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S07.E10: Everyone Hates Kate


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I wouldn’t like waiting on anyone like that.  The day they went to the elephant sanctuary they were waiting for her and she came out looking like she just rolled out of bed.  She likes the tousled look.

The elephants were adorable.

Brian is quite the dish.  Hope he keeps his eyes on Courtney.  Where the heck did those 2 girls come from?  Are they hired dancers?

Edited by Emmeline
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3 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Kate will outlast all of them.

Supposedly there was an ad in the trades looking for a chief stew.

The best thing for this franchise would be if they replaced either Kate or the Dud of the Sea. Preferably both of them. You can provide fan service by bringing back other popular crew members to provide continuity.

Both Kate and Captain Dud have gotten unbelievably arrogant and nasty. You saw it perfectly illustrated in this episode.

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You saw Kate in all her glory when she put down Simone and than ran to gossip with Courtney so she could build the two against one faction that is her modus operandi every season.

You also saw her true bitch come out when she was throwing fresh laundry on the filthy floor in front of the Captain. She disrespected the work done cleaning and ironing those uniforms as well as the supposed dignity of the Dud of the Sea.

I was really disappointed in Brian for apologizing. You shouldn’t have to apologize for telling the truth. 

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Kevin was an asshole taking the wine out of the walk in refrigerator.  I still think someone who knows Kate was in his ear before the season even started.

Laughed out loud when someone commented he had a dad bod at the pool.

Kate shouldn't have thrown the clothes on the floor, but I can see how she is over the frat boy, asshole behavior of the male crew members.

Tanner is a black out drunk,which isn't a good thing.  He didn't remember texting Simone to come to his bed.  And the dancing with those skanky  looking dancers was just gross. And to say he's being interrogated because she didn't like him talking about their private time to the rest of the crew.  Finally, I think his mom keeps calling him so that she can be famous like Collin's mom.   Except Tanner and his mom, it's just icky.  Joking about getting hookers pregnant.  Yuck!

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Simone you’re sleeping with someone who has the emotional intelligence of an ant, I wouldn’t expect too much from him. I had no sympathy for Kate crying after she was called out on her crap by both Brian and Ashton. The same way she can make fun of and bully others, is the same way she can be told about herself. Brian, Courtney is Kate jr. so of course she didn’t have your back.

Edited by spunky
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6 minutes ago, howiveaddict said:

Kevin was an asshole taking the wine out of the walk in refrigerator.  I still think someone who knows Kate was in his ear before the season even started.

Laughed out loud when someone commented he had a dad bod at the pool.

Kate shouldn't have thrown the clothes on the floor, but I can see how she is over the frat boy, asshole behavior of the male crew members.

Tanner is a black out drunk,which isn't a good thing.  He didn't remember texting Simone to come to his bed.  And the dancing with those skanky  looking dancers was just gross. And to say he's being interrogated because she didn't like him talking about their private time to the rest of the crew.  Finally, I think his mom keeps calling him so that she can be famous like Collin's mom.   Except Tanner and his mom, it's just icky.  Joking about getting hookers pregnant.  Yuck!

I agree with your entire post!!  I'm almost convinced that Kevin is related to either Rocky or Caroline, or they got in touch with him somehow, or he just binge-watched and formed a pre-conceived opinion and is sticking with it.  Either way, he just doesn't like her and no matter what happens, it's not going to change!  Hey - maybe he's worked with Leon somewhere, making girls cry and laughing about it together!!  

And, yes - Rhylee was right - Kevin does have a dad-bod - compared to the other guys, he looked a little "dough boy-ish" around the middle.

Tanner and his MOMMY will never, ever, match up to Collie and his adorable Mom and Dad.  Tanner is a creep (Colin was adorable!); Tanner's MOMMY seems waaaay too involved in her baby's life - Colin and his parents just seem to have a fantastic relationship.

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Kate does what she wants because she is the teacher’s pet and can disrespect him to his face and he won’t do shit. She runs the whole boat and treats everyone except her toadies like shit and wonders why nobody can stand her.

I think she was so upset because she was ineptly flirting with Brian because she was shit faced drunk and Rhylee and Courtney both are after him and she felt left out. Rhylee is a two face as she pretends to be on Kate’s side but then disses her to Simone.

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Tanner’s mom...wow. That baby voice, “oh Tan! I miss you so much! Don’t get any hookers pregnant!” Ewww.... rather strange lady. 

Tanner is a real douche and very immature. But he’s good looking so Simone is back in his bunk. Eh, we were all young and dumb once, whatever. 

Brian is really hot AND he’s a stand up guy. A total catch. Lucky Courtney! 

Kate looked bizarre in those shots of her getting ready in her cabin. Bony body, gigantic, inflated lips, yikes. She’s a rough one, appearance and personality. 

  • Love 21
4 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

Kate looked bizarre in those shots of her getting ready in her cabin. Bony body, gigantic, inflated lips, yikes. She’s a rough one, appearance and personality. 

Her lips looked really big in that scene, she needs to stop messing with her face.  She shouldn't have told Courtney what happened with Simone that's  unprofessional.  But that seems to be her thing she always has one stew on the outs.   

Tanner and his mom were trying too hard, tone it down.  Tanner's gross and disrespectful and Simone is just stupid. 

I don't know how they consume so much alcohol.  They were drinking at 10;30 in the morning to well after sundown, no wonder they have ridiculous arguments all the time.

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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Kate was wrong several times in tonight's episode - she doesn't get to be late because "she's the highest rank on the ship" - being late is rude, whether you have one stripe or four, or even if you're a captain.  I hate lateness!!  

She also was wrong with discussing Simone with both Courtney and Rhylee, but it seems that BD follows along with the typical reality TV requirement - we must see gossip-fueled drama on every episode!  While I usually like Kate, this is one thing that I do not like about her - she does seem to like to pit one stew against the other, or she chooses a favorite.  

Simone is bad at her job, but that doesn't empower Kate to be gossipy and unprofessional. Would Kate have said "you're a bad second stew" if Simone hadn't specifically asked. I don't think so. For reasons unknown, Kate seems to be unusually passive aggressive with Simone and hoping Simone will figure things out based on little digs and eyerolls. That's not how you lead or manage people. If Captain Lee had used this strategy with Chandler, Chandler would have stayed on the ship for the full six weeks with the bosun rank, but Ross would have done the job and Lee would have told everyone with ears about what a shitty bosun Chandler was. That is a chaotic and ridiculous way to lead and manage people. Simone is a bad second stew, but Kate is being a bad manager. Kate has been a chief stew long enough to know better. And throwing the crew pants on the floor like a dyspeptic cat just confirms to the brüs that she's the problem they think she is even though Kate hasn't really done anything to the crew of the MY Misogyny.

Kevin isn't a great chef. He's not that interesting of a personality positively or negatively. It's sort of interesting watching Kevin pull a Kate with Kate. He's not as witty as Kate, but he's being bitchy, gossipy, and passive aggressive about all things Kate. These are classic Kate moves. It's a little curious.

Tanner is a jerk and Simone needs to learn some self-respect. 

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Random but since when is being a "yachtie" a negative thing? I remember a few seasons back when the temporary bosun who Nico hated (can't remember his name) said he was a yachtie for life and sounded really proud about it. I feel like Brian was being way overly sensitive and immature about Kate saying that. I did think it was nice of him to come back and apologize though, it sounded sincere.

Also, I can NOT stand Tanner's mom's voice. It's like she's trying way too hard to be cutesy, and frankly it was just disturbing when she said to "not get any hookers pregnant" in that baby tone.

Edited by sara1025
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4 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Isn’t this the same elephant sanctuary that the real housewives of Dallas went to? Good it’s getting exposure and bravo gets a twofer!

Different sanctuaries this one was in Phuket, the Dallas women went to one closer to Bangkok.

The uncomfortable chuckles when Tanner made his “joke” about his mom always telling him not to get someone pregnant from Brian and Kevin was amusing given that both have children with women who they are no longer in with but what was up with Tanner adding that his mom ending that with “not again!” 
I hate when people are late but at least according to time stamps that started bitching before Rhylee and Kate were even late which is also annoying.

Kate should stop bitching to her one stew about the other but at least this had to do with Simone’s work and not her personality or Kat’s weird martyr complex about Amy not liking her for sleeping with a dude she was quasi involved with when she came to visit her. 
just like Kate needs to stop bitching to Courtney, Ashton needs to shut the fuck up bad mouthing Rhylee to Brian and Tanner.

Kevin might be rivaling Leon in least favorite chef territory. 
the look on the djs face when he was busy sopping up the water when one of the brus splashed it and was saying how awesome it was with everything.

Edited by biakbiak
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 Disjointed thoughts;

Thank god for the elephants, because without their appearance my favorite part of this episode was the quizzical and then dismissive look that Capt. Lee gave to the piece of lettuce sitting atop his lunch before he tossed it aside.

I have decided I want to be Courtney when I grow up...Too bad I'm just about old enough to be her mom.

The whole "yachtie" spat was so silly. When Kate uses the word, Brian very politely ( and drunkenly) kisses her hand and asks her not to call him that. She wants to explain why he should not be offended by it, but does so by repeatedly using the word. She says she would call herself a yachtie..what would he call her? And then he says he would call her a bitch. That went south in a hurry.

Watching Kate getting ready to go out made me wonder...do people who use lip injections get some sort of dysmorphia? To me they look ridiculous (Particularly in real life) when not done in a very subtle way. Hers are pretty bad...not Rinna bad, but bad nonetheless.

Edited by elsie
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I generally like Kate but she was wrong.  She's the chief stew; she sets the example for others.  Brian was wrong for telling her she was a bitch but that doesn't give her the right to take it out on everyone else.  (Not to mention that Brian did apologize and Kate should have accepted that apology and moved on.)  

I think Brian is probably the most decent guy there and he's a hard worker.  I think Ashton is a hard worker as well but he needs to pack away Smashton.  

I honestly thought Ashton and Rhylee were heading into hookup territory and it terrified me.  For Ashton's sake.  Dude, you can do better.  

Did my ears deceive me or did Rhylee say that Kevin had a dad's body?  Girl, compared to Kate, Simone, and Courtney you yourself have a dad's body.  I hate to body shame anyone but since Rhylee opened that door, she has no room to talk with those legs.  

Hope Courtney keeps an eye on Brian since Rhylee is clearly on the prowl.  She's really gross.

Speaking of gross, Tanner is disgusting.  Simone, he didn't apologize to you so much for blabbing deets of your intimate moments together as playing some CYA since he got caught.  And have some self-respect, girl!  He texts you for a booty call, don't respond!!  It would be fine and good (I guess, if you're into cigarette mixed with alcohol mixed with vomit breath) if Simone didn't have a case of the feels for him but she does so she needs to cut him off.  

Kevin doesn't offend me as much as he seems to others but he really needs to quit badmouthing Kate.  

Loved, loved, loved the elephants.  I'm with Courtney - - they are amazing animals.  What an awesome experience they had.  

I do wonder why Kate got the bulk of the ire about being late when Rhylee was also dicking around and just as late as Kate was.  People who always run late, with no excuse, get on my last good nerve.  Very rude and inconsiderate to keep others waiting. 

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40 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Speaking of gross, Tanner is disgusting.  Simone, he didn't apologize to you so much for blabbing deets of your intimate moments together as playing some CYA since he got caught.  And have some self-respect, girl!  He texts you for a booty call, don't respond!! 

Simone does not realize that we teach people how to treat us and when he texts her she is confused as to his level of interest in her vs. his level of wanting booty.  She seems very naive.

42 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Loved, loved, loved the elephants.  I'm with Courtney - - they are amazing animals.  What an awesome experience they had.

Bravo took the RHOD to Thailand and visited an elephant sanctuary, it was a very different experience, mostly hands off, no romping in the water, I would love to have the BD experience, do we think that either group donated any money to the sanctuary they visited?

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46 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

She's the chief stew; she sets the example for others. 

Kate has been the mean girl all these seasons, usually targeting one of her stews to make their life miserable so she has to get as good as she gives and feel the sting, maybe this is her rude awakening. If she thinks Simone made her department look bad, Kate is misinformed, it was Kate acting like a child throwing clothes on the floor and jumping out of a moving van.  Why wouldn't Capt. Crunch call her out and talk to her in private?  Anyone else behaving like that gets the "someone's going home" speech.

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Does wine get skunked the same way beer does when it's cold, gets to room temp and is put back in to get cold? If so, that's a real dick move by Kevin, despite him saying he wasn't trying to be a dick. If he had a problem with the wine being in the walk-in (which seems ridiculous but whatever), he should have left the wine refrigerated, explained it and asked the girls to move the wine out of the walk-in. I don't understand why the wine had to be removed at that moment, when they were leaving for the day and no guests were on board. I assumed Kate wanting to get it back in the fridge meant it does get skunked and becomes unserveable. Such a waste of money that isn't his. And why exactly didn't Simone and Courtney move it in that time? They were all waiting around for Kate and Rhylee (which was ridiculous and disrespectful) and the guys could have helped and had it done. 

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10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Team Kate.  Captain Lee has worked with Kate for years.  He knew there was something going on because it was 'off'. 

I am, too, although she shouldn't have thrown the clothes on the floor or purposely been late.

During the day at the resort, she was sunning and staying out of the way while the guys torqued themselves up to be pissed off at her.     Then, at the end of the day when everyone is drunk and starting even to feel hung over and tired the clash happens.  It's as predictable as the tide.

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