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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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11 hours ago, Pau84 said:


Alanna Tarango is on my ‘Love’ column. Let there be no doubt about that. Her smile is an eternal well to my heart. She never makes mistakes and everything she does is positive. A little Miss Sunshine!

No one can describe my amazement of how great she looks now compared to last season. It is other-worldly!

It cannot be only her eyebrows. I looks more that something is different with her eyes and her nose.

I am with you.  I think maybe teeth, too?  It's an amazing transformation.  I really didn't like her look last year.  Let's hope she gets a better dress for etiquette!  Maybe they'll lend her one of the pass arounds!

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I’ll refrain throwing sharp objects. *throwing Nerf balls at Kayce*

OK, my “don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out” ones: Kashara, Cersten, Holly P, Erica.

Nerf balls I can handle !! 😛

I completely agree on Cersten and Erica 😉 

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9 hours ago, CrazyMoon said:

I'm wildly wavy rather than defined curls, but still need to keep it under some control or I look like bush woman....John Frida's curl creme works well for me...I saw an episode of "What Not To Wear" dealing with the frizz....both Nick Arrojo & Ted Gibson did wonders with curly hair....use a comb, not a brush, twist individual curls, let dry & finger comb....looked great when they did it...seems like it would work.

As for alumni, don't you have to complete the football season before getting a pinky ring?

No you must complete the entire year through the May commitment.  That’s what Kalyssa couldn’t understand be she felt she had done all the football games yet wasn’t getting a pinky ring because she had left early to pursue more lucrative options!

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Has anyone thought of doing live tweeting that would give us a chance to chat plus increase the notice to fans & media people at CMT?  I follow a show where we live tweet along with most of the actors.  We not only have attracted producers, writers, & the channel but have gotten media attention for our group & our channel from many other cable channels on how we can be #2 against heavy hitters.  Just a thought!

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13 minutes ago, cherryblossom said:

Has anyone thought of doing live tweeting that would give us a chance to chat plus increase the notice to fans & media people at CMT?  I follow a show where we live tweet along with most of the actors.  We not only have attracted producers, writers, & the channel but have gotten media attention for our group & our channel from many other cable channels on how we can be #2 against heavy hitters.  Just a thought!

Legit the most fun thing to do! My husband knows not to dare touch the remote control during #my600lblife the live tweeting is the BEST! I'd be down for this! 🙂

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2 minutes ago, TB12 said:

Legit the most fun thing to do! My husband knows not to dare touch the remote control during #my600lblife the live tweeting is the BEST! I'd be down for this! 🙂

My 600 lb life also has a "live" thread on Primetimer.   Quite often it can be ruthless.  Especially when the poundticipants say "the scales are wrong" or "I don't know how I gained 20 more pounds."

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30 minutes ago, Bmathews said:





Oh Cassie, you probably should have shut your mouth on this one...

16 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Gotta love the OG of nepotism defending Veruca 


27 minutes ago, Drogo said:

ICYMI, there's a live chat topic for this show. 

Thanks @Drogo 

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I have been thinking about this for a while and honestly never shared my opinion, but after seeing Cassie’s reply it makes me think about it even more. I know I’m reaching and maybe this isn’t even  true. 

Here goes ———

is there any chance that last year was for show and staged. The plan was for her was to get cut so that when people start saying theres favoritism, the standard answer will be “well she was cut last year. If there was favoritism, she would have made the team last year” 

Now I believe that for any of this to be true, it was supposed to be the pain free, no embarrassment kind of cut like “Victoria you’re falling out of your turns and you need more power. You’re cut and come back next year stronger.” kind of cut. I think everything else that happened with the weight gain and Jinelle and the show group drama wasn’t planned. But was there which made the cut more obvious. 

Oh gosh as I’m typing this I know I’m over thinking and reaching so someone knock some sense into me but in reality This has been on my mind for a while. 

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8 minutes ago, hannahbanana said:

I cannot believe how much those connected with the DCC are on social media defending VK. Damage control is in overdrive.


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I wish she would have addressed how VK treated Jinelle. That’s the part that baffles me—it was shown on the show so you didn’t even have to hear insider talk to know what went on there—she completely ghosted her and didn’t respond to texts after she was given orders to get help from her. I can’t imagine anyone else in the world would be not cut on the spot for that, let alone invited back to camp for another year. How would that be explained? Does Cassie think CMT edited it unfairly and didn’t show us the real picture?

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14 hours ago, Pau84 said:


Alanna Tarango is on my ‘Love’ column. Let there be no doubt about that. Her smile is an eternal well to my heart. She never makes mistakes and everything she does is positive. A little Miss Sunshine!

No one can describe my amazement of how great she looks now compared to last season. It is other-worldly!

It cannot be only her eyebrows. I looks more that something is different with her eyes and her nose.

I’m so glad someone else likes Alanna too! I was a big fan last year but I think she gets overlooked a lot. I can easily see her becoming a GL and for sure she’s future point contender. This was the first rookie class in a while in which we have soo many girls who can rise up to the occasion (namely, Bridget, Jalyn, Erin, Hannah, Alana, Amber ans Daphne. I will add Rachel too because they love her). Hope they all stay for five years, especially because that might keep VK away from the triangle 🙂 

6 hours ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

Several have been going to that plastic surg/cosmetic dermatologist JennK and Lacey went to for fillers and tightenrs. Look at Maddie, Heather and I’m hearing Hannah and Alanna. Glue on some good lash extensions and get that marionette area filled and jaw tightened.

Ok Lacey and Alanna are obvious. With Heather i’m still not sure but if she got some work, damn I want her surgeon. But Jen? Maddie? Hannah? What did they do? I can’t see any difference honestly-not in Heather/Alanna’s way where bot look amazing and natural, I see no difference at all.

4 hours ago, Pau84 said:

I don’t see anything wrong with being the next Lacey.

Now I see the transformation, I am a believer. It starts real slow, like a whisper and then it gets louder and louder, until it is a big roar: Alanna for point!

She looks like a Charlie’s Angel, and I am not talking about the newer installments. Those are substandard. Really. No, I am talking Farrah Fawcett, Jaclyn Smith-glamour level.

Welcome to the club! I think she will gain more fans this year!

1 hour ago, Jennv said:

Gotta love the OG of nepotism defending Veruca 

Can someone who is in this group tell her to shut up and that we all now she was handed a position too? Although I’m sure she knows and enjoys that; finally thanks to Vk she’s not the worst case of nepotism on the team anymore!

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57 minutes ago, Stinkerbell said:

I wish she would have addressed how VK treated Jinelle. That’s the part that baffles me—it was shown on the show so you didn’t even have to hear insider talk to know what went on there—she completely ghosted her and didn’t respond to texts after she was given orders to get help from her.

I didn’t realize she ignored responding to Jinelles Texts. That alone would have gotten anyone else cut.  

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1 hour ago, hannahbanana said:

I cannot believe how much those connected with the DCC are on social media defending VK. Damage control is in overdrive.

In the military, they call it "closing the ranks".  And, they are doing a great job of it!  Sad for them it isn't working....    And as far as Cassie, you'd think she'd actually be heaving a huge sigh of relief to no longer be the most villified DCC ever.

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7 minutes ago, dccfan204 said:

Any word yet on point???

Guys, remember when Shelley told us point isn’t something the girls worry about and said we were crazy for focusing so much on it, and then the next season everything revolves around point?

I do.

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Lacey and Alanna are obvious. With Heather i’m still not sure but if she got some work, damn I want her surgeon. But Jen? Maddie? Hannah? What did they do? I can’t see any difference honestly-not in Heather/Alanna’s way where bot look amazing and natural, I see no difference at all.

Heather had her nose refined. I googled pics of her, and found a sideline shot showing her in profile from her rookie year and compared it to a last season profile shot. I apologize I can’t post them here, but every time I try to post screenshots I get told the pic is too big, and I’m to tech ignorant to figure out how to make the pics smaller. Anyway, when looking at the two profiles next to each other it’s obvious she had “hook” shape smoothed out. It’s subtle, it is only obvious in profile shots. Looking at her straight on she looks almost exactly the same, and I notice they don’t post a lot of shots of her in profile. I had to google search for game day action shots to find some.

i say good for her, do whatever makes you happy, and with her working at a plastic surgery place I’m sure she got a good deal.

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17 minutes ago, Jennv said:

Lacey and Alanna are obvious. With Heather i’m still not sure but if she got some work, damn I want her surgeon. But Jen? Maddie? Hannah? What did they do? I can’t see any difference honestly-not in Heather/Alanna’s way where bot look amazing and natural, I see no difference at all.

i say good for her, do whatever makes you happy, and with her working at a plastic surgery place I’m sure she got a good deal.

So, if anyone has read some of my previous posts, I am no stranger to a little well done restructuring. I get my very limited Botox done by an actual plastic surgeon as I admit I am incredibly controlling and cannot bring myself to go to a “Med-Spa” for anything other than a facial. I am also 42 and have an unfortunate deep hereditary notch between my eyebrows that makes me look angrier than I actually am.

The last time, the Dr really pushed hard for me to do under eye fillers, like juvederm. Apparently it’s all the rage right now. When I responded that I’m only in my early 40s, his response was that the average age for the under eye fillers was 30 and that his patients think it makes them look more “awake.”  I guess it is marketed not as an “anti-aging” treatment, but more as a “look fresh and well-rested even when you aren’t” treatment. Be that as it may, I’ll pass for now.  No judgement from me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the girls were getting something like that done. 

I can’t add anything more to the comments about Cassie’s post that hasn’t already been said.  Are they really that oblivious to how ridiculous they sound? Just...jeez...what a bad move.

I used to watch the show because I enjoyed it...I’m slowly moving - and gaining speed - into the “hate-watch” camp. 

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8 minutes ago, CrazyMoon said:

image.thumb.png.3a3355b30c44247eedbe5819ec795408.pngThis is from semi-finals....love her or hate her, but if you didn't know, you'd think this was a DCC...she look fabulous.

I agree that she looks great. I think she’s a very pretty girl and I actually love her big smile. I’ve just always been curious about the Jinelle thing—I don’t believe anyone else in the world would have gotten away with that besides Cassie. It just seems like a big deal to not go to an appointment that was set up. 

Edited by Stinkerbell
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14 hours ago, PattiD4DCC said:

Geena Rojas  -- Yes! Thank you @Tootie

Geena Rojas.jpeg

She's such a doll! If they were still doing fan votes, she would of totally been picked. She really got noticed on social media and I've seen many speculations on why the heck wouldn't she be picked? I suspect that it might be her weight, which sucks. Shes so talented! I honestly think that's the real reason why Alana's Laker girl buddy Sarah didn't make it even thought they were all drooling over her technique.  Shame she didnt try out again this year. I was rooting for her. 

8 hours ago, Kimrs said:

The new season is up for sale on Amazon



Thank you for the reminder for when it premieres. I believe each ep is available for downloading the morning after it airs. I don't own a TV and I confess, I download and watch the episodes at the gym. I always loose weight when there is a new MTT season. All the girls work so hard on their bodies it makes me wanna put down my pint of red velvet ice cream and hit the treadmill lol  XD 

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3 minutes ago, Stinkerbell said:

I agree that she looks great. I think she’s a very pretty girl and I actually love her big smile. I’ve just always been curious about the Jinelle thing—I don’t believe anyone else in the world would have gotten away with that besides Cassie. It just seems like a big deal to not go to an appointment that was set up. 

Just from this photo she looks more poised & in control. That's what a year can do...we got her fresh out of high school last year. Whether she went to college or worked or both she's a year older and should have matured some. 

Yes, nepotism. It exists. And she was given considerable leeway not available to others. However, she has to meet the criteria to make the team. If she can't cut it, no amount of promises will get her on that field. If she makes the team then struggles with her weight to the point it's obvious she'll be benched or released #nopinkyringforyou. They won't compromise the team for her.

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7 minutes ago, CrazyMoon said:

Just from this photo she looks more poised & in control. That's what a year can do...we got her fresh out of high school last year. Whether she went to college or worked or both she's a year older and should have matured some. 

A year can provide a person with some maturity, no argument there, but I've yet to see a year turn a dishonest, entitled narcissist into an honest, gracious team player.

As for Cassie, she clearly has a copy of the DCC talking points, and there's an expression that best describes her defense of nepotism: "The lady doth protest too much."

Edited by SanDiegoGal
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16 minutes ago, Stinkerbell said:

I agree that she looks great. I think she’s a very pretty girl and I actually love her big smile. I’ve just always been curious about the Jinelle thing—I don’t believe anyone else in the world would have gotten away with that besides Cassie. It just seems like a big deal to not go to an appointment that was set up. 

Especially when the appointment is set up for you because you think you may have a medical condition 

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2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Especially when the appointment is set up for you because you think you may have a medical condition 

I have a nephew who is afraid of everything and he's 30 years old yet remarkably immature. "The doctor left a message, did you call her back?" "NO". "Why not?" "I'm afraid they want to tell me something bad" Turns out she was just checking on him for CPAP machine stuff...Fear makes you not act your best interest or makes you deny your part in whatever the problem might be. Fear is very common in the immature. The more stuff you face, the less fear you have. VK got to act her's out on a national platform with millions of people watching. If she's matured at all and looked back on last season, she should be mortified and do whatever it takes to put all that in the rear view. We'll see.

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36 minutes ago, CrazyMoon said:

image.thumb.png.3a3355b30c44247eedbe5819ec795408.pngThis is from semi-finals....love her or hate her, but if you didn't know, you'd think this was a DCC...she look fabulous.

Yeah she really does. Kelli would love her even if she wasn’t Tina’s daughter.... the hair, tan, face, expressions, etc.  Kelli LOVES those look. 

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35 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

So, if anyone has read some of my previous posts, I am no stranger to a little well done restructuring. I get my very limited Botox done by an actual plastic surgeon as I admit I am incredibly controlling and cannot bring myself to go to a “Med-Spa” for anything other than a facial. I am also 42 and have an unfortunate deep hereditary notch between my eyebrows that makes me look angrier than I actually am.

The last time, the Dr really pushed hard for me to do under eye fillers, like juvederm. Apparently it’s all the rage right now. When I responded that I’m only in my early 40s, his response was that the average age for the under eye fillers was 30 and that his patients think it makes them look more “awake.”  I guess it is marketed not as an “anti-aging” treatment, but more as a “look fresh and well-rested even when you aren’t” treatment. Be that as it may, I’ll pass for now.  No judgement from me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the girls were getting something like that done. 

I can’t add anything more to the comments about Cassie’s post that hasn’t already been said.  Are they really that oblivious to how ridiculous they sound? Just...jeez...what a bad move.

I used to watch the show because I enjoyed it...I’m slowly moving - and gaining speed - into the “hate-watch” camp. 

Yeah and the problem with fillers etc. is you’re literally in the hands of the person doing the injecting and you have to really hope they’re an expert. It is so difficult to get them to look natural. I’ve even had bad experiences my last few botox injections done by RNs and going forward I think I’m only going to a surgeon. 

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I would take Geena Rojas over VK. Bleach blond and fake tans are not my thing. I love ladies that are different and more natural. VK and similar young ladies look like they are 30+ Just don't like how these young ladies look so much older. 

Edited by ElenaFR
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1 hour ago, Stinkerbell said:

I agree that she looks great. I think she’s a very pretty girl and I actually love her big smile. I’ve just always been curious about the Jinelle thing—I don’t believe anyone else in the world would have gotten away with that besides Cassie. It just seems like a big deal to not go to an appointment that was set up. 

Have you watched the episode wth Jinelle/VK at the office? Where Kelli starts off with ‘i don’t want to accuse anyone with dishonesty but...’? Even if we don’t trust the insiders, Kelli literally said VK was lying (she was just too nice ooobviously). I don’t care who likes her and who doesn’t, i’m just genuinely curious about this and how people who like her interpret this scene.

4 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Can't say anymore right now, but points have been announced.  And yes, I meant to use the plural.

Jesus... We’ve had so many girls who deserved the spotlight and now that we’re struggling to agree on a senior girl who deserves it, they go with two? Can you confirm if the formation looks like Oxnard or if they’ll be rotating?

I guess that proves that oxnard isn’t just a random performance and they are indeed testing out the formation they have in mind for the season.

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Wait TS is Thunderstruck! So that means two points maybe more points rotating during the number? 

5 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

It's NOT Gina.  And I can also say that TS just got quite complicated.

If you can say it's not Gina can you please say who it is?  Pretty please? 

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Oh poor Gina. Not that I'm a big fan of hers but her name has been tossed around so much with it since last year.  But that's crazy. I know they love Maddie which is why she was a group leader and in the triangle last year almost out of nowhere. She's stood out to me recently but I know a lot of people don't think she should be point.  Maybe they feel it's better to rotate because of that. Weird.

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2 hours ago, loveaux said:

Blah blah blah, Cassie can shove that “she’s worked hard!!!! she’s so poised and graceful!!!!!” bullshit up her puffed and fluffed ass and around the corner. Everybody knows she shouldn’t have made it the first time, nor should she have made it when she was out there stumbling and damn near falling on her face her last season.

Even hard body Jay basically said “if this was any other Cassie, would we be giving her a pass?”. 


Cassie hurt herself on USO tour and had surgery .... after being with the organization for 4 years ... yes I think they owed her a spot back ... if you hurt yourself doing your job would you want them to stand behind you or kick your butt to the curb.  Hey Jay Johnson  .... if its someone new ... then no you don't owe them anything .... they have not earned it ... when someone puts for the effort  and dedication ... yes I said it dedication ... you should give them support .... Season 2 Brooke Sorensen hurt her knee when getting ready for a show  and she was second year .. they knew how good she was and stood behind her and she was out most of the season .... and lets not go there about putting her friend on the squad season 5 (OMG!)  I liked Cassie and I like Victoria - I hope she does well as long as she has matured she should not even be a blip on the radar this season ... there are veterans who will most likely be this season

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