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S04.E08: Sorry

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I HATE making the bed by myself. It is the biggest pain in the ass. When I bought this mattress, I thought ooh, pillowtop! I didn't realize it would make it THAT much harder to make the bed.

I'm always baffled by teenagers who kiss their boyfriends/girlfriends in front of their parents. I wouldn't have felt comfortable doing that and I know the feeling would have been mutual.

Mark sucks. First he called Randall "Randy," then he talked shit about Practical Magic. Randy isn't a 12 year old girl and he liked the movie. What a passive aggressive dick Mark is.

Kate needs to stop reading mommy blogs and quit worrying about if Jack should have started eating solid food two weeks ago. Kids have different time tables. It's not a big deal and it's not worth stressing out about something like that. And why does she think Jack might have a food allergy? Not to sound like an old lady who talks about how everyone used to walk uphill in the snow both ways, but I'm pretty sure my parents just gave me a little bit of whatever they were eating and didn't worry about the possibility of food allergies.

Kevin is lucky that no one in the bar filmed his fight on their phone and sold it to TMZ or some other shitty tabloid.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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  • Love 19
8 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

As manipulative as it was having Kevin see Jack in Nicky, I have to say, I didn't hate it.  And as implausible as it was for teen Randall to get Rebecca a job, I loved R & R.   Thematically, taking care of people worked all the way through the episode including Cassidy and Gregory and Malik.  The writers are firing on all cylinders.  Oh, and my husband had to call my phone last week so I could find it, maybe I should be worried.

Seriously i have lost my phone like rebecca did so many times, i wish they had shown more slip ups - this is why companies like tiles make millions because we all lose our keys and phones- roughly how old is rebecca at this point in story? Very very sad 😞

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Lily H said:

So, did Kevin deliberately provoke that moron in the bar into beating him up because he felt so badly about hooking up with Cassidy, and felt some bizarre need to be punished for it? Because I just don't get what the big deal is about 2 adults having sex. He's single, she's separated, they weren't drunk, there was no coercion, so who cares? I really don't understand what the problem is.

Yes, I think basically that was what happened, plus the big mouth guy was working Kevin's last nerve.  Kevin felt bad not just about the Cassidy hookup, but how Nicky/Jack asked him what the hell he was wrong with him.  It's a really good thing that he mouthed off to the jerk and did not have a drink. 

  • Love 4
59 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

Ditto! And while everybody seems to be focused on fitted sheets I winced when I saw how they handled the pillow covers. They need to be turned inside out (ideally before ironing but I know that's a whole new battlefield) so that you can simply slip them over the pillows by grabbing two corners instead of stuffing them inside like you're making sausages.

Anyhow, I love episodes that cover more than just one or two plots, so I was okay with how busy this was. Like others I dread the dementia plot but I think they did a good job. Rebecca did not just lose her phone, she also called Randall 'Congressman' and I saw the manic picture taking as a coping mechanism to make sure she would remember every detail. It was also not out of character for Randall to notice all those things since hyper-vigilance comes with anxiety disorder (not that it helped much during last season's marriage crisis plot).

Kevin sure knows how to self-destruct without even getting drunk. As Cassidy said he was lucky his opponent was a s**** fighter since getting his face smashed in could have career ending potential. Nicky was great in this episode and showing that he was a true Pearson when he started his Pearson-speech in court. They did great with Cassidy in this episode and I feel undecided whether I would like to see her again or not. The only part I did not like was Nicky turning into Jack to rage at Kevin - too much on the nose.

Kate and the great avocado drama was ridiculous at first sight - but I have to admit that it could be one of the tiny things that can blow up out of proportion when there's already strain in a relationship. That she worried about it seems a sign that she knows not everything is okay.

I like Charity Ross but as someone above mentioned her character is turning into Randall 2.0 taking over way too much story lines. More Tess and Annie please!

And I loved Bess rushing off to the pantry for 30 seconds LOL!

ETA: for someone who so far has been shown as not bothering about makeup at all Cassidy sure had a great concealer at hand.

I said that last week- her first scenes she looked like a ragamuffin and Shazam, all the wrinkles and creases disappear 😂 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
Just now, nlkm9 said:

Seriously i have lost my phone like rebecca did so many times, i wish they had shown more slip ups - this is why companies like tiles make millions because we all lose our keys and phones- roughly how old is rebecca at this point in story? Very very sad 😞

I think everybody I know has had the wayward phone situation. They have shown a few other odd moments, as in when Kate was in labor and Rebecca in the waiting room seemed to be a little off, commenting about the chairs, a bit like in this episode where she was taking pictures of the walls in Randall's office. She also said Miguel had to buy her a new phone. She was more defensive and confrontational than we've ever seen her before, with Randall in the bedroom at the end. I think the phone is just the convenient vehicle to emphasize that all is not right with her.  Randall was too aggressive in his approach to her, by far, but I guess they are showing him to be facing the problem head-on. Rebecca is about 70, but somebody else might have a better handle on her age.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, bybrandy said:

I realize the show has made us thing Rebecca is going to have dimentia and this episode Randall thinks Rebecca is starting down that path but seriously Rebecca lost her phone.  If I was diagnosed with dementia every time I lost my phone we'd never get anything else done in a day.  

The story i would really love to see is the courtship of rebecca and Miguel - to my recollection all we have seen is a Facebook message 10 years after jacks death.

  • Love 20
9 hours ago, mtlchick said:

At least it wasn't about FOLDING the fitting sheets, which is well known to be an ancient secret that only a few understand.  (I kid.  Sort of.) 

Eh, easy when you know how.  Martha Stewart taught me.

8 hours ago, buttersister said:

We’ve known where Rebecca is heading,

How far in the future was last year's finale?  That is going to be a long, slow decline for Rebecca.

3 hours ago, Lily H said:

So, did Kevin deliberately provoke that moron in the bar into beating him up because he felt so badly about hooking up with Cassidy, and felt some bizarre need to be punished for it? Because I just don't get what the big deal is about 2 adults having sex. He's single, she's separated, they weren't drunk, there was no coercion, so who cares? I really don't understand what the problem is.

Cassidy is fragile.  Changing the nature of their relationship while she is dealing with alcoholism, divorce, and loss of custody of her child is more baggage.  Kevin felt awful for adding to her issues.

This episode was outstanding.  Kudos to all the secondary characters who taught the Pearsons something about themselves.

  • Love 16
9 hours ago, PepSinger said:

To be perfectly honest, I’d marry a guy just for the help to put a fitted sheet on the bed. *shrug*

My husband not only helps, he also knows how to fold the fitted sheet! At 50, it's still a mystery to me.

If momentarily forgetting where you left your phone is a sign of cognitive impairment, I'm in trouble...

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Lily H said:

So, did Kevin deliberately provoke that moron in the bar into beating him up because he felt so badly about hooking up with Cassidy, and felt some bizarre need to be punished for it? Because I just don't get what the big deal is about 2 adults having sex. He's single, she's separated, they weren't drunk, there was no coercion, so who cares? I really don't understand what the problem is.

The problem is that there are some relationships that should respect specific boundaries. Sex does not have to be part of every male/female relationship especially if the relationship has been defined as not a romantic one. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Dani-Ellie said:

There were a couple of other things, though they were minor. She called Randall a Congressman. When Randall asked her to tell him about LA, she just said that it was fine. She didn't offer any details and when he tried to pull some details out of her, she changed the subject to baby Jack, which is what predicated the panic about her phone. I think it's not that she didn't want to talk about living in LA but that she couldn't. Because she couldn't remember the kind of detail he was asking for.

Yes, I picked up on that as well. There’s a lot of avoidance in the early stages and switching topics to hide the fact that they simply cannot remember things and cover up issues. My mom, to this day, has some clever ways of redirecting focus away from her mistakes. But we know when something’s up. Then there’s also the behavioral component: in Rebecca’s case, misplacing her phone was not such an issue; it was her overreaction that would give me pause for concern. And that is just the surface of the behavior issues. This will be tough to watch.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, chocolatine said:

And then Rebecca had the nerve to complain that it's an entry-level job!

As an Air Force spouse who had to move every five years, every job I ever had was entry level.  It never occurred  to me to cry about it.  Rebecca's sense of entitlement was really on display this episode.  She always seemed to accept Jack's (and later Miquel's) adoration as her due, and allowing Randall to sacrifice his college choice for her was just wrong.  A perfect example was Rebecca moaning about the mortgage payments right in front of Randall.  

5 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

However, Randall's hideous Pearson-ing of the man who interviewed Rebecca was The WOOOOOOOORST: "

Shut UP, Kate's face!  Let Toby enjoy the moment of Jack eating the goddamn avocado.  

You know, this is the first time I liked Cassidy.  Her interactions with Kevin were genuine and mature, and I really appreciated how they wrapped (I think) her story u

Randall shouldn't have even been with his mother much less speaking for her.  IRL the boss would have told him that.  Way to make her look feeble and immature, Randall.

I finally started liking Cassidy when she told Kevin she was sorry, too, about the sex thing.  They're both in a fragile state right now.

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, Blackie said:

If miss placing your phone is a sign of dementia, then I am done for!!!  But I have recently experienced a MIL with strange symptoms that seem like cognitive decline and her own children in denial about it, so ya, it is more then miss placing a phone

And it looked like it was under a piece of paper! Anyone could misplace it that way. 

I didn’t care for Randall last night. His unspoken comment was rude. And if someone does have dementia/Alzheimer’s, getting angry is not helpful at all. They’re already frustrated, they don’t need you getting angry at them. 

ive lived through this with my mother, I can’t watch it happen to Rebecca. 

  • Love 16

More and more I understand how fitting the title of the show is. This is 'us'. While I can't relate to everything on the show, a lot of it strikes home, and I know that the things that are not part of my life experience are relatable to someone else, probably right here on this board.

I've not had to deal with panic attacks or the early death of a parent, but adoption, weight issues, losing a flawed-but-perfect dad from the perspective of an only (and cherished) daughter. Yup. I think the hardest of all is yet to come, as my own mom died from dementia. Oh, her cause of death was complications from pneumonia, but it was dementia that killed her. By the time she passed, she had stopped talking altogether, only recognized my dad and my oldest brother (who she saw as a child). It was like she regressed to about 1960 and stayed there. I know it's going to kill me to watch Rebecca and the Big Three and poor Miguel go down this road.

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I hated that Rebecca got a job for which she wasn't qualified just because a Pearson man talked the manager into hiring her. That's not how life works. The fact that Randall got a scholarship to CMU was completely irrelevant since he wasn't the one who had to learn the software, and I wish the manager had told him as much. And then Rebecca had the nerve to complain that it's an entry-level job! We've never seen her work or even mention a job before (apart from the singing gigs), so of course any job she would get at any age would be entry-level.


I have a feeling this wasn't the end for Kevin and Cassidy. She's going to go through with her divorce, and Kevin will keep coming into town to visit Nicky, and they'll reconnect.

Yeah, I didn't like that, once again, a Pearson man can talk his way into anything. Poor Rebecca was needing to find her own independence away from Jack, and now Randall took up the mantle. However, I don't think Rebecca was actually complaining about the entry level job itself. She's in her late 40s, at that point. I think she was just commenting that she'll be one of the oldest people there who would basically be working for people who are younger than her.

As for Cassidy's arc, I actually think it's done. That's not to say she won't show up every once in a while, but I genuinely believe that Cassidy won't appear much again. Furthermore, I'm willing to bet that Nicky follows Kevin to LA. I know that it doesn't sound like Nicky, but after his court speech and how he definitely has gotten close with Kevin, I think he's finally at the point where he's ready to open up and get close to his family. I think going to Thanksgiving will help him through that. They can't keep Nicky on his own and if Kevin is truly heading back to LA, then it only makes sense for Nicky to either go with him or have Randall get involved with Nicky, which probably isn't an option. And with Rebecca on the road to dementia, I think that Nicky will move to help out Rebecca....if Rebecca/Miguel stay in LA, of course. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Eh, easy when you know how.  Martha Stewart taught me.

How far in the future was last year's finale?  That is going to be a long, slow decline for Rebecca.

Cassidy is fragile.  Changing the nature of their relationship while she is dealing with alcoholism, divorce, and loss of custody of her child is more baggage.  Kevin felt awful for adding to her issues.

This episode was outstanding.  Kudos to all the secondary characters who taught the Pearsons something about themselves.

I think Dan Fogelman said it was 15 years or so into the future?  

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

I think the phone is just the convenient vehicle to emphasize that all is not right with her. 

It wasn't just that she lost/misplaced her phone, it was the near panic attack when she couldn't find it.  She was starting to obsess over it, until it was found and she was able to calm down.  If anyone knows a panic attack, it's Randall, so of course he's concerned.  He did handle the concern poorly when he went to help her with the bedsheets.  

  • Useful 1
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14 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Randall went about it all wrong.  He should have waited and talked quietly to Miguel about it instead of bumrushing Rebecca after a long day.  Maybe even do some research into dementia before confronting her.  And he did confront her.  That was not a son speaking to his mother about her concerning behavior.  He got nasty real fast after Rebecca pushed back.  That was uncomfortable to watch even if it was completely in character with Randall.  He is probably going to lash out at Kate next week for her not noticing Rebecca's decline.  The only saving grace for me is knowing Rebecca is at Kevin's house in the flashforward.  It's good to know that Randall gets his control issues in check at some point.

I would have liked Randall mentioning it to Miguel. What I really would have preferred was seeing Miguel figuring out something was off more than Randall. I like Sterling, but I have been annoyed with Randall since his political aspirations storyline, maybe before. Randall seems to have a lot of storylines in his realm.

I would really like less Deja stories. I like the actress, but I am so bored with Deja. I want to see more Tess and Annie and less Deja.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 15
21 minutes ago, Kktjones said:

So do we really think Toby was THAT excited about Jack eating his first solid food? Everything between he and Kate feels so forced and fake these days. I have a really bad feeling about where this relationship is headed...

They both suck as characters. Really all of them besides Kevin, Uncle Nicky and Miguel are insufferable.

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  • Love 10
1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

The problem is that there are some relationships that should respect specific boundaries. Sex does not have to be part of every male/female relationship especially if the relationship has been defined as not a romantic one. 

From the time they introduced Jennifer Morrison's character it seemed almost inevitable that she'd hit the bed with Kevin. I only had to recall what happened with Milana Vayntrub's character back in Season 1 (wow, that was a long time ago!) It still disappointed me that they had to go down that all-too-predictable route. Kevin is nearly 40 now, he has to know that sex changes things between people, whatever his emotional state may be.

After the talk they'd just had it seemed impossible for Beth to turn down Deja's request to invite her mom for Thanksgiving. A risky situation no doubt and one that her mom might have reservations about herself. But I have to wonder - has Deja been totally out of contact with her mom since being adopted by the Pearsons? It's so much easier nowadays to stay in touch, somehow.

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, Misslindsey said:

I would have liked Randall mentioning it to Miguel. What I really would have preferred was seeing Miguel figuring out something was off more than Randall. I like Sterling, but I have been annoyed with Randall since the congressman story, maybe before. Randall seems to have a lot of storylines in his realm.

I would really like less Deja stories. I like the actress, but I am so bored with Deja. I want to see more Tess and Annie and less Deja.

I get why Randall would see that something is off with Rebecca.  He is not with her all the time and the changes with Rebecca are small and easy not to notice.  I wish he would have approached Miguel first because Miguel is Rebecca's husband.  It's not Randall's place to insist on Rebecca seeing a doctor, it's Miguel's.  Even if Rebecca is diagnosed with dementia, Randall is not the one who is with her everyday, Miguel is.  

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I get they used the bed making scenes to bring the past together with today. But. Who makes their house guests make the bed?  That drove me crazy...the guest room should have been prepared already!

She's also a mother. Not to speak for all moms but mine would 100 percent want to do it herself. Not because I'm not capable. It's the whole "I don't want to put you out" thing. Which is ridiculous. But, she's my mom.

6 hours ago, Lily H said:

So, did Kevin deliberately provoke that moron in the bar into beating him up because he felt so badly about hooking up with Cassidy, and felt some bizarre need to be punished for it? Because I just don't get what the big deal is about 2 adults having sex. He's single, she's separated, they weren't drunk, there was no coercion, so who cares? I really don't understand what the problem is.

He was actively trying to get that family back together and then inserted himself right into the drama by sleeping with her and making things more complicated. 

And they shouldn't be interacting like that anyway since they are both in AA and are basically supporting each other through the process.

And Kevin doesn't make the best choices when it comes to his dick and I'm sure it's something he's trying to fix.

This is not just two single consenting adults having sex.

It's also not really what either of them need right now. Neither of them need more potential complications.

  • Love 13
18 minutes ago, watcher1006 said:

From the time they introduced Jennifer Morrison's character it seemed almost inevitable that she'd hit the bed with Kevin. I only had to recall what happened with Milana Vayntrub's character back in Season 1 (wow, that was a long time ago!) It still disappointed me that they had to go down that all-too-predictable route. Kevin is nearly 40 now, he has to know that sex changes things between people, whatever his emotional state may be.

After the talk they'd just had it seemed impossible for Beth to turn down Deja's request to invite her mom for Thanksgiving. A risky situation no doubt and one that her mom might have reservations about herself. But I have to wonder - has Deja been totally out of contact with her mom since being adopted by the Pearsons? It's so much easier nowadays to stay in touch, somehow.

I thought it was a cheap move to have them have sex, and I'm glad that aspect was closed off (I hope). 

Deja has been in contact with her mother via text.  They showed it in an episode last year, and she wanted to see her, as referenced in this episode. It was dropped. I am happy that Malik pushed it with Beth, however implausible it seems to me that he would be that presumptuous.  It is true that people make time for things that they want to do, and Beth and Randall wanted to do lots of things besides facilitate that meeting.  Also true that Deja wouldn't have wanted to risk offending them by asking again. 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

However, Randall's hideous Pearson-ing of the man who interviewed Rebecca was The WOOOOOOOORST

Cringeworthy! But to be expected from a Pearson. This would never happen in real life. 

I didn't get the whole thing about Kate being stressed about Toby not being the first to feed the avocado to baby Jack. Just keep your mouth shut and let him think he's the first to feed the baby solid food. Jeez, is it that big of a deal. Oh, I forgot. It's Kate so everything is a big deal. She is exhausting. 

I agree that Cassidy may be pregnant and we will see her again down the road. 

Forgetting where your phone is surely is not the best example they could have used to show Rebecca's impending dementia story. It was a lame example. 

  • Love 15

And Casidy is not Kevin's baby mama, so having them hookup was completely pointless. Thanks, show!

That was so Nicky could (rightfully) say, "what is wrong with you!" And, I do think we are done with the romantic part of Casidy and Kevin...she just sees him too clearly and knows that she does not need MORE baggage.

And I am with the people who want the Deja storyline to take a giant step back...altho it will clearly cause a lot of trouble at the Pilgram Rick Thanksgiving Spectacular, complete with cheese hot dogs and bad movies. 

Edited to add that given this show's MO, Malik is too nice for something bad not to happen.

Edited by AriAu
  • LOL 6
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

And why does she think Jack might have a food allergy?

Because of the aforementioned mommy blogs.  The amount worked up that the onlline mommy community can get over the proper introduction of foods is intense!   There is a specific reason they don't give honey before a year but seriously I have an otherwise rational professional friend who had a literal panic attack when she found out her mum had given precious bundle a tiny taste of honey at 10 months.   She called the pediatrician in absolute tears that's how worked up these mommy warriors can make insecure first time moms.   All the guidelines say not to introduce a new food within 3 or 4 days of the prior food so a new food is just not introduced with in 3 or four days of a prior food.  End of story.   

I don't like how they are playing this dementia story but Randall's panicked confrontation to this is unpleasant but it feels very in character and true to life.   When I get frightened it can manifest itself as anger and I've had some times when I've been short and confrontational with my mom that were completely undeserved and totally on me and a lot more times when I needed to stop, take a breath, and deal with my feelings before dealing with the situation.   Which is not so easy to do when you are in the middle of a panicked reaction.  Randall who is so, so so prone to panic and who feels both like it is his job to protect Rebecca and who probably has relied on Rebecca the most in ways he probably wouldn't have even noticed is going to be hit hard by this.


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  • Love 8
12 hours ago, ams1001 said:

My mother can [fold a fitted sheet]. The flat and fitted sheets are completely indistinguishable in her linen closet

So can I; my mother cannot, at all. And I think it was @Scarlett45 who said she doesn't have an issue with putting fitted sheets on the bed - I've never had an issue doing that either. You just walk around until it's on. The only time I found it difficult was in a previous East Village apartment when my bedroom was very narrow and walking around the bed was a challenge. 

Dementia is one of my biggest fears (there's not really a history of it in my family but you never know; I would quite literally rather die than lose my mind), so watching Rebecca decline is going to be hard.

10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I hated that Rebecca got a job for which she wasn't qualified just because a Pearson man talked the manager into hiring her. That's not how life works. The fact that Randall got a scholarship to CMU was completely irrelevant since he wasn't the one who had to learn the software, and I wish the manager had told him as much. And then Rebecca had the nerve to complain that it's an entry-level job! We've never seen her work or even mention a job before (apart from the singing gigs), so of course any job she would get at any age would be entry-level.

This is one of my least favorite TV tropes, so you can imagine how I feel when they flash back to Jack talking the car salesman into taking a loss on a car, for example.

I laughed when Beth told Malik "If you 'okay' me one more time ..." And I am interested in seeing Shauna at Thanksgiving. It also warms my heart when Beth or Randall call Deja their daughter and when Deja calls Randall her dad (I don't think I've heard her refer to Beth as her mom yet). I had a coworker who adopted her second child out of foster care and she was going through her phone looking for a picture of her kids to show me. When she found it, she said "There are my babies" with such warmth (the "babies" in question were 15 and 10, heh). I thought it was really beautiful. I have another acquaintance who adopted her daughter out of foster care as a single woman (like the Pearsons, she was my acquaintance's first foster child) and it makes me happy to hear her talk about her daughter. I also laughed when Beth plainly informed Malik and Deja that she would be in the pantry for the next thirty seconds.

I agree with @Racj82 about why Cassidy and Kevin shouldn't be having sex. Isn't there an unwritten rule about not getting into a new relationship your first year sober (I think Cassidy is still pretty newly sober)? I really wish more shows would acknowledge that men and women can be friends. (That said, when Kevin was taunting the guy in the bar by saying he bet he could get the guy's wife naked in 10 minutes, I was like " ... I mean, probably." Justin Hartley could ABSOLUTELY get it.)

How old are the Big Three in the flash forward when they are around Rebecca's bedside and we see Kevin's son?

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Kate needs to stop reading mommy blogs and quit worrying about if Jack should have started eating solid food two weeks ago. Kids have different time tables. It's not a big deal and it's not worth stressing out about something like that. And why does she think Jack might have a food allergy? Not to sound like an old lady who talks about how everyone used to walk uphill in the snow both ways, but I'm pretty sure my parents just gave me a little bit of whatever they were eating and didn't worry about the possibility of food allergies.

My mom told me I happily gummed turkey and mashed potatoes my first Thanksgiving.  I was born in early August, so I was almost 4 months old.  I didn't develop a food allergy (peanuts, walnuts, and cashews) until I was in my late 30's.  Particularly cruel, because I ate peanut butter my entire life until that point, and I know how delicious it is!

I'm with everyone saying that it isn't so much that Rebecca misplaced her phone, it's that the phone seems to have become a lifeline for her, the obsessive picture-taking being the digital version of the obsessive notes she took when baby Jack was born.  Classic coping mechanism.

Were the Kevin/adult Jack scenes the first time we've seen any of the adult Big Three (Justin, Chrissy, Sterling) in a scene with Milo V.?


That said, when Kevin was taunting the guy in the bar by saying he bet he could get the guy's wife naked in 10 minutes, I was like " ... I mean, probably." Justin Hartley could ABSOLUTELY get it.

Oh, totes.

Edited by Lovecat
  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

So can I; my mother cannot, at all. And I think it was @Scarlett45 who said she doesn't have an issue with putting fitted sheets on the bed - I've never had an issue doing that either. You just walk around until it's on. The only time I found it difficult was in a previous East Village apartment when my bedroom was very narrow and walking around the bed was a challenge. 

Dementia is one of my biggest fears (there's not really a history of it in my family but you never know; I would quite literally rather die than lose my mind), so watching Rebecca decline is going to be hard.

This is one of my least favorite TV tropes, so you can imagine how I feel when they flash back to Jack talking the car salesman into taking a loss on a car, for example.

I laughed when Beth told Malik "If you 'okay' me one more time ..." And I am interested in seeing Shauna at Thanksgiving. It also warms my heart when Beth or Randall call Deja their daughter and when Deja calls Randall her dad (I don't think I've heard her refer to Beth as her mom yet). I had a coworker who adopted her second child out of foster care and she was going through her phone looking for a picture of her kids to show me. When she found it, she said "There are my babies" with such warmth (the "babies" in question were 15 and 10, heh). I thought it was really beautiful. I have another acquaintance who adopted her daughter out of foster care as a single woman (like the Pearsons, she was my acquaintance's first foster child) and it makes me happy to hear her talk about her daughter. I also laughed when Beth plainly informed Malik and Deja that she would be in the pantry for the next thirty seconds.

I agree with @Racj82 about why Cassidy and Kevin shouldn't be having sex. Isn't there an unwritten rule about not getting into a new relationship your first year sober (I think Cassidy is still pretty newly sober)? I really wish more shows would acknowledge that men and women can be friends. (That said, when Kevin was taunting the guy in the bar by saying he bet he could get the guy's wife naked in 10 minutes, I was like " ... I mean, probably." Justin Hartley could ABSOLUTELY get it.)

How old are the Big Three in the flash forward when they are around Rebecca's bedside and we see Kevin's son?

If it's 15 years hence as has been said, they would be about 55.

2 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

Were the Kevin/adult Jack scenes the first time we've seen any of the adult Big Three (Justin, Chrissy, Sterling) in a scene with Milo V.?

We saw Randall when he ingested shrooms and Jack was fixing the cabin roof, and I think Kate at her wedding was having visuals of her dad.

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I honestly thought he was just talking about the Microsoft suite of products, not that he meant the company used some special software.  Otherwise, you are right, it would be ridiculous to expect a new hire to already know how to use proprietary software.  

I thought he said something like "our purchasing and sales software" so it sounds like some kind of entry level buyer-type position(?). Might not be proprietary but if you haven't had that kind of job before you probably wouldn't know it. (Though I get that probably can't name-drop Microsoft or whatever, so it could be more generic software that most people would know.)

11 hours ago, Blackie said:

If miss placing your phone is a sign of dementia, then I am done for!!!  But I have recently experienced a MIL with strange symptoms that seem like cognitive decline and her own children in denial about it, so ya, it is more then miss placing a phone

I think it's more her panicked reaction to not being able to find it that made Randall concerned. (And then finding out it's not the first phone she's lost recently. I didn't connect the obsessive picture-taking while I was watching but someone mentioned it above and now I see that, too.)

8 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Rebecca’s story is going to be rough.  Dementia starts off as absent mindedness and then it spirals into an ugly, heartbreaking beast. 

The last time I saw my best friend's grandmother (we've been friends since we were 2  years old; about 23 years at that point) she  knew she'd known me forever but couldn't remember my name. But my friend and I look a lot alike (she knew I wasn't her granddaughter, though). She passed away a few months later.

5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I HATE making the bed by myself. It is the biggest pain in the ass. When I bought this mattress, I thought ooh, pillowtop! I didn't realize it would make it THAT much harder to make the bed.

My mattress is a regular inner spring mattress with a 2-3 inch memory foam layer on top. I don't know if that's a factor (probably partly my stretchy t-shirt sheets, too) but my sheet is always slipping off the top left corner. Drives me nuts. (I need a new one soon and I think I'll skip the foam next time either way. It has a noticeable dip in the middle, and I can't flip it over, only rotate it, so I sleep slightly to one side and it just contributes to a bigger center dip over time.)

4 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

Seriously i have lost my phone like rebecca did so many times, i wish they had shown more slip ups - this is why companies like tiles make millions because we all lose our keys and phones- roughly how old is rebecca at this point in story? Very very sad 😞

I think she was 29 or 30 when the the kids were born, so late 60s.

2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Randall shouldn't have even been with his mother much less speaking for her.  IRL the boss would have told him that.  Way to make her look feeble and immature, Randall.

Yeah, why was he even driving her at all?

6 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

Were the Kevin/adult Jack scenes the first time we've seen any of the adult Big Three (Justin, Chrissy, Sterling) in a scene with Milo V.?

Randall hallucinated Jack when he accidentally drank the drugged smoothie (or whatever it was) at the cabin with Kevin's theater friends.

  • Love 3

Boyfriend came to pick up Kate. They talked about going to a movie. Chatted about Practical Magic and boyfriend said they would NOT be seeing that. They left. Randall’s dislike of the guy was apparent throughout.

3 minutes ago, ctmd said:

can someone tell me what happened in the flashback scene with Kate and her boyfriend? I don't know what I was doing, but all I remember is them leaving, and Kevin and Randall commenting "what does she see in him?" What actually happened in that scene? 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, chitowngirl said:

Boyfriend came to pick up Kate. They talked about going to a movie. Chatted about Practical Magic and boyfriend said they would NOT be seeing that. They left. Randall’s dislike of the guy was apparent throughout.

He also called Randall "Randy," and implied that only 12-year-old girls would want to watch a movie with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. The writers are really setting him up as a dick.

I have to say, I didn't really buy that Nicky would be so over-the-top harsh toward Kevin. I could buy him saying, "That was a really terrible idea. What were you thinking?"

But repeatedly saying, "Shame on you!" like that? I was surprised he didn't strip Kevin naked and make him walk through the streets while ringing a bell. When did Nicky the child killer become such a Judge Judy?

It seemed like a shortcut the writers took so that they could get quickly to the most cliched scene ever - alcoholic starts unnecessary fight with tough guy at bar to show us how much he hates himself.

  • Love 11
13 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Do one corner, then the opposite corner, instead of trying to do one side first. It's less likely to slip off. (You still have to keep going back and forth around the bed, though. No way around that.) 

I've been known to call my own phone from inside the house while looking out my window to see if I can see it light up inside my car.

I ping my phone all day long from my apple watch so Randall, take a seat please - and when I don't feel like getting up to get my phone I also ping it and won't stop pinging it until someone in house to brings it to me.   

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