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  1. I don't think this is a spoiler, just my speculation... Seems like Gus's plan is to kill Lalo when Lalo jumps bail down to Mexico. He plans to make it appear Lalo's enemies will kill him. So Gus must have had prior knowledge that Lalo's enemy would get word on the 7 mil cash and try to rob it. Hence he sent Mike down to keep an eye on the transport by Saul. When that robbery was attempted, Mike took the rivals out.. So I am thinking that the stage is set for Gus's plan that Lalo's eventual killing will appear to be revenge of that rival gang. My question is how will Saul explain all this to Lalo? He is going to have to explain the delay and what caused him to be stranded and Lalo would have to get word that a bunch of bodies, vehicles were found at the drop site, Lalo is going to want to know who was shooting to protect Saul?
  2. This is old twilight zone FX combined with Christmas Carol storyline.
  3. I'm trying to understand this... So Simone is the "Jackie Robinson" of BD and if she excelled then perhaps the yachting world, BD, whatever would hire more Black folk... But since she was not "Allstar" quality there is systemic race rules that prohibit hiring more Black folk because Simone didn't pass the litmus test.??? Does this rule apply to seemingly incompetent White folk????in this yachting society? Of course not because we've seen streams of them... I'm just looking for clarity on this point.
  4. Very strange to me however, that aside from the episodes in the beginning highlighting those issues, NO MORE was pointed out on subsequent charters... So I have to assume she improved enough for Kate to stop bitching about Simone's performance toward the end of the year.. Moreover, on those subsequent highlights of charters Simone seemed quite competent in carrying out her duties.
  5. Can't, won't state that the issue Kate had with Simone was race based. Let's say it was her just being a bitch to Simone... So if that continued for the season, then I could certainly see that Simone would have disdain for Kate. I find it commendable that Simone was at least respectful to Kate face to face and continued to do her job and NOT be confrontational as past "stews" have with her.. because that generally doesn't work out for Black employees.... I don't see why the "Kate heads" seem to hate Simone because Kate over the course of time treated Simone poorly and Simone vented her frustrations in talking heads only.
  6. This I agree with.. She really is a good sports journalist but has no barometer when it comes to pushing too far which is why she ran out of chances at ESPN.. But the over drinking and especially the need to have a penis cake was just tacky on her part.. C'mon Jemele..., keep it classy.
  7. For the persons who are NOT Black born in America (I am) let me give a little education. At times in life we have had to hope for quality"service" that should be afforded in same way that other races might get... It doesn't always happen that way. If in fact we are allowed to even enter a bar or restaurant or club (which is not always a given) we are met with cold attitudes, indifference and rudeness. Sometimes we are even asked to pre-pay when others don't. So right or wrong, at times when someone doing their service to us as a guest is demonstrating that behavior, our radar goes up. It is sad, and certainly it is not something we look forward too but you can either respond with walking out or confronting the issue. I suspect Jemele and her crew was feeling that with Kate as the footage shows she is doing that bitchy, pyscho attitude thing and I believe Jemele took the proactive necessary approach to either get clarification on the problem or nip it the fuck in the bud then and there to get some corrective behavior. I mean Jemele and guests were on a yacht so there was no way to remove themselves from there, so the confrontation was the option.
  8. Kate seemed real uncomfortable and especially assholish from the get go with these very gregarrious sisters... i will give her the benefit of the doubt and chalk it up to the shit that has been happening (which she is complicit in and not just a victim) and not something else uglier. I also find it disgusting that she is still degrading herself by letting Tanners dick inside her with all the total disrepect he has demonstrated toward her
  9. I have always been conflicted with Kenya.. I always want to cheer for her because 1) Aesthetics.. my superficiality kicks in and I can't help admire the physical package that she is. 2) She seems to have a good brain, 3) She has a strength of going it alone. However.., I think she is "touched" by an evil gene.. Not to say she is evil, but will do some evil things. I don't think we will ever know if she is truly this manipulative, messy person in real life or if she is playing that role simply because she figured out that is what she is supposed to do for the show. Problem is anyone doing that has some problems in my opinion. I don't think Kenya will ever find a real partner in life because she is capable of turning her humanity on and off and doesn't give a damn about the repercussions. That is why she is like a "venus flytrap" for men.. She can lure them in with her aforementioned assets and then can "black widow" them after they have served her or cease to be useful. So.., I've stopped trying to figure out "WHY" Kenya.. Because in my opinion she is doing it in a calculated fashion to keep the controversies going forward.
  10. I think some sort of case can be made for all of the wives/doctors on this show as to having some form of mental "disturbance" but I feel for sure Buffie and Contessa demonstrate it more than I have seen. It was damn frightening to watch that out of nowhere absolute breakdown by Buffie this episode. I imagine the ill advised, rude announcement from Jackie was a "trigger:" but there has to be a shitload of other baggage that came based on the Jackie trigger. I did not see how Jackie came to know about Buffie's infertility but if it was because Jackie is her OBGYN, and Jackie announced it like that my first thought is a Malpractice lawsuit against Jackie based on Doctor/Patient privacy. HOWEVER.., then i remembered these people are on a freaking reality tv show and it was apparently at some point brought up on this reality show by Buffie, so all her bs about any breach of confidential matters is moot because Buffie..., TV SHOW. Then Contessa out of nowhere went all Captain America, almost slapping her and telling her.. "You will not freak out on my watch soldier..." Which absolutely did not work and was out of place and it doesn't seem like Contessa knows her like that anyway. But I am thinking more and more that Contessa has some type of mental issue which I just can't pinpoint because she has these "victim" , "nobody loves or appreciates me" " I see I am alone in all this".. "I am going to be Surgeon General" after going to what seems to be some type of "Univ of Phoenix" for profit night school.... episodes.. Damn I would steer away from her as any type of doctor if i needed Medical Help.
  11. On the Sia money.. I agree that it is her money to dole out how she sees fit. No question. I don't even think there is malice or racist intent in giving Jamal $15 and the other 2 $100k. However, my immediate thought on the optics (as a Black man) is that it makes it LOOK like she significantly looks at a Black man as less value.. AGAIN.. I am not saying that is her intent. But because she did so, we now have this race discussion on the matter. I am sure Jamal would not agree but I think she would have been out of any heat for not giving Jamal anything at all.. She didn't have to and I certainly would not have cared if she didn't. That would not have posed a problem period.
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