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Episode Discussion II: The TFGH


Culture Check: How can we discuss a character's or actor's appearance without objectifying them? How can we express likes or dislikes and still respect an individual's humanity or be mindful that a character represents a person someone else might relate to or identify with?

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1 hour ago, perkie1968 said:

Also is there such a thing as a prison advocate?  Seems rather odd to have someone paid to come out and tell you how to behave while your behind bars. 

I think Aunt Becky (Lori Loughlin) had one, guess it’s a ‘rich people’ thing.

Sasha and Michael zzzzzzzzz though I’m glad they didn’t drag that out.  Don’t think it will be so easy with poor Chase though.

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5 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

Sasha and Michael zzzzzzzzz though I’m glad they didn’t drag that out.  Don’t think it will be so easy with poor Chase though.

Chase is a decent guy, though, so I think he'll step aside because he's not going to hold Willow back. Once again, Michael never loses. Ugh.

Valentin was never more right when he said disappointment was good for Michael. Too bad it doesn't happen nearly often enough.

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7 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Chase is a decent guy, though, so I think he'll step aside because he's not going to hold Willow back. Once again, Michael never loses. Ugh.

But even when talking with Sasha, he had trouble manning up. She asked him what he wanted and his first response was, "What do you want?"

If you grow a pair, they might help you get out from under Carly's thumb, kid.

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I'm assuming that if Sasha hadn't had the balls to ask the questions that needed to be asked, Michael would just kept stringing her along. She's a lot stronger than that dishrag is and deserves better than this. 

Ditto Chase. Man the fuck up, Willow. Then you can go and live your happily ever after with that bucket of mayo. 

I giggled when BL tripped and fell, and promptly forgot that she was supposed to be pregnant, then proceeded to go on and on about her broken heel. That was so in character for her. 

The fuck is wrong with Laura? What was it with that scream? It's good to see that Laura is okay with throwing Alexis to the wolves. 

Give the man his mother back so that he can finally shut the fuck up about it. Where's my mother? I want my mother back. Help me find my mother. Better yet, like it was suggested, have him kidnap Joss. Leave Alexis out of it. 

I got worried that Ava was going to shoot Nikolas by accident. 

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Well, if Cyrus should nab a Corinthos/Morgan or a Cassidine...... I mean there is that one obnoxious kid that ticks both boxes. 


ETA: Jesus, right after I hit submit I realized that there are several.  But I meant Spencer, for the record.

Edited by ouinason
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2 minutes ago, ouinason said:

Well, if Cyrus should nab a Corinthos/Morgan or a Cassidine...... I mean there is that one obnoxious kid that ticks both boxes. 

Cyrus should kidnap Michael. Carly will fold immediately.

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Seeing everyone talking about Martin's part in helping Julian after the bombing, made me realize a few things.  Sonny is kind of the core of all problems.  Like the sinister Gilligan of Port Charles, screwing up everyone's plans (even his own).

For his part in the bombing, Julian is killed by Sonny, even though he could have protected Julian on condition of testifying against Cyrus about the bombing.

For his part in the Wiley debacle, Brad is threatened by Sonny into pleading guilty and going to prison or Sonny will kill him.  Even though Brad could have testified against Nell at the custody hearing (which he read into the record BTW), thus weakening Michael's position against Nell.

Both times Sonny could have played the lesser threat off against the greater one, he opted for instant gratification of revenge, and made life harder for himself and those around him in the long term.  And yet despite this breathtaking lack of strategic thinking, this guy always wins against anyone because the writers say so?  Do you see the problem here, show?  We like watching people earn their victories.

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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Give the man his mother back so that he can finally shut the fuck up about it. Where's my mother? I want my mother back. Help me find my mother

Big bad mobster with a ponytail. Evey third word out of his mouth is "mama." Worse than Stavros Cassadine, who I once thought was the worst "mama's boy" of all time (even Luke called him that, lol).

1 hour ago, rur said:
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Chase is a decent guy, though, so I think he'll step aside because he's not going to hold Willow back. Once again, Michael never loses. Ugh.

But even when talking with Sasha, he had trouble manning up. She asked him what he wanted and his first response was, "What do you want?"

If you grow a pair, they might help you get out from under Carly's thumb, kid.

Too late. She Beast Sr. already had Mikey spayed and neutered.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

I got worried that Ava was going to shoot Nikolas by accident. 

I did too. But MW was looking particularly gorgeous today.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
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1 hour ago, Winston Wolfe said:

Big bad mobster with a ponytail. Evey third word out of his mouth is "mama." Worse than Stavros Cassadine, who I once thought was the worst "mama's boy" of all time (even Luke called him that, lol).


He's not even a mama's boy. His mama hates him. 

I wonder if JK is having regrets joining the show. 

FV: You'll be playing a big bad mobster.

Writers: So he walks around and chats people up, then asks everyone he comes across to help him find his mother?

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You guys that are waiting for Cyrus to make a true decisive, bad guy move are gonna have to keep waiting, indefinitely.  I get it, I feel the same, but the situation is that the "bad" mobsters on this show have to be bad in terms of being sleazy, morally corrupt, etc.  They can't be allowed to be actually frightening or determined villains, because they can't look like hardasses to compete with big tough guys Sonny/Jason/Carly.  It's just the way it is.  

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7 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Also is there such a thing as a prison advocate?  Seems rather odd to have someone paid to come out and tell you how to behave while your behind bars.  "Don't antagonize anyone"  Ok,, gotcha.


Well there was a Will Ferrel/Kevin Hart comedy:


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1 hour ago, JNavarro said:

You guys that are waiting for Cyrus to make a true decisive, bad guy move are gonna have to keep waiting, indefinitely.  I get it, I feel the same, but the situation is that the "bad" mobsters on this show have to be bad in terms of being sleazy, morally corrupt, etc.  They can't be allowed to be actually frightening or determined villains, because they can't look like hardasses to compete with big tough guys Sonny/Jason/Carly.  It's just the way it is.  

I miss the days of Faison and early Helena, when the Big Bads were actually creepy, villainously bad. In recent times, only Ryan has been anything approaching scary. (And I guess Franco— James Franco edition.) Now we get moustache-twirling cartoons (Peter) and thumb-sucking, mama’s boy irritants. Which sucks, because Jeff Kober is so much better than this and could do so much more if allowed.

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When Sasha was talking to Michael and said, "Chase told me that you [dramatic pause] slept together," I briefly thought that I had missed a day with a much more interesting development in that quadrangle. Then I realized "you" meant Michael and Willow. Nope. Still boring.  

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I don't even know where to begin.

Show is acting as if SLS and Willow were married for months on end, even years, when it was only two or three months. Maybe five. And both were supposedly in love with Chase and Sasha at the time they got married. Well, at least Willow was in love with Chase. So Show is trying to tell me that that love would die/go away in a matter of months? Clearly, when SLS was telling Sasha how "feelings" didn't go away "so soon", I just laughed, because clearly his "love" for Sasha died instantly. That conversation was so eye rollingly bad. The dialogue would have been more appropriate for a loved one returning from the dead after years and not being able to recapture the love they once had. And Sasha never stopped loving this Eeyore of a milquetoast SLS, while he quickly forgot her, as others have stated, he wanted Willow back when she first came on the show and now he had her.

The whole story is mind numbingly stoopid. If they want each other, then why get the annulment? Poor Chase. He's the only one I feel sorry for in this whole mess.

And Shut UP, Brookiee. You can take care of yourself? Like you did when Nelle slashed your throat? She couldn't even be arsed enough to fake a cry of pain when she fell.ON.HER.STOMACH.

Valentin was the best part of yesterday.

All I could think of/going through my head was: what part of let Anna work on getting Jason exonerated does the SheBeast NOT understand, with her getting in Valentin's face and constantly whining about what he needs to do?

And good on Nikolas for reaming Laura. This is not my Laura. Where is the Laura that survived Mikos? Helena? Stavros? That scream was so beneath her. If she could go to Pentonville, as the mayor, and ensure Cyrus would remain in solitary, I'm sure she could make sure nothing will happen to Alexis. And it's not as if Alexis will be in maximum security.

And Kelly's face just look like stretched rubber when she smiled. It was horrifying.

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18 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

I laughed when Laura screamed with terror at Cyrus and grabbed Nikolas by the arm for protection.  Jesus, the guy barely raised his voice.  Ease up on the coffee Laura.

Willow and Michael oh give me a break!  I’m over it!  Just tell Sacha and Chase you aren’t into them anymore.  They knew that was a risk with their ill conceived plan anyway.  So dumb!


I think that was mostly the Cyrus actor's fault. It seemed like it was written as a big explosion. Although GF is usually better at reacting to whatever actually goes on in a scene.

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On 4/2/2021 at 10:23 PM, TVbitch said:

Um, wow, okay, Sonny you have neither the charm nor the grace of Fred Astaire dancing about with your broom. And what the hell is wrong with Phyllis? She knows Sonny suffers from head injury/amnesia, wears wedding rings and dreams about a woman, but she's pushing him and Nina together like it's some romcom "meet cute" situation. She works in patient care for god's sake! 

Sonny causes cognitive problems for women. See all his prior love interests who just happened to need to go to a mental institution after dating him. Sonny is an STD.

On 4/2/2021 at 10:31 PM, Bringonthedrama said:

She would find a way for it not to be her/their fault. If she didn't turn on Sonny and Jason permanently when tween Michael took a bullet in the head that was meant for Sonny, she won't do it now. She screamed at Sonny when Michael got shot, and screamed some more when he tried to say it was Jason's fault. Then she got back together with Sonny (again) most recently because he turned out to not be responsible for the car bomb that killed their son Morgan. Carly is an addict; the addiction is them and the "prestige"/illusion of power from being associated with them.

I'm not certain what's worse - the way that the past regime would have Sonny do horrible things but refuse to hold him account (like shooting Dante but following that up by turning Olivia and Dante into lackeys or nearly murdering Kristina with a car bomb and then following that up with Sonny grounding Kristina) or this one refusing to allow Sonny to be responsible (like how he 'just happened' not to be responsible for the car bomb despite arranging for the car bomb).


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On 4/5/2021 at 9:19 PM, nilyank said:

Rather than thinking that Spencer is ghosting, why doesn't Nik confirm with the school to see if he is son is there? He said that he has not spoken to Spencer in month. This is the same kid when he was a young child who would use his credit card to leave his school in Europe and travel to Port Charles without any adults from either side of the Atlantic being any wiser.

I see they used both the livingrooms/studies in the Q scenes. 

Spencer is either definitely kidnapped or lurking around PC (possibly even Wyndemere). When Ryan was last in the hospital, his guard/valet brought him his mail, and on top was a "return to sender" of something he'd addressed to Spencer.

If Spencer has gone totally crazy and is Ava's stalker, I'm here for it. I wonder if she'll end up shooting him with her Chekov purse gun.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Clearly, when SLS was telling Sasha how "feelings" didn't go away "so soon", I just laughed, because clearly his "love" for Sasha died instantly.

Yeah, that was pretty funny, though I also kind of felt briefly sorry for Sasha. She still obviously has feelings for Michael (WHY?!) but is telling him she doesn't. I guess that ends things with a bit of dignity for her, and she's now free to go after Brando, with whom she has chemistry, unlike with Michael. Here's hoping she won't wear the hair shirt with Brando. They're both recovering addicts, so she shouldn't have to beg him for crumbs of affection/compliments/etc. the way she did Michael.

1 hour ago, Lobsel Vith said:

I'm not certain what's worse - the way that the past regime would have Sonny do horrible things but refuse to hold him account (like shooting Dante but following that up by turning Olivia and Dante into lackeys or nearly murdering Kristina with a car bomb and then following that up with Sonny grounding Kristina) or this one refusing to allow Sonny to be responsible (like how he 'just happened' not to be responsible for the car bomb despite arranging for the car bomb).

Flip sides of the same coin, AFAIC. Either way, Sonny is never at fault.

1 hour ago, Auntie Velvet said:

If Spencer has gone totally crazy and is Ava's stalker, I'm here for it. I wonder if she'll end up shooting him with her Chekov purse gun.

Here's hoping she does and it's fatal.

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On 4/5/2021 at 5:19 PM, perkie1968 said:

Why does everyone think Cyrus is such a big bad.  All he does all day is walk around town and ask anyone who will listen, where his mother is.  Asks Jason, Carly, Laura, Jackie, Jordan, Martin......Here's a crazy idea, do something really radical, like kidnap Josslyn and tell everyone that she won't be released until Jason released Florence.  Guh, so stupid.  

Even Guza, who was obsessed with Jason to ridiculous degrees, was able to have enemies who stood their ground against Sonny and Jason (at least at first). Like when Lorenzo first came to town, kidnapped Sonny and stood toe to toe against Jason, with his snipers ready to take Jason out if he tried anything.

On 4/5/2021 at 8:20 PM, perkie1968 said:

But why do they think that it would take Cyrus' power away?  No one believes that Jason would kill Florence.

Technically, Jason would kill her. He indicated he would murder Diego's mother if she testified about seeing him during the shootout at the MetroCourt Hotel (when Sonny and Jason had no problem with their men murdering innocent people who were witnesses until Jason found out SWSNBN would be a casualty). And when Sonny suggested killing Maxie (over the Claudia murder trial), Jason's viewpoint was that she wouldn't betray them, not that it would be wrong to murder an innocent person. There is also his intent to murder Dante (even though covering up Claudia's death was the actual problem, regardless of how the dialogue after the coverup blames everyone but the actual people who were responsible in covering that up). As well as how he was open to the prospect of McBain being killed. That no one is allowed to bring up Jason's willingness to murder innocent people is another matter.

That Sonny and Jason's mob organization was jokingly referred to as the Gummy Bear Mob for years doesn't change that both of them have no qualms about murdering innocent people. Remember when Jason was torturing a cop in GH and the doctors just laughed about it despite having no context as to why Jason was doing that? Remember when Michael thought he slept with Brenda and everyone who found out thought Sonny would murder Michael? What heroic guys; so glad Jason and Sonny are the moral centers of the show. 😕

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1 hour ago, Lobsel Vith said:
On 4/5/2021 at 8:20 PM, perkie1968 said:

But why do they think that it would take Cyrus' power away?  No one believes that Jason would kill Florence.

Technically, Jason would kill her. He indicated he would murder Diego's mother if she testified about seeing him during the shootout at the MetroCourt Hotel (when Sonny and Jason had no problem with their men murdering innocent people who were witnesses until Jason found out SWSNBN would be a casualty).

ABC needs me writing this Soap for one month. If these characters are meant to be badass then write them that way.  I would have had Snarly tell Cyrus, "look mama's boy. Stop going around making empty threats or you'll never see mommy again. And then Sonny's capos will make you disappear and the rest of your family until only Martin is left. Now GO AWAY."

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Nothing says cuteness overload quite like watching Violet run towards Chase and him picking her up.  I mean, they're just too freakin' cute together!!  But I'm only 5 minutes in, so lets see what else is in store for us today.  Like, how many times Cyrus mentions his mother.......

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That new restaurant set is so dimly lit. Nik especially was hard to see.

Cyrus is one to talk about a lack of imagination. For someone who's supposed to be a criminal mastermind, Cyrus is astonishingly uncreative. It doesn't occur to him that action might get his mother back faster than making threats? Come on.

I'm digging (so far) how the Maxie/BL pregnancy stories are starting to merge.

Maxie has every right to be angry with Anna for lying to her, but there's no way she'd have believed anything Anna had to say against Peter, no matter what she says now. How many times was Maxie warned about him?

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Between whatever both Sam and Molly have done to their faces, Kristina actually looks like the youngest sibling now.  I always like me some Davis coven scenes though.

While I feel badly for Valentin and have no idea how this is going to help the Quartermaines get back control of ELQ, I’m kind of interested in where this Brooklyn/Maxie pregnancy plot is going to go.

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I'm really liking the younger generation truth-telling in these episodes -- Nik calling out Laura that she's willing to sacrifice Alexis for a hypothetical mob war (as well as protecting Alexis in prison), and Maxie telling Anna that she vouched for Peter, swore that he was a good guy and now here she is pregnant with his child.

The only person I feel sorry for in this mess is Valentin, who is so excited about having another child.

6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Show is acting as if SLS and Willow were married for months on end, even years, when it was only two or three months. Maybe five. And both were supposedly in love with Chase and Sasha at the time they got married. Well, at least Willow was in love with Chase. So Show is trying to tell me that that love would die/go away in a matter of months?

It's Michael. Willow was in love with Chase but when she got to know Michael and saw what a wonderful person he is, she couldn't help falling in love with him. Her feelings for Chase pale beside the wonder that is Michael.  🤢

4 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

 I wonder if she'll end up shooting him with her Chekov purse gun.

I demand that "Chekov purse gun" become a thing.

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5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Cyrus is one to talk about a lack of imagination. For someone who's supposed to be a criminal mastermind, Cyrus is astonishingly uncreative. It doesn't occur to him that action might get his mother back faster than making threats? Come on.

Cyrus' imagination reflects the imagination of the team writing and producing this show.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I thought lightning might strike when Nikolas said he'd look over Sam, Kristina, and Molly. This coming from the same man who selfishly kept Sam away from her husband for a year, even if it turned out he wasn't Jason after all. It's not a wonder why Sam doesn't talk to him anymore, or why Molly and Kristina were clearly uncomfortable with his presence today.



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3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

It's Michael. Willow was in love with Chase but when she got to know Michael and saw what a wonderful person he is, she couldn't help falling in love with him. Her feelings for Chase pale beside the wonder that is Michael.  🤢


You know, I was watching Brando in his suit, tall, good looking guy, and all I kept thinking why Sasha hasn't jumped that yet. 

Then we had Chase scenes with Violet. And I was like Chase is very handsome, very sweet, has no mob affiliation, which Willow now seems 100% okay with when she made Julian's absence from her kid's life a condition for her son's adoption.

And all I kept thinking was that Sasha and Willow are fucking touched in the head to want Michael over those two guys. Like really. The hell!

The only thing Michael has going for him is his money and connections. If he didn't have that, he'd have nothing and would be living in his mother's basement. 

Michael is not charming, he is not charismatic and he has all the energy of sloth. But those are cute, Michael ain't.

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29 minutes ago, teenj12 said:

Molly and Kristina were clearly uncomfortable with his presence today.

I didn't see them as uncomfortable with Nik as trying to gracefully give him and Alexis a bit of time alone.

23 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

And all I kept thinking was that Sasha and Willow are fucking touched in the head to want Michael over those [Brando and Chase].

I find Brando kind of boring, TBH, but that's mostly because we don't see him outside of his job too often, and we know he's putting on something of an act there. I don't have much of an idea of who he is. I agree he's more appealing than Michael. Chase is a delight. He always seems engaged and has a sense of humor. He is able to think about more than one thing. (Ahem.) But Michael can never lose. UGH.

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On 4/2/2021 at 11:52 AM, Katy M said:

Has any PC resident ever been rejected by PCU?  I think they take everybody.

So, Joss goes from calling Jason "a professional hitman" which, he is of course, to getting mad at Cam for accusing him of killing Franco.  She does realize that every single person Jason has killed has had people who care about them, right?  there are other Cams out there who have lost family members due to Jason.  Either because he killed them himself, or set up an environment (along with Sonny) that lead to deaths.  Cam was right that Joss should stop defending him.  She can still love and care about him, but, IMO, that's not the same thing as defending him and/or looking the other way.

Those people that he's killed weren't exactly innocent people. It's not like he's killed people for no reason and someone who was actually contributing to society.

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23 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

The fuck is wrong with Laura? What was it with that scream?

7 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

That scream was so beneath her.

I assumed that was GF’s own reaction that they just left in/didn’t reshoot. It looked to me like JK actually scared her or caught her off guard and she screamed out of instinct.

Any scene without Carly gets five stars from me. She is really outdoing herself at being unbearable lately. 🤬

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Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but Valentin threatened/blackmailed/manipulated Baby Peterich's adoptive parents to make them give him back and then Valentin gave the baby to Faison. And then Valentin helped Peterich cover up some of his crimes. Now Anna and Valentin are working together, kind of, to bring Peter to justice or at least keep him away from Maxie. Anna never once stopped to consider that just maybe Valentin might have an ulterior motive here or is reporting back to Peterich to keep him in the loop/one step ahead?

I know I'm supposed to think BLQ is being cruel by using a baby that doesn't exist as leverage against Valentin, but Valentin is so awful and hasn't faced legit consequences ever so I don't feel all that sorry for him. 

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13 minutes ago, gp1999 said:

Those people that he's killed weren't exactly innocent people. It's not like he's killed people for no reason and someone who was actually contributing to society.

So? First of all, neither is he.  Second of all, he doesn't have the right to decide who lives and who dies.  And third of all, besides the people he has intentionally killed, he sets up an envirnoment of violence that does get innocent people killed/hurt.

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Jason kills criminals like himself. Jason isn't innocent nor does he contribute to society. The absurd idea that Jason is in any way noble may be the biggest problem with this show in the past 25 years

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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

It's Michael. Willow was in love with Chase but when she got to know Michael and saw what a wonderful person he is, she couldn't help falling in love with him. Her feelings for Chase pale beside the wonder that is Michael.  🤢

With Michael you can just add "For some Reason" to any statement about him.  Watch:

- Michael is CEO of ELQ For Some Reason.

- Jax asks Michael to be CEO of Aurora For Some Reason.

- Willow realizes she's still in love with Michael For Some Reason.

- Sasha still has feelings for Michael For Some Reason.

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54 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I find Brando kind of boring, TBH, but that's mostly because we don't see him outside of his job too often, and we know he's putting on something of an act there. I don't have much of an idea of who he is. I agree he's more appealing than Michael. 

It's true, we haven't seen Brando outside of his work, but his interactions with other characters when he had them were good and anything beats Michael's possum beady dead eyes.

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49 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Anna never once stopped to consider that just maybe Valentin might have an ulterior motive here or is reporting back to Peterich to keep him in the loop/one step ahead?

There's been absolutely no indication Valentin's motives aren't about bringing Peter down.

49 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I know I'm supposed to think BLQ is being cruel by using a baby that doesn't exist as leverage against Valentin

I'm enjoying watching her trying to make this work, but the reasoning for it is so stupid. No one forced her to sign over her ELQ shares to Valentin. It was her own dunderheadedness that got her into that situation. She admitted she didn't have a lawyer go over her music contract!

ETA: I hate how Valentin is so evil for getting people's shares when if Michael had done the same in a similar situation, he'd be hailed as some corporate genius. Ugh.

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48 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I like the Valentin/Carly scenes. He treats her with barely concealed contempt and doesn't let her get the upper hand.

Exactly!  It's great having at least one person not twist themselves into a pretzel to satisfy her demands.  When she was going on and on yesterday ragging on him about Jason/Jason/Jason he was just blandly waiting for her to finish her rant and then just calmly went on with how they needed to proceed.

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1 hour ago, gp1999 said:

Those people that he's killed weren't exactly innocent people. It's not like he's killed people for no reason and someone who was actually contributing to society.

The show has made it clear that Jason is willing to kill innocent people and people who aren't a threat. Jason was assigned with murdering Zander at a time when Zander wasn't even a threat, and Jason only ended up standing down from that due to Elizabeth, not because it was murder. Jason interceded during the MetroCourt hit because Sonny and him had no problem with innocent casualties until he discovered Sonny's sister would be there. Jason made it clear he would kill Diego's mom if she spoke out about seeing him at the MetroCourt during the massacre. Jason wanted to kill Dante personally because Jason is a murderer. Jason is most certainly the kind of person who is willing to kill innocent people. No matter how much his sycophants on the show pretend it doesn't 'touch his soul' or that he has some magical 'code' (that's spoken so ambiguously that it clearly means nothing), he's a murderer.

Jason is not a good guy. He's murdered more people than most serial killers.

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Wiley has his own dedicated playroom, yet toys must be strewn all over the downstairs rooms at the Q mansion.  

They like to give actors something to do -- picking up toys, sorting mail, folding laundry -- yet it comes across as rude, multitasking during a serious conversation.  And coffee tables are not seating.

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2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

The only thing Michael has going for him is his money and connections. If he didn't have that, he'd have nothing and would be living in his mother's basement. 

Michael is not charming, he is not charismatic and he has all the energy of sloth. But those are cute, Michael ain't.

In real life, Michael would have a hard time attracting women.  Women would view him as a really nice nerd and they would immediately "friend zone" him.  

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2 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Wiley has his own dedicated playroom, yet toys must be strewn all over the downstairs rooms at the Q mansion.  

Making it more clear Monica's house has become PC's premier daycare center. 

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4 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

While I feel badly for Valentin and have no idea how this is going to help the Quartermaines get back control of ELQ, I’m kind of interested in where this Brooklyn/Maxie pregnancy plot is going to go.

I feel badly for Valentin because I guess he's lost some brain cells since seeing BL's "pregnant" belly. Today at the hospital he said she's in her third trimester. Um, if she told him she's in her third trimester and he remembers the timing of her ONS, there's no way he's the father. Also, the baby photo/sonogram she handed him clearly had the bottom with the patient/mother's name torn off.  I can *maybe* cut Britt some slack if BL kept a tight grip on it and didn't actually let Britt hold or touch it, but it clearly looked torn in Valentin's hands. 

4 hours ago, teenj12 said:

I thought lightning might strike when Nikolas said he'd look over Sam, Kristina, and Molly. This coming from the same man who selfishly kept Sam away from her husband for a year, even if it turned out he wasn't Jason after all. It's not a wonder why Sam doesn't talk to him anymore, or why Molly and Kristina were clearly uncomfortable with his presence today.



I thought it was funny, because since the recast Nikolas has not been in a single scene with Sam.  When Carly told Sam and Alexis that Nikolas was alive, she mentioned how he set up Drew, and then clearly has not thought about him since.  This is the first time he's been in a scene with Kristina and Molly. I think Sam doesn't have anything to do with him because he's not of use to her and he's married to her aunt/Julian's sister. 

3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I didn't see them as uncomfortable with Nik as trying to gracefully give him and Alexis a bit of time alone.

I thought the same thing. I figure Molly and Kristina aren't interested in what has or hasn't been done in the past to Jason and Drew, because their sister dumped both.  Jason is their nephew's father and Drew was their niece's father, but neither of those guys are apart of M&K's lives at this point. 

3 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I know I'm supposed to think BLQ is being cruel by using a baby that doesn't exist 

She's letting Valentin as well as her own father get invested in this baby, which is cruel.  Ned said something about looking forward to his first grandchild. For someone who wants to repair her relationship with her Dad and gain his respect, this plan is likely to backfire on her. She appears to not have a true plan; she's going moment-by-moment and scrambling not to get caught. 

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