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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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4 hours ago, Reveala said:

The NFL draft may last only 3 days but producing it tajes far longer. It appears that ESPN & the NFL Network shared the production team (cameras, audio, etc), as they were basically showing the same shots. They brought their own team for the announcing crew. Producing such a show involves a lot of pre-planning, and because it happens only once a year, everyone needs to be reminded and updated on what to do.  Who are likely top picks? Where will we position him? Who is he seated with? What's his back story. When it's done well, we think everyone is winging it.  But truth is, live shows with high stakes can take weeks of planning before you artive on sight and extensively once they arrive with the sets and equipment.  

Right. That's why I was thinking most, if not all, of the work was done by the producers  and all of their current staff at ABC/ESPN/ NFL  Networks. Then add in the mass of ex-NFL players and the big name college coaches /universities. Lastly- add in all of the residents of the Nashville ( country music capital/doing stage and shows since 192x)  ,the Titan officials and surrounding communities who helped with production, ever since it was announced they would be the host city. Sorry- still at a loss at to why/what Malena was sought after, who I guess was in Dallas most of the time, was asked to lend her experience to do.

If Malena managed to get a assignment/position with this group -wonderful. She does seem to have a nack or knows who to ask  , going from one high profile position to the next. She must have one hell of a resume.

Edited by sATL
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7 minutes ago, Reveala said:

 Frankly, any DCC dancing like that is a pleasant surprise, and Maddie brings the funk. I say this as a Black woman who appreciates the effort and the positive impression she leaves. But I also know neither Charm, Nick or any similar choreographer would  likely hire her as a dancer. 

All I can say, Charm did not look impressed watching her solo. 

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3 minutes ago, Reveala said:

Appreciate your explanation, but it does that mean that white people doing hip hop badly is cultural appropriation, but if she nails it, it's not? Frankly, any DCC dancing like that is a pleasant surprise, and Maddie brings the funk. I say this as a Black woman who appreciates the effort and the positive impression she leaves. But I also know neither Charm, Nick or any similar choreographer would  likely hire her as a dancer. 

It's probably in the eye of the beholder, lol.  I think if there's an effort to be authentic, it's accepted better.  The sad fact that this passes as hip hop and we are "happy" to see someone not doing shirt clutching lyrical says it all.  But this goes back to the lack of diversity of the DCC.  And the really, the question I'm left with is what style does Maddie do?  I can't really remember anything outside of her last two solos.  Has she "made hip hop" her own because she sucks at lyrical floor wallowing compared to the other barbies?  Maybe she just can't hold her own at lyrical, so she took on hip hop to be different? 

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4 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

It's probably in the eye of the beholder, lol.  I think if there's an effort to be authentic, it's accepted better.  The sad fact that this passes as hip hop and we are "happy" to see someone not doing shirt clutching lyrical says it all.  But this goes back to the lack of diversity of the DCC.  And the really, the question I'm left with is what style does Maddie do?  I can't really remember anything outside of her last two solos.  Has she "made hip hop" her own because she sucks at lyrical floor wallowing compared to the other barbies?  Maybe she just can't hold her own at lyrical, so she took on hip hop to be different? 

She actually used to do lyrical/contemporary and does it well. She won barbies for that precious years and she was one of Travis Wall’s favorites in contemporary. I think she does it because she likes it and it does make her stand out next to the sexy jazz and lyrical girls? 

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51 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

It's not about white people doing hip hop.  It's about white people doing hip hop badly and other white people acting like she's bringing the tablets down the mountain to share with the people.  It goes back to the "never finding diversity if you never look for it".  Except this year we had someone literally killing hip hop and Maddie being praised extensively for something that was performed at a lower level.  I'm sure that Charlotte has never seen real hip hop.  That would require her to go out some place different and look for something different.  And as we've established, the DCC does not do that. 

So no, white people can do hip hop.  Just not this white person.  BTW, I'm the whitest person in the world. I literally am so pale I scare small children when I don't wear self tanner.   But I live in a city with a great music scene.  And I've seen kids waiting for the bus dancing that slay.  The majority of dance circuit kids doing "hip hop" are being taught watered down routines that are more jazz than true street dancing.  They've created their own genre that bares no resemblance to the real thing.  And then look at the choreographers that SYTYCD and DCC bring in.  Nappy Tabs? They are emblematic of this problem. 

There's a great article called "Modern Blackface: The Cultural Appropriation Of Rap" that discusses this much better than I can.  

"Striking a balance between taking part of a culture that didn’t originate from your community and colonizing that culture can be a challenging endeavor. There is a very clear distinction between “paying homage” to something you admire and culturally appropriating it. The act of paying homage becomes cultural appropriation when a dominant culture attempts to take a subculture entirely for their own devices, leaving nothing for the subculture." 

Maddie is using hip hop as a costume, she puts on the finals outfit and adopts a persona that she only knows from the watered down appropriated studio dance style, then takes it off, having added nothing to the style or genre and making no attempt to understand the culture that created it. And then Charlotte and Kelli ohhhh and ahhh about how awesome it is, perpetuating the fakeness.  That is appropriation.

I mean, you just got my whole life together!! Yes times a million.

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37 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

There is a very clear distinction between “paying homage” to something you admire and culturally appropriating it. The act of paying homage becomes cultural appropriation when a dominant culture attempts to take a subculture entirely for their own devices, leaving nothing for the subculture." 

Maddie is using hip hop as a costume, she puts on the finals outfit and adopts a persona that she only knows from the watered down appropriated studio dance style, then takes it off, having added nothing to the style or genre and making no attempt to understand the culture that created it. And then Charlotte and Kelli ohhhh and ahhh about how awesome it is, perpetuating the fakeness.  That is appropriation.

This is what makes it cultural appropriation. Props and thanks to @hathorlive for this clear articulation and for bringing scholar Nicole Phillips to the table to offer insights into what is a complex matter and, as Phillips and others note, a fine line between homage and appropriation. I am sure that Maddie has no consciousness of what she's doing as being problematic, and I think part of the issue here--to leave the politics and long history of African American cultural appropriation aside--is that Maddie doesn't do it that well. She's good at her version of hip hop lite, but she's not great at it. And she definitely is one who does the same tricks year after year. I'd think that, after all this time, she'd be able to point her feet while doing so.

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4 minutes ago, M1977G said:

Props and thanks to @hathorlive for this clear articulation

Yes, thank you very much.  I am so glad I now understand the "why" behind the subject in general.  And appreciate the person who said something about white girls and hip hop.  I was afraid to broach the subject.

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35 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

She actually used to do lyrical/contemporary and does it well. She won barbies for that precious years and she was one of Travis Wall’s favorites in contemporary. I think she does it because she likes it and it does make her stand out next to the sexy jazz and lyrical girls? 

Just my two inconsequential cents...

Based on some who have been given Barbies over the years, they don't mean that much to me. 🙅‍♀️

As for Travis Wall, I take much of what is said on the show with a grain of salt. We all know some are asked to say things or are scripted by CMT.  Take Kitty for example, who is supposedly over being told by CMT what to say or what persona to put forth.

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I’m wondering if Charlotte could be a reason Julia eventually gets cut. She wasn’t a fan of her look at finals. Grasping at straws here because Julia is the total package and I’m still not over her cut and no one seems to have any good information as to why she was cut. 

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1 hour ago, hathorlive said:

It's not about white people doing hip hop.  It's about white people doing hip hop badly and other white people acting like she's bringing the tablets down the mountain to share with the people.  It goes back to the "never finding diversity if you never look for it".  Except this year we had someone literally killing hip hop and Maddie being praised extensively for something that was performed at a lower level.  I'm sure that Charlotte has never seen real hip hop.  That would require her to go out some place different and look for something different.  And as we've established, the DCC does not do that. 

So no, white people can do hip hop.  Just not this white person.  BTW, I'm the whitest person in the world. I literally am so pale I scare small children when I don't wear self tanner.   But I live in a city with a great music scene.  And I've seen kids waiting for the bus dancing that slay.  The majority of dance circuit kids doing "hip hop" are being taught watered down routines that are more jazz than true street dancing.  They've created their own genre that bares no resemblance to the real thing.  And then look at the choreographers that SYTYCD and DCC bring in.  Nappy Tabs? They are emblematic of this problem. 

There's a great article called "Modern Blackface: The Cultural Appropriation Of Rap" that discusses this much better than I can.  

"Striking a balance between taking part of a culture that didn’t originate from your community and colonizing that culture can be a challenging endeavor. There is a very clear distinction between “paying homage” to something you admire and culturally appropriating it. The act of paying homage becomes cultural appropriation when a dominant culture attempts to take a subculture entirely for their own devices, leaving nothing for the subculture." 

Maddie is using hip hop as a costume, she puts on the finals outfit and adopts a persona that she only knows from the watered down appropriated studio dance style, then takes it off, having added nothing to the style or genre and making no attempt to understand the culture that created it. And then Charlotte and Kelli ohhhh and ahhh about how awesome it is, perpetuating the fakeness.  That is appropriation.

If there was a way to light this post up in marquee chaser lights, I would.

Thank you!

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7 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

No, Maddie just isn't particularly good at it. I think a lot of her accolades for hip-hop stem from the fact that she is a white girl from Utah and thus, isn't expected to be fluent in hip-hop. The fact that she does it, gets people's attention because it doesn't fit their expectation---but when you break it down, it's mediocre.

Maddie doing hip-hop is like Vikkie trying to do turns. Just because they can, doesn't mean they have the technique for it. 

Like the Beastie Boys as rappers

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After watching the show Friday

Malena needs to move on.  This is not for her because she will never get the choreography, she will always struggle, and she does not have the fortitude to handle the pressure when she performs.  

Also one who needs to not try out again was Madi from the Alien Angels.  She will never have the right feet.  Her performance at semis was terrible.  She did not get the routine.  It's great to have a dream but one needs to know when it's truly one you can reach.  Would she look good in the uniform...absolutely.  Will she ever be a powerhouse dancer.  Nope.

Christina.  How this vet who is considered the weakest made it back I will never know.  She bombed the interview and her solo.  Hopefully Christina will move on next year.

Gabby-a pretty girl who added diversity to the team.  Sad but it's been said she spent a lot of the season on WW, then lost weight for the calendar shoot and then gained it back.  I believe when they have struggled most of their rookie season and still cannot come in at their best those get cut.  The other ones mentioned Meredith, Megan C, Ronnie had more years under their belts.  Meredith and Megan C were show group and amazing in the kick line and dancing.  Meredith was also well spoken.  Kashara at times looked soft and then would lose it.  She's curvier but looked great in the uniform.  I believe weight is one factor balanced against what else they bring.

Kat and Gina C how they made training camp is a mystery?  Kat makes the team.  Hopefully we see Kat doing better.  The girl is beautiful and at times looks good but her solo was a disaster along with the rest of her final audition.  Kitty would have got rid of the cane and told her she needed a different costume.

VK looked good.  Lily looks good.  Lily's faces when she is not performingI believe are from stress.  Good for Kristen.  I like this year's Meredith but please keep her from speaking or give her some speech class.

Compared to last years rock stars, this rookie class might not be as strong but I do not think they are terrible.

Maddie's solo may not be true hip hop but it was different from the rest and cute.  Let's be real.  Most of the vets do a similar routine each year.  Lacey got. a Barbie every year for pretty much the same old thing.  This is not a hip hop team.

I will truly miss Kashara and Lacey.  The triangle just won't be the same.  I wonder who they are going to use to be the spokesperson now.  I saw one interview with Maddie and she needs work.  I love Maddie and thought her comeback was amazing.  Public speaking is just not her wheelhouse.  The others Tasha and Kelli I liked but thought it was time for them to retire and move in with real life.    Khalyn is gorgeous but seemed to be injured a lot.  Jessika and Yuko it was time.  Lauren I am sad to see go but it's not fair to anyone for someone to come in injured.  Retiring is better than being cut.

Happy our girl Gina is back and poor thing she had to be a victim of such random gossip and hype.

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4 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

Maddie's solo may not be true hip hop but it was different from the rest and cute.  Let's be real.  Most of the vets do a similar routine each year.  Lacey got. a Barbie every year for pretty much the same old thing.  This is not a hip hop team.

I will truly miss Kashara and Lacey.  The triangle just won't be the same.  I wonder who they are going to use to be the spokesperson now.  I saw one interview with Maddie and she needs work.  I love Maddie and thought her comeback was amazing.  Public speaking is just not her wheelhouse.  The others Tasha and Kelli I liked but thought it was time for them to retire and move in with real life.    Khalyn is gorgeous but seemed to be injured a lot.  Jessika and Yuko it was time.  Lauren I am sad to see go but it's not fair to anyone for someone to come in injured.  Retiring is better than being cut.

Happy our girl Gina is back and poor thing she had to be a victim of such random gossip and hype.

It's also not a lyrical team, so should they not be judged on technique when they do these routines?  Maybe they need to say "bring a power pom solo" so we can see who has the actual technique needed on the field. Not arguing, just pointing out that a lot of the "technique" they love will never been seen "in boots" on the field doing their choreography.

Projection, power and punch.  Judge them on that and not double turns with bad technique that are spinning out of control, but "so emotional and powerful". 

Gina- I can't believe her solo was not shown. I guess it makes VK look bad when someone who can actual dance puts on a clinic for the rest of the ladies?

Kashara- perhaps the most real DCC ever. I feel like what you see is what you get with her.  Oil changing and all.  She does have the ability to gain weight that is noticeable, but still look good in the uniform.  She gains weight well, which is a skill I also don't have. 

On a side note, I was happy there was no focus on Brennan.  Usually they have one second year vet that the judges talk about.  Did she grow? Was she better this tryout? I expected there to be some conversation about her and was pleased that she wasn't much of a concern.  Did they show her in the solo round? I saw a girl in black but as has been stated before, some of the plastic surgery work has made some of the girls blend together.

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18 minutes ago, RockYou said:

Julia was cut on how she came across on Media day. She is a reporter on a local station of some sort and a question was asked either from the rival station or about them.

She did not answer or handle the situation in the way they deemed best.

Maybe she was set up for this, or maybe not. She may have just answered confidently and it came across wrong. They don’t like confidence if they think it can be arrogant.

Im positive whatever was said was easy to edit in a horrible way too . This MTT show is grossly over edited. 

But they seem to love arrogance if the candidates are a little funny or less intelligent , is just my opinion.

Sounds like we may never know exactly how it went down due to editing. Would love to know exactly what the question was and exactly what she answered. 

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15 hours ago, GeorgiaPeach11 said:

My theory as to why they cut Julia is that Charlotte expressed her dislike during finals so she probably didn't have a chance. I couldn't make out exactly what she said about Juilia but it was negative. Did anyone else hear what she said during deliberations?

Her makeup is too harsh said the lady with the thick black eyeliner and way too short skirts.

14 hours ago, RockYou said:

I will would bet my life they told VK ahead of time the question on cutting one of the three. 

Her pause was well calculated and the answer just golden. 

Maddie wearing that same  hip hop costume , again? Ummmm how lame.

Hannahs solo was literally one contortion trick after another. Not dance. Reminds me of little gymnast girls dancing in living room making up routines at a slumber party. 


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12 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

There’s always one Charlotte has to be completely bitchy about for no reason. And every year I roll my eyes and think “Charlotte, could I dislike you any more???” Ugh 

Lawd, yes!  How long did it take her to perfect that snotty ass eye roll?  I've said it before, and I will say it again.  Woman needs GRACE.....she has none!!

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

I had a thought about Victoria.  Brennan was her boot buddy; is it possible Brennan was a good influence on her & helped her a tad with the immaturity issues? 

Yeah, probably.  I mean VK was so good at taking diet direction from Jinelle.  She wins the eager to learn award!!!!

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14 minutes ago, Opine said:

There’s always one Charlotte has to be completely bitchy about for no reason. And every year I roll my eyes and think “Charlotte, could I dislike you any more???”


Ugh Lawd, yes!  How long did it take her to perfect that snotty ass eye roll?  I've said it before, and I will say it again.  Woman needs GRACE.....she has none!!

I always thought Charlotte was one of the reasons Ann Lux never came back after her second season.

If I had seen the same head shake Charlotte gave Kelli during Ann's second season tryouts , I wouldn't have come back.

Edited by MTTFan
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On 8/16/2019 at 7:34 PM, Bellisima08 said:

CMT producer: Ok gals, if you want to get camera coverage you've got to play along with the edict from TPTB. Now smile at Victoria & high five with her!"

All I thought in this segment was bless her heart.  She thinks this is what will make her a good teammate.  

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33 minutes ago, Opine said:

Her makeup is too harsh said the lady with the thick black eyeliner and way too short skirts.


Yes, abso-frickin-lutely!  As soon as I heard her answer I thought she was given the question in advance. 

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Looking at that picture of the ladies who received Barbies....it’s noticeable that the only first and second group leaders that received one are Gina and Maddie. I question why Maddie got one because her solo was a rip off of her solo last year and not nearly as good. In my opinion, the leaders this year just aren’t that great. Alexis and Miranda aren’t even on show group and won’t be in the front during TS. It’s going to make for a long and boring season. Hopefully most of these girls will retire and make way for those powerhouse second year vets. And whyyyy is Gina not point, or even the triangle?!?! What a blatant screw up Kelli! 

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24 minutes ago, Opine said:

Lawd, yes!  How long did it take her to perfect that snotty ass eye roll?  I've said it before, and I will say it again.  Woman needs GRACE.....she has none!!

Well, you know what they say....money can't  buy class!

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34 minutes ago, jlc said:

Yes, abso-frickin-lutely!  As soon as I heard her answer I thought she was given the question in advance. 

I promised myself I wouldn’t comment on VK anymore, but jesus christ. We know they’re only asked 2 questions and all VK got was a question on social media which they wouldn’t have known to ask her about had she not confided into auntie Kelli. True hard hitting question would be even a simple what would you say to the people claiming you’re only here because of your mom, not tell us about how hard is to get negative dms which we assume you get because of reasons. And what was that crap about who would you cut? That was completely random and she would have to be a complete moron to not find an answer on that. Other girls have gotten actually tricky questions or were more or less attacked and yet we should praise VK for saying miss charlotte i haven’t seen you dance. And let’s not forget she’s been around these women all her life. Any other candidate getting that question would be scared to death of offending miss Charlotte (which ain’t that hard to do apparently).The bar is set too low this year for VK.

And on a positive note, Ashlee was great! I can see improvement and I hope she sticks around. 

Edited by dreamcatcher
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35 minutes ago, UT2004gal said:

Looking at that picture of the ladies who received Barbies....it’s noticeable that the only first and second group leaders that received one are Gina and Maddie. I question why Maddie got one because her solo was a rip off of her solo last year and not nearly as good. In my opinion, the leaders this year just aren’t that great. Alexis and Miranda aren’t even on show group and won’t be in the front during TS. It’s going to make for a long and boring season. Hopefully most of these girls will retire and make way for those powerhouse second year vets. And whyyyy is Gina not point, or even the triangle?!?! What a blatant screw up Kelli! 

A lot of the girls that would have been good GL were either overlooked, cut, quit or left the squad too early IMO. Maggie, Mandy, Cersten, Robin, Tara, Rachel Alexander, Lauren, Kalyssa, Khalyn, Megan C, Holly, Milan.......

Lexie is the only GL/2nd L I am here for she is such a good dancer love her.

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2 hours ago, go4luca said:

Maddie's solo this year looked way too much like last year's.  Including that bad side arial with bent legs into a deep plie in second.  Only difference, is this year's didn't have nearly the same impact and fell flat.  At least for me.  Apparently Charm too.

It’s not a side aerial, it’s called Side Sumi, it’s a hip hop trick. 

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11 minutes ago, DanceCoach16 said:

It’s not a side aerial, it’s called Side Sumi, it’s a hip hop trick. 

Thanks for the clarification.  At least you knew what I was speaking about.  Although I studied dance for over 25 years, hip hop wasn't avail in the form it is today.

Regardless, I still don't enjoy Maddie's style of hip hop.

Edited by go4luca
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7 hours ago, Jennv said:

Like the Beastie Boys as rappers

Eh, I happen to  like the Beastie Boys. 

They have a few Grammys as well. Can’t get more industry or fan validation than that. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by Ninamags
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On 8/17/2019 at 11:26 AM, UnicornKicksBack said:

gabby got cut for attitude/snark with weight as the excuse. The end.

Citation on the 'attitude/snark' please...The out of shape was painfully obvious.

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1 hour ago, MTTFan said:

I always thought Charlotte was one of the reasons Ann Lux never came back after her second season.

If I had seen the same head shake Charlotte gave Kelli during Ann's second season tryouts , I wouldn't have come back.

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen this scene and I always thought it was the edit.  It seemed to me that Kelli was talking smack about something or someone, and was continuing this behavior.  At this point Charlotte was telling Kelli..no...stop.  🤷‍♀️

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14 minutes ago, Ninamags said:

Eh, I happening to like the Beastie Boys. 

They have a few Grammys as well. Can’t get more industry or fan validation than that. 🤷🏻‍♀️

That’s the point, it’s popular because it’s a novelty act. If they were three black guys everyone would say they suck

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21 minutes ago, Jazzmom said:

Well, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen this scene and I always thought it was the edit.  It seemed to me that Kelli was talking smack about something or someone, and was continuing this behavior.  At this point Charlotte was telling Kelli..no...stop.  🤷‍♀️

Iirc Charlotte didn’t like Jenna the first year she tried out and she and Kelli disagreed about it

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1 hour ago, DanceCoach16 said:

It’s not a side aerial, it’s called Side Sumi, it’s a hip hop trick. 

Actually, the side somi a gymnastic floor/beam element that's been around for 40 years, give or take.  And regardless of who does it, it's always ugly as hell.  But it's a D element, so there you go.

Edited by hathorlive
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3 hours ago, Holly85 said:


I'm still having a hard time with Erin not being picked for show group. We saw last year how much her hip hop had improved and she's one of their best lyrical dancers. Her and Madeline are two of their most improved dancers. 

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7 hours ago, Sillisusu said:

What did Bridget have to delete?

A few weeks ago or so she posted a picture of herself during her solo on Instagram. You could see Victoria in the background with her mouth partially open. Someone shared that here and people were talking about VK and those teeth showing, and shortly after that Bridget apparently deleted the post. So that was interesting. Then Savannah posted that pic of herself with VK in the back looking the same so that's why I said she might have to delete it. Lol 

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Allen Americans Ice Angels just announced their team the other day. I'm always interested to see how many women we followed during DCC auditions are chosen for (or return to) AAIA a few months later. Those are ones I usually look out for at DCC auditions the next year.

I don't know if it's my imagination, but it seems like fewer DCC Finalists/TC moved to AAIA this year and there are lots more new girls I haven't seen at other auditions. Somebody check my facts.

I also can't help but notice a loss of diversity this year. They lost their two AA girls and their redhead 😄. Is there something going on in Dallas?


Back Row
1. Hannah Chase (Mavs Dancer, cut from DCC finals this year)
2. Megan Erickson (was on our DCC watch list a few years ago, but never made finals. She has been on Stars since then)
3. Ali Floyd (was on our DCC watch list this year and got cut after semis)
4. Hannah Pascual (went to dcc prep class this year, but not sure if she actually auditioned)
5. Natalie Ronscavage
6. Molly Eagleton (Suns Dancer. Was on our DCC watch list this year and last year and got cut after semis)
7. Annie Wild (AAIA vet, didn't audition for DCC this year)

Front Row
1. Madi Allemier (AAIA vet, cut from DCC semis this year)
2. Elaney Dominguez (AAIA vet, didn't audition for DCC this year)
3. Kennedy Wright (was on our DCC watch list this year and got cut after semis this year)
4. Sidney Loftin
5. Kaley Zett
6. Kailyn Alsup
7. Kaylee Foster (AAIA vet, cut from DCC finals)

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9 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Which Ice Angels have actually made DCC? Kelsey Lowrance and Kelli Sullivan. Any others?

I feel like they make it to finals pretty often, but on the actual team? Not so much. But they do seem to do better than any other team, except for the Mavs as far as getting their alumni on DCC.

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11 minutes ago, sleepyjean said:

I feel like they make it to finals pretty often, but on the actual team? Not so much. But they do seem to do better than any other team, except for the Mavs as far as getting their alumni on DCC.

In the early years of MTT it seems like A LOT more former Mavs (Nicole, Justine, Trisha T, Kandi, Crystal T, Michelle K, Sunni, Kim) made the DCC. Now the only ones who made it in the last 5 years are: Loren, Lexie, Alexis, and Lisa.

Edited by MrsEVH
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7 hours ago, LynneH said:

I was surprised that Judy commented that Katy was not ready this year for the team.  She's everything I consider a "cheerleader" to be.  She can do the DCC moves & kicks, she has a happy smiling face, she seems to have fun, she has the hair that TPTB seem to love.  I mean sheesh, what more could you want, besides losing a few pounds?    Maddie, Bridget, and Katy have the perfect "cheerleader" performer personalities.  

Also, I'm a bit confused with Christina, I don't have anything against her, I'm just curious, as she didn't appear to do well in the solo nor the interview, so I don't understand why she is on the team.  During deliberations Kristi said she's great on the podcast.  Which is fine, but let's be real, the podcasts are completely run by the DCC and are basically scripted material: Here are the questions I'm going to ask....  If they keep someone like her on the team to just be used as an ambassador, why didn't KF bring her to those TV interviews instead of Maddie?  

Third question: How often are these cheerleaders even interviewed on the fly?  I mean sure fans are going to run up and gush over them but that's not being interviewed.  TV/newspaper interviews provide you with the topics they are going to bring up so you can prepare/provide the cheerleader with a script to follow.   

I’m a media professional with 30 years of experience and this statement about being given the topics to prepare a script is simply not true. The interviewees will often show up with a handout of suggested questions, but it’s up to the reporter whether to follow it. A lot of radio interviewers do. TV not as much because it ruins the spontaneity and makes everyone appear robotic. Newspapers (other than small-town ones) almost never use them. Someone who can give a decent sound bite is valuable. I had to interview Kelsi Reich once and she came off as pretty vapid.

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gabby got cut for attitude/snark

She's seems pretty loved by the team.... I think if she had attitude, the team consensus would show.

Like .. I can see that Keyara? the girl who was late to performances and got cut last season didn't have that much of a rapport with her teammates.

I think the team is like between a rock and hard place - because I can see if you ignored Veruca, you'd get snitched on for being "mean"

At this point - I wouldn't put it past Kelli and Charlotte putting Veruca as point. 

Edited by chabelisaywow
lol not yesterday ...
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5 minutes ago, chabelisaywow said:

She's seems pretty loved by the team.... I think if she had attitude, the team consensus would show.

Like .. I can see that Keyara? the girl who was late to performances and got cut yesterday didn't have that much of a rapport with her teammates.

I think the team is like between a rock and hard place - because I can see if you ignored Veruca, you'd get snitched on for being "mean"

At this point - I wouldn't put it past Kelli and Charlotte putting Veruca as point. 

Also they wouldn’t of all showed up for her going away party if she wasn’t well liked by her team 

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