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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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Recorded the last episode with SG auditions. Was shown at 2:00 am ET. Wanted to rewatch the part with Kelli's scorecard where she crossed out Jalyn's name and wrote Victoria's name. Was NOT in the rerun. Something very fishy.

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On 9/13/2019 at 8:46 PM, Jennv said:

Starting to think the insider that said Jalyn upset Victoria and, therefore, pissed off aunt Kelli was on the money

That's what I was just about to say. So basically anyone who questions VK in any aspect, will be on Kelli's shit list. So unfortunate. Can you imagine the tension these girls have!!!

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On 9/16/2019 at 10:18 PM, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Just watched the episode and Victoria didn't stand out to me as that great during show group auditions. Certainly not when they showed her dancing next to Caroline, and cut to Melissa saying she liked her. Like what? She didn't look like she was doing much while Caroline was popping! Of course with editing , we don't know if that's really the exact time Melissa pointed her out. Sure she may be good enough for the team, but she's definitely not one of their top dancers. IMO

Speaking of Caroline. Kashara picked her to be the new point, and they didn't listen. They made a big mistake putting Maddie and Amy there. Caroline would have been perfect!!!

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On 9/17/2019 at 3:19 PM, Donna S said:

Victoria may have had "technical training", but she is definitely not a "technical dancer".

If you watch her solo from this year, her turn series they showed was sloppy and off balance. Kelli was over there swooning over it like it was the greatest thing in the world when it wasn't. 

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12 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

1993 is the year the Cowboys went to the Super Bowl. Here is a pro bowl list.

They also went in 1994 and 1996. I'd bet my money she danced at the 1996 SB, since she also said that she danced for 5 seasons and didn't retire that long before the show started. She's still close to her fellow rookie buddy, who worked with the Denver Broncos squad in 2016, but maybe still does. She used to be an USC Song Girl. This is a summarize about some of the info she gave of herself.

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10 hours ago, Middlemom said:

 I feel like last year Jalyn was one of Kelli's pet projects. If you remember she had that hair that was sort of purple or burgundy colored and Kelli wanted to fix it. Also Kelli kind of remade her and gave her a southern name. Instead of calling her Jalyn she called her Jay Lynn. So maybe she's not the flavor of the month anymore. I feel like Kelli gets bored with some of the girls. 

To be honest I agree with a lot of the other posters that Jalyn handled her disappointment really well. I rewatched the episode and she was the first one to turn around and say congratulations to Rachel A even though she was the last one called  for show group. There isn't really any evidence that she isn't performing as well as she used to perform. Every time I watch a scene and Jalyn  is in the background behind a rookie, she's always right on the beat, she's doing what she supposed to be doing, she's dancing big. Also at the show group auditions when they were all doing leaps and tricks, she was the last one that they showed performing a tumbling trick. She did a round off backhand spring back handspring step out which looked really good. It was a lot better than VK's  uncontrolled jumps and leaps. I don't think I could've behaved as maturely given the kind of disappointment that Jalyn had. Also I feel like Kelli was out to get her. I cannot believe how snarky both Kelli and Judy were towards her. And Jalyn seemed genuinely dumbfounded and couldn't figure out what she had done to offend them much less put her uniform in jeopardy.

So I was checking back through previous seasons. Rookies chosen for SG are alternates ... usually they choose around 3 for that position (Alternate). Now Jalyn was a rookie last year chosen for show group which means she was an alternate .... This year she was going for a "actual" SG position ... she didnt get it which means other veterans beat her out for that not a rookie .  Again the candidates (rookies) were vying for the alternate positions ... which unpopular as it seems  VK was one that got it .... so Jalyn was not robbed of show group by VK ... she lost out to a vet for a position .... maybe ShellyB can confirm or clarify.  Maybe just maybe Jalyn was crossed out because they had too many vets on the list as regulars and one had to be taken off ... 

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70215951_10206709420691038_6251069451853103104_n.thumb.jpg.db9708d200acca62cfaa0de7b5d8fa3f.jpg  Savanna Rachel Heather Lexie Alexis Ashlee

Kneeling:  Maddie Amy Tess Caroline Gina 

1st standing row: Rachel Bridget Daphne Erin Molly Miranda

Taylor Cici Amber Brianna Jaylyn Christina Hannah 

Brennan Alanna VK Amanda Kristen Madelyn 

Meredith blonde Taylor Lisa Kat Kelsey Lilly Chandi

Edited by 5678Pixie
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34 minutes ago, lah715 said:

Maybe just maybe Jalyn was crossed out because they had too many vets on the list as regulars and one had to be taken off

Or maybe others had better auditions.  It kind of rubbed me the wrong way that she assumed it must have been something external, like she thinks there is no way one of those peons could have outdanced her.

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7 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Or maybe others had better auditions.  It kind of rubbed me the wrong way that she assumed it must have been something external, like she thinks there is no way one of those peons could have outdanced her.

Everyone has there favorites ... I may be in the minority but I was rooting for Savannah. She is happy go lucky and was eager to show them she improved.  I know there are so many others that dance better but I cant help rooting for the underdog LOL!! 

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2 minutes ago, lah715 said:

Everyone has there favorites ... I may be in the minority but I was rooting for Savannah

Savannah is one of my least favorites, but I felt bad for her that she thought she had a shot 😞 

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I always wonder how they decide who is placed where. An acquaintance of mine from school was on the 93 Super Bowl team. She was a one and done, but is right down front of the squad pic as a rookie.

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34 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Or maybe others had better auditions.  It kind of rubbed me the wrong way that she assumed it must have been something external, like she thinks there is no way one of those peons could have outdanced her.

Well, in Jalyn's defense she has seen Victoria dance longer than 5 second clips. 😜 I watched that episode again and nothing Victoria did stood out to me. In fact, in the last group dance she couldn't even hold her final position. Yeah, she may have the looks but she doesn't have the moves. But it's about finding the best ambassador for the DC org. Maybe this year she impressed everyone by finding her words.

Edited by TxBex
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46 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

70215951_10206709420691038_6251069451853103104_n.thumb.jpg.db9708d200acca62cfaa0de7b5d8fa3f.jpg  Savanna Rachel Heather Lexie Alexis Ashlee

Kneeling:  Maddie Amy Tess Caroline Gina 

1st standing row: Rachel Bridget Daphne Erin Molly Miranda

Taylor Cici Amber Brianna Jaylyn Christina Hannah 

Brennan Alanna VK Amanda Kristen Madelyn 

Meredith blonde Taylor Lisa Kat Kelsey Lilly Chandi

Thank you for sharing the picture !!:) 

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58 minutes ago, 5678Pixie said:

70215951_10206709420691038_6251069451853103104_n.thumb.jpg.db9708d200acca62cfaa0de7b5d8fa3f.jpg  Savanna Rachel Heather Lexie Alexis Ashlee

Kneeling:  Maddie Amy Tess Caroline Gina 

1st standing row: Rachel Bridget Daphne Erin Molly Miranda

Taylor Cici Amber Brianna Jaylyn Christina Hannah 

Brennan Alanna VK Amanda Kristen Madelyn 

Meredith blonde Taylor Lisa Kat Kelsey Lilly Chandi

Feel a bit sorry for Christina being that far back. I thought squad photo was based on seniority? Rachel W and Ashlee have skipped the queue!

Rachel A is killing it! 

They look weird on the floor. Alexis looks like she's pressing down on Lexie's leg! 

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24 minutes ago, Jennv said:

I always wonder how they decide who is placed where. An acquaintance of mine from school was on the 93 Super Bowl team. She was a one and done, but is right down front of the squad pic as a rookie.

She must have been beautiful. I love the squad photo. It really allows us to see whose looks  TPTB really love. 

I'm surprised they didn't give Rachel W. Tess's spot. I'm also surprised they didn't put Victoria in a more visible spot on one of the ends.

Rachel A is bringing it!

Edited by cgloss
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2 minutes ago, cgloss said:

She must have been beautiful. I love the squad photo. It really allows us to see whose looks  TPTB really love. 

I'm surprised they didn't give Rachel W. Tess's spot. I'm also surprised they didn't put Victoria in a more visible spot on one of the ends.

Rachel A is bringing it!

Rachel a has a rbf vibe going on 

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4 minutes ago, DCC-UK said:

Feel a bit sorry for Christina being that far back. I thought squad photo was based on seniority? Rachel W and Ashlee have skipped the queue!

Rachel A is killing it! 

They look weird on the floor. Alexis looks like she's pressing down on Lexie's leg! 

They did the same thing with Janelle one year ... felt bad for her also 

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1 hour ago, 5678Pixie said:

70215951_10206709420691038_6251069451853103104_n.thumb.jpg.db9708d200acca62cfaa0de7b5d8fa3f.jpg  Savanna Rachel Heather Lexie Alexis Ashlee

Kneeling:  Maddie Amy Tess Caroline Gina 

1st standing row: Rachel Bridget Daphne Erin Molly Miranda

Taylor Cici Amber Brianna Jaylyn Christina Hannah 

Brennan Alanna VK Amanda Kristen Madelyn 

Meredith blonde Taylor Lisa Kat Kelsey Lilly Chandi

Christina should not be that far back. They buried a 3 year vet, terrible.

Maddie M, a 4 year vet isn't in the center, also terrible.

At least there isn't a never ending arm again. 

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1 hour ago, lah715 said:

So I was checking back through previous seasons. Rookies chosen for SG are alternates ... usually they choose around 3 for that position (Alternate). Now Jalyn was a rookie last year chosen for show group which means she was an alternate .... This year she was going for a "actual" SG position ... she didnt get it which means other veterans beat her out for that not a rookie .  Again the candidates (rookies) were vying for the alternate positions ... which unpopular as it seems  VK was one that got it .... so Jalyn was not robbed of show group by VK ... she lost out to a vet for a position .... maybe ShellyB can confirm or clarify.  Maybe just maybe Jalyn was crossed out because they had too many vets on the list as regulars and one had to be taken off ... 


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5 hours ago, AAT said:

That's what I was just about to say. So basically anyone who questions VK in any aspect, will be on Kelli's shit list. So unfortunate. Can you imagine the tension these girls have!!!

Oh yeah, everyone is scared to death that they're going to somehow offend VK.  They're all walking on eggshells.  

31 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Christina should not be that far back. They buried a 3 year vet, terrible.

Maddie M, a 4 year vet isn't in the center, also terrible.

At least there isn't a never ending arm again. 

Christina should be thanking her lucky stars she's even on the team.  She is the worst dancer in the room (by far) -- and everyone knows it.  I'm still shocked they took her back this year.

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29 minutes ago, lah715 said:

They did the same thing with Janelle one year ... felt bad for her also 

This is one of the things that's irked me the most about TPTB over the years. They've gone on repeatedly about what a shining example of a DCC she was, but she was always getting buried in squad photos and the triangle even as a senior veteran. Wasn't she 3-4 rows back her final year?

I didn't even notice Christina in the photo at all until DCC-UK pointed her out because she's been banished to the rookie rows.

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5 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Oh yeah, everyone is scared to death that they're going to somehow offend VK.  They're all walking on eggshells.  

Christina should be thanking her lucky stars she's even on the team.  She is the worst dancer in the room (by far) -- and everyone knows it.  I'm still shocked they took her back this year.

It doesn't matter. She's still going on her third year and maybe she is the "worst" but she's good enough to be a DCC unlike the rest of us here.

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41 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Christina should not be that far back. They buried a 3 year vet, terrible.

Maddie M, a 4 year vet isn't in the center, also terrible.

At least there isn't a never ending arm again. 

Yes there is. 

Amber, Bridget & Amy.

Honestly, after last years horrors, this isn't much better. they didn't even center them right. 

Edited by Loves2Dance
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8 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Oh yeah, everyone is scared to death that they're going to somehow offend VK.  They're all walking on eggshells.  

Christina should be thanking her lucky stars she's even on the team.  She is the worst dancer in the room (by far) -- and everyone knows it.  I'm still shocked they took her back this year.

You can tell tho bye looking at vk ig page which ladies  are kissing her butt and which ones that are staying clear of her 

Edited by Holly85
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19 minutes ago, MadisonWu said:


simple no means no real answer in my book 🙄 Unless someone on this board knows how its picked .. you can look back and Judy says rookies picked are alternates ... that means Jalyn was an alternate last year not regular ... alternate are for rookies

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1 minute ago, lah715 said:

simple no means no real answer in my book 🙄 Unless someone on this board knows how its picked .. you can look back and Judy says rookies picked are alternates ... that means Jalyn was an alternate last year not regular ... alternate are for rookies

They are only alternates when they are going threw training camp once they make the squad they are full fledge show group members 

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7 minutes ago, phylogeny said:

This is one of the things that's irked me the most about TPTB over the years. They've gone on repeatedly about what a shining example of a DCC she was, but she was always getting buried in squad photos and the triangle even as a senior veteran. Wasn't she 3-4 rows back her final year?

Nicole Bulcher never really moved up in the triangle but was voted to get to the Pro Bowl. I get the placement for the triangle but they did Christina dirty in the squad photo. 

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3 minutes ago, lah715 said:

simple no means no real answer in my book 🙄 Unless someone on this board knows how its picked .. you can look back and Judy says rookies picked are alternates ... that means Jalyn was an alternate last year not regular ... alternate are for rookies

Shelley has contradicted that on the boards. 

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6 hours ago, lunchlady said:

Recorded the last episode with SG auditions. Was shown at 2:00 am ET. Wanted to rewatch the part with Kelli's scorecard where she crossed out Jalyn's name and wrote Victoria's name. Was NOT in the rerun. Something very fishy.

After someone 1st posted that picture of the paper, I tried to find it. I watched the Show Group part 3 times and couldn't find it, so I went ahead and watched the rest of the show. The "paper" was in the scene from the next day's practice...

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Just now, Tootie said:

After someone 1st posted that picture of the paper, I tried to find it. I watched the Show Group part 3 times and couldn't find it, so I went ahead and watched the rest of the show. The "paper" was in the scene from the next day's practice...

That is exactly what I thought too, but I was afraid to say anything. 🤷‍♂️.

 I am a huge Jalyn fan so I was kinda hoping I was wrong. 🙄

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2 hours ago, lah715 said:

So I was checking back through previous seasons. Rookies chosen for SG are alternates ... usually they choose around 3 for that position (Alternate). Now Jalyn was a rookie last year chosen for show group which means she was an alternate .... This year she was going for a "actual" SG position ... she didnt get it which means other veterans beat her out for that not a rookie .  Again the candidates (rookies) were vying for the alternate positions ... which unpopular as it seems  VK was one that got it .... so Jalyn was not robbed of show group by VK ... she lost out to a vet for a position .... maybe ShellyB can confirm or clarify.  Maybe just maybe Jalyn was crossed out because they had too many vets on the list as regulars and one had to be taken off ... 

They are alternates during training camp. Once the team is announced, they are no longer alternates.

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28 minutes ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Nicole Bulcher never really moved up in the triangle but was voted to get to the Pro Bowl. I get the placement for the triangle but they did Christina dirty in the squad photo. 

They always had Sunni Cranfill stashed in the back except her third year when she had a standing position on the side.  I never understood that.  She was an all-around really good DCC and I always thought she should have been further forward.

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2 hours ago, 5678Pixie said:

70215951_10206709420691038_6251069451853103104_n.thumb.jpg.db9708d200acca62cfaa0de7b5d8fa3f.jpg  Savanna Rachel Heather Lexie Alexis Ashlee

Kneeling:  Maddie Amy Tess Caroline Gina 

1st standing row: Rachel Bridget Daphne Erin Molly Miranda

Taylor Cici Amber Brianna Jaylyn Christina Hannah 

Brennan Alanna VK Amanda Kristen Madelyn 

Meredith blonde Taylor Lisa Kat Kelsey Lilly Chandi

What the what????

My anal retentive, OCD nature is bothered by the Heather/Lexie uneven split! And why are Savvy and Rachel W on one side and two dark brunettes on the other???  Get the front row right at least!

I think we now see that Rachel W, Ashley, and Caroline are contenders for point because they are good dancers and up front - so considered pretty.

Jalyn next to Christina in the netherlands?  Well, that sends a message.  Can't wait to see the Christina visit tonight.

And last, but not least  WHATTTTTTTTT???  VK is buried.  FTLOG, this is the one thing she IS good at - hair and legs!  And on this TIIC decide to be fair????  Headsmack!  (And, no, K&J this does not redeem you for the other atrocities you have done on her behalf).

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16 hours ago, Jesiklyn said:

This has happened much more recently.

Paige Cavalieri was secretly dating Jeff Heath while on the squad. She quit when they went public and they are now married and have a daughter. 

I imagine Kelli hit the roof when she found out.

I actually completely disagree. They knew before she want public, and ignored it because they are discrete and Jeff Heath is not exactly a headline grabbing guy.

Holly’s main crime was that she was out with Zeke and he is generally considered bad news (that they tolerate).

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9 minutes ago, Tootie said:

They are alternates during training camp. Once the team is announced, they are no longer alternates.

If this is true, it has changed. The Internet is forever — there are posts from Jen Colvin’s rookie year where the specifically call the rookies alternates. And show them NOt going on the USO tour.

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8 minutes ago, Opine said:

What the what????

My anal retentive, OCD nature is bothered by the Heather/Lexie uneven split! And why are Savvy and Rachel W on one side and two dark brunettes on the other???  Get the front row right at least!

I think we now see that Rachel W, Ashley, and Caroline are contenders for point because they are good dancers and up front - so considered pretty.

Jalyn next to Christina in the netherlands?  Well, that sends a message.  Can't wait to see the Christina visit tonight.

And last, but not least  WHATTTTTTTTT???  VK is buried.  FTLOG, this is the one thing she IS good at - hair and legs!  And on this TIIC decide to be fair????  Headsmack!  (And, no, K&J this does not redeem you for the other atrocities you have done on her behalf).

I was thinking Ashley is a contender they have her prominent in the promos and show opener ... she does have style but not too flashy  ... kind of like Holly was at point

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Oh, goodie, Evan Miller got the memo and called out VK as good.  Actually, she didn't look bad (to an untrained dancer) other than her inability to stay in her spot which is just absurd.  But Amy couldn't either and she's point.  This team is going to hell in a handbasket I tell you!

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1 hour ago, Teriyaki Terror said:

Right! Look where Cassie was her first year!

She got the same spot Judy had in the 1982 squad picture.

I'm not upset about VK's spot in the picture. She's a rookie and they're usually in the last 2 rows. There have been a few who got front row (Abigail K, Loni) and second row ( Melissa R, Carrie S) their rookie years. Megan Sharp got demoted from front row (2009) to 4th row (2010). 

Edited by MrsEVH
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