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  1. They both said that they dm/text each other's friends and neither one has a problem with it, because they always tell each other, and they both have full access to each other's phones. As for children she said on her podcast that she always knew she wanted children she's just scared. While she loves and appreciates her mother, Dorothy wasn't emotionally available/emotionally supportive during her childhood. She's terrified of doing to her children what her mother did to her. Chris has also confirmed that she always has an excuse because she's scared of repeating Dorothy's mistakes.
  2. To this day Chris still says that he owned the restaurant, I think Candiace goes along with that story so that he doesn't come across as a liar. Chris said both children wanted to be on camera last season. Then the cameras came and his daughter froze. Hence Candiace saying "she's just shy", so that she could gently usher her away from the cameras.
  3. She said on her Chris' live that she was wrong for the uterus comment. She's also said multiple times on and off the show that she's doing IVF because she doesn't want children right now, but she's perfectly capable of getting pregnant naturally right now if she wanted to. She's freezing embryos so that she has a backup plan in case she can't get pregnant later on when she's ready.
  4. She started her hair business after leaving the Obama administration as an intern. Dorothy for whatever reason wanted her to work, while she was in college. She has two salon suite locations in the Atlanta area, where people rent suites from her. She said the townhouse was an investment property, which is why she was okay with Chris living with her and not contributing to the mortgage. However her new home was purchased from her and Chris' joint bank account. She said on her podcast that she has two accounts that both her dad and step-father opened for her as a teen. She uses those accounts for her business ventures.
  5. What I gathered is that she originally wanted to be a political correspondent, hence her undergraduate degree in journalism. Somewhere down the line she decided to focus on her true passion which is her entertainment career. She's still doing things in the political realm. She's working with Congress to create legislation requiring that health insurance companies cover fertility treatments, whether they're required or elective. She said on her and Chris' live last night that she spent $30,000 on the first round of IVF that did not take.
  6. No problem. She mentioned it on her podcast last year. I don't see the problem with her mother helping her either. Not every parent is like Todd over on RHOA who thinks that his child has to struggle, because he had to struggle.
  7. Candiace said working was a requirement for her parents to pay for college, so she got a hostess job. She later got a promotion to a director's position, with Chris as her supervisor. Which was one of the reasons she turned him down when he first asked her out. As for her mother helping her, I don't know why some people are acting like she just sits at home while her mother pays her bills. Her first home was an investment property with her mom, which they then sold for more money. When she first came on the show she already had her hair business and her pagent consulting business. She also invests in real estate by purchasing, flipping, and selling houses in Atlanta, has a salon suite business with her family, but she keeps these businesses off of the show.
  8. Mia was making the lies up as she went along. I would have been laughing too because she sounded ridiculous tripping over her own lies. Candiace ate Ashley up about the house. Ashley made derogatory comments about Candiace's generational wealth, meanwhile she has to depend on "Sir-Grabs-A-Lot". I really wish Chris hadn't reached out to Gizelle. Now she's using that as ammunition. Also I'm glad Candiace did not accept her apology. She said in an interview she was done with Candiace, but it seems like Candiace is the one who's done.
  9. No one seems particularly likable this season, maybe it's just me. However I'm Dom's side when it comes to Mac's living / constantly moving across the country situation. He moved from the Mid-West to California, and then to Nashville. Doesn't want to commit to a lease but could commit to marrying a stranger. It sounds a little suspicious to me. Someone mentioned on Twitter that his moving timeline seems to match the show's timeline.
  10. Interesting! I didn't know that his ex said anything to the media about him. From what I've seen on his lives he doesn't seem very fond of her. Then again he's a chef and from what I've heard most chefs are arrogant and temperamental.
  11. I think his temper may have a lot to do with his various employment situations. I can't find the comment now, but someone on Twitter basically said that the anger we see from Chris on social media and on the show is nothing compared to how angry he can become. Candiace "jokingly" confirmed it and Chris straight up admitted it.
  12. I honestly think that Ashley still believes she's in pagents and she has to compete against fellow pagent girl Candiace. Candiace's home cost around $1.5 million, and has around 5 or 6 bedrooms. Ashley decided to look for homes in the same price range with the same amount of bedrooms. The only difference is if Candiace were to leave Chris tomorrow, she could still afford her mortgage. Ashley has to walk on eggshells because she's still dependent on Michael.
  13. Ashley is just beyond miserable. Go enjoy your screaming child and your $13k a month mortgage. Why did she feel the need to antagonize Chris at Candiace's event? So Chris most likely lost his job at the hotel due to these disgusting women? Not Bravo shading Mia and Robyn,lol. After this season I'm officially over this show. When I was growing up in the Caribbean we called the pedal pushers.
  14. Mia isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, if she believes Wendy is jealous of her. I was cracking up at Candiace saying "this is the best food we've had so far" after all the chaos erupted. I'm tired of these husband accusations. I'm just ready for the reunion at this point.
  15. All these couples seem mismatched to me. Mackinley's mom didn't even try to reassure Dom that her race would not be an issue. She side stepped the question while still looking uncomfortable. Meanwhile Mackinley is having a deeper conversation with her mom.
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