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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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On 6/18/2021 at 6:33 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

Best scene: Chase telling Violet how much he's loved being her Uncle.  I welled up.  JS has been doing a really good job of late, which makes me feel even more for the character. 

Gonzo may be 71, but damn, he's still a fine looking man!

On the first point, I teared up as well. I loved at the end of the ceremony when Violet was like “yay it actually happened!”.  Ha!

On the second point I was just saying the same thing to a friend last week. Whatever his age, that is one good looking man!

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Watching the tease for tomorrow, Brook Lyn
"you need to nip this lie, in the bud right now."

dude where was this logic i dunno, before Weeping willow got married?!

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At my college, freshman* were required to live in the dorms. No off-campus apartments. But colleges are different, PCU can have whatever rules the writers want it to have.

*I assume those who still lived at home were exempt, but I honestly can't recall anyone I knew who lived at home. They surely existed.

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Well thank goodness for Gonzo, who told Chase straight up. Finn with his cryptic clues was NOT helping. As if telling Chase that he was his brother after all-that’s why it didn’t work, and acting as if the truth would cause him to regress.


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Today's episode was kind of sweet.  Gregory/Chase/Finn had some nice moments, bonding between Jordan/Portia and Curtis/Taggart (yay for friendships) and the soapiness of Nik/Ava's angst and Maxie's longing for her baby.* Liz is going full steam ahead with feelings for Finn.

I thought that Anna going after Peter was the start of FH's vacation but not if Valentin is going with her.

I could get to like the Jason who tells Cameron it's okay and is willing to bury rhe bodies for Liz. It's when he gets close to Carly, Sonny, and Sam and becomes St. Jaysus that he's intolerable.  CarSon ruins everything.

* For super soapiness, Maxie's milk should start leaking with all the emotions.

1 hour ago, Melgaypet said:

At my college, freshman* were required to live in the dorms. No off-campus apartments. But colleges are different, PCU can have whatever rules the writers want it to have.

My university had 30,000 students (at the time) across 3 campuses so being able to live in the dorm especially in the downtown campus was a highly sought-after commodity.

Although I'm not sure how the students react to someone having a bodyguard because her stepfather is a mob criminal.

Edited by statsgirl
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Yesterday's Show

Joss and Carly casually shooting the breeze about mob business. Carly should be horrified that Joss can talk so casual about this-if not Carly, Jax should be freaking out. 

Also "You are a caring, thoughtful, indivdual," Carly to Joss. 
Yeah just ask Trina and Cam about how caring and thoughtful she is.

Cam and Jason - i love how adult Cam is being about this, and Jason was like. 'meh it's fine." (because it's Jason) but what drives me bananas is that Jason 100 percent would have killed Franco - no regards to Jake's feelings - if he felt he was a threat to be taken out We know it. He knows it. Elizabeth knew it so making Cam feel guilty about assuming something that could have happened drives me nuts

Sam's top. Why?
Maxie needs to tell Dante/Sam everything before this blows up in her face. It will be kind of interesting if part of Maxie's stress is also due to her having some sort of Post Partrum? (like though in reverse? is there such a thing? maybe i am being dumb). 

Elizabeth: Chase Might Live!
Willow and Micheal look like they just smelled the yuckiest fart on earth. 




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If only Willow and/or Michael had been eavesdropping when Gregory told Chase that he was his bio father. Nothing happened! Chase didn't instantly flatline. He's an adult. Definitely! (Heh.) So those nitwits need to treat him like one and get it over with. Ugh.

MW was back to her anger-shriek, and I have not missed that one bit. I was only half-listening to Ava and Nik's argument, so I don't quite understand why they had to split. Why wouldn't Ryan (or whoever it is) go after Nik anyway? Is Nik really safe if he's not around Ava?

It's too bad Maxie and Elizabeth aren't better friends, because then Elizabeth could tell Maxie that Peter won't be bothering her anymore. Maxie will be relieved he's dead. Now that I think about it, Maxie and Elizabeth haven't ever talked about Peter killing Franco, have they? 

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I get that we all want these characters to talk and such because it would make things so much easier, but I feel that here and other places that discuss GH (and probably other soaps) are forgetting a key thing:

These characters are going through a lot of shit right now. (Which makes sense.... they are characters in a soap opera. They should be.)

Let's take Elizabeth and her timeline and relationships. Someone on another board has been ranting about how awful she is because she hasn't dared apologized to him yet for believing he killed Franco. (Obviously prior to this week.) This poster didn't take into account that until a day or so in the show's timeline, Jason had not even been in town since Elizabeth had found out the truth.  And in the time since she had found out, she had been working with Finn to save a man's life, while continuing to sublimate her grief over her husband's murder and while covering up the murder of the man who *did* murder her husband.

And, again, Jason wasn't even in Port Charles until a day or so ago.

Now let's take Elizabeth and Maxie. Sure, Elizabeth feels bad for Maxie having lost her daughter, but Elizabeth and Maxie are not friends. Far from it. Faaaaaaar from it. Twice over. Maxie was a big part of one of the times that her relationship with Lucky ended. Maxie enabled Lucky's drug addiction, while having an affair with him and faking a pregnancy with Pillowena.  Also, Elizabeth was very, very good friends with Matt Hunter (*sigh* shoulda been more), and had a front-row seat to all of the hell that Maxie put him through with her wishy-washy relationship feelings or not, including being inadvertently responsible for sending him to prison for Lisa Niles' homicide. Elizabeth is not now, or likely ever, going to just buddy-buddy and confide in Maxie about anything.

So again, timelines, character histories and relationships, etc. matter.  I know that for us we know these secrets and info and it makes sense to us that A character tells B character etc. etc., but time moves differently on the show, and these characters do have histories, relationships that the writers might actually remember sometimes. And, again, soap opera, angst, drama, keep the ooh! Cliffhangers, shocks, going. :shrugs:

Edited by driver18
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The Chase family has squirmed their way into my cold dead heart. Those were some great scenes today. 

I hated the character and am glad he’s gone, but damn the conclusion to the Peter arc is some great soap. So many characters are being pulled into the story in interesting ways. I was actually excited that Jason is a player now, because his connection to Britt can connect Liz and Finn’s coverup back to Maxie.

Do we know who’s stalking Nik and Ava? When Ava name dropped Spencer, Nik seemed to pause with some sort of realization, and I shouted at my screen “it’s obviously Spencer doing this!”

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40 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

Do we know who’s stalking Nik and Ava? When Ava name dropped Spencer, Nik seemed to pause with some sort of realization, and I shouted at my screen “it’s obviously Spencer doing this!”

My guess is Hayden. She has plenty of reason to want revenge on Nikolas, and with the show revisiting Nik’s attempt to have her killed in the Shawn storyline, plus Liz and Finn heading for romance, it’s a perfect time to bring her back.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

MW was back to her anger-shriek, and I have not missed that one bit. I was only half-listening to Ava and Nik's argument, so I don't quite understand why they had to split. Why wouldn't Ryan (or whoever it is) go after Nik anyway? Is Nik really safe if he's not around Ava?

Ava isn't worried about Nik, she's worried about Avery. The fact that someone could get into Avery's bedroom and plant a teddy bear with Ryan's voice means that whoever it is, he can hurt Avery.  Ava figures that it's Ryan and if she breaks up with Nik and is single again, Ryan won't go after Avery. Nik can handle himself.

The stupid part is that they didn't say to each other "Just till we catch who did this".

The other stupid part is dropping breadcrumbs that it's Spencer behind it. He got on fine with Ava till the lawsuit business but that's moot since Nik is alive. It makes no sense for him ro put this much energy into breaking up Nik and Ava.

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1 hour ago, absnow54 said:

Do we know who’s stalking Nik and Ava? When Ava name dropped Spencer, Nik seemed to pause with some sort of realization, and I shouted at my screen “it’s obviously Spencer doing this!”

Yesterday when Avery brought in the Mystery Talking Teddy Bear and it said, "I can't wait to be with my family" I said it's Spencer.   I'll be shocked if it's anyone else.

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40 minutes ago, dbklmt said:

Yesterday when Avery brought in the Mystery Talking Teddy Bear and it said, "I can't wait to be with my family" I said it's Spencer.   I'll be shocked if it's anyone else.

That’s what I think, too. If there’s anything Spencer hates more than a townie, it’s Ava. He’s also supposed to be some sort of miniature genius, so he would be able to figure out how to fake the Ryan voice. And assuming the goal was to split up Nik and Ava, his plan succeeded.

Of course, I hope I’m wrong about all of this. Because if correct, Spencer is bound to show up on our TV screens any minute now. And none of us deserve that.

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12 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

At my college, freshman* were required to live in the dorms. No off-campus apartments. But colleges are different, PCU can have whatever rules the writers want it to have.

*I assume those who still lived at home were exempt, but I honestly can't recall anyone I knew who lived at home. They surely existed.

At my college that was 'true' as well and my parents were very invested in having me have the college experience.  I lived in the traditional dorms, non traditional dorms, and in on campus apartments et al and really mostly enjoyed it but among people I went to high school with it was a thing getting out of the living in the dorms requirement.   

When Joss was talking about choosing to live at home via the dorms my very first thought was, 'Oh, please, Carly would have had her out of that requirement and into a luxe apartment the day her acceptance arrived."   

I was gobsmacked at the idea that Carly expected her daughter to live in the dorm.  

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Thanks for the info, @statsgirl. I was thinking Nik was the target of Ryan's harassment, but of course it makes more sense that Ryan would use Avery to get Ava to immediately bend to his will. (I'm using the name Ryan as a stand-in for whoever it is.)

Spencer is a little turd, but I can't imagine he'd be that cruel as to use his little stepsister/cousin like this, even against Ava. If it's really him, someone needs to shoot him into the sun. It's bad enough he was never punished for fixing Laura's mayoral election. (I'LL NEVER FORGET.) This would really be beyond the pale.

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Today was good soap! 

We got that nice Chase family moment. We got that little bit of flirtyness between Liz and Finn, with Liz prompting Finn to reconnect with his dad, bringing us another nice Chase family moment. 

At this point, I'm hoping the Ava/Nic stalker is Spencer, because for it it be an adult (like Hayden) would be too cruel. 

Sending Ava's kid a bear that talks with the voice of the guy who killed her other daughter is a serious mind f*ck, so anyone besides Ryan ( or a troubled kid inspired by Ryan) is unredeemable IMO. ( Maybe the undead Morgan?) 

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11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It's bad enough he was never punished for fixing Laura's mayoral election. (I'LL NEVER FORGET.)

Speaking of which, when is Laura's term up? With her recent...actions, she'd be up for a fight if seeking reelection. And that twatty turd isn't in town to fix it.

I'm certainly shocked with morons for parents, that he's some genius.

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10 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Speaking of which, when is Laura's term up? With her recent...actions, she'd be up for a fight if seeking reelection.

Whenever they run out of ideas for Laura, most likely. I wonder who they'd have challenge her. Felicia is rarely dragged out of the vet's closet, and unless it's some dark horse, no other character seems at all interested. 

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11 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Whenever they run out of ideas for Laura, most likely. I wonder who they'd have challenge her. Felicia is rarely dragged out of the vet's closet, and unless it's some dark horse, no other character seems at all interested. 

Ned could try again, now that he's told Olivia and Brook Lynn how ELQ isn't that important anymore! I jest, because you are so right.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

It's bad enough he was never punished for fixing Laura's mayoral election. (I'LL NEVER FORGET.)

That fucking brat should be in juvenile hall with all the other "townies." 

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It's gotta be Spencer and Ryan working together. Remember that we saw Ryan receive a letter from Spencer when Ryan was at GH so we know they are most likely in cahoots. I just don't see how this doesn't give us Spencer as a dark Cassadine. It could be because it's their way of moving Nikolas out of that role.

I'm very curious to see Spencer coming back because I just don't see this Spencer as not a recast. I can't imagine Nicolas Bechtel playing the role still with this turn. And if it is Spencer taking this dark turn -- and not Frank's fave playing him -- then maybe the mayoral "hijinks" will finally come to light.

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5 minutes ago, driver18 said:

It's gotta be Spencer and Ryan working together. Remember that we saw Ryan receive a letter from Spencer when Ryan was at GH so we know they are most likely in cahoots. I just don't see how this doesn't give us Spencer as a dark Cassadine. It could be because it's their way of moving Nikolas out of that role.


I think the letter was sent to Spencer and returned back to sender. Now Spencer could have contacted Ryan later, but I would hope that Spencer would know better than to trust his father's life at the hands of a crazy obsessive serial killer.

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1 hour ago, nilyank said:

I think the letter was sent to Spencer and returned back to sender. Now Spencer could have contacted Ryan later, but I would hope that Spencer would know better than to trust his father's life at the hands of a crazy obsessive serial killer.

Was it? I didn't realize it was returned to sender. Ah, OK.

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On today's show.....

Liz apologizes to Carly for not beleving Jason and the two comiserate about losing husbands.

Chase is all, 'yeah I'm alive, by the way, I can't feel my legs"

BLQ tells The Boringtons to tell  Chase the truth ASAP.  They wring their hands than Willow heads to the hospital only to find out that chase can't walk.

Brando announces to TJ and Molly that he and Sasha are pregnant, which makes me go huh?  Until TJ reminds me that Brando and Molly slept together that time that TJ was kidnapped but it's all good now. Also, Molly gives TJ a 5 month anniversary gift (didn't they get married Valentine's day which was 4 months ago?).  The gift, a mug with their picture on it because apparently she's 10 and giving her dad a father's day present.  I can safely say that in 25 years, I've never given my husband a cup with our picture on it.  I've given him one with the kids's picture on it, from them, but not one from me because,.... yeah.

Alexis gets the paperwork about Judge Carson's decisions and she and Shawn find out that the judge was harsher on defendents of colour.  

Britt and Jason have some flirty, flirty almost kiss that's interupted by Carly's need to talk business.  

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Show, no matter how many times people say it, I cannot believe that Sonny was a business genius.

This must have been General Hospital: the gaslighting edition. After the terrible things Carly said about Franco after he died, bonding with Liz in her griefis the height  of hypocrisy. Alex's crime is nowhere near as bad as Shaun's so don't try to tell me that it's a race issue.

Sasha is like 7 months pregnant so why is it a thing that Brando announced it?

BH did a really good job with Liz's grief and KT is working hard to give Jason some life.  Chase having residual paralysis from the toxin actually makes  sense.

Edited by statsgirl
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Dammit, Liz, why did you have to go out of your way to apologize to Carly? Making amends with Jason was absolutely necessary but she doesn't owe Carly anything. Good for her for being the better person I guess but man I'm tired of Carly receiving treatment better than she'd ever give.

They're really just gonna chain Chase to that hospital bed in order to drag out this Chase/Willow/Michael hell for the next eternity, huh? BLQ should really just expose the whole charade herself and be done with it. She's the only one who seems to respect Chase enough to be honest with him and the only one with the guts to put the other two chuckleheads out of their misery.

Britt and Jason charmingly flirting only to be interrupted by Carly sure feels like a bad omen for their future relationship. Come on, show, prove me wrong. Let Jason stand up for his right to a personal life independent of Carly. It's going to be so pathetic if he indulges her shit at the expense of the good thing he's got going with Britt.

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1 minute ago, Linny said:

Dammit, Liz, why did you have to go out of your way to apologize to Carly? Making amends with Jason was absolutely necessary but she doesn't owe Carly anything. Good for her for being the better person I guess but man I'm tired of Carly receiving treatment better than she'd ever give.

And then to have Liz say that she blamed Jason because secretly she was hurt that he never accepted Franco is PATENTLY ABSURD. Um, no, Liz and Cam blamed Jason because Jason was found at the scene of the crime, had valid reasons to despise Franco, and Franco convinced Jason to take him out if the brain tumor ended up returning. Which it did. It is laughable how this show bends over backwards to make it so that Jason (and Carly) never face responsibility for their actions or the consequences for those actions - where is Cyrus' mom these days? - and everyone in town always ends up apologizing to THEM for having rightful emotions about the behavior THEY started. 

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We better not get Chase eventually hiding his legs work again just to keep dull, cold, Willow, like Al and Jenbot on OLTL. But we probably are because that's how stupid this show is. Is BLQ not gonna speak up because breaking his heart could hinder his recovery or some bullshit. 


Why the hell would Liz apologize to Carly? They're not friends. Carly's insufferable and her daughter is a terrible friend to Liz's son. Carly and Joss deserve nothing from Liz and Cam. 



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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Also, Molly gives TJ a 5 month anniversary gift (didn't they get married Valentine's day which was 4 months ago?).

How dare you support the patriarchy and say they're married!  They're domestic partners! 

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Chase having residual paralysis from the toxin actually makes  sense.

Considering Portia announced his organs were shutting down, it also makes sense.  

This show always has characters thisclose to death up and running around the next day.  I'm talking to you, Curtis.

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1 hour ago, Gigi43 said:

We better not get Chase eventually hiding his legs work again just to keep dull, cold, Willow, like Al and Jenbot on OLTL. But we probably are because that's how stupid this show is. Is BLQ not gonna speak up because breaking his heart could hinder his recovery or some bullshit. 


Why the hell would Liz apologize to Carly? They're not friends. Carly's insufferable and her daughter is a terrible friend to Liz's son. Carly and Joss deserve nothing from Liz and Cam. 



Didn't Nina do this ( pretending to be unable to walk) when she first came to town and was played by Michelle Stafford? I seem to remember her in a wheelchair so that Silas (?)  would care for her. 

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21 minutes ago, Liddy52 said:

Didn't Nina do this ( pretending to be unable to walk) when she first came to town and was played by Michelle Stafford? I seem to remember her in a wheelchair so that Silas (?)  would care for her. 

She even hired a fake nurse (Rosalie) to help wheel her around. She also dreamed of stabbing Silas to death. Her mother Madeline would actually do the deed year/years later.

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I think Willow is going to help rehab Chase and fall back in love with him. I think the writers know how unpopular Willow and Michel are. Anyway, she'll rehab him back to health and fall back in love with him and rather than that cause Michael to flip out like a good soap, he will be totoes kewl about it because there is another girl waiting in the wings ( yet to be introduced but just as lacking in chemistry with CD as every other girl they have tried him with) that he, of course, never even came close to cheating with, but will quickly be in love with.

The Alexis/Shaun story is going to annoy me with a forced racism angle that wasn't there at the beginning which means another rewrite of history to try and look woke. No doubt, Molly's BAR exam is going to be at risk if Alexis continues what she's doing until everything works out at the last minute and racist judge is revealed for who she is. 🥱 If you want a racism storyline, write one from the beginning and run with it. And, if it centered on TJ, I'd be cool with that. But, actually center it on him rather than having Molly/Alexis save the day.

Finally, shut up Carly. And shut up, show, with that tongue bath she constantly gets.

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On 6/22/2021 at 3:42 PM, perkie1968 said:

 Brook Lynn and Maxie look WORRIED!!!

Maxie should be worried. Her behavior shows blatant stupidity.  When she said she literally aches for Louise, my thought (and I say this as a non-mother), "get a breast pump, and secretly give the bottled milk to BL for your daughter who needs it instead of picking up the baby and calling her "Louise" in front of Valentin! Gah.

On 6/22/2021 at 3:44 PM, Cheyanne11 said:

Next week: 

Willow: "I can't break up with Chase yet.  He just found out he has permanent hand leg damage ."

That's the story starting now until whenever.

On 6/22/2021 at 7:23 PM, statsgirl said:

* For super soapiness, Maxie's milk should start leaking with all the emotions.


20 hours ago, Chanandler said:

My guess is Hayden. She has plenty of reason to want revenge on Nikolas, and with the show revisiting Nik’s attempt to have her killed in the Shawn storyline, plus Liz and Finn heading for romance, it’s a perfect time to bring her back.

This is a good guess

20 hours ago, statsgirl said:

it's Spencer behind it. 

And so is this.

17 hours ago, bannana said:

I think it is clearly meant to be Spencer. Why would Hayden waste her time with this nonsense? She has a precious daughter to reunite with.

Nikolas very deliberately scared Hayden into abandoning her precious daughter, leaving her with Finn.  (And he also hired someone to kill Hayden, but she survived.) Spencer and Hayden got along very well. I wonder if they're teaming up, since both have reasons to be angry with Nikolas.  I just don't think the repeated "Hayden" and "Spencer" name dropping by characters can be a coincidence. I will guess a Spencer recast is coming, so he can be the new dark prince.

4 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

On today's show.....

Liz apologizes to Carly for not beleving Jason and the two comiserate about losing husbands.

Brando announces to TJ and Molly that he and Sasha are pregnant, which makes me go huh?  Until TJ reminds me that Brando and Molly slept together that time that TJ was kidnapped but it's all good now. Also, Molly gives TJ a 5 month anniversary gift (didn't they get married Valentine's day which was 4 months ago?).  The gift, a mug with their picture on it because apparently she's 10 and giving her dad a father's day present. 

Britt and Jason have some flirty, flirty almost kiss that's interupted by Carly's need to talk business.  

I hated that Carly said "I appreciate your apology" when Elizabeth never owed her an apology, and Elizabeth being all "what you and Jason have is real" "you stand by him" as well as describing Jason as a man who has been "good to me." 

I'm shocked that LW can actually do understated acting since the smug, snarling, threatening/screeching self-absorption is Carly's constant behavior. Once Carly and Elizabeth sat on the bench, bonding over their grief, I thought it was the best work these actresses have ever done in a scene together. It's probably the best scene Elizabeth has had with any version of Carly, because for a few moments they were both raw with their pain and Carly (at least temporarily) let go of her hatred toward Liz for the past relationship with Jason and being the mother of Jason's firstborn. 

TJ and Molly are insufferable, from Molly's "Ugh, why are you two talking to us?" expression to TJ saying he still wants to punch Brando, to Molly cooing to TJ about "how happy we are."  Molly put Brando through a difficult time, would it kill her to just say "Congrats" and smile at them? And TJ, the ONS and secrecy after was Molly's fault, not Brando's. He acts like Brando deliberately came between him and Molly.

The boxing and flirting stuff brought up a fun, lighter side of both Jason and Britt. They are cute together!! Of course Carly comes in demanding that Jason talk to her about the biz, just as he and Britt are about to kiss. At least in the preview, Carly is mad at/offended by whatever Jason is saying to her.

3 hours ago, Linny said:

Dammit, Liz, why did you have to go out of your way to apologize to Carly??

BLQ should really just expose the whole charade herself and be done with it. She's the only one who seems to respect Chase enough to be honest with him and the only one with the guts to put the other two chuckleheads out of their misery.

Britt and Jason charmingly flirting only to be interrupted by Carly sure feels like a bad omen for their future relationship. Come on, show, prove me wrong. Let Jason stand up for his right to a personal life independent of Carly. It's going to be so pathetic if he indulges her shit at the expense of the good thing he's got going with Britt.

She said she saw Carly in the cemetery at Sonny's grave, as she was on her way to Franco's grave. So, technically she wasn't going out of her way.

Yes, please BLQ, do it!!!

Jason and Carly will probably argue about priorities, since Carly considers herself to be all-knowing.

I liked finally getting Elizabeth's POV on where she is in the grieving process, both alone and with her sons. My impression is she is still in deep pain, and missing seeing the way her boys behaved together as well as with Franco before he was murdered. She feels like a married woman who desperately misses the family life she had until early March, while  she is also starting to feel some emotional pull and attraction to Finn that she's not yet ready to acknowledge. Really great work by Herbst!

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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And why didn't Chloe fall down an abandoned well?  One could conceivably access a well with that piddly little rope that Austin had, but a mine shaft would be hundreds of feet deep.

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2 hours ago, BlancheDevoreaux said:

The Alexis/Shaun story is going to annoy me with a forced racism angle that wasn't there at the beginning which means another rewrite of history to try and look woke. No doubt, Molly's BAR exam is going to be at risk if Alexis continues what she's doing until everything works out at the last minute and racist judge is revealed for who she is. 🥱 If you want a racism storyline, write one from the beginning and run with it. And, if it centered on TJ, I'd be cool with that. But, actually center it on him rather than having Molly/Alexis save the day.

I totally agree!! I HATE that they are insinuating this is totes not fair/that he is clearly a victim of a racist judge.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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5 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I hated that Carly said "I appreciate your apology" when Elizabeth never owed her an apology

I know!  It feels like the writing was supposed to show just how gracious Carly can be, when it's like WHY is anyone apologizing to that shrew? 

Hayden is a great guess for who is terrorizing Ava/Nik.  Between Sean wanting to prove his innocence (eye roll) and Finn/Elizabeth getting closer, now would be the time for her to show up again.

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Awwww, more Chase family sweetness today. But did I miss the point where Jackie and Chase learned Peter was behind Chase's condition? Because Jackie mentioned Peter's role in all this. 

I really hope Chase doesn't regain the use of his legs and fake paralysis to keep Willow. He's always been a good guy, I'll be pissed if they make him the bad guy, just so Millow can be saintly and suffering. 

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Brando: "Sasha's pregnant and I'm the father!" He forgot to tell them it was a one night stand, with no protection, in a customer's vehicle. I mean, if you are going to proudly over-share, you might as well go all in.  

SBu seems genuinely charmed by KT. ...or ...wait ...is he ...could he be ...acting? 

PS. Jason forgot to tell Curtis that he has to serve Corinthos Coffee. 

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Okay, I give in: I really like Britt/Jason. Those boxing scenes were fun. They're just so pretty together and have such good chemistry. It's such a step up from recent years of KM/SB too where they're supposed to be "in love" but it feels like they definitely might hate each other. 

Speaking of couples with chemistry, I also am intrigued by both Valentin/Anna, Valentin/Brook Lynn, AND Chase/Brook Lynn. I feel like they'll probably go the Valentin/Anna and Chase/Brook Lynn direction longer term, but there's a lot of chemistry all directions here. As others have mentioned, I also didn't really care for AS's Brook Lynn during her initial run, but since she's come back, I'm all about her. I wish there was some way that Brook Lynn and Valentin could keep Bailey forever because they're so cute with her and it'd be so much better if she were really their child versus Maxie and Peter's.

Nik/Ava brought it in their angst-filled scenes yesterday too. I like that Ava put Avery first, especially since she often used to seem to struggle with that when it came to Kiki. 

I'm not as high on Finn/Elizabeth as others seem to be. He's just kind of dull to me in general. It's a step up from Franco/Elizabeth though. I hated that she was with him after everything he did, tumor or not. 

It's been nice having some time away from Nixon Falls. The show's so much better without that storyline in focus. I also am ready for Shawn/Alexis's prison storyline to end. It's so boring. 

Ugh, I do not need to watch Willow stay married to Chase just because he's paralyzed. LET. HIM. BE. FREE. They're such jerks for thinking this is somehow better for him. It'd be better if Willow loved them both for real, but the way they're playing it is just messed up.

I feel like they could cut a significant portion of the cast and be better off, even though if they did, I'm sure they'd pick the wrong people.

Edited by Laur
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I can't wait until we get a whole episode with Finn and Elizabeth just flirting like the Jason/Britt scenes. Those were adorable, but WebbMD (or FinnLizzie... or ElFinn... or Fizzy... or whatever it's decided peeps are calling Elizabeth and Finn--not Fiz, please not Fiz!) are my numero uno couple right now.

Speaking of Elizabeth, while I was peeved that she apologized to Carly, I did overall like their scenes (even if I found her blouse hideous). And I loved her final scene at Franco's graveside. Great work by RH. I agree with everything you wrote about that scene, @Bringonthedrama.

I gotta say RE: the whole Chase/Willow/Michael situation, I'm beginning to have a sneaking suspicion that GH has cottoned onto the fact that despite having some fans, overall, Michael/Willow are really not working. Certainly not as well as Chase and Willow. Furthermore, they are tainting the "beloved" Michael and the bright, new popular character that was Willow. I'm thinking that Willow will wind up falling back in love with Chase while helping him rehab and oh, so coincidentally some new woman will show up that Michael will develop the feels for but won't act on until Willow admits that she has moved on....

And that's when Nelle comes back because Willow and Michael are no longer tied by a romantic relationship of any kind. This time, however, Willow is not only firmly, fully in love with Chase, they're married, and hey, maybe she's pregnant. Dun, dun, dun.

Yeah, OK, so I went a bit farther there in my scenario than planned, but my point is that I think this paralysis story is not really about angst for Michael and Willow although it seems like that on the surface. Rather, it's about putting Willow and Chase back together.

We'll see.

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2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I'm shocked that LW can actually do understated acting since the smug, snarling, threatening/screeching self-absorption is Carly's constant behavior. Once Carly and Elizabeth sat on the bench, bonding over their grief, I thought it was the best work these actresses have ever done in a scene together. It's probably the best scene Elizabeth has had with any version of Carly, because for a few moments they were both raw with their pain and Carly (at least temporarily) let go of her hatred toward Liz for the past relationship with Jason and being the mother of Jason's firstborn. 

LW knows when to dial things back. Her work when Morgan died was really good, and she was terrific as Lena Spencer in those flashback scenes (where we also got our first look at Chloe Lanier as a young Pat). Carly is usually bombastic because that's Carly more than LW. 

Add me to the list of people wondering WTF Elizabeth is doing apologizing to Carly. I get Elizabeth not wanting Carly to have that as yet another dig, but those two will never be friends. And probably shouldn't be. They should be like Robin and Carly: armed neutrality with some rolled eyes.

2 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

And TJ, the ONS and secrecy after was Molly's fault, not Brando's. He acts like Brando deliberately came between him and Molly.

Seriously. And it was a ONS that Molly immediately regretted and hasn't repeated since. TJ needs to get over it.

1 hour ago, Laur said:

It's been nice having some time away from Nixon Falls.

Has it ever. Mike the Great White Savior of Nixon Falls is boring and patronizing at the same time. 

And of course Willow and Michael are still gutless ding-dongs. I hope Brook Lynn takes matters into her own hands and just tells Chase what's going on.

Was it kosher for Judge Carson to talk to Molly? Alexis's trial is over, but there was no professional reason for them to interact.

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At first, I was wishing Britt was playing it a little cooler with Jason, she was a tad too obvious and smiley with him to start.  But I kinda got into the tenor of their conversation, her talking about her perspective post-diagnosis, them bantering about cars and glamping.

I also appreciated that a woman in Port Charles who wound up in a violent, mob-adjacent situation decided it'd be in her interest to learn some fighting skills.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

LW knows when to dial things back. Her work when Morgan died was really good, and she was terrific as Lena Spencer in those flashback scenes (where we also got our first look at Chloe Lanier as a young Pat). Carly is usually bombastic because that's Carly more than LW. 

Add me to the list of people wondering WTF Elizabeth is doing apologizing to Carly. I get Elizabeth not wanting Carly to have that as yet another dig, but those two will never be friends. And probably shouldn't be. They should be like Robin and Carly: armed neutrality with some rolled eyes.

I feel like this was different because LW was playing Carly's quiet grief, and showing some awareness of a woman and children not related to herself, grieving.  When Carly was dealing with Morgan's death, she was focused on her own pain, Michael and Josslyn's. She yelled, she dramatically broke a photo frame on the ground and shattered the glass at Sonny's feet.  In some ways, it seemed to me a repeat of her reaction when tween Michael got shot in the head.  I don't count her  work in flashback scenes because she wasn't supposed to be playing Carly.

I think maybe she showed awareness outside of her own grief because she could relate to what Elizabeth was saying, and she's somewhat invested in two of the boys; Cam has a long history as a close and supportive friend of her daughter, and Jake is Jason's son.  Elizabeth needed to just talk for a few minutes - not be a nurse on duty, and not be a strong woman for her sons' sake. 

Although, I don't buy for a second that Carly goes out and buys her own groceries. 

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6 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

We better not get Chase eventually hiding his legs work again just to keep dull, cold, Willow, like Al and Jenbot on OLTL.

That's exactly what I've been thinking of with this Chase/Willow/Michael story.  And even in that story, I had more interest in Jen and Cris being free to reunite than I do with Willow and Michael.

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