app as looking like a baby. If they dated him, they'd tell their friends how boring he was.  And deep down, they know it.  they're getting caught up in the mass hysteria that THIS Bachelor is the man of their dreams.  But they know it's not the case.  they know that the more they act the part, the longer they'll be on the show, and the better their chance of FAME.  

I used to be fascinated by how the show can convince women to all fall in love with the same guy.  But now I think that the women are just as skeptical as I am, that they know this isn't "love"  at all, it's just another competition, like a beauty pageant.  They want the crown, but not the prize. 

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I was thinking back over Bachelors past, and trying to remember the last guy who was "there for the right reasons" or at least mostly sincere.  I guess Sean?  Not my cuppa, but he wanted to find a mate, and he was pretty nice to the women.  And before that, I think Brad was very sincere, at times so much that he didn't have much of a sense of humor.  Any others? Jason?  I started watching Charlie's season and can't think of any others.  Now, the Bachelors (and the women - ugh, so hard to call these dressed-up children that!) all seem more concerned with who'll be the most famous afterwards, and how they can attach $$$$$ to their low-class idea of fame.  And in those innocent days of yore, there might be one or two crazy drama chicks that everyone KNEW were producer plants, to have an evil-versus-good fairytale storyline.  Now it seems half of them are drama queens of some sort, and we hardly hear from the others except for a few designated more-or-less wholesome chicks who the show assumes we'll cheer on.  Or do a cheers, ugh.  I want my old fun show back!

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Peter can listen to all this vocal fry because he does it too. I feel ashamed of myself for watching this season and that’s a new feeling. I’ve always enjoyed this franchise but this season just feels different and I have to remind myself that I’m 42 years old. Why should I be entertained by these kids crying and backbiting and making out with each other?? This season has reached a level of immaturity that I haven’t previously seen. All the girls look like they’re 14. Am I wrong or am I finally just old? 

I think it is just that the show has gradually gotten away from its original formula the last several seasons, and is focused more now on drama, social media impact, and whatever else.  So now it is not the same show, thus is more wearing.  We have to watch the same drama stories go on for more than one episode, whereas before they had a pretty tight formula of dates and rose ceremony, and then moved on.  It is so boring now-- I literally was finding other things to do and had it on as a background.  

  • Love 15
9 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I have watched this show because I find it (or I used to ) an interesting psychosocial experiment.

Love your whole analysis, Tinkerbell.  I only follow two reality shows, this one and Survivor and in both cases it's for that social experiment view.  I agree the chance to make big bucks on Instagram has messed up the dynamics.  Your post reminded me of how dumb it was for Peter to listen to Victoria cast suspicion toward another woman based on, "She's thinking about the money to be made afterward," when they all must be thinking about that to some degree.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Love your whole analysis, Tinkerbell.  I only follow two reality shows, this one and Survivor and in both cases it's for that social experiment view.  I agree the chance to make big bucks on Instagram has messed up the dynamics.  Your post reminded me of how dumb it was for Peter to listen to Victoria cast suspicion toward another to be made afterward," when they all must be thinking about that to some degree.

Including Peter!

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

But in the Bachelor world, you don't leave, there is ONE man, and you must try to get him to pay attention to you. 

Had that talk with dear Hubby this morning (he's watching, too).  He just didn't get why Victoria (nurse) took so much time with her sob story.

I explained that's how it's done.  The candidate gets so little time with the target that it's absolutely necessary and, in fact, expected that, should a candidate get time, everything needs to be out on the table from the first minute.  The candidate may never get that audience again.  The producers also encourage it because it makes for great TV and it is, apparently, what the audience wants to see.

He conceded that I must be right on this, because he sees that it happens so often.

2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I only follow two reality shows, this one and Survivor and in both cases it's for that social experiment view. 

But Survivor was never meant to be anything BUT a social experiment.  That's how it was advertised from its first season two decades ago.

This franchise was NEVER proposed a social experiment, but as an opportunity to compete for the love of your life.  Quite a different story.

These days, I expect the rose ceremony to end with something about the tribe having spoken.

  • LOL 1
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It's only episode 3 and Peter is acting like this rose ceremony was a life or death decision. What would it have hurt to keep Alayah around another few weeks to figure things out? He has more than enough filler left in this group to cut, it's not like he'd be getting rid of a girl he really cared about in her place.

I don't care how "fake" Alayah is, I was rooting for her here. That sucks to be called out like that having done nothing malicious or unforgivable (like stealing another girl's champagne, obviously) to deserve it. Sydney was hating for no good reason. Of course in a group of 25 women from varying backgrounds you aren't going to like all of them. And Peter was even worse calling out Sydney in front of the WHOLE GROUP and then straight up walking away from the carnage he created. Ice cold, dude. Not a mature way to handle the situation, but that seems to be a theme with him this season. 

I can't with Victoria P and the sob stories. All I could think while she was crying over her childhood was that she had practiced that speech dozens of times leading up to this date.

Also tired of girls calling out other girls for "being open to opportunities that will come from the show" as if that's not the norm these days. Why wouldn't you be open and willing to make money or pursue fame if being on this embarrassment of a show opened those doors for you? You shouldn't come on here thinking "this random guy is the one, I know it and haven't even met him yet," and the Bachelor(/ette) should realize that not every contestant is going to fall madly in love with them and the whole point of bringing on such a large group is to find the few that you realistically have chemistry with. Let the others enjoy the benefits of being exploited on national TV.

Nick Viall posts Insta story "this or that" questions, and one of his yesterday was, "What will Sydney's job be after the show?" and the choices were either "what it is now" or "the same as Alayah's" as in, they're both going to just be Insta schillers anyway.

Also for the record, Kelley reminds me of a less attractive Kristen Gutoskie who you might have seen in the Vampire Diaries or Handmaid's Tale.


  • Love 5


I thought he'd be a fun low-key Bachelor who might bring the show back toward its more innocent roots, but so far he just seems overwhelmed and desperate for a nap. My wife and I cracked up when he came to the pool party in a hoodie looking like he'd rather be anywhere else in the world. He's being steamrolled by these contestants and has no ability to take the reins of a situation whatsoever. It's kinda sad really, I think he seems like he's probably a likable guy in real life but he's just not cut out for this role.


On 1/21/2020 at 10:15 AM, calpurnia99 said:

It's just a sad commentary on what passes in this decade as "beauty": fake hair, fake teeth, fake boobs, thin as rail, fake lips. I guess I am an old codger but these woman really make themselves look bad.

As someone in the same age range as the contestants on the show, I'm honestly shocked by the bizarre fashion sense of the last few seasons too. I'm not even close to a fashion expert but the women my age who I would consider fashionable don't wear anything like that stuff, it reminds me much more of the early 2000s Paris Hilton era of ultra-fake plastic looks. Like honestly big obviously-fake boobs and painted on makeup seem OUT of style, if anything.

(EDIT: on the other hand I guess there is a segment of the population who want to model themselves after the Kardashians' look, which is probably what these women are going for now that I think of it. That still doesn't really strike me as a hip/contemporary look in the real world right now but what do I know haha.)

Edited by Cornhusker12
  • Love 13

Amanda Stanton had to reveal her monthly income when her ex-husband sued to have his monthly child support payments reduced. At the time, Amanda was living with Josh Murray. She was making THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS A MONTH and Josh was making 10,000 a month. Off of Instagram. That is absolutely insane. No wonder they all want that. It does eventually fade, but not if they are smart. The ones that have taken it to the next level have podcasts and it is now their full time job. Nick Viall appears to be the most successful male contestant to do this. 

Additionally, because of all of the exposure, some contestants go on to date, and even marry, real life celebrities. Lauren from Ben's season is now married to a country music singer, Chris Lane. Wells Adams is engaged to Sarah Hyland. Amanda was close to that with pro volleyball player Bobby Jacobs. Even Kelly from The Real World New Orleans married Scott Wolf. Jacinda became a famous actress. Kit Hoover from Road Rules hosts Access Live. Several have gotten their own HGTV shows. Vanessa, Nick's "winner" hosts Bachelorette viewing parties and gets paid. Many of them are on Cameo and get paid to send video messages. It's not your normal way to make money, for sure, but, if they are smart, they can make a lot of money that can last them for a long, long time. For every one that "makes it," there are ten that don't, but even if it is just local appearances, many of these contestants are making really good money. 

That is a really long way of saying every single person, including Peter, that goes on this show, is doing it for exposure and for the benefits that will come after if they receive a lot of attention. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and that is who should be sent home.

  • Useful 6
  • Love 14
4 hours ago, jade.black said:

It's only episode 3 and Peter is acting like this rose ceremony was a life or death decision. What would it have hurt to keep Alayah around another few weeks to figure things out? He has more than enough filler left in this group to cut, it's not like he'd be getting rid of a girl he really cared about in her place.

I don't care how "fake" Alayah is, I was rooting for her here. That sucks to be called out like that having done nothing malicious or unforgivable (like stealing another girl's champagne, obviously) to deserve it. Sydney was hating for no good reason. Of course in a group of 25 women from varying backgrounds you aren't going to like all of them. And Peter was even worse calling out Sydney in front of the WHOLE GROUP and then straight up walking away from the carnage he created. Ice cold, dude. Not a mature way to handle the situation, but that seems to be a theme with him this season. 

This was one of those fights with no one to root for, IMO. Sydney and her dead-eyed, flat affect can't be the hero of the story because Alayah hadn't been shown to do anything wrong so far and her bizarre line of questioning was completely ridiculous and out of line. 

OTOH, once the spotlight WAS on Alayah, she didn't do herself any favors. Her demeanor was also pretty flat, but in a more blandly pleasant way than Sydney's. Kinda tough to make a case about your passionate interest in Peter when the most emotion you can drum up is mild outrage about being called manipulative and even that was about a 5 on the emotional scale.

I was initially on board with Peter putting Sydney on the spot, the look on her face was priceless. But then he let her wriggle off the hook by believing her without any proof and allowing her to think it was ballsy to "tell the truth" (ie, give her opinion, unbidden). 

And then his parade of interrogation just got dumber and dumber. 30 girls are competing against each other and you're going to trust them to say "no, she's great, she really likes you, you should keep her..." Most of them wouldn't stick their necks out to raise a complaint because 9 times out of 10, that person gets their heads lopped off next rose ceremony, but if you go to them and give them a chance to sink somebody else, of course they're going to take it. 

Of all them, I thought Lexi handled it the smoothest. She didn't leap at the chance to list all of Alayah's faults or perceived motivations, she was just kinda like "eh, I never really connected to her" and pointed out small things about her demeanor around the cameras.


Most of these women wouldn't give Peter a second glance outside of this show.  They'd reject him on a dating app as looking like a baby. If they dated him, they'd tell their friends how boring he was.  And deep down, they know it.  they're getting caught up in the mass hysteria that THIS Bachelor is the man of their dreams.  But they know it's not the case.  they know that the more they act the part, the longer they'll be on the show, and the better their chance of FAME.  

Honestly, I think a lot of them are struggling to give Peter a second glance even in the context of the show. A lot of the soundbites around how hot Peter is have a VERY choppy sound to them, like they've been carefully stitched together in editing. And even the ones that might be real are pretty bland and half-hearted, "Peter is looking so yummy" said in a tone that indicates someone might have a gun held to the head of the speaker.

His decision to stay fully clothed at the pool party suggests that he doesn't have an amazing body to offset his little boy face and average personality, so if not for the competition aspect and the prospect of post-show opportunities, more than half of this group would pass him right by.

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On 1/20/2020 at 9:37 PM, kazza said:

I've started playing a game to figure out who these women look like. So far I've got Kelsey as Elaine Irwin and Alayah as the girl in the #chewiedog commercial that played on loop before Star Wars came out in December. 

Sydney looks exactly like Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) in most views.  And Aliyah, in her un-makeup view, looks like Diana, the woman who used to play the Texas love interest of Dr. Bull on "Bull".

Three fashion notes:

  • Chris Harrison was wearing a navy-and-white print shirt at the mansion, and the cuffs were way too big,  And his Rose Ceremony suit pants were too short, but not in a fashionable, hipster-ish way.
  • No matter how many times the girls called that cap a "captain's cap", it was actually a newsboy cap, sometimes called a driving or chauffeur cap...not the romantic excitement that they were fantasizing about! 
  • As if Peter's bathing suit trunks weren't bad enough by themselves, the white undershirt was a baffling and unflattering choice to go with it.
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I think it would be really fun to have a season where they put maybe three bachelors in the house for the whole run.  That way the girls are competing for the attention of all the bachelors and at the same time, the bachelors are competing with each other to get the attention of the most desired 'ettes.   Imagine the dynamics that could come in to play in that scenario. I'm totally bored with how it is now.  Shake it up a bit.

  • Love 9

So, when I was in my early 30s, I got a new job.  I am a very friendly person. 
One of my coworkers accused me of being fake, and told everyone who would listen. It was horrible.  I overcame it eventually and became friends with that coworker. 
I am just good with customers.  I rise to the occasion, too, probably like Alayah.  So there’s a good part of me that feels for her.  I mean, they ALL primp to look good for the cameras.  They all try to be prettier, more interesting, more “there” for the cameras.  Ugh. These high-schoolers (that’s what they seem like anyway) are quick to jump on the bandwagon to get competition out of the way. 
Worst season ever, so far, with the girl drama.  

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, nutty1 said:

I’m watching Jason Mesnick’s season of The Bachelor (don’t judge!). What a difference in the women then compared to now. They were still young. I think Molly was 23. But they are eons ahead in maturity. And the girls all seemed to really like each other and support each other.  This show has definitely gone downhill. 

I remember always being puzzled, for example during the football players season, how the last 2 were best buddies. I cant imagine being friends with someone who wants the same guy as me. but yeah the internet dollars rule behavior, very sad.

  • Love 2
On 1/21/2020 at 12:22 PM, hyacinth said:

I am also having trouble watching this season for some reason.   I even changed over for a short time to watch Rob Lowe on his new 911 show.    (Why don't they do an older skewed Bachelor show?)   

But I'll keep watching the Bachelor for the message board snark, to know who's who on BIP (Aliya must already be buying beachwear),  and to see if Mr 4 Times in a Windmill might break any other sort of records for the show.    

Seriously.  I don't meet ANYONE - ANYONE in their 20s who watches cable.  Isn't cable only something us olds do?  If I try to talk to somebody in their 20s about something that's NOT on Netflix, they look at me like I'm speaking an entirely different language.  They have no concept of it.

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23 hours ago, Rhondinella said:

I swear half of these girls look like completely different people with makeup and without. Alayah especially looks like two different people to me. I don't remember it being this bad in previous seasons. I guess it's the result of YouTube makeup tutorials and Instaface. But it's annoying. It's hard enough to learn who they all are when they only have one look.

I asked my 20 something year old neighbour if she ever did "contouring" (something I've never done) and she said "Every day of my life".  LOL.  That's something I have no concept of!

23 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

Agree with the poster who wondering why they don’t do an older Bachelor. I wish they would cast someone in his early 40s, so the women would at least be in their 30s. They did it one with that Byron (was that his name?) guy, but I guess he was just a fluke. I wonder if its an advertising demographic issue. 

Even when Arie was 36 (?) they still sprinkled the cast with women in their early 20s.  It was so creepy!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Cornhusker12 said:

(EDIT: on the other hand I guess there is a segment of the population who want to model themselves after the Kardashians' look, which is probably what these women are going for now that I think of it. That still doesn't really strike me as a hip/contemporary look in the real world right now but what do I know haha.)

I don't think it can be overstated how much impact Kim Kardashian has had on North American culture.  I'm being deadly serious.  The plastic surgery (I know it always existed, but not on this level), the contouring (something I never heard of before her time, and women never did in the 2000s), the talking like an idiot, and on and on and on.

2 hours ago, Meowwww said:

So, when I was in my early 30s, I got a new job.  I am a very friendly person. 
One of my coworkers accused me of being fake, and told everyone who would listen. It was horrible.  I overcame it eventually and became friends with that coworker. 
I am just good with customers.  I rise to the occasion, too, probably like Alayah.  So there’s a good part of me that feels for her.  I mean, they ALL primp to look good for the cameras.  They all try to be prettier, more interesting, more “there” for the cameras.  Ugh. These high-schoolers (that’s what they seem like anyway) are quick to jump on the bandwagon to get competition out of the way. 
Worst season ever, so far, with the girl drama.  

I have a friend from Russia who says that everyone in Toronto is "Fake".  Her interpretation of fake is saying Hi!  How are you?  Thank you.  Please.  Have a good day!  etc.  She doesn't do anything like this.  No "excuse me", nothing.  But it's just the culture around here.  It's just the way we are.  She says no one does any of this back home.  LOL.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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On 1/21/2020 at 8:46 PM, Rhondinella said:

I swear half of these girls look like completely different people with makeup and without. Alayah especially looks like two different people to me. I don't remember it being this bad in previous seasons. I guess it's the result of YouTube makeup tutorials and Instaface. But it's annoying. It's hard enough to learn who they all are when they only have one look.

Yes! I noticed that too. I don't remember it being that way before either.

I just watched the docuseries Cheer on Netflix and was struck by the same thing. 

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3 hours ago, Meowwww said:

So, when I was in my early 30s, I got a new job.  I am a very friendly person. 
One of my coworkers accused me of being fake, and told everyone who would listen. It was horrible.  I overcame it eventually and became friends with that coworker. 
I am just good with customers.  I rise to the occasion, too, probably like Alayah.  So there’s a good part of me that feels for her.  I mean, they ALL primp to look good for the cameras.  They all try to be prettier, more interesting, more “there” for the cameras.  Ugh. These high-schoolers (that’s what they seem like anyway) are quick to jump on the bandwagon to get competition out of the way. 
Worst season ever, so far, with the girl drama.  

Yeah, I think Alayah is probably annoying, but I don't think changing demeanor when the cameras turn on is that egregious.  I mean, I'm a home health therapist, and I have a different phone voice for contacting my patients than I do for when I'm chilling in the office.  We all laugh at each other.  We sit around, normal voiced, having a conversation. When it's time to call the patients it's all high pitched, perky "Hello, this is Chilis, your occupational therapist.  I was wondering if I could set up an appointment for your evaluation?"  It's not fake in a malicious way, just in a circumstantial way.

There's a difference between acting differently in front of the cameras or the bachelor if you're being a nasty bitch off camera and sweet as pie on camera.  Presenting a different voice or posture because being on camera is weird and you want to come off well is an entirely different ball game.

  • Love 12
2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I asked my 20 something year old neighbour if she ever did "contouring" (something I've never done) and she said "Every day of my life".  LOL.  That's something I have no concept of!

Even when Arie was 36 (?) they still sprinkled the cast with women in their early 20s.  It was so creepy!

Have they ever had a woman around 36 or so with a bunch of early 20's men fighting over her? I haven't watched the franchise that long, but I doubt it. 

58 minutes ago, chilis said:

Yeah, I think Alayah is probably annoying, but I don't think changing demeanor when the cameras turn on is that egregious.  I mean, I'm a home health therapist, and I have a different phone voice for contacting my patients than I do for when I'm chilling in the office.  We all laugh at each other.  We sit around, normal voiced, having a conversation. When it's time to call the patients it's all high pitched, perky "Hello, this is Chilis, your occupational therapist.  I was wondering if I could set up an appointment for your evaluation?"  It's not fake in a malicious way, just in a circumstantial way.

There's a difference between acting differently in front of the cameras or the bachelor if you're being a nasty bitch off camera and sweet as pie on camera.  Presenting a different voice or posture because being on camera is weird and you want to come off well is an entirely different ball game.

My thoughts exactly! They didn't say she was mean to the other girls or had a boyfriend back home or that she didn't find Peter attractive and just wanted to be Bachelorette. If she's a little different once the cameras are on, who cares. I'm sure most people want to come across well on TV. This isn't a crime. I did however find it strange that she wanted to keep it secret that she and Victoria knew each other. That still wasn't enough for me to think she's this terrible phony woman. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Have they ever had a woman around 36 or so with a bunch of early 20's men fighting over her? I haven't watched the franchise that long, but I doubt it. 

I volunteer as tribute.  I'll be Bachelorette next and the show can be that.  I'll….. (long, weary sigh) take one for the team.  I'll……… I'll make the sacrifice.

1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

My thoughts exactly! They didn't say she was mean to the other girls or had a boyfriend back home or that she didn't find Peter attractive and just wanted to be Bachelorette. If she's a little different once the cameras are on, who cares. I'm sure most people want to come across well on TV. This isn't a crime. I did however find it strange that she wanted to keep it secret that she and Victoria knew each other. That still wasn't enough for me to think she's this terrible phony woman. 

All the stuff Sydney said about Alaya was pure gaslighting, plain and simple.  She targeted her, she got her out.  A lot of women are like this in "real life" too.  They target a woman they want to destroy, and they do it.  I know it sounds paranoid of me but man I've seen it way too many times to count.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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2 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I volunteer as tribute.  I'll be Bachelorette next and the show can be that.  I'll….. (long, weary sigh) take one for the team.  I'll……… I'll make the sacrifice.

All the stuff Sydney said about Alaya was pure gaslighting, plain and simple.  She targeted her, she got her out.  A lot of women are like this in "real life" too.  They target a woman they want to destroy, and they do it.  I know it sounds paranoid and crazy of me but man I've seen it way too many times to count.

LOL Do it! I bet it would be the dramatic, amazing season ever!

Agreed. Jealous, threatened women want to make something out of nothing. If you're shy and reserved, or even just a direct person, you may be called standoffish, cold, perhaps even bitchy. If you're smiley and friendly and positive, you're phony because no one is that happy and nice. People who want to dislike someone will always find something.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I asked my 20 something year old neighbour if she ever did "contouring" (something I've never done) and she said "Every day of my life".  LOL.  That's something I have no concept of!

I have tried it - I swear I don't have the same planes on my face as the women who do those videos. the areas to put  light/dark, the blush, then bronzer? the diagrams don't match what I have to work with.  THe end result, for me, never quite works the way the videos do.   I have read that the over-contour look is going out of style in favor of a more natural look.  Yeay -  I can do that. 

Edited by tinkerbell
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On 1/20/2020 at 9:46 PM, Arkay said:

Finasco. Ling-er-ee. Disgenuine. For-sure-ness.


And at least two said whenever when they meant when. Whenever my father died makes no sense!! You know when he died.

Peter is way too immature as a lead. I wanted Mike. And Peter mumbles. Did you see the closed caption of something like Mama mama dust when he really said a normal sentence? Hilarious!



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On contouring makeup, it's not new. I'm not new either, and it was a thing when I learned to put on makeup back in the day. I don't bother though.

I've seen every episode of this show, and Peter will go down as one of the worst bachelors because of his immaturity. I don't think he's over getting dumped by Hannah.

I really hate the social media culture. I hate no-talents constantly trying to sell themselves, and I really don't  get "influencers," but then I ignore the latest fashions.


Edited by Andromeda
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I know nothing about the pageant world. My dog once bumped her head into Miss Vermont's butt once, but in a friendly way and Miss Vermont was very nice.

I have to assume these women are trained to be attuned to the cameras even more than they are trained in dealing with some rando with a pushy dog. Whatever got Sydney so triggered, Alayah might not have been aware of.

We have seen people shut down in front of cameras on this show. Arie married one, and we thought she was DULL. So I'm not going to drag Alayah for being the anti-Lauren. She seems friendly, if maybe a little self-centered. I hope her insta is successful.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, phlebas said:

I know nothing about the pageant world. My dog once bumped her head into Miss Vermont's butt once, but in a friendly way and Miss Vermont was very nice.

I have to assume these women are trained to be attuned to the cameras even more than they are trained in dealing with some rando with a pushy dog. Whatever got Sydney so triggered, Alayah might not have been aware of.

We have seen people shut down in front of cameras on this show. Arie married one, and we thought she was DULL. So I'm not going to drag Alayah for being the anti-Lauren. She seems friendly, if maybe a little self-centered. I hope her insta is successful.

FTR I wrote this pre-coffee

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