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S14.E12: Fashion Show Faux Pas

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Braunwyn's husband knew she was blowing "the incident" out of proportion when she was retelling the story in the car.  They were never going to be thrown off the boat.  They are all delusional just like Dr. Deb.

Adelaide's outfit didn't match the others.  They all had a red diagonal stripe, but hers did not, and it looked out of place. 

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2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

BW wouldn't let the crazy event host explain to her that security had no way of knowing that her walking acid trip of a mother

More like "acid casualty" of a mother.

Edited by Mr. Minor
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23 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

No, Tamra, YOU are the reason your grown ass son is the aimless shit that he is and let's not forget she left him to be raised by her mother so she could go whore around. Maybe, just maybe that has something to do with his issues. 

Can we please not leave Ryan's living birth father out of this equation? I'm not fan of Tam-balls but she didn't do this on her own. 

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1 hour ago, Higgins said:

That's somewhat unfair. I think Ryan wanted some  loving guidance from his parents that he never received. He never said he expected anything perfectly laid out. He admits he's struggling and feels stuck. 

It’s not unfair at all. IMO. Ryan has ample time and Connections to try to hustle this tv gig into something as Cardi B is a perfect example of. I been watching him over the years being lazy AF and just wanting the Easy way to a life he feels he’s entitled to. And the political stance he is taking is “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”. And then he chose to bring an innocent child into his nonsense so he’s no different than his wretched mother. 
Instead of having his mother pay for expensive houses and comping tattoo removal, he should have her pay for therapy. Better yet get a job with healthcare. 

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Did Rowan’s “line” actually already have a monogram print? Isn’t that a little... presumptuous for a first-time designer? Not sure of the market for clothing with a bunch of Rs all over it, unless you have an R in your own name, and even then it’s odd.

Someone upthread mentioned the questionable nature of Rowan going from one thinness-obsessed arena to another; I thought something similar when I was watching, in that no one who wasn’t totally obsessed with being skinny could wear her clothes. The designs weren’t bad, but I didn’t see them as genius or anything. At least they weren’t as ill fitting as the Beverly Beach stuff.

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If someone who looked like Betsey Johnson dressed like Rainbow Brite defiantly introduced herself as "Doctor Deb" I'd laugh in her face.

Betsy says "Bitch stole my look!"


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13 hours ago, Pickles said:

Gina does not lock the door to her house. At night. At 1:00 in the morning. The ex-husband just walks in. How dumb is she?

All I could think here was:

Doesn't she have his children? 

Wasn't she not answering her phone then BLOCKED HIM? 

- My conclusion was, "good dad to show up at her home and check on her safety and that of his kids." 

Douche for cheating? Yes. But Gina's more immature than my 7 year olds. When daddy's not home, they ask me if i turned everything off and locked the doors before going to bed. Gina is sinking further & further into self centeredness. It's not pleasing to watch.  It's concerning on behalf of her children.

Edited by Kdawg82
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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

As for Gina's "Matt" story I don't believe her at all.

Gina never said what happened once he was in the house, was she sleeping? Did he crawl in to bed with her? Seriously, why didn't any of her friends as follow up questions?

And why are they going to counseling if they are in divorce proceedings?

Who did Bruanwyn and her nameless husband pay off to get their kid in the fashion show?  

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17 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

It’s not unfair at all. IMO. Ryan has ample time and Connections to try to hustle this tv gig into something as Cardi B is a perfect example of. I been watching him over the years being lazy AF and just wanting the Easy way to a life he feels he’s entitled to. And the political stance he is taking is “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”. And then he chose to bring an innocent child into his nonsense so he’s no different than his wretched mother. 
Instead of having his mother pay for expensive houses and comping tattoo removal, he should have her pay for therapy. Better yet get a job with healthcare. 

Does anyone know where Ryan is living now?  Is he living with Tamra and Eddie?  

What about his daughter with the flaky gun-toting girl he hooked up with? Tamra's grandaughter?  I don't do Instragram or Twitter, so I don't know if Tamra or Ryan even see her.  And, is he paying child support for his daughter?  

He is just seems sooo troubled and depressed (or else, he's a really great actor) - he doesn't need a bullshit "life coach" - he needs intense therapy from a proper professional.  I don't know, Ryan just gives me some weird vibes - like he could snap and do something really, really scary, either to himself or others.

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1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

I have to say while Rowan's Dark Rabbit line was just copying looks from other designers - it's better than some of the fashions hocked by some housewives - i.e. Dorit Beverly Beach, Kyle's I forget the name, She by Sheree, Countess Evine Collection.

Now that I think of it - I think Gina bought all of Luann's Evine collection.

As for Adeline and the runway - between the practice and the actual show - she has had practice, training and coaching. So was the scene of Shannon telling her what to do - "acting"?

As for Gina's "Matt" story I don't believe her at all.

Me neither. 👍

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48 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Yes! I noticed the price tag. Let me tell you this, when you buy high end shoes from a high end store, they don’t compromise the merchandise with sticky price tags in the sole. That’s some Ross dress for less shit. I should know, that’s where I buy my cheap shoes. 

Funny, I was going to add the same thing! The only time I ever buy shoes where there may be stickers on the bottom are at discount shoe stores like Payless (RIP) and Shoe Warehouse. Even regular chain shoe stores do not have stickers on the bottom of their shoes as you are not buying directly off the floor but from a salesperson who is getting your size from the storeroom in the back. Too funny. 

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2 hours ago, HelloOutThere said:

Oh, you haven’t been working diligently since after high school to set yourself up to be in a position to put a $200k down payment on a $1 million basic OC tract “starter home”? YOU’RE SCREWED. And if you don’t even have a solid career path figured out by 30, there is ZERO chance of recovery. You simply cannot afford the lifestyle you grew up with. Ship sailed.

Lots of the”rebellious” “cool” crowd from my high school ended up in this situation. They have been forced east to the Inland Empire or places like Arizona or Vegas just to live an affordable life while they waffle from job to job. They are bitter and blame their parents, but that is what happens when you show zero work ethic. 

Sorry, this really rubs me the wrong way. Not everyone moves out to AZ or Vegas because they haven't worked to set themselves up for a great life. Some of us worked our asses off, and continue to work our asses off, in wonderful full-time positions with benefits and freelance gigs, but cannot afford to live decently as a single person on the east coast.

Some of us choose to live responsibly in reasonably priced areas because we were literally priced out of our home states by deciding not to get married just double our income. I'd have to be a trust fund baby to live alone in a decent home in NJ. We didn't have a crystal ball that told us how SHITTY it would be in our adult lives. That doesn't mean we didn't work hard and do everything correctly. It just means fate sometimes works against you. 

I honestly don't blame Ryan. Tamra woke up and tried to be a great mom, but it was a little to late with Ryan. And it stings for him even worse because he's watched his step-siblings have a much better foundation provided to them. 

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49 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh, dr doofus definitely was going to say that black guy. I doubt someone working security on a yacht in a high income area is not well trained. He wouldn’t put his hand on her. She is an entitled old hag, and was indignant that that black guy had the nerve to question her insane looking ass. 

Oh yea, she was ready to cry about a big black guy trying to beat her up, but her political correctness took over.  Celebs and wannabe celebs, even these cows on this show, love to talk tolerance and love, but put an unknown person of color too close to them and they run like scared babies.

I just can't stand Bronwin.  Her kids remind me of Stepford children.  The whole family is just so fake.  

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20 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Sorry, this really rubs me the wrong way. Not everyone moves out to AZ or Vegas because they haven't worked to set themselves up for a great life. Some of us worked our asses off, and continue to work our asses off, in wonderful full-time positions with benefits and freelance gigs, but cannot afford to live decently as a single person on the east coast.

Some of us choose to live responsibly in reasonably priced areas because we were literally priced out.

This. I grew up in Harlem. Due to gentrification I can’t afford to live there. And I worked my ass off, didn’t have half the support Ryan has and I have managed to not get arrested, take care of my kids and am actually married happily. He can sit down. I have no sympathy for folks who ain’t trying. People with worse situations, people that are born in not the  default gender, sexual orientation, race, etc Born In poverty, with abusive parents, foster care, etc have made great changes in their life. 

I agree his mother was a trash mother but he should have wrapped it up and not knocked up some chick to Doom  an innocent child into his trash. 

7 minutes ago, watcherwoman said:

Oh yea, she was ready to cry about a big black guy trying to beat her up, but her political correctness took over.  Celebs and wannabe celebs, even these cows on this show, love to talk tolerance and love, but put an unknown person of color too close to them and they run like scared babies.

I just can't stand Bronwin.  Her kids remind me of Stepford children.  The whole family is just so fake.  

Howard Stern had this great commentary on this the other day. 

”everyone’s about diversity til a black person moves next door. Then they move out in the middle of the night.”

Shannon’s daughters are really pretty and dare I say level headed. 

Edited by lamujerdecente
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10 minutes ago, lamujerdecente said:

This. I grew up in Harlem. Due to gentrification I can’t afford to live there. And I worked my ass off, didn’t have half the support Ryan has and I have managed to not get arrested, take care of my kids and am actually married happily. He can sit down. I have no sympathy for folks who ain’t trying. People with worse situations, people that are born in not the  default gender, sexual orientation, race, etc Born In poverty, with abusive parents, foster care, etc have made great changes in their life. 

I agree his mother was a trash mother but he should have wrapped it up and not knocked up some chick to Doom  an innocent child into his trash. 

Yes, I should have clarified my thoughts. I agree with this 100%. I don't blame Ryan for feeling the way he feels - you have every right to be bitter, pissed, angry, resentful, what have you. But it doesn't mean you can perpetuate the cycle and sit on your ass and complain. A lot of people were dealt raw hands in many ways and to varying degrees. No one has a perfect upbringing or parental unit. You have to do the best with what you have.

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1 hour ago, Hiyo said:

Betsy says "Bitch stole my look!"


Was I the only one expecting Dr Deb to do a cartwheel down the runway after Rowan and Adeline came out?

Then Betsey would be screaming Bitch stole my look and my cartwheel

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I am only 20 minutes into the show, at the point where people are arriving for the fashion show.Braunwyn looks beautiful, but this day is supposed to be all about her daughter and her daughter’s fashions.They had a discussion about trying to support their daughter emotionally and uplifting her. Nevertheless, Bronwynn has chosen an outfit that ensures all eyes and all attention will be on her. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with this one… Looking at you, Dr. Deb

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4 hours ago, Jel said:

it was walking in a fashion show.  SMH. 

She didn’t just walk in the fashion show she designed the line that was in the show, that’s something to be proud of. I mean she only showed because of her family’s connections and had a lot of support but it’s still something she did.

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14 hours ago, Quita said:

Ryan complaining that no one prepared him for life? WTF? Little man, is anyone really ever "prepared" for what life throws at them. No one knows what's coming down the road. I'm pretty sure I remember when Tamra and Simon were married, they tried helping him out quite a bit but he didn't want to abide by the rules. He's someone who won't listen to advice or reason and needs to learn all his lessons the hard way. He needs to take responsibility for his own actions and poor decisions.

Simon tried his best with Ryan, Tamra would go behind his back and undermine him.  And yet, while having this conversation, Tamra throws out something negative about Simon.  FUCK YOU Tamra, Simon didn't hate him, he attempted to set him straight and you now try to blame him? 

Let us also remember that Ryan was given over to grandma when Tamra first met Simon so she could have a fresh start or whatever she said.  She tossed him aside.  That's why he is a shell of a person.

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20 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She didn’t just walk in the fashion show she designed the line that was in the show, that’s something to be proud of. I mean she only showed because of her family’s connections and had a lot of support but it’s still something she did.

Shannon's daughter designed those clothes? (I thought it was Braunwyn's daughter who did that.)

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1 minute ago, Jel said:

Shannon's daughter designed those clothes? (I thought it was Braunwyn's daughter who did that.)

It was but Rowan is also the person who said it was the proudest day of her life not Adelaide.

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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

It was but Rowan is also the person who said it was the proudest day of her life not Adelaide.

I was commenting on Shannon being so proud of her daughter walking in the fashion show. Nothing about Rowan. 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’d have to go back and rewatch the show (no DVR here), but the drug discussion is coming back to me. A few of the women were huddled and the drug adderol came up. Gina said (paraphrasing) what drug? That she’d take some now. My thought was that she isn’t capable of making responsible decisions. She just got popped for a DUI and now she’s on a national tv show saying that she’d happily taken a drug on the boat...if anyone was really carrying any and right then. With the court appearance looming I’d be clean and sober waiting to see the judge. I’m wondering if she doesn’t have substance abuse issues or began doing drugs at an early age stunting her emotional growth. 

Yes, Gina definitely talked about Adderall seriously.  Dr Deb brought it up.  She was like, to Gina, "You need Adderall" when she heard how fucked-up Gina's life was (pot calling kettle) and Gina was all, "I do.  Seriously.  I'll take whatever I can get at this point."  And I was like, holy shit, Gina, don't talk about Adderall on TV!

I also noticed a few episodes ago--I think Gina was at a party store with Emily--and I was like, ok, Gina is fucked up.  Not only on alcohol or weed.  I'm not waiting for her E! True Hollywood Story to come up--I think Gina's on something serious while she's filming.

I too wonder a lot about Gina's childhood.  She came on the show with this song and dance about how she married really young, because that's how they do on Long Island, but then we find out she didn't get with Matt until after college, she graduated from college but never worked, and her parents seem very permissive too.  I bet they let her get away with a ton of shit, and she thought that's just how life is.

@Mindthinkr, I was hoping you were going to weigh in on Emily's riding!  I thought she looked ok.  Hard to see much from a walk.  I also thought her stirrups might have been a wee bit long.

1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Not everyone moves out to AZ or Vegas because they haven't worked to set themselves up for a great life. 

Here, here.  Someone would have to drag me, kicking and screaming, to live in California.  I would never pay $4 for a gallon of gas.  It's not that I don't have the money; it's against my principles.  The way I look at it, if I could afford a good house in coastal California, I could afford a great house on a bigger piece of property in Florida or Arizona, so why wouldn't I go there for a better lifestyle?  It's also very important to some people to live in a place where people have values in keeping with their own.  I don't really know why Ryan is still living in OC.  I think he's got problems.  Also, I don't care and wish him off my screen.

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15 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Yes, Gina definitely talked about Adderall seriously.  Dr Deb brought it up.  She was like, to Gina, "You need Adderall" when she heard how fucked-up Gina's life was (pot calling kettle) and Gina was all, "I do.  Seriously.  I'll take whatever I can get at this point."  And I was like, holy shit, Gina, don't talk about Adderall on TV!


Adderall is serious.  I know these howives use it to stay trim and motivated. Bethenny Frankel, anyone? 

It's an amphetamine. That's why Frankel needs all that weave in her hair.  I'd bet she has hardly any original hair on her head.

Gina is an idiot. Yeah, Gina...a "brain surgeon" "slid into your DM's." Was it a dirty John? 

Edited by Kdawg82
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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

And why are they going to counseling if they are in divorce proceedings?

She said it was for co-parenting.

42 minutes ago, Mar said:

I am only 20 minutes into the show, at the point where people are arriving for the fashion show.Braunwyn looks beautiful, but this day is supposed to be all about her daughter and her daughter’s fashions.They had a discussion about trying to support their daughter emotionally and uplifting her. Nevertheless, Bronwynn has chosen an outfit that ensures all eyes and all attention will be on her. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree with this one… Looking at you, Dr. Deb

I thought Brawny looked terrible. But otherwise I agree 100% with your post! 

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I have to say, in addition to Braunwynn's shoes having stickers on them, which I didn't even see (good catch), she has racks of clothes in her bedroom, which means she lacks closet space.  Why didn't she hide that shit from the cameras?  Tacky shit with this one. 

Also, who wears a sweater and shorts to ride a bicycle?  Bitch, you cold or hot?

Sorry, Braunwynn and Gina do my head in.  I hate them both, probably equally, in totally different ways.

Where was David?  This seems like the thing that both parents should attend.  Shannon, um, how about instead of modeling for the girl how to walk and looking like Ramona Singer, you...hire her a walking coach?  Don't you have more money than God?  Also, I'll get off Shannon in a second, but I didn't like the baby pic of Adeline topless.  Keep that shit private.  It's embarrassing, even if the kid doesn't realize it at the time.

OC Fashion Week is really...something.  Not even a catwalk.  The crazy lady was a mom from Rowan's school.  New York Fashion Week, watch out!  The whole show was a whole lot of nothing, except for that crazy woman, whom I was living for!  It felt like nepotism that Rowan is doing her own line from her dad's company.  Even Kim K only got a loan from her dad, that she had to pay back (with interest if I recall).  Like, I'm not just going to celebrate Rowan because she allegedly designed these clothes.  I would need to know more before I said attagirl.

I need to talk about Gina again--Gina, Sonja Morgan already did that thing about getting dolled up for the ex to meet about something having to do with the split of the family, and she looked pathetic when she did it and you look...is there a word worse than "pathetic"?  It's not coming to me.  Those 100% were extensions she had dyed in her hair.  She is such a faker and a wannabe.  I was at my hair stylist's house a few weeks ago, and she had a pile of long blonde extensions in the corner she was dyeing for someone else, because that's how you dye extensions.  You only do it with them attached to your head if you want to pretend they're yours.  Miss me.  (I assume Gina's extensions are clip-in and not a weave, because that's what's been reported, and the way they are placed is indicative of clip-ins).

Why don't we just do a Gina to English dictionary?

Gina:  Matt called me 12,000 times

English:  After multiple drunken texts, Matt called me back

Gina:  Matt, like, came to my, like, house, and I was too distracted from texting with Dr Hottie to remember to lock my door at 1 am

English:  Matt came over to bang me, cause Dr Hottie won't touch me with a ten foot pole, much like Shane's cousin

Gina:  I want to divorce Matt on my terms

English:  I would drop to my knees and suck a golf ball through a Hoover if Matt would come back and give the life to which I've grown accustomed

I have to end on Braunwynn--her creed is that no one fucks with her kids or her family?  So...when a host, at the very most, placed a hand on your batshit crazy mother's arm,  you're going to avenge that by flying into a wild rage at your family (that no one is supposed to fuck with) when they are confined to a van?  Da fuq are these people on?  I'll skip the family reunion, thanks all the same.

Edited by LibertarianSlut
Needed to meditate on hair some more
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50 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Simon tried his best with Ryan, Tamra would go behind his back and undermine him.  And yet, while having this conversation, Tamra throws out something negative about Simon.  FUCK YOU Tamra, Simon didn't hate him, he attempted to set him straight and you now try to blame him? 

Let us also remember that Ryan was given over to grandma when Tamra first met Simon so she could have a fresh start or whatever she said.  She tossed him aside.  That's why he is a shell of a person.

I agree that Simon tried to help Ryan and steer him on a good path. Even without Ryan, I'd question Tamra's mothering just based on her actions on the show and her lack of relationship with her eldest daughter, Sidney. Ryan definitely got the short end of the stick with regard to his mom. He may have been with the grandmother for a bit as a child, but his dad, Darren, had sole custody when Tamra voluntarily gave up custody and raised him until Tamra started dating Simon. 

Ryan is now an adult in his 30s with a child. He needs to quit blaming others for his failures and shortcomings and take responsibility, but that takes maturity. 

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Even when it’s supposed to be something special for their daughters, these fame whores just can’t let it happen - you’re lucky your daughters didn’t give you a “pop” or a “bam” to the head, Shannon.

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Ryan won’t take responsibility until he has to and that won’t happen with Tamra supporting him. He needed the “tough love” Simon provided ie. a kick in the pants and being held accountable for his actions. The only reason her other kids have a better foundation is because of Simon and his wife. 

I know Simon loves his kids but I bet there are days when he shakes his head and thinks I can’t believe I had kids with this POS 

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Gina’s lack of adulting is despicable!  Girl....can get a babysitter on the drop, too!  🤣  She must pay $50 an hour. She is always out.

Wait....just last week she was whining she was setup on date with a man who had a girlfriend.

But......your husband you are divorcing has a girlfriend!

But, there you are letting him hit it.....like the flipping....Night Stalker!  

I don’t think Shannon is her friend.  I think Shannon is socializing within the group to film as much as possible.  I am sure that boutique (that has already been in Beverly Hills a bunch of times....LVP is the connection).......reached out to Shannon to come film in exchange a shopping trip for store credit, etc. 

Gina is going tor regret trying to ice Emily......for fake friends.

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Ryan sounds like he suffers from depression.  I wonder If he has any way of getting meds for it or if it would even help (since I haven't a clue what his exact mental health condition is). Part of me felt for him. But he was young and rebellious and nobody intervened ans stuck with the program. I do agree however that around age 30, you've got to step up & take responsibility. He could easily do trade school but probably doesn't want to.  He needs a passion.

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18 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Oh Yay! (NOT!) Is that the daughter who looks anorexic, possibly bulemic and is trying to be a gymnast? And she's 14 but looks 10? 

And we know Mama BrownShit is going to be there to try and get her 5 minutes of "reality fame". With her faux rainbow dreads.

Damn I can't stand these losers. FUCK YOU ANDY COHEN.

And Gina" gets a new look". Doesn't matter what she looks like... unfortunately, she's still Gina.

(I borrowed that punchline from Chief Stew Kate Chastain from Below Deck😊)

I don’t know Rowan’s medical history, but dropping thirty pounds when you’re a teenaged dancer is more than OCD. They are utter morons to believe the answer is to get her involved in the fashion industry, one of the most eating disordered environments. 

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15 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t envy any of Tamra’s children but Ryan is basically being supported by her with no end in sight and will make up for “lost revenue” by lording it over her how bad he had it. 

Well, UPS and Amazon are hiring for the holidays.  Why doesn’t Ryan get off his ass and put in an application?  It just might lead to a permanent position, if he had any desire to work instead of mooching off his Mother and Eddie.  BYW, how is he supporting his child?  He doesn’t need therapy, he needs to work like everyone else.  Maybe he should ask the President for a job in the White House.

Edited by Silver Bells
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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’d have to go back and rewatch the show (no DVR here), but the drug discussion is coming back to me. A few of the women were huddled and the drug adderol came up. Gina said (paraphrasing) what drug? That she’d take some now. My thought was that she isn’t capable of making responsible decisions. She just got popped for a DUI and now she’s on a national tv show saying that she’d happily taken a drug on the boat...if anyone was really carrying any and right then. With the court appearance looming I’d be clean and sober waiting to see the judge. I’m wondering if she doesn’t have substance abuse issues or began doing drugs at an early age stunting her emotional growth. 

My iPad isn’t letting me quote, but upthread someone mentioned how Shannon’s daughter really didn’t have the best walk or posture. It reminds me of how some girls who are tall at that age slump, because they are subconscious of being taller than her peers...especially boys. 

My daughter is 6 ft. tall. 

When she was a teenager she was very self conscious and started to try to slump.  I say she tried, because I refused to let her hunch herself up.  I'd press my hand onto her back (not hard mind you) and say, "Stand up straight.  Be proud of who you are." 

Today, she's still tall with almost perfect posture, despite having scoliosis.  I'm glad I was more persistent with making her stand straight than she was trying not to.   She has thanked me more than once for it, too.  So there's that.   🥰

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

I have to say, in addition to Braunwynn's shoes having stickers on them, which I didn't even see (good catch), she has racks of clothes in her bedroom, which means she lacks closet space.  Why didn't she hide that shit from the cameras?  Tacky shit with this one. 

Also, who wears a sweater and shorts to ride a bicycle?  Bitch, you cold or hot?

Sorry, Braunwynn and Gina do my head in.  I hate them both, probably equally, in totally different ways.

Where was David?  This seems like the thing that both parents should attend.  Shannon, um, how about instead of modeling for the girl how to walk and looking like Ramona Singer, you...hire her a walking coach?  Don't you have more money than God?  Also, I'll get off Shannon in a second, but I didn't like the baby pic of Adeline topless.  Keep that shit private.  It's embarrassing, even if the kid doesn't realize it at the time.

OC Fashion Week is really...something.  Not even a catwalk.  The crazy lady was a mom from Rowan's school.  New York Fashion Week, watch out!  The whole show was a whole lot of nothing, except for that crazy woman, whom I was living for!  It felt like nepotism that Rowan is doing her own line from her dad's company.  Even Kim K only got a loan from her dad, that she had to pay back (with interest if I recall).  Like, I'm not just going to celebrate Rowan because she allegedly designed these clothes.  I would need to know more before I said attagirl.

I need to talk about Gina again--Gina, Sonja Morgan already did that thing about getting dolled up for the ex to meet about something having to do with the split of the family, and she looked pathetic when she did it and you look...is there a word worse than "pathetic"?  It's not coming to me.  Those 100% were extensions she had dyed in her hair.  She is such a faker and a wannabe.  I was at my hair stylist's house a few weeks ago, and she had a pile of long blonde extensions in the corner she was dyeing for someone else, because that's how you dye extensions.  You only do it with them attached to your head if you want to pretend they're yours.  Miss me.  (I assume Gina's extensions are clip-in and not a weave, because that's what's been reported, and the way they are placed is indicative of clip-ins).

Why don't we just do a Gina to English dictionary?

Gina:  Matt called me 12,000 times

English:  After multiple drunken texts, Matt called me back

Gina:  Matt, like, came to my, like, house, and I was too distracted from texting with Dr Hottie to remember to lock my door at 1 am

English:  Matt came over to bang me, cause Dr Hottie won't touch me with a ten foot pole, much like Shane's cousin

Gina:  I want to divorce Matt on my terms

English:  I would drop to my knees and suck a golf ball through a Hoover if Matt would come back and give the life to which I've grown accustomed

I have to end on Braunwynn--her creed is that no one fucks with her kids or her family?  So...when a host, at the very most, placed a hand on your batshit crazy mother's arm,  you're going to avenge that by flying into a wild rage at your family (that no one is supposed to fuck with) when they are confined to a van?  Da fuq are these people on?  I'll skip the family reunion, thanks all the same.

If Bronwyn is lacking closet space, it’s because poor baby Hazel lives in the closet. 

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Just watched Watch What Happens Live from last night with Bronwynn. A caller to the show said that she had noticed that Bronwynn and her mother had stopped following each other on social media. Bronwynn said they are “working through some stuff“. 

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Ryan lacks self starter skills. He is not a hustler.

We get it.  He is not an intellectual or motivated by formal education.

MONEY........ motivates all successful people.

Ryan has NEVER being cash flow poor or lack business opportunities. 

First, he had an opportunity to attend college. When he was 18.  Simon and Tamra were still well-off.  Tamra.....always remained well-off due to the show.

At the gym.....he was barely the towel boy. What is his face....Eddie....could not get him to do a darn thing.

How about starting a nice side business in his mom’s gym.....training people, selling nutritional products, running a juice bar, etc.

If he had the hustle.....could have sold insurance with Vicky and Michael.

He could buy any business and work that into an income that pays for a mortgage, 2 kids and a decent wife.

It could be anything.....even blue collar.....like an extermination business, car wash, bar, a Franchise, etc.

Despite a middle class+ upbringing.......he is an unmotivated male like Chlamydia Shep & Pillow Greg from Southern Charm. 

I don’t think they ever addressed his drug use.  I think he is a drug addict.

Then he burdens Tamra with his sob childhood story. He does this every season!

Why y’all falling for it?!  

She is the one bankrolling him.  Now, she will buy him a Life Coach! 🙄

He is a brat!  

Yea!  In the old days..... a Life Coach....was also known as Mom & Dad! 🖕🏻

Edited by Dance4Life
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1 hour ago, Kdawg82 said:

"slid into your DM's.

Okay, I am unhip...is that another way of saying someone sent me a message on IG or FB? 

Lot's of brain surgeons are out there looking for someone with baggage, small kids, still legally married, banging their soon to be ex and talking about on tv on a weekly basis.  

Does Gina know the big word that also means brain surgeon?

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6 minutes ago, amarante said:

As I recall there were some years when Ryan was exiled to live with his grandmother because of issues with Simon. He had only been living with Tamra/Simon for a relatively short period of time in the initial seasons when Simon attempted to set some rules. Simon also set him up with a job at the Mercedes dealership and Ryan flaked out.

While I think Ryan's upbringing wasn't ideal, I am playing the world's smallest violin in terms of sympathy for his plight. As others have posted, many people grow up with more challenges than Ryan and manage to not be complete fuckups as adults. Ryan was complaining that he didn't go to college and the irony of this complete wastrel complaining about what? I am 100% certain that back in 2008 if he had expressed a desire to attend college, he would have had his tuition/books/room and board fully taken care of? And what's to stop him from turning his life around now - many many people attend night school or figure out some kind of way to support themselves.

Call me cynical but that "fashion show" had all the earmarks of some kind of pay to play event. I have never heard of an Orange County fashion show for unknowns - let alone one in which a fancy boat is chartered and there appear to be a copious amount of food and drinks. I can't imagine that the "organization" - whatever it is - actually is legitimate and not some kind of "vanity" operation. 

I also think the whole fashion thing as designed by the daughter is also bogus. The husband is some kind of merchandiser with branding and I think it was all cooked up because a line designed by a teenager would receive much more social media status than a line produced by a normal company. 

Yawnin is on the Bethenny Frankel path.

She came to bank!

She is some sort of Mommy Blogger.  She has a book. Or, is writing a book.

Now, this kid has her own fashion line.  I mean.....the parents did not put up the $200,000 .....or anything of that sort.  Nope! Never happened! Lol!

Yawnin is part of the new breed of women on the Internet (the bloggers) who all like to talk about their mental health issues and how they are overcoming their problems.

If you please....Buy, Subscribe,  Like, and, Hashtag......My Brand......greatly appreciated!  

Why is her mom.....getting talking heads????

She is an awful mom to Yawnin and acted like an awful human being last night.

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7 hours ago, Jel said:

I was struck by what made Shan so incredibly proud. Not struggling with a school subject, persisting, working hard and then passing a difficult test, or showing kindness to someone/doing something to help others. No, it was walking in a fashion show.  SMH. 

Ryan, it's time to grow up. In fact, please get in a time machine because it was time to grow up about 10 years ago. I feel sorry for him for having Tamra for a mom. But even still, it's way past time to stop blaming your childhood, the world, whatever-else-you-blame for your lack of success in life. Get a good therapist, and get to work. 

Does Braunwyn's mom have another dress, or is that it? She's wearing the same thing every time we see her.  

In whose kitchen was Gina getting her hair colored?  Last I knew, Gina was living in a garage, or a garden shed or something. 

Clapping baby Hazel for the win!

Oh...but “it’s Couture”! I about died when that guy with doc kinky boots told the “big dude security guy” ...pointing to her outfit. “ This is couture! So SHOW respect!”. Omg...

The funniest/saddest part of this hour was in preview when we find out Gina HOME SCHOOLs her children! Omg...

Edited by Shellbell59
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16 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I don’t envy any of Tamra’s children but Ryan is basically being supported by her with no end in sight and will make up for “lost revenue” by lording it over her how bad he had it. 

Yes! He will continue to blame her for everything wrong in his life. Why doesn't he go live with his Dad if she's such a horrible mom? Basically this guy is a loser. He has a passive aggressive tone with Tamra yet will take $$$, housing, furniture and jobs from her. She owes him nothing. He should grow up and take accountability for his life and actions and try being a decent parent to his own child.

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9 minutes ago, Shellbell59 said:

Oh...but “it’s Couture”! I about died when that guy with doc kinky boots told the “big dude security guy” ...pointing to her outfit. “ This is couture! So SHOW respect!”. Omg...

Maybe he meant it's a Culture Club knockoff


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15 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Yes! He will continue to blame her for everything wrong in his life. Why doesn't he go live with his Dad if she's such a horrible mom? Basically this guy is a loser. He has a passive aggressive tone with Tamra yet will take $$$, housing, furniture and jobs from her. She owes him nothing. He should grow up and take accountability for his life and actions and try being a decent parent to his own child.

Exactly!  Tamra is a good mom.....when she fills up his bank account! Eh?

He has been involved in domestic violence with his baby mama. 

Steroids cause rage and mood swings.

Every season he shows up on this show......that has nothing to do with his life!

But, there he is with his AWFUL mom.  💰💰💰💰💰

Is Ryan’s daughter talking?

Let’s see what she has to say about him and his parenting!  

Father of the Century.......I think not! 🤷🏼‍♀️
Not even Father of the Week!

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I really dislike Braunwyn...I doubt her daughter has OCD...probably more like general anxiety disorder that led to an eating disorder. Not all that common in the dance world. Her  kids are odd looking...especially Jacob...wow. And her husband...WTF is he all about? And her wackadoodle mom is crazy as crap. Her clownish appearance is embarrassing and makes her look like a mental patient. Hard to believe between her appearance and mouthiness she isn't approached by security more often. 

Shannon is an obnoxious, overbearing stage mom. Her advice on walking the catwalk was something out of the 1980's...she thinks she is hip and cool but she is just a middle aged soccer mom with dated advice.

Kelly went into full brawl mode but showed some restraint this time...but it did seem like at any minute she might get into a physical fight with the woman with the  microphone. Can't these women go anywhere without a throw down?

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