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  1. Dairy Queen! Which of Blanche's sons has asthma?
  2. The Tinkerbells! What song did the bellhop responsible for kicking the bed to make a vibrate sing?
  3. And Edith sent the letter because Mary told Edith she was wearing an ugly dress and hat and another time insinuated Edith was "fishing with no bait." And for that, Edith sends a letter to the turkish embassy with the sole intent of completely ruining Mary. That was not a proportional response. I understand why Mary sent Edith's old goat boyfriend running by saying Edith was making fun of him. If Edith did something with the very real possibility (and intent) of it ruining Mary's prospects of ever marrying and certainly of marrying anyone of status, Mary was within her rights to respond by sending the old man running from Edith. In fact, Mary's act wasn't nearly as vicious as Edith's. She just ruined Edith's chances of marrying one man. Edith was fully intending to ruin Mary entirely.
  4. I just watched Annabelle the other day. This is a ridiculous episode. Why would you take the blind school children to the circus? Pa is sitting there laughing like an idiot and Mary has to keep asking him what is so funny. "Look out! There's a clown running with a bucket of water! He might throw it on you! Oh wait, it was confetti! Oh it was actual water this time! HAHAHAHA!!!" Harriet is the bad guy for commenting on how big the fat lady is, but that is the fat lady's entire schtick. Bratty Laura is jealous that Zaldamo is dating some snooty bitch so she decides to pour water on rip snooty bitch and rip her dress the poor girl is standing there in her underwear in front of the whole town. Then, for some reason, the snooty bitch is the bad guy for not laughing about being doused in water and exposed to the town. And "baby" Grace sits there the whole time just crying.
  5. I appreciated that she wasn't qualified for the position. He told her to go get her masters and then she could return as a teacher. He wasn't just handing it to her - she had to put in some effort. But, she of course turned her nose up at the idea.
  6. Mitchum wasn't wrong that she'd be a fantastic personal assistant.
  7. Guido Spirelli and Giuseppe Mangiacavallo What is the name of Uncle Lucas' home?
  8. And isn't there even a scene in a later season (I want to say it was after the fire but it might have been when they were looking at buying the Dragonfly) that Sookie went on a rant about the lack of a kitchen at their inn? I really feel like I remember that scene and Sookie saying you can't have a bed and breakfast with no breakfast. So, at least to Sookie, there was no difference between their place and a B&B.
  9. One of her brothers! Going back to Rebecca giving birth, what reason does Sophie give for why the woman in screaming?
  10. Stockbroker What song does Blanche suggest she and Dorothy sing as a duet at the Rusty Anchor?
  11. Stephanie and Liz. What did Phil's wife do for a living?
  12. The scene where Lane, Rory, and Paris are all drunk on Miss Patty's Punch and lamenting about their guy problems always has me laughing. Lane: He just flat out looked out of his face right into my face and said to my face that he was lying! Rory: Zack said that he was lying? Lane: No he lied from his face into my face about where he was going. That's what hurts the most! The lie. Except for seeing him with that woman. That hurts the most more than the lie. Paris: You'd think they'd stumble onto the truth. Just accidentally say something like '2+2=4' just because they say so many things just accidentally that's like... MAN! Lane: I know! Paris: They just have to repopulate the species, you know? Just spread it around. Rory: Oh they like to spread it around alright. Paris: I bet you Doyle's spreading it around right now. Rory: You don't know that he's spreading it around. Paris: This is tasty! Lane: I've had it! Rory: Had what? Lane: I'm getting to the bottom of this. Paris: Spank his bottom! Lane: He can't do this! We're friends, too, as well as lovers if we ever get married. Paris: She walks funny. And then Paris, shoeless, begging for change to make a call is gold. "Hey, give me 50 cents. FALL IN A HOLE!!! *fart noise with hand flip*"
  13. Summer was the worst of the 4 episodes of AYITL, no? I was really bothered by Rory in this one. Kind people of Stars Hollow welcome her back to where she would yell "I'm not back!" The Thirty-Something Gang seemed close, happy, and supportive and Rory turned her nose up at them because she thought that she, being a thirty-something, unemployed, homeless, directionless "journalist" was better than them. Lorelai was the same way with their parents when that mother said the parents of The Thirty-Something Gang who got together to review resumes and trade job tips. How dare these people be friendly and supportive! Don't they know they are townie losers who shouldn't even speak in the presence of Lorelai or Rory? And don't get me started on how they were at the pool. Best part of AYITL was Emily and her learning who she is now that the man she spent 2/3 of her life with was gone. I do wonder how different it would have been had Edward Hermann not passed.
  14. I am finishing up AYITL rewatch. I'm halfway through Fall and it is still my favorite of the episodes. Unpopular opinion, but I enjoyed The Life and Death Brigade stuff. I mean, it was stupid, sure, but just the warmth that knowing you have friends who will go all out like that just to try to cheer you up is sweet. However, did anyone else feel that Rory/Alexis just didn't seem to fit with the guys? It's hard for me to explain, but when they were walking around her in Stars Hollow being profoundly Robert, Finn, and Colin, they seemed perfectly at ease while she seemed to be trying to find the right thing to say to fit in. Same with her mannerisms in the tango club. I don't know. It's hard to explain. That said, the more I watch GG and AYITL, the more convinced I am that Rory is the villain in her own life story. She expects things to be handed to her (jobs, etc.), has too much pride to say what she wants (I think she wants Logan but who can tell?), and is pretty horrible to all but a select few in her life (don't get me started on "I'm not back!" and her treatment of The Thirty-Something Gang who were, like it or not, her peers). Emily came from money, married more money, and took on the role of a socialite. Lorelai rebelled from that life, ran away, and made a life for herself working hard from the ground floor willing to do menial jobs until she was the owner of an inn. Rory didn't want to work hard like Lorelai but also didn't seem willing to play the role of a married socialite like Emily. She wanted to best of the both of those worlds without putting in the effort needed to achieve either of them. In AYITL, Rory was the same age Lorelai was when the series started. At that time, Lorelai had worked her way up from a maid who had to live in a shed with her baby to a homeowner who ran the inn. Rory, conversely, was couch surfing with no employment prospects and really no goals. Other people had to tell her what to do with her life before she ever got moving.
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