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S24.E01: Premiere


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4 hours ago, LBS said:

Also who throws a renewal of vows for their 33rd anniversary?  Why not wait until the 35th?  Did I hear that wrong and it actually was 30.  I hope so because it bugged me more than it should as a normal human.

Even more random, it was for their 31st anniversary. His dad said something about how he's loved her for 33 years and I remember thinking to myself, "Oh, so they were together for two years before they got married." I'm guessing they just wanted a free party from the network. 🤷‍♀️

Edited by JenLily
  • Love 9
59 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

It was interesting how they grouped the appearances.  There was a spate of flight attendants, and then there was the group of vulgarians--the hairless pussy girl and the dry everywhere but there girl, and one other I (thankfully) can't recall.

Omg, they were disgusting.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry to say this but god.

  • Love 16

Yes his mother  was pretty!  She looks a little like the model  (Hannah Ann? Roseanne Rosananadana?) who got the first impression rose and is one of the prettiest girls there this year even if one of the most annoying.

It also explains part of his infatuation with Hannah Miss Alabama Brown.  He would have been brought up to think being a beauty queen was really impressive, where I was brought up hearing comments like, "What self-respecting girl would be willing to parade herself for inspection like a hog at the county fair?"

  • LOL 8
  • Love 8

My husband and I are having health issues and I did watch this shitfest last night, but didn't have the energy to post at that time due to said health issues.  Things are calmer now, and I need to go back and catch up on posts.  I was in a bad mood watching this crap BECAUSE of the health issues.  I was bitching to the TV set with my two German shepherds enduring my blabbing, but I am sick of the like word every few seconds, the damned "journey" word everywhere, the screeching from the limo pulling up to meet the bachelor.  Also, the damned gimmicks.  Suitcase girl, animal girl, airplane girl, flight attendant girls, etc.  Just get out of the damned limo and act like a lady and introduce yourself.  As I say, I was in a vicious mood with plenty of Mad Dog to get through this, but I was pissed.  Never have been a fan of Peter anyway, but not up to me to pick the Bachelor.  Then, Hannah showed up and that was it for me.  Now, I'll catch up.

  • Love 7

I'm so torn here ... I REALLY wanted to make it through this season and somehow recapture the "good old days" of the B'/ette and the forum (who else here remembers the days of Meridian and Periwinkle?)

But maybe the fates don't want me to waste my few remaining brain cells on this (though if Show Biz Moms and Dads made a comeback I'd gladly donate the gray matter for the cause) ... my Direct TV went down for about an hour so a large chunk of the intros were lost to the atmosphere, and I had trouble keeping track of who was who ...

Plus, since I have not been watching carefully the last few seasons, I only know who Peter and Hannah B are by name and Primetimer lurking ... 

I did think this group of girls/women were remarkably beautiful as a whole (and I covet the deep turquoise sparkly gown of one of the Victorias ... I believe whoever came in to "steal him for a second" even complimented her gown while she was shuttling her off stage left) 

But honestly, I'm not sure I can stomach a whole season of this ... Hannah Ann already has me searching blindly for the remote to throw at the screen every time she crinkles up her widdle nose ... 

Knowing I could come here to get recapped (as opposed to kneecapped) helped ... I may give it one more shot next week and see how it goes. 

Meanwhile, much love to the other oldies-but-goodies here who remember the olden days of when the Bachelor/ette had some morals (hahahaha). 



  • Love 13

I don't believe this crap with him and Hannah.  Why wasn't this all hashed out before the show aired.   Neither of them is ready to move on!  and they certainly cannot go back to what they had.   So why even bother with it.

All of those women are going to be compared to Hannah, no matter what they do.

Plus if you really really love someone it takes more than a year to get over it, just saying!

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I am curious. Is Hannah B a big ratings draw for ABC? The reason I am asking is because she appears to be popping up all over the network.  Won't be surprised to see her on a sitcom or playing a nurse on one of their medical dramas in the near future.

I suspect some of it is the cluster the producers and network made of her season.  She wasn't making her own decisions and I honestly don't think anyone had given her any useful information, all the in the drive for ratings.

So before she rats them out, they're giving her a 'career' showing up at anything ABC does.  It's the least they can do for her.

ETA:  I was in Australia for a week this past summer on business and had the opportunity to watch the Aussie version of the Bachelor, which was mid-season.  The same kind of hi-jinks ensues, but the women are so mature, not at all screechy, much more creative in their deviousness and the Bachelor wasn't hard on the eyes either.  Reminded me of the show in its early, early going.

Edited by b2H
  • Useful 1
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, Tatortot said:

I don't believe this crap with him and Hannah.  Why wasn't this all hashed out before the show aired.   Neither of them is ready to move on!  and they certainly cannot go back to what they had.   So why even bother with it.

Because they didn't get their scripts and roles to play until shortly before filming. Hannah can cry at the drop of a hanky, as proven by her bawling her mascara off during every DWTS rehearsal. They don't love each other, they are Fleiss fodder to make chatter, ratings and $$ for Fleiss and this POS franchise. Hannah is just Fleiss's flavor of the month (or year), although for what reason I don't have a clue. Some people somewhere must like her, just don't look at me.

@Thorkim, I'm sorry for your health issues, although your post could have been written by any number of posters here. The posters here are the reason to watch this dreck. Or even better, not watch and just read here for the snark.

  • Love 7

This three hour premiere episode was tedious and icky.  Good grief, enough with the gross, unfunny jokes and the whole, tired, windmill thing.  NOBODY CARES.  Seriously.

Nobody cares about Hannah B either.  Hannah should do three things...grow up, introduce herself to waterproof mascara and just go away.  For the love...please go away.  If this is going to be a season of her whining and crying and spinning her indecisive web around poor, dumb Peter then I'm out because I don't care about any of it and I don't want to see any of it.  So I too am going to head to the spoiler thread to find out if this hot mess is worth the waste of my time.

Edited by limecoke
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Shannon! Lovely, beautiful Shannon. I believe she was the one Alex really wanted, but she refused to join him in the fantasy suite, while the other two did. Bettina (Brad's first season) and Shannon are two of my all time favorite Bachelor contestants. In my humble opinion they are the epitome of class. Hope they are both happily married.

I am curious. Is Hannah B a big ratings draw for ABC? The reason I am asking is because she appears to be popping up all over the network.  Won't be surprised to see her on a sitcom or playing a nurse on one of their medical dramas in the near future.



I always thought for Brad bettina was the one who "got away". Shannon did do the fantasy suite but they essentially stayed up all niht talking. her reaction when given that first shocking fantasy suite card was awesome!!

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Rainsong said:

Committing to a season of TB is daunting because one feels compelled to get to the final rose (and beyond) no matter how dim the prospects – and indeed no matter how dim the participants – are.

TB is a bit like music – most of the potential for originality is gone.  And if you come up with something you THINK is original – a melody, a chord progression – you find that someone came up with the same thing many years ago.  12 notes in the Western scale and all that.

And so TB is a victim of its own notoriety but especially its longevity.  At this point everyone’s in on the joke except, perhaps, for a few emotionally unstable, insecure males and females who pretend they know it’s all kayfabe but actually lose the plot when they declare ‘I was here to find love.’  With Instagram a hush-hush contract with an agent is no longer required.  With Instagram filters a professional photographer may be surplus to requirements as well.  Cue the string of photos that are so predictable they are like those compulsory skating figures that used to be part of the Olympics.  To wit:

1) Peace sign, usually with duck lips

2) Hat of some kind worn ironically or otherwise.  Cowboy.  Big furry Russian hat.  Baseball cap.  Knit watch cap (beanie).  Men’s hat (derby/bowler, Homburg, fedora, etc.).  Bicycle/motorcycle helmet - well, at least held in hand.  Watch the hair!

3) Sunglasses worn in conjunction with #1 or #2 above

4) Evening gown

5) Pic hugging dog.  Occasionally cat.

6) Family members used as props.

7) Beach photos.  Lots of beach photos.  Hundreds of beach photos.  Photos of surf, sand, docks, seagulls, turtles, iguanas, cabanas.  But mostly photos of themselves on the beach (natch) with hair and makeup done perfectly.  As you do.  Most beach photos involve strategic poses all laser-focused on camouflaging the thigh and bum area:  legs crossed while standing with all the weight on the back foot.  Standing on tiptoes so vertiginously that a violent rupture of an Achilles’ tendon seems likely.  The captions are equally universal:  ‘This is my perfect place’….’Already missing ______’ (an excuse to post another beach photo)…and, of course, some variation on ‘This is paradise’ – but not Paradise (capital P).  That probably comes later for the truly neurotic and desperate.

My usual disadvantage in missing the previous Bachelorette season but Hannah and the powers that be have pushed her incessantly on the public via cameos.  Hannah would show up at the opening of an envelope, as it were.  But I know next to nothing about Pete except he seems as shallow as the 2-minute video package featuring his mom hogging the camera so comprehensively that the crew may still be locked in her garage.  It’s a safe bet Pete’s got mommy issues.

The video vignettes for the females begin and they are as staged as WrestleMania.  A waxer ‘who runs her own business’ (read:  she rents a space in the Lenox Salon Lofts).  Model Hannah Sluss.  Nothing against models or the name Hannah (despite its current ubiquity) but remember the old days when a Joyce Frankenberg’s agent would change her name to Jane Seymour?  Sluss is just too easy to mispronounce intentionally or otherwise.  How about a stage name?  Hannah Stevens maybe?

Hey are they using the same table set for the various families or does everyone own the same table and area rug?  Are we really using those paper cell blinds on windows in the house?  I thought they were for ‘luxury’ apartments.  I have them in my garage but…it’s a garage.

Tammy’s a house flipper.  You can tell by the perfectly manicured hands and the manual screwdriver that she’s a paint-stained contractor (eye roll).  Boys’ wrestling team?  Oh boy.  Love travel a lot?  It’s hard to redo a kitchen when you’re in Cabo.  We’re three vignettes in and already a theme has developed:  these chicks want free airfare and lots of it.  Victoria activates the Devastating Personal Tragedy (DPT) alarm and will, undoubtedly, be in floods of tears upon arrival and throughout just as she is now.  Do full-on self-respecting attorneys share offices with Daddy?  Law firms full of relatives usually scream ‘ambulance chasers’ but Flanagan|Bilton (it came up quickly in a Google search as popular searches do) are all about fighting the man – the property tax man as it were.  If you’re a public school employee look away now.

We should really add a ‘railing shot’ counter to this site/section for every time a participant approaches, leans on or otherwise touches a railing near a body of water or on a balcony.

War Eagle Madison is also about travel.  Memo to the ladies:  Pete’s a commercial pilot but he doesn’t own a Gulfstream.  Maurissa is in the medical field and was a pageant girl.  For the really dense viewer unable to grasp these subtleties a shot of Maurissa in her scrubs taking off a prop tiara is included.

At this point it’s fair to ask if center-parted hair is a legal requirement in most states.  The drowned-rat look simply won’t go away.  A glimpse at magazine covers from the 60s, 70s and 80s shows an almost dizzying progression of hairstyles, some good, most bad.  But they changed – rapidly – in the days of the landline phone and the newsprint paper.  In the era of global instantaneous high-definition stereo-sound communications, however, we can’t advance beyond cleavage – on the scalp that is.

Speaking of cleavage, Alayah has arrived with her own and a dose of double-sided tape.  She’s got cans – sorry, a canned speech and a canned letter from Grandma.  Awww.  Sydney’s from Birmingham and has some snark for her Alabama predecessor.  Dewy-eye Hannah appears again and sets a speed record running through the poses:  the head tilt, the chin drop/thrust, the shrug.  Sarah becomes a sentimental favorite merely because her hair is side-parted.  Lauren is petite and ponytailed and arrives with cod psychology and the first mention of ‘journey.’  Drink!  Victoria is overwhelmed and on an emotional knife-edge as usual even though we barely know her.  Their dance is so awkward that, in the words of Mark Twain, let us draw the curtain of charity over the rest of the scene.  Mykenna surveys TB like a rancher surveys a head of cattle.  I’m trying to imagine what kind of hell would be raised if a the male did same to a female.  Maurissa raises the ‘journey’ stakes with a ‘be true to ourselves’ and joins the chorus talking VERY prematurely about marriage.  Kelsey’s a professional clothier from…Des Moines?  Does she do a brisk trade in designer flannel and mud boots?  Ugh our first prop (except for the letter)…Eunice is a flight attendant which saves a lot of time and trouble.  She can book her own deadhead ticket and knows the procedures at the airport hotel.  Bottle of champagne and all that.  Now we’ve got a parade of flight attendants.  Jade (best looker so far especially the raven hair and mercifully free of props).  Megan and her microphone.  Eunice is nonplussed.  Madison reappears followed by Tammy (already top of the annoying list).  A neon sign for Courtney reading ‘bunny boiler’ would probably be too obvious.  But she is.  Suitcase Kiarra.  Yawn.  Lexi isn’t listed as a ventriloquist but still talks without moving her mouth at all

‘It’s like an old car!’  Well, yes, girls.  Might we expect you to recognize a Corvette?  Deandra is wearing windmill blades.  The puns write themselves don’t they?  Dutch treat?  Grist for the mill?  Millstone around his neck?  Payton is also obsessed with her predecessor – all of them seem blissfully unaware that the last thing a bloke wants to hear about is his shortcomings, failures, near-misses, etc.  Eunice is being possessive and annoying again…I sense a trend already.  Here come some more screeching ‘4 timers.’  Oh God, it’s like being back on a school bus.  Victoria’s dry sense of humor really isn’t dry and really isn’t humor but it’s better than a double entendre about a cat that we heard in ‘Are You Being Served?’ decades ago.  Speaking of marking territory when a Bachelorette talks about ‘establishing myself’ look out for claws and hissing.  Jenna and her cow remind us that TB should have at least one preemptive black rose in which he sends a no-hoper home before she ever enters the house.

Blindfold girl, name mercifully missed, gives way to Kelley who claims to be on a mission from God which is appropriate given their mutual Chicago background.  The Blues Bachelorettes?  Avonlea is almost a parody of Texas blondes including her profession but the intimidation factor when she enters is interesting to watch, as is the body language whenever individual ladies feel tense.  The right arm reaches across the face in a defensive move as the hand grasps for the hair in a self-soothing gesture.  Once you see it you can’t stop seeing it.

I needn’t have worried because Hannah B is here amidst a chorus of shrieks and screams.  ABC seems hell-bent on casting her in something, possibly Good Morning America or 20/20?

A stultifying sequence of show and tell follows.  Hannah’s fingerpainting garners her a snog.  More gasps and shrieks.  Mykenna gets hers.  Hannah Slusses (you wish you'd said it) to the buffet again successfully and is reproached but Southern girls can wrong-foot the opposition rather smoothly by agreeing with their tormentor.   Hmmm Victoria F’s dry humor seems to have dried up completely.  Instead, she’s the new Ashley I having a meltdown.

In the least surprising result since the NBA Dream Team carpet-bombed the Olympic basketball competition, Hannah gets the first impression rose.  What a performer.  The batting of the eyes, the nodding, the leaning in.  ‘I cannot believe I got the rose.’  Mmm-hmm.  Pull the other leg – it’s got bells on it.  You believe it entirely.

A mid-episode RC.  Perhaps it makes up for late-season episodes in which RCs are ‘spontaneously’ interrupted and postponed.  Tammy demonstrates that she literally doesn’t understand the word literally.  Lexi is doing her Edgar Bergen act again.  Or maybe she has an undiagnosed case of tetanus.  It’s daylight now and there’s no attempt to disguise it – which means they spent nigh-on 12 hrs shooting (and probably reshooting) the arrival scenes?

Few surprises although we can be excused for hoping that Tammy was a red herring – lots of footage and interviews and a first-night exit.  Still, we can look forward to an early departure in the next ep or two.  Sydney’s rose shows Hannah in the background letting the mask slip.  The ‘greatest love story’ McKenna?  Let’s not get carried away.

Sarah might be a dark horse.  Kelsey is in agony.  Maybe it’s from wearing heels that long.  Shame Pete can’t see the interviews or he would hear The Music Man warn us that Kelsey from River City is trouble – starts with T.  More red-herringness is avoided when Victoria F snatches the last rose.

Which means Jade, sadly, is off home.  So is Maurissa – aha!  The Red Herring revealed!  She will no doubt be asked if her passport is in order for a trip to Mexico.  Pro Sports Dancer & her Mr Bigglesworth are gone.



  • Love 2
3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Hannah bragging about sex with Peter in front of the new girls he's dating was in such poor taste. I wonder what everyone would think if a man talked like that...

I also don't get the crying over her third choice. Just let him go! I get that producers invited her on and everything, but the dramatics are all Hannah. 

I thought it was gross. And the focus on sex, sex, sex and 4) sex is just disturbing. I find it shallow and yucky. You want a relationship that lasts a lifetime? If so, make emotional intimacy a priority over sex. It feels just tawdry to me.

Obviously, I am old and somewhat stuck in old-fashioned ways (at least not televising “all the sex”).  
i would be horrified if my imaginary daughter was told she had to share a sex story in front of a live audience and on national TV.



Hannah B needs to Roll Tide and leave because she was not in the playoffs, championship game, or the top 10.

Go Dawgs! 🏈😜

  • Love 13
20 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Hannah B telling her "sex story"  was weird in so many ways.   Kind of bragging - "hey, girls, you know this guy, the one you're all competing for?  I fucked him 4 times!!  do you feel bad yet?  no matter what happens, whoever gets a rose, know this - I  had him first! oh yeah, and I might just have him again!"  

Seriously, can't she just let him have this, and give these other women a chance?   she can't make a decision to save her life.  

The producers probably put her up to it, but she should have said no. It was tasteless and unnecessary. She had her chance with Peter and she rejected him. He wasn’t even second. He was third! Go away, Hannah. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, LBS said:

A 3 hour premiere is an act of aggression against my liver!  🙂  Also aggressive? The amount of kissing on the first night.  There is something about Peter that I find off-putting.  When he put Kelly on top of the bar and tried to shimmy in between her legs during their makeout session, I was grossed out.   Granted they "knew" each other but that seemed to be a bit forceful for this early in the season.   


I thought so too. It creeped me out a little. 

  • Love 2

The whole thing with Hannah doesn't make sense. This was filmed during DWTS, and she was getting tons of national exposure and attention. Why go back to Peter? She could have easily had her cryfest on DWTS with Alan and have it work in her favor for voting. 

So, bear with me here. (Yes, thinking about this is my way of relaxing after work.)

I've always thought the 4 times thing was handled strangely ostentatiously, from Hannah's brazen declaration at AFTR (or was it MTA) to his parents' cheering. And even after the bizarre sex storytelling, Peter made the slightly odd comment of "that's how I remember it, too." It's almost like she's his wingwoman, giving him street cred.

I don't believe she wants him at all. Like a lot of women her age, she likes unattainable personality-challenged man-boys. Peter is perfectly easy on the eyes but way too normal. 

I wonder if this was simply all a ploy to bump up Peter's desirability and, of course, ratings. 

Edited by kazza
  • Love 6
4 hours ago, b2H said:

I suspect some of it is the cluster the producers and network made of her season.  She wasn't making her own decisions and I honestly don't think anyone had given her any useful information, all the in the drive for ratings.

So before she rats them out, they're giving her a 'career' showing up at anything ABC does.  It's the least they can do for her.

What is the source or proof of this? Or is this still based on some thinking the producers were responsible for how long Luke's nutty ass stuck around? Because YMMV but I think that's a cop-out for Hannah and I think she was 100% responsible for how long Luke stayed.

Hannah made poor choices on her season and she chose to pick a loser. That was all her. I'm not buying this evil producers ruined poor innocent, unsuspecting Hannah's season. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 4
On 1/6/2020 at 9:06 PM, StatMom said:

I wonder this every season: when asked if “I can steal you for a second” or some such, is the bachelor bound by some production rule to acquiesce? They never seem to refuse.

I always thought that they were asking the other woman can they come in and steal the man. But your point that they’re really asking the bachelor whether the woman can be booted off his couch is probably true. I always wondered why the women didn’t say no I just got here come back in five minutes. Does seem like the man Never says “no come back”.  It probably is deliberate and something that the powers that be require of the bachelor. Maybe they’re hoping the girls will get an a conflict I don’t know.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

I thought it was gross. And the focus on sex, sex, sex and 4) sex is just disturbing. I find it shallow and yucky. You want a relationship that lasts a lifetime? If so, make emotional intimacy a priority over sex. It feels just tawdry to me.

Obviously, I am old and somewhat stuck in old-fashioned ways (at least not televising “all the sex”).  
i would be horrified if my imaginary daughter was told she had to share a sex story in front of a live audience and on national TV.



Hannah B needs to Roll Tide and leave because she was not in the playoffs, championship game, or the top 10.

Go Dawgs! 🏈😜

Totally.👏 This show wasn't originally about hookups. They still promote it as a show meant to help these young people find true love. I know at the end of the day it's entertainment, and sex sells. But I find so many of the things Hannah & co say tacky. I guess I am old-fashioned too. A little shirtless Peter & some kissing, okay. The windmill banging, hairless cat joke, sense of humor being the only dry thing about you, those are vulgar comments to me. 

  • Love 15

I don't like Peter and I don't like Hannah. I don't believe Hannah was crying over him. She was straight out of her mess of a season. Peter isn't her type and she would never give him a second date if they first went out on real life.

Peter will not find love. He is not looking for love. 

It was very difficult to get through those 3 hours. Peter can't carry a season so the women will really have to step up.

There is nothing attractive about Peter. Nothing. All of these women, as annoying as they are, can find better. They have got to stop casting average joes and beauty queens. Peter is average and they needed to casted more average looking women who might actually consider him a catch. I don't believe any of these women do.

Hannah Ann will be queen of paradise. 

  • Useful 2
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Hannah needs some help processing her regret over her past decisions.  After dumping Jed (justifiable IMO) then going back to Tyler, then Peter, all I can see down the road is her inevitable reunion with Luke P on the next BIP if someone doesn't step in and stop her.  

Don't hate me...but Luke P is the only one she might have had a meaningful relationship in real life. Wouldn't it be something if she ended up back at square one with her top pick? Don't think it would happen but I never though Jared would date Ashley I

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, kazza said:

I wonder if this was simply all a ploy to bump up Peter's desirability and, of course, ratings. 

Oh yes, I think so.

45 minutes ago, dirtypop90 said:

Peter is average

I hate to say I agree.  And even if you think is cute, which is totally fine, he's a BOY!  He seems soooooooo young.  And I thought *Colton* seemed young!  At least Colton looks like a man!

I don't get women going nuts over him either.  I feel bad saying this, but he could have hit the gym a few times.  Women are expected to be 11/10 but Peter just like rolled out of bed.  LOL.  

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7

If I had completed all the hard work and challenges necessary to become the first female pilot for the Blue Angels (or to be any other female pilot in the U.S. Armed Forces), I would be insulted that my employer thought it was appropriate to ask me to make an appearance related to the crap that was that group date challenge on The Bachelor.

I lost count of the number of times Hannah B. dramatically replied "I don't kno-o-o-o-w-UH" to every question asked by Production or Peter, just like she did during her turn as Bachelorette.  Far from having done any self-reflection or gained any insights into herself in the months since, she's apparently still dithering over her F3 choices.   Wish Peter would tell her to shove off like Tyler did.

I counted 20 "likes" by Madison in a single conversation with Peter (before I gave up counting) about how, like, the family date was perfect, because like, she's already having like, the feels.  I hope she's not going to like, continue to go around with like, her mouth flapping open at like, everything that happens as if it's an awe-inspiring, breathtaking moment.  I've already seen enough of her tonsils to last me a lifetime.

  • LOL 2
  • Love 10
33 minutes ago, eyelash said:

If I had completed all the hard work and challenges necessary to become the first female pilot for the Blue Angels (or to be any other female pilot in the U.S. Armed Forces), I would be insulted that my employer thought it was appropriate to ask me to make an appearance related to the crap that was that group date challenge on The Bachelor.

My husband is career Air Force and he was appalled at that, he went off into a thing about how all trained fighter pilots can do the things that the Blue Angels do, but the Blue Angels can do it even better and synchronized and they all are ready to risk their lives, and an airline pilot doesn't even deserve to look at those women. etc.

I had to go back to Youtube and watch Hannah Brown break up with Luke P again.  He really was her first choice ("It was love at first sight with you Luke,") and nothing other than being criticized (for sleeping with other men days before he proposed) would have made her give him up.  Her choices were, Luke>Jed>Tyler>Peter so Peter would be  fourth choice for her.  Hannah can never blame production for her choices, she made it clear from the start of her season that it would be her way or the highway.  No other lead called everyone together for lectures the way she did.

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, dirtypop90 said:

Don't hate me...but Luke P is the only one she might have had a meaningful relationship in real life.

Oh you are not alone dirtypop90.  I think she should have stuck with Luke too (in a bold move, I'm dropping the P, since the other Luke is a complete nonentity at this point.)

In any other setting, without cameras rolling and the pressure of the fantasy suite, their theological argument/blowup could have been a one or two hour fight after which, when Hannah calmed down, they communicated their feelings, then kissed and made up and went on with their "love at first sight" romance.  He really sparked a LOT of emotion in her, both good and bad, but it seemed to be the kind of passion she was looking for.


1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

He really was her first choice ("It was love at first sight with you Luke,") and nothing other than being criticized (for sleeping with other men days before he proposed) would have made her give him up.

I read somewhere that on their hometown date, Luke and Hannah had a discussion about sleeping with the other contestants and by the time they got to the fantasy suite date Luke thought they were on the same page.

1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

No other lead called everyone together for lectures the way she did.

Deanna was good at scolding the guys en masse too. 

  • Love 7

I haven't watched this in years but the combination of being ill and an empty DVR drove me to it On Demand late last night.

How is it possible that this show got worse over the years? At one point, as the bachelor and one of the women repeated the same phrases 10 times each in a single conversation, I wondered if I was having a bad fever dream.

The one with the smeared mascara was auditioning for a scripted TV role.

But the cow was cute.


Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Oh yes, I think so.

I hate to say I agree.  And even if you think is cute, which is totally fine, he's a BOY!  He seems soooooooo young.  And I thought *Colton* seemed young!  At least Colton looks like a man!

I don't get women going nuts over him either.  I feel bad saying this, but he could have hit the gym a few times.  Women are expected to be 11/10 but Peter just like rolled out of bed.  LOL.  


I couldn't count on one hand the number of times I called Colton a baby before his season, but he's manlier than Peter! And at least Colton knew what he wanted. I have a feeling Peter is going to be an indecisive mess going off that Hannah conversation. He is going to want them all and you can't blame him because they are all out of his league.

1 hour ago, TheFinalRose said:


In any other setting, without cameras rolling and the pressure of the fantasy suite, their theological argument/blowup could have been a one or two hour fight after which, when Hannah calmed down, they communicated their feelings, then kissed and made up and went on with their "love at first sight" romance.  He really sparked a LOT of emotion in her, both good and bad, but it seemed to be the kind of passion she was looking for.



I agree with this too. He was the only one that signed up for her. They had mutual attraction, chemistry, passion. and, in real life, she wouldn't have been dating other guys, so sex with other men wouldn't have been an issue. 

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1. It took me so long to figure out who Madison reminded me of, then I finally realized it was Rose Leslie. Someone else in this thread agreed, so thank you for confirming for me I am not crazy! I know lots of people here didn't like, like her, but like I did like how she said that she wants him to find love and hopes it is with her but she gets it. Maybe she's not crazy? Still, this show has a reverse onus on proving crazy -- all contestants are presumed crazy until proven sane.

2. Agree with everyone saying Peter was Hannah's fourth choice (after Luke, Jed, and Tyler) and that this whole angle is dumb. I thought it was rich that Hannah was saying that her choosing Jed at that time was a bad choice and that she was falling into old patterns and choosing something comfortable. I see she is retconning her decisions. Just say you didn't have the facts and were wrong! No one cares about your ego! Couldn't tell you how many times I told Hannah to get off my TV during this episode.

3. Peter has mid-key slept with 100+ women. Is this an issue? Not in a vacuum, but for this show? Yeah, when I don't believe he's here to settle down, the women constantly make gross sex jokes, and Hannah comes on and somehow outsleazes everyone.

4. Kelley looks like Cher, and that is certainly no compliment. I don't know why they are keeping up this charade that her and Peter had some sort of meet cute in the lobby when we know they had a drunken one night stand. After all the gross references why cover that one up? Probably because she makes it far. 

There's a lot about Kelley I am disliking. Her cheating on the obstacle course is one of them, but I probably dislike Peter more for it. Now look, I know this may be a silly thing to get sanctimonious about, but how in the heck can one justify going straight through an obstacle course after an entire group of competitors grinded their way through multiple obstacles? I really wish one of the girls had brought it up with Peter.  I personally would find that type of behaviour extremely unattractive. I don't know if Peter thinks she is being 'bold', but it seems like that word is code for 'rude' a lot of the time. Let's see if Peter enjoys how 'bold' his new girlfriend is when she brings home a puppy without consulting him, or runs off with his AMEX card, etc.

Finally, her one possible redeeming quality was her education level and career, but upon further review...  graduating from a meh law school and working at daddy's firm? Colour me unimpressed.


Edited by el diego
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I had to go back to Youtube and watch Hannah Brown break up with Luke P again.  He really was her first choice ("It was love at first sight with you Luke,") and nothing other than being criticized (for sleeping with other men days before he proposed) would have made her give him up.  Her choices were, Luke>Jed>Tyler>Peter so Peter would be  fourth choice for her.  

I *knew* I remembered Peter being 4th choice for a reason.

5 minutes ago, el diego said:

3. Peter has mid-key slept with 100+ women.

Wait what?  Seriously?

6 minutes ago, el diego said:

4. Kelley looks like Cher, and that is certainly no compliment.

LOL.  Her big, rubber face creeps me out!

Especially since like @tennisgurl pointed out, a lot of the women this season are quite pretty.

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, el diego said:

There's a lot about Kelley I am disliking. Her cheating on the obstacle course is one of them, but I probably dislike Peter more for it. Now look, I know this may be a silly thing to get sanctimonious about, but how in the heck can one justify going straight through an obstacle course after an entire group of competitors grinded their way through multiple obstacles? I really wish one of the girls had brought it up with Peter.  I personally would find that type of behaviour extremely unattractive. I don't know if Peter thinks she is being 'bold', but it seems like that word is code for 'rude' a lot of the time. Let's see if Peter enjoys how 'bold' his new girlfriend is when she brings home a puppy without consulting him, or runs off with his AMEX card, etc.

Or steals a  dress and then tells the  store security she hadn't expected the rules to be all that strict. I  don't like her looks either, but I really didn't like Peter who was willing to take the cheater over the girl who played fair because he was feeling hornier for the old one In the moment.  I always admire the Bachelors who kind of keep control of their crowd  and don't let the bullies win.  I thought Brad was pretty good about that, or maybe I'm forgetting again.

  • Love 13
27 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Wait what?  Seriously?

I should clarify, this is purely speculation on my part. I used the term 'mid-key' because although it has not been said anywhere (so not 'high-key'), I think it is pretty apparent he is a bit of a hound dog (so not 'low-key').

I would say I am on the lower end of partners for guys my age, but I am still shocked that some of my friends are around 80-100. It is a much more attainable number than I thought.

10 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

Or steals a  dress and then tells the  store security she hadn't expected the rules to be all that strict. I  don't like her looks either, but I really didn't like Peter who was willing to take the cheater over the girl who played fair because he was feeling hornier for the old one In the moment.  I always admire the Bachelors who kind of keep control of their crowd  and don't let the bullies win.  I thought Brad was pretty good about that, or maybe I'm forgetting again.

Totally agree with your analysis re: why he let the cheating slide. Mrs. Diego and I were both up in arms about it and I said to her, "Well you know why he didn't say anything -- he likes her."

Edited by el diego
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Oh you are not alone dirtypop90.  I think she should have stuck with Luke too (in a bold move, I'm dropping the P, since the other Luke is a complete nonentity at this point.)

In any other setting, without cameras rolling and the pressure of the fantasy suite, their theological argument/blowup could have been a one or two hour fight after which, when Hannah calmed down, they communicated their feelings, then kissed and made up and went on with their "love at first sight" romance.  He really sparked a LOT of emotion in her, both good and bad, but it seemed to be the kind of passion she was looking for.


I read somewhere that on their hometown date, Luke and Hannah had a discussion about sleeping with the other contestants and by the time they got to the fantasy suite date Luke thought they were on the same page.

Deanna was good at scolding the guys en masse too. 

Deanna was so livid that the guys enjoyed hanging out with each other rather than her. and she was so clearly not over Brad it was crazy. I always wonder about the lawyer, Jeremy who was so devastated when she sent him home.

  • Love 2

Peter.  Does he really like women?  He isn't that great looking, for one.  Ladies, that hairline is already receding.  He has zero sex appeal.  And a terrible actor.  The tears in the limo after being rejected by Hannah from last season?  I see where he gets it though -- his dad is a horrible actor as well.  There were no tears when he "chooked up" during the farce of a vow renewal. And hey, let's make a mockery of vow renewal by bringing one of many ladies you just met on a first date!  

Hannah is a better actress.  Don't believe the tears at all.  

The vocal fry on these ladies!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I *knew* I remembered Peter being 4th choice for a reason.

Wait what?  Seriously?

LOL.  Her big, rubber face creeps me out!

Especially since like @tennisgurl pointed out, a lot of the women this season are quite pretty.

YES!  Big rubber face, for sure.  Does she have fillers in her cheeks?  Whatever the fuck she is doing, she actually looks more like a 45 year old with plastic surgery.

  • LOL 2
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14 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Totally.👏 This show wasn't originally about hookups. They still promote it as a show meant to help these young people find true love. I know at the end of the day it's entertainment, and sex sells. But I find so many of the things Hannah & co say tacky. I guess I am old-fashioned too. A little shirtless Peter & some kissing, okay. The windmill banging, hairless cat joke, sense of humor being the only dry thing about you, those are vulgar comments to me. 

Yes, that pretty much nails it.  VULGAR.  The show has become more vulgar over the years.  A sexual encounter between two people does not need to be discussed openly with other potential partners, or on a tv show watched by your family.  The constant sex references make it seem like this is no longer about finding "love", whatever that is.   It's about a bunch of women competing to see who gets to bang Peter in the fantasy suite.  And the one who out-performs the others gets a ring.  

  • Love 10
52 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

Deanna was so livid that the guys enjoyed hanging out with each other rather than her. and she was so clearly not over Brad it was crazy. I always wonder about the lawyer, Jeremy who was so devastated when she sent him home.

I loved how the guys on Deannas season had more fun with each other. Once, she stomped down to their compound while they were playing basketball, and they all looked like they were disappointed that the scold came down the hill to interrupt their fun. 

  • LOL 4
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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Peter.  Does he really like women?  He isn't that great looking, for one.  Ladies, that hairline is already receding.  He has zero sex appeal.  And a terrible actor.  The tears in the limo after being rejected by Hannah from last season?  I see where he gets it though -- his dad is a horrible actor as well.  There were no tears when he "chooked up" during the farce of a vow renewal. And hey, let's make a mockery of vow renewal by bringing one of many ladies you just met on a first date!  

Hannah is a better actress.  Don't believe the tears at all.  

The vocal fry on these ladies!

My god mother swears peter is in the closet. She watched this ep and his Gma interview and you can’t convince her he likes women. 

i Do think there was something odd about his interactions with the women. Did anyone notice he wasn’t nervous at all? Who isn’t nervous about meeting 30 women? He was acting a lot and I agree there were no actual tears when he was talking to Hannah but his voice was breaking up. I can’t figure him out. 

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