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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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52 minutes ago, Daisy said:

Carly leaves a sad message for Monica. She thanks Monica for Jason.


50 minutes ago, Suicidy said:

 I don’t know why some people are obsessed with this nonsense that couples have to be the exact same age.

It's not an obsession - rather a preference.  If two people click - then great - age or gender shouldn't make a difference.  Liz and Ava are two actresses on the show that could eke out chemistry with a plant. 

Ava (hate the character - love the actress) has been in relationships with Morgan and NuNic.  In between she had a relationship with a serial killer.  Her best scenes - jmo - in the past half decade have been with Julian and Scottie - middle aged guys.  (G-d strike me down - even her scenes with Sonny were more natural than her scenes with Morgan).

When an actress like KS (Maxie) is paired with someone her age (Spinelli, Levi, or Nathan) - or even with someone who is older (Peter) this viewer doesn't even want to watch.  It comes down - jmo - to acting chops. As a character, Maxie comes across as a whiny, petulant spoiled brat and is unattractive no matter who she is paired with and seems incapable as an actress to generate 'heat' with a partner. The age of her beau doesn't seem to make a difference as she failed to strike any chemistry with Peter who is a bit older than her.  

On the other hand, Amanda S (Brooklyn) can sleep with Julian/Valentin without me thinking twice about the age difference.  TBH, I can't stand Maxie but since Brooklyn's arrival, it just seems to make KS even a weaker actress.  YMMV.


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5 minutes ago, sunnyface said:

On the other hand, Amanda S (Brooklyn) can sleep with Julian/Valentin without me thinking twice about the age difference.  TBH, I can't stand Maxie but since Brooklyn's arrival, it just seems to make KS even a weaker actress.  YMMV.

I don't know if it's the acting or the writing for Maxie or a little bit of this and little bit of that. Sometimes it feels like KSt's acting hasn't changed since she was Belle on Days and the writers insist on writing her as a complete flake at times.

And yes, writers, I'm sure that the invisible James will remember Drew.

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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Why does the scheduling of an EEG require a formal announcement to Liam's parents? Oh, right, it's a soap opera.


It was almost like she was a real neonatologist that they gave a cameo, because they basically waltzed the Dr in and then she left and Britt said she would be the go between person.

1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

FFS, tell Valentin what's up and make him Bailey's godfather.

I think Maxie should tell the truth and then move in with Valentin somewhere because he loves Baily and can afford protection. I hope Maxie was off to tell Anna and Valentine or at least Mac but it is probably something stupid like going to tell Austin.

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24 minutes ago, Blackie said:

I think Maxie should tell the truth and then move in with Valentin somewhere because he loves Baily and can afford protection. I hope Maxie was off to tell Anna and Valentine or at least Mac but it is probably something stupid like going to tell Austin.

Valentin and Anna were still at the Q mansion when Maxie took off.

Maybe she was on her way to the hospital to murder Peter, in which case, she has my very full support.

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3 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Valentin and Anna were still at the Q mansion when Maxie took off.


They had walked out the front door before the scene of Maxie taking off. Maxie was in the kitchen (?) so she would not have known that Anna and Valentin left, so it doesn't make sense that she was going after them, but the timing on this show is whack so who knows what we are supposed to think.  I hope she was going to fess up to Mac.

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Anna and Valentin can't protect anything from Peter. They have had years to deal with him, especially Valentin. Peter told Valentin everything he had done and he let Maxie put on that bag of a wedding dress anyway.

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I'm confused about the Drew/Maxie interaction. Why would her kid be happy to see Drew? 

Granted I stopped watching the show for a while, and missed James' birth and Nathan's death but were they ever even friends? 

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When they were lamenting "Jason is gone and he's never coming back" I had to laugh.  Hasn't he already come back from the dead once?  

I would hope in reality that no mother would be kept away from her newborn in such circumstances.  

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50 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Peter told Valentin everything he had done and he let Maxie put on that bag of a wedding dress anyway.

Valentin wouldn't do anything to protect Maxie but he loves Baily like his own daughter so maybe he would make more of an effort for her.

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8 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Because he's very old and it's gross, to paraphrase Buffy Summers. That's all I got.

There’s a 15 year age difference which, while not the norm, is certainly not unheard of. But also, “he’s very old”? He’s 52. I’m… offended?  (Read the room. 😉)

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9 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Because he's very old and it's gross, to paraphrase Buffy Summers. That's all I got.

The actors and the characters are 12 and 15 years apart in age, respectively. Seems like a very tame scandal.  

7 hours ago, Daisy said:

that moment you realised that I actually grew up w/KS via television exploits

And I can remember Jason (and therefore Drew) being born. It was yesterday, LOL.

Some of you upthread were talking about the neonatal doc's "cameo" and it reminded me that she did the cliche thing where the doctor is asked how a loved one is doing and he or she puts on an expression that in real life would only mean "didn't make it. flatlined. gone. deceased-orama!" But in soaps it's just a suspenseful setup for the commercial. It drives me nuts.


Edited by Auntie Velvet
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Awesome to see that because some random woman steps out of the elevator and asks Peter's guards to step away and give them privacy, they all shrug and do so. Jesus God. 

Are they maybe gonna have Carly and Britt become close so that when Sonny pairs up with Nina and Jason comes back, he has to choose between them. 

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I can't stand BL and Chase. I wish Valentine would take Bailey and go live at Windermere. 

Maxie was so right he should be told instead of this stupid Chase plan. 

Carly says she's going to see Monica? Monica doesn't need you.

Lol at Austin taking blood from Peter. 

Edited by Artsda
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It depends on the doctor. Less likely in a hospital but my old g.p. trained in Europe and she always took my blood in her office. If Austin had worked in a small town, he might be used to taking blood instead making his patients travel out if town to a lab.

Making Peter hurt would be an irresistible bonus.

6 hours ago, Hater said:

Maxie and Drew were kind of decent. 

And Maxie was unusually adult in their conversation. I could see them together if the writers can continue  to write Maxie as an adult.

3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Anna and Valentin can't protect anything from Peter. They have had years to deal with him, especially Valentin. Peter told Valentin everything he had done and he let Maxie put on that bag of a wedding dress anyway.

No one could have stopped Maxie from putting on that dress and marrying Peter at that point.

It took Anna and Valentin far too long to stop making excuses  for Peter and see him for who he really is but now the scales have fallen from their eyes. And while they seem curiously incompetent in killing him, at least they know now how dangerous he is.

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8 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

If Carly wants to unleash all the snarly on someone, she's got the perfect target in Peters. He almost killed Sonny and he killed her beloved Jason. 

I actually laughed when I saw that Peter was strapped to the wheelchair. I mean let's not take any chances with him escaping. And Austin jabbing him with the needle did make me happy, although that's absolutely nothing like Peter ordering Drew to cut himself with a knife. So really, Austin should've just stabbed Peter in the throat.

I did not care for the Maxie/Drew scenes and I'm absolutely annoyed with her. I don't care if Maxie would do it all over again because she has her daughter, I'm tired of her rambling on about the lies. Hey, Maxie, if you'd listen to those closest to you when they told you that Peter was bad news, maybe things wouldn't have gotten this far.

If there was a chem test between KTs and CM, I think that was a failure and Drew apparently still loves Sam.

Day 5 since Jason "died." And Carly is still crying over him. Can we just move on from the sainted Jason already. And Drew saying may he rest in peace? Sorry dude, someone like Jason has a better chance at burning in hell than reaching the pearly gates. 

Still don't care about Brando and Sasha, though the Sonny/Brando scenes weren't bad. Sonny is scared of teenage girls. As you should be.

Great, Michael is back on Monday, looking as greasy as ever. I know they have showers at the five star hotel you were staying at, Michael. They also have running water, shampoo and soap. Please make me happy and go stand next to Chase, you greaseball.

He flat out needs to cut his hair.  None of this is a good look for him.

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A baby should not be called Liam Mike because ending the first name and beginning the second name with the same letter is awkward.

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3 hours ago, Corvino said:


To what end, though? Valentin doesn't know that BL is lying about being the mother. She told him he's not the father and no DNA test will change that.

Also, did that baby look too young for her supposed age? 

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15 hours ago, ulkis said:

he let Maxie put on that bag of a wedding dress anyway

Maxie was going to put on that bag of a wedding dress no matter what. Continuing to defend Peter while everyone else was telling her he was bad news is entirely on Maxie, no one else.

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I'm so over every time an actress is pregnant they automatically make the character pregnant, even if it makes no sense for the storyline they're currently in.  I think the only time they haven't gone to that well in the last decade was for Emme and that's only because they would have to recon the whole "Lulu has no eggs" plot point.

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Why nicknames for both names though?  William Michael Cobrin would be a boss name.  Liam Mike makes the parents sound like children.  Then again, one is named Brando and this show thinks Rocco is a name so...

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also, did that baby look too young for her supposed age? 

So not just me. I thought that she looked about 3 months old when she should be around 6 (?) months now.

I wouldn't put it past Brando and Sasha to give the baby an actual middle name of 'Mike' rather than Michael.  But just start calling the kid 'Liam' now when you're talking about him. There's no reason to prop Sonny and his family every chance you get.

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1 hour ago, ouinason said:

Why nicknames for both names though?  William Michael Cobrin would be a boss name.  Liam Mike makes the parents sound like children.  Then again, one is named Brando and this show thinks Rocco is a name so...

to be fair, Liam is also a very common name in Ireland. (and apparently it has Hebrew cognitions). I know that it's usually short for William (and i think William Michael sounds awesome and more sense than Liam Mike).

Rocco is also an italian/germanic name LOL. 

Don't worry. I'm not gonna defend Brando. 

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I've already had enough of the powerful warrior Liam Mike. He can be tocked any time now, Show

Grinch is usually my default position but if you've ever spent time in a real NICU... 

If they are going to tock the kid, I wish they would have done it already.  Doing it during the holidays is just kicking someone when they're down. 

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9 minutes ago, tessaray said:

Grinch is usually my default position but if you've ever spent time in a real NICU... 

If they are going to tock the kid, I wish they would have done it already.  Doing it during the holidays is just kicking someone when they're down. 

I’m so curious what TPTB think they’re doing with this story. Dragging out this baby’s death seems unnecessarily cruel, especially with all of the anvils. At the same time, I doubt viewers are invested enough in Sasha or Brando for the baby surviving to be poignant. I know I for one would think, what was the point of that story?

I do believe the baby doesn’t survive and it’s Brando’s excuse to become Sonny’s new enforcer which causes some desperately needed conflict with Sasha. They’ve been hitting us over the head with these scenes of Sonny playing his mentor already.

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18 hours ago, Blackie said:

Valentin wouldn't do anything to protect Maxie but he loves Baily like his own daughter so maybe he would make more of an effort for her.

Sure but my point is it isn't like Valentin has proven to be some super tough guy. He has Anna going around scolding people for him.

Edited by ulkis
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7 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I do believe the baby doesn’t survive and it’s Brando’s excuse to become Sonny’s new enforcer

if he does that. I hope Brando gets shot in the head on his very first gig and dies because while i don't mind the guy i just don't want to seee another main-cast enforcer (which funnily enough people will be all "Brando's good but you know he's not...."

10 minutes ago, ffwbe said:

I’m so curious what TPTB think they’re doing with this story. Dragging out this baby’s death seems unnecessarily cruel, especially with all of the anvils. 

me either. like. maybe it's supposed to let us get invested in them or something like we see them go through this tragedy and we grow closer to the couple or something. which would be a good story beat - but the thing is they haven't really done the work to even have us be interested in them to begin with. Like. alli know about Sasha is that she dated michael and losing him got her into drugs for like 2 seconds and then she screwed Brando once and got insta-pregnant. All i know about Brando is that he's baby Jason but he actually has emotions and uses his words. truthfully having this baby is pointless 


2 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

I'm so over every time an actress is pregnant they automatically make the character pregnant.

honestly. just re-deploy the big bag/big potted plant, they are always behind a desk strats. hell just have them pregnant and have everyone just ignore it.  For me, I'm not really against having pregnancy storylines on the show  - but i would like it to make story sense at least, or they are doing something akin to  "Hey let's do a social issue" ie: teen pregnancy, abortion, a real troublesome pregnancy (like i know for the most part people have childrens in their 40s++ now - but lets be real, spina bifda should have been the least of Donna's issues and they made it magic-disappear). Not to mention they are creating a big DOOL problem by basically having most of this generation related to each other so it's like... whatever. 

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17 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Awesome to see that because some random woman steps out of the elevator and asks Peter's guards to step away and give them privacy, they all shrug and do so. Jesus God. 

This always cracks me up. My favorite version is when EMTs wheel a critically injured person onto the floor: “We need to get him to surgery right away!” Loved One rushes forward: “Wait, I need a few moments to weep and wail over him!” EMTs step back, hands clasped: “OK, sure, take your time.”

8 hours ago, Corvino said:

A baby should not be called Liam Mike because ending the first name and beginning the second name with the same letter is awkward.

A baby should not be called Liam Mike because it’s a dumbass name.

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I've already had enough of the powerful warrior Liam Mike. He can be tocked any time now, Show.

LOL. The brave and powerful sword-wielding defender-of-the-universe nonsense was a bit too much. Can’t one of them have a name that means Sniveling Paste Eater?

And as to your second point, yes please.


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18 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

There’s a 15 year age difference which, while not the norm, is certainly not unheard of. But also, “he’s very old”? He’s 52. I’m… offended?  (Read the room. 😉)


I thought I was, since the question was about the posts regarding the age difference and how Mathison's Drew is too old for Storms' Maxie. He's only a sliver younger than I am since we were born in the same year, but that seemed to be the general tone.

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3 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Brando said "Mike for Michael" but then, for fuck's sake, say his name is Liam Michael and add "his middle name is for Mike."  Liam Mike sounds so dumb. 

Maybe it sounds better in full - Liam Mike Corbin.  Definitely shows a connection to Mike Corbin that way.  

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5 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

To what end, though? Valentin doesn't know that BL is lying about being the mother. She told him he's not the father and no DNA test will change that.

Also, did that baby look too young for her supposed age? 


   Well, if I were a man, emotionally invested in a kid, and a woman told me she had been sleeping with me and another guy around conception time and the other guy was the father, I'd want to know how she knew which of us it was, and not just take her word for it (especially when we had no love relationship and I couldn't trust her word) but get it proven for sure. And of course what I really want is to see his reaction when he finds out Brook Lyn is not the mother.

Yes, that was one tiny, tender baby for the eternity she's been around!

Yes, I remember when Sarah Brown got pregnant right after Carly's pregnancy storyline where she had Michael with A.J. while with Tony. With all the fuss about Michael's paternity and how at two weeks old he couldn't stand his father and HAD to be cared for by his zombie uncle, they couldn't possibly have Carly get pregnant again so soon, so they shot around her belly for a while and then bundled her off to a psychiatric facility till SB was figure-appropriate again. They certainly should do things like that with the next three pregnancies by current actresses; we have a baby glut right now and it has to stop.

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I mean since they chickened out with Donna they should do the birth defects story.I remember Nancy on hollyoaks going into premature labor and it caused her son to be deaf and they actually use sign language when the kid is onscreen.

I don't get why they always write pregnancy storied in there's been so many pregnancies on hollyoaks for example and none of them are written in.of course those actors get like s year off for maternity leave too lol.

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1 hour ago, ffwbe said:

I do believe the baby doesn’t survive and it’s Brando’s excuse to become Sonny’s new enforcer which causes some desperately needed conflict with Sasha. They’ve been hitting us over the head with these scenes of Sonny playing his mentor already.

I can totally see this happening, but Brando hasn't shown to be pining for the mob life, so it's also a bit OOC. I guess if Gladys bullies him into it, as she has in the past, he'll do it.

28 minutes ago, Corvino said:

And of course what I really want is to see his reaction when he finds out Brook Lyn is not the mother.

That wouldn't come out during a DNA test for paternity, of course. I don't think Valentin will care that BLQ isn't Bailey's mom, especially if it comes out with the entire story. It might soften his feelings toward her—she was protecting Maxie's baby from Peter—but the fact that she lied about being Bailey's mom is kind of beside the point, IMO. It's not as if BLQ and Valentin were a couple.

Viewers are sophisticated enough to separate an actor from the character, so I say the next actress who gets pregnant should be pregnant IRL and not on the show. There's no need to go to dramatic lengths to hide things. Julia Louis-Dreyfus was pregnant with her second child during a season of Seinfeld and the show didn't do anything particular to hide it, and no one had conniptions that Elaine had a big stomach. You don't make a big deal of it and people don't care.

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20 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

she did the cliche thing where the doctor is asked how a loved one is doing and he or she puts on an expression that in real life would only mean "didn't make it. flatlined. gone. deceased-orama!" But in soaps it's just a suspenseful setup for the commercial. It drives me nuts.

And then back from commercial does the other soap trope of, oopsie my pager went off, must run off without telling you the terrible thing that might be wrong with your newborn.  Bitch please, tell me what I need to know, then go off to answer your page.  


6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also, did that baby look too young for her supposed age? 

Googled it and Louise was born May 27th so she should be six months old.  That baby wasn't 6 months old!!


5 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Emme and that's only because they would have to recon the whole "Lulu has no eggs" plot point.

And we wouldnt have gotten that Nurse's Ball, pepto bismal, gigantic curtain dress they forced her to way to hide the pregnancy, which was stupid since the entire viewing audience was fully aware of it.  


2 hours ago, ffwbe said:

Brando’s excuse to become Sonny’s new enforcer

Which is better than giving that job to Drew, cuz you know they really, really want to do that.  

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:
21 hours ago, Blackie said:

Valentin wouldn't do anything to protect Maxie but he loves Baily like his own daughter so maybe he would make more of an effort for her.

Sure but my point is it isn't like Valentin has proven to be some super tough guy. He has Anna going around scolding people for him.


My original point is that Valentin has the money to buy a house and security to protect them but now I can't remember if he even has money. I guess now that he is a Cassadine again he will have access to money. I agree he doesn't have the braun to protect them, he will have to contract that out.


ETA: My husbands name is William (blank) but he has always gone by (blank) but I guess his parents thought it sounded better to be named Willam (Blank). He is just in the process of changing his name just to (blank) because it is a PAIN when your ID's don't all match especially now with travelling and vax passports etc. So I am OK with Liam Mike if the intention is to call him Liam.

18 minutes ago, perkie1968 said:
7 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also, did that baby look too young for her supposed age? 

Googled it and Louise was born May 27th so she should be six months old.  That baby wasn't 6 months old!!


so funny that they use one size fits all babies for age newborn to 1 year. She was super cute though!!

Edited by Blackie
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Anyone else think the Q's kitchen looks awfully cozy and too small for the rest of the house? I had no clue where Maxie and Drew were running into each other initially as (a) I don't think we have ever been shown the Q's kitchen and (b) while nice, I'd have expected something a whole lot bigger and much less cozy for the Quartermain mansion. It's a mansion. It really should have a massive kitchen. And if Cook doesn't like people interfering in the kitchen (as we have heard time and again over the years), the kitchen really shouldn't have a window seat and kitchen table with chairs.

I'd like to know why we had a close up of the vial of blood that Austin drew from Peter. That seemed like a strange detail to show.

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7 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Anyone else think the Q's kitchen looks awfully cozy and too small for the rest of the house? I had no clue where Maxie and Drew were running into each other initially as (a) I don't think we have ever been shown the Q's kitchen and (b) while nice, I'd have expected something a whole lot bigger and much less cozy for the Quartermain mansion. It's a mansion. I


YES!!!!  I thought it was just me because I sometimes miss days. So not only did I have to think about how well Maxie and Drew knew each other (if at all) , I had to try to figure out where the heck they were.

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9 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

I'd like to know why we had a close up of the vial of blood that Austin drew from Peter. That seemed like a strange detail to show.


Also I was notlooking closely and did not rewind to check but it seemed to be pointing the wrong direction. Usually when blood is drawn the needle is inserted pointing towards the shoulder. so it is a combo vacuum tube and gravity to fill the vial. It looked like the tube was the other way so it was filling  "uphill". Also Austin's technique 😒

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21 minutes ago, Pingaponga said:

Anyone else think the Q's kitchen looks awfully cozy and too small for the rest of the house? I had no clue where Maxie and Drew were running into each other initially as (a) I don't think we have ever been shown the Q's kitchen and (b) while nice, I'd have expected something a whole lot bigger and much less cozy for the Quartermain mansion. It's a mansion. It really should have a massive kitchen. And if Cook doesn't like people interfering in the kitchen (as we have heard time and again over the years), the kitchen really shouldn't have a window seat and kitchen table with chairs.


They first showed it with Michael and Willow a while back and I thought it was a super cute kitchen for the gatehouse. But then Olivia was roaming there on another day so it couldn't be the gatehouse. Finally I read somewhere that it supposed to be a Breakfast Nook in the mansion and the Main Kitchen is somewhere else.

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8 minutes ago, Blackie said:

It looked like the tube was the other way so it was filling  "uphill".

It was!

I wonder if they showed it so that we knew Austin wasn't just using Peter as a pin cushion, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Just now, nilyank said:

it supposed to be a Breakfast Nook in the mansion and the Main Kitchen is somewhere else

That makes sense, though the Qs used to have a breakfast buffet in one of the sitting rooms. Oh, budget cuts.

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15 minutes ago, Blackie said:

Anyone else think the Q's kitchen looks awfully cozy and too small for the rest of the house?

I'm pretty sure that's not the kitchen, kitchen but a type of breakfast nook for casual meals like breakfast.  We saw it a few days ago when Dante checked in on Olivia and it's the same room where Michael proposed to Willow (but she said hell no, you wussy mama's boy.....okay maybe that part was just in my head)



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7 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

While I hate baby stories I hope they don't kill Liam off especially around Christmas time that's just too sad.


Who do they think the are Downton Abbey or Call the Midwife ?!!

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I was hoping that once the two antivax dead weights were gone stories would pick up, but the pace seems so slow to me.

Peter, “Bailey’s not your daughter”, “Tick or Tock”, “I’m your father“, “Presumed Dead”, “Back from the Dead”, “Sonny or Mike” Neverending...!

Or maybe I’m just... bored?

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Except for the bogus arrest/charges (which wil go away soon), I don't think that Nina has really suffered or been embarrassed for prolonging for the audience the Nixon Falls storyline for six more month.

So I am doubly amused when she has scenes with Peter and he reads her for filth for her behavior trying to start a romance with no-memories Sonny

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